The Perks of Position

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 26, 2022


It's time we revisited Dr. Frost, brad, and all the other characters at Lemma corporation. Things have changed. Let's get the big news out of the way first: the state in which Lemma operated changed its laws and allowed same sex marriage. Given the contract that brought brad to Frost, brad didn't have anything to say about the marriage: the law did NOT change with respect to the contract brad had signed with Lemma, and then his being given to Frost. So, there was no proposal, no courtship, no engagement. One day, Frost took brad to the appropriate authorities, they signed the papers and... brad became Frost's husband. The state adopted a very old marriage license which brad truly objected to, but over which he had no choice. In the contract, Frost "gave himself" to brad, and further in the contract, brad "was taken" by Frost. Nonetheless, in the civic hall where they signed the contract, Frost gave brad a very hot, very romantic kiss that went on for about three minutes. brad was so horny after that, he almost broke his cock cage. He didn't though, and that night, the President and CEO of Lemma tied brad down and fucked his brains out. Yes, you read that correctly. Frost was now in charge of the whole corporation. Dr. Priest had decided, much to everyone's surprise, to retire. The G-5s huddled, and there was very little discussion as they chose Frost to be their leader. There were various reasons for this, not the least of which was Frost's extreme competence and dedication; however, to work in corporate life is to know that can mean almost nothing. The press value of being able to call themselves "the first major company with an out gay CEO" was, as they say "cat nip" to Lemma's shareholders. Getting a job at Lemma had always been competitive. Now, the applications poured in. All of these bright, young people wanted to work at this "progressive" company. And Frost did put in some progressive reforms. Most of those will bore you; however, two will be relevant. First, Frost decided that the current "exercise facilities" (they were too woeful to be called a gym), would be replaced by a true, first rate gym that Lemma employees and families could use. It was beautiful: it took up a full city block. Frost used it, and so did brad. They usually did not use it at the same time, but they both used it. It was at one of the times when brad was using the gym and Frost wasn't that... well, read on. You'll hear more.

Frost also engineered some changes to the dress code. G-2s were no longer required to wear blue shirts, nor were G-3s required to wear white. Those colors changed. Since Frost took the view that "everyone needs to know he or she has a chance to advance," the uniforms became a white shirt with blue stripes at the G-2 level, and a blue shirt with white collar and cuffs at the G-3 level. The G-4s would wear a blue shirt with white stripes. Neckties were not required. At Frost's level, the only dress requirements were to "dress appropriately," and to wear a jacket. Ties were optional, but habits die hard. Some of the newer G-5s did not wear neckties, but Frost knotted his every day, before he kissed brad goodbye, usually while brad was still groggy from sleep. When brad's hand stuck out of the blankets, and Frost saw the diamond wedding band on brad's finger, he always smiled. He'd stroke brad's hair, maybe kiss his ear and whisper "guess what I'm gonna do to you when I come home?" brad would smile: he knew. They had a routine: Frost was almost ALWAYS horny when he came home, and since brad got released once a week, after his shaving, he was, too. Roleplay games happened on the weekend, often after brad's softball game, as did the shaving and whatever else Frost had in mind. They also began hosting monthly "events" for the growing population of LGBTQ employees at Lemma. When Frost announced the first one, brad was horrified. "You're not gonna do something like make people where arrows pointing up and down to show roles, Sir, are you?" Frost laughed. He hadn't planned to. He dead pan answered "No, but maybe I'll get us pins so that people who aren't sure, will know." brad made a face. "I think they'll know Sir." "So do I. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Frost, still strong, grabbed brad around his waist and pulled him off to the bedroom. In five minutes, brad's pale jeans were off, his legs were in the air, and Frost was teasing his hole with his finger. "You make me so goddamn horny brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrad, I can't even wait to tie you up." "You'll do that soon enough, Sir... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" brad felt the familiar cock swell in him and his head rolled back. Yes, Frost had fucked him the day before but... it was never enough.

It was at one of those meetings that brad met Ross. He saw him when he came into the room. "He's a bigger version of me," he thought. "Bigger and younger." That was an accurate description. Ross was about 2 inches taller than brad, more muscular, and his hair hadn't begun to gray the way brad's had. brad was developing salt and pepper all over his head, and he was extremely jealous of how Frost's hair was graying: only at the sideburns. When Frost smiled, and brad saw the combination of the smile and the sideburns, he melted. Anything else that was making him unhappy faded away. He wanted ONE thing when that happened, and that was for Frost to climb on top of him and do whatever he wanted.

Ross was a G-3. He had on the white and blue shirt, but unlike the other G-3s, he had opened two buttons of his shirt, and he wore a pair of slacks that brad would have NEVER worn when he was single: too revealing. And it revealed.. a substantial package. "He's cruising my husband," brad thought that night, as he saw Ross fawning over Frost, smiling, never really leaving his orbit. As he left, he smiled at brad. "It was very nice to meet you, Bret" "Nice to meet you too. And it's Brad." Ross didn't seem fazed by his error at all. "It must be nice to be the boy of a very powerful man. I envy your position." brad laughed. "Well, you never know what will happen Ross. I'm glad you could come."

After the party had broken up, and brad was clearing some glasses, he felt Frost's arm around his middle. "Put those down. Not only do we NEED to shave you, and relieve you." He nibbled brad's ear. "I want you. I want you REAL bad." "Yes sir," brad whispered, pushing himself back into Frost. "Should I get undressed Sir?" "No. I'll undress you. After I tie you down." "Yes sir. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" Another change had been Frost growing a small beard. He had done it because he knew that facial hair on brad's neck drove him crazy, as it was doing now. brad squirmed against the tight grip Frost had on him, and felt Frost lift his feet off the ground. "GODDAMN DO I WANT YOUR ASS." brad felt the cuffs lock on his wrists, and then he saw Frost's smile. "DAMN I'M SO HARD AND HE HAS TO SMILE THAT BASTARD" he thought. "Spread your legs, handsome. Give me what's mine." "Make me give it up," brad answered, just before he felt Frost's fingers close on his nipples. This was prelude. Frost wasn't gonna fuck him yet. First the foreplay. Then the edging. Then the shaving. Then the final prize: Frost always said that brad was tighter AFTER he came than before, so.... The squeezing went on, and brad began to moan. "OK Sir, Ok. You win.... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" brad spread his legs, so that Frost could get his finger into brad's hole. He did, and began moving back and forth. Frost knew how to find brad's prostate and, once he had it, he began massaging it. He didn't always do this: and when he did, brad nearly exploded. "OH FUCK SIR PLEASE UNCAGE ME." "You want cock there, boy? You want your man's cock? " "YES SIR. YES SIR YES SIR." "NAH. Not yet. First... we got work to do." brad had laid out the razor and the gel, and after Frost had opened up the buttons on brad's shirt, he went to work: there wasn't much to take on brad's body, since he shaved him every week, and brad wasn't normally hairy. It just got them both hotter. "You read, bradford? You think you can control yourself?" "I don't know Sir. I don't know. Just.... ooooooooooooooooooh" brad closed his eyes and he heard the lock come off. Then he felt Frost's remarkably soft hands going to work. It wasn't going to take long. brad couldn't control his orgasms, even now. There had been one day where Frost had forgotten to cage him after one of these sessions, and brad had cum three times before Frost found out. He hadn't forgotten to lock up brad since then. Now, he used long, thorough strokes and soon, brad was pitching his hips up in the air. "PLEASE SIR PLEASE. PLEASE FINISH ME. PLEASE." "Who am I brad?" "My MASTER. My husband. My lover. ALL OF THOSE. OH SHIT OH FUCK OH FUCK. " brad's jizz, stored up for a week, splashed everywhere. Frost laughed because he knew how much brad hated doing laundry. He'd be doing it though... naked. After Frost released his own jizz. He smiled as he bent brad's legs, and pushed his cock in. "GOD HE'S SO FUCKING HOT" brad looked at Frost and wished he could do something like caress his ears, or run his hand over his Top's beard, but all he could do was open his mouth to receive Frost's tongue - that expert tongue that had eaten his ass, licked his body to the point where brad begged to do anything Frost wanted - that tongue that had worked his ears until he was screaming. Now, his cock - that magnificent cock, rubbed up against brad's prostate. brad knew that was for him: Frost preferred to RAM fuck brad, but this... this was to make brad feel good. "GOD . THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU." "TAKE MY FUCKING LOAD MANBITCH." NOW Frost switched to "full ram mode," and began fucking brad mercilessly. brad was always sore because he was always getting fucked and... he just gritted his teeth. "YES SIR. YES. DRILL ME. DRILL ME SIR. FILL ME. AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" he felt the jizz pouring into his ass. He saw the smile and "damn I'm hard again" went through his head. He felt the locks come off his wrists. "Get yourself cleaned up. Then get this bed cleaned boy. You may have gray hair, that just makes you a gray bitch." "Yes sir. Yes. Absolutely."

It was three days later that brad saw Ross again. He was at the gym, getting ready to work out. brad could hear Ross talking to some of his buddies. They didn't notice him - probably because brad wasn't dressed like any of the upper "G" levels. He heard Ross say something that froze him. "GOD . That grey fucking fox Frost. I don't know if I want his cock in me, or my cock in him, but one way or the other, I'm gonna get what I want. I always do." The other guys were laughing. brad began to think: a few years ago, he would've said "GOOD. Wear him out. Give my ass a break." Now, though, all he could think of was: "HEY. Frost is MY Sir, and I'm not sharing him. NO FUCKING WAY." Again, that smile went though his head. He'd have to talk to Frost. brad had seen no indication whatsoever that Frost had eyes for anyone but him, but... Ross was at the office all day, not far from where his Sir was. And brad was home all day. Didn't he once blow Frost under his desk? He laughed at that memory and then.... "NO! I can't think that way. NO." But he did anyway.

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