The Perfume Girl

Published on Jul 5, 2020


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

The Perfume Girl Chapter Two By Chris

Theresa was still sitting there watching Layla as she went to her second- floor apartment. Layla opened the door and then turned to wave at her. Theresa waved back and she smiled just as Layla was smiling. Layla went on inside closing the door behind her. Only then did Theresa start her car and back out of the parking place.

Since she was near the university, she stopped by her office to pick up a few things. She stayed there for a while trying to get her mind back on the coming fall semester that was still a week and half away. There wasn't anyone else around so she had the place to herself which was nice so she took her time and spent most of the afternoon there before packing up and heading home.

She about half expected to see Layla already there waiting for her but she wasn't and she found herself a little disappointed. She stripped her sheets off the bed and put them onto wash. Realizing that she was getting hungry, she went from the laundry room to the kitchen. She was just thinking of what she wanted to eat when she heard the doorbell. She looked at her watch noting that it was a couple of minutes past six. "I guess some would consider six as the beginning of the evening."

Theresa opened the door to see Layla standing there dressed in short jean shorts and a halter top. She had her hands behind her back like she was holding onto something. At first Theresa thought that it might be an overnight bag but then she noticed that was sitting on the porch beside of Layla. "You said if I knocked on your door, you might let me in..." Layla said.

"I did say that..." Theresa replied not moving from the door, just to see what Layla would do. Not the Layla had any doubt that she would let her in, that was made clear when she dropped her off.

"What if I bribed you with a salad from Sally's Salad Caf‚?" Layla asked as she brought her right hand from behind her back which was holding onto a bag from the caf‚.

"That depends on what type of salads you got," Theresa replied arching her eyebrows at Layla though her mouth was already watering as the caf‚ made the best salads in the world.

"One is with shrimp and one with chicken," Layla said.

"Only if I can have the shrimp," Theresa said.

"I don't know, I was wanting that one..." Layla said pretending like that was a deal breaker.

"How about we split them," Theresa said letting out a laugh.

"Deal," Layla said with a laugh.

"Come on in," Theresa said taking the bag with the salads so that Layla could get her overnight bag.

"Plan of staying a while?" Theresa asked as she got a better look at Layla's overnight bag and it appeared to have more than one change of clothes.

"Maybe... if you want me to..." Layla said hopefully.

"We got a few days before school starts, we'll see how it goes," Theresa replied much to Layla's delight.

"Yes, we do," Layla said with a smile that couldn't get much bigger.

"Damn! I keep digging myself into a deeper hole," Theresa thought to herself as Layla went to put her bag into Theresa's bedroom.

Theresa was just getting a couple of plates down when Layla came into the kitchen. "We don't need to dirty plates, we'll just both eat out of the bowls they came in." Layla told her taking the plates from her and putting them back into the cabinet.

Theresa wasn't too keen on eating after someone but obviously Layla didn't think a thing about it. "You want a glass of wine?" Theresa asked going to the refrigerator.

"Yes please, I would have gotten some when I got the salads but I couldn't," Layla replied.

"Well I won't tell if you won't," Theresa said with a little laugh when she saw Layla pretending to zip her mouth closed.

"So why aren't you at home during the summer break?" Theresa asked.

"I took a couple of summer classes, so I went home before they started and I was at home for a week before I went to the beach which is where I am now," Layla said.

"Okay I'll bite," Theresa said handing Layla her glass of wine before sitting down beside of her.

"My roommate is there with her boyfriend but she didn't want to tell her parents that so she said that I was going with her. We took some photos of me and she is great at photo editing so she is going to put me in and take her boyfriend out." Layla explained.

"I see, so you are covering for her and you can't be at home to do that," Theresa said as she took a bite of the shrimp salad that was calling out her name.

"Yep," Layla said with a laugh. "Plus it gets me away from home. I love my family but I also want to have some time for myself too."

"Are you and your roommate close?" Theresa asked.

"What is this, twenty questions?" Layla asked with a laugh.

"I just want to get to know you and you can ask me any questions you want to," Theresa said.

"It's cool, you can ask me anything you want too," Layla said taking a bite of the shrimp salad. "We're friends but not real close if you know what I mean. We talk some but we are both serious about our studies. If we are both there, then we don't have any overnight guests. That just makes things easier and we both can relax."

"But you're free to have guests when one of you is away," Theresa asked reading into what Layla was saying.

"Yeah and we both try to be away for the weekend here and there just so the other can have a weekend with whoever," Layla said.

"That works out for both of you then," Theresa said switching to the chicken salad making sure to get a piece of the chicken.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Layla asked.

"No, not at the moment. I seem to have trouble keeping them. I get caught up with my work sometimes and before I realize it, I'm sleeping alone again," Theresa told Layla and she saw her studying what she was saying.

"You know I tend to like a lot of attention," Layla countered.

"That might become an issue if we continue to see each other," Theresa stated and in a way she was disappointed. She had hoped to one day find someone who would stick around until she got whatever had her mind consumed had passed. But in a way it would also mean that this thing with Layla would end and this should have given her some relief but it didn't.

"Well we'll worry about that if and when the time comes," Layla said smiling. "Ask me something else."

"Like what?" Theresa asked with her mind immediately going blank.

"Anything you want," Layla told her.

"Tell me about something funny that has happened to you," Theresa told her.

Layla thought for a second and then she smiled, "Oh I got something funny but it is kind of a long story."

"We got two salads to finish," Theresa told her.

"That we do," Layla said and immediately got a bite of the shrimp salad.

"Well I've known since grade school that I was lesbian and I didn't try to hide it. Not even to my mom," Layla was saying.

"What did she think of that?" Theresa asked before Layla could continue with her story.

"I don't believe she believed that I could know that early but once she realized that I truly was, she was cool with it," Layla said.

"What about your father?" Theresa asked.

"Will you quit asking questions, I'll never finish my story." Layla said being half serious.

"Sorry," Theresa said with a little laugh.

"He's okay with it too," Layla said. "Anyway, there was a girl that changed to my school and she was so cute and I had a big crush on her until she got with the cool kids and I found out what a bitch she was. It was when I had a social studies class with her our sophomore year that it happened. We were discussing LGTBQ fight for equal rights one day and I was defending those protests and she of course was saying that they should have no rights since they were sinners. That really pissed me off and I told her so and she called me Lesbian Nerd. And I told that that I was and proud of it."

"Lesbian Nerd?" Theresa asked never having heard that term used before.

Layla took another bite of salad and a sip of her wine leaving Theresa to continue to wonder what that was though the words were self-explanatory.

"I took all the advance placement science and math courses while she took all of what I called easier classes taking only the basic science and math class that she had to take." Layla explained. "We ended up getting into a real argument that landed us both in the principal's office. The rest of the week, she and her friends dumped on me, bumping into me in the hallway and calling me lesbian, a dyke, and rug eater. You know the terms."

Theresa had to smile and nod, she heard those names in high school too.

"One Friday I had enough and when I saw them coming toward me and they called me a dyke, I told them yep and I knew a couple of dykes that I could fix them up with. They just huffed off but here is where it gets funny." Layla said pausing to eat another bite and take a sip of her wine.

"What happened?" Theresa asked as she was hooked on the Layla's story now.

"Saturday afternoon, my mom and I were shopping in the mall when this lady tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over and there was this big tall lady dressed in a biker outfit, I mean she looked exactly like a biker chick. She even had a bit of a belly, like a beer belly. The only thing that gave her away was that she smelled nice and she asked my mom and I where the baby store was. Then I realized that she didn't have a beer belly, she was pregnant. I pointed in the direction of the store and she looked in that direction and smiled really big as it was just a short distant ahead. Now here comes the funny part, she thanked us and started toward the store. It was then that I saw that girl that was picking on me was a short distant ahead of us and in the exact position where I was pointing. You should have seen the horror on her face and it was all I could do not to laugh when I saw her and her friends dart off to the right, just high tailing it away from the dyke bitch that they thought I was pointing them out to. I was able to hold it in until they were out of sight then I burst out laughing. I had to explain it to my mom and then she too started to laugh. I mean we were crying in the middle of the mall laughing so hard." Layla said laughing as she thought about it.

"You got her good," Theresa said laughing with her.

"Oh... I didn't stop there, all the next week, I kept telling the girl how my biker dyke friend thought she was cute and wanted a taste of her. I had no trouble from her after that." Layla said with a grin.

"I bet not," Theresa said.

"There is one last part to the story," Layla said.

"What's that?" Theresa asked.

"That lady and her husband were in front of us as we left the mall and the lady's husband was gripping about how many onesies that his wife had bought though they were on sale. My mother being my mother had to butt in agreeing with the lady. So, they strike up and conversation in the middle of the parking lot while I was left talking to the lady's husband. They actually were bikers and he told me that he had to sell a couple of his bikes to get a small SUV as his wife said they would need it for the kids. They really were a nice couple but I never told that girl that," Layla said with a smile.

"I bet not," Theresa said with a laugh.

"Now tell me a funny story," Layla told her.

"I was afraid that you'd ask me that," Theresa said with a laugh.

"You knew I would," Layla said laughing.

"How about a very embarrassing one, a story I've never told anyone and I can't believe I'm about to tell you?" Theresa asked.

"Oh cool, tell me," Layla said.

Theresa had to down the last of her wine and refill their glasses before she could bring herself to tell Layla this one. "It was when I was sixteen and we had a drought to begin the summer. My mother always went to the local farmer's market to get her vegetables as she liked them fresh and thus more nutritious."

"So that's where you got your healthy eating habits," Layla said.

Theresa laughed, "I guess but don't tell my mom that."

"I won't," Layla said with a laugh.

"Anyway when she came home, I helped her put everything thing away and I noticed a cucumber that reminded me of something..." Theresa said and she paused for a moment for effect and also get another sip of wine to give her courage tell Layla the embarrassing part of the story. "Come Monday, I was home alone and I was getting an adventurous as girls tend to do at that age," Theresa said and Layla smiled.

"I found the movie clip that had my favorite actress in it, she had done a lot of lesbian scenes which is why I liked her. In this one, she was by herself and she was using a rather large cucumber to masturbate. I put it on pause and went to the vegetable bin and got the small cucumber I had seen on Saturday." Theresa said pausing to take a sip of her wine.

"How small?" Layla asked.

"Too small," Theresa said with an embarrassed laugh. "It was just wide enough for me but a little shorter than I should have used. Anyways I turned the video clip on and started to watch my actress. I used my fingers on my clit getting very wet before I picked up the cucumber. I pushed part of it in and was really getting into the scene with the actress pushing her cucumber in deep and hard. I was getting really wet and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing only how good it felt. Without out realizing it, I was using more and more of the cucumber until it slipped from my fingers and disappeared inside of me."

"Oh shit!" Layla said and Theresa could feel her cheeks turning red.

"Yes, oh shit," Theresa said. "I panicked and more I tried to get it out, the deeper I was pushing it inside of me."

"What did you do?" Layla asked.

"I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to call one of my friends, I was too embarrassed to do that. My mom came home from work and as much as I didn't want to tell her, I didn't have a choice, I couldn't go through life with a cucumber in my pussy. She saw me coming into the kitchen and she asked me why I was walking funny and I burst into tears. It took her twenty minutes to calm me down enough to tell her. At first, I was afraid that she would insist on taking it out herself and I knew I would die of embarrassment if that happened. Instead, she got her purse and told me that she was taking me to the ER to have them take it out." Theresa said.

"Oh god!" Layla gasped.

"Yeah, then I was begging her to do it. But she wasn't about to, this was a lesson to be taught. She made me sit with her as she told the nurse what my problem was. The nurse was very professional but I knew she was dying to let out a giggle. I had to sit in the waiting room for an hour dying a thousand deaths and then another death as the doctor pulled the damn thing out. I just knew that my mom was going to kill me when we got home but I guessed she figured that I had been punished enough. When we got to the car, she just said, "I don't guess we need to talk about this do we." And I replied "no ma'am." Theresa said.

"I bet you didn't use anymore cucumbers after that," Layla said with a laugh.

"I didn't have to..." Theresa said.

"Okay, I'll bite this time," Layla said with a laugh.

"About a week later, I opened my panty drawer to get a clean pair of panties and there was a brand-new vibrator, still in its package, sitting on top of them." Theresa said.

"That was sweet of her to do, there's not many moms who would buy their daughter a vibrator," Layla said.

"There's not that many moms who have to take their daughters to the ER to get a cucumber out of their pussy," Theresa said laughing.

"Good point," Layla said laughing with her.

"Now do you have any embarrassing stories to tell me?" Theresa asked.

"None that would compare to yours," Layla said.

"Nothing would compare to mine," Theresa said with an embarrassed laugh.

"How did you get into economics?" Layla asked changing the subject not that Theresa minded.

"I went to an advanced high school and I took an intro to Economics class much like the one you took. I fell in love with economics and how much past economic theories were still in use but didn't apply to today's global trade. It became my passion and got me where I am today." Theresa said and she could see how Layla could relate to what she was saying.

They talked about both of their passions, economics and physics through the rest of their dinner and then carried it on to the couch as they sipped their wine and talked. Theresa saw that Layla was much like her and had gotten hooked on what she wanted to do in pretty much the same way. They were so much alike in that way.

After a while, the conversation began to slow and Theresa saw the look in Layla's eyes that told her she was wanting more than talk and she had been getting that feeling herself. Those short shorts that Layla was wearing were needing to come off. Layla took the last sip of her wine, setting it down on the coaster on the table. Layla then leaned in close giving her a kiss. Theresa had just placed her hand to the back of Layla's neck to hold her in for another kiss when Layla pulled away and got up off the couch.

"I'll be right back," Layla said with a sexy whisper.

Theresa just smiled though she wanted to continue to kiss and get Layla out of her clothes but she knew that was about to happen, as soon as Layla got out of the bathroom. Theresa took their wine glasses to the kitchen and rinsed them out before putting them into the dish washer. She fiddled around another minute or two waiting for Layla to hurry up and finish.

"Theresa come in here," she heard Layla say.

Theresa headed toward the bathroom but as she turned into the hallway, she noticed that the bathroom light was off however her bedroom light was on. She smiled and she went toward her bedroom. When she got there, she found Layla laying naked and spread eagle on her bed.

"Tie me up Mistress," Layla said in a sultry tone.

"Oh I plan on it but how shall I tie you up tonight is the question," Theresa replied going not to the bed but to her table where her toys were set out.

Theresa thought about it a moment before she picked up a length of soft rope and a pair of nipple clamps that she kept from Layla's view. "get up on your knees and face the head of the bed," Theresa instructed her.

Layla gave her a questioning look but she did as she was told. Theresa waiting until she was sitting back on her legs before she moved to the foot of the bed. She began to remove her clothes, throwing each piece to the head of the bed so that Layla could see that she was taking off her clothes but she couldn't see her.

"You know this is two nights in a row that you have removed your clothes and I couldn't see you," Layla complained though there was a husky tone to her voice so Theresa knew this was arousing her. That's not to mention what it was doing to her, seeing Layla's bare back and the beginning of the cleft of her ass cheeks.

"Hush girl," Theresa told her just as she threw her bra in front of Layla.

"Yes Mistress," Layla said bowing her head and she was now wigging her ass a little further showing her arousal.

Theresa removed her panties and she got onto the bed behind of Layla, "Look at what you're doing to me Layla," Theresa said holding the crotch of her panties in front of Layla showing her the damp area.

"Let me taste you," Layla said surprising Theresa but pleasing her too.

"You will soon enough," Theresa said putting the panties down in front of Layla.

"Put your hands behind your back," Theresa told her and once she had done so, she said, "Intertwine your fingers."

Theresa began to wrap the rope about Layla's wrists, not making it too tight and allowing Layla to move her hands so that the rope wouldn't be to uncomfortable. Well not anymore than it had to be with Layla's arms now pinned behind her back.

"Now turn around," Theresa instructed her.

Layla got up on her knees and she slowly worked her way about until she was facing Theresa. "Spread your knees out," Theresa told her.

Layla did so and she could see how aroused that Layla was. Theresa put her hands to Layla's cheeks and she leaned in giving her a kiss first with just her lips before she opened them pushing her tongue into Layla's mouth. She felt Layla's tongue touch hers and they both moaned. She moved her hands from Layla's cheeks down to her breasts, first caressing them and then pinching and pulling on her nipple causing Layla to moan into the kiss. When she pulled back, they both had to catch their breath as the kisses had become very intense.

Without taking her eyes off of Layla, Theresa reached behind her and searched for the nipple clamps. It took her a second or two to locate them and she showed them to Layla whose eyes suddenly widened. The pair that she had chosen were rubber tipped and had a screw that could be turned to lessen the amount of pressure used if so desired.

"Have you ever had any clamps put on your nipples?" Theresa asked thought she could tell by Layla's reaction that she hadn't.

"No," Layla said somewhat nervously.

"Don't worry I'll start off gently," Theresa said giving Layla a light kiss.

"I know, I trust you to do anything to me," Layla told her with a little less nervousness in her voice.

"First let's get these babies ready," Theresa said with a grin as she put down the clamps and she used her fingers to tease and pinch Layla's nipples getting them even harder than they were.

Theresa picked the clamps back up and she began to twist the screw to lessen the pressure with Layla watching her every move. When there began to be a little space between the rubber pieces of the clamps, Layla surprised her.

"Don't make it too light," She said.

"Oh... I so like playing with you," Theresa said giving Layla another kiss and then she tightened the clamps back up a hair.

She did the second one the same way, "You ready?" Theresa asked.

Layla did her best to smile but Theresa could see just how nervous she was. Theresa grasped the nipple using her index finger and thumb pushing it out and she used her right hand to place the clamp on the nipple getting it centered. With Layla watching her every move she slowly let the clamps come down on Layla's nipple. She saw Layla grimacing a little as the clamp pressed against her nipple and she was ready to take it off if that grimace began to show real pain.

"You okay?" Theresa asked.

"Yeah, it just hurt a bit at first," Layla smiled.

"You ready for the other one?" Theresa asked.

"Go for it," Layla said a bit more confidently.

Theresa smiled giving Layla another kiss before she took Layla's left nipple between her fingers. This time she placed the clamp on a little more quickly letting Layla feel the full effect all at one time.

"Ohhhh...," Layla moaned.

Theresa sat back on her legs letting Layla get used to having the clamps on her nipples for the first time. Once she saw that Layla was getting used to them, Theresa reached out with her fingers and she flicked each one in turn.

"Oh... oh..." Layla moaned and she pulled back for a second.

Theresa feared that she had done that too quickly but then Layla moved her chest out and she stared directly at her. Theresa had to smile as she knew that Layla was telling her to go for it.

Theresa reached out and this time she flicked them both at the same time. Layla moaned but held her chest out for more. "Oh, I see you think you're tough," Theresa said with a grin.

"Tougher than you," Layla challenging her.

"I see," Theresa said with a smile.

Theresa began to flick them up and down several times in a roll and Layla would moan but keep coming back for more. Theresa decided it was time to up the game, she placed her right hand just above Layla's pussy and slid it down over it feeling Layla's wetness.

"Someone is very wet," Theresa commented.

"Yes... she is," Layla said in a husky voice and she lowered her pussy down so that Theresa's hand was pressing harder on it.

Theresa began to rub her hand against Layla's pussy letting her middle finger slip between those wet lips. She then used her left hand to take ahold of the clamp on Layla's right nipple and this time she began to gently twist it.

"Oh fuck!" Layla moaned.

Theresa did the same to the left nipple clamp and she began to rub Layla's pussy a little harder with her fingers dipping into Layla wet pussy. The harder she rubbed the harder she began to twist and pull on the nipple clamps. She knew that Layla was learning the pain could increase her arousal if done in the right way and with love. She made sure not to twist too hard but enough that Layla was really feeling it.

"Fuck Theresa, you're going to make me cummmmm," Layla cried out.

Theresa pressed her fingers against Layla's clit rubbing it hard in a circular motion. Layla was moaning and bouncing on her hand until her back arched and she let out a cry as she came hard. Just as the orgasm seemed to be fading, Theresa released both of the nipple clamps letting the blood go back to them. Layla moaned and Theresa could see that her orgasm reached another peak.

Theresa pulled Layla into her body where she held her tightly allowing Layla to slowly relax and get her breathing back to normal. She could feel Layla wanting to hug her back however her hands were still tied behind her back and Theresa wasn't ready to release her just yet.

"Oh god that was intense," Layla finally breathed out.

"Think you might want to try the nipple clamps again?" Theresa asked.

"Definitely," Layla replied with a smile. "But maybe not tonight..."

"No," Theresa said with a little laugh. "Let's give them a rest."

"You know they may need a kiss or two," Layla said with a shy grin.

"Is that so?" Theresa asked.

"Just maybe," Layla said with that same shy grin.

"Okay, but just one kiss each," Theresa said.

She cupped Layla's breasts in her hands and she leaned down giving a kiss to the left and then right nipple. She smiled up at Layla and then kissed them both several more times.

"Turn around for me baby," Theresa told Layla who gave her a grin before getting up on her knees and she slowly turned around. "Now put your head down on the bed."

Theresa helped her to do so and once Layla was in position, she got up off the bed going back to her toy table. She saw Layla watching her with that nervous look in her eyes. Theresa figured that with the position that Layla was now in, Layla was probably thinking that the belt was sure to come next and while it was a temptation, Theresa wasn't going to use that on her until she knew she was ready and wanted her to use it. She located the jar of coconut oil that she was looking for and brought it back to the bed getting in behind of Layla.

Layla's pussy was so wet, it was practically dripping but what her eyes zeroed in on was her cute pink little asshole. She so loved assholes and playing with them and Layla's asshole was the cutest that she had even seen. She was going to have so much fun and the first thing she had to do was to kiss that pink little hole. She bent forward and blew on Layla's asshole watching it pucker and she heard her let out a moan. She moved her lips to that little hole and gave it the kiss that it deserved.

"Oh fuck!" she heard Layla moan and then she felt Layla's asshole pucker against her lips.

She stuck her tongue out and began to lick that little pink hole feeling Layla pucker against her tongue and she could tell that Layla was enjoying what she was doing to her. She licked against her asshole getting more moans from Layla and a deeper moan when she pressed the tip of her tongue against the center of Layla's asshole. She pressed the tip of her tongue inside of Layla's asshole and she began to tongue fuck it. When she had it nice and wet, she gave a kiss to it and got back up on her knees hearing Layla groan from the loss of contact of her tongue.

She opened the jar of coconut oil putting a little on her fingers. She placed her fingers against Layla's asshole rubbing the oil all around it. She got another little bit and this time she pressed a little against the pink hole letting her middle finger slip inside to her first knuckle.

"Oh shit!" Layla moaned.

Theresa pulled her finger out before pressing it back inside going up to the second knuckle. She slowly began to fuck Layla's tight little hole with her middle finger going deeper and deeper. She used her left hand fingers to get more of the coconut oil rubbing it around her fingers of her right hand and making sure that her index finger was also coated. She slipped to the left side of Layla's ass so that she could reach her left hand around Layla's left leg and onto her very wet pussy. She just lightly caressed Layla's pussy lips while continuing to fuck Layla's asshole with her middle finger.

Once she had Layla's asshole relaxed and she was enjoying the ass fucking she was giving her with her finger, she pulled her middle finger out.

"Nooooo..." Layla cried out obviously wanting that finger back inside her asshole.

That was the reaction that Theresa was hoping to get. She placed her middle finger and index finger against Layla's asshole. She felt it pucker again as if it wanted something back inside of it or at least Layla did. Theresa slowly began to press both fingers against Layla's asshole and she felt Layla relax and they slipped inside her. Theresa slowly pushed them all the way inside of Layla getting a long moan from her. She began to fuck Layla's asshole with both of her fingers twisting them from time to time as she did so.

"Oh god you got me needing to cum!" Layla cried out.

Theresa just smiled as she began to fuck Layla's asshole a little faster and deeper. She also used the fingers of her left hand to caress Layla's clit using first a circular motion and then more of an up and down motion. She got Layla pushing her ass back against the fingers that were fucking her asshole and she could feel her juices running down on her fingers that were rubbing her clit. It only took another minute or so to bring Layla to an orgasm. Her body stiffened and she let out a moan. Theresa could feel Layla's asshole tighten against her fingers and then relax. Layla's legs gave out and she let them slip out so that she was lying down on the bed.

Theresa pulled her fingers from Layla's ass and she slipped off the bed. She quickly washed her fingers and got a damp cloth to clean the coconut from Layla's ass. She also untied the ropes holding her arms behind her back. As Layla recovered from her orgasm, Theresa rubbed her shoulders taking the soreness from them in case there was any there.

After a couple of minutes, Layla rolled over and she smiled up at Theresa who leaned down to give her a kiss.

"No one has ever done that to me," Layla commented.

"Did you like it?" Theresa asked.

"Let me put it this way, you can put your fingers in my ass anytime you want," Layla said with a grin before reaching up and pulling Theresa's head back down for a kiss.

"Sit on my face," Layla told her as the kiss ended.

Theresa smiled down at her as she got up on her knees and moved up over Layla. She felt Layla's hands on her hips and when she got closer those hands moved to her ass and she felt Layla giving her cheeks a squeeze. Once her pussy was over Layla's' head, she moved her knees outward thus lowering her pussy down to Layla's waiting tongue.

She felt Layla's tongue at the bottom of her pussy and it slowly moved up to her clit causing Theresa to let out a moan.

"Someone's pussy is very wet..." she heard Layla saying and she could feel her warm breath on her hot pussy as she said that.

"Shut up and lick!" Theresa told her lowering her pussy a little more so that her pussy was against Layla's face.

She immediately felt Layla's tongue back on her pussy and Layla's hands gripping her ass cheeks. "Oh... fuck yes!" Theresa cried out from the sensations that Layla's tongue was sending through her pussy.

Layla's tongue was slipping between her lips going inside her and then moving up to her clit where she would lick and suck for a few seconds. She felt Layla's hands move from her ass going between her legs to spread open her pussy. Layla's tongue went in deeper and she was licking all inside of her pussy. She felt Layla's tongue go to her clit and it stayed here while she felt a finger entering her pussy. Layla had no room to fuck her with that finger but she was moving it around inside of her and that felt just as great. When Layla's lips latched onto her clit and she felt her sucking on it, Theresa was lost and she felt her orgasm crashing down on top of her. She had to hold onto the bars of the headboard to keep from smothering Layla while she rode out her orgasm.

Just when she began to recover, she felt Layla slip from under her and getting off the bed. She wondered what Layla was doing but she still needed a moment before she could ask her. When she did open her eyes, she saw Layla standing by the side of the bed, putting on the strap-on harness.

"You read my mind," Theresa said with a smile. She then moved back in the bed, putting her head onto the bed with her ass up in the air showing Layla how she wanted to be fucked.

She watched as Layla got on the bed and in behind of her. She kept watching her as she put a little of the coconut oil onto the head of the fake cock. She then closed her eyes and a second later, she felt the head of Layla's cock at her entrance.

"Fuck me girl," Theresa moaned out and she no sooner than got the words out of her mouth did she feel the cock filling her pussy in one swift thrust.

Theresa let out a grunt and she felt Layla's hands gripping her hips and she felt the cock being pulled completely out of her pussy only to be pushed right back in just as hard and as deep. Layla pulled back her cock but this time not completely out and she began to fuck Theresa just as she wanted to be fucked. Layla wasn't taking it easy on her nor did she want her too, she loved to be fucked hard and Layla was quickly learning that.

Layla kept fucking her hard and Theresa could only moan with almost every thrust of Layla's hips. After a few minutes she felt Layla bending over and her right hand reaching around to her clit. While she couldn't fuck her as hard, the fingers pressing on her clit was more than enough to bring on another orgasm, this one as intense as the last one a few minutes before.

Theresa fell forward feeling the cock leave her pussy which she didn't want but was helpless to stop. It took Theresa a few minutes to recover from this orgasm and when she did, she found Layla lying beside of her giving her kisses and wiping the sweat from her forehead. Theresa returned those kisses allowing herself time to get her energy back.

She got up on her knees and picked up the rope. She retied Layla's wrists back together but this time, she tied them to the cross bar on the headboard. She turned Layla onto her stomach and with Layla watching her she got up off the bed. She went over to table with her toys and she found the small glass anal dildo that had a series of curves to it with each getting a little bigger. However, the largest flare wasn't very big, just a little more than what her two fingers were that she had in her ass earlier. But it would prepare for the larger butt plugs that she would eventually use on her.

She got back onto the bed and she reached for the strap-on that Layla had just used on her. With Layla watching, she put it on and she moved down in the bed. She spread Layla's legs out wide, getting in between them. She slipped her knees under Layla's thighs thus lifting her ass up in the air and exposing her pussy and asshole.

Theresa put just a dab of the coconut oil on the head of the cock she was wearing and then placing it against Layla's entrance. She eased forward letting the head slip inside of Layla getting an "Mmmmm..." from her.

She put a dab of the oil on her fingers, putting them to Layla's asshole getting it lubed again. She then picked up the anal dildo and put the oil all around it, especially on the tip. She placed the tip against Layla's tight pink asshole and she saw Layla tensing up ever so slightly.

"Just relax, you'll like this little toy," Theresa told her using a reassuring tone to her voice.

Theresa eased forward a little more pushing more of her fake cock into Layla's pussy and that helped her to relax her anal muscle. Theresa pressed the anal dildo against Layla's asshole and she saw it relenting and the first bead of the glass dildo slipped inside of Layla. She didn't press it in any further, instead she began to move her hips so that she could begin to fuck Layla's pussy with her fake cock. Layla raised her hips up a little that gave Theresa more room to use her cock and it also opened Layla's ass up a little further.

Theresa pushed on the anal dildo and the next larger flare of the dildo slipped inside her ass opening it a hair more. She heard Layla let out a moan and a louder one when she pushed the anal dildo in past the next larger flare. She pulled it back and began to push it in slowly not reaching the largest flare all the while she was moving her hips so that she could continue to fuck Layla's pussy with her cock. Theresa could feel the strain on her thigh muscles and she was beginning to sweat but she was enjoying seeing Layla take to having both her holes fucked at the same time.

Once she had Layla's ass loosened up, she began to use the whole dildo going in to the largest flare and bring it almost all the way out before pushing it back in again.

"Oh god you're going to make me cum..." Layla moaned pushing her ass up further.

Theresa had to smile and she began to fuck Layla's ass with the anal dildo as hard as she was her pussy with her fake cock. It was just a couple of minutes later she saw Layla's body stiffen as she moaned. Theresa could see Layla's ass clamping down on the anal dildo so Theresa pushed it back all the way in getting another moan from Layla before her body relaxed.

Theresa pulled the anal dildo from Layla's ass and she slipped the cock from her pussy. Theresa took the harness off and as Layla recovered, she turned her onto her back and she began to put the harness onto her body.

"You wanting to play cowgirl again," Layla said with a smile as she raised her hips up so that Theresa could get the harness onto her body.

"Yep," Theresa said with a grin.

"Untie my hands so that I can pinch and pull on those hard nipples of yours," Layla said raising her hands up off the bed as much as she could.

Theresa thought for a second before she said, "I got a better idea." She then got up off the bed going to the toy table. She picked up a pair of nipple clamps much like the ones she had used on Layla but these had a several weighted magnets attached.

"Let me put them on you," Layla requested.

"That was my plan sweetie," Theresa said giving a smiling Layla a sexy wink.

"Goodie," Layla said with glee.

Theresa came back to the bed and she first untied Layla's wrists and then she sat back on Layla's legs giving her room to sit up. She placed the clamps in Layla's hands watching her get a feel of the weight.

"Won't these hurt, I mean my nipples are still a little tender from the clamps you used on me and they didn't have any weights." Layla said looking more than a little worried.

"That's because you've never had any clamps on your nipples, you'll get used to them and one day will want me to use these too. Besides it is supposed to hurt a little and make your nipples tender even after they come off," Theresa assured her.

"Okay," Layla said.

Theresa watched as Layla practiced opening them until she had that down pat before Layla reached out to her nipples. Theresa looked down as Layla took ahold of her left breast pushing the nipple out. Layla hesitated for a second and Theresa let her take her time figuring it out. She had the clamps opened wide and she placed the nipple between them before slowly letting the clamp close. Layla held the weights for a second more before she released them watching as it pulled her nipple down.

Theresa let out a moan feeling the clamp press down on her sensitive nipple while also pulling it downward. "Perfect, now do the right nipple the same way," Theresa told her.

"Does it hurt?" Layla asked.

"Yes, but I like it," Theresa told her.

Now more assure of herself, Layla picked up the other nipple clamp and took ahold of Theresa's breast. Theresa again watched as Layla opened the clamp placing it over her nipple. She slowly released the clamp and Theresa let out a moan feeling the clamp gripping her sensitive nipple and also pulling down on it.

"Lay back down," Theresa told Layla who did so and Layla went ahead and put her arms above her head to where the rope lay.

Theresa moved up in the bed so that she could tie Layla's wrists back together so that her arms were secured to one of the bars of the head of the bed, however she made one change in the way she tied the wrists so that when she pulled on the end of the rope, Layla's wrists would be released though she didn't tell Layla this. Theresa could see that Layla's eyes never left her breasts as she tied her wrists back up. Theresa moved back down putting her pussy over Layla's cock that she was wearing. She reached down to place it at her entrance and slowly sat down feeling the cock fill her pussy.

Theresa leaned forward putting her hands onto the bed on each side of Layla. This also allowed the weights to move from against her breasts so that they were free to swing.

"Oh fuckkkk..." Layla moaned watching the weighted clamps swinging slightly.

Theresa just smiled as she could see that Layla was getting into this scene which bold well for when she would ask Layla to do more things to her. Theresa moved her hips upwards and then back down as she began to fuck herself with the cock that Layla was wearing. This caused the weights to swing even more pulling on her nipples and thus her breasts.

"Shit that is fucking wild," Layla moaned with her eyes opened wide to take it all in.

Theresa quickly got into a rhythm of riding on Layla's cock and the weights got into that same rhythm swinging in against her body and then out widely pulling all the more on her nipples. Theresa was getting more and more aroused with the cock moving in and out of her pussy and the nipples clamps pulling on her nipples that were becoming sore but she loved that. Layla was now pushing her hips upwards every time that Theresa dropped her pussy down onto the cock.

After a couple of minutes of this, Theresa found herself at the edge of her orgasm. She reached up to the end of the rope that tied Layla's wrists together. "When I tell you, pull the clamps off my nipples." Theresa said as she pulled on the rope thus untying Layla's wrists together.

Theresa then placed her hands onto Layla's breasts, squeezing them hard as she rode Layla's cock. Theresa bounced on Layla's cock a few more times and then she felt her orgasm about to hit, "Pull them off!" Theresa ordered Layla. It took Layla a second to catch the wildly swinging weights and just as her orgasm hit, she felt Layla pulling the left clamp off causing more than a little pain to that nipple and a split second later, the right nipple felt like it was being pulled off her breast.

"Oh Fuck!" Theresa cried out falling down onto Layla's body and she knew she squirted a little from the intense orgasm. It was all she could do to breathe with the orgasm coursing through her body.

When she began to come out from under the euphoria of her orgasm, she felt herself being turned onto her back and the cock being pulled from her pussy. She so wanted it to stay there a little longer but she was in no condition to protest.

"You are one wild bitch," she heard Layla say and she had to smile.

"You just now figuring that out," Theresa stated grinning at Layla.

"No... I figured that out the other night when you showed me your bedroom and all the toys you had," Layla stated before giving her a kiss.

"I think these poor babies need a kiss too," Layla said after the kiss moving her lips to the left nipple and giving it a kiss.

"Ohhhh..." Theresa moaned both from the pleasure of Layla's kiss and also the pain on her sore nipple.

"I'm sorry," Layla said worried that she had hurt her.

"No I liked it, do it some more," Theresa said feeling her pussy tingle with the kiss to her sore nipple.

"I see," Layla said with a smile.

Layla moved down in the bed and Theresa felt Layla's right hand being placed onto her wet and aroused pussy.

She felt Layla's fingers begin to caress her sensitive clit and then her lips kissing her right nipple again only this time Layla began to suck on it.

"Oh fuck! Layla," Theresa moaned feeling Layla suck a little harder on her sore nipple.

Layla pulled her lips off that nipple going to the left one with Layla's breasts laying against her sore right nipple. Layla's fingers were pressing harder against her clit getting her that much more aroused. Layla kissed and sucked on the left nipple causing Theresa to feel both pain and pleasure that she so desired. Layla went back and forth between her sore nipples all the while stroking her clit bringing her to another orgasm, not as intense as the last one but just as pleasurable.

When she recovered, Layla was back up beside of her giving her kisses that she slowly began to return. Theresa broke off the kissing only long enough to tell the lights to turn off. They kissed and cuddled for a while before their bodies gave into the sleep that they needed to recover from the lovemaking that they had shared.

End of chapter Two

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 3

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