The Punishment

Published on May 29, 2003



I did not write this story. All I did was edit and spell-check it for my cyber-bud, Arne. If you enjoyed this story please E-mail me at and I will forward the nice E-mails to Arne and use the flames to light my barbeque.

The Punishment And New Life Of Ethan.

The year is 2050 and 14-year-old Ethan was crying as he sat in his cell and thought back over the past few days. . He only had a little over an hour left until his punishment started. Ethan had been arrested, tried, and convicted of a crime he did not commit. He is being punished for raping a 12-year-old girl. Ethan knew his older, by one year, dick head, asshole, half brother Peter was the real fuck wad who raped the girl.

Peter had told Ethan before the trial that if he told the truth about Peter that he would make a call to some gang member friends and have Ethan killed. Peter convinced Ethan that all the judge would give him as punishment was a few months in a boot camp and probation.

Ethan was shocked and almost wet himself when the judge read to him his sentence.

Peter was right about the boot camp. Ethan would be sent to Hawthorn Camp for Boys for six months of boot camp discipline and hard labor. Ethan was shocked to learn later on from the prison staff that all the boys at the camp were kept naked. All the boys where aloud to wear were white socks, combat boots, and a baseball cap with the camp's emblem on it.

The judge also told Ethan that he would also be on probation until his 21st birthday after he left the boot camp, and that if he messed up even the slightest bit, he would be sent to prison until he turned 21 or 4 years, whichever was longer, without any parole.

But before any of this could happen, Ethan had to receive his public punishment. Ethan would receive a major butt, penis, and testicles thrashing. All his spankings would be televised on public TV as well as the new punishment channel. I am sure you are as shocked as poor Ethan is about his penis and balls being spanked. But with the new and harder laws in place, the high ups in the power base have decided that Ethan's offending organs must be punished as well. Just as Ethan was thinking back to what had happened in court the cell door opened and two very large and burly guards walked into Ethan's cell.

"Do not talk. If you say one word, or even breath too loudly, we will gag you," the lead guard said.

Ethan closed his mouth to make sure he would not say anything. Ethan was still not real used to his new braces, and so keeping his lips closed hurt a little, and so he took a small risk and let his mouth open to a small natural opening. The junior guard stepped behind Ethan, yanked his arms behind him and slapped handcuffs tightly on his wrists. The guard then proceeded to kneel down and place ankle cuffs around Ethan's ankles. The guard thrilled at the feel of the silk like blond hairs that had just started to grow on Ethan's lower legs.

"Get used to it sweetie, you'll get lot's of action when you get to Hawthorn, maybe earlier," the guard said when Ethan flinched at his touch.

He then attached a chain from the ankle cuffs, and pulled up the chain between Ethan's legs and attached it to the handcuffs.

Now that Ethan was safely shackled, the guards had Ethan follow the lead guard, while the other guard walked behind the sad boy.

Ethan tried his best to not cry while walking his last walk as a clothed boy for the next six months. The guards walked Ethan down several hallways and thru secure doors that needed to buzz thru. All to soon for Ethan, they arrived in a medical exam room. Inside the room waiting for them was Doctor Sid.

Doctor Sid had been about to quit his job for something a bit better and more to his tastes when the new laws passed. Instead of quitting, Doctor Sid called in a bunch of favors owed him, and got transferred to a juvenile boys prison as staff doctor.

Sid had only seen Ethan a few times on TV while watching his trial on court TV. Even knowing of how Ethan looked, Sid was not prepared for the drop dead gorgeous boy that walked into his medical exam room.

Sid's eyes bulged as he looked at Ethan in person for the very first time. What he saw took his breath away. All Sid could say to himself, "God could strike me down right now, and I can die a happy man, for I have seen perfection."

What Sid saw was a 14 year old boy with sandy blond hair that was cut short and parted in the middle in that new skaters cut that is all the rage with teenagers. The boy had hazel eyes that hinted at unlimited intelligence. Ethan had a splattering of freckles on his nose and upper cheeks. His lips had a nice rosy tint to their color. The braces on his teeth just added to the kissablity of his lips. Ethan's eyes were darting around the room, looking at everything as Doctor Sid feasted on him.

Ethan was dressed in the prison uniform of tight fitting orange t-shirt and tight orange shorts. Doctor Sid was really happy to see the boy's shorts were well above his knees instead of the long shorts that most free boys wore.

Sid's eyes traveled down to see the slightest hint of blond fuzz on Ethan's lower legs. The peach fuzz ended into Ethan's white gym socks that he had pushed down to his Nike high tops.

Sid gave the signal and the guards removed Ethan's wrist and ankle cuffs. Once Ethan was free of the chains the guards left the room, making sure the door was locked behind them.

Sid then proceeded to explain to Ethan what was about to happen and told him what he needed to do.

Ethan's lip started to quiver as he held in his tears as he walked behind a screen.

Ethan slowly stripped off his clothing and placed them into the over sized plastic bag that was provided for him.

Sid's dick popped up to full hardness as he watched Ethan come back, now fully naked, from behind the screen. His eyes went straight to Ethan's now bare chest. Ethan had nickel sized pink nipples which where erect from the slight chill in the room. Ethan's torso and belly where completely hairless.

Sid's eyes moved downward. His eyes stopped for a few seconds on the blond hairs that were jutting out from just the sides of the teen penis. Ethan had so little pubic hair that it could not even be called a bush.

As Sid eyes' continued downward he saw a soft and uncut two-inch long penis. It was hanging limply above a set of balls that belonged to a man, not a young teenage boy. The boy balls hung low in a soft and hairless scrotum. Sid thought it looked like a soft bag of silk holding two golf balls. Ethan's over sized balls hung down half way to his knees as he stood there and blushed as he saw the doctor staring at him for an overly long time.

Finally Sid was able to drag his eyes away from Ethan and he commanded the boy to lie on his back on the exam table.

Ethan looked at the table with apprehension. The table looked evil to him. With all it's thick, leather straps, stirrups for his legs, and a raised area at the front of the table for his head, to act as a pillow.

Sid had to tell Ethan to get up onto the table once again, and he also added a threat that if he did not comply at once, he would push the button his pager and guards would come rushing in. They would spank Ethan's rear end red then strap him down to the table by force.

That gave Ethan the kick in the pants (so to speak) that he needed, and he climbed up onto the table and lay down.

Ethan started to tremble with fear as the doctor started to secure him firmly to the exam table. Ethan knew that nothing bad was going to happen to him right now, but he was still a young boy and so knowing he was to be tied down and naked scared the living hell out of him.

Once he had Ethan secured to the table, Sid started his exam of the boy. More then once Sid almost shot a load of cum into his pants as he felt up the boy, doing his exam.

Finally the part of the exam Sid was looking foreword to the most. Sid put on a rubber glove and lubricated his index finger.

Since Ethan's legs were spread apart and lift up slightly, he had very easily access to Ethan's love hole.

Sid slipped his finger into Ethan's ass hole with one mighty push.

Ethan let out a loud gasp as he felt something go into, instead of out of, his ass for the very first time. Wondered if the guard had been right.

Sid felt around inside the warm love hole that was Ethan's fuck shoot until he found the small lump that was the boy's prostate. Once found, Doctor Sid started to rub the small pleasure organ.

Ethan let out another gasp, but this one of pleasure, as his prostate was rubbed. His small, uncut, penis started to rise up and stand to show it's pleasure.

Sid smiled inwardly to himself as he watched the organ rise up from its limp state of two inches, up to its hard and raised state of five inches. As the penis became harder, the foreskin pulled back to show the top half of the red gland. Pre cum started to ooze out of the eye of the dick as the prostate was continually rubbed.

Sid already knew that the boy's prostate was fine, but he wanted to see a show, and so did not stop his rubbing. Instead he added a bit more pressure to his rubbing finger. He watched the boy start to breath a bit faster and watched his balls pull up a bit. He kept up his work and then he got his reward.

Ethan yelped out and squeezed his eyes shut as his penis gave a mighty contraction. A large rope of thick, white, semen shot out of Ethan's piss slit and hit him on the nose. Two more ropes of teen goo shot out and landed first on Ethan's chest and then his upper belly. Then as Sid gave the prostate one last push and rub, two more dibbles of cum, came out and dribbled down, onto the still hairless part of Ethan's pubis.

As Ethan recovered from his orgasm, Sid went to remove his glove and wash his hands. He took a warm and wet towel and walked up to Ethan and cleaned up the white streaks and puddle of boy cum, off of the still recovering boy.

Sid filled out the correct forms on his computer, and then he sent his report to the warden. While he waited for his phone to ring, he walked up to Ethan and removed the straps and then helped the boy to stand. He pointed to a doorway and told Ethan to go have a shower and told him that he would be inspected afterwards to make sure he was clean.

Ethan was very happy to get away from the evil table. Once into the bathroom, he saw a nice bathroom that was fully stocked. He also saw that there were several cameras and he knew the doctor would be watching him to make sure he did not fuck around.

Ethan did not hate the doctor, for he knew he was doing his job. But that also does not mean he had to like the man either.

Sid watched his monitors as Ethan took a shower and cleaned up. He knew what he must do, and so he opened up his pants and pulled out his now very hard and throbbing seven inch, cut, man cock.

He stroked himself and just as Ethan was turning off the water in the shower, Sid filled a Kleenex full of his man seed.

Sid was cleaned up and all put away, when a now clean and dry Ethan came out of the bathroom.

Sid had Ethan sit down on a chair and let the boy have a glass of water.

Sid sat down behind his desk and looked at the boy before him. He started to talk to Ethan and as they talked he found himself having feelings for the boy. After just a short talk, he was convinced the boy before him could not of committed such a horrid crime that he was about to be punished for.

Ethan found himself liking the doctor more and more as they talked. He found the man very charming and friendly and to Ethan's mind, rather handsome. Ethan found himself opening up to the doctor and found it easy to talk to him.

As they talked, Sid became more convinced then ever, after listing to Ethan's confession about his older brother, that Ethan was framed and forced into taking the rap for the crime.

As Ethan finally broke down and started to cry Sid got up and moved over to the other side of his desk and he hugged Ethan to him. He let the boy cry into his shoulder and he just rubbed the boy's back to try and comfort him as he cried.

After Ethan cried himself out Sid went to the bathroom and came back with a warm washcloth. He cleaned off the boys face and then had him blow his nose. Sid then went back to the bathroom to dispose of the cloth.

Sid vowed to himself that he would help Ethan. He knew he could not stop the spanking that the boy was to get from the machine, but he could do his very best to get Ethan's brother, Peter, to tell the truth and get Ethan out of the boot camp.

Sid heard his phone ringing and knew the time had come.

When the phone rang, Ethan panicked and ran to the door to the hallway. He tried to open it and when it would not open to let him run away he started to scream and kick the door.

Sid heard Ethan screaming and he coming running out of the bathroom. He saw what the boy was doing and he went up to him and grabbed him in a hug. He held Ethan until he calmed down.

Both Sid and Ethan did not notice how much time passed, and just as they pulled away from each other the door to the medical exam room flew open and several guards and the warden came rushing in. The guards assumed that Ethan was causing trouble and so they tackled him onto the floor.

Sid stood shocked at what he saw and he knew if he wanted to keep his job, he had better keep his mouth shut, and just stand back.

The guards had Ethan secured with the full shackles and a ball gag to stop his screaming.

Sid fought hard to keep himself calm as he watched the guards and the warden drag Ethan out of his office. Sid knew that he could not help Ethan get out of the prison boot camp if he was fired, and so he just clinched his fists and gritted his teeth.

When the door closed and Sid was alone, he went to his desk and switched off his computer and the camera monitors. He then turned on his TV and changed the channel to The Punishment channel.

Sid listened to the show's two hosts as they described the evil boy and his crime. Sid gagged and dry heaved as he listed to the lies the two hosts where spewing out about the sweet boy he hugged less then two minutes ago.

Sid knew that the brainless masses that were watching the punishment channel would believe the two men on their screen. Sid watched as the guards carried Ethan up onto the stage where the machine waited for its very first victim. The machine was made to cause the most pain and damage to its victim as possible without causing permanent damage to the prisoner.

The guards removed the cuffs and gag from Ethan and then strapped him into the machine. When the guards stepped away, Sid saw Ethan was bent over and his legs were spread far apart. He was able to even see Ethan's pink and hairless ass hole. If it was anything else besides what was about to happen to poor Ethan, Sid would have had a tent in his pants.

If the camera showed Ethan's face Sid would of seen that Ethan was blushing three shades of red as he felt the cool air from an air vent from above, on the one part of his body that the sun had never seen.

At last the two hosts shut up and the warden read the sentence to the camera. As soon as warden finished his speech about crime and punishment, he stepped up to a control panel and pushed a big green start button.

Sid saw a large Teflon paddle with many holes in it hit Ethan's bottom. A split second after the paddle hit the sound of it connecting to Ethan's butt was heard by all. A few seconds later everyone heard Ethan scream all the air out of his lungs.

The paddle lifted and Sid was able to see a bright red paddle mark on Ethan's left butt cheek. As soon as the paddle had lifted up out of the way, another paddle came down and hit Ethan on the right butt cheek. Ethan had no air in his lungs to scream from the pain he was in.

Sid wanted to stop watching. He was screaming at himself to turn off the TV. But his brain would not move his hand to turn off the TV. It was like when you drive by a major car crash. You slow down and look. You don't want to see a dead person, but you just can't stop yourself from looking anyway to see the dead person.

The paddle lifted up from Ethan's bottom, and everyone watching thought the first paddle would fall down once again on Ethan's bottom. But everybody was wrong.

Instead a leather strap rained a powerful blow right in the center of Ethan's crack. The inside of Ethan's bottom turned to fire as the strap hit the inside of his spread butt cheeks. He thought he even felt some of the strap go into his ass hole.

When the leather strap was pulled up and away, the left hand paddle came crashing down once again onto Ethan's left cheek. The paddle did not hit in the same spot as before, but instead it landed just below the first hit. Half the paddle hit on the first hit mark, while the bottom half of the paddle swatted a new area. This was repeated on Ethan's right side. The paddles worked their way slowly down Ethan's backside. The hits started at the very top of Ethan's butt and worked its way down to the backs of his thighs. Once the paddles had spanked the bottom part of Ethan's thighs, they worked their way back up to the top of his bottom.

A counter in the bottom right corner of the screen recorded the hits. It took a total of 26 hits for the paddles to work themselves down from the top. The only implement to not move was the leather belt. Since it was meant to hit the entire opened part of the boys butt.

Sid was in tears as he saw the machine thrash the boy he had fallen for. He knew he would not sleep at all tonight, because he would still be hearing Ethan's screams and unintelligible babbling.

The paddles worked their way down and up a total of four times before they stopped.

Ethan thought it was over, but he was very wrong in his thinking. Before he could relax, a small whippy cane came crashing onto his bottom. Ethan's scream from this hit was so loud that the sound tech in the booth had to turn down the microphone volume.

The cane lifted up and a second cane came down from the other side of the machine. When each cane hit the boy's butt, it was long enough to hit his entire bottom and make a white line of searing pain from one end of his bottom to the other. The second cane hit just below where the first cane had hit.

The canes worked themselves down, but did not go down as far as the paddles. Instead they stopped right at the crease where Ethan's butt ended and his legs started. Then the canes where moved to an angle to make two more extra hard hits. The last two hits caused a giant X to be on Ethan's ass. With his ass hole as the center of the X.

Sid could not believe how bad Ethan's bottom looked. If he was not a doctor, he would of thought that Ethan's butt was now raw hamburger and never to be used again. But Sid knew that with the right care, the boy would heal and most likely not even have any scars.

Sid saw the machine lifting Ethan up and rotating him. As there was a pause in the punishment. The TV did a split screen. One half showing Ethan being readied for the second half of his spanking, and the other half was showing one of the hosts interviewing Ethan's parents. Sid was becoming very pissed off at such uncaring people that were Ethan's parents. Sid was seething with anger as he listened to Ethan's father telling the man interviewing him that once Ethan was let free of the boot camp, that Ethan was no longer welcome in their home. That they did not want some sick pervert living in their domain.

Sid saw red as he saw Ethan's older brother, Peter, sitting behind his dad with a smirk on his lips. Only a trained eye like Sid's could also see that Peter had a tent going on, in his cargo shorts. Sid might of had the hots for Peter since he was such a good looking boy, but knowing what he knew about the evil boy, he had no sexual thoughts at all about the boy. The only thought he had about Peter was revenge.

Now that Ethan was done being flipped onto his back, the machine stretched out Ethan's legs and spread them far apart.

The camera zoomed in so everyone watching on TV could see Ethan's crotch from his navel down to about half way down his thighs. A small arm with a claw like end came down and took a hold of the very top of Ethan's soft penis, and then lifted upwards so it was standing up and could be more easily hit. Another arm with a claw like hand came down and took a hold of the shaft of Ethan's dick and then pulled downward. This caused the foreskin to be pulled down and exposed the boy's gland.

Now that his penis was ready for it's punishment, another arm lowered. Attached to this third arm was a small wheel. Attached to the wheel were three small, leather whips. The wheel started to spin at a fast rate and once up to full speed the arm moved in closer.

Ethan screamed out a primal scream of pain as the whips started at the bottom of his dick and slowly worked their way up. Ethan's scream become even louder as the whips hit his exposed gland. Instead of working their way down from the under side of the boys penis the arm moved and spanked their way down the front end of the teens dick.

Ethan was sobbing as he sucked in air to fill his lungs again to let out more screams of pain.

When the whips were down at the base of his penis the arm moved again and worked it's way up the left, and then down the right side of his penis. The machine made this circuit of up and down the boys penis two more times before it stopped to do 12 last hits at the under side of Ethan's gland. The whips hit the sensitive spot on the under sided of the gland that would normally bring great joy to Ethan. But instead was bring great and powerful pain. Ethan thought he would never be able to jerk off any more; his penis was just one raw nerve of pain.

The whipping arm lifted up and out of the way. The claw arm that was holding the bottom of Ethan's penis, let go of the boy's penis and moved away. The claw arm holding the top of Ethan's penis moved so that it pulled Ethan's penis so it was up on his belly and out of the way of his balls.

A new arm moved down. This arm was holding a spring-loaded riding crop. With a loud CRACK the spring let go and brought the crop down hard onto Ethan's left testicle, which hung lower then his right nut.

If Ethan had anything in his stomach he would of thrown up. The pain was the worse he had felt threw his entire punishment.

CRACK, the crop landed down onto Ethan's right ball.

Ethan tried to scream out, but the wind in his lungs had all left in his last scream of pain, and so all he could do was scream a silent scream.

The crop smashed down onto Ethan's left ball again. The arm had moved an inch or so to compensate for Ethan's balls trying to pull themselves up to protect themselves, before it smashed downward. The computer controlling the machine knew this would happen to any male that got it's balls hit, and so was not only computing it to happen, but if the computer could, it was willing it to happen. After each of Ethan's balls was hit six times each, Ethan's scrotum was pulled up so tight to his body that it was like a large ball, instead of a bag of flesh.

The arm with the crop raised up to make room for another arm to come down. This new arm was holding a small rubber hose like attachment. Because Ethan's balls were pulled up so close together the hose was fat enough to hit both boy balls at one hit. The rubber hose came down and Sid was surprised at first that Ethan did not scream. But then he was able to tell that Ethan had passed out from the pain.

The machine did not care, and it proceeded to thrash the balls for five more ball-busting hits.

Sid was sure that Ethan's balls would be like goo inside their bag of skin. At long last the punishment was over. Sid was finally able to turn off his TV during a commercial telling about getting a bonus for turning in a relative this month for subversion.

Sid went to his bathroom and washed his face. He knew the guards would be bringing Ethan to his office shortly and he had to make himself look professional.

Sid finished washing his tear streaked face and hands and just entered back into the exam room, when the door opened.

Two guards were carrying an unconscious Ethan and they both had big smiles on their faces. Sid wanted to shoot them dead on the spot, but all he could do was but up a false front and pretend he enjoyed the show and the brat got what he was asking for. The guards placed Ethan down onto the table and strapped him down. The guards where disappointed when Sid dismissed them. They wanted to hang out for when the boy woke up.

As soon as the door closed and Sid heard the lock engage, he proceeded to give Ethan a full exam and start to treat him.

The first thing he did was to feel the boy's balls. He handled them softly, as if they where a pair of priceless and the most fragile of eggs. Sid could tell that there was no real damage that a few days healing will not cure, and so he moved on to Ethan's penis. It to would be very painful for several days, but otherwise undamaged.

Sid used some KY jelly to lube up a catheter and placed it down and inside Ethan's penis. This would save poor Ethan to pain of having to hold his swollen penis and try to pee.

Sid then rubbed ointment onto the now black and blue penis and scrotum. Once the cream was rubbed in, Sid placed a bandage on Ethan's entire package to help in their healing. Sid then untied the straps and as slowly and carefully as he could, he turned the boy over.

Sid sucked in a lung full of air in shock. Poor Ethan's bottom looked like red and raw bleeding hamburger.

Fresh tears fell from Sid's eyes, as he started to treat Ethan's bum. Sid washed and dried the boy's bottom then rubbed in some healing cream. He did not dare call the guards to help him, and so Sid used every ounce of muscle in his body to lift Ethan up off of the exam table and carry him into the small medical sleeping area.

Sid placed Ethan down on the closest bed to the door on his side. He then used pillows from the other beds to make it so Ethan could not roll onto his back or front. He then went to his locked medical chest and pulled out the syringe and a sealed vial of clear liquid. He filled the correct amount of morphine into the syringe. Sid decided that Ethan really needed some good sleep, and so he filled a second syringe with a powerful sleep drug.

Sid gave Ethan the two shots and knew the boy would be out into well past the next morning.


It is now two weeks later. Slowly, Ethan healed and Sid had no choice but to tell the warden that Ethan was healed enough and ready to travel.

Ethan was standing on his own, wearing only flip flops, as Sid gave his sore butt one last rub with the ointment that would help lesson the pain of his upcoming bus trip.

When Sid walked around to the front of Ethan, he failed to hide his smile at seeing that Ethan's penis was hard and standing up.

Sid reached out and took a hold of the hard teen cock.

Ethan let out a sigh of pleasure as Sid took his hard dick into his manly hand. With the best skill he had, Sid started to jack off Ethan's penis. Sid loved the feel of the hard and yet soft warmth of Ethan's teen meat.

Sid looked up into Ethan's eyes, and saw that the boy had his eyes closed. His lips slightly parted open. Sid saw a little of Ethan's braces as the boy enjoyed the first nice feelings coming from his dick in two weeks.

Sid took a risk and he lowered himself down onto his knees. He then leaned forward and put Ethan's dick into his mouth.

Ethan's eyes shot open and he looked down. He had of course heard of blowjobs, but this was the first one he had ever received. He marveled at the feeling of the doctor's warm mouth wrapped around his dick. He watched his dick, slide in and out of the doctor's mouth, and Ethan thought he was in heaven.

Sid's mouth was watering. He loved the boy's taste. Until this moment he had only dreamed of sucking off a cute boy, and now his dream had come true. Ethan's dick tasted better then the finest meal he had ever had in his life. Sid now knew that he loved teen boy tube steak, better then he loved a fine cut porterhouse steak.

All to soon for both of them, Ethan started to thrust his hips to drive his dick further into Sid's mouth. Sid felt Ethan's dick get just a bit harder in his mouth and he knew the boy was about to blow. Sid took a hold of Ethan's hips to stop the boy's thrusts, and then he pulled back so just the head of the boys cock was in his mouth. He had pulled back just in time. Ethan's cock gave one mighty hard jerk in his mouth, and then started to flood the inside of Sid's mouth with Ethan's boy sauce.

Ethan leaned forward and took a hold of Sid's shoulder, to support himself from the most powerful orgasm he had ever had in his short life.

Sid could not believe how much semen was flooding into his mouth. Sid was forced to swallow the cum to make room for more. Sid sucked on Ethan's cock until the boy pulled his now super sensitive dick out of Sid's mouth.

Sid stayed bent over and on his knees while Ethan recovered. He could not take his eyes off of Ethan's deflating dick. As the teen toy shrank, some boy cum oozed out of the piss slit. Sid leaned forward and stuck out his tongue. He was able to lick up the string of cum that was dangling from the now fully soft penis.

This was the best test Sid could of given to Ethan to know that the spanking had done no damage to his boy parts.

Sid stood back up and took Ethan by the hand and led him into the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, he used a washcloth with warm water to clean up the sit and semen that was still on the boy's dick. Sid was careful when he skinned back the foreskin, to clean the sensitive gland.

Sid gave Ethan a pep talk about how he would try to prove him innocent and get him out of the boot camp.

Sid and Ethan had just enough time to give each other a nice hug, before the door opened and two guards walked in.

The guards cuffed and shackled Ethan.

Sid had a tear in his eye as the guards took Ethan away.

Ethan put on a brave front as he was taken to a prison bus to take him to his new home for the next six months of his life.

Ethan was not the only nude boy on the bus. There were fifteen other boys aged between ten and fourteen. With the change in laws, anyone over the age of fifteen would be sent to an adult prison instead of some kind of detention facility for children.

The guards made Ethan sit down on a bench by himself. All the boys sat by themselves on a bench. Once seated, one of the guards attached the leg cuffs to a bar on the floor. He then removed Ethan's handcuffs and the chain that attached the handcuffs to the leg-cuffs.

Now that the bus crew had all the boys for their trip to the camp, the lead officer stood up at the front of the bus and explained the rules for this trip. The most important rule to follow was to NOT talk at all. If a boy talked and it was not for some kind of real emergency, then all the boys on the bus would be spanked. The lead guard showed the boys his tawse that he had to use to spank the boys with.

At fourteen Ethan was the oldest boy on the bus. All the boys looked on with scared puppy dog eyes at the thick tawse. None wanted to feel the pain that implement would inflict on their bare bottoms. All the boys on the bus had experienced the spanking machine, but none as bad as Ethan got.

The lead guard sat down in his seat, and the bus started on its five-hour drive to the boot camp for boys.

Two hours into the trip, the bus turned off the main highway and traveled on a small road that became very deserted rather quickly. By the time the bus arrived at the camp, the boys knew there was no way they could walk away from the camp. The closest town they saw was at least 2 hour or more drive away. And out in the desert, that would be an extremely long walk.

The two guards went down the line and uncuffed the boys' ankles, but made the boys stay seated until all were unhooked. The guards had the boys stand up and exit the bus and then once out of the bus, the boys stood in a line with their backs to the bus.

The camp director came out of his office. He walked up to the new boys and looked at them.


All the boys dropped their hands away from their crotches and put their arms down by their sides.

The director said to the group of new boys, "All right boys now listen and listen good. You must NEVER cover your crotches, even if you have an erection. You WILL take a shower every night. You will do as you are told by any staff member. And you will NOT run away. If you break a rule, you will be punished. The most minor of punishments is forty hits on your butt with a thick leather belt. I will not tell you boys what the most sever punishment is. I will just let you boys think on what it might be. You might even be close to what it really is. But I will say that you should ask Ethan (pointing to Ethan as he said the boys name) what the spanking machine did to him, and you'll know what just the start of a sever punishment would be."

The director then turned his back on the boys and walked away.

A very large man then stepped forward and told the boys to follow him to go get their hair cuts and uniforms.

Just over an hour later they all had flat top crew cuts, and were wearing their new boots, socks, and hats. Any of the boys that had any pubic or arm pit hair had those hairs shaved clean off with shaving cream and a razor. The large man gave the boys a tour of the camp. Since it was almost quitting time, the boys new lead officer told the boys to stay in their dorm room and to quietly talk and wait for their new roommates to arrive.

The boys sat down and talked to each other for the first time. All the boys wanted to know about Ethan's encounter with the spanking machine, and so he told the story of what happened. Unlike the other boys, Ethan got to see his own spanking. On a Saturday night, the punishment channel did a four-hour special and showed the best spankings of the week, and they showed Ethan's spanking as the first and again as the last repeat of the show. And so Ethan was able to tell his spanking story from both perspectives of as a viewer and a participant.

Only Ethan was sent to the camp for a major felony crime. All the other boys had committed misdemeanors.

Of course Ethan being gay, he snuck glances at the other boys exposed crotch areas. Ethan was sad to see that he was the only boy so far in the room that was circumcised.

The boys talked for about a half hour, when the only door to the dorm building opened up. All the new boys looked toward the door. In walked thirty boys of all ages. The only thing that all the boys had in common was they all had flat top haircuts, pubic and pit hair shaved clean, and the boots, socks, and hat uniform. All the boys that just came in from doing hard labor were also covered head to toe in dirt.

All the boys that walked in stopped and looked at the new boys. When all the boys were in the dorm room, the guards that escorting them, closed and locked the door.

The oldest boy at camp was almost 15-year-old Trevor Williams. Trevor was the de facto leader of the dorm. He stepped forward and had the new boys introduce themselves by telling everyone their name, age, crime, and how long they would be at camp.

Ethan went last, and everyone stared at him with shock. Ethan was the first felon they had ever met.

Trevor broke the silence of the room by ordering all the boys, including the new ones, into the bathroom for a shower.

The shower was just like a gym class shower. It was a long wall with 15 showerheads. The new boys watched how the older boys took a shower. A boy would soak for a bit under the spray of hot water and then step out. While he used shampoo on what little hair he had, and soap on his body another boy would get under the spray and soak. He would then step out and the first boy would then get under the hot water spray and wash off all the soap and shampoo.

When the new boys saw that when a boy was soaping up his body, he would bend over and push a soaped up finger up and in to his own ass hole, they were shocked. Trevor saw the look on their faces, and he explained that the guards liked to do surprise cleanliness inspections on the boys and they love to find the slightest bit of dirt and punish the boy, and so the boys learned quickly to clean even the inside of their bodies as best they could.

Ethan was glad to see that there were six other boys at camp that were uncut like himself, Trevor being one of them. Trevor told Ethan that he must make sure that he skinned back his dick flesh and clean it to perfection. If any uncut boy got an infection or became swollen form a dirty foreskin then the camp doctor would circumcise him. Trevor pointed to a Mexican boy that was 13 years old. He told Ethan that Jose got circumcised two months ago because the guards did a surprise inspection on him right after getting back from the hard work of the day, and before Jose could take his shower, and found that he was dirty under his skin, and took him to the camp director. The director had Jose paddled on his butt 60 times, then received 12 hits from the lash on his back, and then a circumcision without anesthesia.

They then only gave Jose two days rest to recover and then put him back to regular boot camp activities.

Ethan took Trevor's warning to heart and made sure he was clean all over inside and out. Ethan's dick got hard from all the washing it received, as well as his finger in his ass. Ethan was embarrassed as hell about this happening, even though all the boys, new and old, got hard from the cock and ass cleaning. Not one boy walked out of the shower area and into the main bathroom to get clean towels with a soft dick. Most of the boys had full erections, but a few only had a half hard pudgy.

After the boys dried off they all went back to the main room. All sat down on their bed and proceeded to clean and shine their boots. Trevor told the new boys that at morning inspection they must have on clean socks, and their boots shined to perfection. Their hat must be clean as well. Trevor had the new boys sit close to him so he could explain the things about the camp.

All the new boys came close to panic as they learned that all the boys got sexually abused by the staff, and no boy has ever gone more then two days without getting his mouth or ass fucked. Trevor explained that if a boy says, "NO!" to a staff members sexual advances, that the boy will be punished and then raped anyway. Trevor told them it was better to just give in and take it like a man.

When all the boys had finished cleaning their boots and hat it was homework time. Since the new boys had no schoolwork yet Trevor had them each get a book from the small library of books and read. Trevor explained that if a staff member came in to do a check and saw them doing nothing, he would give them something to do, and that the boy is sure to not like whatever it is the staff member ordered him to do.

It was just about an hour later when the door opened up and three guards came into the room. Two of the guards were pushing carts with the boys' dinner. But Ethan was not going to be eating anytime soon. The third guard walked up to Ethan and grabbed the boy by the ear and pulled the boy up so he was standing. The guard was a tall man and so Ethan was standing on his toes to lesson the pain of his ear.

All the guard said was, "The Director wishes to talk with you," and started to lead Ethan by the ear out the door.

All the older boys saw the looks on the three guards faces, and they knew that Ethan was about to loose his cherry, and knowing the director as they do, in a most painful way.

The guard walked Ethan across the camp compound to the director's house.

"Have fun, boy, A the guard said with a evil sounding chuckle as he pushed Ethan threw the front door and then closed the door behind the boy.

Ethan's blood ran cold at the way the guard told him to, "Have fun."

Ethan looked around the front room he was in. To his right was a large living room with a large screen TV and Dolby surround sound system, and the full VCR/DVD, Stereo with cassette and CD player.

Ethan looked to the left and he saw a large dinning room. The table was huge and could seat at least 25 people for dinner. Ethan saw another door at the other end of the dining room and he assumed that it must lead to the house's kitchen. In front of Ethan was a hallway that leading further into the house. On the left hand side of the hallway, there was a stairway up to the second floor.

Ethan's eyes followed the stairs upwards, and when they came to the top floor, they saw the director wearing a black and red, Japanese, silk robe.

"Welcome to my home Ethan. Please remove your clothing and then come up stairs," said the director.

Ethan swallowed and removed his boots, socks and hat. He then walked up the stairs as slowly as he could get away with.

When Ethan got up onto the top floor landing, the director sucker punched Ethan in the belly. Ethan doubled over and fell to the floor in pain, trying to catch his breath. The director moved as quickly as he could. He used some soft rope to tie Ethan's hands behind his back. He then took a ball gag from his pocket and secured it in Ethan's mouth with leatherhead gear straps.

Now that the boy could not fight him, he lifted the helpless boy up into a fireman's carry and carried the boy into the spare bedroom that he had converted into his sex dungeon.

He placed Ethan down onto the small bed, so the boy was on his back. Hanging from the ceiling were two thick cables and at the end of each cable was a fur lined leather cuff. He used these to secure Ethan's legs so the boy's legs were pulled up and spread apart. Thus exposing the boy's ass.

The director removed his robe, making sure that Ethan was watching.

Ethan watched the director removed his silk robe, and what he saw scared him. The man had a huge erection. It was at least 11 inches long and 3 inches thick. Ethan started to cry, knowing that the monster cock was about to be put up his ass.

The director had other plans for the boy's ass, before he fucked it. He went to the small bathroom that was attached to his little dungeon. When he came out, he had a 3-quart enema bag in his hands. The bag was filled hot and soapy water. Attached to the enema bag was a small, white hose, and at the end of the hose was a three-inch long butt plug. This butt plug was specially made with a one-way flow tube built into it, so it'll let water flow into the boy, but not out. The director had already lubricated the butt plug while in the bathroom, and so all he had to do was hang the bag from a hook he had on the ceiling and then started to push the plug up and into the boy's ass.

Ethan cried into his gag as he felt his ass open and the plug get shoved into him.

Ethan started to cry. The butt plug was large and stretched his ass open so much, that it did not feel good, like the doctors finger did, back at the jail. Once the director felt the plug slip all the way in, and Ethan's ass lips close around the base, he undid the clamp that was on the hose, and let the watcher start to flow.

At first the water flowing inside Ethan hurt, since it was hotter then it should be. But as the water flowed into him, his insides got used to the heat. But right when he was used to one pain, Ethan started to feel a fullness in his belly. That fullness started to become a pressure that started to hurt.

The director watched Ethan's belly expand outwards, and when the enema bag was over half empty, the boy looked like he was pregnant.

After ten more minutes the bag was not empty so the director started to squeeze the enema bag, forcing more water up into Ethan's bowels.

Ethan was crying into his gag, and trying to tell the man to stop. Trying to tell him that he was full and could not take any more.

But all the director heard was the unintelligible babbling of the boy. After the director got as much of the hot and soapy water up into the boy as he could he detached the hose from the butt plug. He took the hose and enema bag back into the bathroom. He cleaned out the bag. He let the bag soak in clean water for a while and went back out to his playroom.

His dick gave a lurch and a bead of pre cum leaked out of his piss hole, when he saw the bloated boy crying and trying to use his anal mussels to push out the invading butt plug so he could let the water flow out.

Ten minutes later the director told Ethan that he would remove the plug, but if anything else left Ethan's ass, he would get 25 with the cane.

Ethan took a deep breath and held in his bowels as the director pulled out the butt plug. A little water escaped Ethan's ass, but the director knew this would happen and he also knew that Ethan felt the little bit come out, because the boy's crying become more insistent.

The director then placed a specially made bowl right under the boy's ass. The underside of the bowl had a large hose attached to it for the fluids to run through and enter into a holding tank. When it was all ready, the director told Ethan he could let go.

Ethan let the muscles relax and all 3 quarts of the soapy water plus all the things that had built up inside his colon came gushing out in a torrent of brown and chunky water.

When Ethan was empty, the director went and filled the enema bag with more hot water, but this time without any soap. He then pushed the butt plug back up Ethan's love hole, and he filled the boy again with clean water to help rinse out all soap.

He did this a total of three times, filling Ethan up a total of four time. The boy was so clean that when the last enema came out the water was as clear as spring water.

Now that the boy was clean for his dick, he had to punish the boy for leaking all four enemas. He knew the boy could not handle 100 cuts of the cane, and so he decided to give the boy 100 with a leather strap.

Ethan was crying even before the first hit landed.

The director was an expert at spanking bad boys, and by the time he gave Ethan the 100th hit there was not one spot of white on the boys bottom. The director had a laugh as he saw that Ethan's butt hole was a fire red color from being hit multiple times.

Now that the boy's bottom was ready, the director coated his dick with a thick layer of KY jelly. He then put the tip of his dick at the boy's entrance, and started to push.

Ethan screamed in pain and his eyes bulged out as the thick dick spread his ass lips so far apart, Ethan felt like he was shitting a 1-liter bottle of soda. The director slowly but steadily pushed his dick into the boy.

Ethan was pushing out with his anal mussels, trying to expel the large intruder. But it was not working. He soon felt the man's pubic bush rub his low hanging balls, and he knew that the man was all the way in him.

The director knew he could not hold out long, and so instead of letting Ethan get used to him inside him he started to pull his dick out, and then when just the head was in, he shoved his dick, balls deep, back in.

As the director thrust himself in and out of Ethan's love chute, Ethan's cries turned from cries of pain, to cries of pleasure.

Ethan's dick started to get hard and rise up.

The director saw the boy's dick get hard. He took a hold of the teen's tool. The man wanked the boy's cock at a fast speed. He wanted the boy to cum first. The extra stimulation that Ethan received from his dick being wanked caused his balls to boil over. Semen started to gush out of his dick and splatter all over his chest and belly.

The director felt the boy's anal mussels contracting with the boy's orgasm, and it drove him over the edge. He gave one last push and started to fill the boy's guts with his own man seed.

The director collapsed onto Ethan.

When the director had recovered from his orgasm, he pulled out his now soft, 6-inch dick out of Ethan's sore ass. Some cum came out along with his dick. He then left Ethan still tied up and walked out of the dungeon room and went to his own 5 star bedroom and bathroom.

It took the director over an hour to clean himself up and put on some silk boxer shorts. He knew that Ethan would be very sore and cramping up from the odd position he is forced in, but that did not faze the man.

Only when he was ready did he go and free Ethan. He first removed the ball gag. As Ethan worked his jaw, trying to get feeling back into it, the director first freed up Ethan's legs, and then after lifting him off the bed and into a standing position, he unhooked the handcuffs.

Ethan's hands went straight to his butt. He started to rub the cheeks, but stopped when he felt that it was making more man seed to come out of his now no longer virgin ass.

Ethan was ordered to go to the small, attached bathroom and to clean himself up. Ethan blushed as the man followed him and stood in the doorway and watched Ethan sit on the toilet to let the cum out of his ass.

The man enjoyed the show as Ethan took a shower and scrubbed himself all over. Ethan was feeling very dirty, and no matter how much he scrubbed himself, he just could not make himself feel clean.

After Ethan was dry, he was lead back down stairs and to put his uniform back on. Once dressed, Ethan was ordered to go back to the dorm, and that he would be watched, and if he deviated from going right to the dorm a guard would catch him and give him a major punishment.

Ethan's bottom was still on fire from the spanking he got for leaking so he did not even think about anything but going right to the dorm.

There was a guard waiting for him, and the guard unlocked the door to let Ethan in.

When Ethan walked into the dorm room, all eyes turned and looked at him. The door closed and locked behind Ethan, and when Ethan heard the lock engage, Ethan fell to his knees, put his hands to his face, and cried.

Trevor saw his chance to earn the sexy new boy's trust, and he went up to the boy, kneeled down and took Ethan into his arms. He held Ethan and let him cry into his shoulder.

Not long after their door locked, the lights turned off, since it was already past lights out.

Trevor helped Ethan up to his feet, and walked the boy to his bed. He got Ethan to lie down, and covered him with a blanket. He saw that Ethan was asleep already.

Trevor smiled to himself as he walked in the dark to his own bed. He knew Ethan would remember what Trevor had done for him on this night, and so Ethan would fall into Trevor's trap.

The lights came on in the room and a loud alarm went off.

All the boys, new and old, jumped out of bed. Even the boys that had been at the camp for a while have not gotten used to the wake up alarm. The boys all dressed in their uniform and then made their beds and made sure the dorm house was clean and ready for inspection.

When the door to the outside opened, all the boys ran to stand at attention in front of their bed. The four staff members that came in took their time to look over the main room as well as the bathroom. The men then inspected the boys. They would have the boys bend over and pull their ass cheeks apart, and a guard would cram a finger up the boys ass and yank it out without any kind of lube, to check the boy was clean on the inside.

The few uncut boys got their dick skins pulled back, rather roughly, to make sure no dirt or other matter had built up inside.

The guards were disappointed to find nothing to punish any of the boys for. The lead guard called on his radio, and shortly after, the boys breakfast arrived.

Ethan was starving, since he had no dinner, and all to soon for him, the food was gone.

The boy's were taken outside, and for the next four hours, worked on exercise, drills, and a long ass hike and run, During the hike and run, the boys that had been at the camp for a while had to go over the rules and duties of the boys at camp.

By the time the four hours were done, it was time for school. The boys had a short break to use a hose to wash off the worst of the dirt and smell off of their bodies. The boys then walked out to a large rock outcropping. They were able to sit in some shade for their lessons for the day. They had lunch while having lessons, but made sure that they had no food in their mouths when a teach was asking questions. If a boy had a mouthful of food and Mr. Sanders saw it while asking questions, he was sure to have the boy with a mouth full of food answer the question, and of course the boy could not with food in his mouth, and so invoke the wrath of Mr. Sanders and his cane.

After a hour of cleaning and inspection, four hours of morning routine, then four hours of school, it was now 2pm, or as Ethan learned, 1400 hours. The boys then had to run while the guards rode ATV's out to the mine.

The boys then worked for five hours with hand tools in an old silver mine. It was very rare when a boy found some silver, but if the boys did find silver and it was a good amount, the boys got to see a movie on Sunday night.

The boys did the same thing 7 days a week. Awake at 5am, clean up dorm and inspection till 6am. 6am to 10am, exercise, drill, and run. 10am to 2pm school and lunch. 2pm to 7pm work in the mine. 7pm to 9pm clean up, homework, free time. 9pm, lights out, bed time.

Three hours into his first time digging in the mine a guard came into the mine and called to Ethan, telling him to come out to the entrance.

Ethan put down his pick and followed the guard. When Ethan was outside two other guards tackled him.

Ethan yelled and tried to get free, but the guards overpowered him, and soon had Ethan tied up to some shoring beams and gagged. The beams had been made into a large X frame, and Ethan was tied so secured to it, that he could only move his head.

The head guard the stepped next to Ethan, took his chin in his hand and turned the bound and gagged boys face so he could look into the boys eyes.

He the spoke, "So you like to rape little girls do you? Well I have a little daughter, and I don't want you raping her when you get out, so we are going to teach you what it's like to be raped.

Ethan tried to scream and tell he never raped anyone, but it all came out as muffled gibberish. Ethan watched all the guards take off their pants and boxers. He cried as he saw all the large dicks.

One at a time, the guards fucked Ethan's ass as hard as they could. As they slammed their dicks into Ethan's ass, they would use a hand to spank one of Ethan's butt cheeks as hard as they could. Ethan's dick was thrust hard against the rough wood of the X frame he was tied to. Ethan could feel the splinters of wood enter his tender cock flesh.

Ethan was crying from the pain he was receiving from both ends of his body. All but one guard had a piece of Ethan, and the last guard was the lead guard. He also had the largest cock in the camp.

When Ethan looked at the hard, cut, 14-inch long snake, he tried again to get free. He did not want the large man cock up his ass.

Ethan did not remember passing out, but the cold water tossed over him woke him to the worst pain he ever felt in his ass. Ethan thought he had been ripped open. He thought the man's dick was going to come out of his mouth, it felt so long inside him. Unlike the other guards, the lead guard took his time in fucking the boy. When he felt himself ready to cum, he would stop his thrusts, and while his orgasm subsided, he would spank Ethan's bottom. When he was ready, he would start his thrusting again.

Ethan passed out several times during this final fuck, and each time a bucket of cold water was dumped over him to wake him up. The final fuck lasted over an hour. Ethan could not believe the pain. He was nothing but a whimpering little boy as the head guard finally dumped the massive load he had been saving for just over a week into Ethan.

Ethan could feel the warm and sticky goo being pumped up into him. He sighed as he knew his torture would soon be over.

The lead guard pulled out of Ethan's ass with a loud "slurp" sound. Cum came out of Ethan's ass and ran down the crack of his ass and dripped down to the ground. They untied Ethan, and with a hard slap to his now well-spanked and red butt cheek, Ethan was sent back into the mine for the last hour of work.

All the boys stopped work when they saw Ethan come back into the shaft they were working in, and saw how he was walking.

While Ethan was being raped, the new boys learned from the older boys what was most likely happing. The way Ethan was walking confirmed to all the boys what happened to the boy.

Ethan sniveled as he picked up his pick and started to pound it into the wall. Ethan felt cum leak out his ass and run down his leg. None of the other boys laughed at the sight. The older boys all knew what it was like, since it had happened more then once to them, and the other new boys had the foreboding feeling it would happen to them some day soon.

A guard blew a whistle and the boys put their tools away and walked out of the mine. They then had to run back to camp.

The run was made even harder on Ethan with his ass still hurting, as well as cum sloshing his insides.

When all the boys were in their dorm room, the door was closed and locked. Ethan went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet to try and expel all the man cum that was in him.

When Ethan got out as much as he could, he went into the showers. He was surprised to see that only Trevor was in the showers. Ethan did not know what to expect, but he was not scared of Trevor. After all, Trevor had held and hugged him while he cried on his first night.

The truth was Trevor needed some hot boy ass, and decided tonight was the night for it. And so he told the boys that if they came into the showers before he and Ethan were done he would beat the living crap out of them.

Ethan got under a showerhead and started to wash himself. The hot water on his sore body felt good to him, and he closed his eyes. Shortly after closing his eyes, Ethan felt hands on his shoulders. He opened his eyes and looked back. He saw Trevor and Trevor were being nice to him again.

Trevor had a bar of soap in his hand, and used his soapy hands to massage and wash Ethan. Ethan closed his eyes again and just relaxed and enjoyed the feeling.

Trevor saw that Ethan had closed his eyes again, and he got himself ready. He used the soap to make his dick, hard and slippery. It rose upwards and outward to its full 6 1/2 inches. He was careful to not let his cock touch Ethan. He did not want to scare off his pray.

Trevor slowly worked his hands down Ethan's back. Then when he thought Ethan was ready, he pushed a soaped up finger between Ethan's butt cheeks.

Ethan opened his eyes and pulled away from Trevor.

Trevor was ready for this, and he used his free hand and body weight to push against the wall and to hold him there.

Ethan yelled out, "What are you doing? Please stop. Let me go!"

Trevor ignored Ethan and used a hand to pull apart Ethan's ass. He then aimed his dick at the entrance and pushed forward.

Ethan screamed as a new cock pushed into him. Ethan tried to get away, but Trevor had him pinned to good and all he could do was yell and scream for help. Trevor's boy toy entered Ethan's boy pussy, and he thought he was in heaven. Trevor had fucked many of the boys in the dorm room in the last 4 months he had been there, but none had been as silky soft on the inside as Ethan was. Trevor did not last long and he was soon adding his own teen semen to the men seed that was still up inside Ethan.

When Trevor was done, he pulled out of Ethan and let Ethan slide down the wall to shower room's tile floor.

Trevor then went back to the showerhead he was using and ignored Ethan crying on the floor as he washed himself. When he was done, he left the shower and dried off. Only then did he go out to the main room and let the other boys go use the showers.

Most of the boys felt sorry for Ethan, but none did anything to help him. All fearing that if they did, they would be Trevor's next victim.

Ethan was able to compose himself and he got up and finished his shower with the other boys. Not a word was said as the boys all dried off and then went to their own bed to clean their hat, and boots. Each boy had already dumped their dirty socks into a hamper and drawn a clean pair to have for the morning. When hat and boots were cleaned and well polished, the boys did their homework and waited for dinner to arrive.

When the food arrived, they ate in total silence, unlike the normal dinner chatter. If Trevor had one brain cell working, he would have noticed the looks the other boys were giving him and would of been worried.

The truth is, that the boys have finally had enough of Trevor bullying them in a place were they should be the best of friends and help each other cope with the hell that the courts had put them. They had to submit to the staff raping them daily, but they slowly worked up the courage to not be raped by one of their own.

An hour after lights out, Ethan felt someone shaking him and whispering in his ear to wake up. Ethan thought the voice sounded like Billy. A cute boy who had arrived on the bus with him.

Billy told Ethan is a quiet voice to follow him. Ethan got up and followed Billy. They walked into the bathroom. All the rooms had small night-lights, so the boys could see at night if they had to get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Ethan saw that every boy, but Trevor, was in the bathroom.

Ethan was shocked at first. He saw Kyle, the second oldest boy in the dorm and didn't trust him.

Kyle told Ethan how sorry he was for letting Trevor rape him, and he took Ethan's hands into his and with tears in his eyes, begged Ethan to forgive him. This was very unlike how a normal teenage boy would act, and so the room was deathly quiet.

Ethan's trust came back up again, and he squeezed Kyle's hands and smiled at him. "I forgive you," he said, and then he looked at the other boys and said, "I forgive all of you."

The tension was broken in the room, and a new bond of friendship was formed in that dimly lit bathroom.

The boys talked and came up with a plan of action. Once everything was worked out, the boys set their plan in motion.

They went to the dirty sock hamper and worked together to tie almost a weeks worth of socks into ropes. They then went back into the main room. Trevor was snoring lightly and deep in sleep. All Trevor did was mumble a little as the boys lifted him and turned him onto his belly. They then tied him so he was 100% secure to his bed.

Ethan had the privilege of waking Trevor.

Ethan raised his hand and brought the flat of his hand down as hard as he could onto Trevor's exposed bottom.

Trevor's eyes shot open and he started to scream, but before any sound could escape his mouth two dirty socks that had been rolled into a ball were shoved into his mouth.

Kyle then leaned forward to Trevor's ear and told him the new ruler of the dorm was Ethan and that Trevor would now be punished for his abuse.

Trevor was screaming and crying into his sock gag as each boy, new and old, took their turn and spanked Trevor's ass 25 spanks to each butt cheek, each. Ethan was the last to spank Trevor, and all the rapes that had happened to him over the past two days all came boiling over. Ethan really went off on Trevor. He put his entire body into the spanks. Each spank sounded like a gunshot when it hit Trevor's bottom.

Kyle had to finally grab Ethan and pull him away. At first Ethan fought and tried to get back to Trevor and continue his spanking of the bully, but Kyle was barely strong enough to keep Ethan away until Ethan finally calmed down.

Now that Trevor's ass was warmed up and ready, a boy named Alec, used soap, water, and two of his fingers, to make Trevor's boy pussy, all ready to be fucked.

Ethan was the first to fuck Trevor. Once Ethan was balls deep inside Trevor, Ethan knew why fucking a cute boy's ass was so much fun. Ethan made sure to take his time, but it had been a while since he shot his teen load, and so he soon was pumping his jism far up into Trevor.

Once Ethan was finished, he pulled out and the next boy in line took his place. Ethan went to the bathroom and cleaned up his crotch. He then went to his bed and lied down to watch the other boys rape Trevor's ass.

It took a few hours, but soon all the boys in the dorm had fucked Trevor's ass raw. The boys left Trevor all tied up and gagged. They went to their own beds and all went to sleep.

All the boys, for the first time since they arrived, slept without worry that Trevor would come and wake them up in the middle of the night, for a late night fuck in the bathroom.

Trevor cried for the first time since he arrived at the camp. He was a tough boy and he was able to keep up his act during the rapes he received from the adult's at the camp, but for the first time he felt the feeling the other boys had been feeling.

Trevor tried to sleep, but it felt like he had a gallon of semen in his ass, plus his butt cheeks still hurting from the spanking he received. Both of these put together kept Trevor awake for a few hours. But he finally fell asleep.

It is a month later and the boys are hard at work in the mine. Trevor kept to himself for the last four weeks. Yesterday was his last day at the camp, but he never worked. Instead, while the rest of the boys were in the mine, Trevor was raped several times by the guards, as a good-bye party.

During the following month Sid had spent all his free time following Peter. Trying to catch him in the act of raping some young girl. Sid had bought a state of the art video camera with ultra zoom. Sid could be a block away and still record Peter's actions and even with the ultra microphone, could record Peters voice.

Peter was a smart boy, and he figured he had to lay low for a few months. And so he just jacked off while thinking about popping the cherry of a pre pubescent pussy.

Sid did get one real nice jerk off video of Peter. Peter was sitting at his computer desk and while looking at pictures of the Olsen Twins he jerked his 8-inch, cut cock to a very messy orgasm. Sid was rather impressed at the amount of semen Peter shot all over his T-shirt. When Sid watched the video later on, he counted the blasts of cum, and he counted 7 large ropes and 3 dribbles.

The next day, Sid took the video to a friend of his who did some editing to it, and then using secure internet, posted the new video all over the web for all to see.

What people would see is a rather cute, young teenager, jerking off to pictures of Aaron Carter. As the boy wanked, he was talking dirty, like it was Aaron sucking his dick and then like he was fucking Aaron's ass. And when the young teen (Peter) in the video shot his load, he was heard saying, "Oh yea Aaron, here it comes. I want you to shoot your load on my face as I cum."

Two days later, Sid was looking at the newsgroups that the video was posted, and there was a flood of people wanting more of the boy.

Sid had made Peter a very popular boy slut to be.

What Sid did not know at the time was that later on the video on the hyper net would help in Peter's trial for the prosecution. The prosecutor would use the video as evidence to prove what a sick pervert Peter was.

Sid was getting frustrated about Peter keeping himself out of trouble. He was even tempted to pray to God for Peter to fuck up.

But no matter how long it took Sid was going to keep on Peter. He knew that sooner or later, hopefully sooner, Peter would fuck up. And when he did, Sid would be there with his camera to catch it all.

Ethan was working the mine when a guard came in. The Guard came up to Ethan and told him that he was wanted outside.

Ethan started to shake. He knew that being needed outside could only mean one thing. He trembled as the guard placed his hand on his shoulder and used the hand to nudge him along.

Ethan could not look at the other boys as he walked by them, he felt so ashamed. When Ethan got to the entrance to the mine, he panicked. He saw that every male staff member from the boot camp was naked from the waist down, erect, and waiting for him.

Two of the men came up and helped the guard that brought Ethan out, to secure Ethan to some beams they had set up. They had used the beams to make a sawhorse type frame, and Ethan was placed over it. His arms and legs were stretched far apart and tied to the posts.

A guard named Bill and a cook named Carl were the first two to use Ethan. Carl got Ethan's mouth, while Bill got to fuck Ethan's ass.

Carl took a hold of Ethan's ears and made the boy look at him. "If you bite me, I will slit your throat," he said to Ethan. He then pushed his hard 7-inch, cut man cock deep into Ethan's mouth.

The hard dick in Ethan's mouth acted as a gag for when Bill shoved his 8 inches into Ethan's love hole. Carl just loved the feeling Ethan's screaming mouth was giving his dick. He let go of Ethan's ears. Instead he used one hand to rub threw Ethan's strawberry blond, flattop.

Ethan was crying and pulling hard on the ropes that secured him. He wanted to get away but the rope that secured him was just too strong. So all Ethan could do was take the dicks that were invading his body.

Ethan swallowed a mouthful of man cum. Carl kept the tip of his dick in the boy's mouth as he fired his sperm. When he was done, he ordered Ethan to swallow.

Ethan did not swallow until he was forced to. Carl pinched Ethan's nose closed, and soon Ethan had to swallow the thick fluid that had filled his mouth, in order to breathe.

Carl pulled out and another man's cock replaced the dick in Ethan's mouth. As Ethan sucked the new dick, he felt the dick in his ass start to throb and fill his guts with cum.

The semi-hard dick pulled out of his ass, along with a little man sperm. Ethan was a little thankful about the semen in his ass. It acted as a lubricant as another man-sized dick was crammed into his ass.

Ethan fought his bonds as he was raped repeatedly over and over again, until finally all the men had Ethan's ass and his mouth.

Ethan was so full of cum that when he was finally untied he let out a large fart and all the cum came gushing out, and did not stop until most of it was out of him.

All the men laughed at Ethan as he lay on the dirt ground, in a puddle of semen, and cried.

Not long afterwards, one of the guards went into the mine to fetch the other boys.

On the run back to the camp the other boys had to help Ethan. Ethan was extremely sore and had trouble with keeping up, and if it was not for the other boys helping him, he would of fallen behind and then been punished for making everyone late back to camp.

The boys arrived back into their dorm and even though all the boys were a lot dirtier then Ethan the boys let Ethan have a shower to himself. Ethan just stood under the hot water of the shower and let the hot water wash over his body.

All the boys had finished their showers and some saw that Ethan had not washed himself. He was in some kind of shock. Three of the boys that had become close friends with Ethan stepped up to Ethan, and washed him. They did not want their friend to be punished. When Ethan was clean, the boys dried him and helped him into bed.

The boys then all pitched in and cleaned Ethan's boots, and his hat, so the boy could rest.

Instead of bringing in dinner, the guards that showed up told all the boys to step outside into formation, but not to bother to dress.

All the boys, including Ethan, stepped outside and lined up in three rows, and stood at attention.

The camp owner/director came out of his home and walked up to the group of boys. He nodded his head to the head guard. The head guard then ordered the boys to make their dicks hard.

Ethan's eyes started to tear up as he took a hold of his uncut penis, and stroked it to hardness. Once hard, he let go of his dick. His dick pointed skyward. The skin pulled back just enough to show just the top half of his red gland.

Once all the boys had erections, the director walked down each row of boys. Every now and then he would stop in front of a boy and have a look at him. If he stopped at a boy, while looking at him, he would reach out and take a hold of the boys hard cock. He would give it a few pumps, and then he would walk on down the line.

When he was done looking at all the boys, he decided he had to have Ethan again. He pointed to Ethan and told the boy to come to his house.

Ethan snapped. He took off at a dead run, blinded by fear. He did not know were he was going to run too, but he knew he just had to get away.

Before his arrest, Ethan was the star forward of his all-state soccer team, and so he was lighting fast. The director and camp staff stood in shock as the young teen took off running while screaming. It took the staff a full minute to get themselves together and react to what happened.

It took the staff several minutes to go get the key to the ATV shed and open it, and then to bring out the four ATV'S.

The guards got onto their ATV and took off after the fleeing boy.

Ethan was running blind, and so he did not see were he was going or what he was doing. He just ran, ran for his life.

"Why the FUCK did that little shit take off?" Asked the director.

All the staff looked embarrassed and did not look the director in the eyes.

Logan, a barely 13-year-old, white blond haired, boy who was at the camp for shoplifting, raised his hand. The director looked daggers at Logan, but then his eye's soften as he saw the boy cringe. "What is it lad?" he asked of Logan.

The staff all looked at Logan and Logan saw the way they looked at him. If looks could kill, Logan would of dropped dead on the spot.

Logan then looked at the director and told of the entire staff raping Ethan at both ends, and that he thought the reason Ethan ran away, was because he could not handle any more sex.

The director admired the tact that Logan had on not at all hinting about the rape of Ethan the director was planning on Ethan that night.

The director had one of the guards put the boys back into the dorm and lock it up for the night. He left standing orders that none of the boys were to be let out or bothered at all for the rest of the night. He also said that when they brought Ethan back, that Ethan was to be place in the box.

The box was a small metal box that had hardly enough room in it for a boy. The boy locked in the box could only sit with his legs bent at the knees and the boy resting his chin on his knees and his arms wrapped around his legs.

The director went to his house and went to bed alone.

While Ethan was running scared, Sid was once again following Peter. Sid had a good feeling about tonight. He knew that Peter's parents had left town for a weekend away to themselves. They thought their angel Peter was old enough to stay home by himself for a weekend, and so they left Peter alone. Sid also knew that Peter was extremely horny.

Sid had video taped Peter jacking off. While Peter was jerking off, he was looking at pictures on his computer of young girls, naked and tied up in bondage. While he wanked and looked at pictures, Peter was talking dirty to himself that the microphone picked up. When Sid watched the video later on, he heard Peter talking about biting of a girls nipple off, and spanking the girls ass bloody, and other things that are just to sick to mention.

The third reason Sid thought he would get lucky tonight, was because of the look in Peter's eyes. There was pure lust as well as evil in Peter's eyes as he left his house.

Peter and Sid were in the local mall. Peter was once again flirting with some girls, and Sid was four-stores down. Sid was lucky there was a large plant between himself and Peter, and so it would of been hard for Peter to see Sid. To fool any cameras that might be watching Sid, Sid had stooped down and was adjusting his shoe. Pretending that there was something wrong with it and he was trying to figure out what was wrong.

All but one of the girls left. The girl that stayed with Peter was about 11 or 12 years old. Sid could see the look in her eyes, puppy love. Whatever dribble, Peter was spewing at her, seemed to be working. The girl was in Peter's power. First the girl and Peter went to the food court and had some food that Peter paid for. Peter was doing a great act of being a gentleman.

Sid got himself some food from a Chinese place and sat as close as he dared to Peter and the girl. Sid was able to pick up some of the words Peter and the girl said to each other.

Sid listened and found out that the girls name was Jackie. Jackie was going to be 12 years old tomorrow.

Peter, being the gentleman that he was, (yea right), he told Jackie that he would like to give her a birthday gift. He old her that she deserved a set of diamond earrings that he had at home, for her birthday.

Of course, Jackie, being the innocent girl that she was, swooned over the older boy who liked her so much that he wanted to give her diamonds. Peter talked Jackie into coming to his house to get them, and Jackie readily agreed.

Soon, Sid, was driving to Peter's house. Sid was at Peter's house and waiting for Peter and Jackie when the boy and girl arrived.

Neither Peter nor Jackie knew that they were not alone in the house. Sid had let himself into the house with the hidden key in a rock that was by the back door. Sid had the camera recording as soon as the front door was opened.

Peter took Jackie to his room. He had Jackie sit on the bed and he told her that he had to go get the earrings.

Peter left the room and so Jackie just sat on the boy's unmade bed and waited. Less the two minutes later, Peter walked back into his bedroom. Jackie had a shocked look on her face. Peter was naked and holding a large handgun in his hand. He had the gun pointed at the girl.

Peter ordered Jackie to strip herself naked.

Jackie screamed and tried to run, but Peter just used his free hand and backhanded her.

Jackie fell onto the floor and cried. Peter gave her a small kick to her belly and then put the gum to her head. He told her to strip now or die.

Jackie stood up and with the gun pointed at her and tears in her eyes took off her clothing.

Peter soon had the now naked Jackie tied up and gagged to his bed. Peter then was able to put down his gun and proceeded to rape her. When the rape was done, Sid left the camera recording as he went to another room to use his stolen cell phone to call the police.

He lied out his ass, saying he was Rob Van Dam and he was out walking his dog and he can hear screams from this house. He gave the address at promised to wait for the police to arrive.

Sid then went and got his video camera and left. Sid was well hidden when the police arrived. While waiting for the cops to arrive, Sid watched the part of the tape he did not see. Sid was extremely happy to see Peter lighting up a joint and then after taking a few hits of the pot, he was telling Jackie how much he enjoyed taking her cherry. He then told Jackie that she was much better than the girl he last raped and had his brother take the fall for.

The police arrived and looked for the man who called the police. When not finding anyone, they walked up to the house that had the disturbance and knocked on the door.

Peter, not thinking, put on a pair of boxers and went to answer the door. The police officers smelled the pot on Peter right away, and that was all they needed. The officers grabbed Peter and pushed him into the house. While one officer handcuffed Peter and read him his rights, the other officer did a search of the house to see if anyone else was around.

The second officer found Jackie still tied up and gagged. Her legs up in the air and spread apart, and semen and blood leaking out of her twat. The cop untied the girl and let her get dressed as he called for a female officer and an ambulance to his location.

With a huge ass grin on his face after watching Peter put handcuffed, into the back of the police car, Sid left to go home. Once home, Sid made some copies of the videotape. Sid made sure he had on gloves so as to not leave any fingerprints on anything he mailed one copy of the tape to the police and another to the state prosecutor office.

Sid know knew that Ethan's day at the boot camp would soon be coming to an end.

It was over four hours later that one of the guards found Ethan passed out asleep by large rock. The guard used his leather belt and hit Ethan across his shoulders.

Ethan jumped up and screamed in pain, just in time to feel another hit of the belt. The belt rained down on Ethan's back until the man's arm was to tired to swing the belt any more.

The guard used handcuffs to secure Ethan, and then used a rope around Ethan's neck as a leash to lead Ethan back to camp. When they arrived, Ethan was locked into the box.

Ethan spent two days in the box. He had no food or water and had to piss and shit on himself since there was no place in the box to relive himself.

When Ethan was let out of the box, one of the guards took a hose and used it to rinse off the worst of Ethan's stink.

The guard let Ethan drink his fill of cold water from the hose when he was done washing him off. Then when Ethan's thirst was sated, the guard took Ethan and strapped him down to an A-frame.

All the boys came back from their days work at the mine and saw Ethan attached to the frame. The boys were ordered to stand in formation.

The director came out and gave a speech about running away and the consequences of it. He then walked up to the A-frame. He then leaned over to pick up a large bamboo cane. As he bent over, he whispered in Ethan's ear, "I'm sorry about this. I understand why you ran away, but you still ran away, and so you must be punished."

The director then stood up and stepped back. He tapped the cane onto Ethan's bottom and held it there as he got himself into a good position.

With an ear splitting CRACK and an even louder sounding scream, the first hit of the cane landed on Ethan's ass. The cane dug into Ethan's flesh. When the cane was lifted from Ethan's bottom, all the other boys could see a fire red line that was left from the cane. The second hit of the cane landed right below the first line of pain.

To Ethan, it felt like the director had used a very sharp sword to cut open his skin, and then poured napalm into the open wound. Hit after hit landed down onto Ethan's unprotected ass. When the director landed a hit right on the crease between the boy's ass and legs, he worked his way upwards. He aimed at any white spot he found on the boys ass. When he reached the spot were he had started, he worked his way slowly upwards since he had not hit that area of Ethan's bottom. He finally got to the top part of the bare bottom, and had a fast look. He saw three small, white areas on the now cherry red bottom, and so he gave Ethan three last hits of the cane, so he could change the white spots into red. Now that he had finished with the cane, he had to take care of his throbbing, hard, cock.

He pulled down his pants and underwear in one pull, and pushed them down to his ankles. He put some spit onto his hand, and rubbed it onto his dick. He then stepped up close to Ethan's ass, and without saying a word, he shoved himself balls deep into the hot boy pussy.

Ethan could not scream from the new assault on his ass. His throat was raw with pain from his screaming and so could not even let out a whisper.

The guards pushed the watching boys forward so they could see what was happening.

All the boys were shocked at the size of the director's cock. They knew that a lot of the staff had longer dicks, but the director's penis was very thick. Some of the boys could not help themselves and their dicks became hard at the sight.

A boy named Seth took a hold of his 4-inch hard, cut, dick and started to masturbate. One of the guards saw him, and walked up to him and as hard as he could, he smacked the head of Seth's dick.

Seth screamed more from shock then the pain, but some of scream was from the pain also. Everyone looked at Seth to see why he screamed, but soon looked back to Ethan and the director.

The director reached around and took a hold of Ethan's soft dick. He rubbed the boy's noodle to make it hard. Once hard, he used his full hand to jack off the boy cock. The director became lost in lust. He forgot were he was, and he used his free hand to start to spank Ethan's sore butt cheeks.

The pain was too much for Ethan and he was finally able to scream in pain. The screams were music to the director's ears as he fucked the boy as hard as he could. Despite the pain, Ethan's dick responded to the hand stroking it. Ethan felt the feeling in his balls, and knew he was close.

Ethan fired off a large rope of boy cum and at the same time his ass muscles contacted. The contraction of the ass muscles caused just the extra stimulation the director needed and he started to fire his semen far up into Ethan.

When the director finally pulled his now soft dick out of Ethan's ass, a little cum and some blood came out as well. He just pulled up his pants and walked back to his house.

While the guards took the boys back to the dorm, the head guard untied Ethan from the A-frame. He then half carried, and half walked Ethan to the camp doctor.

The doctor helped the guard clean up Ethan in a cool bath, and then he checked over Ethan, and rubbed some healing cream onto Ethan's bottom.

The guard then took Ethan back to the dorm room and locked him in with the rest of the boys.

Ethan did not cry at all. All he did was walk to his bed and fell asleep before his head hit the pillow.

The next morning the wake up alarm went off and the boys got up out of bed, but before the boys could do anything else, the door opened and the director and several guards came in. The guards were carrying a large box each.

The director told the boys to get dressed in the clothing that was in the boxes and that if any of the visitors should talk to them, that the boys should say nothing but good things about the camp. He told the boys that there were hidden microphones in the clothing and that they will listen to the tapes. If a boy says anything bad about the camp or staff they would be punished a lot worse then what Ethan got the other day.

The staff left to let the boys dress. The boys opened the boxes and were shocked by what they saw.

Only Ethan recognized the clothing was. He remembered an old movie called Empire Of The Sun and the way the boy in the movie was dressed at the start of the movie.

When all the boys were dressed, the room looked like it might be a dorm room from a 1940s British boarding school full of British schoolboys dressed in their short pant's school uniform.

Ethan told the boys about the movie and he warned them that they had better have their socks pulled up to just below their knees, or they might be punished. The other boys took Ethan's advice and pulled their socks back up, since most had pushed them down so they were bunched up around their ankles.

The boys were standing around and talking about what might be happening, when the door to the outside opened up. The head guard came in with one more box. He put down the box and said, "All right you little brats. Now listen. If anyone asks, you are wearing your standard school uniform. You tell them that you wear jean shorts and a T-shirt when you work. You tell them you work at a farm, NOT in a mine. And let me remind you again that we can hear you."

The head guard then told the boys to get a hat from the box and then go outside and line up in formation.

The boys lined up just in time to see a large cargo van pull up. The sliding side door was facing away from the boys, and so they only heard the door open. They did not see who came out of the van. The camp's director was on the side of the van with the people who climbed out of it and was talking to some lady.

The only way the boys knew the director was talking to a lady was because of the lady's voice. All the boys were grateful for the clothing they had on, even though they all felt like total dorks in the old style clothing.

Ethan's heart skipped a beat and he had to fight a smile that was threatening to break out when the adults from the van and the camp director came around to the boys' side of the van. One of the adults was Sid, the doctor from the boy jail that promised to help him.

Ethan saw that one of the men with the group of people was the judge who had heard his case. Ethan's heart started to sink, but he looked at Sid again, and he saw that Sid was looking at him.

Sid saw Ethan look at him, and he gave the super cute boy a wink with a small smile.

Ethan's mood perked up when he saw the smile and wink from Sid.

Sid did not take any chance of a tent in his pants, and so when he dressed this morning, he had put on a jock strap before he put on his boxer shorts this morning. And now Sid was thanking the naked boy god that he had, because he now had a very hard erection going on in his pants.

He could not believe how sexy the boys looked in their uniform. Sid was glad he had a small hidden digital micro digital camera on him, and he was being careful about taking pictures, since he only had 200 shots.

The judge then stepped forward and gave a speech about a miscarriage of justice. He explained Ethan's case and what happened. He then had Ethan step forward. Ethan stepped forward. He stood in front of the judge and listened to the judge explain his rights, and the judge telling him about his case being dropped and him being set free.

Sid later on showed Ethan the picture of Ethan when the judge had set him free. The smile on Ethan's face would of brightened up anyone's mood on even the worst of days. The sun was glinting off of Ethan's braces at just the right angle to add to the smile on his face in the picture.

Now that Ethan was free, Sid stepped forward and told Ethan to come with him. Ethan followed Sid to the van. He was then handed a pile of clothing. Sid asked where Ethan could change and Ethan pointed to the dorm house.

Ethan told Sid that the door could only open with a key, and so Sid went to the director who was talking to the lady who was a representative of the state, and asked for the key to the dorm house.

Ethan followed Sid and once inside and the door was closed Sid grabbed Ethan, and lifted the boy up in a large hug. Ethan was able to signal Sid to the fact that there were microphones listing in, and so Sid put on a good act, and told Ethan to go into the bathroom and change clothing.

Ethan pointed out a chair and told Sid he could sit there and wait for him. Ethan felt so much better to be dressed in normal clothing once again. Sid almost creamed his pants when he saw Ethan come out of the bathroom.

What he saw was a 14 year old boy with blond hair cut into a flat top crew cut, freckled and tan face with a braces covered teeth, smile. The super cute boy was wearing a light blue T-shirt, army green cargo shorts, white socks pushed down to his ankles, and white and blue Nike tennis shoes.

Sid stood up and when he did, Ethan giggled and pointed to Sid's crotch. Sid looked down and saw that the jock strap he was wearing was helping his dick to push outwards now that he sat down and his dick shifted while he was sitting. Sid reached into his pants and fixed himself. Once he was all put away, he put out his arms, and Ethan came up to him and they had a long and hard hug. When they let go of each other, they then went back outside.

They saw that all the boys were gone. Having been sent to morning classes. The camp director said he wished to have a private good bye with Ethan and judge granted his request.

Sid felt the tension between Ethan and the director, but knew he could do nothing about it, and so stepped away from Ethan.

The director stepped up to Ethan and in a low voice so only Ethan would hear him said, "Listen you little snot. I know your name and SSI number. If you talk and we get into trouble, I will find you and come down on you like a load of shit. Do you understand?"

Ethan said that he did, and he promised he would keep his mouth shut. Ethan then walked away from the man he hated the most, and walked to the man he was starting to love the most.

They all climbed into the van and drove away. When they were well away from the camp, the adults started to ask Ethan about the camp. Ethan lied out his ass and told a story about a camp with hard schooling, fun but hard boot camp training, and hard work on a farm. All but Sid seamed to believe Ethan. Sid was sitting in the very back of the van right next to Ethan and since he knew no one would see, he reached out and squeezed Ethan's bare knee.

The judge then told Sid to tell the boy the other news.

Sid then told Ethan about what happened to his brother and the other things that came up during the investigation. It turns out that Ethan's mom and dad were running a drug operation out of the basement of the house. They had converted the large basement into a greenhouse and were growing pot and coca plants. Ethan asked what would happen to him, and the judge told him that he had a choice. He said that he could either go into a foster home, but because of his high profile case, he was sure to be adopted real fast, or he could be adopted right now by Sid.

Ethan looked at Sid with a shocked look on his face, and then with a smile that lit up the entire van, he looked at the judge and said, "I want Sid to be my new dad."

The judge was sure the boy would choose Sid, and so he already had the papers signed. He opened his briefcase and took out a copy of the papers and had them passed back to Sid.

Sid and Ethan looked at the papers together for a while, and then Sid folded them up and placed them in his coat pocket.

The judge then passed back an envelope to Sid. He told Sid and Ethan that there was a check in it. The money was from the sale of most of Ethan's parent's assets, as well as some state money to compensate Ethan for his unjust prison time, and also some state funded money to help Sid buy Ethan the things he will need, since everything in Ethan's old home was sold.

They dropped Sid and Ethan off at Sid's house. Sid gave Ethan the grand tour of his new home. Sid was so sure that Ethan would live with him he had the spare bedroom fixed up. It used to be his home library, but it now looked almost like a teenagers bedroom. It would only need to have clothing on the floor, the smell of dried cum and sweat, and dust floating around the room, to look like a real teenage boy's bedroom.

Sid showed Ethan his room last, and when Ethan saw the room, he could do nothing but jump up into Sid's arms. He squeezed Sid in a tight hug and that is when the dam finally busted, and Ethan cried.

Sid just held Ethan and let him cry. When Ethan finished he looked up to Sid's face and brought his lips to Sid's.

They kissed each other for the first time as lovers as well as father and son. Sid gave Ethan a light slap to his bottom to send him off to his private bathroom and Ethan gave a sharp gasp of pain and pulled far away from Sid. Sid, with a look of concern, asked Ethan what was wrong.

Ethan knew he could trust Sid, and so he grabbed Sid in another hug, and with tears in his eyes, told the truth about the camp. He told Sid all about the mine, and the rapes, threats, spankings that went on at the camp. And then he told about his running away, and being caught and locked in a box and then the caning and rape.

Sid started a slow boil inside, but kept his calm as he asked Ethan to show him his bum. Ethan slowly pulled down his shorts and underwear and took them off. He then turned so Sid could see his butt cheeks.

Sid almost exploded at the sight of Ethan's abused butt. The poor boys bottom looked like raw hamburger. He told Ethan to lie down on his belly on his bed and he would be right back.

Ethan got onto his bed was surprised in a happy way to find out that his queen size bed was in fact a queen size water bed.

While Ethan was waiting for Sid to return, he looked around his room and took a better look at it. He had a large desk with a computer sitting on it. There were some Sci-Fi posters on his wall. In one corner was a nice baby palm tree. There was a chest-of-drawers he assumed was full of clothing right next to a walk in closet. There was no door for the walk in closet, but was covered with a beaded curtain. There was a door that had a "DANGER TOXIC WASTE" sign on it that he guessed was the door to his bathroom. Next to the desk there was an entertainment center with a 65-inch plasma screen TV with a DVD player and Dolby surround sound system. There was also a Sony Playstation 6. There were shelves with DVD movies as well as a lot of games for the Playstation 6. There was a top of the line radio with a 6 disk CD changer. The top shelf of the entertainment center had a row of paperback book. Right in the center of the books was a Bonsai plant. Right next to the bed was a nightstand table with an alarm clock/radio on it. Next to the clock/radio was a small cactus plant.

Just then Sid came back into his sons room. He had one more surprise for Ethan, but first he had to treat him.

Sid first helped Ethan to take off his shirt, socks, and shoes so he was completely naked. He then put a large helping of a soothing medical cream onto Ethan's butt.

Ethan cried out at first from the sting of the medication, but then the pain started to go away, and Ethan's bottom started to feel real soothed. Sid put more cream onto his hands and then used it to start to massage Ethan's back and shoulders. Ethan started to relax and then he fell asleep.

Sid heard Ethan's light snoring and so he slowly backed out of Ethan's room and let the boy sleep. While Ethan was sleeping, Sid called the judge and told him what Ethan had told him. Sid told the judge his worry about the director getting even with Ethan for telling. The judge told Sid not to worry he would take care of everything.

Sid could not believe he was on the phone for two hours with the judge, and so when he was done, he went to wake up Ethan. Ethan woke up when Sid gave him a little shake, and smiled up at Sid.

Sid's heart melted when he saw the boy smile up at him and say, "Hi Dad."

"So are you hungry?" Sid asked Ethan. Then before Ethan could answer Sid said,

"Oh wait. You are a growing boy. Of course you're hungry."

Both Sid and Ethan had a good laugh at Sid's humor.

Before Ethan got dressed, Sid rubbed more cream onto his bottom, and he then let Ethan dress.

They went out to a local steak house, and Sid was not surprised at all that a 14 year old boy ate a 72 ounce steak with all the fixings, and drank about a gallon of Pepsi. After dinner, Sid told Ethan that he needed clothing. And so Sid took Ethan to the local mall. Over the next three hours, Sid had a blast shopping for clothing with Ethan. Sid was most pleased that at least 90% of the pants that Ethan picked out were short pants. Ethan had great looking legs, and so him wearing shorts would give Sid a lot of nice eye candy to enjoy. Sid made sure that Ethan got himself several pair of shoes.

When they were walking to a suit store, they passed by a sporting goods store. Ethan stopped and looked in. Sid saw the look on his sons face and told Ethan to go on in and grabbed whatever he wanted. Ethan smiled at his new dad and went into the store.

Sid waited at the check out counter for Ethan to come back. Sid could only smile when he saw Ethan come to the counter with roller blades and a soccer ball. The soccer ball reminded Sid that Ethan was a soccer star and he would have to look into getting Ethan on a team real soon.

After Sid paid, he had Ethan run back to the car with all the bags of clothing. He waited in a bookstore for his boy to return.

When Ethan found Sid, Sid had to laugh when he saw that Ethan had an arm full of books. He picked out a few books for himself and went to pay.

They went to the Men's Wearhouse and got Ethan a suit. Sid had no idea when they would have to wear suits, but it was good to have just in case. Sid bought Ethan a nice wallet and gave Ethan the receipt for the suit so he would be able to come pick up the suit when they called.

When Ethan opened his new wallet to put the receipt in it, he gasped in shock. There was a hundred Euro dollars in cash. Sid told Ethan that it was pocket money for him, and that they will work out later his weekly chores would be to earn his weekly allowance.

The next went to a music and movie store and loaded up on CDs and DVDs to add to Ethan's collection. They also found some more Playstation 6 games for Ethan's PS6. Just before they left the mall Sid saw an Office Max store and pulled Ethan into it. Sid and Ethan stocked up on school supplies for Ethan. As they shopped for school things, Sid told Ethan about his new school. It was a private school for boys. Sid had done research and found that the Grandview school for boys was one of the top five schools in the country. The school already had Ethan's old school records and said his grades were good enough for him to enroll. Ethan had to go to the school within the next few days to take some placement tests, and to be fitted for his school uniforms.

Ethan was a bit sad to learn that the only time he would be aloud to wear shorts at school was once a day in gym class. The rest of the school day was in a suit like uniform with long pants.

Now that Ethan was well supplied with everything needed for now, Sid and Ethan went to a grocery store and stocked up on food for the house. Once home, Sid put away the food, while Ethan put away his clothing and other purchases.

Sid had to go to work in the morning, and so he gave Ethan a hug and kiss good night. Ethan gave Sid a return hug and kiss and thanked him for the millionth time for saving him and for become his dad. Sid went to his room and when he woke up the next morning, he could not remember getting undressed and climbing into bed.

Ethan stayed up for another hour and checked out his computer. He was very pleased that Sid got him the top of the line machine. His computer was a Pentium 20 with 10 gigs of RAM, a 175 Gig hard drive, a super vector 5 gig video card, and a super satellite connection to the hyper net. Sid had given Ethan one of his credit cards so he could log on to Amazon to order games for his computer, and to also pay for membership to some good gay picture and movie web pages. After ordering some games and joining some gay pages and yahoo groups, he logged off of the net and shut down Windows Z50.

Ethan climbed into his bed and shut off the lights. He pushed the play button on the master remote for his room, and a CD he had in the player started up. He had his system set up to play all 14 songs on the CD and then shut down. Ethan was passed out asleep before the first song was finished.

Sid woke up the next morning and after a quick shower, he got dressed and quietly left his room and went to the kitchen. After breakfast he snuck to Ethan's room and opened the door. He peeked in on his son. Ethan was asleep on his side facing the door. One bare leg was sticking out from under the duvet. Ethan was hugging a teddy bear that was dressed in a soccer uniform that Sid got for Ethan, but Ethan did not find until he was almost asleep, under his covers. Sid walked to Ethan's desk and wrote him a note. He made sure to say, "I love you," at the end of his note. On top of the note, Sid placed a small box. Sid then left for work.

Ethan did not find the note on his desk until after he had a morning shower and had gotten dressed. The note told Ethan that there was a new bike in the garage for him and he should bike around and get to know his new neighborhood. Sid told Ethan about the local family fun center with mini golf, bowling, go-karts, and arcade. Sid asked Ethan, in the note, to make sure to be home in time for dinner.

After he read the note, Ethan opened the box and loved what he saw inside. Inside the box was a top of the line pilot's wristwatch. Ethan played with his new watch and set the time. Ethan then put on his watch and then went to the kitchen for breakfast. After he ate, he did the dishes and the headed out to the garage.

Ethan's new bike was a 15-speed mountain bike in blue and chrome. Ethan took his bike outside and dressed in shorts and a light shirt because of the hot weather took off to get to know his new home area.

Sid arrived at work and the first thing he found out was he had to give a exam to a 15 year old boy, to make sure he was fit for his session with the spanking machine.

Sid almost danced with joy when he saw the name of the boy he had to check over. It was Peter, Ethan's older half brother who had framed Ethan. Sid sat at his desk and waited for the guards to bring Peter in to his domain. As Sid waited, the thoughts of revenge for Ethan danced in his head.

When the door to his little world in the boy prison opened up, Sid looked up at the door. It was taking three guards to drag Peter into the exam room.

Peter was putting up a very hard fight, and so Sid got up and went to the exam table so he could help secure Peter. The three guards had to hold Peter in place, as Sid secured Peter to the exam table with some thick leather straps. Once he had Peter all secure, he went to a drawer in his desk and removed a gag he had special made.

The gag was a penis gag, and the penis was made from a mold from his own 7-inch, hard, cock. Sid handed the penis gag to one of the guards and said, "Gag the liar. I don't feel like hearing his lies during the exam."

The guards gave Sid a large smile and took the gag from him. It took two guards to force Peter's mouth open and secure the gag in place.

Once Peter was secured Sid dismissed the guards.

Once alone, Sid smiled a very evil smile at Peter and said, "So you like to rape little girls and frame your sweet young brother for your sick crime? Well I guess justice will finally be served."

Sid then gave Peter the same full exam that he gave Ethan a few months earlier. The only difference is, when he rubbed Peter's prostate, he did not do it to orgasm. He just rubbed that small organ until he thought Peter was close to cumming.

Sid had formed a plan in his head to get even with Peter, but make it look like it was something that must be done.

Sid wanted Peter to calm down, so Sid went to the bathroom and filled a 2-quart enema bag with warm and soapy water. When he came back out, he was glad to see that Peters erection was half way down. Peter lost his erection fully when he felt something go into his ass instead of out of it, for the very first time in his life.

"I'm going to let the water flow into you now. You MUST hold it in. If you leak any, I will just have to start over." With this said, Sid release the clamp and the water started to fill up Peter.

Peter was able to enjoy the feeling at first, but the good feeling did not last long. The cramps started to hit with an extreme force, and Peter had to fight like a made man to hold in the fluid that was still going into him.

When the bag was empty, Sid told Peter he had to hold the water in for ten minutes, or they would have to start over. The next ten minutes were the longest in Peter's short life. Peter almost cried from relief when the doctor told him that he could let go.

The brown and chunky liquid came out of Peter's ass in a large waterfall. Sid was glad he was across the room or he would have been splattered with the foul liquid.

Sid waited 15 minutes to make sure all the liquid was out of Peter, before he filled Peter up with very cold, salt water.

As Peter held the cold water in his for only five minutes this time, Sid explained that the salt water was a rinse to clean out the soap.

After Peter let all the salt water out, Sid went to a corner and got a hose. He used the hose to spray down Peter, and then the floor. Once Peter and the floor were clean, he put away the hose, and then used an entire can of air freshener to spray around his exam room to remove the shit smell.

"I just have to check your penis and balls now to make sure they can handle their spankings."

Sid took a hold of Peter's dick and slowly rubbed it. He played with Peter's penis until it was fully erect. When it was all the way hard, Sid masturbated Peter.

Sid pumped Peter's tool until he saw Peter's balls pull up, and he heard Peter's breathing become short gasps.

Sid let go of the teen tool, just in time to stop the on coming orgasm. He then took the boys balls into his hand and while pulling on them gently, rolled them in his fingers.

Sid got a shocked look on his face, and started to feel around the boy's balls a little harder then should be used.

Of course Peter felt the squeezing pain in his balls and cried out into his gag. Sid let go of Peter's balls and rushed to his phone. Sid called the head surgeon of the prison system and asked him to rush down to his office.

Sid then called the warden and asked him to come to his office as well.

The warden arrived right away, and while they waited for the head surgeon to arrive, Sid winked at the warden and explained the tenderness in Peter's balls and the lumps he felt.

The warden nodded back to Sid with a knowing twinkle in his eyes.

A half later the surgeon arrived and the warden explained to her what Sid found. Being a very smart woman, she was able to read between the lines. She winked at Sid and walked up to Peter.

Peter was blushing from head to toe as the woman walked up to him and took hold of his testicles. She squeezed the boy balls hard and was happy to see tears of pain run down the boys face as he screamed in pain.

She confirmed the lumps and agreed with Sid that they had to be removed to save the boys life from cancer. The surgeon, the warden, and Sid all filled out the proper forms. Once the paperwork was all filled out, the warden went to his own office to file the paperwork and to reschedule Peter's session with the spanking machine.

While the surgeon scrubbed up for surgery Sid gave Peter a shot that put him to sleep. He then gave Peter several injections around his scrotum to numb the area up. Once done with the shots, Sid went to wash up so he could act as nurse during the surgery.

While Sid and the surgeon were removing Peter's balls and scrotum, Ethan was have a grand time. Ethan had found the family fun center and was in the middle of playing a Mech simulator game when he met Nathan.

Nathan was a 13-year-old boy from Australia. Nathan and his mother just moved to the area after a messy divorce from Nathan's father. Nathan's mother was born and raised in this town and so after the divorce, thought it best to take her son and move back into her parent's old house.

Nathan watched Ethan play Mech War 2 for a while and then he asked him if he could play also. Ethan took one look at Nathan, and his dick became instantly hard. What he saw made his dick drool. Nathan was a 13-year-old boy with dark blond, almost brown hair that was cut short and parted to the left. He had hazel eyes behind glasses. The glasses were resting on a freckles nose. The freckles spread out to Nathan's upper cheeks. Nathan had braces on his teeth just like Ethan. Nathan had on a white T-shirt that had a Kangaroo on it holding an Australian flag and wearing a bush hat. Nathan had on blue with red stripes down the sides, shorts and white socks that were pushed down to his hiking boots. Ethan could tell that Nathan's legs were almost as hairless as his own. Just a super light dusting of silky blond hairs could be seen.

It was at that very moment that Ethan knew he was gay. The boy's Australian accent was driving Ethan's lust level to super high, and it took all he had to answer Nathan and invite him to play.

Ethan and Nathan played Mech War 2 for an hour and then went and played some mini golf. During the golf game, Ethan and Nathan learned a lot about each other. Both boys became instant friends and were even happier to learn they lived across the street from each other. Ethan just could not keep his eyes off of Nathan. Nathan was so kind and funny, and good looking. Ethan just wanted to grab him in a hug and kiss the stuffing out of him.

Because he could not stop enjoying the sight of Nathan Ethan lost the game, but he did not care. After the mini golf game, they went on the dragon coaster, a small roller coaster.

Both boys had an extra large Sprite and three corn dogs as a snack before they shared a super large order of nachos while they bowled a couple of games. When they finished the game tied they went back to the arcade and played a soccer game since they now knew that each other loved to play soccer. The soccer video game was hard to play, and they played on the same team verses the computer, and they lost.

Ethan saw the time and told Nate that he had to get home for dinner.

Nathan said, "All right mate. I have to hang out and wait for mum to pick me up. I'll give you a ring tomorrow."

Ethan got on his bike and before his brain could stop him he said, "Thanks a lot for a great day Nate. I love you."

Nathan just looked at Ethan with a shocked looked on his face. Ethan just figured out what he had said. He jumped onto his bike and said, "I'm sorry," with tears dropping from his eyes, and as fast as he could, he took off like a shot.

Nathan screamed after Ethan to stop and come back. He yelled that he loved him too, but Ethan was crying to hard and to scared that he fucked up to hear Nathan.

Ethan peddled home as fast as he could. After placing his bike on the rack on the wall in the garage, Ethan ran to his room and fell on his bed and cried. He could not believe how stupid he was. He had made a good friend and then fucked it all up by telling Nathan that he loved him.

Ethan hugged his soccer bear close to him, to try and comfort himself. Ethan was so emotionally drained, that he fell asleep in a nightmare filled sleep.

The surgeon was sewing up Peter with stitches after removing the boy's testicles and scrotum. While she had Peter open, she had cut and removed the small muscle that controlled blood flow to the penis that caused an erection. So now if Peter could ever afford to buy HRT, (Hormone replacement therapy) he would never have an erection to use to rape again.

Inside a now sealed jar that was filed with a clear preservative liquid were Peter's scrotum testicles, and the small muscle.

After the bandage was put in place, Sid called for the guards. The guards picked up Peter and carried him to one of the medical beds to recover from his surgery. Sid shook the surgeons hand and thanked her for everything.

She winked at Sid and told him it was her pleasure, that she really enjoyed her work today, and she now felt the justice was truly done on this day.

When Sid was alone, he went into his bathroom and dropped his pants and underwear. He stood at the sink and took a hold of his 7-inch power tool and started to work his penis pump. He pulled his pud until he shot a cup full of spunk into the sink.

Sid cleaned up his mess and put himself away just in time to hear his door open and the warden call for him. Sid stepped out of the bathroom and was greeted by a very happy looking warden and the Sergeant at arms for the prison. Both men looked like they had won the lottery.

The warden handed Sid a DVD disk and told him that normally they never turned on the exam room cameras, but today they just had to watch the show. They had recorded it and while the guards took Peter to the recovery area, and then left and Sid was in the bathroom, the Sergeant did a fast but good edit of the five camera angles to make one good video that they knew they will be able to sell a shit load of copies on the hyper net.

They told Sid to not worry that they did a good edit so his and the ladies voice's were changed and they blurred their masked faces. The lady surgeon got a copy of her work, and if the movie sold well, they would get a share of the profits.

Sid thanked them, but instead asked for his share to be donated to the "Books for Boys" program. "Books for Boys" was Sid's favorite charity. They bought books and gave them to boys for free.

The Sergeant and warden left right when the night doctor arrived. Sid briefed him on Peter, and then packed up his briefcase with the jar of goodies and DVD and then he headed to his car for the one-hour drive home.

When Sid pulled off the freeway and was driving down a main street, he saw a sign for free kittens. Sid followed the signs to a nice looking house. He knocked on the door and was greeted by a rather cute boy of about 9 or 10 years old. The boy had fire red hair and green eyes that sparkled with mischief. The boy was fully naked, and he was soaking wet. Sid's eye's lingered at the boys crotch. And he looked at the boy's small penis. The boy was of course hairless. His penis was cut and no more then one inch long. The boy's balls were so small and pulled up so tight that it looked like he had the same surgery that Peter had early today.

"Hi mister. Look at my winkle. I am circus sized."

A rather plump woman came to the door and said, "Cole, get your butt back into the bath right now," and gave the boy a light but stinging slap to the boy's bottom.

Cole gave a little yelp and took off running.

The lady looked at Sid and said, "I'm sorry about that. He's a natural nudist."

Sid assured the lady that it was no problem, that he was a doctor and pretty much seen it all. He asked the lady if she still had some kittens.

They lady showed Sid in and took him to a walk in storage closet. Inside the closet was a large black mother cat resting in a large box that was filled with an over stuffed pillow. Also inside the box was seven kittens all playing around with each other.

Sid looked at the kittens and after picking each one up and having a good look, he picked out a all black kitten that he was real sure was a male.

The lady gave Sid a smaller box and sold Sid an old blanket to put in the box. After fixing up the box and putting the kitten he picked out into it, Sid went to his car and drove to the local pet store in the shopping center where his grocery store was.

Sid had a good time buying anything he could think of for the kitten. Litter box, litter, cat tree/scratch post, food and water bowls, food, cat treats, and several toys. The lady at the check out counter talked Sid into buying a cat carrier, and Sid was thankful that she did.

When Sid got home, he did not understand why the house sounded so quiet. He felt a chill run down his spine and he knew something was wrong. He put down all he was carrying and rushed to Ethan's bedroom.

Ethan was still asleep, but he was crying in his sleep. Sid's heart was being wrenched from his chest by the sound of Ethan's crying. He went up to Ethan's bed and sat down. He then lifted the boy up into his arms and hugged the boy to him.

Ethan woke up and at first he did not know where he was, but then all that happened came flooding back.

Ethan grabbed onto Sid and held onto him for dear life and cried his heart out. Sid just held Ethan and did his best to comfort him until he cried himself out and could talk. It took about a half hour, but Ethan finally calmed down. Sid then asked Ethan what happened.

Ethan got up off of Sid's lap and told him that he would just go away. He then turned and started to walk out the door and head to the front door. Before he reached the door, Sid had caught up to him and grabbed onto his upper arm.

Sid then spun Ethan around and while holding on to Ethan's shoulder he said, "Ethan, listen to me. I don't care what happened. You could have robbed a bank and killed everyone in the bank. I will still love you and take care of you. So please tell me what happened."

Ethan looked into Sid's eyes and he knew that what Sid had said was true, and so he told Sid about meeting Nathan and becoming his friend, and the fun they had. Then he told Sid that he now knew he was gay and he had fallen in love with Nathan, and then told Sid what he had said to Nathan, and then his flight away.

Sid pulled Ethan into his body and hugged him. "Ethan I don't care if you're gay or straight or nonsexual. I love you as both a son. I am also sexually attracted to you because I am a boy lover. All I ask is for you to grow up, be happy, and become the best person you can be."

Ethan pushed his head into Sid's chest and said, "Thank you. Oh God thank you." and then started to cry. But this time it was tears of joy instead of tears of sadness.

Ethan heard a meow and lifted his face off of Sid's chest and looked around. He then saw the cat carrier and ran to it. He opened it up and came out with his hands full of fur.

The kitten took an instant liking to Ethan, and started to purr.

"Is he really mine?" Ethan asked Sid.

Sid just nodded at Ethan as a reply, and then he watched Ethan play with his pet.

Sid helped Ethan take all the cat stuff into Ethan's bedroom and then helped him set up everything. There was plenty of space in the cabinet under the sink and so they put the now filled litter box there. Sid took out the multi-tool he always had on his belt and used it to remove the cabinet door. The other side of the cabinet was used to store the large bag of litter.

When Sid went back into Ethan's bedroom, he saw Ethan sitting at his desk with the kitten on his lap. Ethan was reading a web page on training kittens. Sid leaned over and kissed the top of Ethan's head. He then rubbed Ethan's head and told him that he had to name his cat.

Sid then went to his own room to change clothing.

An hour later someone was ringing the doorbell. Shortly after, there was a knock on his bedroom door and then Sid poked his head in. He told Ethan he had a visitor.

Ethan stood up and Sid pushed the door open to let the visitor in.

Nathan walked into Ethan's room and at a fast pace walked up to Ethan and hugged him.

"Please don't hate me. I love you too," Nathan said to Ethan as he hugged him.

Ethan hugged Nathan back, and as they hugged, Sid closed the door and left the boys to themselves.

Sid was relaxing in his EZ-chair, drinking a rum and coke, while watching the early evening news, when Ethan, holding his kitten, and Nathan came out.

The two boys sat on the couch and Sid got a major surprised when Nathan asked, "Sir? My I date your son?"

Sid had a good, hard, laugh and then he said he would be happy to let such a well-mannered boy date his son. Sid asked Nathan if he would like to stay for dinner and then maybe stay the night.

Both Ethan and Nathan perked up 20 fold at this idea, and Nathan pulled a cell phone from his shorts pocket.

After a short talk with his mother, he handed the phone to Sid and said, "Mum would like to talk with you."

Sid took the phone and had a talk with Nathan's mother. After he hung up, Sid handed the phone back to Nathan and told the boys to be good, and he would be right back.

Sid slipped on some fur-lined slippers he keeps by the door and left to go over to Nathan's house.

The boys waited for Sid to return. And they were on the edge of their seats by the time Sid came home.

They did not have to ask if Nathan could stay over, since Sid had Nathan's backpack in his hand.

Sid ordered Chinese food for dinner, and while the three ate, they all had a laugh when Sid told the boys all about the third degree Nathan's mother gave him. Both Ethan and Nathan were extremely happy to learn that Sid arranged for Nathan to stay the weekend, to give his mom a weekend to herself. With two young teenage boys eating dinner with him, there were no leftovers to put away. Sid had the boys do the dishes and then they had the rest of the night to themselves.

The boys grabbed a 1 liter bottle of cherry coke, each and headed to Ethan's room. Ethan sat at his desk and logged onto the hyper net. Nathan had to go out to the living room and ask Sid for another chair.

Sid made a mental note to get Ethan another chair for his room, and then got up and went to the garage and got a folding camp chair and gave it to Nathan. Nathan set up the chair next to Ethan and both boys spent the next two hours searching around the hyper net for a good name for Ethan's kitten. They found a hyper net page about Gods. They started to read off the names of Gods out loud to hear what the name would sound like. Ethan then read out the name, "Thor" out loud. When he said the name, "Thor," the kitten jumped up onto Ethan's lap and Meowed at him.

Ethan looked at his kitten and said, "You like that name? You want to be named Thor?"

The kitten meowed at him again as an answer.

Both Ethan and Nathan laughed and Ethan picked up Thor and hugged him.

The boys then logged off the net and loaded up Roller coaster tycoon 8.

It was almost 11pm when Sid knocked on the door and came in when Ethan said, "Come in dad."

Sid came in and saw the two handsome boys playing on the computer. Ethan had the cat pillow on his lap, and the black kitten was curled up, purring, and sleeping on the pillow.

Sid asked Ethan, "So have you named that little fluff of fur that is sleeping on your lap?"

"Sure did dad. His name is Thor," Ethan replied.

"That is a great name. I'm off to bed now. I just wanted to say good night to you boys. And please don't stay up all night."

"Okay dad, good night and I love you," Ethan said.

Nathan looked up to Sid and said, "Good night sir, and thank you for being so nice and letting me stay over."

"You are most welcome Nathan, and yes I love you too Ethan." Sid then leaned over and kissed Ethan's head and gave him a small hug so he would not disturb his game play.

Sid was pleasantly surprised when Nathan stood up from his chair and gave Sid a hug.

Sid returned the hug and gave Nathan a kiss on the cheek.

Sid went to sleep that night on cloud 9.

Ethan waited a half hour to make sure Sid was asleep and then he shut down the computer. He looked at Nathan and said, "Nate, we're boyfriends now, so can I see you naked?"

Nathan giggled and said, "Only if I can see you naked at the same time."

Ethan quickly agreed. He stood up while lifting the cat pillow and placed the pillow back down on the chair so Thor could sleep.

Nathan stood up and folded the chair so it was out of the way. One piece of clothing at a time, they slowly stripped naked. When they were fully naked, they each looked at each other very carefully and checked out each other in all their glory.

Nathan was simply gorgeous in Ethan's eyes. Nathan's pink nipples were large, close to the size of quarters. The only hair on Nathan's body was a few wisps of blond pubic hair that was on either side of his penis. He had so little pubic hair that it could not even be called a bush, yet. Nathan's penis was cut and was standing up at an almost 90 degree angle. Ethan guessed it to be about 4 inches long.

Ethan stepped up to Nathan and leaned forward. Ethan's lips locked onto Nathan's lips and the boys shared their first kiss.

Their mouths opened and then their tongues started to dance around each other. As they kissed their hands roamed all over each other's bodies.

Without breaking the kiss, Ethan walked Nathan to his bed and then he lay down on his back with Nathan on top of him. Nathan started to hump his dick into Ethan's dick as they kissed, their dicks rubbing against each other. The boys were in heaven as they approached orgasm.

Ethan started to hump upwards to help add to the stimulation to both boy dicks. The boys started to moan into each other's mouth as they came. They both shot at the same time.

Ethan's load was white and thick and pumped out in large ropes. Nathan's cum was more of a clear color and spurted out in small, watery like loads.

Nathan collapsed onto Ethan and both boys broke the kiss so they could catch their breath. Nathan rolled off of Ethan and got up and went to the bathroom. He came back with a wet washcloth and used it to clean off Ethan's belly. He then washed the semen off of his own belly and then took the cloth back to the bathroom.

Ethan had already fixed up the bed and was waiting for Nathan to return. When Nathan returned, Ethan turned off the lights and both boys climbed into bed, pulled up the duvet cover and snuggled close to each other. Ethan pressed the play button and a classical music CD started to play, to sooth the boys into sleep.

Sid woke up the next morning and after his shower and getting dressed, headed to the kitchen, but he first stopped at Ethan's room. He opened the door just a bit and peeked in.

The first thing Sid noticed was the smell of boy cum. He opened the door a bit more and smiled at what he saw.

Sid went back to his room and grabbed his small digital camera and took a few pictures of what he saw. What he saw was, Ethan and Nathan cuddled up together. Their legs wrapped around each other. Thor the kitten was sleeping on Ethan's pillow, kind of wrapped around Ethan's head. The duvet was kicked off sometime during the night and so the boys were hugging each other for warmth.

Sid walked carefully into Ethan's room and pulled up the duvet and covered the boys up. Sid could not help himself and he gave each boy a kiss on the cheek, and then he left the room and closed the door behind him.

The smell of food cooking woke Ethan up. Nathan was already awake and was watching Ethan.

"Hey you," Ethan said.

"Good morning my love. Do you know how cute you are when you're asleep?" Nathan answered back.

Ethan giggled and gave Nathan a kiss on the lips that was returned with passion.

"I have to pee so bad, I can taste it," Ethan said as he got up from bed.

Nathan got out of bed and walked to the bathroom with Ethan to have a morning piss as well. Both boys walked to the bathroom with their morning wood walking ahead of them.

Boys being boys, Ethan and Nathan had a piss-saber (instead of light-saber) battle as they emptied their bladders.

Nathan flushed the toilet as Ethan got the shower going to a nice water temp. The boys loved Ethan's shower. It was big enough for four adults and had a very large waterfall type showerhead that rained down water on one half the shower. There was a small tiled area that was in the wall to act as a seat that could fit two people, because Ethan's shower was also a steam room.

Both boys let the hot water soak into them for a while, and then Ethan finally soaped up a wash cloth and his hand, and scrubbed Nathan from head to toe, front and back. He then used some of his apple-scented shampoo to wash Nate's blond hair.

After all the soap and shampoo was rinsed off, Nathan returned the favor and washed Ethan.

Ethan finished washing off all the soap when there was a knock on the bathroom door and Sid came in.

With an "eeek!" Nathan pulled Ethan in front of him to hide his naked body.

Ethan laughed and then said, "Yea dad?" "I hope you boys are almost done. Breakfast is almost ready, and I don't think you want it cold," Sid answered, "Nathan, you need to get over being shy around me. After all I am a doctor, plus I assume you'll want to go with Ethan and me to the nudist resort I'm a member of?"

Sid then said, "You have five minutes boys," then walked out of the bathroom.

Nathan asked Ethan, "You're going to a nudist place and let adults look at you naked?"

"I did not know dad was a nudist. But I don't think I'll have a problem with being naked. After all I had to deal with worse at the prison boot camp that I told you about."

"Well I don't know if I can do it. But I will try it as long as you are with me."

"Ok my sweetness. You have a deal. Lets start now. After we get dried off, we will only wear a smile when we go to breakfast."

They got out of the shower and Ethan noticed that Thor had been sitting on the counter watching them in the shower. Ethan walked up to Thor and gave his cat a scratch behind the ears, and then grabbed a large terrycloth towel and handed it to Nathan. He took the next towel and they dried themselves off.

As they walk out the door, Thor shot passed them but stayed only just far enough ahead of them to make sure they went were he went, and if Ethan went someplace else, he would know it and could catch up to him.

When they were close to the dinning room door, Nathan grabbed onto Ethan's hand. Ethan gave Nathan's hand a reassuring squeeze as they walked into the dinning room.

Both boys gasped at the amount of food that was waiting for the boys. Sid had a small serving on his plate for himself. Sid was wearing only a large silk robe and boxers. He said, "Oh I did not know this was going to be a nudist breakfast. I guess I am over dressed."

He stood up and took off his robe then tossed it on a chair before pulling off his boxers, which ended up on the floor next to the chair with his robe. Ethan smiled at his dad, and Nathan blushed four shades of red.

"Well boys you better have a seat and enjoy your food before it gets cold," Sid said as he stuck a strip of bacon into his mouth.

Ethan sat on the right side of Sid and Nathan took the left. Both boys gasped as the removed the covers from their plates. Sid was a doctor and so knew all about boys and their bottomless pits they call a stomach. And so he made sure to pile on the food. Each boy had a 4 egg, ham, cheese, and onion omelet. 8 strips bacon, 4 regular and 4 spicy breakfast sausages, 2 thick slices of ham, a mound of hash browns, 4 slices of white toast with butter, and a small fruit salad. Each boy also had an 8oz glass of milk and a 16oz glass of orange/pineapple juice.

Both boys easily ate their plates clean.

Sid sat and had his third cup of coffee and talked with the boys as they did the morning dishes. Sid and Ethan learned that Nathan was already on a local A.Y.S.O. soccer team and that the team was still short two boys.

After they were done, Sid told the boys to go and get dressed then they would go talk with Nathan's coach to see if they could get Ethan on the team, since the soccer season would be starting up the following weekend.

The coach of Nathan's soccer team, known as The Vikings, was very pleased to get Ethan on his team. He told Sid were they needed to go to get Ethan fitted for uniform.

They found the sporting good store with only a little trouble, and when they entered, it was a total mad house. There were at least 40 boys and 25 girls all trying to get their soccer kit. The store manager came up to them, and asked if they could come back after closing. They were extremely busy and the wait would be at least four hours for them.

They agreed and would be back at 7pm.

When Sid asked what they wanted to do to kill four hours, Nathan said that there was a mini fun park close by that had two roller coasters and several other make you puke rides.

Sid said he would take them as long as he could just watch and not ride.

Ethan and Nathan agreed, and teased Sid all the way to the fun park.

Sid bought a one use camera from a vending machine, and he easily used up all 35 pictures in the hours they were at the fun park.

There was a log ride called Splashdown and both Ethan and Nathan talked Sid into going on the ride. While in line, Ethan and Nathan whispered to each other and took peeks at Sid and would giggle. Sid had a bad feeling creep up his spine, but looking at his two angels, he was not overly worried.

It was a 15-minute wait, but finally they were on the loading platform. The boys made sure that Sid sat in the front of the log-boat. Ethan sat in the middle and Nathan sat behind him.

The log left the station and worked its way through a fake little logging town. The log hooked up to a conveyor belt, and was pulled up a track at a 50-degree angle.

What Sid did not see was Ethan was undoing the zipper on his shorts and pulling out his dick. All three screamed as they all fell at an even steeper angle down a hill that went down into the ground. As soon as they recovered from the soaking, Nathan called to Sid, "Hey Sid. Take a look."

Sid turned around and he saw that Nathan was leaning forward and his right hand was pushed forward and down towards Ethan's lap.

Sid then looked down at Ethan's lap and that is when he saw that Nathan had a hold of Ethan's hard boy cock, and he was pumping it at a blinding speed.

Ethan had his eyes closed and was moaning with the enjoyment of the wank he was getting.

Sid quickly looked around in a panic, thinking the people in the boat ahead of them would see, but the way the ride twisted and turned, no one could see them.

But Sid did see another fall coming up.

He was just about to warn the boys when they went over the falls.

Right when they started to drop, Ethan shot a large rope of boy cum that flew up high enough that because of the fall they were taking, landed on Nathan's cheek. Nathan was able to cover the cock tip with his hand so no more semen would shoot out of control and make a mess.

All the cum hit Nathan's hand then dribbled down Ethan's cock and got soaked up by Ethan's boxers.

The log made a large turn and started to head up another belt that raised them up to daylight again.

Sid turned around to get Ethan to put himself away. But he saw that Ethan was already zipping himself up. He looked back one more seat to Nathan, and he saw Ethan's cute friend licking his hand clean.

Sid laughed and let his heart rate drop down to normal again, and even with one more small but large splash drop, Sid thought that it was the best ride in the who park.

What none of them knew was that security cameras recorded their entire trip. A man named Ross was working the security cameras when he spotted the two extremely cute teens, and put his own private tape into the recording machine, and recorded their trip on Splashdown. He was very happy with the added bonus he got with one boy jerking off the other boy.

Now that the three of them was fully soaked, Sid agreed to go one the Viking Swing ship. The wind helped dry them a little, but the sun did a good job also of drying them.

Sid wanted to rest but the boys wanted to play a round of miniature golf. All Ethan had to do was smile at Sid and give him a sad, puppy dog, look at Sid melted.

Sid, Ethan, and Nathan had a great game of golf. Ethan and Nathan tied for first, and if it was possible, Sid came in fifth place.

Finally Sid was able to sit and have a soda and rest, while the two boys with the limitless power supply in them, ran off to ride the Dragon coaster again. The boys returned and it was time to go back to the sports supply store.

When they arrived, they found the shop owner standing outside waiting for them. He greeted them and had them come inside. The shop owner locked the door and then began to fit Ethan with his uniform. Ethan went to a changing room and he changed clothing.

Sid was very thankful he had three pictures left in his camera, because when he saw Ethan, he saw that Nathan, as well as himself got hard. Ethan had on a green and white soccer uniform. His shorts were green with white lettering and numbers with two small, white, stripes down each side. The knee socks were white, but the very top where green. To finish off the outfit, Ethan had on black and white soccer shoes.

Ethan was holding a soccer ball when he came out, and then after Sid had taken a few pictures of him, he decided to show off a bit. He tossed the ball into the air and then let it bounce off his foot and then he got it to stay in the air for a while by using his knees only.

Sid could not help himself and he just had to clap at the skill his son had. Nathan finally found out what Sid and Ethan's last name was when Sid was paying for Ethan's uniform and shoes, while Ethan changed back into his street clothing.

Their last name was, Thomas.

Ethan Thomas. Nathan liked that name a lot, and he loved the boy it belonged to. Of course the boys were starving by the time they left, and so Sid called ahead and ordered pizza. Ethan got a large all meat pizza on thick crust, Nathan got himself a large Hawaiian special on regular hand tossed crust, and Sid thought he was full by just ordering the pizza for the boys, but decided on a small Garlic, Alfredo, Chicken pizza on New York crust for himself.

While they ate dinner, the three of them watched the newest Sci-Fi movie on DVD called, "Eagle's Bounty." This movie became one of Sid's favorite's because of the heavily hinted boy love aspect of the movie.

The Bounty hunter is charged with catching a 13-year-old boy who killed his parents and sisters but during the chase, the bounty hunter finds clues that the boy is looking for to prove his family is alive and he was telling the truth about not killing anyone. The bounty hunter catches the boy and instead of taking him back to prison, he helps the boy prove himself innocent. The bounty hunter becomes the boy's new father at the end of the movie.

As they were watching the movie, Thor jumped up onto Ethan's lap and while staring at him let out a loud, "MEOW."

Ethan laughed and picked up Thor and hugged him. After he put him down, he picked off some meat and cheese from a slice of pizza and put it down on his bare leg.

Thor gave a little "mew" and stepped out onto Ethan's leg and started to eat his treat. We all knew Thor was enjoying his little snack, because he was purring while he ate.

When the movie was over, Ethan got up from the couch were he had been snuggling with Nathan, and went and sat down on Sid's lap. He wrapped his arms around Sid and put his face into Sid's chest and started to cry.

Sid hugged Ethan to him, and he could just barely make out Ethan saying, "Thank you. Thank you for saving me."

Nathan got up and sat on the arm of the over stuffed chair Sid was sitting in and he hugged Ethan and Sid. "Yea. Thank you for saving Ethan."

Even Thor joined in and hopped up onto Ethan's lap and he squeezed himself between Ethan and Sid. He licked the tears off of Ethan's face and purred.

Sid just held on to Ethan until he stopped crying. But then he figured out that he had fallen asleep. Nathan picked up Thor so Sid could stand up with Ethan. Once on his feet with Ethan in his arms, he carried Ethan to his room.

Nathan helped Sid strip Ethan, and then they tucked him into bed. Thor jumped up onto the bed and climbed up onto the pillow and wrapped himself around Ethan's head. Once in position he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Nathan and Sid snuck out of the room and went back to the living room. Sid sat down and Nathan sat down on his lap and asked Sid to tell him the full story of how he saved Ethan.

Sid just could not resist Nathan's cute Aussie accent, and so he pulled Nathan close to him, tilted the chair back, and told the story from his perspective. Sid's hand wandered as he told the story. He was rubbing Nathan's shorts covered upper leg, but soon Sid's hand rubbed downward.

Sid touched bare flesh when his hand touched Nathan's bare knee.

Sid pulled his hand away like he had scalded his hand and said, "Oh man, I'm sorry."

Nathan smiled at Sid as he took a hold of Sid's hand and put it back onto his knee. "It's okay mate. I don't mind. After all you're a doctor and just making sure I don't have water on the knee."

Sid could not help himself and laughed and pulled Nathan into his chest for a hug. He then let go and as he finished the story, he put his hand back on Nathan's knee and rubbed it. His hand would go down Nathan's bare leg a bit and then work it's way back up. Sid could feel the silk like hairs that were starting to come in on Nathan's legs.

When the story was over, Nathan hugged Sid, and then again he thanked him for saving Ethan. It was getting late and so Nathan said his good night and walked to Ethan's room, strip off his clothing, and climbed into bed. He snuggled up close to Ethan.

Ethan seamed to sense that Nathan was close, and he spooned up to Nathan, wrapped an arm around him, and then fell back into a deep sleep.

Nathan enjoyed the feeling of his love all wrapped around him, and he just lay there for a while and listened to the soft breathing of Ethan before he finally fell asleep also.

It was a week later. Sid had come home early because today was Ethan's first soccer game, and he had promised himself to never miss one of Ethan's games. Sid packed up his car with everything he would need and then waited for Ethan to get home from school. Sid looked up from the newest issue of Soccer Boys magazine when he heard the front door open. Sid gave Ethan a wolf whistle and said, "Hey good looking," as he enjoyed the sight of Ethan in his school uniform.

The uniform looked more like a top of the line Armani suit then a school uniform. Ethan had his black, leather shoes in his backpack, because he had roller blades on to help him get home from school faster. "Dad you're home!?!?@ Ethan said as he looked shocked at his dad. He could not believe that Sid had come home from work early just like he had promised. He was just not used to a parent keeping his word to him.

Sid told Ethan to go get ready for soccer and he would make him a snack. A little bit later the doorbell rang and Sid went to answer the door. When he opened the door he saw Nathan and his mother, and he invited them inside.

Sid feasted on they eye candy that was Nathan but pulled his eyes away when Nathan said in his thick Aussie accent, "Mum, I think you met Sid before. Ethan's father."

Sid and Nathan's mother shook hands. While they shook hands Nathan's mother said, "It is so nice to see my son's lover's father."

The look of shock on Sid's was priceless, and Nathan and his mother started to laugh. Finally Nathan's mother let Sid off the hook. "I'm sorry, but I could not help myself. But the look on your face was well worth it. Nathan came out to me two years ago, and I am a bit sad that I wont have any grandchildren, but I love my son with all my heart, and listing to him talk about Ethan, I know he is happy, and so I am happy."

"Well it is great to meet such a open minded women. And I am also very pleased that Ethan has fallen in love with such a upstanding boy."

Nathan blushed four shades of red from the words of praise.

Just then Ethan came out and stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes were glued to Nathan. Ethan had blocked out everyone else in the room, so he did not see anyone else when he said,

"My God you are so good looking in that uniform. It is taking all my willpower to keep myself from ripping your clothes off and make love to you right here on the floor."

Nathan giggled and said, "Well you don't look half bad yourself mate. And if mum and Sid will leave the room, I will rip your uniform off and make love to you on the floor."

At the mention of Sid and Nathan's mother, Ethan looked at them and panicked when he saw Nathan's mother. He looked scared as hell and said in a very scared voice, "Oh shit, I'm sorry. Please don't hate me."

Ethan then ran back to his room and slammed his door.

Both Nathan's mother and Sid started to go to Ethan's room, but Nathan stopped them and asked them to let him handle it.

They agreed and headed to the kitchen to have a cup of tea, while Nathan went to Ethan's room.

Ethan tried to open the door, but found it locked, and so he knocked on the door and said, "Love its me Nate. Please let me in."

The door opened and Ethan grabbed onto Nathan and hugged him hard and said, "I'm sorry Nate. I fucked up and now your mom will hate me and now she knows your gay, and will throw you out or something like that."

Nathan kissed Ethan hard on the lips. When they finally had to break for air Nathan said, "Now you listen to me Ethan. I love you with every cell in my body. You make me happy and so me being happy makes my mum happy. Mum knows I am gay and is good with it. She also knows I love you and we are lovers. So please stop punishing yourself and lets go have a bite to eat and then go have fun on the soccer pitch."

Ethan perked up again and gave Nathan another hug and a kiss. They went into Ethan's bathroom and while Ethan washed his face, Nathan stood behind him and put his arms around Ethan and hugged him.

Nathan's mother stood up and went right up to Ethan, when the boys entered the kitchen, and gave him a hug. While she hugged him she said, "Ethan Kensington Thomas. Please don't ever be scared of me. I will love you as a son, because my son loves you, which means you are a extremely special person."

"Thank you. I promise to be good and I won't be scared of you," Ethan said and returned the hug.

"Okay now lets eat. You boys have a soccer game to win soon," Sid said.

All four of them sat down and ate a quick snack. A half sandwich for Sid and Nathan's mother, and three full sandwiches for each boy.

As they ate, Ethan and Nathan had a bare knee touching each other, under the table. They would move their leg so their knees would rub each other, and when they could, they gave each other a knowing smile, while their parents talked.

Sid looked at Nathan's mother and said, "Would you mind pulling the car out of the garage? I need to do a jockstrap check before we go."

"A what check?"

"I need to get the boys to pull down their shorts so I can see if they have on a jock strap. If they don't then they will have to either put one on, or not play today." "Oh crap," both boys said, and they ran to Ethan's bedroom. Both Sid and Nathan's mother had a good chuckle at their cheeky sons. They waited for the boys to return, and when they did Nathan's mother went to pull the car out of the garage while Sid had Ethan and Nathan show him what they had on under their shorts.

When he was happy that they were now in the correct soccer uniform he said, "Now listen boys. I want you two to always have on a jock and your shin guards. If I find out you do not have either one on, I will give you a spanking and corner time, and you will not be aloud to play at the next game. Do I have your word of honor that you will wear a jock and your shin guards during soccer practice and games?"

Ethan and then Nathan promised Sid and shook hands on the deal.

They all climbed into Sid's Hummer and drove off to the game.

"Thank you so much Ethan for talking me out of buying a mini van. I really like this Hummer a lot more, plus when you turn 16, it can be your car," Sid said to Ethan as he looked at his son in the rear view mirror.

They arrived at the school high school where the game was to be held. Ethan and Nathan helped Sid set up the two chairs, giant umbrella, and cooler full of ice and drinks in a good place to see the entire game. Sid made sure his digital camera had a full battery charge and all 500 pictures were free to use. At the last team practice, Sid informed the team he would be taking pictures and would make a web page for the team and update it with new pictures after every game. Sid used up the entire 500 pictures during the game. Sid was very impressed at the skill both Nathan and Ethan showed playing soccer, and of course with them both on the same team, he was not surprised that they won by 4 points.

Sid treated the entire team to all you can eat BBQ ribs dinner to celebrate their first win of the season. When all the boys were full and the restaurant was close to filing chapter 7 bankruptcy Sid dropped Nathan and his mother off at their house.

Ethan had BBQ sauce all over his shorts and shirt, and so he stripped off his shorts, jock, and shirt there in the garage, since the washing machine and dryer were in there.

Sid was most impressed that Ethan took good care of his clothing, and stood there and watched him wearing only his knee socks, shin guards, and shoes, while he sprayed stain remover on the food spots and then soaked them in a wash bucket filled with hot and soapy water.

Sid's erection was so hard that it was starting to hurt.

Ethan turned around when he was done and he saw Sid's hard on poking his pants outwards.

"Dad, I love you so much. I want to thank you in a proper way," With that said, Ethan stepped close to Sid and dropped down to his knees.

Sid thought what was about to happen was wrong. After all he was now Ethan's father. But he also knew that he was not blood related to him and so technicality it would not be incest.

Ethan undid the top button and the button fly on Sid's jeans and then pulled down the jeans and Sid's boxers. He pushed them all the way down to his ankles. He looked at Sid's 7-inch erection and took in the sight. He saw a bead of pre-cum forming on the very tip of Sid's dick, so he leaned forward and licked the tip.

"Oh how yummy," Ethan said. He then took Sid's entire dick into his mouth.

Sid moaned with pleasure as Ethan sucked his cock. It had been ages since Sid had felt anything other then his hand wrapped around his dick and so the feeling Ethan was giving him was extra special to him. Sid ran his hands threw Ethan's blond hair. He was grateful that Ethan was growing his hair back instead of leaving it cut in a flat top, crew cut.

Sid looked down past Ethan's head bobbing up and down on his poll. He saw that Ethan was using his right hand to jerk off. Watching Ethan pound his pud was just too much for him. Sid started to unload his balls into Ethan's waiting mouth.

Ethan swallowed the man sperm that was pumping into his mouth. The taste was stronger then his own teen cum, but he enjoyed the taste. As Ethan sucked up all the cum he could get out of Sid's dick, he started to fire off his of boy load. The cum shot out of his piss slit with such force that it hit Sid's leg with a splat sound. Three ropes of cum hit Sid's leg and two more landed in Sid's pants and boxers.

Sid had to pull Ethan off of his dick when it started to become painful. Ethan looked up at him and smiled, then he leaned down and licked his own cum off of Sid's leg.

Ethan stood back up and then kissed Sid on the lips.

Sid parted his lips when he felt Ethan's tongue trying to push its way into his mouth. Ethan's tongue went into his mouth and he tasted Ethan's and his own semen as he played a game of tonsil hockey. Sid wrapped his arms around Ethan and lifted Ethan up. Ethan wrapped his arms and legs around Sid.

Sid then half walked and half shuffled into the house and to his bedroom. Sid put Ethan down on his king size bed. Sid then stripped off all his clothing. As Sid removed his clothing, Ethan pulled off his shoes and socks. He saw that Sid was watching him as he removed his clothing, and so Ethan started to play with his uncut penis to make it hard again.

Sid's own dick responded to the sight of Ethan's making his dick hard, and so by the time he was as naked as Ethan, his own 7 inches was ready for action again.

"Dad I want you to take my cherry. I want you to be my first. I know I have been raped many times, but those were not love making, and so I think of myself as a still a virgin."

Sid looked at Ethan with all the love he had for the boy and said, "Are you sure son? Don't you think you should have Nathan have that honor?"

Ethan had a tear in his eye and said, "I love Nathan very much. But you saved me and gave me a new and better life, and so you deserve to be my first," Then with a smile on his face said, "Now shut up and fuck me."

Sid went to his bathroom and grabbed a tube of KY jelly. He went back to his bedroom and had to stop and laugh.

Ethan was more then ready to loose his cherry. He had placed pillows under the small of his back, to help lift his butt into the air. He had a pillow under his head so he could watch his dad fuck him. To help out his dad he had wet his index finger and was finger fucking himself as he waited.

Sid could see a puddle of pre-cum leaking out of Ethan's dick, and knew he better hurry before his son exploded.

Sid had to keep swatting Ethan's hand away from his teen dick, as he used two fingers to put plenty of KY in and around Ethan's boy pussy. Sid finally had to stop finger-fucking Ethan. He got up off his bed and went to his dresser. He pulled out two silk ties and went back to his bed. Sid used the two ties to tie Ethan's hands to the bed. Now that Ethan could not touch himself, Sid was able to get back to work.

Sid leaned down and put his face up close to Ethan's ass. Sid had never wanted to try this before, but all the fingering of Ethan's hairless ass was driving him gaga and he had to give it a taste.

Sid stuck out his tongue and gave the pink rose a lick.

Ethan gave out a loud gasp as he felt the warm wet tongue lick his ass.

The sound of Ethan's enjoyment was all Sid needed to know, and he pushed his tongue in further. Sid used his tongue to fuck Ethan's hot ass until his tongue started to get numb.

Ethan's ass was so loose and ready that Sid had to do him now.

Sid got up onto his knees and held his dick right next to the opened love tunnel. Both Sid and Ethan moaned out load as Sid pushed his hard cock up into Ethan. Ethan knew Sid was all the way in, when he felt Sid's pubic bush, rub his balls. Sid waited a bit so Ethan could get used to him. Then he slowly pulled out until just the head of his dick was inside Ethan.

Sid tried to keep it slow, as he pushed his cock back in. But the warmth and pleasure Ethan's love tunnel was giving him was just too much, and he started to pump in and out a little fast.

Soon Sid had a good speed going, and he reached down and took a hold of Ethan's uncut tool. Sid masturbated Ethan to the same speed he was fucking the boy. Sid had not had a good orgasm in a long time, and so he knew he would not last long. He started to pound Ethan's pud faster and faster, driving Ethan to an orgasm.

Ethan used every muscle in his stomach to lift himself up. The loose knots of the ties became undone. He grabbed a hold of Sid in a tight hug and yelled, "DAAAAAADYYYYYY," as he started to fire off several volleys of boy goo.

Sid closed his lips around Ethan's mouth and kissed him while the boy had his orgasm.

A combination of kissing Ethan, the smell of sweaty boy, and the contractions of Ethan's ass was overpowering and it sent Sid into his own orgasm.

Sid took a firm hold of Ethan to hold him in place and gave three more hard thrusts. He then started to empty his balls, deep into Ethan.

They finally calmed down, and Sid laid Ethan down on the bed as he pulled his softened dick out of Ethan's gorgeous ass. Some of Sid's semen came out of Ethan's hole, along with his penis, and dripped down onto the bed sheets. Sid did not care. He could always wash them tomorrow.

Sid went to his bathroom and got a washcloth and soaked it with some warm water. He went back to his room and found Ethan fast asleep. So as to not wake Ethan, he carefully used the washcloth to clean him up.

After he cleaned himself, he went to his bedroom door so he could go to Ethan's room to collect his bear. He opened the door and found Thor sitting there with a pissed off look on his face. Thor just stood up and went to Sid's bed, jumped up onto Ethan's pillow, wrapped himself around Ethan's head and went to sleep.

Sid had a little chuckle then went to Ethan's room to get his son's soccer bear. When he returned, he put the bear under Ethan's arm, and even though Ethan was sound asleep, he took a hold of his bear and snuggled it to himself.

Sid gave Ethan a kiss on the cheek, then climbed into bed with him, pulled up the sheets, turned off the lights and went to sleep dreaming of Ethan playing soccer wearing only his shoes, socks, and shin guards.

It is a month later when Sid came home and was almost tackled to the floor by a naked Ethan.

"Dad, it's so great. I am so happy," Ethan babbled at Sid as he hugged him. Laughing, Sid kissed Ethan hard on the lips to quiet him down.

When they had to stop for air, Sid was finally able to ask Ethan, "What are you so hyper about?"

"It worked dad. It really worked, and I have YOU to thank for the great idea," Ethan said as he hugged Sid again.

Sid said, "Are you talking about the petition to change the school uniform?"

"Yea dad. It worked. Starting after spring break we can wear short or long pants. I know some of the boys will not wear the shorts since they have to be at least two inches above the knees and we will have to have our calf length socks pulled up, but I am sure most of the guys will wear them."

"Well then you had better thank me since my idea worked," Sid said as he pulled down his zipper and pulled his dick out.

Ethan crawled over and took a hold of Sid's dick. He put out his tongue and gave the tip a long lick.

"Oh shit Ethan. You have become such a expert cock sucker," Sid said as he reached out with a hand and took a hold of Ethan's penis.

Sid slowly worked Ethan's uncut tool up to a full erection. He then wrapped his hand all the way around the hard teen cock and started to pump on it. While his dick was wanked, Ethan put the now half hard adult penis into his mouth. His lips closed all the way on Sid's dick and caused a perfect suction. He used his tongue to rub the underside of the glad to help give the penis more stimulation so it would become fully erect.

Both Sid and Ethan became fully rock hard at the same time. Ethan was now able to fuck his own face on the hard 7 inches of man meat. Ethan was doing such a good job on sucking his dick, that Sid lost track of what his hand was doing several times. Sid finally scooted over and around and placed his head under Ethan's crotch. Now that they were in a good 69 position, Sid sucked in Ethan's now 6-inch penis.

Sid felt Ethan moaned around his penis as he sucked in the teen tool.

Both Sid and Ethan were so engrossed in what they were doing, neither one heard the doorbell ring, and then a short time later the front door open.

Nathan walked in and when he saw Sid and Ethan in a 69 he said, "Holy fucking shit. I'm sorry."

Ethan pulled off of Sid's dick and saw the look Nathan had on his face.

"Nathan it's okay. I want to do this with dad. I love him," Ethan said.

Sid had pulled off of Ethan and sat up next to Ethan and hugged Ethan to him.

Nathan looked at them and then said, "I won't tell. I don't want to loose my Ethan, and I know I would loose him forever if I told. Do you think that maybe I could join in also?"

In answer both Sid and Ethan stood up and walked to Nathan. Ethan locked his lips to Nathan's lips. Both boys were careful to not get their braces locked together as they kissed.

As the boys kissed each other with love Sid started to undress Nathan. Sid was looking forward to this. Sid finally pulled down and off Nathan's boxer shorts. He looked up at Nathan's 4 inches of cut goodness. Nathan's blond bush had grown out some more, but was still not enough to call a bush as of yet. Nathan's Aussie prong was standing up at an almost full 90-degree angle. His hairless balls were hanging a little low, but still had a ways to go until fully dropped.

Sid got down on his knees and put a hand on each boys butt. He gave each boy a little push to help bring their dicks together.

The boys got the idea and Ethan reached down to grip both hard dicks together.

Sid used his tongue to lick both of the sweet teen dicks like they were the best tasting Popsicle in the entire world.

After several licks, Sid leaned over a little more and took both hard dicks into his mouth at the same time. While he sucked the two hot dicks that belonged to two of the cutest boys on the planet he used his hands to play with two sets of boy balls. Both Ethan and Nathan could not last long, and all to soon for them they were cumming. They shot off at the same time flooding Sid's mouth with boy sauce.

Even swallowing as fast as he could, some semen still leaked out of his mouth and dripped off his chin and landed on the carpet.

Both boys had to hold on to each other to keep from falling.

Sid was able to get the last of the cum from the two fountains, and then he helped the boys to sit down on the couch. He then sat in his over stuffed chair and started to stroke his aching rod as he enjoyed the sight of two, naked, young, teenage boys.

Nathan was the first to recover from his orgasm. He saw that Sid had not had an orgasm yet and he felt guilty. He got up from the couch and started to lean over onto Sid's lap.

Sid stopped Nathan with his hand and said, "You don't have to do this Nathan. I won't make you."

Nathan smiled at Sid and said, "Shut up you bloody Yank."

Nathan then leaned over and took Sid's dick into his mouth.

Nathan was not as skilled as Ethan, but Sid was enjoying the blowjob anyway.

Ethan recovered and saw what was going on. He got up from the couch and knelt between Sid's legs. Ethan saw that Nathan had Sid's dick under control, and so he leaned in and sucked Sid's man nuts into his mouth.

"Oh shit boys, here I cum." and Sid's body started to shake.

Nathan sucked in all Sid's cum but did not swallow any of it. He waited until Sid had dumped his entire load, and then he pulled off. He used a hand to lift Ethan up so they were face to face. They then locked lips again and shared Sid's seed.

When they had both swallowed Sid's baby making juice they looked at Sid and smiled. From that point on it became an unwritten rule that as long as it is just the three of them in the house they never had clothing on. Before this day, it was just Sid and Ethan walking around naked.

Nathan also started to join them on trips to a local nudist resort, and at first was a little shy about having other people see his willie, but soon warmed up to the nonsexual place and learned to enjoy doing normal things like swim or play soccer, naked.

Nathan's mother started to join them at the nudist resort. And this worked out to be a real good idea. Sid and Nathan's mother became real good friends. No one would know how good friends they had become until a month later.

One time at the nudist resort, Ethan and Nathan met a boy their age named Alec. They were swimming and saw a boy their age asleep in a lounge chair. They asked the owner of the resort, who was on a pool float, who the boy was. The owner told Ethan and Nathan that boy was his son, Alec. Alec had just turned 14 years old.

Alec had fallen asleep while sun bathing. Ethan and Nathan kept sneaking peeks at the naked 14-year-old boy as they swam. Alec had black hair and a freckled face and shoulders. He had some black hair under each arm, on his lower legs, and a nice sized black bush above his penis. His scrotum was hanging low in the heat of the day and had a splattering of dark hairs. Ethan and Nathan lay down on a sun chair on either side of Alec and got a closer look at him. They saw some dots that were here and there on Alec's body, that were little sun kiss freckles. Alec's penis was uncut and hung down 3 2 inches over his balls. As Ethan and Nathan watched Alec sleep, they saw his penis rise up to a full 7.5-inch erection. Alec's foreskin was so long, that even at a full erection, the head of his cock was still fully covered.

They heard Alec say things like he was receiving a blowjob. They were shocked in a good way when they heard Alec say, "Oh God. Yea Stevie, make me cum."

Both Ethan and Nathan thought they might see a show shortly and they were not disappointed.

"Oh man I'm going to blow," Alec said. His dick gave a hard twitch and started to shoot off large ropes of semen that was white with a tint of yellow in it.

Alec woke up and looked down to see a fourth rope of cum shooting out of his piss hole. He then noticed the two boys watching him.

"Oh fucking shit. Not again," Alec said in a panic. Alec jumped up off of the lounge chair and ran away.

Nathan and Ethan got up and took off running after Alec.

Alec was so embarrassed. He was in a panic as he ran off. Alec ran off into the woods and did not see an uprooted root. As he ran, he stepped on the root and twisted his ankle and fell flat on his face.

Ethan and Nathan saw Alec do a face plant, and they picked up their speed to catch up to the boy, just in case he was hurt bad.

Alec was crying from shame. His secret was out, and now he would be beaten and everyone would hate him.

Ethan and Nathan got up to Alec and heard him crying. They knelt down. Ethan put his hand on Alec's shoulder and said, "Are you okay? I'm sorry we scared you."

Nathan put a hand on Alec's other shoulder and said, "Yea mate. Don't be scared of us. We love guys too."

Alec rolled over and sat up and looked at the two teens. "You're not just saying that? You guys are really gay?"

To answer Alec, Ethan leaned in and kissed him and kissed him on the lips. Nathan and Ethan sat down on the ground and spent the next half hour talking to Alec. Alec felt a lot better about himself, and now he knew he was not alone. He now had two friends that he could be himself with.

Alec asked his two new friends, "Have you guys heard of docking?" Both Nathan and Ethan said that they had and that they do it all the time with each other.

Alec said he had read about it in a lot of gay boy sex stories, and wanted to try it as far back as he could remember.

Nathan said he would be honored to be his first, and stood up. He reached down and took Alec's hand to help his stand up.

Alec stood up and then fell back down again. The pain in his ankle was too much. He had sprained his ankle real bad when he stepped on the root.

"Oh shit it fucking hurts," Alec said.

The erection Alec got from just the thought of doing some docking with Nathan had wilted away from the pain his ankle sent to his brain.

Ethan told Nathan to stay with Alec and he would go get help.

Both Sid and Alec's father had seen Alec run away and upset but Sid had convinced the owner to let Ethan and Nathan to handle it. If they needed help they would ask.

The owner had known Sid for over 10 years, and so trusted his friend's judgment. They were sitting at a table by the pool playing a game of chess, when Ethan came running up to them at full speed.

Ethan was running so fast that instead of trying to stop, he ran right into the pool. When he surfaced, he climbed out of the pool and walked up to his dad.

"Dad you have to come help. Alec stepped on a large root and is hurt. I don't think he broke it, but it is swelling up and he's in pain."

Both Sid and Alec's father got up. Alec's father took them to a storage shed and got a wheel barrel.

Ethan took them to where Alec and Nathan were waiting.

Sid and Alec's dad was able to lift Alec up into the wheel barrel and wheel him back to the main resort. Sid went to his car and got his medical bag and then met them all back at the pool. When he returned he found that Ethan, Nathan, and Alec's father lifted Alec out of the barrel and onto a lounge chair.

Sid had Ethan wet a towel and then clean the dirt off of Alec. Sid treated the badly scraped knee with some cream and a large bandage, he wrapped Alec's badly sprained ankle with a large ace bandage, and while his dad went to get a ice pack, he gave Alec a prescription pain pill to help ease the pain.

When Alec's father returned he hugged his son and said, "Why did you run off like that son?"

Alec gave Ethan a panicked looked.

Ethan said, "Go ahead and tell him. I promise it will all be okay."

Alec looked at his dad and came out to him. He told his dad about the wet dream and waking up to see Nathan and Ethan looking at him and got scared that they would beat him up for being a fag.

Alec got a special surprise when his dad gave him a kiss on the forehead and hugged him and said, "I have known for a while you are gay, son. I have just been waiting for you to tell me."

Alec hugged his dad and thanked him for not throwing him away.

"Son I would rather die then lose you. I will never throw you away. But we do have one problem now."

Alec asked his dad, "What problem dad?"

His dad looked at him and said, "You forgot about next weekends trip? There is no way you can go on the hike and camp out next weekend with your ankle hurt."

Alec looked at his dad and said, "Oh crap. I'm sorry dad. I did not mean to fuck up, and I know how much you wanted to go on that trip."

"Why don't you stay with us Alec and your dad can go on the trip?" Ethan said.

Everyone looked at Ethan then over to Sid.

Sid said, "I have no problem with that. And then some day when I need a break from Ethan, he could stay with you as a return favor."

Alec's father agreed. He would have Sid, Ethan, and Nathan over for a barbeque dinner on Thursday night, since there was no school that Friday, and then after dinner, they could take Alec home with them.

By this time the pain pill was kicking in with full force and Alec had fallen asleep.

That Thursday night, two naked adult men and one nude woman, along with three naked teenage boys, one boy with an ace bandage wrapped around his ankle and on crutches, sat down at a nice table outside, listing to classical 80s music, sat down to a feast of food. Nathan got a real nice surprise. Alec's father had found a recipe on the hyper net and had made some classic Aussie meat pies as one of the main items on that night's dinner menu.

Ethan and Nathan were pleased to meet Alec's mother and was happy that she did not mind at all that her son was gay. Also they were happy to find out later that she was pleased with Alec's choice of friends (meaning Ethan and Nathan) who can help him be happy with being gay and who he is.

After dinner, Ethan carried Alec's bag with his weekend supplies to the family car. They stopped at Blockbuster video to rent some movies.

When they got home, Ethan and Nathan took Alec to Ethan's bedroom and helped him put his things away. They stripped naked and gave Alec a tour of the house. By the time they got back to the living room, Sid was naked and sitting in his easy chair, waiting for the boys to come and pick a movie.

Nathan went to pop a few bags of popcorn in the Nuke oven while Sid unwrapped Alec's ankle and put it up on pillows with an ice pack. He saw that Alec tried to hide the pain, but did not get the look past Sid's well trained eye. He went to his room and came back with another pain pill for the boy. By the time the Japanese Anime movie, "Boy-Tech" started, each boy had a 1-liter bottle of cherry coke, and a bag of heavy butter popcorn.

The movie was great. It was about how men would buy an android for sex that was the size and looks of a boy. And then the Androids took up arms when the plant was invaded and how the new "boys" come out of the factory had heavy weapons attached to their bodies.

The movie was just over three hours, and so it was well past bedtime when it was over.

Alec was pretty much out of it from being so late and the pain pill, so Sid picked him up and while Ethan took the crutches, he carried him to Ethan's room and put him in the bed.

Sid gave all three boys a hug and a kiss good night, and left the boys to themselves and went to his own room for a fitful sleep.

Alec woke up the next morning and felt his two new friends sleeping on each side of him. Alec saw that both boys were erect. Alec reached out with both hands and took a hold of the two hard dicks.

Ethan and Nathan woke up.

"And a good morning to you commander wanker," Nathan said.

Ethan said to Alec, "Man you have a very talented hand. But you need to stop or I'll piss the bed."

Ethan and Nathan went to piss and then came back to help Alec to the bathroom for a morning piss. Once all three bladders were empty they got Alec back to the bedroom and sat him down on the bed.

"Nathan if you are still willing I would still like to try docking," Alec said to Nathan.

"You bet I'm willing mate," Nathan said.

Ethan helped Alec stand up. He stayed behind Alec to help hold him in a standing position.

Nathan played with both his and Alec's dicks to make them fully hard. Once hard he let go and let Alec take over.

Alec reached down and pulled back the skin on his penis. While Nathan held his penis down, Alec leaned forward a bit so his piss slit was kissing Nathan's. Once the two teen tools were in a ready position, he pushed his foreskin up and over the head of his dick and then pushed it more so it was over the head of Nathan's penis also.

Nathan moaned from the pleasure. Nathan loved the feeling of a foreskin over the head of his cock. Nathan once again promised himself to find his father and beat the living crap out of him for forcing his mother to have him circumcised.

Alec was in heaven. He never thought docking would feel as good as it really did. Ethan had to whisper in his ear to remind him to give Nathan more stimulation then his own dick, because Nathan's cut penis would be less sensitive then his own.

Nathan leaned in to Alec and they started to kiss. Alec enjoyed his first kiss with tongue with another boy.

The boy sex action was just too much for Ethan. His dick was leaking so much pre-cum that the carpet right below his feet could not soak up any more fluid and was going to become a pool. Ethan asked Alec if he could fuck his cute ass.

Alec tried to answer with a yes, but all that escaped his lips was a mumble.

Ethan was able to understand the mumble and he used his hands to pull apart Alec's butt cheeks. He pushed his leaking dick so the head was right at the entrance to Alec's shoot. His dick was dripping so much pre-fuck sauce that he did not have to add any kind of lubricant. Ethan slowly pushed his hard penis into Alec.

Alec had used a life like dildo he had ordered on the hyper net to fuck himself so he knew to push down like he was trying to shit, to help Ethan slip in. Ethan slowly pushed his hard and leaking dick into Alec. He had to use all the self-control he had to go slow. He wanted his pre-cum to leak out and help lubricate the inside of Alec's love tunnel.

A real penis up his ass felt a lot better then a dildo, but it also hurt more then the dildo did. Nathan must have sensed what Alec was about to do, and so he grabbed Alec by the back of his head and pushed their lips together, harder. Alec yelled out in pain, but most of the noise was cut off into Nathan's mouth.

When Ethan had bottomed out he held himself in position so he could let Alec get used to him being inside him.

Nathan reached up and took a hold of Alec's nipples. He started to pinch and twist them lightly.

Ethan knew that Alec was ready, when he started to push back, to try and get more of Ethan's boy toy into his ass.

Ethan pulled out half way, and then shoved back in until he was balls deep. His low hanging balls swung and made a "SLAP" sound as they smacked into Alec. They boys got up a good, working motion and kept at the steady pace.

Nathan was the first to go, and his orgasm set off a chain reaction of orgasms. Nathan's dick started to pump out his Aussie seed.

The feeling of the cum filling and gushing out of his foreskin, plus Ethan's dick rubbing his prostate, pushed Alec over the edge and he started to add his semen to Nathan's load.

The muscles in Alec's ass contacted and helped give Ethan that extra push to orgasm. Ethan gave one last thrust into Alec and emptied his balls. Ethan was able to recover enough to pull out of Alec and go to his bathroom to get a washcloth. When he returned, Alec and Nathan were lying on the bed on their backs.

Ethan used the washcloth to clean Alec, Nathan and the floor. He then went and had his morning shower. Ethan called out to Nathan and Alec when he was done. Nathan and Ethan let Alec just stand in the shower as they washed him from head to toe.

Once he was clean and dry and back in Ethan's room, Ethan then scrubbed Nathan clean.

All three were clean and dry when Sid knocked on the door and came in when called, to tell them that breakfast ready.

It was a few weeks later when the bad news came in.

Nathan came into Ethan's room and watched his lover dress in his uniform. He could not believe how good looking Ethan was in his uniform. The new short pants uniform looked really good on most of the boys, and it took all the self-control of Ethan, Nathan and several other boys to keep their dicks under control.

Sid had to leave for work early and so the boys had to roller blade to school. They bladed to school and when they arrived Ethan knelt down to untie his blades. Ethan had one knee of the ground and untied his blades. He put on his black, leather shoes and stood up.

Nathan looked Ethan over and saw the smudge of dirt of Ethan's knee and said, "You dirty boy. Shame on you." Nathan then knelt down and started to lick Ethan's knee clean.

"Oh man Nathan. Please stop. If you don't I'll have a mess in my shorts."

Nathan gave Ethan's other knee a kiss and stood back up. They got to their lockers and locked up their blades and got to class just in time.

Sid got the phone call while at work. After he hung up he went to his boss and explained what happened and asked to take the rest of the week off. His time off was granted, and so Sid packed up his briefcase and went home. He did not like what he had to tell Ethan and Nathan, but he knew it was his job, and he would be strong for Nathan.

The boys came home from school and if Sid had not been so sad, he would of gotten an erection.

Sid had Nathan sit on his lap and told the boys about the accident. Nathan's mother was killed.

A week later the three of them were in a lawyers office after the funeral. They sat and listened to the last will and testament of Nathan's mother.

Nathan's mother asked that Sid adopt Nathan as well as to sell all her assets and put the money in a trust fund to pay for Nathan's collage. The papers were all signed, and Nathan now had a new father and brother.

That night when Ethan and Nathan spooned up to each other and went to sleep, they loved each other not only as lovers but also as brothers.

The End?

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