The Politician

By Randy Howard

Published on Jan 15, 2008


The Politician By Chapter 4 'Redemption'

From Chapter 3 'The Flies'

"You ready love," I ask him.

"Go for it Jas," he says. I gently push as he pushes back and my cock head pops in. I stop as his back lifts in pain.

"Oh fuck I forgot how much it hurt Jas," he says. I wait until he relaxes then I start to fuck, pushing in more with each push. He is pushing back as we find our rhythm as we fuck like lovers in love. I lean down, and I kiss him as I pound his ass, picking up speed with each thrust. I feel his ass contract and I know he is close so I grab his cock. I jerk to the rhythm of our fucking and he shoots a long rope of his seed. Rope after thick rope he shoots onto his chest and then I start to shoot. I shoot my sperm deep into his ass filling my best friend with my seed. We are deep in the heat of our passion when I hear.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

Chapter 4 'Redemption'

"Brandon babe, this isn't what it looks like." I say as he turns and leaves.

"Fuck Jason will he say anything to Linda," he asks.

"I don't know," I say. "I thought you locked the door."

"I did that one," he said pointing to the one we entered. "He came in through me personal entrance. Linda must have told him about it. This isn't good Jas," he says with a worried look.

I get dressed and I go and to find Brandon. He is in our bedroom and he is crying. I walk in and he turns to me and says in a hurt voice.

"What the fuck was that about?"

"Babe, please it is not what you think."

"Don't call me babe and you don't know what I think," he says. "I know what I saw. You were fucking Tom and you didn't' look like you were being forced to." He says.

"Things just got out of hand Brandon. I don't love him, I love you babe. Please believe me Brandon there is nothing between us."

"Well it didn't look like it from where I stood," he said.

"Please believe me when I tell you that we were talking and he made a pass at me. He told me that he had the information I wanted and that if I wanted it I had to give him what he wanted. What could I do babe." I knew I was lying but I had to turn this situation around. "I would never intentionally hurt you babe. Never in a million years would I do that." He finally calmed down, came over to me, looked into my eyes, and said.

"Well seeing how he kind of blackmailed you, I guess I can forgive you," he said then he kisses me. I am kissing him and I think to myself, 'another close one you got your self out of. Some day you won't be so lucky.'

"Babe please don't say anything about this to Linda. I do not want to destroy her family. I think that Tom was just lusting after the old times and lost track of his senses."

"I won't say anything to either of them but I don't want it to happen again, do you hear me," he says in a threatening voice.

"It will not ever babe, I won't let it. I do have to talk to him about what he found out. I promise that nothing will happen and if you want you can come with me." I tell him knowing that he is to embarrass to come.

"No you go love, I trust you. Just give me your word that if he ever tries this again you will just walk away."

"I promise babe, you have my word on it." I tell him and we kiss to seal it.

I go back to Tom's office and he is pacing the floor. The instant I walk in through his personal entrance he runs to me and asks.

"Well is he going to say anything to Linda?"

"Relax Tom, I told him that you had a laps of judgment and that things got out of hand. He bought it hook, line and sinker. He believes what I have him believe. He is great in bed but a bit dense it the brain department," I tell him and I take him in my arms and we kiss. He is a little hesitant at first but as my tongue enters his mouth, he quickly succumbs to my charm. We kiss hard and passionate until he breaks it and says.

"Well let's not take any chances, Jas. I do not need any scandal at this point in my career."

"Your right, Tom. Now what have you got on this Sam Waters guy for me." I ask him.

"You won't believe the shit he has been into here. He was involved in a land scandal ten years ago that involved a company he owned and some land that was being developed by the city. He was a selectman at the time and got the city to buy the land for thousands more than what it was worth. Then two years later his wife filed for divorce because she caught him in bed with a fourteen-year-old girl. It seems that the girl and her family disappeared shortly before the court hearing and never came back until after the divorce was settled. It was declared Irreconcilable Differences. Then that same year the two of them, the girl and him run off to some southern state and get married."

"Wow I never in a million years would have guessed he had that kind of shit to hide. No wonder they took off for Vermont. This is good Tom, I do owe you friend. Hey can you get away some time this week so we can get together where we won't get interrupted?"

"I have a place over in Davis County that is secluded and we can be free to enjoy ourselves," he tells me. "Can you get away from Brandon though is the question."

"I can come up with something as long as it doesn't involve you. Maybe Linda could take him out for the day and occupy him while we have our fun." I say as I give him a kiss.

"That can be arranged. Can you follow my lead at dinner tonight Jas? I will have to play it by ear," he tells me.

"No problem stud, I am use to thinking on my feet."

I leave his office feeling excited about our rendezvous tomorrow and I start to sprout wood. 'Fuck I can't have that with what just happened,' I said to myself. I stop in the bathroom and drop my drawers. I grab my cock and I jerk it off thinking of the time I will have tomorrow. I cum in the sink and I clean it up, put my cock away and go about my business. I find Brandon sitting with Linda in the den and ask her if she would excuse us. I take Brandon and we go for a walk.

"What's up," he asks me looking suspicious.

"Several things babe. First you won't believe the shit that Tom got for me on Sam." I then told him about all that Tom had told me. "Tomorrow I have to be gone for most of the day digging." I tell him.

"Digging," he says with a puzzles look.

"Yes, digging into Sam's past, newspapers, libraries, and town halls. I want as much dirt as I can get on this guy so that I can bury him in it." I tell him. "I may even have to go over to Cedar City and look up the family of that girl he married. Therefore, I might be gone overnight. Did you want to come with me or do you and Linda have plans," I ask him.

"I don't know if I want to go babe. It sounds so boring and you know how I hate doing that shit. I hate digging up shit that could destroy someone's life." He says. "Besides let me see what Linda has going and hopefully we can do something together. I really enjoy her company. Did you have a talk with Tom about what I saw today babe?"

"Yes I did and he was so sorry for what happened and he promised me that he would never do that again. He also said to apologize to you for it. He said he do not know what came over him other than to recapture days gone by. I assured him that you would say nothing and that my love was with you and that I only wanted friendship with him and Linda."

"Good. I am so glad that we got that cleared up babe." He said and he takes me in his arms and kisses me. "You know that you are the only man that I have been with ever since we first made love. I have never wanted another but you, babe." He told me as his eyes glossed over.

"Now does that count George," I ask and he slaps me hard across the face. "I am sorry Bran, I should never have said that, forgive me."

"You know you can be a bastard at times. I don't know sometimes why I love or stay with you." He tells me and kisses the mark he left on my cheek. "I am sorry I hit you so hard babe, but you deserved it for that remark."

"I did babe and you are forgiven."

As we are ready to go into dinner, I take Linda's arm and lead her into the dining room. Tom pulls Brandon back and says to him.

"Brandon I want to apologize for what happened today. I do not know what came over me except that I had an error in judgment. I promise you that I will never again do that and I only want yours and Jason's friendship. Will you please forgive me Brandon?"

"Thank you Tom for apologizing. I cannot say that I was not hurt. I was very hurt and felt betrayed. However, yes, I do forgive you and I will not say anything more about it. Now lets eat before they wonder where we are," he says and kisses Tom on the cheek and they walk into the dining room. We have a wonderful dinner and we go into the drawing room after for an after dinner drink.

"Linda tomorrow I will be gone on state business for a few days. I hope you don't mind entertaining our guests while I am away." He says with a quick glance at me.

"No not at all Tom, the three of us can do something to amuse ourselves while you are away," she says.

"Well actually Linda it will only be two of you, you and Brandon. I have to go over to Cedar City tomorrow on a fact finding mission and depending on how long it takes I might be gone overnight." I tell her. "So if you wouldn't mind keeping Brandon out of trouble I would appreciate it."

"Me out of trouble, I am not the one that gets in trouble. If I remember right trouble seems to always find you, dear." He says with a look that says I should be quiet.

"You are so right Brandon, trouble does seem to find me. So Linda would you mind if Brandon hung out with you."

"No, not at all. I have some charity work to do tomorrow but I think you would enjoy it Brandon. It is over at the children's hospital and they do look forward to my coming." She says.

"It sounds like fun Linda and I love children. Some day I hope that Jason and I can adopt a child," he says looking at me. We finish the evening chatting about things that really did not matter to me. My mind was on Tom and his ass. I could not wait to be alone with him for a few days. Around ten, Brandon and I said our goodnights and I shot a quick glance at Tom as we left. Up in our room I took Brandon in my arms, kissed him softly, and told him how much I would miss him tomorrow. We made love and then fell asleep spooned together in our usual position.

The next morning the excitement of the day had my heart dancing. I had longed all night to have Tom in my arms. He slipped me directions to his hide-a-way and I left about an hour ahead of him. That way we did not leave and arrive back together. I did not need to do any fact-finding mission. Tom's people had done it for me and I had everything I needed in hand. His directions were clear and I arrived at his cabin in the mountains. It was a small place but cozy. I built a fire in the fireplace, chilled a bottle of wine, and was naked when Tom came through the door. I was lying on a bearskin rug in front of the fire and he came over and lay down beside me. We kissed passionately as I undressed him kissing him as I bared his skin. The fire danced in his eyes as I gazed into them. He had not changed much since college. He still had his hard body and good looks. His hair had a few gray ones mixed in it now. He was still that hunk that I had that first time in our dorm room so many years ago. I had taught him then the art of gay sex and he loved the way I turned him on. He had never had another man but me, and now he willingly gave himself to me. I know that we should have felt guilt, but the lust of the moment blinded our hearts. Deep down we did love each other although he was married to Linda. When I went home he would return to normal and never crave gay sex with another man. I was his man, he knew that, and I knew how to turn him on. I had spoiled him that first night we had sex and now he wanted and wanted it bad. He lay beside me naked with the fire casting its shadows over his body. How I lusted for this man, as much now as I did back in college.

"I love you, you know," he says to me. "I guess I always have," with a sparkle in his eyes.

"I know Tom and I have always loved you since we were roommates," I tell him though wondering if I were capable of loving anyone.

"I love Linda also, but I love you more." He says as he kisses my arm. "Funny how life turns out, isn't it," he asks.

"Yeah it is funny I guess and sad. We have what we do not want and yet, cannot have what we want. Yes, it is sad." We put down our wine and we kiss. It is filled with passion yet it is bittersweet. I roll on top of him and start to kiss his neck and nibble his ears. He starts to moan as my fingers play with his nipples. He has always had sensitive nipples and I play them to the hilt. I tease them and taunt them then pleasure them with my mouth. I gently bite them as he squirms beneath me in pleasure. I love playing this man and he enjoys my ways. I kiss my way down to his naval and figure, what the fuck, as I caress its depths. He squirms just a little as I tease his naval and move on with my kiss. I fondle his balls as I drop on his cock. He arches his back as I swallow his manhood deep down my throat. His moans are intense now as I bring him closer to his climax. I drop his cock as I sense his closeness. I move up to kiss him and whisper in his ear.

"I want you to make love to Tom, fuck me babe." He just looks in my eyes in surprise for I have never let him do this to me. I have always been the one to fuck, never him.

"Are you sure Jas," he says still in disbelief.

"Yes love I want to feel your fullness in me love." He climbs on me and sits between my knees. He lifts my legs and I tell him,

"No Tom just do it, fuck me now." I hand him the lube and he works it in to me and puts some on him. I brace myself for his entry, and he gently pushes as I push out. I arch my back as the head enters my ass. 'Oh fuck what I thinking to let him fuck me,' I say to myself. He stops and I start to relax and he slowly starts to fuck me. The pain passes and we find our rhythm and we are now one.

"Fuck me Tom, fuck me hard and fast." I shout. I am rising to meet his every thrust. He finds my prostate and my God, what a feeling he gives me. I grab hold of him and pull him to me for a kiss. I break our kiss and roll us over with me now on top. I sit and I ride him hard and fast. He pushes up to meet me to get deeper inside. I can feel his cock swell and I know it will not be long. I move slightly to hit my prostate and we cum together as he strokes my cock as it shoots on his chest. His cock is filling my ass with his seed my God he can cum. I ride him until I feel him soften and I lift of his cock. I drop down to his chest and we kiss as we ride out our sexual high. For a few moments, we are back in college with not a care to our names. We are just two young men in love with each other seeking satisfaction from the other.

"I love you Jas," he says as he kisses me passionately.

"I love you too Tom," as I kiss him back. "Do you feel guilty for lying to Linda," I ask him.

"Some I guess, do you for lying to Brandon," he retorts.

"I should I guess but I don't. It's you that I wanted and I guess I always have." I tell him and for once, I am honest with myself. "I guess that I wish we could have been a couple after that first time we had sex back in school," I tell him. "I guess I have never told you this but when I was your best man and the minister asked if anyone had reason why this man and woman should not be joined, I almost spoke out."

"You did not, you serious," he asks.

"Yes, as a heart attack. I wanted to tell him that you could not marry Linda because I loved you." I tell him and tears fill my eyes. "You don't know how hard it was to stand there and listen to you take your vows knowing I loved you and could never have you again. To watch you kiss her after he pronounced you man and wife, wishing it was me you were kissing. Tom I have never told you for fear of you rejecting me and laughing at me," I tell him and start to cry. He takes me in his arms, holds me, and kisses my hair.

"Why didn't you tell my Jas? Why did you keep this to yourself all these years babe? I fell in love with you that first night. I wanted to be gay but when you told me that one act of sex did not do it, it broke my heart. I had watched you for months walk around our room naked from the shower and at night when you thought me sleeping and you would jerk off. Do you know how I wanted to get up, go over, climb in bed with you, and let you fuck me silly? I did not think you wanted me. That first night when I supposedly came in drunk complaining that Linda had shut me off. I hadn't even seen Linda that night, never mind drank. I planned that to get you in bed with me Jas, and it worked. When you spurned me, I nearly died. I would have married you that night Jas if only you had asked me. I guess we were just two ships passing in the night love." We lay there for a long time just holding each other and not speaking a word. I cried and he cried but neither of us spoke. When finally moved we kissed. A bittersweet kiss of love come and gone, a love that might have been or could have been but would not be. We fell asleep that night cried out and holding each other as if one might be stolen. We got up the next morning and barely a word was spoken. I packed my few things and then kissed him goodbye. I got home that afternoon and rushed right to my Brandon's arms.

"I love you babe," I told him and my eyes watered up.

"What is this, my man crying?" He says as he looks at me. "Feeling guilty or just miss me?"

"I missed you so much and felt guilty for what happened the other day babe." I said and I kissed him just as Tom walks in. He froze when he saw us in our embrace.

"Sorry guys, I didn't mean to interrupt you." He said and he looked directly at me. I knew the pain he felt I felt it also. There was nothing we could do. We had made our decision years ago, and now we had to live with it.

"That all right just a hello kiss Tom, sorry you had to see that," I told him.

"No problem Jas, have you seen Linda," he asks.

"She took Michael to the dentist," Brandon told him. "We leave tomorrow Tom at six thirty. We are moving to the airport Sheraton so we do not disturb you and Linda tomorrow morning. We really appreciate your hospitality and kindness."

"You won't be disturbing us Jas, please stay. Heaven knows the next time we will see each other," he says I can see the sadness in his eyes. I know deep down that we both regret telling the other how we truly felt. We had revealed our souls and the pain was more than we could bear. Now we both wanted it to go back to the way it, knew we had crossed a line that neither was prepared to cross. Linda came home and we told her how we were going to the Sheraton. She, like Tom, felt it unnecessary. We packed our bags and Tom gave us a ride. When we got to the hotel Brandon said you two say goodbye and I will go and check in.

"Tom, I wish . that." I started to say.

"Jas no. Do not say it please. We both know how we feel and to say anything now will only cause more pain. I cannot help but feel that this is the last time that we will ever see each other. I love you Jason and I always will. There I said it and I told myself that I would not. I hope that we will see each other again but if we do not babe, I wish you love with Brandon. He is a good man and he loves you. Now go before I cry Jas."

"I love you so much my heart aches Tom. I will go to my grave carrying this love for you. Maybe at another time, in another place we could have been. Brandon is a good man, and he deserves better than me. Linda is a good woman and she has the best man she could get. You will be a good husband to her because you know love. Give her the love that you have for me Tom. Be thankful that we cannot be together; for I seem to destroy the things, I love most. So goodbye my love and remember that I will always love you." I tell him and turn around and Brandon is standing there with tears in his eyes. We walk inside as Tom drives away. As we walk to the elevator, I can sense Brandon's eyes upon me. As the doors close I turn to him and say.

"When we get to our room I will same something and I do not want to be interrupted until I am finished." I say as the doors open and we walk off. He puts the passkey into the slot and opens the door. We go inside and I set down the luggage.

"I don't know what you heard, or even how much you heard. I am going to tell you everything and let you take it from there. I learned this week that Tom and I have loved each other since we were in college. For reasons on known to either of us, we never shared our feelings with one another. We had a long talk about our feelings and we realize that we have both made decisions that cannot and will not be changed. We also realize that we both have fallen in love to two great and wonderful people. He has his Linda and I have you. I know you heard me say to him, and he to me that we will always love each other. It is a love that is different from the love we share. It is a love that happens when you first discover that love exists. The love we have is the kind that endures and transcends time. Our love evolves with us as we grow and change babe. I know it must have hurt to hear me say those words to another man, but you are the one that I love and am going home with babe. Ok babe I am finished."

"Thank you Jason for being open and honest with me. Yes it hurt to hear you tell another man, even though it was Tom, that you love him. I will not deny that I wanted to leave you and never come back at that moment. I knew by the way you two looked at each other there was more than what met the eye. I love you Jason and I always will. You are a hard man to love at times but I persevere in my love for you. I know that you two have a love that most men never find. It comes from being friends first then lovers. Yes, lovers Jason, I never bought that one time thing in college. I could see how you two looked at each other. Just be thankful that Linda is a woman and does not know gay love. I understand the pull of first love and how it grows in our minds and hearts at a rate so fast that is consumes us. I also know that for some reason, and I do not really know what, we shall never see Tom and Linda again. So Jason my love, my heart is still yours love. It will be yours until I die." We are both crying as we realized that an impasse had been reached. He knew my love for Tom was strong and he knew that my love for him was now. I did love him in my own warped way, maybe not the way he wanted or needed. It seemed that he had settled for seconds in the battle for my heart, and was content to take whatever I gave him. I truly did not deserve this man or his love.

We got home and things returned to normal. Utah was behind us and my campaign ahead. My first order of business was a phone call to George. I told him of the things that Tom had dug up on Sam and he went right to town laying out our strategy. It was not four hours later that a press conference was scheduled. We exposed all of Sam's skeletons to the press. The most damaging was his child bride. Vermonters' may be tolerant of many things but pedophiles was not one. We campaigned on the issues of taxes, jobs and education. My popularity grew as I went about meeting the people. I even went door-to-door, introducing myself and chatting over coffee with moms and grandmas and in bars with dads and grandpas. On Election Day, I was projected as the winner by a margin of ten to one. I gave my acceptance speech that night and we partied until two. I got home, Brandon was asleep, and I woke him up.

"We are moving to Washington babe." I told him. He gave me a kiss and congratulated me. He opened a bottle of champagne and we toasted my success. Then we went to bed and I made love to him for most of the night. We did not get until noon the next day. The phone had woken us and it was Linda calling to tell us that Tom was killed in a helicopter crash. My heart crashed immediately as I replayed the news in my brain. 'My Tom no, not my Tom. How could life take him from me,' I cried to myself. Brandon tried to console me but I would not be consoled. The first man that I truly loved had died and a part of me had died to. I refused to talk to the press. I even refused to talk to Brandon. Brandon and I flew out for his funeral. Linda was devastated. I walked around as a zombie going through the motions of living yet not knowing what I was doing. We flew back the day after the funeral to a crowd of reporters waiting at the airport. The state police ushered us through a special exit and to my car. My driver drove us home and I went straight to my room. The next day the movers came and packed up our home for the move to Washington. Our flight was leaving at ten that next morning and we were staying with Pat and Carl at Pat's house. Pat knew how much I missed Tom and how much of a friend he was to me. He never knew of our love for each other, only Brandon knew that. Now Brandon new just how much Tom meant to me. He watched me slowly slide into a funk that not even him could pull me out of. The movers moved us into our new home. Brandon went about setting up everything and getting it in order. I just went through the motions of living. Brandon went and set up my office at the capital building as I just sat, barely aware of his deeds. We went home at the end of the day and I went right to bed. I was up early and went to my study. It was a gray rainy day. I was standing at the window staring out. I was not particularly looking at anything. I was deep in thought. I was naked as the day I was born and a shiver ran down my spine as I looked upon the rain soaked landscape. 'Washington could be so cold and unforgiving,' I thought to myself. A million questions ran through my mind and I had no answers. A reporter the night before had called and asked me if I was happy with my new life. My reply was generic, 'how could you not be happy with success,' I had told him. However, deep inside I knew the true answer. How far I had come and at what cost, what have I lost to achieve what I have gained. I was suddenly aware of a presence behind me as a pair of arms surrounded me about my waist. I cringed at the touch. I felt trapped like an animal caught in a trap. My head turned to looked into his face and he leaned in to kiss me. I turned slightly and offered my cheek to him. His arms dropped from my waist and to his side. He turned and walked away. I felt no guilt as he walked from me and left the room. I should have I thought, but I did not. My mind then drifted back to nearly ten years prior, to a time of innocence and love, when my life seemed so simple and I dreamed of love and success. It was then that I had sold my soul .

'What a perfect ending to my life,' I thought. 'To go through life without love, I had Brandon of course. But what have I done to Brandon.' I said to myself. 'I have hurt the only man that really loved the real me. He loved me when I hurt him so deep. He loved me when he knew he could only have second place. My God what have I done to this man.' I thought as I stood staring out the window on this cold rainy morning.

"No I will not sell my soul," I said aloud. As I turned there was Brandon. He was standing in the doorway. His arms outstretched, and I ran to him. He held me as I cried and cried.

"I finally buried Tom," I said to Brandon. "I let go of a love I lost so many years ago. What we had was a love of our youth babe. I have let greed and hate fill my heart all these years until I was unable to see true love. You saw that love that was buried so deep within me babe, and you never gave up on me. Your love has pierced the bitterness and vengeance that held my heart captive. I do not deserve a man like you Brandon. I do not think I even deserve to be loved. Nevertheless, you came into my life and gave my heart hope when it had no hope. You gave it life when I was killing it with greed and hate. Brandon can you love a man like me and change me into a man more like you babe. I want to know love again. I want to give love again. I want us to be all we can be love. I want you beside me in life as I walk life's paths. Can you forgive me for the pain that I have put you through? How can I heal your heart of the scars I have caused? Tell me my love, so that I may be free to love as you love me my Brandon. Teach how to love babe again."

"I never stopped loving you Jason. There were times that I did not like you but I still loved you. Love is forgiving and I have forgiven you repeatedly so many times. Love never keeps score either my love. Love is a like a flower that blossoms in the garden of the heart. Before the flower dies it drops a seed that grows into a flower, stronger than the one previous. Love renews itself babe. My love for you is renewed each day. I have watched you grow into a great politician my love. However, today, I have watched you become a man. Now let me take my man to bed for I want him to make love to me. I love you Jason Mathew Richardson and I will until the day I die." He says as he kisses me.

The End .

That is the end of the Politician. I hope you have enjoyed this story. Please give me your feedback at

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