The Ride Home

By moc.oohay@000retirwysatnaf

Published on Jun 9, 2003


DISCLAIMER: If gay content, gay sex, kink, bondage, S&M or actual dialogue in a porn story offends you please don't read further. If it's illegal for you to read this story due to your age or location, either grow up or move before reading on. The names, events, circumstances, and locations in this story are all fictitious. It's fantasy, get it? Copyright Notice: All rights reserved by the author with the exception of its use by Download it, copy it for your pleasure or whatever floats your boat, but you have no right to repost this or pass it on for commercial purposes. I am grateful for the many encouraging e-mails and trust that this episode has been worth the wait.


Darren walked towards the bed, the corners of his mouth turning up into more of a snarl than a smile. He was the negative of Carter, with blonde hair and light skin, yet their lean muscular builds were almost identical. I was so lost in looking at him I didn't have the chance to be embarrassed being seen lying on the bed bound, gagged and helpless.

Darren stood by the edge of the bed, the large dark red nipples on his smooth creamy chest pointing towards me. His well-toned arm reached towards me and he rubbed his hand up my leg past the edges of my groin making my cock twitch. As he trailed his fingers up my ribcage he stopped and lightly twisted my nipple. I shuddered in response.

"I know you're hungry boy, so I'm going to have Darren give you a protein shake," Carter said, smirking. "I haven't let him cum in a week so you'll be getting quite a feast." Carter looked at Darren and said, "Go ahead baby boy."

Darren climbed up on top of me, sitting on my stomach so that his smooth butt trapped my cock, the mere feel of his skin nearly sending me over the edge. Darren looked down on me and his mouth twisted into an evil grin as he teasingly ground his ass into my cock. I pulled against my bonds but couldn't move more than a few inches.

"Don't make him cum yet baby boy, he hasn't earned it," Carter warned.

Darren scooted up my body leaving a line of my precum dripping from his butt. I was now face to face with Darren's cock and I was wrong about what I'd seen earlier. He was bigger than Carter, easily a good thick nine inches and I could smell his scent, clean but tinged with a bit of sweat. I felt his golf-ball sized balls resting on my neck and knew Carter was right: I'd be drowning in cum soon. Darren reached down, grabbed the base of his cock with his right hand and slapped it on the side of my face lightly. Then he put his left hand on my head to hold me and forcefully whacked me with his hard cock.

"That's it baby boy, get into it, you've earned it," Carter encouraged, then turned to me. "Now you see why I made him my bottom boy? No way that monster's ever getting up my ass. Can't say that about yours, though," he laughed.

Darren obviously took it as encouragement, as he slapped me even harder with that large piece of meat. I felt a damp spot of precum on my cheek with each slap.

Darren's left hand moved to the side of my face and there was a searing pain as he ripped the duct tape gag off my mouth. As I opened my mouth to complain I was immediately filled with the club that had been slapping me a moment earlier. From the look on Darren's face and how he'd been treating me I knew it wasn't going to be easy, and I was right. He immediately started jamming his cock towards the back of my mouth, intent on burying himself to the root. I concentrated on relaxing my throat, which was difficult since I'd been gagged for so long. As I took in as much of those nine inches I could, I felt the very slight stubble left from the last time his pubes had been shaved. His cock felt almost as silky on the tongue as Carter's, but the size... my jaw was stretched open almost to its limit. As Darren held his cock buried in my mouth I felt him shudder for a moment.

A clicking noise and a burst of light flooded the room for an instant.

Darren suddenly pulled his cock out of my mouth and moved so he was kneeling over my face. I tasted salty precum as his cock trailed over my tongue.

"Lick my balls!"

As I extended my tongue to Darren's smooth hairless sac I felt fingers grasp then twist my nipples. I moaned as I licked, and Darren pushed his balls down into my face to the point that I almost couldn't breathe.

"Lick my ass!"

Darren moved up slightly so that his reddish brown pucker was right over my face. I licked the skin around his hole, tasting soapy clean slightly sweaty skin. Darren ground his ass into my face as he turned up the volume on the nipple twisting. I moaned as I tongued him, the vibrations seeming to incite his lust as he ground his ass harder into my face. The harder he twisted, the harder I forced my tongue up his tight ass. Damn I wanted to fuck this boy or for that matter just get off after being tied up and played with for all this time. I pulled at my bonds and was immediately reminded that I was only here to be used and fucked-not to make choices about if I wanted to fuck or cum.

Darren's ass was covering my face and I could only tongue him and moan. I couldn't breathe. Just as I felt myself getting light headed, Darren moved back slightly and held his cock to my mouth.

"Suck it!"

I opened my mouth and as I sucked in a breath I felt that silky club force its way to the back of my throat. Darren put his left hand behind my head, pulling me into a better face-fuck position, and started hammering away. I felt his right hand start to twist my left, most sensitive nipple. As I moaned, he fucked. I concentrated on keeping my teeth out of the way as his balls slapped against my chin with almost the same force as his cock had earlier slapped my face.

Another clicking noise and burst of light flooded the room for an instant.

Darren's pace quickened and I could hear his breathing become ragged as he sucked in air.

When I was about thirteen I'd been taking a drink out of my friend's garden hose when all of a sudden the pressure increased. I'd almost choked on the cascade of water and it was running out my nose as my friend stood there laughing. He'd turned up the water while I wasn't looking.

It was the only thing I could compare to what happened when I heard Darren start grunting. As his legs tightened vise-like around my head a solid stream of thick creamy cum started flooding down my throat. My natural reaction was to try and swallow but after about six jets of it I couldn't keep up.

Darren pulled his cock back slightly, still shooting. My mouth immediately filled up and it was all I could do to keep from choking on the honey-thick sweet salty cum he delivered. Finally I felt Darren relax and I worked at swallowing a weeks worth of horny teenager's cum.

"You like that boy, don't you?"

I looked up and saw Carter standing at the bedside leering down at me. I then realized I was licking at Darren's cock like some hungry puppy at nursing time. Carter's cock was rock hard, sticking up towards his chest, a drop of precum glistening at the head from watching the show Darren had just put on.

Darren held out a digital camera and turned it around so that I could see the screen. There I was sucking on a cock. Darren's cock. The way the picture was framed you couldn't tell that I was tied down to the bed. For all intents and purposes it was just an adult, me, sucking some underage teen boy's cock.

"You just keep this picture in mind when you think you want to call this off, boy," Carter said intently.

I opened my mouth to say something but Carter cut me off. "Did I tell you to talk, boy?"

Carter turned back to Darren, who was still straddling me. "Take care of this, go lock his clothes up and meet me in the kitchen baby boy," he said, handing the camera to Darren, adding, "and make sure the garage door is closed."

Darren got up off me as he grabbed the camera and lightly stepped to the bedroom floor, smiling at me as he left.

Carter reached to the nightstand and scooped up the key to the locked collar he'd put on me and then picked up a black leather wristband. He put the key into a zipped pouch on the inside of the band before snapping it around his left wrist.

"Time to get you ready to go downstairs for something to eat, boy."

Carter reached into the dreaded duffel bag and pulled out a short length of chain, then moved down to my ankles. I felt them being released, then the chain was snapped between the leather cuffs so that I was shackled and bound but able to walk with short steps.

Rather than walk around the bed, Carter crawled over me to the head of the bed, trailing his semi-hard cock over my mouth. As he worked at releasing the chains holding my wrists to the bed, I licked my lips.

"You're just a cum-hungry slut aren't you boy?"

Carter released the chains and snapped my mitt-cuffed hands together, pulling them down so that they were resting over my stomach. It felt good to get the blood moving in my arms after being stretched out like that.

"You fuck with me and I'll snap them behind your back and all hell will break loose, understand boy?"

"Yes Sir," I replied, not wanting to find out what hell would break loose if I didn't play along with him by answering correctly.

Carter got me up out of the bed and walked me slowly downstairs to the kitchen where my involuntary slavery had began.

Darren was standing there waiting for us, along with three large foam cups holding straws sitting on the kitchen counter along with a set of keys. Carter undid his leather wristband and put the keys in the zippered pouch as he continued. I noticed that my shoes and clothes were no longer lying around the kitchen.

"This is the second part of your liquid diet for tonight boy. I don't want you stuffed with food because this party is just starting," Carter smirked.

Carter nodded at Darren, who handed me the foam cup.

"Go ahead boy, it's a `normal' protein shake," Carter laughed, adding, "and it's the smallest thing you'll be sucking on all weekend."

Darren handed me the foam cup and I grasped it in my mitt-cuffed hands as best I could. I sucked on the straw and was rewarded with a nice berry concoction. It tasted like the protein shakes I sometimes got on the way out of the gym, which reminded me of how this had all started earlier today. I looked at the clock and saw it was nearly eight. I'd been held captive and fucked with for almost three hours.

Darren picked up a shake and handed it to Carter. As Carter took it from Darren I saw him touch Darren's hand tenderly, holding the contact for a moment as their eyes met.

Carter turned towards me, catching my stare.

"Darren's been my boy for two years now. He looked at me a few too many times in gym class, didn't you baby?"

Darren blushed visibly.

"He didn't know he could be a slave at first, but he finally figured out that was the only way I'd have him and he turned out just fine," Carter said, giving Darren's blonde hair a playful rub.

Darren looked at Carter as a smile lit up his face.

"I made him a deal that if he got his shit together and pulled his grades up so we could go to college together, I'd find a nice toy for us to play with," Carter said, his voice dropping as he added, "That's where you came in."

My forehead flashed hot as I grew angry. Carter had planned this so I could be some kind of fuck-toy? Yeah, I mean they were damn sexy teenagers but I was a fucking adult and used to making my own decisions about whom, when and especially how I had sex.

"You better settle down, boy," Carter said, sensing the change in my mood. "Besides, you should be honored. You see, Darren's never topped before and I chose you to be his first because you're so fucking hot."

I looked at Darren, who was now eyeing my lustfully, and felt a betraying twinge in my groin as I reacted to the news.

"Finish that shake boy, we've got to get you ready for your big night," Carter ordered.

I sucked down the last of the shake and put the cup on the counter as Darren grabbed my ass, moving me towards the stairway.

At the top of the stairs Darren turned me towards the bedroom, leaning towards me as he did. As his lips brushed my ear he whispered hoarsely, "I'm going to rape your ass."

I was walked through the bedroom and into the bathroom.

"Step into the tub boy," Carter ordered. "You know the position."

I kneeled in the tub as Darren prepared another enema.

"Go ahead baby boy, it's your turn to prep a bottom slave," Carter said to Darren, smiling.

Darren roughly stuck the hose up my ass and let loose the lukewarm water. In moments I was filled to bursting. As I looked up at Darren he had that scary smile on his face, the corners of his lips turned up into a snarl.

"Get over there and take care of business boy," Carter ordered, pointing at the toilet.

I stood up, stepped over the edge of the tub, walked over to the toilet, sat down and followed orders.

"Okay, back in the tub boy," Carter ordered as I finished.

In the tub Carter stepped around Darren and grabbed hold of my mitt-cuffed hands. Just as I realized an escape was possible while uncuffed for a moment, Carter said, "Remember those pictures boy. Would you rather have a weekend with us or a few years in prison?"

I relaxed my arms and Carter unclipped the restraints. He lifted them over my head and around the shower curtain rod, then clipped them back together again. I was dismayed to see that the ends of the shower curtain rod were actually plumbing grade stock and bolted securely into the wall. Did this kid's parents know how he hid his `toys'?

I heard the familiar rip of duct tape being torn and as I turned my head towards the source of the noise I was gagged. Again.

Carter nodded at Darren, who opened a drawer in the bathroom vanity and took out a pair of electric clippers. He then took shaving cream and a razor out of the medicine cabinet.

"As you can see from Darren I like my boys smooth," Carter said in response to my unspoken question. "Only men get to have hair, not slave boys," he added, stroking the hair around the top of his cock.

"Take those leg cuffs off him baby boy," Carter ordered Darren.

Darren stepped into the tub and kneeled at my feet, undoing the leather cuffs on my ankles. As he started to stand he purposely brushed the side of his body against me, from my legs, over my cock and on to my chest.

I let out a moan but it was drowned out by the buzz of the electric clippers being started up.

"Step back and spread your legs boy," Carter ordered, holding the clippers in front of him.

I obeyed and Carter went to work on me, buzzing the short amount of hair off under each of my arms.

He then grabbed my cock and pulled it out. I cringed as the clippers drew near my groin.

"You better hold still boy or this could hurt," Carter said sternly. "Not that you're going to be using this on anybody soon," he added now laughing.

Carter then buzzed off the hair around my cock, leaving nothing but dark brown stubble around the base. He moved the clippers up, removing my pleasure trail. My chest was naturally smooth so he stopped, turning off the clippers.

He handed the clippers to Darren in exchange for a can of shaving cream. It felt cool and nice being put onto my armpits. Darren reached into the tub and turned on the water.

Carter then shaved my armpits, handing the razor to Darren after every other stroke to be cleaned. Then he lathered up my cock and balls and repeated the shaving process. This took a little longer and even though I tried not to, I got hard.

I looked down on a cock that hadn't been this smooth since I was twelve. It was now fully adult sized-and hard. As I moved my gaze up I met Carter's eyes.

"Good boy," was all he said as he squeezed my cock.

I moaned into the gag.

"Just one more thing to take care of," Carter said, stepping around to stand behind me. "Spread your legs wider," he added.

I obeyed and felt cool foam between the cracks of my butt. Then Carter shaved around my asshole, gently stroking away the small amount of hair I had back there.

"Clean him up baby boy," Carter ordered Darren.

Darren took the moveable showerhead off its rack, turned on the water and sprayed off the foam. Then he lathered me up with soap, taking extra care around my cock and balls, and then my ass. I felt a finger enter me, roughly stroking the inside of my hole, and turned to see Darren with his head turned slightly up, eyes closed. He clenched his jaw as he stuck another finger in me and started working my ass.

"Come on baby boy, finish him up. You'll have plenty of time with him later," Carter ordered.

Darren pulled his fingers out of my ass and started the shower again, rinsing me off completely. He reached over to the rack for a towel and patted me dry as Carter left the room for a moment.

Darren rubbed the towel over my tender nipples and in a low voice said, "I am going to fuck your ass raw all weekend." and, after looking to see if Carter was out of earshot he added, "boy!"

"Come on boys," Carter said, returning from the bedroom. He unclipped my mitt-cuffed hands from shower curtain rod and re-clipped them in front of me. As I walked towards the bathroom the cool air on my newly shaved cock and balls felt strangely wonderful.

"On the bed," Carter ordered as he pushed me forward. "Get up there," he added, motioning to the middle of the bed.

I crawled up the bed and lay down in the middle of it on my stomach.

"You're just determined to get fucked aren't you boy?" Darren laughed, adding, "Get your hands up above your head."

I complied. When Carter pushed the pillow at my hips I arched to accept it. My earlier experience had indeed trained me. A rustle of chains and leather and my ankles were again cuffed and chained to the bed. Carter lay on top of me and fastened my wrists to the bed, his skin warm and smooth on my back. I was again chained to the bed.

"Okay baby boy, you earned this," Carter said, getting off of me.

I turned my head around as best I could and saw Darren walk towards the bed, licking his lips. I swear his cock grew with each step towards me.

As Darren got onto the bed Carter handed him a bottle of lube from the nightstand. Darren sat on my legs and I felt a cool trickle of lube on my ass, then fingers start to massage around my hole. After only a few strokes I felt a finger invade me and start to fuck my hole. Then two, then three fingers were opening me up. I grunted.

"He's got a nice tight ass doesn't he baby boy?" Carter said to Darren. Then his face was next to mine as he added, "After that club of his gets through with you it won't be so tight."

Darren's skin felt hot and sweaty as he laid down on me. For a moment I thought he'd moved his knee in between my butt cheeks but then I realized it was his cock, bluntly forcing its way up towards my hole sliding along on lube and precum, powered by lust.

Darren's cock head was up against my hole, pushing to get in, and I felt his hot breath on my neck.

"I'm raping your ass," he hoarsely whispered in my ear as he forced past the muscles of my ring with the first of those nine inches.

I moaned in pain as he continued to push in a slow continuous motion. I kept thinking it would stop but it was like one of those magician's tricks where they keep on pulling out a long handkerchief, only this was going in me. Right up my ass.

It felt like a fist came to rest up against my butt as his two large balls ground into me-tied to the bed and now fully impaled on all nine inches.

Darren let out a sigh, his chest relaxing on my back like some kind of embrace. He pulled his cock back; so far that I thought it was going to come all the way out of me. Then pushed it back in--hard! His hips ground into me as he started fucking me in earnest, at least six inches of travel with each stroke, each like a hammer blow deep inside my guts. Was it because his cock was so long and thick or because I was being fucked for the second time without being allowed to cum that I felt a continuous tingle emanate from deep inside my ass right out through my cock?

My ankles were being pulled against the chains holding me to the bed with

each hard stroke. My feet were starting to tingle from the increased


"Stop baby boy," Carter ordered.

Darren slammed the last stroke home and held it deep inside me.

I could hear him breathing fast.

"Don't you cum before I tell you to baby boy, I'm still your Master, got it?"

"Yes Sir," Darren replied through gritted teeth, his cock pulsing in my ass.

"Pull out of him baby boy, we're going to change positions."

I felt a deep void when Darren pulled out, something more than just missing meat.

My ankles were unchained from the bed, and then unclipped.

"Roll over boy," Carter ordered, and I wiggled around so that I was face up. Carter took out the pillow as I did.

I looked down towards my feet and saw Darren at the end of the bed, his glistening cock standing straight up, his face a portrait of lust.

"Get back in there baby boy," Carter said, smiling.

Darren got back up on the bed, grabbed my ankles and raised them, his cock pointing the way as he walked towards me on his knees. He bent down for a moment and I felt his cock head immediately find my hole. In one smooth powerful stroke he was back in, pushing my legs back and leaning over me. As he started to fuck me again I watched his defined abs and pecs flex with each stroke. I looked down and my shaved cock was hard, precum dripping from its slit. With each stroke my cock was pushed into my now smooth abs, making me shudder from the friction. I watched for Darren's stroke so I could wiggle my hips and increase the friction-I wanted to cum damn it!

A clicking noise and a burst of light flooded the room for an instant. I looked to my left and saw Carter with the digital camera.

"Smile boy!" Carter smirked, as he took another picture.

I looked away and then there was a flash of skin as Carter straddled my chest, his hard cock pointing at my mouth. He ripped the tape gag off and when I involuntarily opened my mouth to scream from the pain he jammed his cock down my throat. I summoned what spit I could to lubricate this second hole being fucked and moved my lips around my teeth. The last thing I wanted was to piss him off.

"Good boy," Carter said, sensing that I was doing more than just complying.

His cock still felt like silk on my tongue, smoother even than Darren's, which was now raping my ass. His balls slapped at my chin with each stroke.

Carter leaned back and started twisting my nipples, and I saw Darren's hands on his shoulders. I was being ridden. Hard.

There wasn't any choice to it. I was securely tied to the bed and knew I couldn't get away, with two horny teenagers doing whatever they damn well pleased with me. The sensations were a combination of pleasure and pain, rhythmically applied. Maybe that was why I started to feel like I was floating.

Every sense seemed heightened. I could hear and distinguish between their breathing. I could feel Carter's cock pulse in my mouth, and Darren's cock head slide along deep inside of me.

It was like the volume being slowly turned up, the sensations growing stronger as the fucking grew harder and faster. The pain was now pleasure, the pleasure now overwhelming. My cock was pulsing to the beat of my heart.

Darren was the first to go. I looked up and saw Darren's hands gripping Carter's shoulders so hard that his normally dark skin turned light pink.

"Mmmmmm... Mmmmm... Mmmmmm," Darren moaned through gritted teeth.

A flash of heat seared deep inside my bowels as Darren came, thrusting into me with each shot.

Suddenly that heat moved through my ass and out my cock. I was cumming without even touching myself. My hips squirmed as I completely lost control and drew a few more shots out of Darren. I felt my own hot cum hitting my abs and chest in spurt after spurt.

The vibrations from my deep moaning made Carter pick up speed. His left hand came around the back of my head and he pulled me as far towards his groin as my neck would allow. I felt three jets of hot cum hitting the back of my throat.

"Rrrrrr... rrrrrr... Ahhhhh," Carter growled, holding my head firmly into his groin.

As he relaxed his grip on my head Carter's cock touched my tongue and let out a final sweet spurt. I licked at his cock and sucked everything in that I could, still high from my own huge orgasm. I felt Darren's cock slowly slide out of me.

Darren laid down on my right side. Carter withdrew his cock from my mouth and lay down on my left. They reached for each other, each putting an arm over my chest and a leg over my legs. I was blanketed by smooth sweaty skin in an embrace I couldn't return, my arms still chained to the bed, but I didn't care.

Our breathing slowly returned to normal, then slowed as we drifted off to sleep.


Next: Chapter 4

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