The Rangers Dragon Tamer

By Kumba Kabba

Published on Sep 19, 2020


Chris and Charlie, Chapter 5 Of Family and Familiarity

Two days later on the Friday morning, Chris went with Charlie to his flat to prepare for Bill's arrival that afternoon. However as they entered the apartment after work, they were surprised to see his duffle bag in the middle of the living room.

Charlie's heart started beating fast. "He must have come early and went to the Atrium." They looked at each other.

"You're ready?" Chris asked.

Charlie nodded. "Let's go."

They dropped off their bags and went through the residential entrance into the Atrium from the back. Charlie spotted Bill sitting at a center table talking with Nicklaus. He wore a black Beatles t-shirt, black ripped jeans with two silver chains hanging off them, one for his wallet and one for his pocket watch his dad gave him when he turned of age, and grey timberland boots. His hair, the same color as Charlie's, was pulled back in a ponytail, but much longer. He had less freckles than Charlie, mostly bunched up on his high cheekbones, and he was thinner and at least an inch taller. But where Charlie had an easy going quieter nature, Bill was louder and owned the room with his confidence, Chris could tell.

Chris turned to Charlie after a glance at Bill and said, "Charlie, you are not the cutest Weasley are you?"

"Don't flirt with my brother," he said, rolling his eyes.

"I make no promises," he winked at his lover.

Bill saw Charlie coming towards him and said, "Hey little bro!" He stood up to hug him.

After the hug Charlie stepped back and introduced them. "Hey, this is Chris. Chris, my brother, Bill."

"Oh, friend of Charlie's, hey!" He greeted Chris cheerfully with a handshake.

Charlie started to say something but Chris said loudly cutting him off, "Yup, that's me, friend of Charlie's. It's nice to meet you, Bill. I've heard great things."

"Well, I'm Bill so, that's all you would hear," he said cockily. Chris laughed. He immediately liked Bill. They sat down at the table. "So you're a Reserver?" Bill asked Chris.

"No, I'm actually a Ranger in the forest," Chris told him.

"Oh wow. I didn't know they had wizards in that position. It's kind of mundane muggle work."

"Well they do have us wizards in the best places to ensure our livelihood," said Chris casually. "Stanis as a detective, me as a ranger, you know."

Charlie's eyes went wide and he slowly turned to Chris who avoided his eyes and took another sip of water.

"Oh you know Stanis then?" Bill asked. "What's he been up to lately?"

Chris said nonchalantly, "Oh you know Stanis, sarcastic little fucker ,innit?"

Bill laughed and said, "That he is!"

Charlie blinked at him three times. He could not believe how Chris was just letting Bill believe he was a wizard. No, not just letting him believe, but building upon it.

Maggie came over and hugged Bill from behind, then said, "Well if it isn't all my favorite boys in one place. What can I get for you?" She held out her pen and pad to take their order.

Charlie said, "Same."

Chris said, "Same."

Bill said, "Well I don't know what `same' is but I guess I'm having that too."

Maggie told him, "Goat meat and couscous with egg on top or on the side."

"I like mine on top," Chris said and caressed Charlie's leg under the table.

Charlie closed his eyes and when he opened it he looked over at Chris who was still avoiding his gaze, while Bill gave his order, "On top then."

Charlie needed to take control of this conversation. "So, tell me about this mission."

"Right. So a few months ago the ministry got an owl regarding a curse cavern. A village in Chad was digging to expand their water supply and came across an underground cave. The first couple of expeditioners went in and did not come out. After a week the second group did not go all the way in, but they explained that there was eerie music playing fainting the further in they went, and they did not like the way it made them feel so they retreated. They sent two experienced wizards next, with an ear muffling spell on.

"Three days later one came out carrying his dead partner. He explained he saw the bodies of the first group and it looks like they took some time to die, as if they were put on some kind of sleeping curse that they couldn't wake up from, but it also meant they couldn't take in food or water, so they just wasted away. They got all the way into the tunnel to a large opening and there is a fucking talking Chimera in there! When his partner tried to pass it, it attacked and killed him. But then it moved away and allowed him to take the body back. It's bloody bonkers!"

Charlie and Chris were both stunned. Bill continued. "This all happened a week ago, so now they contracted with Gringotts and are calling in the expert. Me." He smiled triumphantly. "I've already figured out it's some kind of riddle and it's guarding something. Now I just need to figure out how to solve it without going crazy or you know, dying. If it's a talking Chimera we might be able to read its lips. But I need a second. You up for it, Charlie?" "Seriously? I thought you were joking when you said it before."

Bill shook his head. "They are sending me in with a goblin. I need someone I can trust by my side."

Chris stayed quiet as Charlie responded, "I would love to, but I don't think I can get the time off. Dale sort of just gave me a promotion."

"You didn't tell me that," Chris said quietly.

"Congrats little brother! What kind?" Bill said excitedly. Charlie looked at Chris a little long, then caught himself and looked at Bill.

"Well, Jesse just received his D.E.E.R. - Dragon Excellent Education Results, and passed, so he is officially a dragonologist. So Dale wants to bump him up to assistant trainer, where I am now, and make me Managing Tamer and basically manage all of the Tamers and Fixers day and night. Ollie, Lucas and Vlad are studying to also get their DEER's so that would make more dragonologists and leaders in the field, and Dale is all for that. Benji is also getting bumped up to Managing Hunters and Trainees, giving him more responsibility during the day. Dale told me a while ago, the idea is for Benji and I to take over for Dale and Sven some day so they are basically grooming us now." He looked at Chris again who gave him a small smile.

"Wow, that is fantastic bro, you deserve it." Bill gave him a fist bump across the table.

"I'm really proud of you," said Chris. He gave his leg a squeeze under the table.

"Thanks mates. But one caveat is that if I'm managing all the Tamers and Fixers, they should be seeing me during the day as well." He looked at Chris again.

"Well that's easy," Bill said. "Pick a Friday or Saturday or both for a day shift. You work overnight Wednesday to Thursday, you're off the rest of Thursday and go in on Friday morning, and possibly Saturday mornings. So now your weekend nights are free again. If you're making more money you can work five days instead of six."

"Chris nodded. "That's actually a good idea."

Charlie too liked that idea, it meant more nights with Chris. "Yeah, I'll figure it out soon."

"Well, if you want to go with me, leave Dale to me. I will talk to him when I go to the Reserve tomorrow," Bill said.

"Wait!" Chris said, shocked. "Why are you allowed to be on the Reserve grounds? I thought no one was allowed but Reservers." He looked at Charlie.

"Because I'm Bill Weasley. Haven't you heard, mate?" He winked at Chris and Charlie shook his head.

Charlie rolled his eyes and answered, "Because Bill is a dragonologist and has had encounters with dragons in his line of work. Dale respect's Bill's ability to handle himself around them. He's allowed to come on grounds, but not into the valley. He stays up in the field or at the top and watches. He can't touch and he certainly cannot ride, no matter how much he begs." Bill laughed and Chris laughed with him.

As the food came and they ate, they talked about Bill's experiences with dragons and Chris chimed him in with his dragon knowledge that even impressed Charlie. He could tell Bill liked Chris and that made him happy.

After they ate, Bill said, "Chris, are you hanging around a bit? Or do you have a nice warm bed with a lady waiting for you?" He winked at him.

Chris smiled. "My bed is currently empty of women right now. Plus I took a nap at the Tank for an hour or so, so I'm not tired just yet." He turned to Charlie and said innocently, "Is it ok if I can crash at your place today, hang out with you and your brother for a while?"

Charlie's eyes narrowed and he looked at Chris like he wanted to tell him to stop it. Bill answered for him, grabbing Chris's shoulder, "Of course it's ok! Let's go."

As they started walking toward the back entrance, Chris noticed Maggie, Claire, and Nicklaus behind the counter watching them, smiling. Clare mouthed "Good luck" to him and he put up two crossed fingers and smiled widely at them.

Once upstairs Charlie went to make tea while Bill sat on the couch. Chris took two books from his bag and returned them to Charlie's bookshelf. Bill noticed they were Hogwarts textbooks and thought it odd for a grown wizard to be reading them.

He asked, "So, where did you go to school Chris?"

"I didn't," Chris said casually. "I was home schooled on the ways of magic."

"Yeah? That's interesting. Who did you learn the most from?" Bill asked, getting even more curious.

"My mother taught me everything I know," he said, still facing the bookshelf.

"Really? So you were brought up a muggle then?"

"Yes, I am very much a muggle in a lot of ways." Chris said.

Charlie rolled his eyes from the kitchen. He heard Bill say, "How so?"

"Well I don't do magic, I just like to read about it." He was still searching the shelf, mostly to avoid Bill's eyes.

"So you're a Squib then?" Bill deduced.

Charlie didn't know if Chris even knew what a Squib was and quickly came into the living room to Chris saying, "No, I'm not a Squib, just not interested in magic in that way."

"Wow. That's...interesting. Do you own a wand?" Bill said. Disbelief surrounded him.

"Nope. I do not own a wand," Chris said.

Before Bill could ask another question, Charlie said, "Hey Bill, what about the Bats losing their Chaser? Hard luck for you, huh?"

Bill's attention turned to Charlie. "We haven't lost him. It's a shoulder injury and he will be back."

"Doubt it," Charlie laughed. And they went on rant about their Quidditch teams. Chris took this time to go into Charlie's room to change, putting on Charlie's grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt from his drawer.

When he came out, Bill asked him "Who do you follow, Chris?"

"Oh I think Charlie has convinced me to go with Puddlemore now, but my heart was previously with the Harpies." Charlie stared at Chris in disbelief again, and Chris winked at him before continuing to talk about their Keeper's stats blocking goals.

"Ah the Harpies! People like the idea of them, being an all female team, but not their actual skill," Bill quipped.

"Hold on now," and then Chris proceeded to talk about other players that have impressed him. Charlie sat there listening, trying very hard not to blow his cover, astonished by how much Chris knew about the game. He sat down and relaxed a bit as they talked sports, moving onto European football leagues and other topics.

Before they knew it, noon rolled around and Charlie said, "I'm going to go downstairs and get us some food."

"Oh don't bother. Mum sent her mince meat pies." He pulled out four pies from his bag and handed them to Charlie.

"Sweet! Thanks mum!" he said excitedly. He went to the kitchen to warm them up. Chris was sitting at the desk under the bookshelf and it reminded Bill of the conversation earlier.

"So Chris, what kind of magic do you know?" Bill asked.

Chris smiled. "That's a weird way to phrase it. What do you actually want to know about me?"

"I'm just asking about the kind of magic that your mum taught you, since she taught you everything you know." He smiled back.

"My mum taught me the magic of a kind heart, winning smile and never to back down from a challenge." He held his smile.

Bill laughed. "So no real defensive magic then."

"Why, do you want to challenge me to a duel?" He raised his eyebrow.

"C'mon. You couldn't handle me. You don't even own a wand."

"Wands are a European invention." Chris said matter of factly. "Africans, Asians and South Americans have been creating and using magic without wands since the beginning of time, while you Brit boys were still writing your names with dung on your cave walls."

"Oh ho! Look who knows a little history," Bill chided. "A wand is still a tool, one that you don't have. Can you even call yourself a real wizard if you don't have one?"

"I can take you on without one," Chris said seriously and shrugged.

Bill scoffed and stood up. "I don't think so. Maybe an average wizard or a less than average muggle. Didn't you hear? I'm Bill Weasley."

Chris also stood up. "Yes, the great and powerful Bill Weasley. Who still needs to hide behind his wand to create any real magic."

"No I don't hide behind my wand, I use it to harness my power. But you wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

"You know you're really proud of that tool aren't you? You gonna whip it out next and smack me across the face with it?" Chris said defensively.

Bill laughed. "Oh you definitely couldn't handle that mate, the size would just scare you away." He winked and adjusted his groin area.

"Oh I'm pretty sure whatever you got can't compare to mine," Chris said, adjusting his own groin, knowing they weren't talking about wands anymore. "In fact, I can guarantee mine is bigger and more powerful." He took a step toward Bill.

Bill smirked. "You think you're a big man, don't you?" And took a step toward Chris.

Charlie, who had heard enough from the kitchen, quickly got in the middle of his brother and boyfriend who were about to square up.

"Whoa, what's going on here?" He put a hand on Bill's chest and glared at him, then he turned around and glared at Chris even more. Chris backed up, put his palms up and walked away. Bill crossed his arms over his chest and watched Chris.

"You know," Chris said, "I think I am going to go. I have to work tonight so I should get some rest." He grabbed his bag and started walking out without looking back.

Charlie sighed, said to Bill, "I'm going to walk him out." He followed Chris out the door while Bill watched them both quizzically.

Chris continued to walk about two paces in front of Charlie, down the stairs and across the corridor into the Atrium. When Charlie passed through the Atrium doors into the garden Chris turned around. Before Charlie could say something, Chris kissed him on the lips and pulled him close, then smiled. Charlie shook his head. "You're a crazy shithead, you know that?" Chris laughed. "What the fuck was all that?"

Chris shrugged. "Oh I was just fucking with him. I would never actually challenge him."

"No, not that part. The part where you pretended to be a wizard."

"Oh that." Chris laughed. "I don't know, it was just something to do. Anyway, I figured it would make it easier for you."

"How? Because I do plan on telling him and now it's like we lied to him or something."

Chris looked at him seriously. "Honestly do or don't tell him, it doesn't matter to me. It changes nothing about us." Charlie put his hands in his jeans pockets and looked away. Chris held him tighter, then asked, "Are you really thinking about going with him next week?"

"I'm thinking about it," he said without looking at Chris.

"Leaving me all over again?" Chris said, turning his face and putting their foreheads together.

"It's not like that. If you don't want me to go, I won't."

"And take you away from Big Dick Bill? I wouldn't dream of it."

Charlie smiled and looked at him shaking his head. "I can't believe you two."

Chris played with the soft hairs on Charlie's arm. "I'll be fine. Go spend some time with your brother next week."

Charlie leaned his head on Chris's shoulder. "Will I see you tomorrow?" he asked softly.

"Only if you want to." He reached up and touched Charlie's hair. "I'm glad it's growing back in long. I need something to grab onto."

Charlie shook his head still in Chris's shoulder. "I love you."

"I know. Go back upstairs. I'll call you later."

Charlie leaned his head up for a kiss, and Chris gave him a slow and sweet one. He let go of Charlie first, brushed his hands over his groin as he backed away then smiled.

"Love you," he called out.

Charlie watched him leave then headed upstairs. Bill was sitting on the arm of the couch when Charlie came in. He sat on the opposite side of the couch and looked at Bill.

Bill started with, "Soooo, that bloke is a muggle."

Charlie shook his head. "That obvious, huh?"

"Actually no, and that's what was so fascinating. He really had me going there for a moment. He's a funny guy." He chuckled.

"That he is."

"So someone in his family is a wizard then?" Bill asked.

Charlie inhaled then exhaled. "No. No they are all muggles."

"But he knows so much. Where did he learn it all?" Charlie didn't answer, turned away from Bill's gaze. Bill's smile changed to a frown. "Charlie? Charlie? Where did he learn it all, Charlie?" He waited. "Charlie, tell me you didn't?" He started shaking his head furiously.

"Did what, Bill?" Charlie asked.

Bill's voice rose, "Tell me you didn't confess the deepest secrets of the Wizarding World to some run of the mill muggle!"

"He's not some average muggle," Charlie said quietly, but Bill wasn't listening he started yelling.

"YOU!! I can't believe you did that! Do you know how much trouble you just got yourself into? Are you fucking insane!?"

Charlie also raised his voice, "It's not like I planned it!"

"Well explain it to me then," Bill said plainly, crossing his arms again. "Explain it to me like I'm an idiot."

So Charlie did. He described their first encounter with Betta, and then the dark wizard, and how they patrolled almost every night since. Bill listened and then said, "I still don't understand why you didn't obliviate him in the beginning."'

"At the time, I didn't know either. I just trusted him right away. I still trust him. I trust him with my life." He looked Bill in the eyes.

Bill was still shaking his head. "Bloody hell Charlie, this is mad. The only people who do shit like this are people who are in love or in a relationship that they are trying to..." he trailed off.

Charlie watched Bill's face as the truth dawned on him. He looked at Charlie with his mouth agape and held his gaze as he slowly slid into the couch. They stared at each other for another moment. Bill then took a deep breath and blew it out in a whistle.

He turned to sit cross legged and faced Charlie. "Okay little bro. Start talking."

Charlie mirrored Bill and their knees touched. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything. How long?" he asked first. "How long what?" Bill scoffed. "Okay. Let's start with something simple. How long have you two been in a relationship?"

"A little over Six months," Charlie stated.

Bill yelled at him, "Six months!? You've been in a relationship for six fucking months and you didn't tell me!?" He hit Charlie in the arm hard.

"Ow!" He rubbed his shoulder. "I didn't know how to tell you, how to tell anyone."

"I'm not anyone. I'm your big bro. And this is a major change for you. How could you not tell me?"

"I don't know," Charlie said. "I barely knew how to tell myself."

Bill ran his hands through his hair and touched his knees. "What a mind fuck you must have been going through. Am I gay, am I straight, am bi, am I still kind of straight but I like this gay bloke, am I bi and still like guys and girls, have I always like guys and just didn't know, do I still like girls...shit!"

Charlie smiled. "I forget how well you know how I think."

"Yeah, fucker, that's why you should have called me!" He punched his arm again.

"Ow, stop! Alright I should have told you." Charlie rubbed his arm again.

Bill then said, "So. How goes it? How is the relationship?"

"It's going...pretty...great actually. Really great. Scary how easy it all is with him. We became fast friends then it just became something more before either of us knew what hit us. We care about the same things. And he brings parts of me out that I didn't know I was capable of. He's kind and smart and so funny. He's loving and he's loyal. And he's secure in who he is, in his manhood but he's also not afraid to show his emotions."

"Ha! Mr. My Dick Is Bigger Than Yours shows emotions!" He laughed. "Can't imagine it."

"Yeah, well he's also a little arrogant and immature. Sometimes a lot immature as you just witness and likes to push buttons for shits and giggles."


"But Bill, he's an all round solid guy. The most incredible person I've ever met. He lights up every room he's in, and just knows how to put people at ease around him. He's..." Charlie trailed off. Bill read between the lines. "You love him." He said factually.

"I do."

They looked at each other, then Bill smiled. "And obviously he loves you too. It's funny, if I didn't know, I wouldn't see it, but now that I know I definitely see it. It's obvious. The way you are around each other. You move like a couple, finish each other sentences, side glances and communicate with just how you look at each other. Awww. Little Charlie is in love!" He reached over and touched his face.

"Shut up," Charlie said and smacked his hand away.

Bill let a moment pass, then said, "Okay, tell me the rest of it. How is it?"

Charlie looked at him confused. "How is what?"

"C'mon, you gonna make me say it? THE SEX! You guys weren't talking Quidditch and dragons in here for the last six months." He smiled knowingly. "C'mon. Top or Bottom? Or both?" His eyebrows went up twice.

Charlie lowered his head and said, "Nope. Absolutely not."

"Oh C'mon!" Bill cried. "If he were a woman you wouldn't hesitate to tell me all about it, so don't hesitate now."

Charlie nodded and smiled. He had never loved his brother as much as he did in that moment. "The sex is...fucking fantastic." Bill let out a cackle and Charlie laughed as well. "I'm not kidding," he continued. "I have experienced a whole new level of sex I didn't even know possible. We make love almost every day, sometimes twice a day and every single time it's amazing. Both, by the way."

Bill let out another loud cackle and slapped Charlie's legs. "Charlie, Charlie my boy!" he laughed. Then he said, "But the first time couldn't have been amazing. That shit must have hurt like hell."

"Actually, it wasn't terrible. I mean yes, there was pain at first but mostly pleasure, and lots of it. I am probably lucky that I had him." He smiled to himself thinking about it. Bill noticed.

"Well don't hold back on me now!" he said. Charlie shook his head again, looked up at the ceiling and smiled. Bill leaned over and touched Charlie's knee. "Charlie, you have been carrying around six months of feelings in uncharted territory for you. Now, if you're fine and don't need to talk then I'll let it go. But if there is ever a time to let it out, now's the time. Plus, I'm bloody nosy!"

Charlie laughed. "Okay." He told Bill about the first time, starting with the kiss under the lamppost. Bill had commentary all throughout like he normally would do, and did not balk or cringe at the explicit parts.

Charlie told him how Dale basically told him to stop being a pussy and go for it, Bill exclaimed, "Ha! Good on Dale!"; The intense blow job that literally made his knees weak: "Holy shit that sounds amazing!"; When he first entered Chris: "Shit Charlie, no lubricant? He must have really loved you back then because there is no way a man would ever..."; Chris's full body massage and how he broke him in: "Ah, got you in the mood, he used lube, lots of patience, good man"; How he came, and then came again hands free for the first time in his life: "Wait! You mean to tell me that for your first time with him you came three times in the span of what, three to four hours give or take? Fucking A I would have fell in love with him too!"

Charlie was admittedly relieved to talk to someone about his relationship. He regrets not talking to him earlier but glad he's done it now, it was the right time.

"Tell him to come out with us tomorrow night, so I can meet Chris your lover instead of Chris the pretend wizard," Bill said.

Charlie laughed. He pulled out his phone and sent Chris a simple text, "Told Bill everything. Everything. Come out with us tomorrow night." He didn't receive a text back right away so he figured Chris really did fall asleep when he got home.

"So we're going out tonight so you get some rest, too." Bill told him.

"Ugh. What hole in the wall are you dragging me to? Charlie asked.

"New place called Dracs."

"Fucking hell, I've heard of that place. It's crawling with vamps."

"Aren't you glad I didn't invite your muggle boy toy? They would have literally smelled it on him." Charlie rolled his eyes. "Two hours, tops. Then I'm coming home." He stood up to walk to his room, then Bill stood up as well.

"Charlie," he called. Charlie turned around and looked at his brother, who smiled at him. Charlie walked back over and gave him a hug.

"Thank you," Charlie whispered. Bill patted his back, then let him go, so he could take a nap.

Chris, who had indeed fallen asleep, woke up hours later a few minutes after 8pm, read his text and smiled widely. He called Charlie immediately.

Charlie and Bill were in the bedroom getting dressed when his phone went off. Bill grabbed it off the dresser first upon seeing Chris's name come up. He answered, "Hey, Cocky Cocksucking Chris, how's it going?"

"Bloody hell," Charlie groaned and glared at him, but Chris laughed.

"Hey Baby Dick Bill, put my man on the phone please."

Charlie came over to take the phone from Bill but he slapped his hand away and jumped forward out of his range. "In a minute." He told Chris, "I'm taking him out tonight so don't get jealous."

"No worries at all. I trust him with my heart and my life."

"Funny, he said the same thing about you."

"Yeah? That is something, isn't it?" Chris smiled.

"It is," Bill said. "Chris, come out with us tomorrow night so my brother could introduce you to me proper."

"Yeah of course. I'm looking forward to it."

Bill handed Charlie the phone saying loudly, "Hey Charlie! Your BOYFRIEND is on the phone!" then he cackled.

Charlie shook his head and said to Chris, "I promised he handled it with a lot more maturity then he is displaying right now."

Chris smiled, "How do you feel?"

"Honestly I feel great. I should have told Bill ages ago. Should have known he would more than just accept it. Embrace it. Embrace me."

"Well it's always good to have one person in your corner."

"Well now I have two," Charlie said, making Chris smile again. "So you're coming out with us tomorrow night yeah?"

Chris said, "Let me choose the place, please?"

"Not Nemo's," Charlie said.

"What's a Nemo?" Bill asked.

"Why the hell would I take your brother to a very gay bar?"

"I don't know, shock value?"

"Yeah, let's not expose your brother to everything just yet." They both laughed. "No Bill is a music guy like me right?"

"Bill asked louder, "What's a Nemo???"

"Yeah, why?" Charlie asked.

"I got the perfect place. We have to get there by 7o'clock though, to get on the list."

"Hello?? Nemo??" Bill called.

"Okay, we can do that. You'll drive? Bill knows how to drive but-"


"Put me on speaker, love," Chris said. Charlie pressed the speakerphone button.

Chris said, "Hey Billiam, Nemo's is a place where mates get their cocks sucked or fucked up the ass by other men in the bathrooms. Still wanna go?"

Bill's face went from amusement to shock, then recovered. "Tempting offer. But I'll pass this time." Chris and Charlie both laughed. He took Chris off speakerphone. "Call me on patrol tonight," Charlie said.

"Will do," said Chris. Charlie hesitated to say it and Chris heard it in his pause. "Did you tell him that you love me, Charlie?"

"I did."

"Then that's all that matters. I love you too. Later." Chris said. Charlie smiled and hung up.

The next night Chris met Charlie and Bill in the Atrium Restaurant. He came in and walked up to Charlie, kissing him on the cheek and touched his back, then lifted his hand to shake Bill's and greet him. "Bill. Good night, innit?" Bill shook his hand and said, "That's Big Dick Bill to you, sir." They all laughed. "Let's get going," Chris said. They drove about 30 minutes north and parked in front of a lounge. When they got closer to the sign, they saw that it said, "Karaoke Night. Bring your A game for free drinks all night." Charlie groaned. "Oh, fuck no." Bill laughed. "Oh hell yeah!" Chris laughed as well, opened the door for them to go inside. They found a table on the right side near the bar but close enough to the stage. Chris added all three of their names to the karaoke list despite Charlie's constant refusal. "No way, no fucking way I'm going up there." "Yes you are," said Chris. "C'mon it will be fun," Bill tried. Charlie kept shaking his head. Chris ordered nine firebomb shots for them and said, "You'll feel better when you're less sober." Bill laughed and took his shots. They both taunted Charlie until he caved. "Why do I hate you both right now?" He took his three shots and Chris took his. Chris ordered more shots as the competition got underway. After a few people went on stage, Chris got up and sang a U2 song that everyone loved. Bill commented, "The boyfriend can sing! We just might win this shit!" Bill sang a rock song kind of badly but he flirted with all the girls in the crowd and they gave him a standing ovation. Bill and Chris later on did a Linkin Park song together and the crowd went wild. When it was their turn again they sung a Beetle's song that everyone loved as well, mostly due to Chris's singing and Bill's gyrating on the females in the crowd. Finally Chris found a song that he knew Charlie would sing. Bill was surprised at the selection, but Chris said Charlie knew all the words and would belt it out every time it would come on. Apparently he and George heard it on every continent they visited in almost every city and they grew to love it. Charlie looked at the selection and smiled. "No." OH COME ON!!" Chris yelled at him. "We'll go on stage with you, we'll be your backup dancers, you won't even have to move. Just stand there and sing." They waited as Charlie continued to smile at them. Then shook his head in defeat and stood up. Chris and Bill both got excited and hugged him, then dragged him on the stage. They gave him the microphone and stood on either side of him and waited until the first couple of beats were heard, and Charlie started to sing FUN's song, We Are Young: "Give me a second I, I need to get my story straight My friends are in the bathroom getting higher than the empire state My lover she is waiting for me, just across the bar My seat's been taken by some sunglasses, asking bout a scar and... Bill and Charlie danced behind him, first uncoordinated, then they finally got a two step, three move pattern, and joined him in the chorus. By the end the crowd was on their feet and singing along, and they won the night. Their waitress started them off with a pitcher of beer. "No expensive stuff, here's the list you can order off, and drinks are free at this table all night, just for the three of you," she explained the rules, then said to Charlie, "You were cute tonight." She winked at him. Chris watched her walk away seductively, biting his lower lip a little and Bill took notice. "So wait a minute, you're into the ladies too?" h asked. Chris turned his attention to Bill. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm bisexual." "Really?" He glanced at Charlie, then said to Chris, "How does that work exactly, being in a relationship with a man?" "It's not about who I'm in a relationship with. I am naturally and physically attracted to both. I just happen to be in love with a man right now." "In love you say?" Bill teased. Chris looked at Charlie but spoke to Bill and said, "Yes. I am in love with your brother." Bill smiled. "Mazel Tov." He clanged his class against Chris's who laughed. "But just because I'm in a relationship doesn't mean I stopped noticing beautiful women. I know Charlie hasn't." He winked at him and Charlie groaned. "Really?" Bill leaned into the table. "Tell me more." Charlie rolled his eyes. "Chris took me to a strip club for my birthday. Female and male strippers." "And both equally excited him." Chris finished for him. "I think he surprised himself with that." "That shouldn't have surprised you, you've been dating women your whole life, I doubt that switch is turned off," Bill said. "It's not and I don't think he should worry about whether it does or doesn't go off, and just live in the moment," Chris said. "Here here!" said Bill. "I'm married and love the shit out of my wife, but I'm also around beautiful women all the time. I can't turn it off, I can't help if my cock stands at attention without my consent." They laughed. Bill then asked Chris, "So what's your type? The female one of course, I know your type of male." He winked at him. Chris laughed. "I don't know if I have a type, I just like what I like." "Well pick one here, let me see what you like." "Bill are you really about to troll for women with my man right now?" Charlie asked. But Chris was already looking around. "Let's see...that one." He gestured toward a brown haired tall woman with skinny jeans showing off her long legs and shapely bottom, and small breasts in a tank top with a bra. "She's beautiful, but her sexiness is in the way she carries herself. Self assured but not conceited." Bill nodded. "Good choice." He looked around. "I like...her." He secretly points to a thin blonde with a short grey dress and wide hips on. "Thin, but with a nice fat bum to bury my cock in." "Seriously Bill?" Charlie scolded as Chris busted out laughing. "What?" Bill said innocently, and smiled. "What's your choice, Charlie?" "No, I'm not playing this game." Charlie shook his head. Chris said, "I can pick one out for you." "Yeah, let's do that." Bill said. They both searched around. "There!" Bill said first. He pointed to a dark haired woman in leggings, high heels and a see through black tank top with an obvious pink bra. "Charlie likes sex appeal with a bit of mystery." Charlie turned to see who Bill was referring to and turned back to the table, smiling into his drink and turning pink, making Bill laugh. "Got you!" "That's a good choice, but I would say...her." Chris nodded toward a woman in the middle of her friends, tall, brown skinned, East Asian woman with slick black hair, short yellow dress that criscrossed her chest holding up her large breasts. Charlie looked behind him to see the other woman, looked at Chris and smiled again, turned pink and looked away. "You like her better, don't you?" Bill said, "No, it's my girl for sure, she's perfect for you." "Maybe, but Charlie has a fetish for brown skinned people," he said in amusement. Bill's eyes went wide. "Whaaat!?" He started cackling. "Fuck off, I do not," Charlie said. "Oh yes you do. I see you notice women Charlie when we're out, I see who catches your eye. Also, before me, your last girlfriend was what, Filipino? Pakistani?" "Indian." "Exactly. And Sapphire? And Rodeo?" "Who are these people!?" Bill asked, still laughing. "The female stripper he picked out and the male stripper that made almost cum on himself," Chris said. Bill started laughing louder and Charlie, who was a bit tipsy did not have the strength to argue. "OK well listen," he started, "It's not a fetish, that makes me sound pervy and a bit racist. It's more like..I'm very pale and my skin just looks better against someone not as white as me." They all laughed again. "Yeah I can see that," Bill said. "Seeming how your first real sexual experience was with brown skinned women. It was probably because of the twins." Chris almost spit out his drink. "Twins!?? What??" "You never told him that?" Bill asked. Charlie sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "No, and thanks for that." Chris asked, "Wait, you had a threesome with twins and never told me!?" "It wasn't a threesome," Charlie denied. "It was as good as!" Bill said. He then told the story of how Charlie visited him in Egypt right after he graduated from Hogwarts before he officially joined the Reserve. They met identical twin sisters, beautiful, long brown haired, brown skinned Ethiopian women who took them back to their flat and they each took one to their bed. "All I know is somewhere in the middle of the night, my twin left me and was in bed with him." Chris's mouth was open. "Ho. Lee. Shit. Charlie what did you do!?" "I didn't do anything, really. They both did all the work. I was 17 and inexperienced," he said innocently. "Well you must have done something right because I woke up alone and you had two naked grown women in the bed with you!" He laughed and Charlie blushed. "Well out with it," Chris said, "What happened?" Charlie just shook his head and drank from his glass. Bill said, "Oh Charlie doesn't kiss and tell...Unless I drag it out of him kicking and screaming." "Of all the sexual escapades I've told you about and you deny me this one important fact about you?" They all laugh. The woman in the yellow dress had walked over and tried to find an opening at the bar, ending up right near their table. She ordered her drink and turned around, catching Charlie eyeing her. She smiled. "Hello." Charlie raised his glass. "Hi." Chris and Bill stared at each other trying not to laugh. She turned around to retrieve her drink and glanced at Charlie again with a smile, before heading back to her friends, Charlie watching her the whole time. When she was a good distance away, Bill and Chris started laughing. "Fuck, you are so right," Bill said, still laughing. Chris leaned back and reached over to play with the hair on the nape of Charlie's neck and smiled at him. Charlie went pink again. "I don't have a fetish," he mumbled, making them laugh again. They continued to get free drinks and by midnight Bill was a little tipsy but Charlie and Chris were very drunk. They walked to the car and Chris said, "Shit. I did it again. There is no way I'm driving." "Well just apparate," Charlie said. Bill grabbed his arm. "Are you out of your fucking mind!? You can't apparate with a muggle!" "Well technically you can, and we have," he said amusingly and Chris snickered. Bill looked at both of them in disbelief. "This is NOT happening. I'm going to drive. You're going to point me in the right direction. Got it?" They both nodded like kids. Chris and Charlie both got in the backseat, while Bill drove south. Chris started it, he brushed his hand on Charlie's genitals. Charlie looked at him and leaned in and kissed him, sticking his tongue in Chris's mouth. They started making out furiously which Bill would not have minded if they didn't start moaning and pawing at their clothes. He drew the line there, and started banging on the dashboard. "Hey! Hey! Hey! I'm not your fucking taxi driver yeah, cut that shit out. All the way out!" They stopped and laughed. Chris put his head on Charlie's shoulder and his hand on Charlie's leg. Then he put his hand down Charlie's pants and started sucking on his neck. Charlie closed his eyes and moaned as low as he could while Chris worked him. Bill looked at them through the rear view mirror. "It's like I got two horny teenagers in the back. Guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight. And make sure you Muffliato the shit out of that room. Not one sigh or moan I better hear or both of you are getting jinxed." Chris said, "Yes Dad" from inside Charlie's neck making him laugh. "Fuck, now I'm horny." Bill said to no one. "Too many beautiful women and alcohol. Guess I'm sending Fleur a dick pic tonight." "You are not," Charlie said. "It's after midnight and she's pregnant, don't wake her up with your foolishness." "So? If I can't send dick pics to my wife whenever I want to, then who can I send them too? That's why you get married, to send dick pics to your wife – or partner – whenever you feel like it." They all laughed. When they reached Charlie's place, Chris and Charlie went straight to the bedroom, Muffliato and Colloportus in place while they made love for the next hour and Bill talked with Fleur on the phone.

The next morning, Bill banged on the door to wake them up. "You've got ten minutes or I'm going to breakfast without you."

Twenty minutes later they sat at a booth in the Atrium Restaurant, Charlie and Chris on one side wearing tank tops and sweatpants, Bill on the other in a t-shirt and jeans. He watched the couple for a while as they played with each other's fingers on the table and leaned into each other. Now that Bill knew, there was no reason to pretend they weren't as close as two lovers could get. Clare came over to take their order.

Bill asked her, "So Clare, am I the last one to know about these two sitting across the table?"

"Probably," she said smiling. "They've been an item for a year now."

Bill's eyes widened. "Oh? A year you say?"

"It wasn't like this in the beginning. We were..." Charlie looked to Chris for answers.

Chris looked at him but talked to Bill, "We were close, yes. I think we both wanted something to happen but..."

"We weren't sure. For different reasons." Charlie finished.

"Although now I think we both wished we just went for it earlier? Yeah?" Chris looked at Charlie.

"Yeah," Charlie said softly. He leaned on Chris's shoulder and kissed it. Chris leaned into him. They seemed to forget others were with them.

Clare said to them, "I remember the day you two first walked in here and I asked Charlie afterwards to introduce me to his cute friend, and you never did. Momma was the one that told me to leave it alone, that something else was happening that did not involve anyone else. So we all watched and waited for months, me, momma, Nick, Cole, even Rebecca had her say, this ain't happen yet?" She laughed.

"So when did you know for sure?" Chris asked her with Charlie still leaning into his neck. "Oh that kiss yall did at the counter. Everybody found out that day, didn't we?" Bill was shocked. "What? Charlie doing full PDA? I don't believe it."

Clare sat down next to Bill. "Well believe it. It was dreamy."

"When was this?" asked Bill.

"Honestly I don't remember," said Chris.

"It was the week after I came back from the Mission," Charlie answered. They all looked at him. "We were sitting at the counter waiting for our food to take upstairs and we were just people watching."

Chris remembered, "Yeah, I made some sort of joke and you just kissed me. I don't even remember what I said."

Charlie did. "You said, `All these muggles in here and they don't even know who you really are.' And I knew you were talking about me being a wizard, but it hit me a bit harder you know. I just told a young bloke to stop being scared of who he was and who he loved, and here I was, doing the same thing, whether consciously or unconsciously. I needed to stop hiding." He lifted his head and looked at Chris.

"I knew you were going to kiss me you know," Chris said. "You had that look in your eyes that you save for me when we're alone. And I thought, Ok, first public peck."

Clare finished the story. "Oh no honey this was no peck! It was a hot and heavy like no one was watching kind of kiss. And it went on and on. Gets me all hot just thinking about it." She pretended to fan herself. "No one really noticed, it was crowded. But I did. And so did momma."

Chris smiled. "I remember she came up all silently to the counter with our food, smiling so hard, and said, `Have a good day, boys.'" They all laughed except Bill.

"My neighbor Charlotte noticed," Charlie said. "She said something a few days later, `That sweet and handsome bloke you got there, don't screw it up.'" They laughed again without Bill. "So yeah, first public kiss. No regrets." Chris took Charlie's hand softly on the table, entwined their fingers. Charlie lifted it to kiss the back of his hand, then Chris leaned in for a soft kiss on the lips. They stared at each other.

Clare gushed, "Don't you just love them together? Let me put your orders in."

When she left, Bill knew it was time to have the talk with them. He clapped his hands and put them on the table, folding them. "Ok boys. What's the plan?"

They both looked at him. "The plan for what?" Charlie asked.

Bill scoffed at him and rolled his eyes. He looked at Chris. "Chris, did Charlie explain to you how bat shit crazy this whole thing is?" Charlie sat up straighter and glared at his brother who ignored him. "How he broke one of our most sacred wizarding laws? How much trouble he could be in if anyone went to the Ministry about you?"

"I know Bill. I know," Charlie mumbled. Bill ignored him again, addressing Chris.

Chris said confidently, "I know what the Statue of Secrecy is."

"Oh good, you're well read," he chided. "Now tell me what the punishment is for someone who breaks the International Statute of Secrecy?" He raised an eyebrow.

Chris opened his mouth, then closed it. He looked at Charlie, who was still glaring at Bill. "Er...a fine?"

"No. Worse case scenario is that they throw Charlie in Azkaban for ten years and obliviate your memory so you'll never remember him or us again, maybe obliviate Charlie's too for good measure, to ensure you'll never find each other again."

Chris's mouth dropped open in shock. He looked at Charlie. " that true?"

Charlie addressed Bill. "That's a serious breach, this is more of an infraction."

"Which could still lead to some prison time for you and someone getting obliviated. Really Charlie, what the fuck were you thinking!?" he scolded him.

"Clearly I wasn't," said Charlie, getting upset.

"Clearly neither of you were thinking!" he yelled in a whispering tone. "I'm pretty sure everyone here knows he's a muggle. What if someone reports it to the Albanian Ministry Branch, or what if someone at the Reserve reports it? You're fucked! And you're fucked too!" He wagged a finger at both of them, still whispering angrily. "I mean, you two are just sitting in wizarding spaces without a care in the world like none of this could happen, thinking with your little heads instead of your big ones. What the bloody fuck!?"

Chris looked at Charlie who had turned his face toward the window. He turned back to Bill. "So what do we do?"

Bill addressed Charlie. "You have to tell Mum and Dad. Dad especially. He can talk directly to Shacklebolt and see what he can do to get the least possible punishment. I mean, half our family works for the Ministry, Charlie, so it should be okay, but you can't let this go on too much longer."

Charlie turned to Bill. "I just didn't want to do it like that, introduce him like `Hey everyone I did a huge fucking thing and oh I need your help to get out of it.'"

Bill softened. "I get that little bro, but you will need help. I'm on your side here. And I do support you and this relationship. But it will end, tragically, if we don't put the steps in place now."

Charlie nodded. "I'll write to mum and dad, tonight. I'll...ease them into who Chris is. Maybe by Christmas I can give it to them fully. Then we can start the year off fresh."

Bill nodded, he said to Chris, "Will you come home for Christmas with Charlie? That way you can meet everyone and have a sit down with our parents."

Before Chris could respond, Charlie did, "No, he needs to be with his family for Christmas."

Chris touched his arm. "Charlie, you are the most important thing to me right now. We are important and I am prioritizing us over everything else." He turned to Bill, "I'll be there. I will put in my two weeks now so we can stay through New Years. I'll meet the family, talk to your parents and go down to the Ministry together if need be, to sort this whole thing out. We have to make it right because I can't lose him, Bill."

"I can't lose him either, so thank you," Bill said. "You're a good man, Chris. Charlie is lucky to have you."

Charlie looked at Chris and nodded. Chris mouthed, love you. Charlie leaned his head back on Chris's shoulder and they locked hands on the table. Chris said to Bill, "Come for dinner tonight, meet my sisters Bill."

"I would love to meet them." Bill said, then his eyes narrowed. "Do they know?"

"Not a thing. I would never break Charlie's confidence, even before we got together. I made that promise to him on day one and I will never break it. No one will ever know from me."

Bill nodded. "And I believe you."

Their food came and they ate as Bill continued to lecture them on all the ways they have been reckless and could have been caught. "And apparating with a muggle too, it's like you're asking for it!"

"You're starting to sound like my older sister with all this scolding. I'm going to regret having you both in the same room aren't I?" Chris said miserably and Charlie sat there silently taking it.

After they ate Chris said, "I'm going to go home and tell my sisters we are having guests, and help cook dinner. What are you going to do today?"

Charlie answered, "We're going back to the Reserve for a bit so Bill can continue to convince Dale to give me a week off so I can go curse breaking with him."

Chris nodded. "Ok. Dinner's at 6 o'clock. Don't be late." He kissed Charlie on the lips, then leaned into his ear and said, "And three days after that," making Charlie smile widely.

At first Dale told Bill to fuck off, but then agreed to let Charlie go for a week. After hanging out for a while they went back to Charlie's house to get ready for dinner, then aparated on Chris's doorstep and Charlie let himself in. Chris was setting up the table at their arrival and asked for Charlie to give him a hand bringing down the food from upstairs, which he agreed. When they left Bill went to use the bathroom and did not hear Charity rush in from work having to pee badly. She ran into the bathroom and opened the door to see Bill standing there. His eyes widened but he did not move as he was midstream. Charity's eyes also widened and she exclaimed "OH!" and out of habit her eyes traveled downward for a long moment, then looked up. Bill smiled, finished, flushed the toilet and went to wash his hands. Charity spoke first. "You are not Charlie." "No I am not. I'm his brother Bill." He dried his hands on a towel and reached out to shake hers. She gave him her hand and said, "au chante." Bill said in perfect french, "Oui, comme je devrais ente. (Yes, as you should be.)" and kissed her hand. Charity was beside herself. "tu parles francais! (You speak french!)" "Oui, my wife is French." He smiled. She snatched her hand back and mocked, "Oh l'horreir! And here I thought I could make you mine. Pitie." Bill laughed. "You are cute and funny, just like your brother." "Oh trust me, I am better than him in every way," she said seductively, licked her lips and stared at him with her hazel eyes intensely, making his dick twitch a bit. "Now kindly exit the bathroom so I can relieve myself." He laughed and quickly got out her way and vowed to avoid any one-on-one interactions with her, possibly forever. Chris and Charlie came back with a pan of lamb chops with mint and basil sauce, a pot of couscous, then went back upstairs for the Mediterranean pasta and Greek salad. Clarissa followed them back down, baby wearing three month old Sierra and holding Rudy's hand. "Wow you're handsome," Clarissa commented on Bill, making him blush. "And you are stunning. You all are, really." "Including me?" Chris asked amusingly. "Grow a pair of tits and then I'll answer that one," Bill said, and they laughed. They all sat down for dinner. Clarissa asked about Bill's profession and he told them he was an archaeologist and explorer. "You hunt for buried treasure?" Rudy asked excitedly. "That's exactly what I do," he winked at him. "I'm actually going on a dig next week and taking Charlie with me." Chris frowned at Charlie who returned with a look of apology. "Oh God Chrissy did not like that at all. They don't do well apart, you know," Charity told Bill. Chris gave her a, Shut the fuck up, look. "So what do you think about all this, Bill? Your brother and mine together, romantically?" Clarissa asked. "I think they make a good couple," he said simply. "Yes. But what will the rest of your family think? I'm sure your parents aren't going to expect Charlie to bring home someone so different than what they've envisioned for their son." "Honestly I don't think my parents will have a problem with it at all, nor my siblings, with him being a man." He left it open and Clarissa caught it. "So what will they have a problem with? The fact that he's not white?" Bill paused, then said, "What if I said that our family wouldn't have a problem with it at all, but our community back home might have a problem with a huge difference like that?" The table got very quiet. Clarissa said coldly, "Well I would say that your community is prejudiced and I don't want my brother a part of that." "But clearly it's too late for that, innit? They're in love and it's glaringly evident they aren't coming apart any time soon, if ever. You can't just tell two people in love that they can't be together because of things about themselves that they cannot change." "Chrissy, you're in love?" Charity said softly. "I am, so what of it?" he said, waiting for her to mock him somehow. "Nothing. I'm just surprised. But I'm not really. Charlie is special." She smiled at him. Clarissa redirected the conversation, "That's neither here nor there. If your community won't accept this relationship then maybe Charlie needs to make the sacrifice and remove himself from the community." Bill said, "You don't know what you're asking." at the same time Chris said, "That's not possible." But Charlie said, "Actually it's not so far fetched and it's not impossible." They both looked at him. "What...what are you saying?" Chris said, stunned. "That you would give it all up for me? You love..." he almost said, magic, but caught himself. "You love who you are and the community you belong to." "Yes and I will always be who I am because I can't change my DNA, but I can change being a part of that world. Plenty of people have done it, I wouldn't be the first." Bill was also stunned. "Wow. I can't believe you just said that." Charlie turned to Bill. "I would do anything for Chris. He's my whole life." Chris touched his shoulder for him to turn back to him. "And I love you enough to never ask you to do that for me. No, we will find another way. Even if it means running." Clarissa and Charity were confused. "What are you talking about, running away from what?" Clarissa asked. Bill answered, "There are some officials in our community that would frown upon how they came together and their current relationship, and because of that they want to see them separated forever." "Because he's black?" Charity asked incredulously. "Because he's... different than us," Bill said evasively. "Well this is crap," said Clarissa annoyed. "No one is running. You either stay and fight or you leave the community and make it on your own. Remember Ma Ami had to do the same. She stayed and fought Daddy's family for as long as she could in a community that hated her, offended by her African dark skin and beauty. And when she couldn't any more, they came here and created her family, they made their own way. So if you really want to be together, then decide together how you are going to approach this prejudice. But you're not running." Bill asked them, "So, what will it be? Will you stay and fight or denounce the community and create your own way?" Chris answered, "We stay and fight. Right Charlie?" Charlie took Chris's hand. "We stay and fight then." But Clarissa was not done. "That's fine but just know that when shit hits the fan, you'll always have this house to come back to, just like Ma Ami had and she passed it on to her children for this very reason." Bill said to her, "What if I told you that you'd have to fight with him? You too Charity? And you too one day Rudy?" "Ok now you're just not making sense," Charity said. "Well in our community, family is everything. And if one person in the family is a part of the community, you all are. You have accepted Charlie without knowing all this about him, and I thank you for that, on behalf of myself and my parents. And mark my words, we will absolutely do the same for Chris. But Chris will need his family with him to head down the rabbit hole no matter how deep it goes. Would you be willing to do that for him, for Chris and Charlie? Do you believe that strongly in their relationship?" Charity answered automatically, "Yes, no question. If it's Charlie that Chris wants, then dammit I want him too. For YOU, not for me!" She laughed. Clarissa was uneasy. "I... I don't know. I want to say yes, but I don't really know what we're talking about here. I feel like we're dancing around a topic that I am unaware of. Also, I don't want my brother to get hurt fighting a losing battle." Charlie spoke up, "I would never hurt Chris or let in the community do so. Ever. I would literally die first." He said seriously. He grabbed Chris's and squeezed it. Chris squeezed back. "Wow," Charity said softly. Clarissa agreed. She believed Charlie would protect her brother at all costs. She said to Bill, "Ok. We definitely support this relationship and we're willing to fight for them to be together if Chris wants it." She gave her brother a worrying look. "Are you sure, Chrissy?" "I have never been more sure of something or someone my entire life. I'm staying with Charlie and we're fighting." "And if we do end up running," Charlie said looking at Chris, "We'll run together. I already know a few African communities that would take us in." They smiled at each other. "I don't get the joke," Clarissa said and they just laughed. She turned to Bill again. "When my brother goes home to your family in December, I need you to promise to protect him. I know Charlie will. But you are coming here telling us this is borderline dangerous for them to be together so I need to know you will take care of my only brother." Bill put his hand over his heart. "You have my word. I won't let any harm come to him." "Hey I need you word too, that you will bring my Charlie back to me in one piece next week," Chris said seriously. Bill laughed, "On my life, I will keep Charlie as far from danger as possible."

Chris spent the night at Charlie's house and planned to stay there all week. Charlie made him promise to go to work every day. They said their passionate goodbyes the night before and the morning of his departure, the Weasley men apparated to the airport and flew to Somalia.

When they arrived, they met with goblin, Gesfork, who was annoyed that Gringotts sent him there to monitor the situation, and had a driver take them to Hageis where they were introduced to the locals. From there they traveled about an hour north to a campsite made up of six wizard elders and a medicine man. Two of the six spoke English and together they formulated Bill's plan.

"We go in with a deaf ear charm to get a sense of what's going on. No one approaches the Chimera, keep a good 10 feet distance at all times. We observe, we search around, we take pictures, that's it," said Bill.

"Then I don't think we all should go," Elder Nokundu said. We may make it nervous and it would want to attack us to defend itself. I think that's what happened to the first group." Elder Nokundo was the one that brought his dead cousin back from the last expedition.

"Are you ok to go again? Because if you aren't up to it, that's perfectly fine. I understand if you need to grieve your loss," Bill told him.

The oldest elder, Elder Abu started speaking and Nokundo translated: "We do not grieve what is now gone, there is no purpose in that. We grieve the dying and we honor the dead. But they have gone on to the new world, and there is no grief in that."

Bill nodded. Charlie said, "Four is enough. Us two and two of you."

Gresfork spoke up, "Oh good, you don't need me to go then," he said relieved. Bill rolled his eyes and Charlie snickered.

It was getting dark and no one wanted to go into the cave at night so they decided to leave at first light. Charlie sent Chris a Patronus message: "Hi love. We made it safe and a plan is formed, and we are heading to the cave tomorrow morning. On the drive over I passed by a group of Mortus Willows and I thought of you. Your tree. Our tree now I guess. You know the last time I did one of these things, I think I loved you then, and I was afraid to end with how I was feeling because I didn't know how you felt. How freeing it is now to tell you, how incredible it feels to be in love with you and to be loved by you. Sleep well tonight and tomorrow, knowing that."

Bill caught the tail end of his message before he sent his dragon Patronus on and shook his head. "I still can't believe you have been in a relationship for six months and didn't tell me."

"Well you know now. You know way too much now in fact," Charlie laughed.

"It's better than you keeping it inside and going through it alone," Bill said.

Charlie asked him, "You're really ok with it? All of it?"

"What, that my brother likes sucking cock?" Bill said, and then started laughing. Charlie took a swing at him and chased him around, then they started slap boxing a bit, before falling into a brotherly hug.

"No Charlie, I don't have a problem with any of it," Bill said. "But I have to be honest. I am a bit worried about what will happen when it's revealed how much he knows. The Ministry is changing for the better under Shacklebolt's leadership. But the same old cronies are there, that were under the last three Ministers, especially under Voldemort, and they have an agenda. The Minster is trying to root them out one by one instead of causing mass hysteria and suspicion. So we have to be careful, tread lightly, and pray for understanding."

Charlie nodded. "I sent my letter to mum last night, telling her I'm in a relationship with a man, and that I am going to bring him home for Christmas."

Bill patted his back. "Good on you. And thanks for telling me because when she grills the shit out of me, and you know she will, I will know how much to tell her and how much to leave out." They laughed together again.

Charlie, Bill, Nokundu and Elder Mosi who does not speak English, set off at first light. Bill pointed his wand at each of them and called, "Surdi" the charm to make one deaf, before putting it on himself. The cave was a couple of kilometers from the camp site and they saw the entrance right away. It was a hole large enough for a man to walk upright through and sloped downward. They went in single file with their wands lit and Bill leading the way, and walked about two miles in before they entered a large opening. The elders formed fire on the far side of the cave and it lit the whole room up in entirety, and saw the Chimera immediately. It had been watching them from the moment it entered and rose up when the room was made brighter. And it was definitely saying something. Bill motioned for everyone to spread out and keep away from the Chimera. Charlie took out his notebook and drew out the writings on the cave walls. Bill checked for magical traces and the two elders looked around the Chimera to see what it was guarding, still keeping a fair distance. They could tell the Chimera was talking to them but thanks to Bill's charm they could hear nothing. After a couple of hours they came back together and decided to head back to the camp for lunch and to take notes. Nokundu said, "It's a female Chimera, not a male. And Mosi saw what it was guarding. There is a hole close to the ground just a few feet behind it. That has to be it." Charlie handed them his notes."This is what I got, I tried to be as precise as possible." "Ah, this is an ancient language and dialect, I do not know this but Abu might. He studied under the original Busaras." They called him and the other elders in and he indeed was able to translate: "The one will sacrifice for the many to hear Sanskrit to the door for the plenty." "Sanskrit. So it's a poem," Bill deduced. "A riddle that we need to solve to get her to move. Which would mean that one of us will need to actually hear the riddle to solve it," Charlie said. They began to argue among themselves who would be foolish enough to do it until Bill yelled, "No one is sacrificing themselves. This is an ancient cave and we are modern wizards. Surely we can figure out how to do this without another one among you dying." They spent the rest of the day discussing tactics and agreed to go back tomorrow to try again.

Chris was sitting on the steps of the Tank on the warm September night and the sky was so clear he could see the stars. He reminisced about camping with his friends in high school, laying out under the stars, drinking beer and talking about girls. While looking up he saw the outline of the silvery blue dragon flying towards him and he smiled. It landed on the catwalk right behind him and he turned around to hear Charlie's message: "So. We still have no idea what the fuck we're doing, but the food is amazing. [Chris laughed] You haven't had fresh goat meat until it's killed, skinned and roasted right in front of you, so if we do need to run, Somalia is where we're starting out, deal?"

["Deal." Chris said.] "Shit Chris, I miss you. Charity is right, we do not like being away from each other. It's borderline torture not having your body heat next to me, your leg wrapped around mine. You should just move in for real. Or maybe I'll give up my apartment and move into the house, since you own it and I'm just renting. Or maybe that's not what you want, maybe it's fine the way it is, in case you need space. Or maybe I should stop talking right now...Be safe tonight. Love you."

The dragon stretched it's wings and flew upward into the sky disintegrating into the stars, leaving Chris wide eyed, surprised and smiling. The only reason he hadn't moved in fully with Charlie is because he knows Clarissa needs him there. But he liked Charlie keeping his apartment because when he needed a break from it all, that's where he went. It was his sanctuary and Charlie was the effigy he revered. He made a note to reassure him their living arrangements had nothing to do with him needing his space from him and getting closer is all he's ever wanted.

Bill Charlie, Nokundu and Mosi set out again, deafening charm on, back into the cave. The Chimera was up and waiting for them, watching them curiously. They stood in front of her and she began talking again. The plan was to read her lips as much as possible and see if they could piece together the Sanskrit and riddle. Again they were there for hours and left in the afternoon for lunch. What they could agree on so far that the poem was eight lines repeated in 25 second intervals. But they couldn't even tell what language it was speaking so Abu accompanied them in the afternoon back to the cave again with their notebooks and studied the dragon's tongue movements. In the evening the five of them, along with the Elder Yared who has mostly stayed back with Gesfork, met again to put together what they have learned. Abu, through Nokundu's translation told them, "It is a mixture of the old and the new." Because of this they barely agreed on the words they could understand other than "My, fire, a, the and holy." They began to argue again about who was going to be the One to sacrifice themselves for the "many". Bill and Charlie sat back and listened as they each made an impassioned defense on why they should be the one. But in the end, Abu said definitively, "It will be me." That night the village did a grieving ritual for his ultimate death, full of magic and awe, celebrating his life, then passing along his title of Elder to his oldest son Aadan, who will become the youngest Elder. The ceremony went late into the night so Charlie did not get a chance to send a full message to Chris.

The dragon Patronus met Chris at Marker 1 and Chris laughed when it said in Charlie's voice, "Let's Patrol."

The Patronus followed Chris on foot as he went to each marker, and after Marker 15, the last one, it followed him to the Tank and laid under the table. Chris asked him, "So how long are you going to be here with me?" The dragon did not answer, just watched Chris. At 3am, the same time Charlie would have left to head back to the Reserve, the dragon stood up and stretched its wings.

"Thanks for keeping me company, little one," he said, as it flew through the closest wall. Even from far away Charlie always knew how to make him feel special, loved and comforted.

The team set out at first light again, Bill, Charlie, Nodunku, Mosi and now Abu. The plan was to have Bill remove Abu's deafening charm in front of the Chimera to hear the Sanskrit and write the words in the air so they could all see it, and try to solve it right then and there. He knew the sounds would put him in a deep sleep and he would most likely die before they could travel the two miles back outside the cave, so he was willing to stay until they figured it out and broke the curse, even upon death. He just needed to resist enough to get the full poem out before his slumber hit, enough time to give them the words and the answers that they seek. And at first it worked. When they were all inside and lined up, Bill pointed his wand at Elder Abu and said, "Finite Incantatem." Abu's eyes went wide and he immediately put his hands to his ears, screaming. Nokundu ran to him and held his hand. Abu started using one finger to write out the words in the air. The words got larger and he was able to write out the first five lines before he passed out. They all ran to him except Charlie, who used his wand and translated it into English: Root of all thirsting My greatest desire A single drop bursting Can put out a fire A single drop wholly- Charlie looked over as they rallied around Elder Abu. He knew there was only one option; he needed the last three lines to understand the riddle. He took a deep breath and pointed the wand to his ear and said, "Finite Incantatem." Immediately he felt a rushing in his ears, like he was trapped in a river of rapid waters, while simultaneously going down in an airplane. His ears burned with pressure and he grabbed his ears, yelling in pain. Bill turned around and saw Charlie, and his heart immediately dropped in his chest. "Charlie!! Charlie NOOOO!" He started running toward his little brother. Charlie held his hand up to stop him and he fought through the pain. He listened through the rushing water sound in his ear. The words came clear as day and he used his wand to write them in the air in English: Divorced from the brine A single drop holy The liquid divine After he wrote the last line he had an epiphany and he understood what needed to be done. He smiled at Bill. Then his eyes rolled back and he fainted. Bill screamed, "NOOOOO!" He was close enough to catch him before he hit his head on the solid rocky ground. Charlie was heavy but Bill was determined. He half carried, had dragged Charlie up the cave. He tried to apparate with no use, he tried to use his wand to levitate them: "Wingardium Leviosa!" to make them fly: "Avifors!" to go faster: "Citius!" as he pulled a sleeping Charlie along but nothing worked, so he just resulted to praying to a higher power he doesn't believe in, "God please please please don't let him die, please God please!" He almost cried when he saw the light from the mouth of the cave, which gave him strength and motivation go faster. At the entrance he dropped himself and Charlie right outside of it. "Charlie! Charlie! Answer me damn it!" He screamed his name and shook him. Charlie did not move. Bill started screaming for help, tears stinging his eyes. His ears were still muffled so he didn't hear when the two elders Yared and Aadan came behind him, He felt them pull him away and lifted Charlie up carrying him back to the tent at their campsite. Bill followed them wordlessly with Gesfork by his side, as they laid him on the nearest bed, the medicine man at the camp site moved their hands over him to check for his vitals. They started talking to him but he could not make out what they were saying, then he realized he still had the charm on him and quickly pointed his wand to his head and ended it. Nodunku and Mosi came in, holding Abu's lifeless body. Aadan choked up at seeing his father, but held back tears, as it was not their way to cry over a body after a life has left it. Nokundu translated for Bill, "He is alive, sleeping deeply. We have a potion we could give him that we think we will work at waking him. We call it, "Jicho Pana" which means open eyes, or wide eyes." "Yes I am familiar. We have something similar in Europe. Will it work?" "We believe so. He is not far gone, just beneath the surface of deep sleep and coma. We need to keep him awake and on our side for as long as possible." Bill nodded. "Please do all you can. I don't know what I would do if-" He stopped talking, as he couldn't even formulate the words. "Please, just help him." Nodunku held his shoulder. "We will do everything possible to save him, keep him on this side with us." The medicine man gave Charlie the tonic by forcing his mouth and throat open with a tube, and sending it down into his esophagus. They waited. After a full minute and a half, Charlie's eyes fluttered and he started to stir a bit. He opened one eye slowly, then the other, still in slits. His ears were still pressurized like he had been on a bad plane ride, muffled and in pain, but he managed to ask hoarsely, "Did we get it?" Bill knelt down next to him, "Yes, you crazy son of a cunt!" Charlie gave a small nod and started to close his eyes again. Bill yelled, "NO! Don't go back to sleep. Stay with us Charlie, please, stay with me!" Bill felt his tears well up again. Charlie squeezed his hand and gave a small nod and smile. He said quietly, "Need...water." The medicine man came to bring Charlie a cup to sip but Charlie shook his head. He said again, "Water." Then he closed his eyes. He was so tired. Bill shook him. "Charlie!" Charlie reached up and took his hand. He squeezed it hand, but did not open his eyes. Bill squeezed it again and Charlie squeezed back. Bill whispered, "Stay on this side, okay Charlie? Ok little bro? Please? Stay on this side with me, okay? For me? For Chris?" He squeezed Charlie's hand again. Charlie nodded and squeezed back.

By 6am Chris was worried. He stood on the catwalk at the Tank and kept looking up at the sky for the Patronus, but instead watched the sun come up. He called Charlie's cell phone again which kept going to voicemail. He tried to keep his voice even again. "Hey love, I am starting to think you are avoiding me. At any point if you want to send your little silvery/blue guy, I will be here waiting. I...I love you Charlie."

Chris felt a knot in his stomach, he knew something was wrong. He went inside the Tank and paced until Miche arrived at 6:45am for his shift. Chris asked him, "Do you mind if I take off a bit early? I have a family emergency."

"Sure, whatever," the other ranger replied.

Chris drove a bit too fast to the Atrium, and let himself into Charlie's flat. All was quiet, except a faint tapping he heard coming from the kitchen. He went over and saw that there was an owl right outside the window. Chris opened the window and the owl flew inside, then landed on the table and lifted its leg. There was a letter attached with a large package. Chris grabbed the letter first, thinking it was from Charlie. Instead he saw unfamiliar writing and after reading through it once he realized it was from Charlie's mother, Molly. He read it again, slowly,

"My Dear Charlie,

How thrilled I was to receive your letter. A post from you is always a special surprise. And I am over the moon to find out why, that you are in love! How wonderful! I can't wait to meet the man that has stolen your heart. Of course we will welcome him with open arms for Christmas! If he has family, then invite them too, the more the merrier.

I've also sent Errol along to your home with mini meat pies because I didn't want it to spoil while you were in Somalia. Say hello to the Wyndfield family for me at the Atrium, Dale and the rest of your brothers at the Reserve. And give Christopher a hug from me. If you love him, then I love him too.

Eat veggies, not just the steaks all the time. Wear your socks, with your boots, and not the black socks, they give you bunions. Try white cotton ones for air. And please consider switching to daytime again, so that you can get some proper sleep.

Love always,

your dear Mum

Apparently Charlie did what he said he was going to do, and told her about their relationship and that he was in love with him. And she responded with such motherly love and enthusiasm, his eyes welled up with tears. He sniffed, wiped his eyes and took a deep breath. He took the two pies off the owl's leg and it hooted a thanks, then flew back out the open window. He put the pies in the fridge, then went back downstairs to the restaurant portion of the Atrium to speak to Maggie.

"Hey, did Charlie or Bill call, or check in?"

"No honey, Not yesterday or today. Is everything ok?" Maggie asked concernedly.

"Yeah yeah, I just wanted to make sure, my phone is not that great working so I thought maybe he called down here or something." He lied and mumbled his way through the conversation. She nodded but she was unconvinced. He tried to sound more confident. "Also, Bill doesn't have my number so he wouldn't know to call me but he knows I'm upstairs, so you know."

She nodded again. "Well leave your number down here with me so if they do call, I will have them call you upstairs."

"Yeah, that's a great idea." Chris gave Maggie his number. She gave him a small smile and he smiled back, then went back upstairs. Chris laid on Charlie's bed with his phone on his chest, staring at the ceiling until exhaustion took over and he dozed off.

Bill sat by Charlie's bedside for the rest of the day into the night and never let go of his hand. Every so often he would squeeze tightly until Charlie squeezed back. The medicine man gave Charlie Jicho Pana every hour until he can be awake for longer periods of time. Right now he averaged about 5-10 minutes before he needed to rest again. Nokundu, Mosi, Yared, Aadan and Gesfork sat in the tent with Bill to discuss what they have learned so far. Bill was mildly paying attention, nothing was more important at this moment than his brother and as soon as he was well enough, they were leaving, with or without breaking the curse. Nodunku said, "The root of all thirsting, my greatest desire? After what, thirsting after treasure? Love? Life?" Aadan said, "it is the liquid divine. Something the gods or ancestors consider divine. I would say love, but how do you show a bloodthirsty Chimera love?" Gesfork said, "Let's hug it. Who wants to go first?" "Be serious," Yared said. "We need to look at it as a whole: Root of all thirsting my greatest desire, A single drop bursting can put out a fire, a single drop wholly..." As they continued to talk and Bill bill quietly listening Charlie squeezed his hand without Bill squeezing it first. He looked down at Charlie quizzically, and suddenly Charlie's last word to him made absolute sense. "WATER!!" he yelled. They all turned to look at him. He said to Charlie, "You're a fucking genius little bro!" He said to the rest of them, "The Sanskrit, the riddle, it's about water. Think about it: `A single drop bursting can put out a fire!' " "Is it really that simple? Water?" Aadan said what everyone else was thinking. "YES!" said Bill excitedly as Charlie squeezed his hand again. It's that fucking simple. Give the Chimera water. She will let you pass." They all still looked skeptical. He answered their question out loud, "I've never been so sure of something in my life." He paused as Charlie squeezed his hand again. "And Charlie agrees with me. Give it water." "Well, it doesn't hurt to try it," Nokundu said. "There is a water source behind it that we are trying to get to so maybe it has been trying to get to water too. Maybe that's the poetry behind it. The root of all thirsting, her greatest desire. Yes. It is making more sense the more I say it. Yes. We will do so, now." Bill stayed with Charlie while Gesfork followed the four Elders back into the cave, muffling charm on with a bowl of water from the river near them. Nodunku came back to report to Bill what happened: Aadan was the one that approached Chimera, quoting the Sanskrit back to her as he walked slowly. She stood up but she did not attack. He stopped two feet in front of her, bowed and placed the bowl down, then stepped back slowly as she approached slowly. They watched the Chimera bend over and lap up the water. They waited until she had her fill. Then she stood up, and walked to the right of the cave and laid down. They waited a bit more to see if she was going to move, but they soon heard light snoring and they realized they had done it. "It was incredibly, Bill. We cannot thank you or Charlie enough for this. And there was treasure down there, lots of it and a crypt. Mosi believes it is the tomb of Hiwot Maji, a very powerful priestess from many centuries ago. Water was her strength. When it was time for her to die, she went into the desert and never returned." Bill nodded as Nokundu continued. "Your goblin said he will harvest 50% of the treasure. Aadan made him make sure that a significant amount goes to you and your brother, for your sacrifice. `The one will sacrifice for the many,' the Chimera said. Well we had two sacrifices and you should be honored for it." "I appreciate it, I really do, thank you," Bill said. "But all I want in this world is for Charlie to wake up fully so I can take him home." Nodunku touched his shoulder and left. Bill leaned back in the chair and closed his eyes. "Water. For me this time," Charlie croaked in a hoarse whisper. Bill's eyes snapped open. "Charlie! Charlie, are you awake?" "Yes." He swallowed, and whispered, "And thirsting is my greatest desire." Bill yelled for the medicine man who came over and held Charlie's head up as he drank water. Charlie then said hoarsely, "Call Chris please. He's worried. I know." "Okay, I will. I will call him now." "Tell him I'm okay. Tell him, `Forever, and three days after that.'"

Chris was startled by his phone ringing on his chest and jumped. A number he didn't recognize was on it and he knew it had to be him. "Charlie!" he yelled.

"No, it's Bill. Hey."

"Bill," Chris paused. "Where's Charlie, Bill?"


"I didn't ask how he is, I asked where he is. And why wouldn't he be okay? What happened?"

"It's a long story, but that's why I started with Charlie's okay. He just can't talk right now."

Chris lost it. "Damn it Bill! I asked for one thing, to bring him back to me in one piece!"

Bill also lost it, the emotional toll of the last couple of hours hitting him hard. "Well FUCK, I don't think you boyfriend got the fucking memo, because nobody told him to be the fucking hero and risk his life!"

Chris let out all the air in his chest. "Is he okay as in just alive or..." He didn't want to know but he needed to know.

"He's sleeping," Bill said. "In and out of consciousness, but he is getting stronger every hour, more awake than sleeping moments. He might have a ruptured eardrum but we won't know until we get him home. But because his ears are still pressurized we aren't getting on a plane, we are taking the Knight Bus, which will be a longer trip but safer for him." Chris was still quiet so Bill continued. "I have it scheduled for 5pm tomorrow so we should be back by 5am Saturday morning. He's okay, Chris. I'm bringing him back to you in one piece, just like I promised."

"Please have him call me when he wakes up next. Just let me hear his voice Bill," Chris said quietly.

"Yeah, I can do that. His phone died and Mr. Hero forgot to charge it, but mine is ready to go so save this number. And go to work tonight, Charlie doesn't like you missing days for him. Also, he said to tell you, `Forever and three days after that.'"

Chris smiled. "Okay. Let him tell me himself though. Before you start traveling."

"Will do."

Charlie opened his eyes fully for the first time in almost two days. He had been hearing things around him albeit somewhat muffled. His throat was dry again, as if he couldn't get enough water in his system. His ears were still in pain, but they were the clearest they had been since the cave. And he had a splitting headache. He groaned and Bill appeared by his side almost instantly. "Charlie? You awake?" "Yeah," he whispered. "Water." Bill left and came back with a cup of water and a straw. Charlie drank slow and long until the cup was done. "More." Bill left and came back with a bigger cup. Charlie drank that as well. "Can you sit up?" Bill asked. Charlie tried but his head felt like it was made of boulders and it was pounding. He shook his head slowly. "Ok well just lay down. Can you talk?" "Yeah," he croaked. "Good. Call your boyfriend before he kicks my bloody balls in." Charlie smiled. "How many days have I been out?" "About a day in a half. It's Friday afternoon and we leave in three hours. Also, you're 45,000 pounds richer. It would have been 50,000 pounds but I had to arrange transport." "So we got it then? It's done? I thought I dreamed that." "Yes. Congratulations, you broke the curse. And if you ever do something like that again I will kill you myself. Do you know how many people I would have had to answer to if something happened to you? Chris? Mum and Dad? All of our siblings? Hell even Dale would be upset, losing his new Managing Tamer." Charlie tried to laugh but it hurt a bit. "Oh ow! I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I'm going back to my nice boring life of dragon taming, leaving the curse breaking to you." Bill smiled and put the phone in Charlie's hand. "Chris is waiting for your call."

By the time Charlie made it back to Albania his ears had returned to normal but the fatigue was still there. He spent the weekend resting while Chris waited on him, hand and foot. Bill left on Sunday, looking forward to spending with them at Christmas. Charlie went back to work as good as could be on Monday and he told Dale his new schedule: He would work overnights on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Have Thursday off and go in on Friday and Saturday mornings. Dale grumbled about him working five days instead of six, but he agreed.

He gave Tommy the Lead Tamer position on Betta because Dale immediately changed his title and doubled his workload. Charlie was now supervising the work and schedules of all Tamers and Fixers, as Benji started doing full day training with Sven and making the final decisions on moving Dungers to Trainees and Trainees to Fixers. Also, while Charlie was away, Norberta showed up at the Reserve with a baby dragon in tow, growing the number of dragons from six to eight, increasing everyone's workload.

About a month later one Saturday morning while Charlie helped Benji train the Dungers on Bombarda, Dale came up the hill with Chitra. She took his breath away as she always did, wearing a pair of tight light blue jeans, white v neck belly shirt that showed off her navel ring, and her hair pulled back in a ponytail. Benji looked at Charlie's reaction and laughed in a way he had never heard Benji laughed before.

"I'm sorry," he kept laughing. "Your face is fucking priceless. Holy shit!"

"Fuck off Benji," he said under his breath as they walked closer to him.

"Charlie!" she called to him. She was equally surprised. "You're here! During the day! On a Saturday! How things have changed." She reached over and gave him a tight hug and he hugged her just as tight. She smelled amazing, like citrus oranges.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Certainly you're not coming back?" Benji said to her. Charlie glared at him.

"No Benji," she laughed. "My brother joined the Reserve six months ago so I wanted to come check on him." She looked over at a boy on the line who looked eager to hug his sister but knew he could not. Charlie nodded the ok to him and he ran to his sister.

"Samit!" she called as they hugged and they began talking in their language. Dale cut them off, "Did you come here to disturb my men? You were always a distraction and you still are. Samit, get your arse back on line or you'll be sitting in dung for the next month!" The boy let go of his sister and ran back to his place as she shook her head.

Then Dale barked at his managers, "Charlie! Benji, don't you have shit to do!?"

Chitra rolled her eyes. "You're still a ray of sunshine on a rainy day aren't you Dale?"

"And you're still a shit tamer and an even shittier employee!" he told her. She laughed.

Chitra turned to Charlie. "How much more time do you have here?"

Benji answered for him, "He'll be done in an hour." Charlie side glared at him again.

She smiled and reached for another hug. "I'm going to see Sarah and be back." She called to Samit again and said some words that made him smile, then walked on with Dale.

Charlie met Chitra in the garden with Sarah after his training session. She stood up immediately, "I heard Norberta is back. Take me to her." She linked her arm around him as if saying no was not an option. Charlie, still enamored by her brown eyes, wouldn't have refused anyway. At one point he looked down and saw her ring on her left hand, but did not say anything. He knew she would tell him. They walked and talked, first about what she had been up to since she left the Reserve. Charlie knew she left six months before the Battle of Hogwarts. Her two brothers were at the school and she felt her family was unsafe in London as well, so they all moved back to Punjab, India and her brothers finished their wizarding education at the much smaller Pundhi School of Magic. She was grateful they made the decision after seeing the destruction of the castle afterwards. "My brothers would have stayed with all the rest of the Badgers and probably died, and it would have broke my heart." Then she remembered and said with wide eyes, "Oh Charlie, I didn't mean to say that. I'm so so sorry for your loss." "Thank you. And you are right. Lots of children died that day. You were right to get them out before. Never feel guilty about that." Charlie told her. She told him that the oldest one was back in London, the middle one Samit wanted to join the Reserve and he did and the last one is still at Pundhi. Chitra was still in Punjab with her family. "And my husband." She said without looking at him. "Arranged by my parents, who told me I was too old to be without a husband. But he is nice and we're opening up a Charm School for Excellence in Mumbai, for those who wanted to learn advanced magic schooling outside of their regular studies." "So do you love him?" Charlie asked. Chitra smiled at him. "I love him enough." He smiled at her back. "Speaking of love," she continued, "there's a rumor going on around here that you may want to clarify for me." Charlie laughed. "Yeah? What's the rumor?" Chitra laughed as well. "You're going to make me work for this information? Ok well, first question, are you dating someone?" "Yes. I am." "Ok, we're getting closer." They laughed. "Now, pop quiz: Man or woman?" Charlie laughed again. "His name is Chris." "My God, Charlie!" she exclaimed. "Did I hurt you that bad that you officially went to the other side?" Charlie kept laughing. "Life just happened that way for me. And I'm happy." "You look happy," she said sincerely. "So do you love him?" Charlie smiled. "I love him...more than enough." She squeezed his arm. "I would love to meet him someday." "Well if you hang around you just might. We're meeting up at 3 o'clock right here." Chitra almost squealed. "Delightful! Give him a head's up though. It would be awkward for me if the shoe was on the other foot." Her attention turned to Norberta as they had arrived in her area. She was licking her daughter Nora clean. Chitra whistled in a tune that was only for Norberta and the dragon looked up sharply. Chitra pulled out her wand and made dragon bubbles, the same she used to do for Norberta when she was a baby dragon. Norberta let out a cry and stood all the way up as Nora tried to catch the bubbles. Chitra ran to the female dragon and they greeted each other as old friends. When Norberta laid her head down, Chitra climbed on top and they took off to the skies. Baby Nora took a moment to realize her mother had left and flew off after her. Charlie watched them in the sky for a moment and called Chris. "Pop quiz: Would you rather go Go-cart racing like we planned or meet my ex-girlfriend Chitra?" "Fucking A! We're doing both!" Chris said excitedly. Charlie laughed. "She's here and she wants to meet you." "And who am I to disappoint her? You're still off at 3?" "Yes. I will meet you at the Tank, in the parking lot." "Hey Charlie, pretend we are still just best friends for a moment. Does she look just as good as you remember? Charlie smiled. "She looks and smells fucking fantastic." Chris cackled. "Ho. Lee. Shit. This is going to be interesting."

Charlie came up to the parking lot alone. He saw his car, but not him and figured he was inside so he went upstairs into the Tank. Chris sat talking to Natasha, a newer weekend ranger who was being trained by Miche. They were laughing about academy teachers when Charlie walked in, watching her rub her hand up and down Chris's arm, definitely flirting.

"Hey," Chris said and stood up. He walked to Charlie and kissed him on the lips, then turned back to Natasha. "I'll see you around Nat." She did not seem phased by the kiss at all, instead ignored Charlie completely and said to Chris seductively, "I can't wait."

Charlie smiled and took Chris's hand to walk him out. "I think Natasha wants to rock your world."

"Jealous much? While I am moments away from meeting your hot ex-girlfriend? Where is she?"

"She got pulled into a conversation with Sarah and Felix and she said she would be along in a minute." They waited.

Charlie said, "So Bill told me mum came to see him, fishing for info about you."

"Did she really?"

Charlie nodded. "I didn't tell him that I didn't tell her that you're a muggle, and he figured that out by her line of questioning. He reamed me out for leaving out a very important part. But I told him that info is better in person, then we'll tell them all of it."

Chris nodded as Chitra apparated at the edge of the woods and she looked around, then up at the Tank. They both stared down at her for a moment. "Speaking of in person...Ho. Lee. Shit Charlie," Chris said quietly. She smiled then started walking toward them. "Um...Best friend mode activated: Charlie, she is...gorgeous. Stunning. Her body is like...perfect. I can see her shiny glistening hair from here. How the fuck did you let that get away? And why aren't you trying to fuck her now?"

Charlie looked at Chris and smiled. "Don't flirt with my ex girlfriend, please."

Chris winked. "I make no promises," he said and he started walking down the stairs. Charlie sighed and followed.

They met in the parking lot and Chitra spoke first. "You must be Chris." She reached up and gave him a tight hug.

"Oh, you're a hugger!" Chris returned the hug and sniffed. Then lifted her up and spun her around, winking at Charlie who looked amused.

Chitra cried, "Oh!" and they laughed as he put her back down.

"Charlie had nothing but great things to say about you, Chitra."

"Well I hope so, though, I have to say I wasn't the best partner to him," she said.

"Really? How so?" Chris asked.

Chitra glanced at Charlie first. "Well. Charlie loves the idea of love and I just...didn't. I'm just naturally a little more reserved in my feelings. But you seem open with your feelings and fun. I like that."

"Yes, our Charlie is a bit of a romantic, isn't he. Truthfully I was more like you, a bit more reserved at first, but I have to admit, it felt good to let him in."

"And that's exactly what he needed," Chitra said. "Someone who could let him in, someone he could give his all to and it gets reciprocated. And I guess I was not ready for that. It's nice that you are."

"You know, I am right here," said Charlie.

"Hush love, the grown ups are talking," Chris said. He put his arm around Chitra and they started walking toward his car, Charlie sheepishly following. "So would you say he was more of a serious guy?" Chris asked.

"Oh yes. Charlie is very serious. Not that we didn't have some fun but work was always the priority and it left little time for other things. He can also be a bit broody and in his head so watch for those moments."

"Yes, we have had those moments. I'm typically able to snap him out of it, pushing his buttons a bit."

"And see, I never pushed. I would just leave him in his head and then we'd have a nice good fuck and it would bring him back to his senses," Chitra said amusingly.

Chris's eyes widened as he looked back at Charlie. "Really? And when I use sex to push him I'm being immature isn't that right Charlie?" Charlie's eyes narrowed.

"Oh don't let that fool you. Sex is a great way to get Charlie out of a funk. Come to think of it, I'm not surprised he ended up with a man. There was nothing Charlie liked more than an exceptional blow job."

Chris snorted out a laugh as Charlie said, "Hey! Enough already you two." Chitra and Chris laughed together.

"You really are fun," Chitra said. "I can see why Charlie loves you, Chris."

"Is it obvious?" Chris winked at her as they stopped at his car.

She looked at Charlie and gave him a hug. Holding on to him, she said, "Keep him."

"I'm going to try with all my might," he told her. She hugged him again and then kissed him softly on the lips which he returned before he realized what he was doing. She pulled away and turned to Chris and gave him a hug, then she took his face in her soft hands and kissed him on the lips as well.

"I'll see you boys around." She walked on a little ways then apparated, leaving them both staring at the spot where she just was, her citrusy scent in the air.

Chris said after a moment, "Best friend mode activated again: Do you miss her?"

"A little, yes," said Charlie quietly.

"She's wonderful," Chris said. "I met her for five minutes and I miss her already."

Charlie smiled and turned to Chris, pulling him into his arms and kissing him passionately. "I love you."

Chris responded with, "I wonder if she does threesomes." Charlie laughed and shoved him.

November came around and it was still warmer than expected. Chris's 27th birthday fell on a Wednesday so they agreed to celebrate the whole weekend, with Charlie taking Friday and Saturday off. Charlie told Chris, "Pack a bag for the weekend, we're leaving right after your shift first thing in the morning." On Friday morning Charlie apparated to the Tank with his own duffle bag and met Chris at his car. "Drive to Vlore," he told him. Chris's eyes narrowed. "We aren't going to see my dad right?" Charlie looked at him like he was crazy. "What? Why the hell would I take you to see your dad for your birthday weekend? I didn't even remember that he lived there." "Yeah, a boathouse on the bay." "Well we are going toward the bay, and I'm not sure if it's the same part but that's not part of my plan." Chris nodded, then he got excited. "Wait, are we getting on a boat!? We're going sailing, Charlie!?" Charlie smiled. "Yes you horse's arse, now drive. It's a little over three hours to get there and we're on a schedule. I would apparate us but we might need the car." They drove and chatted and listened to music. It was a little after 10am when they arrived at the pier, Chris was tired and Charlie was hungry. They went down to the private boats and stopped at one named Magiepses. A tall middle aged man met them on the dock. He wore all white. "I am Jetmir," he said. "I will be your captain and your chef. Other than those two things, you are left to your own devices. We will be in the Mediterranean Sea for the next 24 hours, then if you like to dock for dinner either Saturday or Sunday night, please let me know in advance. Otherwise, we will be at The Bluest Eye by tomorrow afternoon. Any questions?" They both shook their heads no. Charlie took Chris's hand and followed Jetmir aboard. It was a luxury yacht, at least 85 feet long and two levels. Chris was in awe. They walked into the lower level first which had a common room with couches, chairs and a stocked bar. They chose the biggest bedroom in the front to drop off their bags, then headed to the top deck where their brunch was waiting for them: Wine, cheese, scrambled eggs, sausages, Greek salad, fresh fruit, smoked meats, hummus and warm pita bread. They drank the whole bottle of wine and ate until their bellies were full. Chris asked him, "Ok out with it. How could you afford this, Charlie? I know Dale's raise wasn't that good." Charlie laughed. "No, but I did get a small windfall from my mission with Bill." "I hope you didn't spend it all on me, did you?" "No, not all of it. But enough. You're worth it," Charlie said seriously. Chris smiled. "Oh and my brother George wrote to me, said Mozul Tov on my relationship – he used more uncouth words – and he sent me this as a present." He pulled out a clear ziplock bag with an ounce of marijuana and put it on the table. "Home grown with seeds from the Amazon." Chris was stunned. "What. The. Fuck Charlie. Why did I not know in the year we've known each other and nine months we've been coupling that you smoke joints!?" "Because I don't. At least, not regularly. I'm not a novice but it's just not my thing. George on the other hand is a connoisseur of some sorts, and started growing his own strands when we got home from our trip, mixing it with our Wizarding herbs." Chris opened it and smelled how potent it was. "This is some sweet shit. I haven't smoked since college so thank you brother George." He closed it up and put it aside. "I will save it for later. Right now I just want to sleep. But not indoors, outdoors." "On a lounge chair?" Charlie asked. "I guess, yeah, under the awning though. I mean, if I could bring the bed out there I would." Chris laughed. Charlie was thoughtful. "Well why not? We'll just take one of the beds from the other room and lay it out on the deck under the awning." Chris smiled slowly. "I know I love you, but I really like you too." They took the full size bed from the middle room with the bed clothes and placed it on the lower level deck in the shade. Charlie did a Meteojinx over them to change the air temperature so that they would always be warm. They stripped down to their underwear and got under the covers, facing next to each other. Chris said, "I really want you but I am so tired." "Get some sleep. We have three full days," Charlie said. He touched his face lovingly and Chris closed his eyes. The sound of the motor and the waves quickly put him to sleep as well. Charlie woke up first right at dusk and watched the setting sun for a while. The boat had stopped somewhere in the Adriatic sea. He leaned over and touched Chris who stirred a bit, then pulled back the covers. Chris was laying on his side still. Charlie reached into his boxer briefs and started rubbing his genitals. As his erection grew, he stirred again and did a small moan. Charlie leaned all the way over and put Chris in his mouth, sucking the head gently. Chris let out an audible "aaah" and turned all the way onto his back, but did not open his eyes. Charlie leaned over him and deep throated him a few times, then sucked, licked and stroked Chris into ejaculating into his mouth and Charlie swallowed. After he came he opened his eyes and watched Charlie continue to lick his penis softly, then sat up, rubbing his hands over his nipples. "Fuck me," Chris said, and he sat up, pushed Charlie down and got on top of him. Charlie laughed, "Wait!" He held his hand toward the doorway and said "Accio lube". In seconds the bottle came into Charlie's hand, a mixture of KY warming lubricant, almond, lavender and jojoba oil. He laid Chris back down and massaged his genital area, fingering his hole until Chris told him to stop torturing him. He lubed his own erection and turned Chris onto all fours. He penetrated slowly at first which drove Chris crazy and he started moving faster backward on him. Charlie got the message quickly that Chris wanted to be fucked hard, so he spread his cheeks wide and pounded him. They moaned and grunted loud and free, staying in that position until Chris's rectum squeezed and his body began to tremble. Charlie slowed all the way down, rubbed his back, kissed his neck then started all over again, with long slow thrusts gradually picking up the pace. Chris hit his orgasmic peak again, moaning louder than the last time and his insides wrapped so tightly around Charlie that Charlie pulled all the way out to keep from cumming. Chris yelled, "what the fuck did you do that for!?" Chris did not answer, instead leaned down and wrapped both arms around Chris's midsection and put his head on his back listening to his fast heartbeat. When it slowed, Charlie kissed his neck and shoulders, then down his back all the way to his bottom, then kissed and licked his hole with a hard and fast tongue, sucked his balls, then back to his hole. Chris moaned, "I'm going to die at 27, a slow and happy death right now." When Charlie couldn't take it anymore, his own horniness consuming him, he resumed the position behind Chris and was not slow and steady anymore. He slammed into Chris hard and fast and non-stop. Charlie's body could not take it anymore and his dick spasmed over and over again inside of Chris as he groaned out of pleasure. He fell backwards on the bed, then rolled over next to Chris as he lowered himself on the bed. The sky was dark and full of stars but neither noticed as they laid there without touching and stared at each other for a while, saying all they need to say with their minds and their hearts. An announcement came over the speaker and they heard Jetmir say, "Dinner is served on the top deck." They got up and dressed, then moved to the top deck for dinner. After dinner Chris pulled out the ziplock bag and said he started rolling a joint while Charlie watched. He lit it with the candle on the table and took two puffs and passed it to Charlie. He said, "This time last year, we were playing Exploding Snap. That's how we passed the time, playing card games. And look at us now." Charlie passed it back to him after one puff and said, "This time last year I was trying to figure out why you talked about sex so damn much. And here we are." He passed it to Chris as he laughed, smoked again. "This time last year, I wasn't thinking about you in this way. I mean, maybe I was a little like a crush, but not in an actual we're going to get together kind of way. Just something to beat off to when I get lonely," Chris said. "This time last year I wasn't thinking about you this way either. Not even in my wildest dreams did I see this coming. Not until you massaged me about a month later and I realized how much I wanted to fuck you. Like, right then and there if I was bold enough." Charlie held his hand out and Chris gave him the joint. "That massage huh? I could tell I was making you uncomfortable, but that's why I kept going. I liked to make you uncomfortable and watch you turn red. I still do." He smiled. Charlie looked at him intently. "No, you weren't making me uncomfortable. You were making me hard. I was horny as fuck. And that's what made me uncomfortable. You, Chris Jennings, have never made me feel uncomfortable. You brought out feelings in me that I didn't understand. But you being you made this the easiest decision ever." He took a long drag and passed it back to Chris who puffed in silence looking up at the stars finally. "You make this easy, Charlie. I am along for this ride of committed love that you are taking me on, the highs and lows of it all." "Lows?" Charlie asked curiously. "Yes. You know the times you just go away and almost get yourself killed? Those are ultimate lows for me. I've figured something out, Charles." He passed the joint to Charlie and leaned into the table. "I realize that I'm cured. You have officially cured me of my commitment issues. Because the God's honest truth is, I cannot live without you. If something were to ever happen to you, please believe me when I tell you, I am following you in the grave. I refused to be on this earth without you, or in any dimension that you aren't on." Charlie looked at him for a moment, the seriousness and darkness of what he said concerned him a bit. He puffed then said, "You know, there is a middle ground between, Relationships scare the shit out of me so I just try not to do them and, if you die I die." Chris laughed. "Not for me. I've never given my all to anyone before. You have all of me." Charlie smiled. He passed it back to Chris. "I'll never take that for granted. I promise to take care of you, heart, body and spirit, for the rest of your days on earth." Chris looked at him and said, "Those sound like vows Charlie. Is that also part of this weekend plan?" He winked. Charlie laughed. "No. And if you fucking propose I'm going to kick you off this ship." They both laughed. They were quiet for a minute before Chris spoke again. "On New Year's Day, you asked me what I wanted. I told you I wanted someone to take me sailing and to make love under the stars." He puffed and tried to pass it to Charlie who refused. He nodded. "I remember everything you said that night," Charlie said seriously. "Do you really?" Chris said amusingly. "You wanted someone that knows about your past, accepts it, never brings it up and wants to fuck you anyway." Chris laughed heartily. Charlie continued, "You wanted someone that you could cook for, give back massages to and it gets reciprocated. You want someone that makes you laugh when you're sad, calm you down when you're mad. A love that gives you a reason to get out of bed in the morning. You want to be able to love freely, unconditionally, and to know that person will take care of you, completely." Chris was no longer laughing, between the weed and Charlie actually remembering the words he barely remembered, he was getting very emotional. "And yes, someone to take you sailing and to make love under the stars." He concluded. "Wow," was all Chris could get out. Then he said, "You never told me what you wanted, you know." "Because I didn't know exactly. But whatever I would have said then would never compare to what I actually have now. Falling in love with my best friend. You giving me all of you is all I'll want and need in this world." Chris finished the joint and put it out on his plate. He stood up and held out his hand. "No more talking." He led Charlie inside to their bedroom and made love again to the sounds of the waves. ~~~ Charlie again arose up earlier than Chris and woke him up with a blow job. They went upstairs to a breakfast of eggs and sausage, baguettes, crepes, croissants, fruits and a screwdriver. Then they sat in the hot tub on the top deck and watched the yacht sail to the Karaburun Peninsula and dock. Jetmir came up and said to them, "You will need to take the motor boat into the Bay of Crama if you would like to explore the caves. Beach gear are already on the boat and I will pack a lunch basket if you so choose. Stay as long as you like. I will not pull off until you are safely back on the vessel." They gathered their swimsuits and made their way to the boats, then traveled the few yards to the shore. There were no other boats since it was not the time of year people would normally visit there and they knew they would be alone. They explored the caves and the blue lagoon inside, then went back on the beach to set up their umbrella and blanket. As they were eating lunch Chris told him, "Soooo I've never had sex on the beach." Charlie smiled at him. "Are you asking?" "I'm just throwing it out there. In case you wanted to make another fantasy of mine come true." Charlie did not respond, but a few moments later he conjured another Meteojinx to warm the temperature where they were a bit more, then he stood up, stripped naked and jumped into the ocean, to Chris's amusement. After a couple of laps he came back under the umbrella and laid face down on the blanket, still wet, and closed his eyes. Chris smiled, removed his clothing, grabbed the lube mixture Charlie made that they brought along with them for this very purpose, and mounted him. They made love in various positions for the next hour with Chris dominating, before finally cumming inside of him and falling asleep right on Charlie's back. Chris woke up to the setting sun, somehow his face ended up at Charlie's tailbone, not that he minded at all. He went for a night swim naked, then came back to a still sleeping Charlie, so he woke him up with a rim job, tasting his own jizz inside of him. Charlie laid Chris down on his back and they made love again. Afterwards they put on their clothes and Chris lit another joint while Charlie conjured a fire and where they ate the rest of their food and told each other childhood stories. "Let's not go back to the boat tonight. Let's stay here," Chris said eventually. "Anything you want to do, we'll do it," Charlie told him. After a while Chris said, "I want to go dancing tomorrow." Charlie puffed. "You're really pushing this whole `I'll do anything for you' thing aren't you?" Chris laughed. He picked up his cell phone and called his friend, Other Chris, who told him about a rave in Vlore tomorrow night. He wasn't going because Staci-Ann is pregnant and still in her first trimester feeling awful almost daily. But some of his other friends would be there. Charlie agreed but said, "But don't expect me to dance. Dance with who you want, just make sure they know you're coming home with me." Chris laughed. They laid on the beach fully clothed and wrapped around the beach blanket, holding onto each other. The next day Jetmir headed the boat back to Vlore and they exited the boat that evening, to drive to the address Other Chris gave him. It was exactly what Charlie expected, loud techno music that he detested, people high and drunk all around him with no consideration for others. But he did not voice his disdain, instead sat at the bar and drank a lot while Chris got drunk and danced with girl after girl after girl. He came over to Charlie briefly to introduce three college friends, friends, Brianna, Arizona and Constantine, then they all went back on the dance floor. Charlie got more drunk as the night went on and when he had had enough alcohol making him hot with jealousy, he met Chris out on the dance floor, grabbed him and kissed him passionately. People around them went wild and started cheering. Although the music was fast, Chris held onto Charlie's neck and they danced slow, grinding their erections together as everyone jumped around them. He leaned into Charlie's ear and whispered, "I love you, Charlie." Charlie whispered back, "Say it again." Chris leaned his head back and yelled into the noise, "I LOVE YOU, CHARLIE WEASLEY!" Charlie laughed and held him tighter. Chris whispered in his ear again, "Let's go." They headed back to the docks and the boat, and told Jetmir to head out into the peninsula again. The couple found their outside bed and held each other silently watching the stars and falling asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night, Chris lubed up Charlie's penis and got on top, waking him up as he moved back and forth and in that circular motion Charlie liked, bringing himself to orgasm. When Charlie knew he was close, he grabbed Chris's member and jerked him hard until they ejaculated together, with very little sound from either of them. Chris collapsed on top of Charlie's chest that was milked with his cum and said, "Thank you. This has been one of the best moments of my life." Charlie did not respond, just played in Chris's curls until they went back to sleep.

The boat docked 9am on Monday morning. When they got to the car, Chris said, "Do you mind if we make a quick stop before heading home?"

"No, not at all. Where do you want to go?"

Chris didn't answer. They pulled out of the parking lot and headed north along the shoreline for another 20 minutes and stopped at a private marina. They walked down the boardwalk then Chris stopped at a small boathouse on the water. He knocked, no one answered. He started banging on the door.

Then they heard from further down the pier a gruff voice with a heavy Irish accent, "Who da fuck is knocking on my door?"

Chris turned to face Charlie, "You ready to meet my Papa?" Then without waiting for an answer, turned around and started walking toward the end of the pier. The man was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, board shorts, socks and boots, with a fishing hat on, standing up with a fishing pole in the water. He didn't turn around until Chris said, "It's your favorite son," dripping in sarcasm.

He looked at him and then turned back to the water. "Yeah, that's strange. Because I thought I had two daughters and a whoring, flaming fruitcake son that never came to see me."

Charlie's mouth slightly opened in shock. Chris took a deep breath and said, "I've got company, so keep the dickiness to a minimum, yeah?"

He turned around again, this time looked at Charlie. Then he looked at Chris and said, "The new catch of the day? He's a fucking ginger, throw him back."

Chris ignored his comment and said, "This is my boyfriend Charlie. Charlie, this is my father, Collum Jennings."

Charlie found his bearings and stepped forward to hold out his hand for a shake. "How do you do?" He said politely.

Collum shook it back a little roughly, looked him in the eyes and said, "You don't look like a sissy." He let his hand go.

"That's because I'm not a sissy," Charlie said calmly. "And neither is Chris, for the record."

Chris held back a smile as Collum grunted, "You must really like him. Word of advice, a whore cannot be kept. Best to move along before he breaks you down like all the others."

Chris's almost smile quickly turned into a scowl. "Okay, enough of that shit. We were in the neighborhood and I thought I would stop by and say hi but clearly that was a mistake so goodbye and fuck off." He turned around and touched Charlie's arm to drag him away.

Collum called out, "How are my girls?"

Chris turned back around. "Clary just had the baby, you should go see her."

Collum growled. "You fucker you, you know I'm not going anywhere near that house."

Chris shrugged. "Suit yourself. But Sierra looks just like Ma Ami, same complexion and everything, with your eyes. So it may be worth the trip and your pride."

His father grunted. "What are you doing out this way anyway?"

"Charlie took me on a boat ride for my birthday," he said proudly. Then said, "You do remember it was my birthday last Wednesday yeah?"

He laughed. "Oh you snagged yourself a rich dumb fuck this time yeah? Now you're a gold digging whore?" Charlie crossed his arms, getting tired of this banter.

"Better a gold digging whore than a piece of shit father, I always say," said Chris. He turned to leave again but Collum called out again.

"You didn't tell me about my Chary."

Chris turned around a second time. "Sis is well. Working long hours at the hospital and helping Clary with the kids. They will all be here next month for the gathering but I won't. I'm going to London with Charlie to meet and spend time with his family."

"Well well well, aren't you a world traveler. Stop in Ireland to see your family."

Chris rolled his eyes. "Goodbye Papa."

He turned a third time to leave and a third time Collum stopped him. "Wait! Go to McGillicuddy's, you know you were on your way there next anyway. Pick me up four steaks, instant mash, cheese and a pack of smokes."

"You're gonna give me money this time?" Chris's eyes narrowed.

"Fuck no, ask your richy rich ginger haired cock sucking boyfriend." Charlie was about to retort but Chris quickly grabbed his arm and turned him around to start walking. Collum called after them, "And don't forget my smokes like last time you fucker!"

They walked back up the boardwalk and Chris was fuming. "I fucking hate that sonofabitch."

Charlie said, "I've never seen a dynamic so volatile between a father and son before. He makes Dale look like Father of the Year." Chris was still mumbling with clenched fists as they made their way back to up to the parking lot. But instead of turning right towards the car, Chris made a left and started walking up the hill. Where are we going?" Charlie asked.

"To get him his fucking groceries," Chris said angrily.

"Why?" Charlie said before he could stop himself. Chris did not answer. They stopped at a small market on the corner and Chris walked in first. A woman was at the counter reading a magazine. She has light brown hair and delicate beautiful features. Chris smiled a delicate smile that Charlie noticed. He said quietly, "Staci-Ann."

She looked up with her round brown eyes and she smiled that same delicate smile back to him. "Well look who clawed their way out of hell to visit me! Other Chris!"

She ran around the counter, reached up to his neck and gave him a hug. He closed his eyes and hugged her back tightly, then they kissed each other's cheek at the same time, and leaned back but held onto each other a bit longer.

They heard a voice from the back, "Did you say Other Chris!? What the fuck!?" They let go of each other.

Staci-Ann said to him, "I haven't seen you in almost a year, what kept you away?"

"Work. And well..." He turned around, "Meet Charlie, my boyfriend."

She smiled at him, walked up and wrapped her arms around his midsection like they were old friends. "It's nice to meet you Charlie, finally. Chris thinks the world of you." She reached up and kissed him on the cheek.

Before he could respond, Other Chris had come up the stairs, "Did I hear you say..." He looked at Chris and yelled, "Other fucking Chris!" They ran to each other and gave a brotherly hug. Other Chris was the same stocky build as Charlie, with dirty blond hair and dark blue eyes.

"I know, it's been a while," Chris said before Other Chris said anything.

"Fuck yeah! I know you don't like the old man but fuck I thought you liked us!"

"Oh he had a good reason to ignore us." Staci-Ann said. She pointed at Charlie in an obvious way that made him laugh.

Chris said, "Charlie, these are my best friends, Other Chris and Staci-Ann. Other Chris, this is my boyfriend Charlie."

"Whoa! Boyfriend alert! How you doing man?" He also greeted Charlie like an old friend with a slap hand shake and pulled him into a half hug.

"I'm well, how about yourself?" Charlie said.

"Oh you know, keeping it tight and close to the balls." Chris laughed and so did Charlie. He liked the Other Chris.

Chris said to him, "Something is seriously wrong with you." They all laughed.

"So did you see the old man?" Other Chris asked.

"Yeah I saw that fucker, he sent me up here with a grocery list." He scowled again.

"Oh we'll take care of that for you," said Staci-Ann." C'mon, let's go get what he needs."

She took his arm and moved him further into the store. They watched them disappear and then Other Chris turned to Charlie to say, "Obviously they are talking about you." He winked at him before moving behind the counter.

"Obviously," Charlie laughed.

"Other Chris must be serious about you to bring you around us. Especially using the B word, that's shit like...once every other blue moon. You must be something special to him." He looked at Charlie intently.

Charlie understood. "Well he's certainly something special to me," he told him confidently.

Other Chris smiled. "Good. He's been through a lot, I'm sure you know, so the last thing I would want is for him to get into a situation that will further hurt him, you know? He's been my brother since we were kids. I love him, you know." He looked at Charlie and waited.

Charlie did not hesitate with his words. "I love him too. This is as real for me as it is for him. Believe that."

Other Chris nodded. "Good." He changed the subject, "So how's the old man? Still a rotten sonofabitch to his only son?"

Charlie nodded, then shook his head. "Why is their relationship so bad?"

Other Chris's eyes widened. "Ooooh he hasn't told you yet. Well, he'll get around to it. But you may need to pry it out of him, he doesn't like to talk about the incident. It was one of the worst days of his life, to be honest."

"Incident?" Charlie said, confused.

"I've already said too much. He'll tell you when he's ready." Other Chris moved to stock shelves to his left as a finality of the conversation, leaving Charlie to wonder about the Incident until Chris came back giggling with Staci-Ann and a bag of groceries. Other Chris reached down to the shelf below him and put a pack of cigarettes on the counter.

"Don't forget the smokes. He was cussing you out for a week that last time."

"Fuck him and these smokes," he said, but he took them and added them to the bag. "What do I owe you?" he asked taking out his wallet.

"Shut the fuck up and get out of here with that bag," Other Chris said and Chris laughed. He then said, "You know he's going to want you to stay for dinner."

"And I'm going to politely decline," Chris said with a straight face.

"No, stay!" Staci-Ann pleaded. "If you do we'll come over and it won't be that bad."

"Staci-Ann girl I love you, but no. I've had all I can take right now. I just had an amazing weekend and I would like to keep it that way. Plus we both have to work tonight."

"Well don't stay away too long," Other Chris said. "Charlie, I'm counting on you to bring him back."

"Will do. Nice meeting you guys." They gave their hugs and handshakes and again Staci-Ann held on to Chris a bit long, even with Other Chris right there, who seemed used to their affection for each other.

As they walked back to the marina Chris said happily, "Best friends in the world, those two."

"Did you and Staci-Ann have something going on, before she got with Other Chris?"

"No. Why would you ask me that?" Chris said almost offended.

"Just a feeling I got." Charlie said. He looked at Chris but Chris did not answer or look back.

When they got to the boathouse Chris dropped the bag at the front door, then called down, "Oy! Come get your shit, I'm not walking down there again."

Collum scowled and walked up, picked up the bag without a thank you, instead said, "You're such a sorry sack of shit aren't you?"

"You taught me everything I know," retorted Chris. He turned around to leave.

"Wait, stay for dinner. I'll make steaks on the grill."

Chris whirled around so fast and said viscerally, "Fuck no! So you can call me a sissy and a whore eight more times and insult my ginger haired boyfriend? Are you mad!?"

Collum lost his temper and yelled, "Well then fuck off then! Go! Get the fuck out of here!"

Chris turned around and called sarcastically, "love you too Papa."

They walked in silence to the car, then drove off. They drove in silence for about 20 minutes before Charlie asked quietly, "What happened between you and your father? What was the Incident?"

Chris was silent for another minute, then grumbled, "Fucking Other Chris talks too fucking much."

"He didn't tell me anything. He said you would tell me when you were ready."

"It's a long story."

"We have a three hour drive," Charlie said.

Chris sighed heavily, and was quiet for a moment, before he spoke. "After my mum died, I started Junior year the following fall. I was still on a scholarship for track and field, and I was seeing Natalis, but also still seeing Rem. In one of our first school meets, there were Olympic scouts there and that was what I had been working towards literally since I was 14 years old, to be scouted for the national team. Collum found out from my sisters, Sis I think, that I was sleeping with Rem since I was 16 years old. I was on the field running a 400 meter when Collum showed up. He just went straight for Rem, punched him in the face and kept punching him when he was down.

"When it dawned on me that someone was beating up Rem in the middle of the field, I ran off track and tried to help. I got there and realized it was my own father. I tried to pull him off Rem, he was going at it like he wanted to kill him and I had to stop him. But then he turned on me, started beating me up right in the middle of the field as well. It took other players to get him off me and he's calling me all kinds of names, a faggot, a cock sucker, a dumb fuck, essentially outing our relationship. He was arrested, but then when it all came out, they fired Rem from the university, and they suspended me from track and field for the rest of the season, ultimately ending my scholarship and any chance I had at the Olympics."

"Wow," was all Charlie said.

Chris nodded. "I didn't speak to that sonofabitch for the next couple of months until I had to go home for Christmas, the first without Ma Ami. Of course we got into a huge fight over the Incident where he threw some more homophobic comments at me and then he told me, `No son of mine is living under my roof thinking it's ok to be a dumb cock sucking retard.' Those were his words to me. So I kindly reminded him that this house that was in Ma Ami's family's was left to her adult children, not her husband, so actually it was my house and he could he the fuck out. He laughed at me and thought I was joking.

"The day after Christmas I called the police and had him evicted. That was seven years ago and he hasn't stepped foot in the house since. The first two years we didn't speak to each other at all. And he didn't come to my college graduation. On the third anniversary of Ma Ami's death, my sisters managed to get us both in the same room and it wasn't great but it wasn't terrible either. Our relationship has dissolved into what it is now. We're on speaking terms but it's kind of disastrous, so we both just avoid it altogether if we can."

Charlie did not speak at first, taking all Chris had said. "So now you've met the worst father on the face of the planet." Charlie opened his mouth, then closed it abruptly. "I saw that," Chris said. "Say what you were going to say."

"Hmmmm...I don't think you're going to like what I have to say."

Chris's eyes narrowed. "Don't tell me you are in agreement with anything that he has done Charlie!" he yelled.

"Listen, I think that he handled the situation in the worst possible way that a father ever could have handled it."


Charlie sighed. "But... He wasn't wrong in his reason why."

Chris yelled again, "What the fuck, Charlie!?? So it was ok for him to beat the shit out of my boyfriend, then beat the shit out of me because he found out I'm bisexual!? What the bloody fuck, Charlie!?"

Charlie said calmly, "First, stop yelling at me. Second, that's not what I said. You assume he went after Rem because of your sexuality, but I don't think so. I think he went after Rem because he's a child predator."

Chris's mouth dropped wide open in shock. He looked at Charlie, then back at the road. "Charlie, Rem didn't rape me. I wanted to be with him."

Charlie shook his head almost angrily. "Chris, you were a 16 year old impressionable boy with a crush. Whether you were attracted to him or not, he was a grown man breaking in a teenager. And not that it mattered, it could have been the most loving thing you've ever experienced, but to add insult to injury he abused the shit out of you and continued to do so for years.

"This is a man your parents trusted to train you and mentor you, not to screw you. Ask yourself, Chris, honestly, if you found out that your 16 year old son or daughter was sleeping with his or her 22 year old coach whom you trusted, tell me you wouldn't want to kick his fucking teeth out before sending him six feet under."

Chris took a moment, then said, "I was an adult by the time he found out. I was 20, almost 21 by then."

"OK. Ask yourself, would that have mattered to you? Would that have changed the fact that he still fucked your kid when he or she still was a kid?"

Charlie waited and Chris was silent for the next couple of minutes, then yelled, "FUCK!" He hit the steering wheel hard with the palm of his hand.

Charlie continued, "I think the problem is you've never actually talked about the incident, hashed it out. So you've been believing he's just a homophobic nob, which really he probably is that too, but also maybe a solid dad a bit. And he's been thinking you're an ungrateful, disrespectful shithead who chose his child molesting boyfriend over him. So there's that."

Chris was silent for another couple of minutes and Charlie let him be. Then he said, "He really hurt me, the things he said. I will never forget it."

"Yup, that was fucked up. And then you threw him out of his house, the house he raised his three children, and watched the love of his life die in. That was fucked up too. So you've both been really awful to each other."

Chris kept driving in silence, but Charlie could tell he was fuming because he knew Charlie was right. "Fuck!" he said again.

He drove a bit more then turned off the main road onto a dirt path leading to a campsite, then parked. Charlie was confused as he shut off the car, opened the driver's side door and pulled the front seat as far up as it could go, slammed the door, then went to sit in the back seat of his car. Charlie watched him in amusement through the rear view mirror as he opened up his pants, pulled his hard penis out and started stroking himself.

"So what's this, you need to release some tension to forget everything I said?" Charlie asked.

"Yes." said Chris. "Now get back here."

Charlie laughed, "And what if I refuse?"

"Not an option. I was perfectly fine in my own little world hating my father and here you go with your reasons and logic making me have an ounce of respect for him, fucking up my head and ruining my life. Now you need to unscramble my head by sucking me off."

Charlie turned all the way around and raised an eyebrow. Chris's face softened and he said, "Don't make me beg."

Charlie sighed and nodded. He opened his door and pulled his seat all the way up as well, then got in the back with Chris. He kissed Chris lovingly, then took over stroking his erection. He decided to take off Chris's shirt, then his own, kissing his neck, chest and nipples as Chris closed his eyes and moaned. He leaned over and sucked and licked Chris into a full erection, then pulled down his own pants and pulled Chris on top of him. Chris quickly shimmied out of his pants that were already falling down, then reached into the console and took out a small lotion bottle. He lubed himself, pushed Charlie's legs up to his chest and entered him. He closed his eyes and started fucking Charlie hard and fast.

After a bit Charlie grabbed his hips to slow him down. He shifted so that he had one leg up, foot on the roof of the car and the other on Chris's side to give him a better angle to lean into him. He took Chris's face in both of his hands and said softly, "Look at me."

Chris opened his eyes. Charlie mouthed, I love you, then pulled him down for a kiss. They began to move together in sync, kissed and touched each other's bodies every so often. After a while, Chris felt his ejaculation coming. He leaned all the way over and wrapped his arms tightly around Charlie as he pumped out, releasing all of his emotions and semen into him. Charlie held him back tightly feeling Chris fill him up, then ooze out. He continued to hold him and stroke his back long after his orgasm subsided and his erection grew so soft it felt out of Charlie on its own. They listened to the sounds of nature and held each other.

After a bit of silence Chris asked, "So what do I do now?"

"You don't have to do anything, really. He's still the father and the adult in this situation, so the onus is on him to want to fix it, not you as the son. But... If you want to, you could have a conversation with him at some point. Or not talk about the incident but just, you know, try harder. Model positive dialogue for him, see if he catches on and starts to talk to you with some respect."

When I'm ready, will you go with me?" Chris asked vulnerably.

"Absolutely. I will be right there by your side." He kissed the part of Chris's skin that was closest to him.

Chris sat all the way up and said, "How is it so hard and so easy with you?"

Charlie sat up as well. "I ask myself that often about you, about us." They kissed again, got dressed and went home.

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