By Lionel

Published on Aug 11, 2024


This work of fiction, meant for adult readers, is part 2 of my earlier story, "The Ride Back." A very generous fellow author on Nifty, not only took the trouble to read part one of the story and said how much he liked it, but also came back with some valuable suggestions, chief of which was that I should write a follow-up as a sort of culmination to their chance encounter. So here it is my friend, with my grateful thanks.

Please read both parts of the story and write back with your comments and feedback, or just to say Hi. I would love to hear from you.

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Deep stood at the platform long after the departure of Raj's train. In the year since he had started his late-night cab service, he had had a few quickies with his male passengers in the front seat of his car. It had seldom been more than a mutual jacking off to let off steam. With Raj, however, it had been different. The chemistry between them had been electrifying from the word go and it had emboldened Deep to take the initiative. Parking his car in a tree-sheltered spot off the highway, they had made passionate love in the quiet stillness of pre-dawn. They had slept a few hours, cuddled in the back seat of the cab and Deep had felt secure and comforted in the warmth of the older man's embrace.

Now, standing alone on the platform, he felt incomplete, forlorn and sad at their parting. In the rush to catch Raj's train, they had had little time for anything more than a quick hug. How he missed the closeness of Raj's body next to his. Why had Raj not asked for his phone number or offered him his own? Would he ever get to meet him again? Granted, they lived in different cities, but a mere 350 kms wasn't the end of the world; if only he had the means of contacting him. With a dull ache in his heart, Deep walked slowly out of the station and towards his parked car.

He had been an only child and had lost his father when he was only six. His widowed mother had been left with a young child to care for and no financial backing. To look after their household needs and pay for his education, she had taken up work as a part time cook and worked from morning till evening in three different households. It was a struggle, but she somehow saw him through school and three years at a community college. After graduating, Deep applied for work and managed to get employment in an accountant's office. He was polite, well-mannered, and with his affable nature he soon became popular in the office. He was also good looking with a slim, well-toned body and he often got hit by other young men at the gym he went to in the evenings after work. But in a way he found difficult to explain, Deep always gravitated towards older men.

At 24, he already nurtured the ambition of working on his own and being his own boss. The following year, with the help of his mother's meagre savings and a bank loan, he bought a car. His boss agreed for him to work part time from two to six in the evening and he soon got used to the routine of working his taxi as a night time service, sleeping in the morning and going to work in the afternoon. And it was on one of his night shifts, that fate had decided his meeting with Raj, only to lose him just as soon.

Raj's train arrived on time and he was able to reach home for a quick shower and change before reporting to his office. Throughout his five hour train journey he kept re-living the experience in the cab. Deep's penetrating kisses, his beautiful, yielding body and the way he had clung on to Raj, wanting to love and be loved. After a long time, Raj himself had felt loved and wanted and he sensed a re-kindling of his old passions and a re-awakening of his zest for life. If only he now had Deep sitting next to him on the train. He could have kicked himself for not having asked Deep for his phone number or given him his own. Making a weekend trip back to be with him was easily arranged, but how was he to get in touch with him? The elation he had felt earlier was turning to disappointment, frustration and anger at himself.

It was already eight in the morning and luckily for him, Deep had had no more bookings that night. He decided to get home and get some sleep, before his afternoon shift at the office. He opened the driver's side of the car and almost jumped out of his skin as he saw a navy blue blazer lying neatly folded on the seat next to him. It was Raj's jacket which, in his rush to catch his train, he had forgotten to pick up along with his overnight bag. Deep collected the jacket and held it up to his face. He inhaled deeply and sniffed the heady masculine scent of Raj's body. He closed his eyes and felt Raj's presence sitting next to him. He was awakened rudely from this blissful reverie with the loud honking of the vehicle behind him asking him for a move on. He placed the blazer reverently back on the seat next to him and, still caught in a dreamy haze, he drove home.

He went up directly to his room carrying Raj's blazer with him, wondering how he was going to manage to return it to him. Before hanging it up in his clothes closet, out of habit, he instinctively checked the coat's pockets to check if Raj had not left behind anything there. The two front pockets and the side pocket were empty. He ran his fingers through the two inside pockets. The one on the right yielded nothing. Digging into the left inside pocket, he felt the hard edges of a small rectangular object. He pulled it out to find one of Raj's visiting cards which had the name and address of his firm, his own name and designation, and his office phone numbers. Deep could not believe his eyes at his discovery and let out a cry of joy. What a lucky find! He rushed to his phone to call the number, but stopped himself just in time realising that it was only half eight in the morning and not yet office opening hours. He held the card to his lips and gently kissed it before tucking it into his wallet. He could hardly wait to be reunited with his lover.

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