The Perfume Girl

Published on Aug 14, 2020


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The Perfume Girl

Chapter Seven

By Chris

"We're going ice skating," Theresa told her.

"Cool," Layla said with a grin but then she added, "I don't know how to ice skate."

"That's okay, I do," Theresa said giving Layla a smile.

"You won't laugh when I fall... will you?" Layla asked.

"Not only am I going to laugh, I'm going to film it and post it online," Theresa told her.

"You would too," Layla said laughing. "How long has it been since you went ice skating?"

"It's been a few years, probably when I was in high school," Theresa told her.

"So I might be the one laughing and posting you falling on your ass," Layla said.

"Probably," Theresa replied laughing.

"Do they rent skates there?" Layla asked.

"I've got an old pair I think we just might be able to get your big feet into," Theresa told her.

"We wear the same size shoes so if I have big feet then you do too," Layla quipped.

"Okay then your cute dainty feet," Theresa replied.

"Better," Layla said.

Layla talked about how she always wanted to learn how to ice skate while Theresa drove. There was an outdoor ice ring near where she lived but decided to go a little out of their way to an indoor ring that catered to families and younger kids. She figured that they would be less likely to be recognized there.

Theresa helped Layla to put her ice skates on and she explained how to skate though the only real way to learn was to go out and do it. She helped Layla to get onto her feet holding her up until Layla got her balance. When they got to the edge of the ring, she waited until several skaters had passed by before helping Layla onto the ice. Layla almost fell but Theresa was prepared and held her steady until Layla got her balance. She then got in front of Layla and taking her hands, she guided Layla around the outer edge of the ice ring. The next circle of the ring, she had her arm around Layla's waist and skated beside of her. She did this a couple of circles of the ring.

Layla was just getting comfortable when a young girl plowed into them sending all of them to the ice. Theresa was about to say something to the girl when she heard, "Jennifer watch where you're going when you skate backwards!" coming from the stands that was set up at the entrance of the ring.

"Yes mom! It was an accident," the little girl yelled back to her mom. "Sorry about that," Jennifer said. Theresa's anger evaporated seeing the cute brown eyed girl flashing a big grin at them.

"You were skating backwards?" Layla asked the girl who was already popping back up.

"Yeah, I've been doing that since I was four," Jennifer said proudly.

"I've been skating a whole fifteen minutes," Layla told her trying to get to her feet.

"Cool, can I help teach you?" Jennifer asked taking Layla's hand and pulling her up.

Theresa was about to decline and tell her that she was teaching her when Layla said, "Sure."

"First you have to go faster or you'll get run over by the daredevils out here," Jennifer told Layla.

"Like you?" Theresa said getting up.

Jennifer blushed, "Yeah, like me." Then she giggled as only little girls can.

Jennifer took Layla's left hand and began to tell Layla everything she needed to do. Jennifer then began to talk and that she also did that as only little girls can do. Theresa had to admit that Jennifer was bringing Layla along faster than she had planned on doing so. But then maybe having a ten-year-old teaching her, spurred Layla along.

Jennifer talked their ears off for the next thirty minutes but then she said, "Oh Judy's here, see ya!" and she released Layla's hand and she zoomed off.

"Who's Judy?" Layla asked.

"Like I'm going to know that," Theresa told her.

"Oh yeah," Layla said with a laugh.

A couple of minutes later, they were passed by Jennifer who was holding a little red head girl's hand and was still talking a mile a minute. "That I would say is Judy," Theresa told her.

"Yep," Layla said with a laugh.

As they continued on, Layla became more secure on what she was doing so that she could talk and skate at the same time. Once Layla had reached that point, Theresa guided her away from the wall to more of the center of the rink where they were less likely to be run over by a speed demon like Jennifer and her friend Judy. After a while, they took a break to give Layla's legs some rest as well as her own. It had been several years since she had skated and it was taking a toll on her own legs. Theresa went and got them something to drink and when she returned, Jennifer and her little friend were at the edge of the rink talking to Layla. Theresa quickly noticed that she was being ignored by the girls but then she was closer to their mother's age while Layla was closer to their age. Layla had barely gotten a sip of her drink before Jennifer and Judy conned her into skating with them. Layla looked at her and Theresa told her to go on and have fun, she needed to rest her old body which got a giggle from Jennifer and Judy.

As soon as they got Layla onto the ice, Jennifer's mom came over and began to talk to her. The girls turned out to be a better teacher than she was as she saw that they had Layla going much faster than she dared to take her. She did eventually venture back out on the ice to steal Layla away from her new young friends. She did also take Layla a little slower so that they could talk and just enjoy their afternoon.

"Where do you want to eat?" Theresa asked after they left the ice rink.

"The first place we get to, I'm starving," Layla told her.

"Okay let me think of someplace nice around here," Theresa told her trying to remember what restaurants were near where they were.

"Hey that looks good," Layla said pointing to a sign ahead of them.

"I was thinking of something nicer than a burger joint," Theresa told her.

"Hey their burgers are great, freshly made," Layla told her. "And didn't I mention that I was starving."

Theresa laughed, "I believe you did."

Theresa pulled into the parking lot and they went inside to the smell of the food and she felt her stomach growl. "You know, I'm starving too."

Layla went to the counter to order their burgers while Theresa found a table that was away from the kids and teenagers. Theresa had to admit that the burgers were great but then they had skipped lunch and after skating she had worked up an appetite.

As soon as they entered the house, Layla pulled her in close giving her a kiss and then whispered into her ear, "I think it's time for a little adult fun."

"Me too," Theresa said before kissing her, with this kiss being a little more passionate.

"Let me shower and I'll meet you in the bedroom," Layla said giving her a wink as she pulled from her arms.

"Need a hand?" Theresa asked.

"Mmmmm... nah, but tomorrow I will," Layla told her giving her a sweet smile.

"Okay," Theresa said trying not to sound disappointed though she was.

"Take your time showering," Layla said giving her a wink before turning to head toward the bathroom.

Theresa's disappointment turned into joy as she now knew that Layla had something planned and that more than made up for not getting to shower with her. She went on to her bedroom and then to her bathroom. She did take her time, making sure to shave so that she would be smooth everywhere. She wasn't sure how long to take so she took a little extra time drying her hair and even putting just a little makeup, something she really never did when she was staying in for the evening.

She was never good at killing time so once she was done, she opened the bathroom door and looked into the bedroom. She saw Layla lying naked on the bed with her head on a pillow and there were ropes lying on the bed at her feet and head.

"I see someone wants to be tied up this evening," Theresa said with a grin.

"Yep, and it better be something new," Layla told her.

"Make it hard on me why don't you," Theresa said with a smile as she came on into the bedroom.

"Oh I believe that devious mind of yours can come up with something," Layla said with a smile.

Theresa came on over to the bed, climbing up over Layla and sitting on her abdomen. She leaned forward and gave her a kiss and then she whispered into her ear, "I got something special planned for you tonight."

"Oh fuck," Layla breathed out.

"I plan on doing that too and lots more," Theresa told her as she slid up Layla's belly with her pussy already moist and she knew that Layla could feel the moisture. She picked up the rope that was just above Layla's head, using it to tie Layla's wrists together. She moved on forward until her pussy was over Layla's head but far enough above it that Layla's tongue couldn't reach it. She tied the end to the bar crossing the head of the bed. She then moved down and leaned in to give Layla another kiss before scooting down past Layla's feet. She picked up one of the longer ropes tying it around Layla's left ankle and taking another long rope tying it to her right ankle. She raised Layla's feet up letting Layla hold them there while she got up off the bed to that side. She wrapped the rope around the top bar holding the canopy but she did so about even with Layla's breasts. She let the end of the rope just hanging down and she saw the curiosity in Layla's eyes. She went to the other side and did the same thing. She then went to her closet and pulled out a small foam triangle. It was very firm so it didn't give in much as it was made to position patients after surgery.

She placed it on the bed just at the edge of Layla's ass. She could see that Layla was wondering just what she was going to do with it. She got back up over Layla again with her pussy hovering over Layla's head and she was sure that Layla could see just how wet she was becoming. She grabbed the end of both of the ropes that went around the canopy bar pulling on them so that Layla's leg spread open and also pulled them back thus lifting Layla's ass off the bed. She tied the two ends together before she grabbed another short rope that Layla had laid out using it to tie the rope that went over the canopy bar to the head of the bed. She pulled it a little more further raising Layla's ass off the bed and spreading her legs even wider.

She got back off the bed, moving down so that she could place the foam triangle under the small of Layla's back thus taking the pressure off of Layla's back and making her able to stay in this position longer without putting much strain on her.

She then went to her toy table and looking over at Layla saying, "so what toys shall I pick out to play with you..."

"Oh shit," Layla moaned wiggling her legs what little she could. Theresa just smiled knowing that Layla's pussy was getting very wet and also needing to be touched and played with.

"Maybe this one," Theresa said holding up the anal dildo with the flares on it that she knew Layla liked. She saw Layla nodding her head yes.

"And this one," Theresa said holding up the strap-on. Again, she got an affirmative nod.

"So what else shall I use on you?" Theresa asked just to see if there was something else that Layla wanted.

She saw Layla bite her lower lip and after a momentary pause, she heard Layla say, "Maybe the butt plug?"

Theresa picked up the medium size plug, "You know I might leave this one in all night..."

"Oh god..." Layla moaned.

"Yep, all night long..." Theresa said getting the last item, the coconut oil for lube. She didn't intend to have Layla wear it all night but she knew having Layla think that would make her all that much more excited.

She managed to hold them all as she brought them to the bed laying them down beside of Layla's right hip. She got onto the bed positioning herself on her knees just behind Layla's raised ass with her legs splayed open so that her pussy and asshole were exposed. She could see the moisture leaking from Layla's pussy leaking down over her cute pink rosebud. Theresa scooted back a little placing her hands onto Layla's inner thighs.

She moved her hands down to the edge of Layla's pussy and then back up going to just below Layla's knees. She slid her hands back down and back up caressing and teasing Layla getting little moans from her. She did this for a minute or two seeing Layla's pussy ooze more of her juices. When her hands got about the middle of her inner thighs, she stopped them. She leaned forward with Layla watching her intently. She stopped with her mouth just over Layla's pussy and she blew on that wet pussy getting Layla to moan and she began to move her legs or try to with them pulled up and back so that her feet were just about even with her breasts.

She knew that Layla was ready for more so she lowered her mouth down to that wet pussy and began to lick the juices from her lips. She moved her mouth down to Layla's rosebud and licked her there. She ran her tongue across it feeling Layla flex her asshole. She then used the tip of her tongue to tease the center getting several moans from Layla.

She raised back up getting the jar of coconut oil and opening it. She dipped her index and middle finger into the jar coating them with the slippery oil. She coated Layla's rosebud with the oil and got just a little more on her fingers. She placed her index finger onto Layla's rosebud and slowly she pushed it inside feeling Layla's asshole opening to accept it. She slowly moved it in and out getting moans and coos from Layla. She pulled her finger out and then placed her index and middle finger against her asshole. She slowly pushed them both inside of her.

"Oh god that feels good," Layla moaned.

"You want me to fuck your cute little rosebud with my fingers?" Theresa asked.

"Oh hell yes!" Layla moaned.

Theresa smiled as she pushed both of her fingers deep into Layla's tight little hole. She began to fuck her asshole going slowly at first and then she began to pick up her pace going in deep and pulling them almost out before pushing them back in. Layla was moaning and the juices from her pussy were helping to lubricate her fingers that were fucking her asshole.

But since her fingers were already well lubricated, she decided that there was a better way to use Layla's juices and that was to lick them up. She lowered her mouth to that wet juicy pussy and began to lick, first at the surface and then down between her lips. All the while, her fingers were moving in and out of her asshole causing Layla to produce more juices. She knew that Layla was at the edge of an orgasm so she went to her clit, licking it and then sucking it into her mouth.

"Fuck, I'm about to cum!" Layla moaned and Theresa felt Layla's asshole gripping her fingers as her orgasm hit her hard. Theresa kept sucking on her clit and fucking her asshole for a moment more as Layla's orgasm intensified. She released her clit before Layla became too sensitive and she withdrew her fingers from that tight asshole that was beginning to relax.

While Layla rode out her orgasm, Theresa picked up the anal dildo and she coated it with the oil. When Layla opened her eyes, Theresa saw those eyes immediately focus in on the flared dildo. Theresa gave Layla another moment to calm down before she placed the dildo at her asshole.

"You ready for something a little bigger?' Theresa asked with a grin.

"Yes, put it in me," Layla moaned.

Theresa smile and began to push the dildo into Layla's asshole. Once the first flare was inside of her, she stopped letting Layla get used to something a little bigger in her ass. She slowly pushed the second flare inside opening Layla's asshole a little more. She paused a second before she pushed the next flare in and paused again before she pushed the final flare inside of her. She placed her left hand on Layla's wet pussy caressing her as she pulled the dildo out until only the first flare was inside of her. She pushed it back in while her fingers caressed and teased her pussy.

She began to fuck her asshole with the dildo and like she did with her fingers, she slowly increased the pace until she was moving the dildo in and out at a good pace. She placed two of her fingers at Layla's entrance and pushed them inside of her pussy. She was now fucking Layla's pussy with her fingers and her asshole with the dildo. She added a third finger to her pussy and began to fuck her with them harder and faster.

"Fuck me!" Layla moaned and Theresa did, going a little faster with her fingers and a little more with the dildo in her ass.

Layla began to pant as she closed in on her second orgasm. Theresa kept fucking her holes until Layla's body stiffened and came for the second time. Just when her orgasm hit, Theresa pulled her fingers from her pussy and the dildo from her ass, letting Layla ride out her orgasm.

As Layla recovered from her orgasm, Theresa coated the anal plug with the oil; this time keeping it out of Layla's sight. It took Layla a little longer to recover but she slowly opened her eyes with her face and neck flushed from her orgasms.

"Sit on my face, I want to taste you," Layla told her.

"I thought you'd never ask," Theresa replied with a sexy smile and a wink. Theresa had to get off the bed to get around Layla's legs, she climbed back up on the bed and placed her knees by Layla's sides.

"Somebody is a little wet," Layla commented.

"I think more than a little," Theresa said with a little laugh.

"Untie my hands," Layla requested.

Theresa started to move when she had a second thought, "Not yet baby."

Layla gave her a little pout but then she smiled, "let me at your wet pussy." Layla told her.

Theresa lowered her pussy down to Layla's mouth and she immediately felt Layla's tongue causing her to moan. She so needed to cum as seeing Layla tied up as she was, had excited her to no end. She let Layla lick her for a moment or two enjoying the pleasure she was giving her. She then leaned forward and began to lick Layla's pussy feeling Layla moan on her pussy which gave her an added thrill. She moved her hands around Layla's hips and she found the butt plug. She gave a brief suck to Layla's clit before she raised her head up so that she could see what she was doing.

When she placed the tip of the plug against Layla's asshole, she felt Layla's tongue stop moving. Theresa smiled to herself and she began to gently push on the base of the plug. She watched as Layla's ass slowly opened to accept the plug. When she got to the widest part of the plug, she withdrew it completely out of Layla's ass and she felt Layla groan against her pussy. She smiled again and started to push the plug slowly back inside of Layla. This time when she reached to widest portion, she didn't stop but gently pushed it inside of Layla's ass causing Layla to moan loudly into her pussy.

Theresa began to lick Layla's pussy again and she felt Layla's tongue start back working against her wet pussy. Theresa kept ahold of the plug's base so that she could pull and push on it as she licked Layla's pussy that was again producing its own juices for her to lick up. Since Layla was restrained as she was, Theresa had to move her hips to enable Layla to lick where she wanted her to lick. She would move her hips back to get Layla to lick her clit and then back down to her pussy thus controlling when she would cum. She wanted Layla to cum with her and she could do so this way.

The only problem was that Layla already had two orgasms and she had yet to cum so her need was much greater than Layla's. She paid more attention to Layla's clit and worked the butt plug in her ass until she had Layla on the edge of an orgasm. Only then did she moved her clit over Layla's mouth keeping it there for Layla to suck and lick. Still her orgasm hit before Layla's but then she sucked hard on Layla's clit getting her over the edge too.

It took her more than a minute or two to recover from her orgasm as it seemed to go on forever, not that she minded, it felt so great. It was only when she began to recover that she realized that Layla was still licking her pussy and when she sucked on her clit, she felt another mini orgasm rush through her. She had to raise her hips up to get her to stop though she would have been content to continue to let her lick. However, she had one more thing planned before she released Layla and Layla could lick her to her heart's content.

She got up off of Layla and moved to the side of the bed and slipping off. She looked down at Layla seeing her face smeared with her juices. Theresa bent over and gave Layla a kiss tasting her juices on her lips. She got back up on the bed behind of Layla. She picked up the strap-on and began to put it on with Layla watching her.

She put a little of the coconut oil onto the fake cock and moved up behind of Layla where she encountered a problem she hadn't thought of. With Layla's legs tied up so that they were even with her breasts and her ass lifted in the air with the foam cushion under her lower back, Layla's pussy was facing upwards and thus impossible for her to fuck her. The only place that she could get to was her asshole which she didn't want to fuck, besides it was still filled with the butt plug.

"You got a problem?" Layla asked with a grin.

"Just a small one," Theresa replied with a laugh. "the only way I can fuck you is to act like some porn star which I'm not."

"Thank goodness," Layla said with a laugh.

"Untie me baby," Layla told her.

This time Theresa did as Layla asked. She moved off the bed and went to Layla's left leg and began to untie her ankle. When it was free, Layla brought it down and she worked her hip a little and Theresa knew it was time to release her before the position began to hurt her and that she didn't want to do. Theresa moved to the right side releasing that leg and she pulled the cushion from under Layla's lower back. She went to Layla's wrists and pulled on the rope releasing Layla's arms.

Theresa was just starting to move to the bed when Layla said, "Wait a minute, come to the edge of the bed."

"What do you need?" Theresa said wondering what Layla wanted.

Layla turned onto her side facing her and she reached out for the fake cock that she was wearing. "I want to make sure you're nice and hard for me," Layla said with a mischievous smile.

Theresa didn't have a response to that, at least none came to her head so she watched as Layla began to stroke her cock like it was a real one. She then moved her head in close and she took the head of her cock into her mouth.

"Oh fuck!" Theresa said not because it felt good since she couldn't feel it at all but seeing Layla suck on her cock was so fucking erotic.

"Suck my cock baby," Theresa told her and she heard Layla giggle with the head of the cock still in her mouth.

Layla sucked on the cock just for a minute or so before she released it. "I think you're hard enough now," Layla said straight faced and it was all Theresa could do not to laugh.

"That felt good baby, you're a great cock sucker," Theresa said playing along.

"Only yours baby, only yours," Layla replied.

As Theresa got back up on the bed, Layla turned onto her back raising her knees up and out with her feet flat on the bed. Theresa got between Layla's legs and she took ahold of the cock she was wearing. She leaned forward putting her left hand to Layla's side placing the head of her cock at Layla's entrance. She lowered herself onto Layla with the cock slowly filling her pussy. She released her cock placing her right hand to Layla's other side and laid down on top of her.

Supporting herself on her elbows, she slipped her hands under Layla's shoulders and she lowered her lips to Layla's kissing her lightly at first and then slowly letting the kiss become more passionate. She kept her hips still while they kissed that lingered a bit.

When she raised her head, Layla whispered, "Fuck me baby."

Theresa raised her hips up withdrawing about half of the cock and then pushing it back inside of Layla who moaned. She raised her hips slowly pausing a second before pushing them back down. When she raised them again, she didn't pause but instead began to fuck Layla. She kissed Layla's lips and cheeks while she fucked her. She kept increasing her pace as she fucked Layla's pussy with her cock. She was already sweating from all the play but now she began to sweat more with Layla's body responding the same way. Layla wrapped her legs around Theresa waist and she pushed her hips against each stroke of the cock.

"Fuck me, I'm cumming!" Layla moaned as her body went rigid with her orgasm.

Theresa drove the cock deep into Layla's pussy a few more times before driving the cock in deep and holding it there. Layla was panting just as she went through the throes of her orgasm.

Theresa kissed Layla's sweaty face and then her lips as Layla came out of her orgasm. She felt Layla pushing up on her shoulders so she ended the kiss. "I want to fuck you," Layla told her.

"I want you to too," Theresa said giving her a kiss before she raised up pulling her cock from Layla's wet pussy.

She got up on her knees and with Layla's help, she removed the cock from her hips. "Get up off the bed," Theresa told her as she handed the harness to Layla.

"Why?" Layla asked with a questioning expression.

"You'll see," Theresa told her giving her a wink that made Layla smile even though she didn't know what Theresa was up to.

Layla got off the bed and while she put the harness on, Theresa turned in the bed putting her knees at the edge of the bed. She then lowered her head to the bed and put her ass up in the air.

"Oh," Layla said and Theresa turned her head back giving her a smile while Layla tightened up the harness.

Theresa felt Layla's hands on her hips but she was surprised to feel Layla's breath on her pussy and not the cock head. She then felt Layla's tongue against her pussy and she moaned as Layla began to lick.

"Baby, that feels good," Theresa moaned.

Layla's tongue bathed her pussy well, moving up and down and then between her lips. Theresa moaned and moaned and she moaned louder when she felt Layla's tongue move across her asshole. She felt Layla using her whole tongue against her little hole and then she felt the tip of Layla's tongue teasing the center of her asshole. She relaxed her asshole when she felt that tongue tip pressing against her asshole. She felt it entering her and she also felt Layla's fingers against her clit.

"Shit you're going to make me cum," She moaned and then she felt Layla's tongue go deeper in her ass and Layla's fingers rubbing against the clit harder and faster. Theresa could take only so much of this before she cried out, "fuck!" and her body stiffen as her orgasm hit her hard.

Just as she was coming out of her orgasm, she felt the head of Layla's cock pressing against her pussy. A second later, she cried out as she felt the cock being pushed in hard and deep.

"Fuck me girl, fuck me hard," Theresa cried out.

She felt Layla's hand grip her hips a little firmer and then she felt Layla begin to really fuck her. Layla was driving the cock in deep and back out and then in again. Theresa pushed back every time Layla thrust her cock into her pussy. She was just getting close to an orgasm when Layla slowed her fucking and she felt her bending over her with her right hand leaving her hip.

She was about to protest when Layla raised back up and began to fuck her again. What she didn't notice was that Layla's right hand didn't go back to her hip. A moment later, Layla pulled the cock back just leaving the cockhead inside her pussy and she stopped.

Again, she was about to protest Layla getting her close to an orgasm and then stopping but then she felt something cold and hard against her asshole. She then knew why Layla was teasing her so with stopping and starting her fucking. The flared anal dildo that she had used on Layla's ass was being pressed into her own ass.

"Oh yeah, baby," Theresa moaned feeling the first flare enter her ass.

As the anal dildo went deeper into her ass, so did the cock Layla was wearing go deeper into her pussy. Soon they were both buried deep in her ass and pussy. Layla began to fuck her pussy with the cock going even harder and deeper, Layla was also playing with the anal dildo pulling and pushing it into her ass.

This time there was no stopping her orgasm, it crashed down hard causing her to slide forward onto the bed and thus pulling the cock from her pussy and the anal dildo from her ass. Theresa wanted them both back inside of her but she was incapable of moving or talking. Her orgasm was coursing through her body and it didn't seem to want to end but it did.

When she did recover, Layla was lying beside of her kissing her sweaty face. Theresa smiled and then kissed her back.

"I want to fuck you again but I got to rest a moment," Theresa told her.

"Let's both rest a few minutes, you've worn me out," Layla told her.

"You've done the same to me," Theresa said with a smile.

"Come on, let's slip under the covers and cuddle," Layla told her.

"I don't know if I can move," Theresa told her smiling though she did get up on her hands and knees.

Layla was a step ahead of her moving to the head of the bed and Theresa noticed that the anal plug was still in Layla's ass.

"I think it's time for this to come out," Theresa said reaching for Layla's ass.

"Oh no, I'm supposed to leave it in all night, remember," Layla told her.

"I was teasing you honey," Theresa told her again reaching for the anal plug but Layla moved her ass over.

"I know but I want to leave it in a little longer," Layla told her.

"Okay, I'll take it out when you want me to," Theresa said coming up and giving her a kiss.

"Get under the covers and hold me," Layla said holding up the covers for Theresa to slip under.

Once Theresa was under the covers, Layla moved in close to her and Theresa pulled her in even closer. Theresa gave her a kiss and then she felt Layla pushing her onto her back. Theresa moved onto her back with Layla moving in and laying her head on her shoulder. Theresa put her arms around her and she heard Layla coo in contentment. Theresa wasn't sure who feel asleep first, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she was gone.

Sometime during the night, she felt Layla getting out of the bed. She figured she either had to pee or the anal plug was getting to her and it needed to come out. Theresa had wanted to take it out of her but she was back asleep before Layla was out of the bed.

Over the next couple of weeks, Theresa felt like things were just getting back to normal. They were making love every night and talking a lot, Theresa was also managing her time with her work. She even admitted to Layla that while she was putting less work into her project, the work she did do was much more on point. She wasn't having to go redo very much because she was thinking things more slowly and getting them right the first time. Theresa saw that Layla so wanted to say, I told you so, but to her credit, she just told her that was good.

However, there was one glitch, towards the end of January, a stomach flu was starting to make its rounds at the university. It got to the point that half the students and more than half of the professors were missing classes. The university did something they had never done, shut down school on Thursday and Friday to see if the virus would pass. Theresa and Layla were congratulating themselves for avoiding the virus on Wednesday evening. They both were kind of tired that evening so they went to bed early. Neither thought anything about it until about one in the morning when Theresa was awakened by Layla getting out of bed saying "Oh shit!"

Theresa knew then that their luck had run out, well at least Layla's had. Theresa got up and went to the bathroom where Layla had her head over the toilet spilling everything she had in her stomach. Theresa wet a towel giving it to Layla to wipe her face as she was sweating profusely.

Layla said, "thanks," which was immediately followed by another "Oh shit."

Layla turning around and jerked her panties down and Theresa grabbed the trash can, as she needed both. Theresa was rubbing Layla's shoulders and neck when suddenly she felt her stomach turn over.

It was Theresa turn to say, "Oh shit," and she ran out of the bathroom to the other bathroom. Theresa immediately came to the conclusion that both of their luck had run out. They spent the rest of the night, checking on each other between trips to the bathroom. It was the evening before either of them dared to eat or drink something and then it was only chicken broth. It was while they were spooning their broth that Theresa accused Layla of giving her this shit since she had gotten sick first. Layla argued that it was Theresa who gave it to her, it just happened that she got sick first. Neither put up much of an argument, as they both knew that they had both gotten it from someone at the university. But it gave them something to argue about since they had no energy to do anything else.

It really was a nasty bug but luckily for all involved, the worst of it was over within twenty-four hours. The problem was that it took another week to get their strength back. And they were luckier than some who ended up in the hospital or the ER to get fluids back into their body. During that week of recovery, they both did as little as possible so that meant that Layla was behind on her school work and Theresa was behind on her teaching duties and had done very little on her project. So it was another week before they could get to a regular schedule and spend more time with each other.

Layla told Theresa on Friday evening as they were eating their dinner that it was time that they go ice skating again. Theresa agreed though if she saw Jennifer and her friend on the ice, she wasn't skating which made Layla laugh and also tell her that she was sure that those girls were probably there every Saturday. As soon as Layla got up Saturday morning, she was talking about going ice skating. Theresa had to admit that Layla's excitement was beginning to rub off on her. She was just beginning to look forward to skating when she opened the living room curtains on the way to the kitchen.

"I don't think we're going ice skating today," Theresa told Layla as entered the living room.

"Why not?" Layla replied.

"Come here and look out the window," Theresa said.

"Well hell, my weather app said we were just going to get a few flurries today," Layla said with the disappointment showing on her face.

"I think they missed up, that's a blizzard not a flurry," Theresa replied as there was about six inches of snow on the ground and it was coming down hard.

"I guess I'll be skating through my English paper instead of ice today," Layla replied with a sigh.

"Yep," Theresa said.

"Let's go find something to eat and then we'll both do a little homework," Theresa told her taking Layla's hand leading her away from the window and the snow that was going to keep them inside all day.

While they ate, they agreed to work until noon and then they'd find something to do. Theresa tried to give Layla a little hope of them going someplace if the snow stopped soon though she didn't believe that and she could see that neither did Layla.

After breakfast, Layla took over the kitchen table to work on her paper and Theresa went to the living room. She sat on the floor with her back to the couch and worked off the coffee table. By nine, Theresa noticed that Layla was getting up and looking out the window only to see the snow still falling. After that, Layla would get up every few minutes to walk around or go to the bathroom. Theresa could see that Layla was restless and just couldn't sit still. This wasn't normal for her, Layla, like her, usually could concentrate on what she was doing and nothing would disturb her. Theresa wanted to smile every time that Layla got up but she didn't want Layla to see so she kept her smiles to herself. She was finally able to ignore Layla and get some work done while she could.

A while later, she heard Layla say in an authoritative tone of voice, "Your time is up, save whatever you are doing Now!"

Theresa glanced at the time on her laptop and saw that it was only eleven- thirty. "I've still got another half..." Theresa was saying when she turned her head toward Layla and she lost her words.

End of Chapter Seven.

To be continued

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Next: Chapter 8

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