The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Mar 28, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

I really enjoy comments so please feel free to send feedback to and remember to support this site to keep stories like these coming by donating to "Oh, Mrs Standel, did you find Bobby's birth certificate? It's really important I have the original since he's still a minor." "Oh yes here it is.... now make sure your secretary doesn't leave it in the copy machine like his drivers license." "Oh no Mrs Stihl, I'll guard this with my life."

My dad got up after signing all the documents and extended his hand to Rick Stihl "Congratulations Mister Stihl, you are now the proud owner of a one hundred percent worthless teenager.....I hope he works out for you... he didn't do diddly squat for me." "Oh honey, don't be so mean.. you're going to miss him when he's gone." " Miss him?? Sweetheart, I'm shopping for a pool table to put in his room tomorrow!" "Oh my, you are so cold hearted honey!" "Awww honey, I'm just yanking your chain; of course I'm gonna miss the little surf rat. But don't forget Mister Stihl, the kid gets out of line, you got my notarized permission to smack him around some."

" Hopefully it won't have to come to that now will it Bobby?"

"No Sir Mr Stihl Sir"

"See there Mr Standel, sometimes it takes someone outside the family circle to set a young man on the right path. I think your son has a very bright future ahead of him and I have the resources to make sure he succeeds. Now if you'll excuse me, Jake and I have a flight to catch. Here's Bobby's itinerary for the week. Please don't be late for any appointments and here's my card with my pager number. Please only use it for dire emergency. It been a pleasure to meet you all and rest assured we will develop your son to his full potential."

"I don't know what to say except that I am so happy you found our Bobby on that beach that day. I just know everybody's going to know who our son is and what he's capable of doing. I could just hug the both of you, you're so handsome! I bet you two leave a lot of wet panties in your wake!"

"Mom!!! Are you kidding me??"

" Oh Bobby, can you blame me?? I mean, just look at them."

I wanted to tell her yes! yes! They make me wet as hell! And Jake, he fucking cums like a horse!

" Don't worry Bobby, you're going to make plenty of hearts beat faster too. Now stick to the itinerary exactly as it's laid out, I need to know I can trust you when I'm away on business. "

"Yes Sir Mr Stihl Sir."

We finished our goodbyes and the two studs were out the door and in the Lamborghini just like that.

I looked at the first item on the itinerary for tomorrow:

10am Thai Girl Nail and Spa What the fuck?? I'm a guy for crissakes!!

My mom was reading over my shoulder " You got booked at Thai Girl??? That place is ridiculously expensive and exclusive... much too much for my budget. Wow, he's really taking care of you." "Taking care of me??? What are they gonna do, give me a manicure and pedicure??" " Don't knock it Bobby, lots of men get those and they'll probably wax your eyebrows and chest hair. Take a look at all the young male models; they all look perfect. All I know is we would have to take out a second mortgage to afford one session, and look, he's got you booked there every other day. Hoowee, you must be getting the works!"

"Oh, whatever. I'm gonna take a nap. Don't wake me up unless the house is on fire."

" The Prince has spoken. So honey, when's his last day here? It can't be soon enough."

I skulked into my room and locked the door behind me. I stripped and looked at my beat up image in the mirror. The chastity cage on my cock was still there, no matter how hard I wished it away. I tugged at it, knowing it was a waste of time. Damn, at least I can take the butt plug out....Rick's out of town and he'll never know. It came out with an audible "pop" and I felt the gape it left momentarily, eventually closing up tight against my fingers. I thought about the other dildos lined up in my locker at Rick's mansion.... did he really expect me to work my way up through all of them? I grabbed a paper clip and laid down on my bed wearing nothing but the cock cage. I straightened out the clip and stuck it in the little brass padlock, hoping I could jimmy it open. Even though it was small, I could tell it was high quality and not just a cheap luggage lock. The monogram "RS" was stamped on it and I traced the recessed initials with my finger. " Rick Stihl you mother fucker.... did I really let you pull the wool over my parents eyes like that? If they only knew half the shit you did to me last night, they would have the cops over here in a minute. Nooooo, you smooth talking bullshitter.... instead, my old man is gladly signing my ass over to you and my mom is probably fantasizing about you and Jake in a threesome. Fuck, fuck. FUCK! I can't get this damn thing off! I cried myself to sleep as sun was going down.

Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap. TAP TAP TAP!! " Fuck Bobby are fucking deaf?? "Whhhaa, jeez fucking Russell... what time is it?" " It's fucking nine o'clock... what the fuck are you doing sleeping??" Russell had opened my window and crawled in to my room. I pulled the sheets to cover myself. "Caught you jacking off didn't I you fucking horndog?" "Fuck you Russell, go away! " No seriously bro, some shit went down with Reggie and his fag dad this morning and he wants us all to meet at his house now. Get fucking dressed and I'll fill you in on the way." "What??? Ok, ok. Turn around, I sleep in the nude." " Fuck bro, it's not like I haven't seen a boner before." " Russell, turn around you fucking homo!" " Ok, jeez ok, I'm not looking. It never bothered you in gym class before." I jumped out of bed towards my dresser with my hands covering the cage and quickly threw on some jockeys. " Fuck bro, what's with all the welts on your ass?" " What are you looking at my ass for you fucking homo?" " Sorry, I just glanced over at the mirror and couldn't help but notice. Your old man must of been pissed at something. You know you can call CPS on his ass for that shit" " Fuck you Russell, let's go" We crawled out the window and jumped in my Datsun and headed off to Reggie's.

" So you are not fucking going to believe what went down at Reggie's this morning while you were jacking off in your car. Amy Reagan's mom shows up at Reggie's house with a cop. She wants to press charges for us cumming in her daughter's fucking purse! Reggie said the cop had the purse in a ziploc bag and he swears his faggot old man popped a woodie when he smelled it! How fucking gay is that?? Anyways, Mr Andrews offers the lady a grand to replace the purse and drop the charges, and the fucking bitch holds out for FIVE! She said there was some expensive makeup and shit in there.... I believe it... that homely girl needs all the help she can get. So anyways, Reggie's cocksucking dad hands the bitch five grand CASH and she tells the fag thank you very much but I expect to see you discipline your son; after all he's the one who instigated the whole disgusting deed. So the old man tells her I'll deal with my son in private, and believe me he will be disciplined. So the bitch and the cop leave, she's got a wad of cash and the cop's got a purse full of wads hahaha. So fucking Reggie tells his cocksucking dad, so why didn't you ask for the purse dad? You paid enough for it.... and I saw you getting off smelling all that jizz.

So the old man loads up like he's gonna smack Reggie and Reggie tells him to fuck off I know what you do in the bushes at Black's Beach you faggot!! Reggie said the old man was in shock... he had no fucking idea Reggie knew he was queer. So Reggie proceeds to tell him how he saw the old man's car parked at the glider port one day while returning from an early morning surf session and how he decided to go back to the beach to try to find his dad. He thought maybe he's just going through a phase after the divorce and just wants to let it all hang out in the nude. He walked the entire length of the beach but no sign of the old man. Reggie had heard rumors about the North end of the beach being a gay hangout......shit, the old man's been divorced for awhile.... maybe he's just looking for a little relief, you know " any port in a storm". So Reggie goes into the bushes and he said there were faggots all over the place fucking and sucking like there was no tomorrow. And then he spots his dad, getting spitroasted from both ends. Reggie said he lost it and ran out of there as fast as he could. So anyways, Reggie's dad gets all pissy and says he's going out to cool off and he wants Reggie to be gone when he gets back. He's kicking his own son out of the fucking house!"

"So Russell, why the fuck are we going to Reggie's house?"

" I don't know, Reggie didn't give me any details but he said to make sure I brought you along."

I don't like the sound of that I thought to myself. We pulled up to Reggie's and he was in full party mode.

"Woohoo, pretty boy finally decides to grace us with his presence. Look everybody, Mr GQ is finally here, I didn't think you slummed with peons like us now that you have a big modeling contract."

I turned to give Russell an evil stare " You fucking promised to keep it a secret!"

" Ahh lay off Russell will ya Bobby... I grilled him pretty hard since I saw you at Black's arguing with that dude at the base of the cliffs. I've seen him down there before talking to young guys so I figured he was some kind of perverted sugar daddy or something. Congratulations on your fucking modeling contract. Can ya see if they need someone with a big package to model jockeys? Cause I'm your man." Reggie grabbed his crotch and then traced the outline of his big dick on his 501s, showing off as usual.

"So, now that we're all here, let me tell you what I have in store for my cocksucking daddy when he gets home Yeah, you heard that right. Ever since the divorce, I've been hearing rumors that my dad is gay. Well, I found out he's not gay, he's a fucking cocksucker! I saw him in the bushes at Black's Beach on his knees, getting fucked from both ends at the same time. Now every time I surf Black's, I check if his car is there and then I sneak around in the bushes and take Polaroids of him being a total slut. Look! I got two albums full of pictutes!"

My face suddenly flushed and I felt sick to my stomach. With all that time in the bushes, Reggie had to have seen me at least a couple times. I wonder if he had an album filled with Polaroids of my escapades.

"So anyways, I got pissed when he payed that bitch Amy Reagan's mom five grand for the fucking purse we jacked off into and I told him I knew he was a cocksucker and he ran out of the house like a bitch and told me to pack up my shit, he kicked me out of the house! So he probably sucked cocks all day at the beach and then hit the gay bar to suck some more. He'll come home all fucked up, go up to his room, pack his homo ass with dildos, jack off onto his belly thinking about all the cocks he sucked and then pass out. He'll be too afraid to face me, so he'll probably think I'm banging some bitch in the basement or jacking off with you clowns. Only, he doesn't know I found these". Reggie held up a pair of authentic stainless steel handcuffs. " We're gonna cuff him to the bed, and then one by one, we're gonna all take turns jacking our loads on him."

I instinctively touched the cockcage through my jeans. I gotta fucking get out of here now!

" And Ronnie here volunteered to videotape the whole thing, didn't you Ronnie?" Ron Hill looked like he was traumatized by Reggie's taunting the night before. "Sure thing Reggie" " Maybe if you smell all that cum, you'll be able to shoot another epic load like last night haha!" Ron's face turned three shades of red " Aww Ronnie, I'm just fucking with you. Just remember to take the lens cap off dickweed."

"So let's party on till the fag gets home and then it's show time."

Reggie lit a joint and passed it around while MTV videos blared from the TV. He opened the fridge and started flinging cans of beer to everone. " Think fast motherfuckers!" Ron Hill dropped his and it hit the floor in a spray of foam. " Don't worry bro, I'll make the old man lick it up when he gets home. Hey! Where the fuck do you think you're going pretty boy??" "Shit Reggie, I don't feel good about this at all, and damn, your dad's really not a dick." " A dick? I never said he was a dick.... I said he SUCKS dicks. Anyways, I heard some bitch gave you a bad case of blue balls last night and I'm going to make you throw out the first pitch tonight. Think you're up for that?" I could feel the cockcage constriction like a monstrous hand on dick. I would just die if they all saw it. " No Reggie, I have responsibilities now and I can't afford to get into any trouble and risk my career."

" Suit yourself Mr GQ, but personally I think your agent's probably a homo and he'll probably fire you if you don't let him fuck you."

Oh my gawd if you only knew Reggie!! My cock was starting to strain against the cage as it twitched thinking of Rick bending me over.

" Ok, I'll catch you guys later"

"Later loser! If you can't join us beat it haha!"

Fuck, that was too close for comfort. What would Reggie do if he saw my cock locked up in a cage? Shit, he'd probably cuff me and piss all over me. He's such a mean prick!

I fired up the old Datsun and looked over my shoulder to back up when WHAT THE FUCK?

Mr Andrews pulled into the driveway right behind me blocking me in. Dammit! Oh shit, that's his car but some huge black guy just stepped out of the driver's side and he's walking around to open the passenger door. Holy Shit! It's Reggie's dad and he's fucking hammered! The big black dude it's trying to help him out.

" Bobby? Bobby Standel ? Ish dat you?? Whhhaa Whhhaa you doing my house? Immm ssssorry I'm kinda uuurp drunk"

"Bobby? Oh shit Bobby, you know this man?"

"Chester? Chester from the Brass Rail? Holy shit! I gotta get home, can you back up and let me out?"

"Sure thing kid, just watch this guy so he doesn't fall and hurt himself."

" Chheeeesterr? How da fuuuck you know Chhhheesterrr Bbbbobby? He's got a bbbigh know all the bbblack gguys have bbbigh uurrpph fknnn cocks. Yyyouu knnnow uurph whhat they sssay?? Fuuckk me neither... he's got bbbigh ffffknn cock. "

" Alright Bobby, you're clear to back up. You stay safe and I'll be seeing you real soon." " I hope so!" Damn, the cock cage was killing me... just picturing Chester big cock was making me hard.

"Hey Chester, thanks for taking care of Mr Andrews. Can you make sure he gets into his bed ok?

"Ffffucckk Bbbobby, Chheeessssterrr gonna uuurrphh fffuuucckk me al nnnnight llllong"

" Sure thing Bobby, and don't forget we have a session on Tuesday... don't be late!"

Session on Tuesday? Hmmm, I better check my itinerary carefully, don't wanna miss that one for sure!!

To be continued......

Next: Chapter 15

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