The Perks of Position

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 10, 2021


brad eased himself into his desk chair gingerly. It was Monday, and Frost used the weekends to make up for lost time. This past weekend, it seemed as if he were making up for all the weeks of their lives they had NOT been together. brad was a kept man. He knew it. It was what the contract with Frost called him, and no matter how you looked at it, that's what he was. Frost reminded him of it on Friday. A lot. "Dinner. I'm buying. After you change" was the text that he got from Frost on last Friday afternoon. brad was feeling unusually horny that day, too. Truth was, he was ALWAYS horny, but that Friday: maybe it had been the workout, maybe it had been the way the blue thong felt as it rode up in his ass (Frost had replaced them all with a smaller size), or maybe it was the prolonged edging he had gotten before Frost brought him off on Thursday, or memories of the French kiss that felt like Frost was trying to remove his tonsils, but... it was what it was. "Yes sir. What do you want me to wear? I assume you'll get home after I do." "Mildly slutty. Tight. Jeans. Don't make me pick out something else." brad had an idea. He wanted to get Frost excited although lately... there didn't seem to be any need to do so on his part. "Hmmm. Just got invited out to dinner. " brad smiled and looked up. Ken gave him a grin. "Daddy treating you, muffin?" brad blushed but just smiled. "You're only jealous, cow." "Ha ha. Yeah, right. I'm jealous! You're getting treated like a bitch, but you're still working. And I'm jealous. HA HA HA." Farley looked up. "Hey, Ken, know the difference between a slut and a bitch?" "No, tell me." "A slut is the one who won't sleep with you." "HA HA. Then I guess brad is Frost's bitch and not his slut." brad began forming fists with his hands. "Sluts? Bitches? That part of the latest production report?" It was Fleming standing at the door. "Oh, sorry Sir. We were just." "Don't bother ladies. I know EXACTLY what you were doing. Let's keep brad's personal life out of the picture. Speaking of... brad, if you would come to Dr. Priest's office on Monday at ten. He and I would like to speak with you." "Yes sir. Of course. Enjoy your weekend." Fleming smiled. "I'm sure you will, whatever role you're playing," and skulked off. A meeting with Dr. Priest was NOT something brad was looking forward to, although he did expect it. It had been three weeks since he had been approached about applying to be a G-5, and he hadn't submitted his papers. He was torn: did he want the position? YES! And until 6 months ago, he would have said it was what he wanted more than anything else in the world. Frost had changed that. Frost had changed brad: he was a tamed man. Yes, he gave off spunk and attitude, and every single time: Frost put him in his place, usually with a good, solid fucking. brad thought that he had been fucked more over the last six months than he had been for the rest of his life. And they were ALL solid, "it hurts to sit down " fucks. Monday's were particularly "challenging" because it would start on Friday night. Frost would pound him when they got home, and then once, but usually more than once, on Saturdays and Sundays. He stopped blushing about the marks on his wrists from being tied up. The thing he looked forward to the most was when the G-4s played softball and, after the game was over, he'd feel Frost pull him close and whisper "your ass is gonna be nice and sweaty. Gonna be MUCH easier to slide in." brad chuckled to himself. It might have been easier, it might have been more difficult, but those Saturday afternoon fucks, especially when Frost lubricated him with his tongue, were the highlight of his week. There was NO precedent for two G-5s pairing up. He had checked with an attorney, keeping it under deep secret. He didn't think Frost knew (he was wrong). The attorney had told him that there were no cases, but the writing on the topic of pairing to equivalent levels did not support this. His advice was that brad start looking around for someone he could keep himself, although that would be difficult: there was absolutely no gossip about G-5s being topped by another man. (He had to go to gossip because, whatever everyone knew, the official story was only that he and Frost were a couple). Filling out the paperwork would begin the unraveling of the relationship. He didn't know if he wanted that.

brad got home about an hour before Frost did. He put on faded jeans, and a dark pink button down. It was slightly tighter than his other shirts. "slutty enough for you Sir?" he smiled as Frost came in. "GRRRRRRRRRR. You're gonna be my G-1 fucktoi tonight bradford. At the restaurant, and after dinner." He spun brad around, pinning his arm behind his back while he teased a nipple and worked on brad's ear. "A little extra medication tonight: you're gonna hurt when you're fielding tomorrow." "NNNNNNNNG. yes sir. OH GOD yes sir. Sir, do we have to go to dinner?" "Yeah, we do. So I can torment you some more." He did, too. Every chance Frost got that night, he'd push his foot up on brad's crotch, or grope him, or sneak his finger inside the gap at the bottom of brad's shirt. There were three G-4 types sitting at the bar. They recognized Frost, but not brad. "From out of town, I guess," Frost said. "If I told you to blow one of them, who would you pick?" "I wouldn't Sir . I'd wait for your instructions." Frost smiled. "Well, if I weren't here, who'd you pick?" The puckish side of brad came out. "I can handle three cocks in my mouth at once. Or yours, Sir." He saw Frost smile. Frost knew he was being manipulated, and he was fine with that. "You were gonna get fucked anyway, bradford. No need to work for it ." "I know Sir. I'm working to get us to leave sooner rather than later." A big smile went across Frost's face and he called for the check. brad walked with his hands behind his back. He was REALLY horny that night and anything he could do.... Then, cuffed to the bed, his legs split, clamps on his nipples and a penis gag in his mouth, all brad could do was moan as Frost's fully engorged cock pushed in SLOWLY: it took nearly an hour for Frost to get himself in completely. He kept from climaxing by using some mediation techniques he knew. brad thought about how he had been locked in chastity for a week after he had jerked off without permission. That was enough to keep him under control. After Frost had gotten in completely, he pulled out and RAMMED his cock in, all at once, rattling the bed, and rattling brad. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." THAT thrust had hurt. REALLY hurt. "Get used to it, Frost's bitch. GET USED TO IT YOU FUCKING STUD MUFFIN." The pounding continued, getting faster and faster. brad wished he weren't gagged. He wanted to tell Frost how much he loved this. Instead, he moaned: the nipple clamps were sharp, and Frost's thrusts were not getting any slower. When he finally shoved in one last time, and exploded in brad's ass, brad was near tears. He knew he should discuss the situation with Frost but.. he was afraid.

And it continued the whole weekend. After the softball game, Frost had dragged brad behind one of the outbuildings. "GET THE FUCK AGAINST THE WALL, BITCH." "SIR. We're in public..." brad felt Frost's forearm around his neck. "I SAID GET AGAINST THE WALL. BITCH." "Yes sir. Should I spread my feet?" "DAMN RIGHT YOU SHOULD." "GOOD LORD WHERE DID HE GET THE STAMINA?" brad had blown a load the night before, and he was starting to recover. Frost was as hard as he was on Friday. brad began to moan, and he felt Frost's hand cover his mouth. "SHUT UP YOU FUCKING CUNT" "mmmmmmmmmmmmph" a whiney moan came out of brad. He loved it when Frost called him 'bitch' or 'cunt' or any of those words. The only one he liked better was "cum dump," and Frost saved it for "special occasions:" like Sunday night. Frost made another deposit in brad's ass. When they got home and brad was changed. "WHAT THE..." Frost was standing there, pants down, with another woody." "This is making me very uncomfortable and my bitch better take care of it." "yes sir," brad didn't really know what to do. It was only Saturday afternoon. He had been fucked in the ass, now he was being fucked in the mouth. Was Frost gonna take him after dinner? And what about Saturday? Well, for Saturday night, Frost had something planned. When brad went in to get dressed, he saw a blue and white striped shirt: the same style that Frost and all the G-5s had to wear every day. There was no necktie, however, and instead of a jacket, there was a blue crew neck sweater for brad to wear. As he finished up dressing, he felt Frost behind him. "And I'm gonna get my hands under that sweater as often as I want. NO ARGUMENTS." He began chewing brad's earlobe. "OH GOD NO SIR. NONE." There was no sex after they got home that night, but Frost was romantic: something he almost never was. Yes, brad was on his back and yes, he was pinned down, but Frost never took off an item of his clothing. He just scruffed brad and kissed him, and yes, he did get his hands under the crewneck and work brad's nipples. And in the back of his mind, brad remembered something someone had said to him when Frost had gotten up to use the bathroom: "How's it feel to be used goods, cocksucker?" Is that what people thought he was? Again, how could he find out.

Then Sunday. It was the day they went to the gym together. They didn't work out together: brad was competitive, but the one time he had tried to keep up with Frost, he felt pathetic. Frost ran faster, lifted more weight, and essentially outperformed brad in every area. "He's older than me, and not by a few years. HOW THE....?" was how brad had reacted the first few times. Now, he just paused to watch Frost, as he worked up a sweat. His workout tank top stuck to him, and brad could see how his pit hair matted and he wanted to bury his face in it. NOW. He saw the legs that held him down so easily power up a lift, and the biceps pop . "I need to cum. OH SHIT. " He went over to Frost. "Sir... I need you. " "Yeah, I know you do cumdump. Now go and finish your workout" "cumdump. OH SHIT. OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT. This man owns me. HE FUCKING OWNS ME." "Sir, I just want to ask one thing." "Make it fast bradford. " "Can we... can we have sex before you shower?" Frost grunted as he pushed up a weight. "Damn right cumdump. You shower, I won't. It'll be hot. " Later that afternoon, as brad buried his face in Frost's stinking pit, licking, as Frost shoved one, then two fingers up his ass, brad nearly passed out. Frost took him from behind that afternoon because "MY FUCKING CUMDUMP DOESN'T DESERVE TO SEE THE COCK THAT OWNS HIM" He lost control. brad spent himself on the bed. He had to spend the rest of the afternoon doing laundry.

They hadn't spoken about the potential promotion at all. That, and the soreness in his ass were on brad's mind as he got up from his chair, to go to the meeting with Priest and Fleming. The receptionist looked up. "Hello brad. Good to see you again. Maybe I'll be seeing more of you." brad gulped. The receptionist smiled. "Don't worry. I like this job. No one else knows." "Dr Priest, Dr. Fleming, G-4 Brad is here." "BRAD! Please join us!" Priest was smiling as was Fleming. brad declined the offer of coffee: he already had to pee from nerves, and he didn't need any more stimulation. "Brad...." Priest began. "I'm somewhat concerned that you haven't submitted your paperwork. Is there something that is of concern to you." brad began to blush. "Well, yes there is Dr. Priest but... " "Is Dr. Frost putting any pressure on you?" Fleming asked. "OH NO SIR. No. Not at all. We haven't discussed it at all. " They looked at each other. "We believe you Brad. I just want you to know why we ask, but first... are things good between you two? I mean, you got over that interview thing didn't you?" "Oh, yes Dr. Priest. Absolutely. Everything is fine. I'd say it's more than fine. I hope Dr. Frost is satisfied with me, but... " he blushed. "I'm absolutely satisfied with him." "Ha ha." Fleming laughed. "You don't disappoint Brad. Always with the sass. But.. the reason why we ask is... I guess you don't know. Before we'll take up an application, a minimum of 7 of the G-5s have to recommend you." "I think I knew that Sir. " "Well, Dr. Frost wrote one of yours." "HE DID?" Priest looked at Fleming and they both looked at brad. "Well, I daresay that's TRUE surprise." "It IS Sir. I... I need to make clear : I didn't ask him to, and he didn't tell me he was going to. " A million thoughts were going through brad's mind, and he settled on the worst one. "He doesn't want me anymore. THAT's what this weekend was about. Fuck me as hard as he can before he tosses me away. SHIT" "Brad, we can probably extend the deadline for the paperwork for a few days but not more. " "I understand Sir. May I ask one question?" "Of course." "If I turn down the appointment, may I stay as a G-4?" They looked at each other. "Brad, if Frost choosing you was unprecedented, turning down a G-5 appointment is unthinkable. " Fleming whispered in his ear. "There may be one case of it happening, more than 100 years ago and... that man was sacked from the company. So, I think the answer is no." brad got his composure back and stood up. "Thank you Dr. Priest, Dr. Fleming. I promise to get you my papers in the next 48 hours. I apologize for my delay."

As he left, brad took this with him: Frost had written a fucking recommendation to a position that would end them. And there was no way he could turn this down without leaving the company. "WHAT A FUCKING SHIT HE IS" he thought. brad got back to his desk. He didn't text Frost, he called. "bradford..." Frost was smiling at his desk. "This IS a surprise." brad's voice was rising. "Well.. I'M GLAD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE SURPRISED TODAY. SIR. " "brad? Something's wrong?" brad began to laugh. "HO ho ho, there's a LOT that's wrong. And we'll talk about it tonight. By the way... SIR, it may just happen that if you insist on a blow job, you wind up with three less inches than you have." brad slammed down the phone. What the fuck difference did it make? The man he had fallen in love with, didn't want him, and... " He ran to the bathroom, locked a stall, and wept.

Next: Chapter 9

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