The Real Kevin

By moc.loa@dreNAslieN

Published on Aug 14, 1999


DISCLAIMER: Not for people under the age of 18 years. Includes homoerotic material that may be unsuitable for some readers. This is a fictional story (how I hate to say it) involving celebrities. This story is in no way meant to imply or suggest the sexual orientation of anyone involved.

-------------- The Real Kevin -------------- by Neil e-mail me at

Part V ------

I turned and ran back to my bus, which was about 100 yards away. I heard Kevin call after me, but I didn't care. I got on the bus and took my seat. Surprisingly, I didn't shed one tear. Everyone else got on. Luke, another dancer, asked, "Why were you running?"

"I just wanted to. Gotta burn off some calories."

"And you don't do that during practice?" I just smiled, and he went to his seat. I started to think about everything. I knew how I felt about him. Or did I? I thought about how we met, how fast things had gone. I mean, we kissed the first night we met, and I gave him oral sex not 24 hours later. Why was I so anxious to go so fast with him? I realized that back then I was dating the Backstreet Boy, even though I hadn't thought so. But now I had my heart broken by a real person. And I still didn't cry.

The next few concerts were hell. I was finally a full-time dancer because I had learned all the routines and Mark had left. And of course, my dancing 'partner' was Kevin. I was supposed to dance behind or beside him as part of the routine. And I had to hand him his chair when the chair routine was up. Oh, I would've liked to give him his chair right upside his head. Whenever I would come onto stage, he would just look at me with sad eyes. I didn't care; I was here to do my job.


Kevin was crying, again. Howie says, "Look, you gotta get over this. Get over it or do something about it. Go talk to him."

Nick says, "Yeah, I hate to see you like this. You're driving everyone nuts." Brian punches him in the shoulder. Nothing Nick says in times like these comes out right.

"He won't talk to me. I can't call his room because there are other people in there. And I never get the chance to see him. And if I do, he just turns and walks away. How could I be so stupid!?"

Nick says, "I was in kinda the same situation with one of my old girlfriends back home. Just do something special for him. Something nobody else can do." -------------------

A show in Pittsburgh. I go out with two chairs. I hand Kevin his. He mouths, "Thank you" and feels my arm as I go by. The lights were down and the stage was backlit, so nobody could see it. I jerk my arm away and take my place behind him. I say quietly, "You're only making me more mad. Can't you just leave me alone and let me think? If we're over, we're over." He couldn't say anything; he had his headset microphone on.

The concert went as usual, except for some reason, the Boys had decided to mix up the order of the songs. After the last dance song, we dancers went backstage. I had seriously thought about approaching him after our little encounter, so I stayed backstage to think it out. I could still see them performing. After "I Want It That Way," Kevin took front and center stage.

"This next song goes out to my special someone. Someone I recently hurt. I know now that what I said was wrong. I'm in this thing for good." All the girls oooh'd and aaah'd. 'What the heck is he doing?' I thought.

Just then, the other Boys sang the line "Show me the meaning." Oh, crap. He wasn't even going to....

He did. He gave a solo performance of my theme song. Every last part. The others just sang in the chorus. It was actually the best performance he had given. Then I heard someone backstage, "Is he crying?" I ran over to a monitor set up backstage. He was! I gasped and covered my mouth. What have I done? "Is something wrong?" one of the stage managers asked.

"No, I just...remembered it's my dad's birthday." I had to cover it up.

"There's something missing in my....heart." The song was over. I went to Kevin's dressing room (this stadium had four dressing rooms; AJ and Howie had happily volunteered to share one), making sure no one saw me go in there. In a few minutes, he walked in and shut the door. He hadn't noticed me when he came in, but he did when he turned back around. We looked in each others' eyes. Then I started to cry. I ran up to him and weakly pounded his chest. I managed to say between sobs, "You KNEW that would get me back, didn't you? You knew it." My face was hot and red with a mix of anger, embrrassment, and anxiety. He wrapped his strong arms around me.

"Sssshhhh. Be quiet." Then he kissed my head. He hugged me tight, as if I would fall apart if he let go. I felt like I just might have.

"Oh God, I've missed you." I put my arms around him, and I tried to stop crying.

We stayed like that for minutes. Then the door opened. "Hey, Kev, where do you want to...oh." It was AJ. "I'll leave you two alone. We were just going to get something to eat." He shut the door.

"They must all hate me for ignoring you for so long." I finally said.

"No, they don't. They understand. After all, it's all my fault. I'm really sorry I said those things. I just wasn't used to not being around you. Not after our days at your house. After the incident, I really started to see that I really do love you. I hate not being with you." He pulled me away from his chest and looked back into my eyes. He leaned in closer and tilted his head slightly, but then he stopped. I still had my hands on his back; I moved them up to the back of his head. I pulled him in the rest of the way. When our lips met, I felt my heart flutter. I slowly opened my lips for his waiting tongue. It was a very slow and passionate kiss. One that I had missed for too long. He ran his hands down my arms; then we intertwined our fingers. He pulled my arms behind my back. He broke the kiss and put his forhead against mine. He started to cry now.

"Where do we go from here? I mean, it's going to be the same as before. We'll hardly see each other." I asked.

"I don't care. I want to make this work. I'll do anything for this to work. Oh, I just remembered." He moved away from me. "We have a day off tomorrow. We could...hang out, if you want."

"I have three practices tomorrow!"

"Three practices?"

"Hey, you guys hired the slave-driver, not me."

"I have an idea. Come here and put an arm around me and limp." I did just as he said.

Julie, the choreographer, and the rest of the dancers saw me come out of Kevin's room like that. "What happened?"

"Well, I just went to Kevin's room to tell him what a good job he did on that last song. Next thing I know, I tripped backwards and hurt my ankle." I faked a painful look.

"I'm going to take him to the hospital down the street." Kevin said. "It won't be a problem. I just don't think he'll be able to dance for a while."

"Well, you better get an x-ray. And get better soon. The understudy doesn't have all the routines down."

"Alright, Julie, alright. I'll do my best to get well soon."

When we were away from everyone, Kevin said, "How was that?"

"Perfect. I guess now we'll have to find something to do tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? I want to know what we're doing tonight." He smiled his big smile.

"Oh, come on. You have got to be joking me. There's no way. You have to be tired after that show. I know I am."

"That's not even what I meant. But I'm glad to see your interested." He received a fake slap in the face. "I know! The guys said they were going to eat. Let's catch up to them!"

We didn't find them in the stadium, so we figured they would have gone to a nearby restaurant. We eventually found them. I saw Howie see us through the window. He gave a big cheer. The others looked at us and smiled when we entered. We joined them and ordered our food.

"Well, I'm glad to see that's over." Nick said.

"Yeah, maybe Kevin will concentrate on something else for a change, like his clothes?" AJ added.

"Hey, what's wrong with this?" Kevin joked.

Brian said, "By the way cuz, great job on that song tonight. I've never heard you sing like that before."

"Yeah, that was great."

"Thanks. I guess that's the difference between just singing the lyrics and really feeling the words." Kevin looked at me and smiled.

"Oh, stop it. I'm going to hurl." Nick made a fake gagging noise, and we all laughed.

We had a great time that night. It felt like a high school reunion. The conversation didn't cease. We must've been there for at least two hours before we decided to go back to the hotel. I remembered that I had to be limping. Luckily, Howie had an ace bandage in his room that he wrapped around my foot. Everyone retired to their rooms, leaving Kevin and me out in the hall.

"Wow, I really missed those guys. But not as much as you." I grabbed him and kissed him. "I have to get to my room now. I'll see you tomorrow."

In the morning, Kevin showed up at my room. One of my roommates whispered, "I wonder why he's here? They never do this."

"Hey, Neil, how's your ankle?"

"Oh, just fine. Thanks for asking. And for taking me to the hospital."

"You're welcome. Hey, I was just wondering. Since we seemed to have a lot in common last night, would you like to spend the day with me? I mean, it's a lot better than sitting in this room. If your ankle will let you, that is?"

"Uuumm....well, yeah, I guess I can do it. I shot my roommates a confused look. "I have to warn you, I'll probably have to stop often."

"That's no problem. Want me to give you a few minutes to get ready?"

"Yeah, meet me in the lobby in five."

After he left, my roommates went ballistic.

"You lucky bastard! We have to go to practice, but no, you get to goof off all day."

After I got ready, I hobbled out of my room and into the elevator. I met Kevin in the lobby. And off we went. First we went to get some breakfast. Then we went shopping in a few stores. In one store, there was a big "IT'S KEVIN RICHARDSON!!" incident, but we got through it okay. He just had to sign a few autographs and pose for a couple pictures. For lunch, we got some sandwiches from a deli and ate in the park. Then he saw a leather shop he wanted to go to. I volunteered to stay outside. I went into a neighboring jewelry store. In it, I saw a charm that was a music note and a heart together. I knew I had to get it for him. I also purchased an 'N' charm for myself. I put them into another one of my bags so he wouldn't see. He soon joined me outside.

"Well, what else can we do?" Kevin asks.

"I think the heat is getting to me. I'm actually getting pretty tired. Let's just go back to the hotel."


We went to the hotel and got in the elevator. Just then, I had an idea. I pushed the button for the top floor. Kevin noticed and said, "That's not either of our floors."

"I know. Just follow me."

We stepped out of the elevator. I quickly found the stairwell, and we went up onto the roof. "Isn't the view great up here?"

"I thought the heat was getting to you."

"I figured I should at least have you alone for a few minutes. Here, I have something for you."

"For me?"

I pulled out the little jewelry box and gave it to him. He slowly opened it. "Oh, wow! I love this! Thank you so much!" He hugged me. "I'm going to put it on right now." He removed his chain and put the charm on. He was having trouble getting the chain back on, so I helped. I stood behind him and connected the chain. Then I put my hands on his chest and hugged him from behind. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too." He turned around and hugged me again. Then we heard some strange noises from across the roof. It sounded like thumping and clicking. "Must be the ventilation" I say.

"Hey, Neil."


"You wanna...come back to my room?"

After a moment of silence: "Yes, I do."

We walk into the door and throw our bags down. After closing and locking the door, Kevin walks up to me and puts a hand on the side of my face. He then slides his fingertips across my mouth, tickling my lips. I take a step closer to him and kiss him. We kiss for minutes. Then he takes my hand and leads me to his bed. We both lay down. He then straddles me. He starts to unbutton my shirt. When he gets it off, he removes his t-shirt. He lays down on top of me and kisses me. My hands feel every part of his back. I move them to the front to unbutton his jeans. I slide them down as far as I can, then he takes them off. He also removes my pants.

He lays back on top of me. He kisses my neck and ear. He kisses his way down my chest, stopping to lick my nipples. He slides his fingers under the elastic waistband of my underwear and slides them off of me. He immediately starts to lick the shaft of my 8-inch dick. He slowly puts it in his mouth the same way I did his so many weeks ago. He wraps his lips tightly around it, then moves his head up and down. He licks the head inside his mouth. It is wonderful. After just a few minutes, I tell him that I'm going to. He lets my cock out of his mouth and jerks me. My cum flies onto my stomach, chest, and neck. He then moves up my body with his mouth, licking all of it up. When he gets to my neck, he stops and bites it. It was a good pain. He kisses me again.

We kiss for about five minutes. Then I whisper to him, "I want you inside me." He looks at me. I roll him onto his back. I quickly take his cock into my mouth. I lubricate it with my saliva. When it is covered, I move up to sit on it. As the head enters, I wince in pain (this was my first time). Kevin shows concern. "I'm alright." I slowly sit further. When I go as far I can, I slowly move up and down. Then faster. His face turns from concern to delight. After a few minutes he says, "Let me take over." We move into a new position, him still inside me. I lay on my back at the edge of the bed; he stands. He moves his hips to fuck me slowly, then more quickly. Now the pain has stopped and it feels great. After a while, I feel his hot juices inside me. His body shakes mildly. When he is done, he pulls out and lays beside me. I turn on my side and put an arm over him.

"I love you, Neil."

"And I, you,Kevin."

It was the best day of my life. Little did I know it was going to lead to tragedy.

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 6

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