The Professor and Sean

By Scotty

Published on Mar 21, 2004


The Professor and Sean, Part 37 by Scotty


This is a fictional story dealing with love and consensual sexual activities between males. If you are not of legal age, reside in an area where viewing such material is illegal, or are offended by homosexuality and/or homosexual themes, leave this site now.

The characters in this story do not practice safe sex. Remember this is fiction. You should always use a condom for the your protection and especially for the protection of the one you love. The author recommends only safe sex. Be wise and follow safe sex practices.

Several songs are quoted in this story. The copyrights to these are held by the artists or their publishers and not by the author. They are quoted as a tribute to the artist and the piece.

All persons in this story are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

The author retains all rights to this story. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the permission of the author.

All other disclaimers apply.

We all find treasure in the strangest places; it is the wonder of being alive.


Thanks to the individuals who have emailed me discuss the the story. It is encouraging to hear from you. I try to answer all of you, but if you have to wait a day or two, it is because I just can't keep up with the emails.

Thanks again to all my faithful readers; there's more story to come in "The Professor and Sean".

The marked improvement in the punctuation and spelling, it is the result of the intelligent and careful editing I have received from Bill and Wayne These two competent guys are my beta readers and editors. I thank them here publicly. As Sean would say, "They are awesome!"

The Professor and Sean, Part 37

(Ryan narrates.)

It is a strange thing that the stream of events can often swallow you up and take you with it. Either you swim to safety or are drowned in the merciless current. I felt that way when I saw Sean leave with Eric, knowing that I, myself had told him to go. Now I had to deal with two sexy guys who were showing a strong attraction to me.

I worried about how Sean and my relationship might change this night. Would we continue to love each other as strongly as we now did? I was concerned mostly about Sean; knowing he was acting on emotions and might be less able to forget the excitement and enjoyment of the experience he would have with Eric. I was also aware that I might weaken and become entangled with Craig and Dan. I hadn't spoken for a long time when Dan finally asked,

"Is everything okay, Ryan? Is something wrong? Can we help?"

"No, I'm okay. It's a little strange, you know, letting your partner and lover go with another guy to have sex. That's what Sean wanted and I tried to understand the urges of the young. I gave him my permission to leave with Eric. Both of you think I'm a first-class nut case, right?" I asked.

Craig quickly answered, "It's not that we think you're crazy; it's just, well, you know, it is a little different. I thought you and Sean had an agreement, and this doesn't seem to fit it. Am I mistaken, or not?"

Dan had put his arm around Craig and was kissing him gently on the ear. Dan was really getting into making his lover happy and content. He smiled at me and said,

"You have to keep the agreement, but Sean doesn't. That doesn't seem fair to me. Why should you not enjoy an experience with us?"

I looked down into the swirling water, almost losing myself in the whirlpool. I had heard everything that was said, but I was not ready to answer. I just shrugged and half-heartedly answered,

"I guess."

Dan moved to me and hugged me. Craig followed and hugged me, too.

'I knew immediately that these hugs were all that I intended to accept from Dan and Craig. They sensed it immediately, and, so as not to offend me, slowly moved away and began to make love to each other.

"Look guys, I am really sorry, but I have to go to Sean. I want him now more than I ever remember wanting him. I love him too much."

"Get your ass out of here, " said Craig.

"I agree," add Dan.

I left their company and hurried to my lover.

(Sean narrates.)

In a way I was surprised that Ry let me leave with Eric and did not join us. It disappointed me. I really wanted him to join us, but I was too stupid to ask him myself. Eric was very nervous. His entire body was tense and he walked a little like a robot. He was almost breaking my fingers because he had my hand so tightly grasped in his. I led him directly to the bedroom where I pushed the button that closed the wall to give us complete privacy.

Eric stood there, his towel wrapped tightly around him. He was visibly shaking.

"Are you okay, Eric?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. I'm nervous and shaking like a freezing man. You're so perfect, so handsome, so sexy, and I am just an average guy. I haven't had sex with a man I really cared about the way I feel about you. I don't know exactly what to do. I'll let you lead the way. I guess Ryan doesn't like me because he didn't join us. Is he jealous of me?" he asked.

"Don't be silly. Ry likes you; he's just giving us some time alone because I asked him to do that. I should have asked him to come with us. You're not just an average guy; you're beautiful and sexy, and anyone would enjoy making love to you. Don't worry about what to do, just follow your feelings. Do what you want to do. If I don't like it, I will tell you. I hope you will tell me if I do something you don't like."


I put the lights in the room on their lowest setting. I then pulled back the linens on the bed and walked to Eric. He was still shaking, so I slowly pulled him to me, but strangely, I couldn't kiss him. Eric looked a bit bewildered. I ran hands across his back; I could feel his hardening cock push against me. I wasn't getting erect. Slowly I moved away from him, standing there looking at him, realizing suddenly that I couldn't go on, not without Ry. Ry is the one I wanted to make love to, the one I wanted to make love to me.

"I am sorry, Eric, I don't know what is the matter with me."

"I know what's the matter; you want Ryan." he said.

"Don't say that, Eric. We have much more to do, to experience. I need to take a moment," I whispered to him.

As he sat on the bed his towel fell away from his body and his seven-and-a half-inch cock proudly showed itself; rigid and throbbing with his heartbeat. My towel dropped to the floor and I stood before him, my cock still not erect. He gently kissed my cock head, and began to kiss down my shaft to my pubes, which he licked and smelled. He had taken my balls into one of his hands and was rolling them around.

"Oh, God, Eric, please stop. I can't go on. I need Ry here. I am so sorry. It has nothing to do with you. I just can't get into it. Will you please forgive me?"

Eric moved back away from me and lay back on the bed. He said nothing. His eyes were closed and his breathing had become quiet, almost totally silent.

"I told you, I was just a regular guy. I understand that you don't find me sexy or appealing. I need to get dressed and get out of here. I've made a fool of myself," Eric told me in an emotion-filled voice.

I felt like the proverbial horse's ass. I couldn't let it end like this. Eric is hot; he is desirable. I certainly had not handled this situation very well.

"Eric, you are a hot, sexy guy. I really am interested in you, and I wanted to have sex with you, but suddenly it just didn't seem right. Ry and I took vows and I forgot them because you were so appealing, so hot. It's not you, Eric. Do you understand?" I asked.

The door to the bedroom opened slowly, and I saw Ry standing there. He closed the door and disengaged the controls.

"Mind if I come in?" he asked.

"Oh. Ryan, yes, please. I'm sorry that I didn't ask you to come with us, Hon. I was really stupid, and not only that, but I just couldn't get going with Eric. He thinks he is just average, and not sexy and hot. "

Ry moved to the bed. Eric was sitting now and both our cocks were soft. Ry kissed me deeply and played with his tongue played in my mouth. Eric watched us and I saw a little activity in his crotch. Ry then fell to his knees and took my cock into his mouth and I began fucking his face. Eric was really hard now, so I leaned in and took his cock into my mouth. Ry moved behind me and began licking my ass cheeks. Then he pulled my hard cock through my legs and sucked on it while playing with my balls. He was using one finger to trace a long line in my ass crack, just missing my boy cunt. I wanted him in me. He wanted my ass for a meal. Soon his face was in my ass and he was licking and tongue fucking my hot hole. I pushed Eric back so that his ass was exposed to me and I started eating his ass out like a starving man.

Ry was really getting me hot, and Eric was moaning. I pushed my ass against Ry's face, encouraging him to get more of his tongue into my hot hole. He did just that, and as he did I was really into Eric's tight hole. Eric's thrashing increased until he finally blurted out,

"Sean, fuck me, please. I want you in me."

With his legs back and his ass well exposed, I reached into our bedside table and fished out somecondoms and lube. I handed my lover a condom and began to lube Eric's hole. He was sighing and had stopped thrashing. Ry has pulled his face from my ass and was lubing me up. I rolled on the condom and as I did, I knew Ry was doing the same thing. Then I pushed the head of my cock against Eric's sphincter and waited. Ry soon had his mushroom shaped cock head pushed against my hole.

I started to push harder, wanting to get entrance into Eric. He was in some pain, so I leaned in a little and kissed him. He almost swallowed my tongue, and as he did, I pushed my cock into him up to the hilt and stopped. Ry waited for that moment and soon he pushed deep into me and paused.

I noticed Eric had tears in his eyes.

"Did I hurt you, dude? I didn't want to. I wanted this to be something you would enjoy. I'm so sorry."

"I'm fine. It's just that it feels so right. Don't stop, please," he begged.

With that Ry and I started to fuck in earnest, our strokes were perfectly aligned and I was getting very horny. We were going to town, when Ry suggested that I fuck him and Eric could fuck me. I asked Eric what he wanted. He just sighed and said he would love to fuck me. We separated. Ry was on his back on the bed, his legs pulled back. First I ate out my lover's ass, while Eric did a fine job of eating my ass; he seemed to relish my ass, eating me in a way that only Ry had ever reached, but not every time. I was pushing my ass back against his face. I heard myself saying,

"Oh, dude, fuck my hot hole. Please. Please."

Ry grabbed my hard cock and aligned it with his hot hole. I felt Eric push against me, and the pop was audible as he got past my tight ass ring. I pushed hard against Ry and was soon into my lover up to my balls. Eric had made his way deep into my hole. Without a pause, we began fucking like a machine. I loved Eric's cock deep in me as we fucked like wild animals. Then Ry spoke,

"I want Eric's hard cock deep in my ass, come on, let's switch again. Quicker than I could imagine, Eric had his cock deep into Ry's ass, luxuriating in fucking my lover. I wondered at that moment if Eric had a thing for Ry. The more I thought about it the angrier I got, and I was soon fucking Eric hard and without any affection. I pounded his ass, fucking him from various angles, turning my body, squeezing his balls. But nothing stopped his assault on Ry's hot, tight hole.

We were all quickly reaching our climax, and with what could best be described as a scream, Eric began to pump his hot cum into my lover's ass. I pulled out of Eric, whipped off the condom and moved to Ry who began to suck my cock while I leaned in and began to suck him. Too soon we were filling each other with our seed, our love juice. We both swallowed every drop. Our breathing started returning to normal.

"Holy shit, you two, that was so fucking hot. I have never had such a wonderful sexual experience. You think I should go home now so that you two can have a nice night with Dan and Craig?" he asked.

"No way, hotstuff," I told Eric. "I suspect those two are just waiting to see if we will invite them to play with us. Do you want to do that, Eric, or would you rather go home?"

Ry finally spoke, "I think you should stay. You are a very desirable guy. I think Dan and Craig would enjoy you as much as Sean and I did. You have a great body and cock, and you know how to suck like a pro, and your ass is something to be admired. Think it over before you answer," he said.

"Don't have to think. I want to stay with both of you. I don't know anything about Craig and Dan, but they are sexy, too. Maybe we will have an interesting time. I want in," Eric said with a laugh.

"Right now, I think we need a rest. There's no need to dress unless you are shy, Eric. Let's get something to eat and drink. After that, perhaps we might perhaps enjoy each other again." I said.

The three of us, naked and semi hard, left the bedroom and headed to the kitchen. In the living room, we discovered Craig with his face in Dan's ass, licking and sucking and enjoying himself. Dan spoke,

"He's so fucking hot, guys. No one eats your ass out like Craig. He hopes to show all of you before the night is out.

Craig pulled his face away from Dan's ass and told us,

"Come here and taste this baby. He's got the hottest ass around. Well, maybe not tonight."

We went over to the sofa, and with Craig holding Dan's legs back, we all tasted him, sucked on his hole, and gave him a little tongue. While Eric was enjoying himself, Craig had leaned forward and was eating Eric's ass making both Ry and me get hard.

"Enough!" said Ry forcefully. "It's time for a break, something to eat and drink. Then we can make use of the bed. I want each of you; so it will be a hot night."

"I'm with you, Lover," I said as I dropped to my knees and took Ry's hard cock into my mouth. In moments, Craig was kneeling with me and then Eric; and we were taking turns sucking Ry. Dan had gotten behind Ry and was working his ass. The room was filled with slurping sounds and low pleasure-filled groans.

"Later, later," Ry said. I want this later. Now, a break."

We all pulled off Ry and wandered into the kitchen to get something to eat. While Ry and I were working on some sandwiches, Eric had knelt down and was trying hard to get a part of Craig's enormous cock into his mouth. Dan was lying on the floor with Eric's cock fully into his mouth and throat. I noticed Ry filling a small pan with ice water from the fridge. He tossed some on the group, which let out a chorus of curses, but they stopped their activity, laughed, and joined us for eats of another kind.

-------------------------------- (Ryan narrates.)

While Sean and I were getting something to eat during our break from other things, I saw Craig rubbing his huge cock against Eric's chest, and Dan was feeling up his ass. Sean was busy and didn't notice it at first. I was a little pissed off as we had decided to take a break, and now this. Eric fell to his knees and began to suck on Craig's awesome cock while Dan was lying on the floor sucking Eric's dick as if it were a lollipop. That was it; now Sean could see and we looked at each other and at the growing hardness of our cocks. I grabbed a pan, and filled it with ice water and threw it on the three sex fiends. There was a lot of screaming, but it stopped all the action. Sean was laughing heartily, as was I.

"Fuck, that's cold." said a shivering Craig, who admittedly got most of the water.

"Maybe your cock will shrivel a little so I can suck you better," said a frustrated Eric.

"Your cock, Eric, is just wonderful to suck. I was really getting into it and really enjoying it, when Ry, the killjoy of the group, changed all that," returned Dan.

"I'll show you later how much fun we can have. Now just cool it. Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's eat some sandwiches and get our strength replenished and then we can fuck and suck all night. Eric, you can stay the night can't you?" asked Sean.

"I sure can," came Eric's quick response.

The gang wandered into the kitchen and started devouring the sandwiches. There was plenty of beer and soda and potato chips; as well as pickles, brownies, cookies and other stuff. I noticed that Eric had sat next to Sean, and was soon moving his hand on Sean's chest and stomach. He stayed away from his pubes and cock and balls, but I could tell that Sean was getting hotter as his beautiful cock began to rise; as was Eric's.

I smiled as I walked to Eric and flicked the end of his cock with my finger and it went almost immediately soft. I did the same for my partner and love. Sean just laughed as did Dan and Craig, who were both semi hard, so I gave them the same treatment. There was some howling, all of it too dramatic to worry about. But soon we were talking about a number of things and for a few moments, we forgot about the five beautiful guys with superb cocks and asses sitting around the counter. We would take care of that later.

Sean and Eric were having a chat about State and some of the faculty members. I overheard them discussing how great Dr. Milne was, and I thought I heard Eric say that Evan Fitzwilliam, another member of the staff, had tried to seduce him. Sean asked why, and Eric's reply was so funny, I just laughed.

"Sean, he's good looking, and has a nice body, and his cock is fine; but he's such a fem. God, the day he was with me and tried to suck me; when he dropped his pants, he was standing there is ladies panties, I almost puked. Fuck, if I want that, there are plenty of hot cunts around. But a guy in woman's underwear; that's just not for me. I want a man, not a trans to have sex with. How about you?"

"Never had to worry, my guy is all man. I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm with you on trans, though. I feel sorry that they have to get their hots from dressing like a woman, but I have read that some men really get hot having sex with a trans. To each his own." Sean said.

By now, we three were listening carefully to the continuing chat between Sean and Eric.

"You know," said Eric, " some of the best sex I have had here at State is in the basement men's room of Genther Hall. It's always hot; in fact, that's where Fitzwilliam put the make on me. There are usually three ways and groupies. The janitors are in on it, as they are all students on work-study. One of them, Clint, is beautiful; long black hair, a body that is perfect, and man what a cock. He must be well over eight inches, and everyone wants to suck him. Usually he rations it out, letting a number of guys suck his cock, never letting any of them have the treasure of his load. Finally when he's ready, he fucks the cutest guy there. I have sucked him more than once, and on one excursion, Clint selected me to get fucked. He's awesome. He wants me to call him so we can get together, but I haven't called him yet. I guess I'm a little shy."

"When is the action hottest?" asked Sean.

"The best time there is from three in the afternoon to early evening. I've never been there later than that, but Clint told me that guys from town come in then. I guess anytime might prove interesting. I don't go there often," added Eric.

"I didn't know that," I said. "I've been at State for a number of years and this is the first time I have heard about it. Can't believe that I missed all that hot stuff."

"I'm glad you and I didn't know about it, Ry. If we had gotten too much into that, we might not ever have met and fallen in love. I'm so glad I got you, Hon, I wouldn't want anyone other than you," Sean said.

"Guess that leaves all of us out, doesn't it," said a jovial Craig.

"Just be patient, stud. Look, Sean, I would never have gone there anyway. You know how shy and reserved I was when we met. For heaven's sake, I couldn't even ask you to come to the house that night. I wanted you so badly, but I just couldn't bring myself to act like a grown man. But I want you to know, Sean, that I thank God frequently for leading me to you. I know I have told you a thousand times, but I want to tell you again, you make my life complete; you make my world happy; you are the one and the only one in my life. I meant every word of that vow I spoke to you not too many weeks ago. I just ask that you always love me, Baby, as I love you," I said with much emotion in my voice.

"Hon, you are the only lover I need or want. I meant every word of that vow, too. I could never love anyone else the way I love you. You make me complete. I love you so much, Hon."

Suddenly, with no prompting from anyone, we were in each other's arms embracing passionately, oblivious to anyone else. Our private moment of ecstasy was interrupted by Craig's very masculine voice.

"Look you two, Dan, Eric and I want to leave you alone. You need time to be with each other, alone. Why don't you go to your bedroom and we three will stay here in the living room. We'll be fine."

"Yes, we won't have it any other way. You two need to make love without an audience. So get going," ordered Dan.

"Come on, guys, Dan and Craig are right. This is your home and you need to be with each other. You have proved that a number of times. So get out of here," said a happy and smiling Eric.

"Well. I guess I'm odd man out. You guys are couples; I'm by myself. Perhaps it might be better if I just headed home. I don't want to be the lone frog on the log," confided Eric.

"Eric, I know. Call Clint. Maybe he would like to join us," offered Sean.

"That's a good idea," I added.

"Yeah, Clint sounds hot. He might add to our fun. It's about ten fifteen now. Think that's too late to call him, Eric?" asked Craig.

"I doubt it. He's a straight 'A' student. Even if he went out, he would be home by now," Eric said.

"Then call him. I'm horny as a monkey," said a laughing Dan.

Eric went to the pile of clothes on the floor and fished for his trousersfrom which he pulled his wallet. He found the telephone number and went to the phone and dialed. In a moment he was speaking,

"Hey, Clint, this is Eric. What are you doing? Oh, yeah, I should have guessed, studying your biology. I was wondering, if you're not too busy, would you like to join some friends and me for some fun? No, don't worry; these guys are very discrete. Well, there's me, a freshman hunk, a prof at State, and two attorneys, both of them are really sexy, one is white and one is a perfectly gorgeous black man."

Eric laughed a little and then added, "Well, you interested or not? We are all anxious and want to get started. They all want to meet you and see all of you. Yeah, I told them all about it. Who's the prof? It's not Doctor Fitzwilliam. No, this guy is drop-dead handsome, and his lover is one of the sexiest and most handsome guys I have ever met. Of course, Clint, you are the most handsome," said Eric with a cute giggle.

"So, what's it going to be, hotstuff? Oh, good. Hold on while I get the address for you. Hey, just dress very casually as that's how all of us are dressed. Naked? Well, at the moment, yes. But not when you get here. Hold on," he said.

Eric asked me our address, which I quickly gave him. He returned to the phone and gave Clint the address. He laughed and then hung up the receiver.

"He'll be here in about five to ten minutes. He doesn't live too far from here," Eric told us.

"Hey, Eric, what was his reaction to the invitation?" asked Sean.

"He was very interested, but curiously cautious. When I told him who was here, he really got interested. He was charmed when I told him everyone was hoping to meet him and see all of him . I loved telling him about how beautiful Sean is. He asked if I thought he was a dog. That's when I told him I thought he was better. He isn't quite the guy Sean is, but when you see him, you'll all be impressed I laughed at the end of the conversation because he said he would like to come over naked, but that it was too cold and his cock would freeze solid; and you guys would never see him hard," he related.

"I think, perhaps, we should all get on some shorts and a shirt. We should get naked again if Clint decides he wants to be involved with us tonight. I don't think any of us want to scare him off," I said.

"Hell, no," said Craig. Dan, Sean and Eric agreed. We all went to the pile of clothes and sorted out what was ours. It didn't take long for us to be somewhat presentable.

Craig and Dan sat on the sofa, close together, kissing once in a while. Sean and I sat on the loveseat, holding hands and occasionally caressing each other. Eric sat in a comfortable chair watching all of us. Then I noticed that Craig was looking at Eric with interest. Dan was watching Craig. I had my arm around Sean and was caressing his thigh. Eric was watching all of us,and seemed uncomfortable.

"Eric, while we wait for Clint, why don't you share that lovely body of yours with Dan and me."

"Maybe we should wait for Clint. I think I want to do that. I'm sorry if that offends you guys," said a nervous Eric.

I felt the need to help Eric out of the situation. Sean had whispered to me that he thought I should intervene. He felt Eric was being made uneasy by Craig and the suggestive talk.

"Let's listen to Sean play a little bit of piano while we wait for Clint. Sean, will you honor us with a little of your skill?" I asked.

"Of course, just give a minute to warm up," he replied.

Sean went to the piano and did some warm-up exercises. Eric had moved to the loveseat to sit next to me. Dan and Craig were watching Sean at the piano. I knew that they wondered if anything was about to happen between Eric and me. They were disappointed, and, in fact, lost interest in us when Sean began to play. He was in rare form and his playing was outstanding. We were all transported someplace by the music as it filled the room.

It was then that the doorbell rang.

I started toward the door when Eric interrupted me.

"Please, let me answer the door. Let me be the one that Clint sees first. I would really appreciate your letting me do this," pleaded Eric.

Sean stopped playing and quickly answered. "You answer the door, Eric. We're all going to be quiet and stay out of the way, until you bring Clint in to meet us."

--------------------------- (Eric narrates.)

I hurried to the door and opened it.

"Hi, Clint. Glad you could make it," I said. Clint walked into the entry and closed the door behind him. He just stopped and stared at me, looking deeply into my eyes.

Clint smiled broadly and said, "Eric, you are a very handsome and sexy guy. I never really paid much attention at Genther. You know we were all just involved in some quick anonymous sex. I'm sorry I didn't get to know you better. I thought you were only there for a quickie thing. Man, you are so hot," continued Clint as he dropped his jacket.

"Clint, you might as well know this now. I have been very interested in you since the first time I met you at Genther. But you always seemed to be the center of attention, so I assumed you had a regular. I know that I am not handsome, or clever, or very sexy, and I also know that there are many guys who you would prefer, but I had to tell you this, I think I have been in love with you for a long time." I told him.

Clint reached out and pulled me to him and kissed me with passion, as he felt my hardening crotch.

I had begun rubbing Clint's cock. We kissed for a long time, enjoying the exploration of each other's body and mouth. Clint and I were moaning and feeling each other's ass mounds.

"You're a silly goose, Eric. You're fucking sexy and hot and I want you so bad right now that I want to rip off your clothes and suck your hard cock," said Clint.

Without hesitation, Clint fell to his knees and rubbed his face on my steel hard cock. He moved his finger up and down my ass crack. I pulled Clint up to his feet and kissed him again with renewed passion. I spoke between the quick breaths that were helping me to come back to earth,

"Clint, my God, I need you so much, and I want you to be with me, please. We should go in and meet our hosts and friends. Do you want to wait until your hardon goes down?" I asked.

"No way is that going to happen as long as you are around me, and that's where I want you to be, Eric. My God, you're so hot. To think I didn't grab you long ago and mad ke you mine. Fuck, I know now if I had you to myself, I would never play around in Genther again.

You would take care of all my needs, and Baby, I promise you, I would take care of all your needs. I can't believe this; but, shit, how do I say this, I think I am falling for you. We can talk about that later. Take me in to meet the others, but first kiss me again, please," implored Clint.

I didn't need to be asked twice. I went into Clint's waiting arms and we embraced and kissed with a gentleness that said 'love'. My heart was beating rapidly and my body was almost buoyant as I clung to my potential lover. As we parted, Clint whispered in my ear,

"I love you."

And I replied, "Same here. I love you."

We walked down the hall and into the living room.

----------------------------------- (Sean narrates.)

I was sitting at the piano when Eric and Clint came into the room. I wasn't playing anything at that moment. It's a good thing, too, because I would have stopped abruptly when I got a good look at Clint. Even with his clothes on, he was a beauty. It was pretty obvious that he was an Native American. His hair was unbelievably black and his eyes were deep brown, bordering on black. His smooth skin was a gorgeous mixture of reds and light browns. His lips were full and pink, his ears close to his head. His hair was long and tied back into a ponytail. He had no facial hair or even a slight hint of a beard. I noticed that he held Eric's hand tightly in his. I heard Eric introducing him, but I admit I missed some of it because I was so taken by the beauty of this man.

"...I've told you just a little about Clint. Now he would like to tell you a little more about himself," said Eric as he finished.

"I do have a last name, by the way. It's Ramon; my full Anglo name is Clint Jesus Ramon. I'm of the Lakota nation; I'm of mixed blood, Sioux and some Spanish.

"My mother is a full-blooded Sioux while my father is of Spanish/Indian blood. On my mother's side, my grandfather's Indian name is 'Fire Heart'. On my father's side my grandfather's given name was Jesus Ramon, but his Indian name was 'Elk Head'. My father's Indian name is 'Kills Eagle' and my Indian name is 'Thunder Hawk'. My mother's Indian name is 'One Who Smiles'.

"I have lived on a reservation all of my life. I went to a reservation high school, and then was accepted here at State on a special scholarship for Indian boys. I also have a work-study job as a custodian. I have been gay since I can remember, always interested in boys and not girls. I am twenty. I have a 4.0 average, and I plan on becoming a doctor. I want to return to the reservation to help improve health care for the reservation Indians.

"There is little acceptance of gays on the reservation, but there are Indian men who practice sex among themselves. I had one very special friend, Tommy or 'Bear Soldier', with whom I had gay sex. Unfortunately, a year before I came to State, he was killed in an automobile accident. The driver who caused the accident was a drunken Indian, not an unfamiliar sight on any reservation. Eric holds a special place in my heart. If I were to give him an Indian name, it would be 'He Who Reflects the Sun'. I think I may be falling in love with him, and I want it known right now that he is mine and only mine. Is that enough information?" he asked.

Eric's face had reddened as Clint spoke of him and his love. He was especially moved when Clint revealed what he would call him if he could pick his Indian name. Wow! Clint must really care about Eric if he would call him 'He Who Reflects the Sun'. As Clint finished, Eric moved to him, put his arms around him and kissed him deeply. Then they stood there smiling at the rest of us.

It took Ry to speak. "Clint, thank you for such a full and honest introduction of yourself. I'm sure you will probably be in one of my classes before you leave State. I certainly hope so as you have already demonstrated your intellect. I think you and Eric make a terrific couple. My best to you."

I moved away from the piano and shook Clint's hand. He smiled at me, and said,

"You must be the really handsome and hot guy that Eric told me about. Frankly, you are even sexier than he told me. You are extraordinarily sexy. I am glad to meet you, Sean."

"And you, 'Thunder Hawk', are more special than Eric told us. Thank you for informing us of your remarkably interesting background. Both of you are handsome and make a cute and sexy couple. I hope we all find out how talented both of you are when we decide to play. I'm glad you decided to join us," I said.

Craig and Dan moved forward, too. Craig spoke first.

"Glad to meet you, Clint. You are certainly an interesting person with a remarkable background. Some day I will tell you about my genealogy; I know you will find it interesting. And this is my lover, Dan. Isn't he a hunk?" Dan extended his hand and shook Clint's hand firmly.

"You are an interesting man. Your background is something that I admire. I have no bearings, no port of call, so to speak, to help me to understand your treasured background. I am proud to meet and know you," he said.

There was a long silence in the room. I moved to Ry's side and clenched his hand in mine. My strong desire was to make love to him. I didn't know if I could wait.

Dan and Craig also had their arms around each other. Everyone was looking to Clint and Eric to begin something, or to leave the room and go to the hot tub, the bedroom, the bathroom, anything. We didn't have long to wait.

Clint pulled Eric into his arms and kissed him solidly and with ample tongue. He kissed down his neck as he slowly removed his shirt, breaking the kiss only for the fabric of the shirt to pass through their lips. He broke the kiss and began to lick on Eric's nipples. Slowly he lowered himself to the floor until he was on his knees, pulling down Eric's shorts and exposing his erect penis. He gently kissed the precum glistening head. He looked up at Eric and smiled. Eric lifted him gently to his feet, and kissed him passionately.

We all had reached a state of hardness second only to diamonds. Four erections were struggling to free themselves from clothing, but we waited patiently as Eric removed all of Clint's clothing. He was standing in front of Clint obstructing our view. When he was finished, he moved aside so that we could all get a clear look at his new partner. There was a collective gasp.

There stood a beautiful young man with a perfectly formed, hairless body A patch of pubic hair, black as ink, sat above his cock and balls. Man, he was hung! Clint's cock was at least ten inches long, and although not too thick, it was inviting. His balls were full and hairless; they hung away from his body, but not in a freakish way. A drop of precum showed on his cockhead. While we were taking in this Adonis, we were all disrobing. We watched as Eric sank to his knees and licked Clint's precum up with a slurp.

In that nanosecond, we were naked and embracing. There was a great deal of kissing and cock stroking. I was on his knees, Ry's cock in my mouth. I was sucking him gently, in long lazy strokes as I played with his balls. Once in a while I would run my finger over his anus, pushing into him every third for fourth time. I wanted him in me, or I wanted to be in him. I wanted him exclusively for myself.

On the sofa, Craig had Dan on his back, his legs pushed back, his ass cheeks spread, enjoying a feast at Dan's beautiful hole. Dan was stroking his cock as he had his ass eaten.

I then noticed that Clint was on his knees with Eric's cock deep into his throat. As he sucked him, he was fingering Eric's hot hole. The room was filled with moaning and slurping sounds. I wanted to be on the bed, comfortable, where we could 69, or join another person or couple if we chose. That's when I said,

"Hey guys, how about adjourning to the bedroom where we can be comfortable on the bed. We can have more fun playing there," I said.

Clint spoke immediately, "If you don't mind, Eric and I would like to stay here. We really want to be alone for a while. We need to talk privately. We promise to join you later. If you think we're taking too much time, just come and get us. Is that okay?"

"That's right, guys. I hope you don't mind. It isn't that we don't find you all sexy and hot, it's just that we have to have some time alone so that we can figure out where we want this relationship to go. I'm sorry if we have let you down. Or is you prefer, we can leave," said Eric.

I was the first to answer as I moved to them. We three young men wrapped our arms around each other. It was obvious from the reaction of Ry and the others that we were making a beautiful picture of the male form.

"Look, you guys are right. We will go to the bedroom and leave this room and the hot tub to you guys. I'll get some bed linens and we'll open the sofa bed for you. Ry and I can have it made up in just moments. You'll need a bed." I said.

"Sean, you stay here with the guys while I get the linens and turn on some lights for Craig and Dan. I'll be back shortly. Come on you two, let's get out of here," Ry said.

They left immediately, Ry taking one last look at we three young men. As thry left the room, I moved away from the group, in deference to my lover. Ry who hurried to get the linens.

--------------------------------------- (Clint narates.)

When Sean came over to us and hugged us, I immediately got rock hard as did Eric. Sean was also totally erect. As the other guys left the room, Sean moved away from us.

"Guys, there's just one thing I would like to do, if it's okay with you two," Sean said.

"What would that be?" I asked.

"Yes, Sean, what can we do for you?" asked Eric.

"Just stand close together so that I can taste you both, maybe get both your cocks in my mouth at once. Just for a quick taste of your manhood," he told us.

Without any conversation, Eric moved close to me, and we turned slightly so that our two cocks were rubbing together. Sean was on his knees immediately and was able to get both of our cocks into his mouth; no deep throating, just getting us into his mouth. I kissed Eric giving him a lot of tongue, and feeling his ass with the arm and hand I had around him. Sean just sucked for a moment, and then kissed both our cocks on the head.

"Thanks, guys. I want you to know that if you join us later, I will want more of that from both of you. You are hot and sexy, and I want your cocks. Just remember that," he told us.

Ry came into the room with the linens, and within a couple of minutes the sofa bed was made up and ready. Ry and Sean came to us and gave us both a gentle kiss and wished us the best. Finally we were alone in the quiet of the large room. Eric had not let go of me. He held me tightly.

"Clint, let's go out and sit in the hot tub for a while and talk. I want to know more about you and I want you to know more about me. I don't want to let go of you because I'm afraid that I will lose you. Please forgive me for being such a wimp," he said.

"Don't you ever call yourself a wimp again. Understand? I am attracted to you because you are a man. I only want a man for a lover and partner. Come, show me to the hot tub," I told him firmly.

(To be continued)

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Next: Chapter 38

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