The Perks of Position

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 22, 2021


"Well, Brad, I'm rather surprised that you would ask this. You've been a good company man for a long time. You HAVE read the rules and the contract you signed, didn't you?" Dr. Priest was talking to Brad, who was sitting opposite him in Dr. Priest's office. He had come to ask for the "Perk" part of Frost's contract to be nullified, or at least for him to be let out of it. "Yes Doctor Priest. I recognize all of that, but... I don't know of there ever being a case where a G-5 kept anyone but a G-1." "You're right, Brad, you did your homework. But there haven't been that many and... there is no rule saying that there are limits on who can and cannot be kept: the only rule is that G-5s can't keep other G-5s." Priest smiled. He didn't want to bring up the fact that Brad had applied to become a G-5 three times, and had been denied each time.

Brad felt his body press up against his shirt: one of the new, form fitting shirts that Frost had gotten to replace the white shirts Brad had worn. He had also tossed all of Brad's t shirts, because the new dress shirts, unlike the old ones, were snug to the point a t shirt really didn't fit underneath. Brad almost always left his top button opened for comfort. The new shirts didn't give him any choice: they were so snug, they had to be left opened. His colleagues gave him no end of grief about it. Farley had broken out in laughter when he walked in wearing one the first time, and asked if he were working corners that night. Jack and Phil, two other guys in his unit, had made similar remarks. When he walked past areas where G-1s and G-2s congregated, he could hear the conversations stop, and then the sort of whispering begin. "Brad, why is this coming up?" Priest asked. "I mean, I fully expect that Dr. Frost is demanding, no question about that, but is he cruel? Is he violent? " "No sir." "Then what is it?" Brad was beginning to feel very warm. He missed the bars. He missed being the "cum whore" that someone had called him once: getting three cocks in his mouth at once, going back to his car covered with muck In the week since Frost chose him, he had taken cock at least once every day, but always from the same man. He missed the variety, and he felt humiliated. The clothes, and Frost's attitude when they were out, introducing Brad as "my chosen one," made him feel like what he was: another man's property. Truth was: Frost treated him well. Brad was enjoying all of the benefits that came with being the "other half" of a senior executive, and he was, as Farley put it "getting laid" regularly: TOO regularly. Brad was working very hard not to squirm as he sat in Priest's office, but his ass was really, REALLY sore. Frost also seemed to show a very high level of tolerance for Brad's attitude and sarcasm, although he kept on warning Brad that at some point, that was going to end. Brad had noticed too, that the thorough screwing was making him sort of an "addict." The more Frost fucked him, the more cock he wanted.

"I apologize for interrupting gentlemen". Brad heard Frost's voice behind him and then he felt his strong hands on his shoulders. Frost had massaged Brad twice already and it had been difficult for Brad NOT to cum during the massage. Frost had milked him that morning before work, so the chances of him "acting in appropriately" were low, but.... he was getting hard. "I went to your section, Brad," Frost continued. "I was going to invite you to lunch today, and they told me you had an appointment with Dr. Priest." "We were about to end , weren't we Brad?" Priest smiled. "Yes Sir. Thank you for your time." He got up and looked Frost in the eye. "I appreciate the invitation Sir, but I'm in the middle of an important project." He saw Frost's face darken. Had he turned around he would have seen Priest's face change the same way. It was Priest who spoke first, after an audible sigh. "Bradley, it isn't written into corporate regulations, but... an invitation from a G-5, is really not an 'invitation'. It's more like an order." "So you're ordering me to have lunch with you... SIR?" Brad looked at Frost. He couldn't know what was going on in Frost's head: that Brad was so fucking hot when he gave attitude, he wanted to bend him over in Priest's office and fuck him right there. Brad had blown him that morning, but he was ready.. again. He had made the right choice in choosing Brad. He was ALWAYS horny now, a state he hadn't enjoyed in years. "I suppose if you're in the middle of a project, we can plan it for another day, no worries." Frost looked at Priest "Apologies for the interruption." "BRAD...." Priest's voice had a steely tone to it. "If Dr. Frost wants to take you to lunch, I suggest that you learn that the correct response is "I'd be delighted Sir". "I'd be delighted Sir" Brad came close to imitating Priest's tone, but he knew when to pull back. The game continued. "I'll come by your area at a few minutes before 1. I'm not sure if we'll eat at the G-5 cafe', or if we'll go out." "I'm sure you'll make a good choice.... SIR. You seem to have good taste in everything." He looked at Priest. "If you'll excuse me, Dr. Priest, I'll get back to work. And thank you for your time." After he left, Priest signaled for Frost to close the door. When he did, they burst out laughing. "OH, well played Martin, well played. I wasn't sure how this was going to work, but if anyone can teach that man servility, it's you. Just so you know, he came by asking for me to break the contract with you, and let him out of it." Frost smiled. "It happened sooner than I thought. The ride back to my place takes us through that neighborhood where that dive is where he hung out. He looks at it so wistfully every time." "He's yours, Martin. You handle it how you like."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Brad went back to his section feeling defeated: he had felt defeated a LOT since he had become Frost's keeper. It had started with the wardrobe. "I fucking look like a slut!" he had said when the new shirts came, and Martin had him try one on. "Perhaps I like my other looking like a slut." "I mean, GEEZ, it's sluttier than what the G-1s wear." "Is it any sluttier than what you wore to that dive bar?" Martin stared at him, waiting for an answer. "No Sir. " Then he had stepped behind Brad and wrapped his arms around him. "Do you have any idea how much I want to tie you up, and make you beg for cock?" His tongue grazed Brad's ear and Brad moaned. "OH GOD. OOOOH. " Martin rubbed a little harder and whispered "You can be a slut tonight just like at the dive. Only, you'll take MY cock. And ONLY my cock. GET ON YOUR KNEES." "Yes sir" brad had answered. As he did so, Martin had started playing with his nipples. Brad was expert enough to open Martin's zipper with his teeth, and to get his cock out . Only then did he unbuckle Frost's pants, and begin sucking. Now, it was Martin's turn to moan. Brad HATED that Frost could control him this easily: but he LOVED the size, and the taste of his cock. It was.. meaty, and Frost knew how to play his throat, pulling back, pushing in, moving it around. He'd grab the back of Brad's head and push him forward, and he'd also "freeze frame" his head and order Brad to "move that tongue around, you cocksucker bitch." Brad always felt Frost's cock harden when he said that, and he slurped harder. "I wish I had three of them in my mouth" he would think. And he'd also think: "I gotta drain him, because if I don't...." Too late. Frost pushed Brad's head back. "Get on your back, bitch. On the bed. NOW. " "Yes sir." Brad was so hot by this time, that if Frost had told him to tattoo himself, he would have. That big, meaty cock, now covered with Brad's saliva, started to pierce Brad's ass. The day this happened, was only the fourth time Frost had fucked him, but it had only been three days since Frost had moved him into the apartment. Brad liked sucking better. Then he liked being tied up. Fucking was a distant third, but Frost was in charge, and he knew it. Brad could feel Frost's balls hitting up against his ass, and Frost doing almost exactly what he had done in Brad's mouth: keeping his cock still, then moving it back and forth, then squeezing his muscles so that his cock seemed to fill Brad even more. Frost had learned right at the start that Brad received cock better if his nipples were worked, and he worked them. He worked them HARD. Brad knew that there was going to be an explosion inside him, and there was. When Frost came, he had a habit of throwing his head back, and Brad could see the stubble from the day. He wanted that stubble: he wanted it on his neck, his chest, even his balls. "I'm so fucked up," he thought. "I want this man, I want my freedom, I want both. I want.... SHIT I WANT TO CUM" He looked at Frost with his best puppy dog eyes. "Please Sir, may I?" "May you what?" Frost smiled. "I don't know what you want." Brad gulped, and took a breath. "May I cum, Sir? May I dump my load?" Frost grabbed Brad's wrists and pinned them above him. "Now why should I let you do that, Bradford?" He teased, using Brad's full name, a name he hated. "Why should I let a kept man cum?" "Because... because you're generous Sir.. And I'll do whatever you want." Frost laughed. "Well, you'll do whatever I want whether I let you cum or not, but you think I'm generous?" "Yes sir. I do." "Well, ok. Show me how you jerk yourself. Let me hear what you're thinking when you do." He let go of Brad's wrists. "Thank you Sir. " Brad sat up a little. He closed his eyes . "OH man. Your cock Sir. Your cock in me. So good. So Damn good. And the tit work. I wanted to explode. " "Like this, Bradford?" The stubble hit Brad's right nip while Frost's fingers took the left one "OH SHIT YES YES YES!" Brad exploded in a load that was probably bigger than Frost's. Frost looked down at him. "You know, you're much easier to control when you're aroused. No bullshit, no crap. I wonder... I just wonder..." "Wonder what Sir?" Frost smiled. "If I stopped you from cumming unless I let you... you'd be so much easier to harness. I have to think about that." Brad gulped. He had heard one of the G-1s talking about how he was in forced charity for anywhere from 2-7 weeks, and how when his Dom touched him, he melted. Brad knew he could be controlled that way too. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be, or not.

By the end of the week, sitting was getting a bit problematic for Brad. Frost had told him that there probably wouldn't be much fucking until the weekend, but he had fucked Brad every single day. The man seemed to have an inexhaustible sexual appetite. Brad couldn't remember what day it was, but the alarm had gone off to wake up, and he tried to get out of Frost's grip. Frost wasn't letting go. "Sir... we have to get up, and get to work." "Not so fast, Brad boy." (It was the first time Frost called Brad "boy."). He flipped Brad onto his back and pinned his arms down. "Roger Ramjet here" (the name Frost called his cock), needs some emptying, and guess who's gonna do it?" "Yes sir. " As Frost pushed his cock toward Brad's mouth, Brad reached forward. He was horny too, but he had shot the night before, as had Frost. He wasn't ready yet. Clearly Frost was. And in ten minutes, Brad was taking what Frost called a "sperm smoothie" down his throat. "GOOD." Brad thought. "He won't want my ass tonight." He was wrong about that. Frost liked to fuck before dinner, so he didn't feel so heavy. And for the fifth time that week, Brad had Frost's cock in his ass.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "HI DR FROST!" Two of Brad's coworkers greeted Martin as he came into the section where Brad worked. "And hello to all of you! Is everyone ok?" "Yes Dr. Yes. Weekend." One of them laughed. "Indeed, and I hope you all have pleasant ones and plans, as I do." There was some smirking, and Brad turned away because he was blushing. "I was wondering if Brad can come out to play." More snickering. "I'm ready Sir." Brad stood up. He had adjusted himself as best as he could. He hoped the bulge that had just formed, when he heard Martin's voice and saw him standing there, wasn't evident. "Sir, would you mind if I didn't put my hands behind my back when we walked, and not cupping my neck?" Brad's voice was so plaintive, Frost smiled. "Well, I wouldn't embarrass you THAT badly in the workplace, but you're gonna have to promise to be honest with me at lunch, because I have some questions for you, Brad." "Ok Sir. That's fair." "NICE SHIRT" one of the G-5s who was on the floor yelled at Brad as they walked out. Frost had decided they'd lunch away from the office, so they could have some quiet. When they sat down, Brad asked "will you be ordering for me Sir?"

Frost smiled. This was a very complex character: not NEARLY as one dimensional as the other men he had had in the past. Letting the Keeper do the ordering was expected, but Brad had no sarcasm behind his voice. "Yes, I will be. We need to make sure that your diet aligns with what the personal trainer I hired wants you to do." Brad was going to start at the new gym the following week. "So," Frost began after the server had taken the order. "Dr. Priest was good enough to tell me why you had come to visit him today. " He saw Brad blanch. "Let me make something clear first, Brad. No, I am NOT agreeing to end the contract and accept another man as my kept , although you and I both know: more than one man, including more than one man in your section, is interested." Brad dropped his head. "I understand Sir." "Good. Because there's something I DON'T understand Brad. I don't understand why you want out. You seem to be enjoying being my kept." "I do Sir. It's just..... I never fancied myself being a one man, man. " Frost laughed. "So you usually bought the variety pack of everything when you shopped for groceries." Brad reddened. "Yes sir." Frost took a deep breath. "There are no variety packs, Brad. Not in my life anyway. I don't intend to look for variety, and I expect that you'll have to settle into understanding: you're my kept. That means I make these decisions." "Yes sir. It's going to take some getting used to." Frost gave him a wicked look. "I'm looking forward to training you to accept it Brad. Who knows? Maybe if you do, and maybe if this works, I can sort of get your record cleared and you can start studying for G-5s again." Brad laughed. "Yeah, right. Like they're gonna forget my slut record." "If you show enough fidelity to your KEEPER, it might just happen." Brad began to think or, more accurately scheme. If he could take and pass his G-5s, no G-5 could touch him. While there WERE cases of pairings on the lower levels there weren't any on the "5" plateau. He knew there wasn't a prohibition, but it was one of those things that "just wasn't done." That would mean.... "Yes sir. Thank you Sir. I'll do my best." Frost smiled. He had an idea of what Brad was thinking. "We'll see" he kept to himself. Instead, he said "when we brought over your stuff, Brad, I saw tennis rackets. " "Yes sir. I kept them from school days. I used to play. It seemed that golf was what people played at this level, so.... I sort of put them away." "They're coming out again, Brad. Gold over tennis? That's bullshit. Tennis is my game. I'm looking forward to kicking your ass on the court" Brad perked up. "We'll see about that Sir." "How about a wager: if you win, you get to pick what we do in bed for the rest of the weekend. If I win... Oh, we'll do some shaving, and we'll explore your ticklish spots." Brad tried to keep a poker face. He wasn't ticklish. THAT he knew. "You're on Sir." "I can't wait to see your ass in tight tennis shorts." "I don't wear tight ones, Sir." "You do know, kept one." Brad blushed again.

Brad had never played tennis on a court as luxurious as the one accessed by G-5s. Nor had he ever had his ass kicked as badly as Frost had just kicked it: 6-1, 6-2, 6-0. "Heh heh." Frost laughed as they went back to the car. "Honed the razor just in case . You're gonna be glad I did." "I'm thrilled. SIR" The attitude was out. Brad didn't like to lose. He was gonna have to learn.


Next: Chapter 4

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