The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Aug 21, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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He's baaaack!! Thank you all so much for your encouragement to continue the series. I can't believe Bobby's hung on to his cherry through 17 chapters, but that is about to come to an end as the Alpha males begin to close in on the twink's last shred of innocence.

"Well surfer boy, wasn't that the best five hundred bucks you ever spent?? " Reggie was grinning and wagging his glistening flaccid cock at Erik the twink whose battered hole I had just licked clean of the bully's load.

"I've had better" the young blonde twink spat back defiantly.

"Haha, just wait you little bitch. Someday you'll be old and pathetic and you'll be begging me for a taste. And YOU, little innocent Bobby Standel... He pointed his thick semi at me " You've been lusting after my dick since we were kids. Once that little cherry of yours is busted, I'm gonna make all your dreams come true! Whattya think about that, hmmm?"

I swallowed hard, the taste of Reggie's semen acrid in my mouth. This bully has been tormenting me since grade school, and now he knows ALL my secrets.

"Speechless Bobby? I'm not surprised...I tend to have that effect on all you little faggots. But don't worry, you'll be screaming my name in pleasure after Rick Stihl hands your ass over to me. Just like your little blonde tramp friend....isn't that right Erik??"

"Fuck you Reggie... you're such a fucking prick!"

"Yeah I know.... that's why you faggots can't get enough of me. Now if you two homos don't mind, I'm going to grab that cash out of blondie's locker and then I'm going to take Bobby's ex girlfriend out on a date she will never forget"

"Yyyyou can't do that Reggie; we're not broken up!"

"Yeah?? You think she's gonna wanna kiss your dick sucking mouth after she's been with a stud like me??? Don't worry though, your dirty little secret is safe with me...... for now haha"

My ears were burning and I felt completely humiliated and on the verge of tears.

Reggie threw a muscular arm around my shoulder " Don't worry little buddy, Erik's gonna head back down to the beach and fuck and suck strangers in the bushes until he's numb and you and my old man will have the place to yourselves. He can catch you up on family history and who knows, maybe you can suck him off since you're the new bottom feeder around here haha"

Reggie shimmied on his Hang Ten surf trunks, making a show of stuffing his big schlong back in. " Awwww, don't look so sad you pussies.... I'll be sure Bobby's girlfriend takes good care of it hahaha! See you later losers!!"

" Fuck that asshole.... I'm going to catch some evening glass!" Eric grabbed his surfboard, draped a towel around his neck, hung his OP board shorts on his board and strode out the gate butt naked towards Black's Beach. He turned to yell at me " Don't follow me you fucking rookie or Rick will kick your ass and mine... fucking no joke!"

I flashed on Rick Stihl manhandling that drunk he caught face fucking me in the Brass Rail toilet stall weeks ago and shuddered involuntarily. " Don't worry about me you fucking cum dump.... I'm saving my cherry for Prince Charming hahaha!"

Erik just showed me the back of his hand and strode off... his firm ass cheeks rising and falling as he strutted down the trail towards the gay end of the beach. He's a cocky fucker but damn, that ass looks good enough to eat (again!).

Now what?? Reggie's dad is nowhere in sight and I'm standing here with my junk locked up tighter than Fort Knox and a butt plug big as a fist jammed up my virgin mancunt, all alone. Fuck it! I'm gonna do laps in this beautiful pool until I'm ready to collapse! I grabbes the base of the plug, squatted and tugged on it until it pulled free with an audible pop. I reached around and fingered my ring, squeezing down like the little Thai shemale taught me. Fuck yes! I'm gonna please Rick with that technique for sure. I flashed on that moment we first met in the bushes on the beach. I could almost feel his thick fingers probing me now! Fuck! How did he know I was still a virgin and how did he know how badly I wanted to fuck him that day! And then he fucking slapped me!! And I took it!! Fuck! He owned me at that moment and he owns me now! I snapped out of my daydream and dropped the dildo on a lounger, spying my speedos in the process. I quickly put them on, as if they offered some degree of modesty. I ran to the deep end of the pool and dove in, the cool water refreshing to my body and mind. I began swimming laps, mindlessly switching strokes as I lost track of how many laps I had done. Exhausted, I dragged myself over to the lounger and collapsed on my belly. I immediately fell asleep and began dreaming the wildest dreams...... I was being fucked by an endless line of men.... the drunk at the Brass Rail, hunky Jake the bartender, Dick Del Rio the porn producer, Chester the bouncer, the fucking Samurai from the elevator mural!!

Reggie was grinning like the devil, slapping my face with his cock while his dad tried to plow my ass with his modest six incher. "Hey Mr Andrews, what the fuck are you doing??!!" I woke up shivering, my speedos down around my ankles. I reached down and felt the butt plug firmly lodged in my ass. "I'm sorry Bobby, you had fallen asleep with the plug next to you and I didn't want to see you punished for having it out. You must have been having one hell of a vivid dream, because you were moaning and grinding so much I had a heck of a time getting it back into your tight hole. Mr Stihl would be pissed if he found out we were lax about the rules." " I just needed a break Mr Andrews, and how's he gonna find out anyway unless YOU tell him?"

" Please Bobby, call me Randy and no, I wouldn't tell him but you will learn soon enough, Rick Stihl has eyes on you at ALL times! Oh hey! Stevie! When you finish with that; please be a dear and bring us a couple of terry robes and some brandy would you? I'm about to freeze my nuts off! Ahh thanks Stevie, you're a sweetheart."

Stevie was standing in the darkness as the evening fog began to roll in. Armed with a long lighter, he was lighting all the tiki torches along the perimeter of the pool deck area.

"Give me just a minute Mr Andrews."

" You're my hero Stevie, and for the hundredth time, please call me Randy."

" I love that boy.... he's a hopeless romantic, not a cock whore like you and me right Bobby?? I saw you two making out in the know he was falling for you and then that prick of a son of mine Randy had to be the Alpha as usual. I'm so sorry we dragged you into this."

"Wwwwait a minute Randy.... what do you mean YOU dragged me into this???"

" Oh good, Stevie, just in time.... care to join us?"

" Oh no Mr Andrews, I mean Randy. I really shouldn't be drinking on the job."

" Oh I see, that didn't seem to stop you earlier today haha. You and Bobby were having a good ole time weren't you??"

Stevie gave me a quick glance and then looked down at his feet. " I'm sorry, that won't happen again."

"Oh lighten up for fucks sake Stevie, you're still a kid. Anyways, your secret's safe with us, right Bobby? We'll be right here if you change your mind ok?"

" So, Bobby Standel... where do I begin? You're sixteen right? Well, that's how old I was when I met Rick Stihl and his buddies on a beach in Mexico. I had knocked up Reggie's mom when I was just fifteen and she was a senior in high school. We had moved in with her parents but we had a big blowout fight and I ran off to surf Mexico by myself and sort things out. I surfed every day and camped on the beach. Some days would go by where I wouldn't see a single soul, not even a fisherman. And then one late afternoon as I came out of the water after a particularly awesome surf session, I spotted the Three Amigos sitting at my campsite. You wouldn't have recognized them back then, we were all so young, but there sat Chester Morgan, Dick Del Rio and Rick Stihl. Dick was the oldest of the three....probably late twenties. He had long jet black hair and a Fu Manchu that made him look like a bare chested Pancho Villa with a fat chorizo packed tightly into his cutoff Levi's. Chester was a tall skinny fifteen year old black kid with an anaconda in his shorts and Rick Stihl, although still a teenager, looked like the Marlboro Man. They had taken the liberty of setting up a camp stove and had meat and a pot of beans cooking when I walked up and put my surfboard down. "Hey amigo, you look like you're starving, here have a burrito." Rick handed me a burrito and a cold Tecate beer and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. We ate and drank and smoked weed and became instant friends. They were so curious why a sixteen year old would be out here all alone in the wilds of Mexico. I spilled my guts about having a baby and no job and no money and no future. They told me that they were successful businessmen and that they could get me back on my feet and get my baby and my girl back in no time. Dick was already famous in Mexico and internationally and Rick had business connections worldwide that would ensure that we all made money. They showed me a couple of magazine ads with Rick and said he's been in a couple of TV commercials as well. They asked me how far would I be willing to go to make the team successful. I said I'd do anything. " Anything?" Yeah, anything! Rick said they would give me a paid audition and if I pass, they'll give me cash tonight and come back tomorrow with a film crew. So what do you want me to do? " Suck each of our cocks and we'll give you $20 per load" What??? "Cmon Randy, look, your dick is hard as a rock and you're broke as fuck. We're not going to give you a second chance.... it's now or never" So I took them up on their offer and made $100 cash that night... five loads... do the math. They returned to the beach the next day with a film crew as promised. " Guess what cocksucker, you passed the audition!" We filmed on that deserted beach in Mexico for two weeks and just like that, I became a reluctant pornstar. I found out later that Dick Del Rio was not only a legendary gay Top pornstar, but the most sought after director and producer in the industry. And Rick Stihl with his rugged good looks and charm was already rubbing elbows with the rich and famous and powerful movers and shakers of the world. True to their word, they got my baby Reggie back and Rick was the best man at my wedding. My wife never knew what I really did for a living, just that I was constantly traveling. Rick became more involved in Reggie's life and always told him one day he'll be a partner in the company. I was grateful for what Rick provided for me and the family until the day Rick asked me for the unthinkable. A Russian tycoon Rick had been doing business with asked Rick if he could procure a teen virgin boy. The guy was filthy rich and had money to burn and a penchant for virgins. Rick showed him some photographs of Reggie surfing and posing on the beach and then threw out a preposterous figure, expecting the fucker to politely decline. Rick fell out of his chair when the bastard said yes. " Randy, just think we can all retire off this one deal" I hemmed and hawed and finally said it's Reggie's decision and that's that. " I'll talk to the boy Randy, and if he says no I'll honor his decision" Well, fuck if he didn't say yes. We sent him off on a plane to Russia and he returned two months later, totally changed. He refused to talk about what happened and became sullen and distant. His grades at school began to suffer and he was constantly in trouble for fighting and bullying. Rick stepped in and got him set up with a tutor at the San Diego compound with the promise that if he got his High School diploma, Rick would make him a partner in the company. The deal with the Russian tycoon took care of us financially but it tore our family apart. The final straw was when Rick showed Reggie all my movies...... my son turned on me with a vengeance. I'm sure you've seen what he's capable of. So Bobby, now that you know my story, what do you think? "Just fucking wow Randy. That sure explains why Reggie became such a prick. I have to tell you something I saw when I was getting waxed at Thai Girl. She showed me an old porno mag with you sucking and fucking the three amigos; I swear I thought I was looking at Reggie for a minute. He must've flipped when he saw his own dad getting spitroasted by those studs!"

"Oh yeah, he was furious that his dad could be such a fag. He began to spend more and more time with Rick and started to take pleasure in humiliating me in front of his friends."

" Is he fucking Rick??" I don't know why I blurted that out.. I guess I was just jealous that he got to spend time with my heartthrob Rick Stihl.

Randy chuckled " Oh no Bobby. Rick apologized for what Reggie had to endure in Russia and said he would train him to be all Top just like his Uncle Rick. The kid has black belts in four different martial arts for fucks sake! No Bobby, my son is now a man's man and to prove it, Rick made him fuck me while Dick Del Rio directed the scene for posterity. So you want to know how you fit in to all this Bobby?"

" I think I already know but go ahead and tell me anyway."

"Rick has always been driven to diversify and grow the business and he's always had a sharp eye for spotting talent. You met Achara who used to be a boy. Rick "sold" his virginity to one of the wealthiest businessmen in Hong Kong and then turned him into one of the most popular trans actors in the world. And now she's the proud owner of her own beauty spa! Of course she still does favors for Rick and Dick Del Rio. So over the years, Rick and his team have perfected the process and he has scouts all over the world looking for talent. Reggie pointed you out as an excellent prospect and once Rick confirmed your virginity that day on the beach, it was game on! You took the bait and now Rick is in Budapest as we speak, meeting with movers and shakers and taking bids on your precious cherry."

" Well, what if I say no, what if I decide who I give my cherry to?"

"Don't be stupid Bobby! You signed a contract with Rick, and besides Reggie will make your life a living hell if you try to back out now. There's too much riding on your sweet ass to fuck this up. Don't you want to be set for life?? Rick takes care of his bitches. My house and cars are paid for and I got a fat retirement account. I don't even have to do porn if I don't want to, but still do to feed my nasty habits."

"So are you a partner in the company? Are you going to get a cut from Rick selling my cherry?"

" Oh hell no Bobby, bottoms like you and me and Erik can never be partners.. only Tops like Rick and Jake and Chester can. I'm proud to say Reggie will be one too.... as soon as your deal is sealed. He's been bragging for months now how is going to own your ass literally and figuratively."

" That's just great. He's probably fucking my soon to be ex girlfriend right now pretending she's me. I figured Jake to be a partner, with his good looks and Harvard education, but Chester? I thought he was just a bouncer."

"Oh no, Chester's much more than that Bobby. Besides training the new recruits, he also heads the security team which is a full time job in itself. He was just there the night you met him at the Brass Rail to make sure you were safe. Oh and by the way, he's still very much in demand for Big Black Cock scenes. I'm so jealous that you get to work with him all week long."

" So tell me Randy, when he brought you home drunk as a skunk when I saw you two the other night, what happened??"

" Well, I'm ashamed of myself but I was upset about how Reggie was distancing himself from me and I got pretty drunk and belligerent at the Brass Rail. Chester drove me home and that's when you saw me at my worst."

" Reggie told me what they were planning to do to you when you got home.... did they go through with it?"

" Oh yeah... they handcuffed me to the bed and took turns fucking me from both ends... Reggie too. And they filmed the whole thing!"

" What was Chester doing? I thought he was going to protect you."

" Oh fuck no! Chester was cheering the boys on and laughing. And then he gave me the fucking of my life while the boys cheered him on. I was humiliated but loving it at the same time. Hey, speaking of Chester, it's getting late and you need to get your beauty sleep. But before you do, you need to help me unload all this baby batter I've been saving up just for this occasion."

" You want me to jack you off???"

" No, silly... I need you to suck me off and swallow my load... direct orders from Rick. He put me in chastity for weeks until today, so I'd have lots of protein for you. He wants you to know you are a bottom feeder and the lowest of the low. Now come on, watching you suck off Stevie and Erik and Reggie today has got me hornier than fuck!"

Randy threw open his terry robe, exposing his throbbing six inches of manhood. Precum was already oozing out of his broad mushroom tip and I did what has become so natural for me now. I grabbed hold of his cock by the base and licked the bead of clear fluid from his head. I watched as another bead of glistening fluid took its place. I daubed it with my tongue and pulled back, admiring the thick strand as it hung from the tip of my tongue to Randy's piss slit. He moaned as I easily engulfed his boner to the root. I held his balls with the tips of my fingers, feeling the heaviness of the semen they contained. I chuckled to myself as I realized I would be eating one of Reggie's potential siblings. I began a deliberate and steady pace and pressure that I knew would bring Randy relief but he pulled me by the hair and said "Take it easy bitch, I want to enjoy this." I went back to licking his cock, starting from his head and working my way down his shaft to his smooth hairless ball sac. He lifted his knees past his head, giving me easy access to his puckered asshole. I lightly tongued his rosebud as I squeezed his shaft and gathered more precum, coating the full length of his cock with the slippery goo.

" Oh fuck oh fuck Bobby, gawd that feels sooo fucking good! Fuck my ass with your tongue!"

I obliged, probing as deep as physically possible with my tongue. I ran my hands up his thighs and spread his cheeks for better access. I alternated between tongue fucking and ball licking as Randy moaned " Oh fuck my ass Bobby!"

I reached my hand up to Reggie's mouth and he sucked on my fingers, we both knew what he wanted. I probed his tight sphincter one last time with my tongue before replacing it with a wet finger. Randy moaned with delight as I added digits one at a time until my whole hand was in his ass. I took his cock in my mouth as I pressed on his prostate, urging his man milk to flow. I could taste the difference as semen began to seep out mixed with precum. My hand was starting to cramp from the awkward position, so I hit on a novel idea. I pulled my hand out even as Randy protested and tried to grip with his sphincter.

" Hold on, I think your going to like this"

I squatted and reached between my legs, tugging at the butt plug that Randy had just recently inserted as I slept. It popped out and I stuck it in my mouth, getting it nice and slippery.

"What are you doing Bobby?? I was so close!"

With his knees by his head and his ass in the air, Randy couldn't see what I was doing. I stood up with the saliva coated plug in my hand.

"Here Mr Andrews, suck on this!"

Randy greedily sucked on the plug, fresh from my asshole and mouth. " Mmmmm damn kid, you taste delicious! Here, now fuck me good!"

He handed me the plug and I jammed it home as he squealed with delight. I pistoned the dildo in and out of his eager ass and took his slimy cock once again deep into my throat. I took his hand and placed it on the dildo so he could continue to fuck himself while my hands were free to pinch his nipples and stroke his cock. I could tell he found his prostate because his juice became saltier and less viscous on my tongue. I applied more mouth pressure on his expanding cock and I could sense my reward was near.

"Oh fuck oh fuck Bobby take my load! Take it all!"

I didn't anticipate the sheer volume of salty goodness Randy ejaculated, and I nearly choked on his seed. I kept his cock between my lips, waiting for the pulses to slow to nothing before releasing his spent member. I swallowed the massive load with a gulp and examined his rapidly shrinking penis in my hand. There was still a trickle of white gold which I greedily slurped up like a strand of spaghetti. " Jeez Mr Andrews, saving for a rainy day??"

" For the last time, call me Randy, and it wasn't my choice to hold out that long. Rick wanted to make sure you had plenty of protein for your workout with Chester. " He stood up and bent over to take my plug out of his ass. " Here, open's my ass taste?

He shoved the plug in my mouth. " Mmmmm sweet Randy... your ass tastes like candy!"

" It's all in the diet... we're going to turn you into a real candy assed cocksucker Bobby! Now bend over and spread your cheeks... I believe this belongs to you." I bent at the waist, spread my legs wide and grabbed a cheek in each hand as Randy drove the spit soaked plug to the hilt. He gave my ass a sharp slap with the palm of his hand.

" You better get some sleep Bobby boy.... Chester's gonna give you all you can take and then some tomorrow.... give him a kiss for me!"

Dear readers: I'm not trying to be a prick tease. I honestly tried to get Bobby's virginity ripped away from him this chapter but the Randy and Reggie Andrews story had to be told.

I promise to get him laid next chapter!

Please, please comment or critique; I love to hear from you! Stay hard!

Next: Chapter 19

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