The Ride Home

By moc.oohay@000retirwysatnaf

Published on May 29, 2003


DISCLAIMER: If gay content, gay sex, kink, bondage, S&M or actual dialogue in a porn story offends you please don't read further. If it's illegal for you to read this story due to your age or location, either grow up or move before reading on. The names, events, circumstances, and locations in this story are all fictitious. It's fantasy, get it?

Copyright Notice: All rights reserved by the author with the exception of its use by Download it, copy it for your pleasure or whatever floats your boat, but you have no right to repost this or pass it on for commercial purposes.

The Ride Home, Part One By MC

At least the equipment was familiar. I settled in to a set of bench presses.

I used to think of culture shock as kind of exciting, recalling my visits to Europe and Asia. But I'd found that true culture shock is moving from Los Angeles to the mid-west.

Even with the A/C on my reps were making me drip with sweat. Put it down to what the locals called "ninety/ninety," meaning ninety degrees, ninety- percent humidity.

After transferring from Los Angeles to Indianapolis I told friends, I've traded earthquakes for tornadoes.' That and my condo off Santa Monica Blvd. for a place in the burbs.

One of the things I hadn't traded off was keeping in shape. I'd found a great gym a few miles from home and went there regularly. Unlike working out in LA, there were no lines for equipment, which meant you could really get in a good workout. Being hetero midwest it was better that way-you weren't expected to be cruising your fellow gym-members anyway.

I'd notched up the weight on my second set. Not as much as some of the big Midwestern boys around me. There were some truly magnificent specimens of the Midwest farmboy type who came to this gym. They looked like they could lift a tractor. I'd long ago figured I'd never be an "Ahnold" and was satisfied with maintaining my forty-four inch chest, thirty-one inch waist and sixteen inch arms. With dark blonde hair, blue-gray eyes and a dimpled smile I'd done just fine in the Los Angeles scene. Out here in the flatlands a thirty-something specimen like me turned the heads of both sexes, but discretion was a necessity of my work. Thank God for and the mere three-hour drive to Chicago for the occasional weekend. There was nobody special up there-hell, there'd been nobody special for me back in LA. I knew I was gay, comfortable with it even, but could never quite put it all together in a relationship. There always seemed to something missing, but it didn't keep me from trying.

My workout had evolved over many years in the gym. I was much more methodical now, using the best possible form and taking my time with each rep for a more thorough workout. As I was slowly lifting the bar towards the top of my ninth rep, a pair of hands came into view on the outside edges of the bar.

"Here, I'll spot you," came a voice from the owner of the hands.

With this much weight directly over my head I wasn't in the position for a conversation, so I just kept moving the bar, out to extension then back down towards my chest. As I started back up for my tenth and final rep my spotter leaned in a bit and I got a better view of who was talking.

In this position I was looking at the upside down face of a black kid, probably about sixteen years old. Maybe it was because of oxygen depletion from the lifting of the upside-down thing but it was kind of hard to tell if he was cute, plain or hideous. As I slowly lifted the bar towards the rack I felt the heat from his hands next to mine as he assisted me.

"Thanks," I offered, sitting up and turned around towards him.

"You're welcome," he replied.

"He," being a truly good-looking kid with light caramel colored skin, doe-eyes, long eyelashes and sensuous lips. He stood about five-foot-ten with a hundred-fifty pounds of lean muscle. "I couldn't tell if you were going slow on purpose or what," he added.

"I go slow on purpose. I'd rather have good form than massive weight," I replied, nodding in the direction of a fellow gym-goer literally swinging the weight like a pendulum trying to do bicep curls.

"That's what my trainer told me," he said. He seemed to look through my tank-top when he added, "Seems to work pretty good for you."

"Thanks," I replied. "Gotta' keep moving."

"Yeah, later."

Did I feel the heat from the workout or his eyes on me as I walked away? I wasn't going to go there. Not the time. Not the place. And definitely not the right age.

The rest of the workout went quickly. I was living in my head as usual. Trying not to think about that kid, the beefy farmboys, or the fact that I was heading into Memorial Day weekend without any plans.

Last rep of the last set and it was time to go. I felt good. Grabbed my sweat towel off the machine and headed out to my car. Some pretty ominous black clouds were a few miles off and I realized I'd have to step it up if I wanted to avoid the damaging hail that came with living here in tornado alley.

"Hey, can I ask you a favor?"

I looked up from unlocking my car door and there was that kid-standing at the passenger door wearing a backpack. "Sure, what?"

"I only live a few miles from here and it looks like it's going to get ugly real quick," the kid said, pointing at the oncoming weather.

"Okay, but you'll have to give me directions. I'm pretty new here and I only know how to get to work, the grocery store, and Chicago," I replied.

"And the gym," the kid added, smiling at me. I unlocked the doors and we both got in.

"Nice ride. Mr. ?," he asked as we drove out of the parking lot.

"Gene," I said, filling in the blank. "And you are?" I added, extending my hand.

"Carter. Carter Woods," he answered and grabbed my hand in a firm handshake.

"Nice to meet you, Carter."

"This is a Firehawk, isn't it?" he asked.

"Very good," I replied. "Most guys know it's a Firebird but very few know what a Firehawk is.

"The power of a Vette without the disco flash of a Trans Am,"

Carter said, smiling.

"I see you read the reviews."

"Of course man, I love powerful cars," Carter replied, turning the smile up another 100 watts. "You ever race it?"

"No," I smiled back. "Those black and white cars with the funny lights on top don't really like it if I do."

Carter laughed in response.

"But I have driven to Chicago in under three hours a few times." "All right!" Carter's smile was almost blinding me.

And so the trip to Carter's house went. Idle chit- chat about cars segued into a short Carter bio. He was sixteen, attended the prestigious St. Mark's Academy where he was an academic allstar. His intelligence and command of language would've been impressive on a grownup, on him it was as spectacular as the smile. I caught a few glimpses of some nicely formed perfectly smooth pecs through the side openings of his loose-fitting tanktop as we drove along.

We pulled up to a stop sign and Carter rolled down the passengerside window.

"Hey Darren!" he yelled out.

I looked to the right and saw a blond-haired boy about Carter's age and size wearing a St. Mark's jacket come walking over to the car.

"Cool car, huh?" Carter said, a note of possession in his voice.

"Very cool," Darren replied as he walked up. If there'd been a beach nearby Darren would've looked entirely appropriate carrying a surfboard. The complete fantasy would've included him wearing a Speedo.

"This is my friend Gene," Carter said.

"Nice to meet you," Darren said, waving.


"You are coming over later, right?" Carter said, a demanding tone in his voice.

"Yeah. I mean, yes, Carter," Darren replied, like a private responding to a sergeant.

"Good boy," Carter said, rolling up his window, and turning towards me. "We should get going, it looks like it's about to rain or worse."

"Uh, yeah. okay," I replied, noting the change in Carter's tone.

We waved our goodbyes and took off. A few more turns and we pulled up to the driveway of his home just as the hail started.

"Can't let this baby get hit by that," Carter said, pulling a keychain with a small fob on it out of his backpack. He pointed it at the garage door and it opened, revealing an open slot next to an older Honda. "Pull it in."

Not wanting my shiny toy to get damaged I pulled into the safe dry garage.

"Thanks, I owe you one," I said, looking out at the dime-sized hail coming down.

"I'll let you pay me back later," he replied, his smile a bit devilish. "Come on in."

I got out of the car and followed Carter into the house. Inside was typical Midwest. Too traditional for me. Pleasant in the manner of a dentist's waiting room.

"Want something to drink? Water? Juice? Milk? Beer?" Carter asked

"A beer sounds pretty good actually," I replied, then added, "Are you sure this is okay?"

"So long as you follow the rules," he replied, laughing. "My parents are in Chicago until next Tuesday. I get to make the rules now."

"Okay, I'll be good," I said, playing along with the joke.

"Good b..." Carter cut himself off, then added firmly, "Good."

Carter went to the refrigerator and I heard the pop as a can was opened. A few moments later he turned around, went to the cupboard, got a glass and poured the beer into it.

"Thanks," I said, as he handed me my drink.

I took a deep swallow. There's nothing like a cold beer after a hard workout.

"You ever drink?"

"No. I don't like to be out of control," Carter replied. "So what are you doing this weekend?"

"Nothing planned actually. I haven't been here long enough to get in the loop of things," I said, taking another healthy swallow of beer.

"I can't believe a guy like you isn't going to party the weekend away," Carter replied.

"Hey, I'm not the teenager whose parents are out of town and has the perfect opportunity for a party."

"Not my style," Carter replied evenly. "But it sounds like you've been there?"

"Once, when I was seventeen. It was a disaster. It was the weekend I learned to paint and plaster."

"Huh?" Carter asked.

"When your best friend puts his fist through the wall you either fix it yourself or face the consequences. By the time my parents got home the whole living room was repainted because I couldn't match the paint. They gave me fifty bucks for being such a good kid."

"Outrageous," Carter laughed. "Did they ever figure it out?"

"Years later I was having a few too many beers with my Dad and told him. He already knew. Told me my punishment was feeling guilty all those years."

"Yeah, my Dad's sly that way too," Carter said.

I'd had half a beer by now but it felt like half a six-pack. I was feeling flush and a bit tipsy.

"Seriously, do you think that being gay and stuck in this town is why you don't have anything to do?" Carter asked, looking directly into my eyes.

It felt just like the time Tommy had sucker-punched me in the nose in the Junior High bathroom. A cloud of black enveloped my head for a moment.

"Hey, it's okay. Cool even," Carter said, seeing my reaction.

"I'm not..." I started to reply.

"Bullshit," Carter cut me off. "I've seen you in the gym ever since you moved here. You don't look at tits and when you look at ass it's on a guy not a girl."

"I. I... " My head was really swimming now. "Seen me in the gym?" was all I could manage in further reply.

"You're hard not to notice," Carter said, reaching out and brushing his hand over my left nipple.

"Hey," I said, stepping back out his reach. "What do you want?" "You of course."

"Not gonna happen," I replied.

"What, too young for you?" Carter leered at me.

"That's one good reason." I replied, setting the almost empty glass of beer on the counter. "I better get going."

"No." Carter said, evenly, stepping between the garage door and me.

I started to lift my hands towards Carter to move him aside. "Don't do that." Carter said.

"I really should go," I insisted.

"No, I'm telling you. Don't go," Carter said firmly. "Look, it's like this. You need to do what I tell you."


"See, all I have to do is pick up this phone and make a call," Carter said, then mimicked his phone conversation. " `Hello. Yeah, this guy gave me a ride home then forced his way into the house and touched me and made me do stuff.' They'd lock your ass up quicker than that car of yours gets to sixty."

"What the fuck?" I yelled.

Before I could tell what was happening I felt Carter's right hand hit my chest push me back against the wall, hard.

As he leaned into me he said in a low voice, "Don't you ever yell at me again, do you hear me?"

"Sorry," I replied.

Carter's left hand came across my right cheek just as quickly.

My ears were ringing from the blow.

"That's `Sorry, Sir' boy!"

"I'm sorry, Sir," I replied, stunned.

"Good boy," Carter said. He sounded just like when he'd spoken to Darren.

"What do you want?" I asked. I saw Carter's left hand poised again and I added, "Sir?"

"Your ass. Your mouth. And whatever else I say."

"What? I don't... you're only sixteen. how did you.?"

"How did I get this way? Hah!" Carter replied. "When I was thirteen I figured out I liked boys for sex. But it was more than that. I had to be the one calling the moves, in control. When I got on the net I learned about Masters and slaves. Bondage. S&M."

I just stared at Carter.

"But when I've cruised the net looking you think any of those sissy boys out there could possibly understand me? I look like some innocent boy and all those queens out there want is for me to roll over so they can take my cherry. Fuck them," he growled. "By the way, your profile on doesn't do you justice."

"Shit," was all I could manage to say.

"So see, I already knew your story before today. Now it's just a matter of training."

"I really should go," I said.

"Fine," Carter replied, stepping away from me.

As I walked towards the garage door Carter walked to the kitchen phone and picked it up.

"I wasn't kidding," he said.

I stopped and turned towards him.

"You follow my rules and there's no problems, you got it?"

"Yeah," I said, flatly.

Carter glared at me.

"Yes Sir," I amended.

"Good boy. Now, get that shirt off."

I took my tank-top off and laid it on the chair back.

"Lean over the counter and put your hands behind your back," Carter ordered.

As I did I heard the zipper on Carter's backpack. Then I felt a soft nylon rope being wound around my wrists. There was a strong tug as Carter tied the knot and pulled on my shoulders so that I was standing again. I moved my wrists around-there was no escaping.

"What the.?" I started to say.

"What'd you say, boy?"

"Nothing, Sir," I replied.

"That's better," Carter said, facing me and putting his left hand behind my neck while lightly moving his right hand up and down my chest and abs. He then leaned in and put his lips over mine. They felt as good as they'd looked earlier in the gym but I wouldn't give in. I held my lips together then felt white-hot pain on my left nipple as Carter pinched it hard. My mouth opened in response to the pain and Carter's tongue entered my mouth. He continued to pinch and work my nipple as he tongue fucked my mouth.

Carter then backed me into the wall and used both hands to attack my nipples, his mouth over mine muffling my painful moans.

Then he stopped. He took his right hand and started lightly playing with my now sensitive nipples and I moaned. His left hand immediately covered my mouth as the light nipple play again turned to serious pinching.

"Good boy," he said, then stopped.

I leaned back against the wall, breathing heavily. Carter leaned in, stuck his hand down my gym shorts and grabbed my jock. It was only then I realized how hard I'd gotten. I thought Carter's touch was going to make me cum right then and there.

Carter smiled at me. "You're all wet, boy. You like this?"

I didn't respond. I felt completely lost. The beer I'd drank seemed to be supercharged. I was tied up and half-naked under the control of some kid I'd known for less than an hour and being blackmailed into doing... whatever he wanted. Because of my build and demeanor I'd always been the one in control when I went out with a guy. They seemed to expect it and I figured that was just how it was supposed to be.

"Down on your knees boy."

Slap! I'd paused for a moment too long.


Carter held my shoulders as I eased down onto my knees. Carter pulled his gym shorts down and off, revealing a jockstrap filled to bursting with hard cock. He then pulled the jock strap to the side, precum dangling from the tip of his eight-inch cock to the fabric of the pouch.

"Suck it, boy," he ordered, grabbing the back of my head.

I opened my mouth and Carter slid his cock all the way to the back of my throat in one firm motion. The skin on his cock felt like silk on my tongue, the taste salty. As the soft, neatly trimmed patch of dark brown hair above his cock hit my upper lip and nose I gagged momentarily and Carter was kind enough to back off-but only for a moment. He then slid his cock back in and started slowly fucking my face.

After a few moments he pulled out and put his hand around his cock, lifting it away from my face. "Lick my balls," he ordered.

As I extended my tongue I realized that while I'd done this before with other men, it had always been at my choosing. Here I was, arms tied behind my back and it was a whole new experience. I fought against the realization I was enjoying it.

Carter pushed his balls into my face harder so that I had to lean back against the wall, still on my knees. Then in one swift move he turned around and planted his firm smooth bubble butt right in my face.

"Keep licking boy," he ordered, as he pulled the jock strap and his cheeks apart for access.

I paused a moment too long and felt the pressure of his smooth ass on my face increase, covering both my mouth and nose. I couldn't breathe. I stuck my tongue out and started wildly licking at his puckered hole, unable to break away. Just as I started to panic the pressure decreased and I was able to suck in a breath.

"Good boy," Carter said, soothingly, as he turned around and placed his cock in front of my mouth.

Without thinking I opened my mouth and leaned forward, taking his cock to the back of my throat.

"You're going to be a good little slave boy, aren't you?" Carter said, smiling down at me.

Carter's thrusts picked up in tempo, as he firmly held the sides of my head. I could feel his cock swell with each quickening thrust. Finally, one long hard thrust right into the back of my throat. I could feel the base of his cock pulse as he came down my throat. Only a little made it into my mouth, but it was incredibly sweet.

"Take it, boy," Carter growled.

He held my head in his groin for a few minutes as I swallowed all of his load. His cock never went soft. He then slowly slid it out.

"Stand up," Carter ordered, grabbing me under my armpits and helping lift me to my feet.

"Drink this," he said, holding the glass of beer to my mouth.

I obeyed and swallowed the last of the beer. Then I opened my mouth to speak.

"Don't talk," Carter ordered, reaching into a nearby drawer. He pulled out a roll of duct tape and peeled off a long strip, then turned towards me.

"Hey." I started to say.

"Shhh," Carter said, moving my jaw closed then placing the tape over my mouth. "You better learn now that this is how it's going to be when you're with me. Tied, fucked, gagged. whatever I want, got it?"

"Mmmphhh" I answered through the gag.

Carter reached over and twisted my right nipple. "Good boy. Now come on." That said, he grabbed my cock through my gym shorts and started leading me out of the kitchen towards a staircase.

He pointed up the stairs and I walked up, Carter walking behind me holding on to my bound wrists with one hand, fondling my ass with the other.

I knew right then I was going to be raped but somehow I wasn't scared. Was it apprehension or anticipation?

End Part One

Next: Chapter 2

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