The past comes back to me

By Newmannewyear154

Published on Apr 8, 2021



This is a fictional story about reuniting with a long lost person from years ago and the changes that have taken place. This story is a bit longer and takes some time to develop but worth the read. This story can be put in several categories including authoritarian.

As always if you enjoy my stories please let me know, I enjoy feedback.

So there I was starting over again, I finally retired and couldn't wait to get away from the life I had grown to hate. I had enjoyed my career for the most part but had recently grown tired of the politics of the job and the micromanaging. When I heard they were looking to offer early retirement to people with 20 years I knew I would take it. So I put in my paperwork and put my house on the market. To my surprise my house sold in a week for more than the asking price. I still had a few weeks before retirement so I found a little apartment a few blocks from work near the downtown area.

As I began to settle into my temporary home I started to venture out and see what the downtown had to offer. As I walked around I noticed how different it looked during the night. I usually only saw this area during the day, it seemed like a completely different city after dark. I enjoyed walking around people watching and walking down by the waterfront. It somehow was able to relieve my stress and a little walking never hurt anyone.

One evening as I was walking around I started to think about my life and how it had turned out. I started thinking about when I was a kid and I would read those choose your own adventure books. One simple decision to turn right or left could create such a dramatic change in circumstances. Then I started thinking about the ones that got away and the ones I treated like shit. I wondered how different my life and their life would be if things had been different.

I decided at that moment I would try and right the wrongs I had done and even though I couldn't go back maybe it would help them going forward. I knew I would have trouble finding people, they change names, cities, and sometimes they don't want to be found. I began to make a list of several women who I wanted to contact and set things straight. I didn't know at that moment how much this would change several lives forever.

I thought back and decided I would concentrate on Junior High through the age of 25 when I left my hometown. I started on Facebook and quickly found some leads on several women who I could have treated better in school. The first girl was a redhead with freckles who I used to tease. I sent a friend request and when she accepted I followed it up with a message. I asked if she remembered me a short time later she responded saying we went to Junior High together. I responded back saying I wanted to apologize for the the way I treated her and asked her to forgive me. Quickly she responded back with a lol and of course. She also responded with thank you, you have redeemed my outlook on people and how we treat each other.

One down, but I knew they all wouldn't be that easy, but I had no idea how hard it would be. I contacted a few more that went fairly well, some didn't even remember how I treated them but said all was forgiven anyway. I even decided that I would seek out some of the boys I had bullied. As I continued I began making notes, maybe this would be a book or maybe just a diary. Maybe someone would eventually see it and discover it's never too late to say you are sorry, or is it. The next contact made me realize sometimes it might be too late.

I remembered this one boy from gym class I used to torture him and make fun of his acne and call him gay. I messaged him on Facebook and after a few days I didn't get a response. I sent another message and still nothing. I wondered if I was being ignored or what could be the problem. Several days later I saw a response to my message but I wasn't prepared for what I got. The message said I'm sorry but you are too late, he has passed and please don't send any more messages. I quickly got on the internet and found the article about a vehicle accident on a rainy night but the driver was never found . After several years and the body never recovered the family was going to have a small ceremony to finalize their death. I decided I would go and make my apology in person and maybe I would be forgiven from the grave.

I called work and told them I had an emergency and I would be out a few days. I packed my bag and set out to make a personal apology to a deadman. The drive was about 6 hours but I knew I didn't have a choice, I needed to do this. When I got there it was about 8 P.M. and I quickly headed to a motel to get a room. I got settled in my room and went down to the bar to have a drink or two. The place was pretty deserted but I didn't care, I wasn't there for company. I needed to relax after a long drive and a few drinks sounded like a great idea.

I walked up to the bar and sat down at a stool near the bartender. She was a redhead, she wearing a black tight dress and heels. She had medium size boobs but what an amazing ass. I asked for Crown and 7, she asked if I wanted a double and I said sure, I'm not driving. She put the drink down in front of me and I said in about 10 minutes I'll need another. She laughed and said was your day that bad, I looked at her and said no but tomorrow will and placed a twenty on the bar and walked over to a table in the corner.

Ten minutes later she walked over and set another drink down in front of me and asked what tomorrow was. I told she wouldn't believe it if I told her, she looked at me and said being a bartender she's heard everything and nothing would surprise her at this point. I said maybe after the next drink and she turned around and said I'll be back in ten minutes, I said make it fifteen this time. Right on cue my next drink hit the table and she asked what's your story, I took a drink and noticed the bar was now empty. She sat down across from me with a drink and said it looks like you need someone to listen, and that's what I'm here for.

I took another sip and took a deep breath and began telling her about my recent revelation and finally why I was there. As I spoke she seemed to understand the recent struggle and how it became my number one priority. When I finished she took a sip from her drink and said I am sure if he was alive he would forgive me. She then said the bar was going to be closing down and she had to clean up. She told me I could take my time to finish my last drink, but said she had to go close the bar down. She got up and as she turned I noticed a small tear rolling down her right cheek. I finished my drink, got up and began walking to the door, I turned around one last time but she didn't notice me leaving.

The next day was a bright sunny day, the birds were singing and I needed my sunglasses. I decided I would go into town first and look around then head to the cemetery. As I drove my thoughts began to drift as I couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful redhead from last night. Before I knew it I was pulling into town. Not much had changed, it was still painfully small and quiet. I went to the local diner to get breakfast and some information and maybe see if I saw anyone I knew. As I entered the diner it was like I was back in my teens. I sat down at a booth in the corner and waited for the waitress.

I saw the waitress walk up and thought I recognized her and then she spoke and I knew who she was. Christy, is that you, we went to school together from junior high through high school. She was so hot and popular back then, but time hadn't been kind to her. I only asked her out once but got shot down and then she started dating a jock and they stayed together the entire time. I asked how she had been she said she had four kids and she was still married to the guy from school. I said that's great but she didn't seem to agree, she asked what I had been up to and why would I come back?

I told her I had just retired and that I came back to pay my respects to one of our classmates. She looked at me and said take me with you when you go. I choked on my water, I said excuse me, you have a family. She said I can't stand my life and she said I can't help but think about how different it might have been if I would have said yes to you. I didn't know what to say, she was reflecting on changing a decision and how things might have been different. I told her that she still had time to make changes but that didn't necessarily mean leaving. Work on your family and make it into what you want, not destroy it. She leaned in and kissed me and said thank you and breakfast is on me.

I left and drove to the cemetery, I was shocked by how few people were there. Maybe five people then I saw three of them realized they were at the wrong funeral. Then one of them got up and said that the family was running late and it was just about to start. I saw a few cars drive up and, immediately saw a set of legs stepping out of a car. I couldn't believe it, it was the redhead. Was she family, I didn't remember her from my childhood. A few more people got out and they all walked over to the gravesite where we were. The redhead walked up to the mic and began speaking. Telling us about his life and how he never had quite fit in but now maybe he was finally at peace and then thanked us for coming. As she walked passed me she handed me a piece of paper that had an address and said I hope to see you there.

I went back to my room and showered and drove over to the house where I expected a large group of people would be. To my surprise there was only one car and I didn't see any people outside. I double checked the address before I drove into the driveway and parked. It was a quiet little farmhouse with animals running around and even a little garden area. I walked up to the front door and knocked I heard a voice say just a minute and then I saw her. She was in a simple sundress that I absolutely loved. As I watched her walk to the door, I began watching her, how she moved and how the dress moved with her. She opened the door and invited me in, she asked what took me so long and I told her that I had went back to my room and gotten myself more presentable. She said I just missed the family and asked if I was hungry. I said a little and she said have a seat and she would make me a plate.

I sat down and watched her leave the room, before I realized it she turned and caught me staring. A little later she said why don't we go to the back porch where it's more comfortable. I sat down and started eating a little but couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She said that her cousin if still alive would have forgiven me for what I did as a child. She said that the family asked who I was and I told them why you were there and they thought it was kind of you and you must be a good person and I should spend some more time to get to know you. I looked up at her and said that I agreed with her family. We talked for several hours and then it started to get late, she invited me to stay as she had a spare room but in a small town it wouldn't look good and I wanted to take it slow. I gave her a small kiss on her cheek and a hug a we exchanged numbers and I told her that I would call her tomorrow. That night I barely slept as I couldn't stop thinking about her and how I felt.

The next morning I woke up and had a text message from her saying how she thought it was quite charming how I declined her invitation to stay. She asked me what I was doing today and if I didn't have any plans would I like to come over. I told her I didn't have any plans and would love to spend some more time with her. I told her I would be there in about 2 hours after I showered and got breakfast. She text back skip breakfast and she would make us a brunch instead. I saw that sounds good and I'll be on my way right after my shower. She said to bring swim trunks and we might head to the pond near her place. I told her that Didn't bring any but if she didn't care I would just go in my underwear. She said I'm absolutely good with that if you are and sent a wink.

I jumped in the shower and got cleaned up and was out the door in no time. I jumped in my car and drove straight to her place and along the way I picked up some flowers from a roadside stand. I pulled in and noticed a truck parked in front of the house and saw she was arguing with a guy. I pulled in and sat in my car for a few minutes until I noticed the guy was pointing my direction and appeared to be calling me out. I got out of my car and walked towards the two of them, he said I was way out of line visiting his girl. I saw I'm sorry I didn't know she was your girl, she spoke up and said we broke up 6 months ago but he refused to accept it. She told him that it was time for him to leave and he better not come back or she would call his probation officer. He said you wouldn't dare, remember I know your secret. With that he turned around and walked to his truck. He jumped in and started it and peeled out throwing rocks everywhere as he left. She said I'm sorry about that but let's not let it ruin our day as she took my hand.

I followed her inside and when we went inside she pushed me against the wall and began kissing me. Her lips were so soft and her tongue was amazing the way she worked it. I began noticing I had a huge erection and it was just getting worse. She pushed up against me and I couldn't hide it as she brushed up against it. She smiled and said I guess I don't need to ask if you are attracted to me or at least a part of you is. She grabbed my hard on and began rubbing it through my pants. I thought I was going to explode right there, I pulled away and told her that I wanted to take it a bit slow. She stepped back a bit, I didn't know how to react then she smiled and said you are such a gentleman. She told me to go sit down and she would bring out some food and something to drink. I went into the living room and she disappeared into the kitchen and told me to relax.

A little while later she brought out our food and we ate and drank while we talked. We finished and she suggested we take a walk down to the pond. She grabbed a few towels and we set off hand in hand towards the pond. As we walked I began asking her about her cousin and what he was like and what he had been up to after high school. She hesitated a bit and said she didn't really feel comfortable talking about him. She said that the family was really confused about what happened to him but that they had accepted her with open arms after she moved to the town a few months after his crash and disappearance. She said she wasn't around during their childhood which I said explains why I didn't remember you. She said that after his death she decided she wanted to come here to live and her family gave her this place so it would stay in the family. As we talked I noticed that the story of the crash and disappearance and then her moving here seemed really strange. I couldn't figure it out but something just didn't seem right, I didn't know how but I was determined to figure it out.

We got to the pond and she told me there was a group of trees near the pond and she was going to change. I watched her walk away still thinking about how the whole story seemed odd but was absolutely mesmerized by her hips and how they moved as she walked. A few minutes later she walked back in a swim suit that fit her perfectly. Her nipples were poking out and then when she turned I could see it was like a thong in the back and her ass swallowed the material. Then just like that she climbed up on a rock and dove into the water. After she came up I asked her how the water was. She said stop dragging your feet and just jump in it's like bath water. I soon would regret that decision, I climbed up onto the same rock and jumped into the water and soon realized it was freezing cold. As I surfaced I let out a yell and she started laughing at me, what did you think it's early spring not the middle of the summer.

We swam for a little while then she came up to me and gave me a kiss. We stayed like that for a while and then I felt her hand on the waistband of my underwear. She ran her hand along my erection and before I knew it she pulled my underwear down and started to swim away. I tried to catch up to her but she was way to quick and the water was getting shallow. She got out and said she was ready to go, I laughed and said so was I but needed my underwear. She sat them on a rock about 6 feet from the edge of the water and said they are right here for you. I asked her if she could throw them to me and she said no one would see and dared me to get out. I said I'm not afraid but if someone saw they might get offended. She said if someone sees they are trespassing so stop being a pussy. I looked at her, thought about it and then started to walk out of the water. She walked over and picked up my underwear, I walked right up to her and could feel her eyes scanning every inch of me. I said thank you for the refreshing dip as I held out my hand for my underwear.

We got dressed and started to walk back to her house in the warm sun, by the time we got back we were almost dry. We walked around the property for a while and she showed me the barn and her animals and then I saw a room with a padlock and a chain and asked about it, she chuckled and said it was her sex dungeon. I asked again saying no really what is it she turned and looked me in the eyes and said my sex dungeon, maybe someday I'll let you see it. We continued walking but I was a little bit freaked out about the thought of her having or needing a sex dungeon, or was I turned on. We started walking back to the house and I asked if there were any decent restaurants we could go to so I could take her out. She said there were a few but she said I would rather cook you dinner and tomorrow morning you can take me to breakfast!

So we ate a light meal and drank and drank and I could feel myself getting drunk. She told me there was no way I was driving and even if she had to tie me up I wasn't leaving. I told her I hadn't planned on leaving but I might like to be tied up. We drank a little while longer and I grabbed her and we started to kiss. She was an amazing kisser and even though I was drunk I had a huge hardon that I couldn't hide. She said would you like to see my bedroom and I stopped her in her tracks, I said why don't you show me the dungeon. She turned and looked at me and said I don't think you are ready for that room. I told her I was as ready as I could be, she told me that if we did she might not be the same sweet girl, she might change. I told her nothing was going to change my feelings for her and if nothing else they would be even stronger.

As we walked to the barn she reminded me that once we went inside that our relationship was going to be different whether better or worse. I put my arms around her and held her tight and softly kissed her and said I think I love you and that's not going to change. She pulled out a set of keys and began to unlock the door and asked what safe word we would use. I sort of chuckled and she slapped me on the ass making it sting, she said that was a tap so should we use a safe word, I quickly said pineapple. We walked inside and she turned on the light and they began to flicker, they were red in color, I found out later that red is easier on the eyes. She told me to strip to my underwear and she was going to get changed. As I undressed I was looking around and saw numerous devices, tables and chairs, I was sure each of them had a special use. She came back a few minutes later in a leather outfit with a hood and thigh high boots. It looked like she had something tucked in to the side of her outfit but I couldn't see what it was.

She motioned me over to a table with shackles and handcuffs, she told me to bend over and lay my stomach on the table. I did as she said and then I felt her putting the shackles on my ankles, I raised up and asked what she was doing. She told me to trust her that everything was going to be fine and that she wouldn't hurt me. She continued to put on the shackles and handcuffs, then I felt her pull my underwear down. She began to stroke my cock and before I knew it I was rock hard. I then felt her put something on my cock and heard a switch being turned on, it was like a milking machine and it felt amazing on my cock. She said that I better not cum or she would get mad and punish me. I heard a noise a motion behind me and before I knew it I felt a smack on my ass. I let out a little moan and she said I knew you liked it a little rough.

As she continued her hand was replaced with a small wip with tassels and nipple clamps. She asked if I had ever been humiliated, I told her I wasn't sure but I must have at sometime. Obviously you have humiliated other people in your life, maybe you should feel it yourself. I started to sober up and wondered what she meant. She asked why I was really there, why I came back to the town. I reminded her of how I treated her cousin and that I just wanted to make things right if I could. I'm aware of what you did, I lived through that torment for years. I said, you, I tormented your cousin, she picked up my head and looked me in the eyes and said don't you know who I am. My mind began to race, her eyes were different not soft and loving they were intense and cold. She said I know you are an insurance investigator, why are you snooping around. I told her I was retired and I was there for personal reasons only but stayed because of you. She stopped for a second and asked if I really wanted forgiveness, I told her yes, she said after tonight all would be forgiven and everything would make sense.

She reminded me of our safe word and I told her that I wouldn't be needing it. She began to whip my ass, at first it was soft then it got harder and harder until my ass was on fire. I felt her breath on my ass and then extreme cold as she ran ice cubes over it. I felt her pouring some liquid on my ass and felt it run down my crack and to my balls. She removed the milking machine and began to suck my cock, then I felt pressure on my asshole and before I knew it she put a finger inside. She continued to suck on my cock as she continued to fuck my ass, soon she added another and then another. I thought I was about to explode when everything stopped. She got up and left me strapped to the table. A few minutes later she returned and I could feel more pressure on my ass then I felt something pushing into me. Then I felt her hands on my waist and knew she was fucking me with a strappon.

As she continued to fuck me I heard her breathing begin to change and she began to ask me if I liked getting a cock in my ass. I told her I have never done anything like this before but it felt good. She told me to get used to it because this was what I had to look forward to from now on. She said I was hers now and nothing was going to change that. She reached around and began to stroke my cock, I was just about ready to cum and I told her. She pulled out of my ass and began to suck out my cum. I came in her mouth and she took it all and wanted more. She got up and grabbed my mouth and pushed all my cum in my mouth and held her hand over it until I swallowed it all. After, she got up and returned to fucking my ass, I tried to concentrate on what I was feeling. Obviously it was silicone because I could feel the lifelike veins and fleshy material.

She began to moan and said she was about to cum, her pumping increased as well as her breathing. I told her I wanted her to cum, I wanted to hear her climax and feel her. Just then she said oh I'm cumming, she pulled out of my ass with a pop and forced my mouth open. I felt the veins a realized she wanted me to suck the dildo she fucked me with. I opened my mouth and excepted it. I heard her say get ready then she grabbed the back of my head and it was then I decided to open my eyes. Before I knew it I was gagging on a hot load of cum and everything made sense. I had just been fucked by the same person I had tormented for years. I looked up into her eyes and continued to suck out her cum, she could tell I knew her secret.

Later she told me that for years she struggled with her sexuality and it wasn't until she read a book about someone's disappearance did she get her idea. She was going to get a sex change but in a small town like this people would never accept her. She was going to stage the accident and then she could pretend to be a cousin who moved here after the tragedy. She said years later the insurance company paid out the insurance claim and when I contacted her she thought I was investigating the claim even more. She said she was tired of living with this secret and if I had to report it she would understand. I told her I was retired, I was done with that life, and as far as I was concerned I didn't care who she once was, she was now the love of my life.

She released my restraints and we share a long embrace and passionate kiss. She said let's go back to the house so we can make love. We both took turns pleasuring each other, it was different, she was soft and loving, not dominant and cold. She further explained that she became a different person in the dungeon. She was bold and confident and in charge, outside of it she was timid and shy. We decided to get married that fall, her family accepted me with open arms and we settled down on the farm. Occasionally we revisit the dungeon but that's only on special occasions and after some serious drinking. I decided to try and contact a few more people and continued to jot down notes. One day she told me I should write a book about my experience with making things right, I asked her if I should include us, she said I thought we should be the main characters. Someday I will finish my book, until then I'm just enjoying the past that came back to me.....

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