The Reunion

By moc.loa@gnoSniR

Published on Oct 26, 2000


Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure fiction. It is in no way meant to show that he members of 98 Degrees are homosexual. This is just a piece that I have had running around my head for a couple of weeks.

Rating: NC-17 for mm relations (and sex). Yeah, yeah, it's about time, I know. But, what can I say. I like to make you wait. Enjoy it!

Keep that feedback coming! I am loving every minute of it. Honestly, I never expected this story to be this long much less this in depth. But, what the hell! I am really enjoying myself with this one!

Oh, and one quick note <> these indicate private thoughts. I know, I didn't put them in before but I knew that there would probably be some confusion with it. So, here it is.


Chapter 6

"Hey!" Karen said, reaching across the table and smacking Matt on the arm. "You just got to the best part. Don't stop now."

"I don't think so," Matt laughed. "There are some things that are better left unsaid. Besides, we need to get back to the office. We have been gone for over an hour."

Karen sighed and picked up the tab and headed for the counter. "What's a woman to do? I can't get any from a man right now and my employees don't even want to share their sexual adventures with me."

"Oh, stop it. You are beginning to sound like one of the melodramatic queens who hasn't gotten laid in a week and thinks their life is over."

This got the two of them some surprised glances from the other patrons, which just caused both of them to start laughing as they walked out. Matt pondered his past as he and Karen walked back to the theater. < I do wonder what would have happened if I hadn't slept with him that night. Would we have even started seeing one another?>

Matt sat behind his desk and looked at the picture that Karen had left on the top of Matt's desk. Nick was such a beautiful man. Both in the physical sense as well as the emotional. He was, well in a word, Matt's perfect mate. That night after showing him the cliff side. Well, let's just say, that it was one night that Matt would never forget.

He and Nick walked back out to the car barely able to keep their hands off of each other. When they reached the road where they had left it, Nick tossed Matt the keys. "Here, you drive. You know the quickest way back you your house."

Matt caught that keys and just looked at Nick. "What makes you think that I want to take you back to my place?"

Nick didn't say anything at first, he just grinned and walked over to where Matt was standing. When he reached Matt, he reached down and placed his hand over the very prominent bulge in Matt's pants and squeezed gently, causing Matt to close his eyes and moan. "I think this is a good indication."

"Let's go," Matt said quickly, pulling away reluctantly and heading for the car. He drove the whole way to his house in a daze. He found he had to fight just to keep his eyes on the road and his hands on the wheel. He could see the outline of Nick's erection through that material of the jogging pants he was wearing. It was enough to drive him wild. His underwear was soaked, and to think that this was just from one kiss and a quick grope!

Matt pulled up in front of the house that he was renting, thankful that it sat back off of the main road in a lot by itself. It was an old, two-story, Victorian. It had been restored a few years previously by the woman that Matt now rented from. She had restored it and moved in but found it to be too large for her. As soon as Matt had seen it, he had signed the deed. This was the kind of house that he would kill for.

He led Nick up the stairs by his hand and unlocked the door. Which proved to be rather difficult for Matt because Nick insisted on kissing the back of his neck. One of the few spots on Matt's body that drove him wild with desire. With a growl he pushed the door open and pulled Nick inside. Not even bothering to re-lock the door, the just slammed it shut and headed for the stairs.

Matt started up the stairs and pulled of the t-shirt he was wearing. Nick smiled and reached for him. " until you lose that shirt you have one," Matt told him, skipping up a few more steps.

Nick said nothing, he only reached up and stripped off the red shirt and the white wife beater he was wearing underneath. "Done, now, come here."

"Catch me," Matt said, turning and dashing up the stairs. He could hear Nick gaining quickly on him. He reached the top and swung to the left and down the hall to his bedroom. He had just made it through the door when Nick caught up with him.

"Oof!" Was the only sound that Matt could make as Nick caught him and the momentum carried them both onto the bed. He was trying to catch his breath when Nick crushed their lips together in a searing kiss. Matt threw his arms around Nicks shoulders and began to explore the mans back with his hands until he reached the waistband of the pants Nick was wearing.

Breaking the kiss, Matt grinned and said, "Off. I want all of our clothes off! Now!"

"My, impatient aren't we?" Nick said, rising up and playing with the button of Matt's jeans. "How about you first?" He popped loose the button and slid the zipper down. As soon as he had it all the way down he slid his hand inside and began to rub Matt's erection through his briefs. Matt threw his head back and moaned. "Feel good?"

"Yesssss, God don't stop," Matt sighed. He lay there on the bed while Nick continued to rub. He was lost in the sensation when it stopped and before he could say anything he felt his pants being tugged down. He rose up off of the bed to make it easier and felt the bite of the cool air from the air conditioned room on the heat of his erect cock.

As he raised he head he saw Nick pop into view right on top of him. Nick captured his mouth with his own and began to kiss him deeply. Matt could feel the other mans erection rubbing against his. By now, both of them were leaking large amounts of precum and sweating heavily. Matt rolled Nick onto his back and began to kiss his way down his chest.

He nibbled on the neck for a bit then worked his way to the nipples. First the left one, swapping between sucking them strongly or gently nipping them with his teeth until they were as hard and erect has his cock was. Working his way down he looked up and saw Nick watching him with a look of total passion in his eyes. Stopping long enough to smile and wink up at him, Matt continued down until he found what he was hunting for.

Nick's cock was better than he imagined. He was cut, almost nine full inches long and just perfect. Matt stroked it gently, milking some more precum from the slit and then leaning in and gently licking it from the piss slit. He heard Nick gasped and the proceeded to start to take him into his mouth. He worked his way down until his nose came to rest in Nick's dark brown pubic hair.

He took a moment to take in the smell of him. It was a sharp musk with an underlying sweetness. Totally his own scent. He could smell the combination of sweat and precum. It was almost enough to drive him over the edge. He began moved back up the shaft and the began to work him in earnest. He felt place his hands on the nape of his neck and rest them there. He could hear the other man moaning loudly. He abruptly pulled off and began to kiss the shaft and work his was down to his balls. Once there he licked the sac clean of sweat and gently took them one at a time into his mouth and rolled them around. He could tell that Nick was getting close. He looked up and saw the other mans head was thrown back. He quickly released his balls and began to work Nicks cock again. Nick began to gasp and matt felt him tense up. It was not a moment later that he felt the first hot spray of cum hit the back of his throat. He swallowed rapidly, not wanting to miss a drop. He could hear Nick moaning and grunting wordlessly.

After Nick was finished cumming Matt came up for air only to have himself pulled on top of his partner. Nick pulled him down and kiss him hard and deep. "That was great!"

"Doesn't this thing ever go down?" Matt asked grinning while he reached down and pulled on Nicks still hard cock.

"Sometimes, you just have to do it right," Nick said, as he reached around and began to finger Matt's ass. "Let me inside you."

Matt just smiled and rolled off of him and laid on his back. "Come and get me."

Nick looked around and saw a bottle of lubricant sitting under the night stand. He reached for it and applied some to his finger. Matt pulled his legs up to give him easier access while Nick worked in one finger first and then a second one. He had just put in the third when Matt gasped, "Now! I want you!"

Not waiting a moment more, he applied a bit of the lube to his cock and began to slowly press himself against Matt's opening. Matt had other ideas. He reached up and grabbed Nick by the shoulders and then wrapped his legs around his midsection and pulled him in. They both cried out with the penetration.

They both just laid there for a moment. Then Nick began to move slowly. He pulled out and saw Matt wince a bit. When he stopped Matt opened his eyes and smiled. "It's been a long time for me. Don't worry."

"You are so tight," Nick said. "I'll go easy."

"No," Matt said, his eyes locking onto Nicks. "I want you to fuck me like you have never fucked anyone before. I want it hard and fast."

Nick smiled and began to move in and out. He started off slowly but began to pick up the pace and pressure as he felt Matt begin to loosen up. He gathered Matt into his arms and pulled him into a kiss. Matt gasped into his mouth and began to moan.

Matt bit his lip and threw his head back. He was in total ecstacy. He had never felt it like this. He knew that he wasn't going to last much longer. Without even saying anything to Nick he felt the other man wrap is hand around his cock and slowly pump him. That was all it took. Matt came with explosive force sending jet after jet of cum onto both of their chests and stomachs. No sooner did Matt start that Nick began to rapidly pump in and out of him and he began to shoot as well.

Both of them just lay there in each others arms for what seemed like forever when they heard the door open downstairs. "Hello? Nick, Matt, you here?" It was Laura.

Matt had just enough time to pull the covers over the two of them when the door to the bedroom opened. Jeff popped his head in a grinned. "Hey! Is this a private party or can anyone join in?"

"Get lost," Nick said, smiling down at Matt. They both heard Jeff laugh as he closed the door.

Matt jumped with the sound of the phone ringing bringing him back to reality. He was hard as a rock and he could feel the wetness of his underwear. <Great, nothing like trying to cum all over myself at work.> "Matt Richards. Yes, that's right. Yes, thank you."

Matt decided that it was time to get back to work. He put the picture back in the drawer and turned to his computer. He just sat there for a minute and then reached down and pulled the picture out again. He sighed to himself and turned and placed it on the credenza behind him next to the pictures of his sister and her three children, all smiles and sunshine and one of his parents, his father long since passed away but there none the less.

Next: Chapter 4

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