The Reluctant Pornstar

By jim.boski

Published on Oct 5, 2022


This story is purely fiction, although some elements are based on personal experience.

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Damn! I thought to myself as I trotted on the hard packed wet sand, Reggie's surfboard tucked under my arm. I almost fucked it all up..... I almost cost Rick Stihl and the Company potentially millions of dollars just by letting those two fags back there have their way with me. I got lost in the moment... I was thinking about my own damn pleasure with Phil's dick in my mouth and Donnie knocking on my back door. Thank goodness I flashed on Rick's sexy image just in time to protest and stop him from completing the mission. Fuck! If I hadn't made him stop right then, Reggie would have found me with my virginity ruined and nothing to show for it but some random stranger's worthless seed running down my thigh. I cringed imagining the rage he would have shown the two lovers and me. I wonder how well Reggie and Chester are " getting to know" those guys in the bushes anyway?? Even though they seemed nice and concerned for my well being, they probably would have just shot their loads in me and left me to deal with the consequences. At first, I felt a little sympathetic towards Phil and Donnie who were sure to get a beating from the two Alpha bullies, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought FUCK IT, they're getting exactly what they deserved!! I smiled to myself as I pictured those two faggots in their matching Speedos, cowering in front of Reggie and Chester.

Chester shook hands with Tony and the big Slav Andrey on his way out of the bush maze. " Good job boys! Give `em another half hour before you let these horn dogs back in." Chester indicated with his chin the crowd of cruisers milling about at a safe distance on the beach. " Looks like they all bought the Vice Squad illicit activity sweep story." " Hook line and sinker boss... I got a couple guys running around in there dressed like cops... they look like the real deal, radios and everything." " That's perfect Tony. I want you to have those fake cops pretend to arrest Phil and Donnie for indecent exposure and sodomy and have them brought to the Compound." " I like your thinking Boss... consider it done" " Now that you've got things under control here, I've got a Company asset that needs my full attention." The big black man turned and jogged down the beach towards the Compound.

" Which one do you want Reggie?" " You're the one with the biggest dick Terrance.... why don't you pick." " Well, you right there man.... I think I'm gonna go with my man Donnie here.... after all....dis bitch almost cost me a new house... didn't you Donnie?? You thought you were gonna fuck our boy Bobby's sweet pussy and now look at you... shakin your ass like you want Big T's meat all up in you..." Donnie was struggling against the wrist restraints and couldn't speak with his Speedos balled up his mouth. " Yeah, that sounded like a yes to me huh Reggie " Reggie was already pressing his spit lubed cock against Phil's exposed bunghole. " I'm gonna fill you up Phhhhil...hahahaha!" Phil screamed into the gag in his mouth as Reggie tore into his ass with no regard for Phil's comfort. Terrance spat on his growing erection, stroking it with his hand to its full impressive length. He slapped it against Donnie's backside several times, the head reaching the middle of Donnie's back. " Now listen here Donnie, I give you my dick, you gotta take the WHOLE thing.... none of this halfway shit. I got me a hot little Brazilian bitch only give me hand jobs cause she said I ruined her the one time I fucked her. It's hard finding pussy when you this big.. understand?" Terrance spat on Donnie's asscrack and spread his cheeks, watching the saliva drip between them. He reached down between the trembling man's legs and grabbed his penis, milking it for lube. " You're nice and wet Donnie, I take that as a yes since I can't understand a fucking word you're saying with your mouth full. Didn't your momma teach you that was rude?? Now once I'm in... there ain't no stopping... understand?" Terrance stroked his fat cock with Donnie's precum and then pressed his slick mushroom tip against the poor guy's tight ring. Pushing with all his might, the big black man could not budge the frightened man's sphincter open. " Relax man.... it's only gonna hurt for a little while." Terrance swatted Donnie's ass playfully a couple of times and then grabbed more lube from Donnie's semi erect penis. " You know my Brazilian bitch gotta bigger dick than you Donnie.... just sayin.... now relax and open up for Big T." Terrance pressed a lubed finger against Donnie's ring and poor guy was so tense, the big black man had to use force to bust in finally. " Damn! You a tight mother fucker Donnie! I bet Phil over here is your bitch and you the Top.. ain't that right? Reggie! Switch!! Let me fuck that bitch some and you open up this tight ass bitch." " Damn T, let me show you how to loosen up that cunt... Richie! Close up shot on this gape when I pull out." Richie brought his camera to within inches of Phil's ass as Reggie pulled his throbbing cock out, clear drool dripping off the end of his dick and Phil's cunt lip. " Fuck! Would you look at that gape!" Reggie exclaimed proudly " You could drive a Mack truck through that hole!" " Yeah? Well, I got a Peterbilt and I'm ramming it in... get out the way Reggie!" Richie focused the camera on Terrance's massive cock as he aimed it at Phil's gaping hole. The gape was big, but not big enough, as Terrance had to put his big hands on Phil's shoulders and push his hips with all his might to break through. Phil screamed into the Speedo as Terrance forced the entire length of his girthy cock into the poor man's colon. " Oh fuck yeah!! That's what I'm talking about!! I'm all up in this bitch!" Terrance rested his muscular chest on Phil's back, relishing the feeling of being balls deep inside the moaning man. Richie panned the camera over to Reggie, who was blowing on Donnie's ear as his wet erection rested between the shaking man's cheeks. He whispered into Donnie's ear " You really want this huh baby.... yeah... look... you're hard as a fucking rock! Yeah... look at all this juice baby..." Reggie tweaked Donnie's nipples with his fingers, slick with Donnie's precum and Donnie began to grind back against Reggie's cock. " Yeah baby... you getting this Richie? " Reggie indicated to the cameraman to get the point of entry shot. "Yeah baby... I know you want it.. it ain't rape if you want it baby... yeah that's it... fuck yeah.. you see this Big T? You just treat em like a delicate flower and they open right on up!" The two teens high fived each other as they stood side by side, balls deep in ass. Then the real fucking began. The two lovers could do nothing but take it as their assailants pounded away and Richie walked around the couplings, filming every possible angle of the carnage. At one point, the two lovers turned their heads to look at each other.... Donnie was grimacing in pain but Phil had the look of pure joy on his face. " Bitch just fucking came bro.... Did you get that Richie??" " Fuck yes T Man!! Phil just blew a massive load all over himself.... that's fucking awesome!! I had the perfect angle too!!" " Richie, better swing it over here, I'm about to give Donnie his money shot." Reggie long stroked his dick in and out of Donnie's mancunt, slowing down and turning to one side for Richie to get the best angle. Finally, Reggie pulled his meat all the way out, leaving a gaping hole which he proceeded to spatter with his white hot semen. " Oh fuuuuck yesss! Take my cum you dirty whore!!" Reggie shot spurt after spurt of cum into and around Donnie's twitching hole and when he was done, he plunged balls deep, driving his seed deep inside Donnie's guts. " Hell yeah Donnie, you're my bitch now... don't even think about fucking Bobby or anyone for that matter anymore. Now, if your boyfriend promises not to yell or bite my dick, I'm gonna take this gag out and let him taste your ass... how about that Phhhil?" Phil could only mumble through the material in his mouth but he nodded his head in the affirmative. " Yeah, just as I thought.... You're the slut in this relationship... well, now that you're in our club.. things are gonna get a lot kinkier for both of you." Reggie wiggled in between the tree branch Phil and Donnie were bound to and Phil's face, his semi limp dick slick with his cum and Donnie's ass juices slapping against Phil's forehead and nose. " Now I'm taking this gag out of your mouth Phil and you know what to do. You do anything else and I'm slapping you into next week... understood?" Phil looked up at Reggie, the look on his face a combination of fear and lust. He nodded his head up and down vigorously. " I thought so you little piggy" Reggie reached down and pulled the Speedos out of Phil's mouth. Phil kept his mouth open as Reggie dipped his cum covered penis, fresh from Donnie's hole into the young man's mouth. " Oh yeah Phil... you are nasty! How's your boyfriend's ass taste??" Mmmmmm was all Phil could manage as Reggie's erection began to expand with renewed life in Phil's throat. He looked amazed at the quick recovery the young surf stud made. " See fellas.. that's the beauty of fucking teenagers like me and Big T here... we're not just one and done.... Oh no... we keep going and going ... and cumming and cumming haha.. ain't that right T?" "You got that right surfer boy... let's see if we can make our dicks touch haha" Terrance said as he shoved his entire length into Phil. grinding his nappy pubes against his upturned ass. " How bout that Donnie?? You jealous cause we spit roasting your boyfriend like you was gonna do Bobby?? AND, your boyfriend just busted a nut from my big nigga dick?" Donnie looked over at his life partner.. his face just inches away. Phil's eyes were closed and he was moaning as Reggie fucked his throat in time with Terrance's anal assault. Was he moaning in pain or pleasure... or both?? Reggie pulled Phil by the hair " look at me bitch! You love it don't you?? " Donnie watched as his partner gazed into Reggie's eyes with lust and a smile on his wet lips. " Yessss!" was all he answered as he opened wide and took Reggie deep inside his abused throat. " I think you just lost your boyfriend Donnie... but don't be sad... your turn is next."

" Hey Richie... get a shot of me pulling outa Phil's ass.. yeah watch this.... real slow... almost there... just one more inch and then the head... fuck yes.. and now! Yeah, look at that fucking gape!! " The cameraman focused back and forth between Terrance's huge slick member and Phil's gaping hole and followed the big black man as he lined up behind Donnie's exposed backside, slick with Reggie's cumload. Terrance smacked his ass hard and said " Looks like you're ready for me now tough guy....I get done with you... you gonna think twice about fucking little twinks like Bobby... you almost cost me a new house." Terrance didn't try to ease his thick log in...he just held the fat head against Donnie's slick hole and pushed with all his might until the bound man's sphincter gave way, allowing Terrance to bottom out and grind his hips against the much smaller man. Donnie's feet momentarily left the ground as he screamed into the Speedo that was still firmly lodged in his mouth, his hands pressing on the branch his wrists were strapped to. Donnie turned his face back towards his lover for some sort of moral support during this most brutal rape but Phil appeared more interested in giving Reggie his second orgasm. Reggie sat back with his hands clasped behind his head and was content to let Phil be the aggressor. " What's the matter Donnie? I bet you didn't know what a slut your boyfriend could be." Phil momentarily made eye contact with Donnie while continuing to suck Reggie. " Hey cocksucker! Eyes up here! That's better... you're my bitch now Phhhhil...your boyfriend thinks he's versatile but in my world there's only Tops and Bottoms and with one of my loads in him and Big T about to give him another one, I'd say you both are A number one Bottoms. Now Donnie, if you promise not to bite or yell, I'll take that gag out and you two fags can share my load... how's that sound?" Totally defeated and demoralized and with Terrance having his way with his battered hole, Donnie nodded in the affirmative and opened his mouth as Reggie removed the balled up soggy Speedos and tossed them in the dirt. " Ok Phil, don't be a pig now, let your boyfriend suck on me awhile.... how you doing back there T?" Terrance had lifted Donnie by his legs like a wheelbarrow and his powerful thrusts were pushing Donnie and driving his throat forcefully onto Reggie's cock. " I'm about to dump a load in this bitch's pussy how bout you?" "You keep pushing him onto my dick like that, I'm gonna blow my second load down this cocksucker's throat." The two cocky teens spitroasted Donnie, with Reggie occasionally pulling his dick out to feed Phil's unadulterated cock lust. Terrance reached between Donnie's legs and pulled on his cock, milking a big strand of precum onto his his thick fingers. As Reggie pulled his cock out of Donnie's mouth to feed Phil, Terrance put his slimy fingers into Donnie's mouth who instinctively sucked on them. " Oh you are my bottom bitch now Donnie boy. You're wet as fuck and your little clitty is hard as a rock.... you want me to make you cum like I did your boyfriend?" "Yesshhh.. oh fuck yeshhh" Donnie moaned with Terrance's thick wet fingers fucking his mouth. " I thought so... well get ready baby... Big T gonna satisfy that craving." The big black teen made slow deliberate thrusts with his thick cock, pressing against Donnie's hot button. He reached under and palmed Donnie's twitching penis and balls and at that moment, Donnie moaned " Oh god I'm fucking cummmming!!" Donnie came hard, filling Terrance's huge palm with spurt after spurt of thick semen, some spilling through his fingers and onto the dirt at Donnie's feet. Terrance took the load and spread it all over Donnie's belly and chest and then tweaked each of Donnie's glazed nipples. " Damn you came a lot bitch! And you thought you were gonna fill up Bobby with that useless bitch jizz... Now Imma give you the real man juice!" Terrance began to fuck Donnie mercilessly and Reggie had to gag him with his cock to keep him from screaming bloody murder. " Oh fuuuuck imma fill you up bitch!!" At that same moment, Reggie pulled his cock away from the two lovers, stroking away like mad until he too came, filling their open mouths with his youthful jizz. The last few spurts Reggie let splash on their faces. " Now kiss and make up you two" Donnie and Phil, relieved that the worst of the ordeal appeared to be over and turned on by all that fresh semen, tongue kissed and traded Reggie's copious spunk back and forth until it was all gone. " You boys got a little more cleanup to do" Terrance said as he pushed Reggie aside and presented the lovers with his flaccid yet still impressive penis, covered in his and Reggie's loads fresh from Donnie's hole. Donnie and Phil licked the slimy juices off the young black buck's cock and he started to rise, anticipating round two. Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps and rustling of the brush from the trail leading to the grotto. Richie put down his camera " Hey guys... we got company! I'm outa here!"

" Fuck! Cops Reggie! Let's split!!! Reggie and Terrance grabbed their shorts and bolted through the brush after Richie, leaving the two lovers still strapped to the branch with their wet asses in the air and their faces covered in cum.

"Soooo, what have we here John?" " Looks like a couple of perverts to me Joe. They look pretty secure here, should we try to catch those other guys and circle back?" " Are you kidding me? The guy with the cameras had at least 50 yards on us and those juveniles looked like Olympic athletes... especially the big black one... radio it in."

As I lay face down on the massage table waiting for Chester and what would surely be a savage beating for risking my virginity on a couple of random fags.... I drifted off to sleep.

Hey readers! Your emails are what help fuel my imagination..... I haven't heard from anyone for weeks... is anyone still reading this stuff??

Stay hard my friends!

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