The Pines

By Brian

Published on Apr 12, 2023


The Pines

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

Chapter 3

I screwed Gerry on his knees the first time and then again on his back. Then I sat down in a chair with my cock still up his nice ass.

"So how was Stanton at sucking?"

"Pretty good. I did feel his teeth a couple of times but it felt nice. He did swallow all of me."

"So how does he taste?"

"No as good as you but it was okay. He's got a nice fat cock. I had problems swallowing it, but I think I would like to suck him again if he will let me."

"So would you like to fuck him?"

"I never did that before."

"Well how about fucking me tonight."

"Really. I'll try."

"Nothing to it babe." I pulled him forward and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you Sir."

"Well I think I am falling for you too Gerry."

I handed Gerry a tissue as he lifted off my cock. He stuffed it in his hole before he cleaned me up. Then took off to clean himself out.

I went back to reading the records of the inmates. There were several that had my interest, but Stanton would be my next conquest with Gerry's help.

It had been a while since I had had a cock in my butt, so Gerry's cock felt real good. He may have said he never fucked a guy before, but once he was in he sure knew the principals. He came real quick the first time, but remained hard so I told him to continue.

What shocked me was he went down and licked his cumm leaking from my hole when he pulled out. I then went down on him and licked his cock clean. We slept in each others arms, totally satisfied.

The first report that crossed my desk in the morning was that young Stanton had been raped in his cell by two or more people. He refused to say who and claimed he was okay. He did go to his assignment in the kitchens. I wondered if he had asked for it or if it was actual rape.

Everyone knew there was a lot of bed hopping after lights out. The inmates only had to be in the cells at 2200. That way the computer could check that all inmates were still there. Inmates were not required to stay in there cells after bed checks. The guards had specific instructions not to enter the cell block after lights out unless a monitor showed a boy was injured or dead.

The infrared monitors did show several bodies in Stanton's cell but no faces could be seen.

Well we would see when he reported at two.

I took Gerry on an inside inspection of the Pines. It took just over an hour and I spent the next three hours doing interviews. None were special in any way.

Gerry sucked me off after lunch and almost got my whole cock down his throat. I didn't force him. After he said his jaw really hurt.

"Just need lots of practice Babe, Maybe young Stanton again."

"Cool." Gerry smiled.

I then told Gerry what had happened to Stanton.

"Boy I bet he was sore this morning. Did he say who did it?"

"No and I didn't really expect him to. No one wants to be a rat to the guards. That just might get him killed by the other inmates."

Stanton arrived on time and didn't look too distressed.

"How are you feeling Son?"

"I'm okay Sir."

"Stanton, I know what happened to you and I am sorry. Would you like to tell me how it happened? You don't have to tell me who did it, but it might prevent something like this happening again if I know how it happened."

"Well sir when I got back to cell Bra?ah a boy came in and asked how come I had privacy walls now. I told him what I did with Gerry and he asked me if I'd do him. I told him I wouldn't do anything in the day time. He said he'd come back after lights out.

Well he did come back, but two friends to. I had to suck them all off. Then they held me down while one fucked me. Then they all did it. It hurt more than I ever felt before, but after all three it wasn't so bad. They warned me not to say anything. I knew that that gang of three would have killed me if I talked."

Well I knew who did it now. The Sgt/Major had mentioned a three boy gang in Cell block three. No one had complained about being forced so nothing had been done.

"Now how do you feel Stanton? Do you want it to happen again? I could, if you wish move you to another block."

"It's kind of weird Sir. It hurt so bad I thought I would die when the boy did it the first time. After all three did it felt sort of good, but I was still hurting."

"Gerry, why don't you take Stanton to your cell. You can stay there until I get back. I have a few things to take care of."

"Okay Sir." Gerry knew what I wanted from him.

I left and headed for Cell block 3. Time to put the fear of God into a young hoodlum. I called the Sgt/Major and told him to meet me in the Guards quarters of cell block 3 and to bring a set of transfer manacles with him.

I told one of the guards to get the leader of the Gang of Three and bring him to his guard room. After the Sgt/Major arrived the boy was brought in. The door was closed. I just stood and looked at the young man. He wasn't bad looking. Dark brown hair cut real short. A good body that was showing some definition. Even a visible six pack abs. A four and half inch cock hung in a dark bush. His balls hung low in their sack. Someone I might like to fuck sometime. He looked very scared.

"Did you really think you could get away with raping a boy in here? You and everyone else was told this institution is covered every where by closed circuit TV. Did you think we would not see you and your two friends going in Stanton's cell? Did you think that the cameras would not see you hold him down while you raped him? If you had not muffled his screams, I know you would now be in a cell waiting transportation to Edmonton to face a rape charge."

"You could be also sure of one other thing. I would make damn sure every one of those hardened cons in that Class 2 facility knew why three teen boys were dropped in their midst. You can be sure that if you weren't dead by morning you would have had more cocks down your throat or up your ass that you can even imagine."

Before I even finished he was crying his head off. I just stood back and waited for him to stop. The Sgt/Major had a huge grin on his face. He knew it was all bluff. The Infrared cameras could not tell what happened in the cell, but young Tennyson didn't know that.

He finally got down to sniffles.

"Please Sir, don't send me away. I'm sorry, but he said he wanted to do stuff. He asked me to his cell last night."

"Yeah for a blow job. Did you tell him before hand you were going to fuck him?"

"No Sir, but he seemed to want it."

"So you just decided to hold him down, gag him and rape him. Nothing on the audio tapes even suggests that you asked him."

"Please Sir. I'll do anything you want."

"Anything is a big word Tennyson."

"I mean it sir. I promise to anything you say."

"What I suggest boy, no insist, is that you return the favor for young Stanton. Let him shove his dick in your ass along with your two friends. Remember I'll be watching so it better happen sooner rather than later. Now get your skinny ass out of here."

"Yes Sir. I promise Sir." He said then quickly left the guard room.

As the door closed the Sgt/Major and the guard burst out laughing.

"Very well done Sir. I doubt we will have any problems with those three. I wonder if they are virgins?" That got an even bigger laugh.

I headed back to my office. Another problem solved I hoped.

I opened their files and made notations in each. All three were not bad looking. Might just have three more boys who would end up with my cock up their butts. But that would wait. I flipped on the camera feed from Gerry's cell. They were not in the cell but I did hear the shower going. Gerry's bed was pretty messed up so I knew both had been doing something.

They came out together and I told Gerry to get themselves a coke and me a drink.

"Come and sit down."

"David, do you wish to continue your education while you are here?"

"Yes Sir."

"Okay, I'll arrange correspondence classes for you. You can do them in your cell. I'll have the computer there activated. Eventually when you have gained enough points, you will also be able to contact friends and relatives from outside."

"Sir, would I gain more points if I sucked you off or let you fuck me?"

"I see you have been talking to Gerry."

Both boys turned a little red at that. I just chuckled.

"David, I am very sure Gerry also told you how painful it was for him. You think it was bad last night, it would be fifty times worse with me."

"He did tell me Sir, but he also said it felt good later."

"Very well David I will. However it won't be today. Now when you return to your cell block you won't have any trouble from that gang of three."

"Oh no, now they will think I ratted."

"No they won't David. When you told me what happened I just looked at the camera feeds. It showed who exactly entered your cell after lights out and it showed two of them holding you down. All three have been admonished and told if it ever happens again all three will end up in a Class 2 Prison. Also I think all three will want you to do it to them."

"Okay Sir."

"Now you can return to your cell block David. I'll be sending for you in couple of days." "Yes Sir." He left.

So how many times did you two do it Gerry?"

"WE only screwed a couple of times. David told me it wasn't really rape. Him and his brother had been fucking each other since he was twelve. It hurt so much coz he hadn't done it since he was in jail."

"Well it's definitely going to hurt when I do him."

"He knows Sir."

"Well go put your shorts and t-shirt on. We can go down and have a look at the boys coming off outside work. Maybe you will find one you like."

"Cool." He almost ran to his bedroom.

When we arrived outside the Senior NCO in charge had just told them to shut down for the day. Each was walking toward the Equipment Barn. All had an implement of some kind. Some even had chain saws and axes. None showed any intent to harm anyone. All knew of that little capsule up against their prostrate and knew the guards wouldn't hesitate to use it if they showed any aggression toward the guards or any other inmate.

After they had cleaned the particular implement it was put in its place. Then the boys walked to the other room. Here they stripped. Put their gloves, coveralls and socks in the recycle bin and their boots, glasses and hard hat in a numbered slot. Then they could use them the next day.

After all were in the room and in neat rows a roll call was done before they were allowed to return to their cells blocks. It was very efficient.

"See anyone you like Gerry?"

"That dark haired boy is real nice looking. It looks like he's got a big dick too."

I asked one of the guards about him.

"That's Yakutsk Sir, The only Jewish boy in here. He's a very good worker, but stays pretty much to himself. I don't have any complaints about him. He does suck real good I have been told, but have never asked him."

Gerry was getting some very obvious envious looks. I walked over to the young man.

"Yakutsk, report to my office tonight at 1900."

"Have I done something wrong Sir?"

"No Son. I am going to be talking to all inmates. You are just the next one."

"Okay Sir."

After the roll call they were dismissed. All walked to the tunnels leading to their cell blocks. There was no pushing or shoving. All were very well behaved. Except for the new laws governing prisoners, these boys would well on their way to early release. But that didn't happen any longer. Criminals did their full time and no parole of any kind. Just like the appeal process. It no longer existed except in Death sentences. Then it was by a three judge panel. Ninety nine point nine percent of the time the sentence was confirmed and six weeks later all convicted received a bullet in the back of the head.

Gerry and I headed back to my Office/Den. He made me a drink after stripping and got himself a beer.

He sat beside me on the couch. "So you like that dark haired boy?"

"Yes Sir. I saw him before in Cell block 1, but never had a chance to talk to him. He does suck, coz I seen him a few times doing it. He's smaller than me but got a bigger dick."

"So you figured he would feel good in your butt."

"Well he might feel better in you too Sir."

"Gerry, I like you inside me and always will."

After dinner I sat down to review Yakutsk's file. He had been convicted of murdering his parents when he was twelve. Because he was a juvenile offender he had been ordered held until his eighteenth birthday. Then a review panel would decide his fate. Either to be sent to a Class 2 facility or to a Class 1 for execution. I honestly did not think that was fair, but had no control as yet over it.

For the short time he had been here he had caused absolutely no problems for anyone. He had been the first to sign up for outside work and had even signed up for more education classes.

The guards had reported and confirmed by camera that he would kneel and suck off anyone who asked him. I wondered if he did it because he liked it or to stay out of trouble with any of the other boys.

There was nothing to show that he was taking it up his butt too, but it was a good bet.

The boy was five foot five and weighed 110 lbs. He was in fairly good shape. The most remarkable thing about him was he had the biggest cock I had ever seen on someone so small. Almost five inches soft and fair sized balls to.

"How big do you think he is hard Gerry?"

"Bet he's got eight inches and he's thick too."

"So you want to suck him off."

"Yes Sir." Gerry said softly.

"Gerry, I'm not mad. I love to suck off boys too including you. I think I might like to suck him too."

When the boy walked in he looked scared, but stood straight in front of my desk. Up close he was much better looking than his picture.

"What is your first name Son?"

"Henry Sir."

"Come over here Henry and sit down." When he did my cock jumped. I definitely wanted this boy.

"Henry, while you have been here a very short time your record is perfect. It also shows your Record from the Class 4 Institution was perfect too. Can you tell me why you were charged. It is very unusual for one so young to charged and convicted of Murder."

"I'm not supposed to talk about it Sir?"

"Well I can assure you anything you say in here will never be revealed."

He sat for several minutes.

"If it's too hard for you to talk about Son, never mind."

"It's not that Sir. I just have to remember it right." "I guess it all started when my Dad said he had arranged my marriage to a thirteen year old girl in Israel. I didn't even like girls and told him. He said it didn't matter it was a done deal."

Arranged marriages were illegal in North America, but I knew happened in other countries.

"Well when my parents were asleep the night before we were supposed to leave I took all our passports, tickets and money to the basement. I burned them all in a bucket coz I figured then we couldn't go. The fire got out of hand and I had to run outside. When the fire department got there the house was really burning. My Mom and Dad died in the fire."

"When they asked me what happened I told them it was my fault. So I got charged and sent to Juvvy. Now I'm here Sir."

One thing I did notice and I bet the courts did to was that he showed not an once of remorse for what he had done. That would have guaranteed the sentence he got. It might also get him shot shortly after his eighteenth birthday, unless I could get him amnesty.

From his attitude in here, I knew he already knew his ultimate fate. I'd even bet his execution order was already signed. To the courts he was a none entity now. He was just a statistic to them.

There was only one way to stop what was going to happen to him, but that would also put me in great danger. No one in their right mind tried to stop what the courts decreed unless you had a death wish. Well I still had a couple of years to stop it.

"Henry, I have just a few more questions for you."

"Yes Sir."

"Are you Gay?" "Yes Sir. I am mostly a bottom, but will top a boy if he asked me. Most of the boys in the cell block know I'm gay and let me suck off lots of them. None ever wants to suck me or screw me coz they think that's too gay."

Another Gerry on my hands.

"Well Gerry would love to suck your cock Henry."

"Is he your boy Sir? I don't want him to get in any trouble."

"Why would you think that Henry?"

"Well all the guards have boys. I saw them. I saw Gerry with you and he had shorts and t-shirt on so I figured he was your boy. I wished I got picked by a guard too."

"Why would you want to be a guards boy. It's not all fun."

"Well maybe I'd get it in my bottom more. I like to suck guys, but like it better if they fuck me."

"I'm sure Gerry would fuck you too. He likes it all ways too."

"You wouldn't mind Sir?"

"Not at all. You are both Gay so I see no problem unless you do Gerry."

"No Sir. I'll do anything he wants."

"Good. Gerry why don't you take Henry into your room. I'll see you both at breakfast in the morning."

"Yes Sir. Come on Henry." Both boys left and I notified his cell block that Henry would not be back in cells tonight.

My Problem was I was horny as hell.

I looked at the clock. If I ordered Washington here he would just have time to get here. What the hell I sent the order. I also notified Security that he would not be back in cells tonight.

I went to my bedroom and undressed. Then went out and made myself a drink and sat behind my desk. Jerome arrived a lot quicker than I thought he would. He must have almost ran here.

He stood straight in front of my desk. Just looking at him I was hard.

"You must have been in a hurry to get here Jerome."

"The guard told me to hurry coz I might get locked in a hall."

"Is that the only reason?"

He licked his lips.

"No Sir. I've been dreaming about you since the last time I was here. I even let some boys fuck me. Will you please fuck me Sir?"

I got up from behind my desk. His eyes showed shock that I was nude and also hard. I walked to him grabbed his cock.

"Come on boy. You are going to get your wish." I led him to my bedroom by his cock.

"Do you want me on my back or knees Sir?"

"On your back boy." He climbed on the bed with his knees up. I grabbed the lube and climbed on the bed. He reached down and pulled his legs back.

This boy really wanted it.

I lubed up my cock and looked at the brown pucker target. It actually looked a little open. I moved closer and applied pressure.

"OH GOD, Oh God, oh, oh oh." He groaned as my cock pushed passed his rings.

Then a long drawn out yes as my cock went balls deep in his ass. I was so surprised I stopped.

"Don't stop Sir. Please fuck me."

I pushed him up further until I was almost standing. When I looked he could almost suck his own cock. I just started to screw his butt. His cries of harder and faster drove to give him his wish. He really did end up with his own cock in his mouth. That just made me fuck him harder. My first load filled his colon and I just continued. His hips thrust up with every stroke. This boy loved a cock in his ass. After my second load I slowed and then pushed up one leg and entered him almost spooned to him. That gave my cock more room to go deeper. His moans of pleasure were very loud and I figured Gerry and Henry could hear him. Didn't matter to me.

I just couldn't sustain a hard on after my third load. I slowly pulled out. Wow, my cock had nothing but cumm on it.

"Come on boy clean me up."

He had no problem sucking me clean.

We then lay down in a 69 position and I sucked him off as he sucked me. I fell asleep with is cock in my mouth.

I didn't drain him when I woke up. We showered together and I showed him how to clean himself out.

Neither Gerry or Henry commented when Jerome joined us for breakfast. I sent both back to their cells after breakfast.

"Well how was Henry?"

"He sure loves to get screwed. I did him three times. He did me once too. His dick is almost eight inches. Nice to suck too." Gerry giggled.

"So would you like him more often Gerry?"

"Yes Sir but he wants you Sir. I told him how big you are."

At the rate I was going I could very well have a different boy in my bed every night of the week. Hell it might every day of the month. This was definitely paradise for me and not one thing anyone could or would do about it. Being Warden for ISSI gave me almost God like powers over inmates. That was one thing I had learned well in my stints in the Class 2 and Class1 Facilities.

Now I had Gerry and Jerome. David Stanton would be next and then young Henry. This was only the first week.

The Sgt/Major called and asked if I planned on filling the empty cells. Including the boys my guards now had living with them, I had Gerry and the two runners cells empty.

I sent a message to ISSI and informed them I had room for eighteen more inmates. Then called my Mentor at ISSI and talked about Henry's case. He told me the only way I could stop it but it would be on my head if I got caught. He told me he would fly in a later date to discuss it.

So now that I had most of the administrative work done, I told Gerry to dress for my inspections.

Everything went about the same for the rest of that first week. After inspections, I'd interview four boys in the morning and four in the afternoon. Gerry and I would discuss each after their interview. The ones we both thought we would like later we made notations on.

Gerry kept me happy in bed and we either sucked each other off or fucked most nights.

I informed the Sgt/Major I would be talking to all inmates after dinner on Friday.

The forecasted rain started Early Friday afternoon and the outside work was stopped. Gerry and I had an early dinner and then I gave Gerry a much snugger pair of shorts to wear.

"These sure show everything. Every ones going to see all of me."

"That's the idea Babe. I'm showing you off. You will see why."

"Okay Sir."

WE walked down to the mess hall. Gerry was worried that now everyone would know he was a kept boy. That was my intention.

"Good Evening." I said as I walked onto the raised platform.

"Most of you know by now that your cell block guards and others have taken a boy as their servant for the duration of their stay here. Some of you might think that is unfair. I don't really care."

"This young man I have taken as my servant is smart and helpful. I won't go into his other attributes." That got a laugh from the inmates.

"There are no rules here governing how many servants a particular guard can have. That means they might like a second or even three or more boys as servants here."

I just stood and let that thought sink in.

Next point. Only about 65 of your mates signed up for work. You all know work bring extra amenities in here. Those 65 now have privacy walls in their cells. You want more privacy, then I suggest you sign up for work details."

"Normally this Camp works six days a week with Sundays off. However it is raining, so those 65 will have access to the recreation center between 0800 and 1600, their normal work day. Those working the inside can also use the center after your inside work is done."

"You want access to other amenities, then I suggest you sigh up."

"Some of the other things you can earn is the use a computer in your cells. Some boys have already got them for their use. You might think that you can just slip in and use it when that boy is away. Sorry to disappoint you, that computer can only be used by the boy from that cell."

"There is one thing I have absolutely no tolerance for. That is rape of a boy. Three young men did just that a few nights ago. They got off with a warning; however the next time it happens to anyone the boy that committed the offence will end up in a Class 2 facility so fast he won't know what hit him. You can be sure the cons in that facility will know very quickly why you are now there."

"On Monday, the first day a crew worked outside, two boys ran away. I told you I didn't care and I still don't. Escaping from any Facility is a Class 1 felony. When you are caught there is no trial. You are forced to your knees and bullet is fired into the back of your head. Those two that ran were caught this morning by the RCMP. Their fates are posted in your cells in living color. If you wish to review the capture and execution just touch the picture."

"Lastly, next week 19 new inmates arrive here to fill vacant cells. Make them welcome and help them up to speed on the rules here."

"You are all dismissed."

I took Gerry's hand and walked out of the Mess Hall. He never spoke all the way back to my quarters. After quickly stripping he got me a drink, grabbed a beer for himself and came and sat in my lap.

"Did you mean you could have more than one boy here all the time Sir?"

"Gerry, while we are alone you can call me Jake."

"Okay Jake."

"Now to answer your question, the answer is yes. Do you have someone in mind Gerry?"

"Well David and Henry. I really like Henry, but feel sorry for him. I guess maybe Jerome to coz he's got a big cock."

"So you like Jerome's big cock. Better than mine Baby?"

His eyes got real big.

"Oh no. I like yours best."

"I like yours too Gerry."

He leaned down and planted wet sloppy kiss on my lips. I licked my lips.

"Hmm nice Gerry, but I want something else."

I pushed him flat on the couch and held his arms. I then went down and sucked on his tits. He giggled at first and then moaned as I sucked and nibbled them. I moved lower and dug my tongue into hid belly button. That made him laugh real loud. I went lower and then pushed his legs back and started to rim him. That made him squirm and moan. After licking his cute butt I sucked his balls.

"Oh god Jake I'm going to come." He yelled.

I popped his spike into my mouth just in time to receive his sweet load. I sucked him until he started to squirm. I sat up and pulled him into my arms.

"Now that tastes best Gerry."

"Wow! You made me tingle all over. I got to try that sometime."

"Well later you can do anything you want Gerry."

I emptied my glass and Gerry was quick to refill it before again climbing on my lap. There was no doubt I loved this young man. He was perfect in my eyes.

"So who do you think we should get next Gerry?"

"Well you already did Jerome. Now I don't think David is queer. He said he was doing it with his brother and so really lied about the rape. I know he would let you fuck him, but I think he's only doing it to make it easier for him in here. So I guess Henry should be first."

"How come you are so smart Gerry?" "I'm not smart. If I was smart I wouldn't be in here."

"Well I am glad you are here Gerry."

"Well I guess I am too. No one every treated me as good as you Jake."

"Okay, why don't you go order Henry here? You can even make the notation on his record that he won't be back in his cell."

"What if he doesn't want to stay with you?"

"You think he won't?"

"No." Gerry giggled.

Very shortly Henry was on the way to my office. I decided that I would wait for him with Gerry on my lap. Might make it easier for him to accept my offer.

It really astounded me that a boy as small as Henry, could have a cock and balls as large as he had. It must take half the blood in his body to get hard.

"You sent for me Sir." He said as he stood up straight in front of me.

"Yes Henry I did. I have a proposition for you, but I want you and Gerry to both listen before you decide."

"Okay Sir."

"Gerry, get Henry a coke and then sit down in the chair next to him."

"First, I am going to give you a little bit of background information. The Pines, or as it is called The Pine Lake Young Adult Correction Facility is the first one like this ever built. If this one works out, ISSI the corporation that owns it and about five hundred other Prison Facilities will build others just like this one."

"Because this is a new facility I will be getting a lot of visitors to inspect it and see how exactly it works. Now these guests will expect some company while they are here and you boys along with any others I pick will supply that company. In other words you will be expected to nice to anyone who wants you. If that means you suck them off or they want to screw your butts you will not only allow it to happen you will act at least happy it is happening."

"You will be referred to as Servants, but in reality you will be boy toys."

"You can be sure the other inmates will also know exactly what you are doing so none that transfer here can ever go back to cells. You will be here for the duration of your stay here at the Pines."

"All of you will be expected to keep this place clean and tidy including the bedroom and bath. For now, you Henry will be in Gerry's cell here. That does not mean you will be sleeping in his bed. Most nights one or both of you will be in my bed."

"Remembering what I have told you Henry, would you like to become one of my servants?"

"Yes Sir."

"You answered very quick Henry."

"Sir, I already slept with Gerry and he was real nice to me. He said you were even better than his Dad. He loves you I think. I know I might only have a couple of years left to live so I want to enjoy those years as much as possible. I'll do anything you want Sir."


Next: Chapter 4

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