The Precinct

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Jan 2, 2010


[Reader's Note: this story line is a sequel to PRECTINCT TWENTY-THREE (1st series) in Jan-2007 gay/authoritarian section, and its spin-off sister story THE HOLE in the Nov-2008 section of the same category. Please read those two stories in their entirety, starting with Precinct-23 first in order to get the full understanding of the characters. --DOGG] _________________________________________________________________________


Pt-1<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PRECINCT-23

For the first time since being a rookie, 23 year old Jake Valentine went into work with feelings of regret. He walked into the men's room locker, hoping not to run into his new patrol partner Rodney Ellis. Ellis had caught a drug dealing suspect yesterday, who turned out to be one of the young dealers who Jake knew intimately through Tempest Williams. Jake could have shit bricks when he saw Smooch's face. The irate teenager was less than cooperative when he saw Jake was one of the arresting officers. He exclaimed how he was going to report the bust to K-lo and Tempest, indicating that they might retaliate with more brutal gang bangs. Jake couldn't help feeling afraid AND excited by the possibilities of getting gang fucked by another group of Tempest's horny men.

"Hey Jake...!" greeted McConnell's rookie boyfriend (Andrew Roberts), standing in front of his locker.

"uh..., hey Andy...!" said Jake, spotting his new partner further down the line. Ellis ignored Jake's entrance, keeping his back turned as he stripped down out of his civilian clothes (down to his wife beater and boxer briefs) and began to dress in uniform. Jake couldn't help looking at Ellis' thick dark muscled thighs as he pulled his uniform pants off the hanger. When Ellis peeked back over his shoulder, Jake pretended to fumble around in his locker for something.

"Hey..., how's the new partnership going...?" whispered Andy, having caught Jake watching.

"Hard to tell..." whispered back Jake, unbuttoning his shirt. "...he seems okay...! Jury's still out though! How's your partner..., --Terrance, right...?"

"He's really knowledgeable..." said Andy, buckling his utility belt. " know he was attacked by a Gorilla 2 years ago...!?"

"Yeah..., I was here when it happened...!" said Jake, placing his shirt on a hanger before loading it in his locker. "But he's fully healed now, right...?"

"Yeah..." answered Andy, fitting his control stick into the proper slot on his belt. "...but how do you really get over something like that...? I mean..., a drug induced Gorilla rapes you in front of everyone on the police Force..., how do you live something like that down...?"

"One day at a time..., believe me...!" said Jake, referring to his own rape by his former partner (Bruce Gardner). "Hey..., I'm planning a small surprise birthday party for Maleece in a couple of days..., do you think you and David could make it...?"

"Yeah..., definitely! Just let us know when and where...!" said Andrew, closing his locker. "See you at roll call!"

Jake unbuttoned his pants and began to remove his jeans. Ellis slid on his uniform shirt just as the last officer started to head for the door. He turned towards Jake, watching him as he neatly folded his pants and gently placed them at the top of his locker.

"How could you stand being a cop, knowing you allow guilty drug dealers to run the streets...?" he asked, adjusting his uniform as he studied Jake's response.

"We have to follow the law, no matter what our personal feelings are...!" answered Jake, lowering his head as he spoke.

"That drug dealer was caught dead to rite!" countered Ellis, grabbing his gun and sheathing it in his hoister before slamming his locker shut. "YOU freed him due to some illegal pact you have with his boss!"

"Arresting Smooch won't stop the drugs from being sold in the neighborhood...! We have to hit them higher up if you want to make a difference!" explained Jake.

"We're the front line..." argued Ellis, slowly heading for the door. "...we only deal with the little man! Catching the big bosses is supposed to be the narcotics guys jobs, --not ours!"

Jake didn't say anything as Ellis stopped directly in front of his locker. "What would your precious McConnell think, if he knew you were fraternizing with the enemy...?"

Jake heart froze in his chest as Ellis continued for the door. How much of the conversation with Smooch did he hear? And had he put two and two together...? If Ellis had somehow found out that Jake was using Sextasy and getting gang banged by Tempest's men, and went to McConnell with his beliefs..., there was no telling how much longer Jake would continue being a police officer...!

Jake finished dressing and made it out to roll call in time to hear the announcements and agendas. Afterwards all the uniformed officers were sent out on street patrol, saving the city from the bad guys one citizen at a time. But before Jake and Ellis could make it to their unit, they were stopped by an old friend...

"Rodney Ellis...!" called McConnell, holding a briefcase and a steaming hot cup of coffee in a huge white mug.

"Captain McConnell...!" answered the officer, politely.

"I must say..., I was surprised to hear that you graduated the Academy right after your father's incarceration..., then requested to come HERE to work out of his old Precinct!"

"What can I say, Captain...? I'm a chip off the old block!" smirked Ellis.

"Despite your dad's recent conviction..., he had a good reputation on the Force..." said McConnell, "...I'm holding you to continue his tradition!"

Ellis held out his hand to shake with the captain. McConnell was a bit taken back by the gesture (giving Ellis' father's recent prison conviction [see The HOLE's final chaps for details]). He balanced his briefcase with his coffee cup, then firmly grasped the new rookie officer's hand. McConnell looked puzzled when Ellis suddenly pulled him inward closely, then softly whispered in his ear...

"My dad told me everything about your relationship with him..., and how you used to swing on his dick back when you two were in uniforms together..." said Ellis with a strong tone. " I'm looking forward to holding YOU to the tradition also...!" he smiled, as McConnell ripped his hand away.

"You alright, Captain...?" asked Jake, he and many others seeing the reaction without actually hearing the conversation.

"I...I'm alright..." said McConnell, looking a little shaken as he dismissed the pair.

Ellis smirked the same knowing smirk of his father's when he knew he had something big to hold over someone. McConnell watched as he walked away, resembling his father (Dennis) when he was his age. McConnell couldn't help but feel a little fearful, wondering what officer Ellis intended to do with the information...?

Pt-2<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BULLPEN

Not far away, Jake's boyfriend (Maleece Cortez) was already starting to have a bad day; his computer was running slow, the fax machine was out of ink, and he had spilled coffee all over his brand new shirt.

"Damn...!" he yelled as the hot coffee splattered all over him and his paperwork.

He threw the paper cup across the floor in anger as he jumped up from his desk.

"Yo..., relax...!" advised Malik, grabbing a wad of paper towels off the refreshments table as he began to help clean up Maleece's mess. "What's wrong with you...?"

"Trouble in paradise...?" asked officer Macnamara, who happened to be walking by.

"I'm NOT for your shit today Mac...!" warned Maleece, removing his dress shirt to reveal the wife beater underneath.

Malik looked up to see Maleece's chest hairs peaking from under his t-shirt...

"Do you have another shirt...?" he asked curiously, as he wiped up the mess on the floor.

"No...!" answered Maleece angrily, using his ruined shirt to clean up the mess on his desk.

"McConnell might have one..." said Malik, tossing the napkins in trash as he headed for the captain's office.

McConnell was just settling in behind his desk, his mind on a million different things when he suddenly heard a knock at the door. "uh, sir..." said Malik, letting himself in. "...I was wondering if you had any extra shirts in your desk...? Maleece lost a fight with a cup of hot coffee...!"

"eh...? Oh sure...!" said McConnell, going into his bottom draw to pull out a brand new unopened spare shirt. He tossed it to Malik, without even looking up.

"uh, sir..., are you okay...?" asked Malik, after catching the packaged shirt in hand.

"Yeah..., I'm fine. Why?"

"No reason...!" lied Malik, thinking he might be over reacting to McConnell's mood. "uh..., Maleece tells me you have an undercover officer working inside Tempest's camp..., like a sleeper agent...?"

McConnell said nothing as he simply looked up at Malik, waiting for a question...

"Is it true...?" asked Malik, curiously.

McConnell squirmed uncomfortably in his seat...

"Yes, it's true!" he finally answered after giving it some thought.

"Great!" said Malik, walking up to the desk. "Who is he...? When do we get to meet him?"

"Not until the investigation is over...!" answered McConnell, shortly.

"When is that?" asked Malik.

"When it's over!" answered McConnell.

"With all due respect, Captain..., shouldn't the Narcotics team know who we're dealing with...? I mean..., what happens if there's a shoot out and the sleeper is caught in the crossfire...? How will we know when not to shoot...?" reasoned Malik.

"That is a chance the Sleeper is willing to take, Malik! He knew the risks when he signed up for the task!" said McConnell coldly, looking about his desk as if searching for something.

"Sir..., it isn't fair to send your team out without all the proper data...!" countered Malik.

McConnell's facial expression turned from moderately angry to annoyed.

"Need I remind you officer Jones..., how not just two years ago this very department was under fire for having at least 5 uniformed officers on the take with Tempest Williams' underground organization...?" reminded McConnell. "Now I lost a lot of otherwise good officers while in battle with Tempest and his horde of gun carrying gangsters, not to mention his Sextasy charged Gorilla who seriously maimed several of my men! I'm not about to put another of my men in danger by revealing his identity while he's still deeply rooted in Tempest's lair and at his mercy! We both know what could happen to an officer once his cover is blown!"

"Is the Sleeper working THAT closely with Tempest...?" asked Malik, reading between the lines.

"Out of my office, Malik...!" ordered McConnell, realizing the detective wouldn't stop questioning until he had enough information to add up a list of who's who?

"Okay, okay, I'm going...!" laughed Malik, heading out the door.

He walked back into the bullpen, handing his partner the new shirt. Maleece took it without gratitude, ripping open the package as if pissed at the world.

"What's got you so pissed...?" asked Malik, curiously.

"ah..., nothing...!" said Maleece, pilling the pins out of the new shirt before putting it on.

Malik happened to glace down at Maleece's desk top computer..., just as it unfroze and resumed fuction...

"Who's Tony Vincelli...?" he asked, looking at the name on the police D&V registration site.

"uh..., nobody...!" said Maleece, as his download finally came through.

"Who IS he...?" insisted Malik, reading over his information. "Is he a prep...? Does he have any tie-ins with Tempest...?"

"He's nobody..." repeated Maleece, turning off his computer monitor. "...he's just someone who cut me off this morning..., so I ran his license plate number...!"

"For what...?" asked Malik, amused. "You going to shoot him...?"

"Maybe...!" answered Maleece buttoning his shirt, feeling guilty for performing oral on a complete stranger...(last chap).

Pt-3<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NORTH PHILLY

A large black SUV pulled onto a small derelict street in the heart of North Philly, an area more commonly known as `lil' Iraq' for all its old beaten down war torn buildings. Most police and politicians prefer to pretend doesn't exist, as doesn't its large population of mostly black and Hispanic citizens. This particular street had been badly neglected for decades, with very few houses surviving demolition. But at the far end of the block lies a desolate 3 story walk up, one which (from the outside) looks abandoned, but inside holds some of the most expensive state of the art electronics and surveillance equipment in the city.

Its owner is one of Philadelphia's most notorious drug dealers, a man as well known for his drugs (Sextasy) as he is for the large body count that is forever linked to his name (Tempest Williams). Most people who hear his name know him only by what news reports say about him on TV, they don't know how truly crazy he is until they've had the privilege of meeting him, or knew someone who did. For the ones who live their lives and never encounter Tempest in their lifetimes, they can consider themselves blessed. For the ones that have had the pleasure (or misfortune) of meeting him, usually wish they hadn't.

Pooh (Tempest's Partner in crime) pulled up to the derelict home of his former rival and now business partner, with his right-hand man DMoney driving. "You sure you don't want me to come in with you...?" asked Money, keeping the car running.

"I shud be kew..." said Pooh opening the door. "...I shud only be a few minnuts...!" he added, climbing out of the car. The shocks instantly sprung as the weight of his 300+ pound frame exited the vehicle.

Money watched from the driver's seat as Pooh made his way around the side of the building (surveillance cameras already tagging him the instant his SUV hit the street). He punched in the security codes, unlocking a large re-enforced steel door leading into Tempest's basement fortress. Despite the rough outside exterior, the basement was in mint condition, decorated with the newest and latest furnishings and entertainment systems.

Pooh stopped off at the security room which were full of monitors, videotaping everything from cameras Tempest had positioned all over the apartment building (inside and out). In one room Tempest saw a woman he recognized as the elusive Peaches (Tempest's former girlfriend and long time transvestite prostitute employee), sleeping on a floor mattress in a barren room. In another room (Tempest's room), he saw Tempest lying back in bed, while his trusted assistant (Brian Dunn) rode his lengthy dick like an experienced acrobat.

Dunn had his back facing Tempest who lay with his head resting comfortably on a pillow, his hands tucked behind his head as if he hadn't a single care in the world. He watched as Dunn bounced his ass up and down on the full length of his dick, taking it easily from tip to base with each upward and downward stroke. Dunn (though experienced before meeting Tempest) was well trained by the drug lord. Tempest had spent countless hours reshaping Dunn's colon to fit his dick, fucking him often for recreation as well as necessity.

Dunn (a former assistant to disgraced former mayor Anthony Edwards) loved nothing more than to please his master. He was always ready for Tempest's lustful nature at the drop of a hat, ready to pleasure him orally, anally, or anything in between. He considered Tempest the meanest, smartest, ruthless, most sensuous man to ever top him, and pledged his lifelong services to him. Tempest believed Dunn's loyalty, he could tell by the servant's eyes whenever he fucked him that Dunn was addicted to him, and would never betray his leadership.

Tempest sat back and allowed Dunn to dictate the fuck as he bounded his ass up and down in his boss's lap. Dunn squatted over Tempest's dick for nearly 20 minutes, sliding his well trained asshole up and down the thick curved shaft as it disappeared up into his bowels. Tempest watched Dunn's ass cheeks slam into his pelvis with every plunge, taking his dick all the way down to the root.

After nearly a half hour of letting his assistant dictate, Tempest decided to take action. He grabbed hold tight of Dunn's bouncing hips, impaling him completely on his rod before flipping him over onto his stomach. Dunn (knowing the drill) spread his legs wide, giving Tempest ample room to maneuver. He waited patiently as Tempest rolled on top, keeping his meat buried balls deep before resuming his fuck.

"Yeah..., THIS what you want, bitch...?" asked Tempest, his face nestled behind Dunn's as he started to ground his pelvis into Dunn's hot ass.

"Oh yes, sir...! Fuck me...! Fuck that ass...!" moaned Dunn into the pillows, lost in lust.

"Oh I'll fuck that ass alright...!" groaned Tempest, settling into position as began to fuck.

He thrust his hips back and forth, feeding Dunn's hungry asshole his hard curve. His dick slid easily in and out of the slick hole, digging dip into the hot wet aperture with long smooth strokes.

Dunn was beside himself with delight, his body never felt quite as right as when Tempest was laying his body with wood. His hole was slick with several loads of the drug lord's cum, having been the recipient of multiple fucks since bringing Peaches back from Miami hours ago. He was just about on the edge of total bliss when Tempest suddenly (unexpectedly) pulled his dick from his super wet hole. Dunn looked back in disappointment, his asshole feeling suddenly empty and useless.

But before the trusted assistant could utter a word of protest, Tempest punched his hand straight into Dunn's cum soaked anus, causing the startled hole to rip open as it swallowed up his fist in one swoop. "AARRHHH...!!!" screamed the assistant as the fist sank wrist deep into his gut. Tempest felt the warm (putty like orifice) contour around his fist before yanking it back out. "UUUHHH...!!!" groaned Dunn on the withdraw, his asshole turning inside out as it gave up the cum coated appendage.

Tempest watched the hole breathe in and out, pouting outwardly as it reeled from the shock of fisted penetration. Tempest couldn't help shoving his dick back into the hole, ramming all the way in balls deep and fucking nonstop like a locomotive.

"OHH YEAH...! YEAH! AHH...! FUCK ME...! FUCK ME! YES, FUCK ME! OH GOD...!" grunted Dunn, overcome with emotion as his body was fucked deliriously. No one had ever fucked him as thoroughly or ultimately as Tempest, using his body against him as he fucked his mind body and soul all at once!

Tempest could feel another rousing climax coming on strong. He yanked his dick from Dunn's hole one more time, punching his fist directly into the assistant's gut again. Dunn arched his back, giving Tempest a better target. This time Tempest's fist passed through virtually painlessly, the anal muscles completely relaxed like soft rubber as Tempest punched his fist in and out several times.

Dunn groaned consistently, his bowels getting a viscous workout as it surrendered totally to its abuser. Tempest pulled his hand free, then rammed his dick in once more. He hammered at Dunn's loosened passage, beating a path straight into depths of his core as loud wet sucking slurping sound filled the air around them.

Dunn suddenly felt his dick bursting wads of hot cum beneath him, coating Tempest's slick sheets as another orgasm hit him like a ton of bricks. Dunn's body collapsed onto the bed exhausted, his gut milking and massaging the thrusting dick as it pummeled straight through his bowels like a mad piston.

Tempest felt the massaging muscles trying to coax his cum. He plunged into the dank wet hole for several more agonizing minutes before finally deciding when to part with his load. He shoved his dick all the way into Dunn's colon, then let his first wads shoot straight into his creamy gut before resuming his thrusts. The rest of his load simply oozed free, coating the anal canal with more semen, making the innards slicker as both men settled into their lazy positions, plastered together in a mess of sex and semen.

"BRAVO...!" clapped Pooh, stepping into the bedroom.

Both Tempest and Dunn looked back at him over their shoulders. "If you was'n a fag, Tempest..., you'd prolly have a shitload ov kids all ova this city fuck'n puzzy like that!" complimented the big guy.

"What the fuck YOU doin' here, Pooh...?" chuckled Tempest, rolling off Dunn's back.

Pooh couldn't help looking at Dunn's ruined asshole as it hung open, leaking a steady stream of ball juice.

"We hadda date to meet wit Vincelli..., remember...?" asked Pooh.

"Oh shit...!" sighed Tempest, getting out of bed, his long soft wet dick dangling back and forth between his legs as he reached for his robe. "I forgot all about that bitch...! We're gonna have to reschedule...!"

"No need..." said Pooh, taking the imitative. "...I already met wit Vincelli and Kane...! We came up wit an figure to keep Vincelli's peeps from fuck'n wit Kane's operation...!"

"Okay...?" said Tempest, waiting to hear the figure...

"50%...!" said Pooh.

"50%....???" snapped Tempest, sudden enraged. "Why the fuck would you accept a fucked up deal like that...??!"

"Look Temp..., South Philly's Mob territory..., everybody knows that...!" argued Pooh. "If we wanna set up base in their neck ov tha woods, we gonna hafta pay a steep price...! That's bizniz!"

"Takin' half out fuckin' profits for sittin' on his fat ass ain't business..." countered Tempest, "...its fuckin' us without a condom and cumin in our asses without our consent! I never liked that fat mother fucker...!"

"Ain't that how tha mafia always worked...?" asked Pooh. "What legitimate bizniz don't they have their hands in..., takin' half their profits...?"

"Only one thing wrong with that picture, Pooh..." said Tempest, tying his robe around his waist. "...we ain't legit business men...! We're drug dealers...! We don't follow the fuckin' rules...!"

"You not plannin' on turnin' against tha Mob, are ya Tempest...?" asked Pooh, sounding a little scared.

Tempest picked up on the slight change in his partner's tone...

"If we're gonna keep bein' business partners, Pooh..., you gonna have to get a lil' blood on yur hands...!" said Tempest, a wild gleam in his eye.

"I dunno, Temp..." said Pooh, following Tempest out the bedroom. "...fuck'n wit tha Mob ain't a good idea...!"

"Neither is fuckin' with Tempest Williams...!" exclaimed Tempest, heading into the kitchen.

He opened the refrigerator, then pulled out two beers and handed his partner one.

"Well maybe if you keep tha fuck'n appointment like we planned..., YOU cud've negotiated a betta deal...?!" countered Pooh, popping the cap to his beer before turning it up to his mouth. "Whut waz so fuck'n important that ya HAD to run all tha way down to Miami anyway...?!"

"I found that bitch, Peaches...!" said Tempest, taking a swig.

"Thought ya said that bitch waz dead...?!" asked Pooh, trying to sound surprised.

"She was..., til Brian found out she closed our old joint account in Miami AFTER she died!" informed Tempest, taking another heavy hit. "Bitch been playin' me for a whole year...!" continued Tempest, getting madder and madder the more he thought about it. "I actually mourned for that fuckin' whore!"

"Whutcha gonna do to `er...?" asked Pooh, curiously.

"I dunno..." said Tempest, finishing off his bottle before wiping the excess from his lips on his forearm. "...somethin' painful like...cuttin' off her dick and shovin' it down her throat while I'm pissin' in her ass...!"

"Damn man..., that's a bit harsh, ain't it...?" asked Pooh.

"What the fuck you expect me to do, man...? The bitch STOLE from me!" asked Tempest, grabbing the butcher knife from the counter as he headed for one of the spare rooms. "If I don't make an example outta her..., what's to stop everybody else from stealin' from me...? I can't just let that shit go...!"

"Yo..." said Pooh, following Tempest to the door. "...who waz it that told me any fool wit a gun can kill sumbody..., but it takes a real man wit balls to take a nigga's dignity..., --to reduce `em to nothin' but his mouth and asshole...? To turn em into a bitch instead ov killin' em...? That's whut I did to that pussy D-Money and his bitch girlfriend after he stole 50K from me and tried to roll ova on me wit the po-po!" (back in Precinct Twenty Three and My Woman's Lover).

"How much money he give back to you...?" asked Tempest, curiously.

"Bout half..." admitted Pooh.

"Well this bitch ain't got shit to give back...!" said Tempest, angrily. "She spent it all!"

"Damn..." said Pooh. "...whut tha fuck cud she've spent a 100K on in one year...??!"

"Who know...?" asked Tempest, twisting the doorknob leading into Peaches' room. "Maybe she knew she'd get caught eventually and decided to splurge...? Who cares...? She gonna pay for that shit now though...!"

"Whut a shame..." said Pooh, staying back in the hall as Tempest stepped into Peaches room with the butcher knife. "...ov all yur bitches, she waz tha bess...!" he concluded, leaving Tempest to his slaughter.


Peaches sat up on the floor mattress when she heard the door to her prison/room open. She'd had the past 12 hours to think about what Tempest would do to her for faking her own death and stealing his money. She had been hoping against hope that he would show mercy on her, sparing her any permanent damage and realize how desperate she was for her freedom? But a cold shiver suddenly washed over her body when she saw the shinny steel butcher knife in Tempest's hand, followed by the evil look on his angry face. In the blink of an eye her whole life flashed before her eyes, as her would-be murderer stepped into the room.

"Ever since I first found out you were still alive and livin' in Miami, I've been having fantasies of how I was gonna kill you...!" said Tempest, honestly. "You were the first bitch I ever let get close to me...! The only one that's been there from the very beginnin'...! I trusted you..., more than anyone else I've ever known! I gave you more privileges than any other bitch in my Stable...! I gave you yur own place..., yur own clients..., let you set up yur own hours..., I even gave you yur first implants...! And THIS's how you repay me...??!"

Peaches said nothing as she cowered in the corner, keeping her eyes on the large butcher knife as he flailed it about carelessly in the air. "I want you to kno' that I thought bout stabbin' you..., shootin' you..., stranglin' you..., choppin' yur fuckin' head off..., and throwin' you off the roof of a buildin'..., --but I really wanted you to have a unique death..., one the news would be talkin' bout long after yur dead!" Peaches eyes widened with more fear from the talk about killing her. "I'm gonna cut yur dick off..., then shove it down yur lyin' ass throat while I fuck you up the ass one last time...!" and with that, Tempest lunged for her.

Peaches fought back as she kicked, screamed, cursed, punched, scratched, and bit for her life, getting cut by Tempest's flailing knife in the process. He tore at her white tights, practically ripping them off of her as he held a tight grasp on the knife. Once he pulled her pants down far enough, he reached down between her legs to twist a chokehold her dick and balls, preparing to castrate her. "What the fuck...??!" he gasped in shock as he jumped back in surprise, looking down between her legs...

Peaches was lying back on her elbows (her tattered tights torn down around her ankles), her legs spread wide open as Tempest had a clear unobstructed view of her vagina! "What the FUCK did you do...?!??" he asked, blinking his eyes in disbelief.

Peaches displayed her womanhood proudly, no longer ashamed of the manhood she often taped down to hide. Tempest couldn't believe his eyes as the realization finally came to him what Peaches had actually spent his money on. "You BITCH...!!!" he yelled, his tone as deadly as any venom.

He grabbed Peaches by her hair, yanking her out of the bedroom and across his basement fortress and elaborate living space towards the front door. Brian Dunn (having heard the commotion) stood in the background, stunned, as Tempest dragged Peaches across the floor and physically threw her outside naked on her bare ass. "Get the fuck away from me, you bitch...! Yur dead to me, you hear...? DEAD TO ME!!!" screamed the drug lord, slamming the door in her face.

Peaches struggled to get up from the ground in a daze. Her tattered pants lay in ruin around her feet. She had no money, no family, and no place to go as she warily looked around the isolated area and wondered what could happen to her next...?

Written by _______________________________________________ For questions, comments, or suggestions, write me at the address above, or join me on for faster updates on what I'm working on next!

Next: Chapter 7

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