The Ride Home

By moc.oohay@000retirwysatnaf

Published on Sep 30, 2003


DISCLAIMER: If gay content, gay sex, kink, bondage, S&M or actual dialogue in a porn story offends you please don't read further. If it's illegal for you to read this story due to your age or location, either grow up or move before reading on. The names, events, circumstances, and locations in this story are all fictitious. It's fantasy, get it? Copyright Notice: All rights reserved by the author with the exception of its use by Download it, copy it for your pleasure or whatever floats your boat, but you have no right to repost this or pass it on for commercial purposes.


As we drove out of Carter's neighborhood I looked at the various suburbanites performing their Saturday chores. Some were gardening or mowing their yard; others were washing their cars. Kids were playing in their front yards. Some high school boys were playing a game of football in a small park. I thought, `Do any of them know that living among them is a completely out of control teenager who kidnapped and raped a man and now held him as a sex slave?' After a short drive we pulled into a non-descript strip mall and drove to the back corner. The sign above the door simply read, "XXX Videos." Carter parked the car near the street, across the parking lot from the store. "Okay boy, go in there, give the list to the clerk, pay for the stuff and get back out here," Carter ordered, handing me a folded piece of paper with two twenty-dollar bills showing between the folds. "And don't you come back unless you have that list filled or I'll just pull out of here and let you walk your well-fucked ass home, boy." Darren opened the car door and scooted his seat forward-but not much. As I wiggled to get out of the back seat the combination of tight shorts, a cockring and the seatback caused my dick to come out my pant leg. I immediately bent over so that nobody in the parking lot could see. As I started to reach down to rearrange myself I saw Carter glaring at me. I froze. "Baby boy, put that whore boy's cock back in his shorts," Carter said to Darren with a sneer. Darren reached out from where he was sitting in the car and slowly put his hand around my cock, his fingers wiggling as he manipulated my rapidly inflating cock. By the time he put it back in my shorts I was half hard. Carter just watched, a sly smile on his face. There was no way of walking across the parking lot dressed like I was and maintaining any sort of dignity, so I just took as big of steps as possible without having anything pop out of the too small shorts. As I neared the door to the store a middle-aged man came out, his eyes squinting as he adjusted to the outside light. He squinted again when he saw me approaching the door. As I neared him I could see he was about fifty pounds overweight and in need of a shave. Another few steps closer and I amended the list to include a shower. "Hey cutie," he said as his right hand came out towards my crotch. I swept his hand away, throwing him off-balance so that he moved out of my way. "Touch me and die asshole," I growled. These tight shorts really did put me in a bad mood. "You're the one dressed like a whore, baby," he hissed, taking a step back. I turned sharply towards him, muscles tensed, the anger from the past 24 hours making the veins in my forehead pulse. "Fuck!" he said, his voice an octave higher than before as he walked backwards and then tripped, falling on his fat ass in the parking lot.

"Bitch!" he squealed, and picked his ugly self up and half ran across the parking lot to a station wagon.

For just a moment I again felt in control, all man, in charge. Until I turned towards the door and saw my reflection in the glass. A moment's victory wasn't going to make this all okay, I thought as I walked into the store.

Inside the store were about ten rows of video racks, with an empty cashier's stand at the front. I didn't see the clerk or for that matter any display cases with "toys."

"Can I help you?"

Startled, I turned around.

He was about six foot tall with bleached blonde hair and so thin you'd be tempted to say skinny. He raised his head towards my eye level as he finished checking me out. Not the kind of guy I'd pay much attention to in a bar. A bit too skinny and lot too girly for me.

"You must be Carter's new boy?" he said, his voice high, the tone teasing, as he put his hands on his hips.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Well, do you have the list honey?" he said, his left hand moving out then bending at the wrist.

"Yeah," I replied, holding it out.

"You have an amazing vocabulary," he smirked, taking the list and the money from me. "Go ahead and look around while I go to our Toy Department and `fill' this order," he added, very happy with himself and his play on words.

As he turned from me he walked not towards the back of the store but to the front door, He then locked it and turned the Open' sign around so that it would read Closed' on the outside.

"I'm about to take my lunch break and you're my last customer," he said as if in reply to my questioning look.

He walked past me and I saw him go to the back of a store then through a black door and out of sight. I looked around at the shelves of videos. It was straight porn mostly, row upon row of nothing but big tits and pussy. I came to the last row, close to that black door and there was a rack of gay porn. In this case it was pictures of big cocks and tight asses, and much more to my liking.

I heard the door open and looked up to see the clerk coming out holding a black paper bag about the size of a grocery bag, stapled closed at the top.

As I reached for the bag he drew it back, saying, "You still owe me a dollar."

"But I... don't." I stammered.

"Yeah I can see it'd be pretty hard to carry a wallet in those shorts," he said, not taking his eyes off of my crotch. "Well, no toys unless they're paid for," he added, starting to turn back towards the door.

"But it's only a dollar! I'll come back later and."

"How many times do you think I've heard that before?" he cut me off. "That's as old as `I promise I won't cum in your mouth,' honey," he added.

There was no way I was going to walk back to Carter's house dressed like this. I reached out towards the bag, but the clerk pulled it back.

"Are you trying to rob me?" he said, his voice high, the words exaggerated.

"Please," I said.


"I said, please. I can't go back without that bag," I pleaded. "Hmmm. well, why don't you come with me for a moment," he said, motioning towards the black door, adding, "You first."

I opened the door and walked in and was immediately overcome with the smell of leather. I looked around and saw shelves filled with wire mesh crates overflowing with the same kind of restraints that had been used so effectively on me recently.

"Over here honey," he said, pointing towards a dimly lit area behind the shelves.

As I walked around I saw that the back wall of the store had been converted into a type of rack, with various hooks and rings installed. Leather restraints hung there like some kind of S&M fitting room for customers.

"Right over here," he said, his hand grabbing me above the

elbow and directing me towards that wall.

"Wait a minute, what's."

"Do you want the bag or not?" he said.

"I do, but..."

"Then fucking do what you're told, boy," he said, his voice still high but the tone completely changed from a moment ago.

I walked over to the wall, dumbfounded. This skinny queen had been lilting around the store a few minutes ago and was now giving me orders?

"We come in all shapes and sizes honey," he said, pulling down a pair of leather cuffs and strapping them around my wrists.

"But it's only a dollar," was the only thing I could think of to say.

He pulled on a cable and my hands were lifted above my head. I was cuffed and at the will of this fucking video store


All so I wouldn't have to face Carter without his bag of toys. Or walk home dressed like a whore-boy. For a fucking dollar!!! As all that registered I pulled against the cuffs this was quite enough and I was done with this whole thing.

"I little late for that boy," he said, smiling at me.

"Fucking let me go!" I yelled.

"I really don't like your tone of voice Mister," he said, his high voice almost a tease. He turned around, reached onto a shelf out of my sight and then came back with an extremely large ball gag held by a web of leather straps.

"I think this will take care of the noise problem," he said, jamming the ball into my mouth.

His slender fingers worked quickly and in moments I was securely gagged. I thought my jaw was going to crack the damn ball was so large. I tried to yell at him but all that came out was muffled incoherent moans.

"Oh that's much better," he said, stepping close to me and putting his hands into the waistband of my shorts. "Carter told me you were hot," he said, his voice now boyish and smooth.

As he pulled down my shorts my cock stuck out in front of me, half-hard.

"You like being tied up, don't you boy?" he smirked. "You're the kind of guy who wouldn't give me a second look out there," he said, nodding his head towards the door, "but now things are different, aren't they boy?"

All I could do was moan in reply.

He kneeled in front of me and put both his small hands on my cock, stroking it gently. As I quickly went hard I could feel the leather straps from the ball and cockring pull on my skin.

"This looks so fucking sexy on you," he purred, as he touched the tip of his tongue to the head of my cock.

I shuddered as he licked me.

He then stood up, pulling my shirt up and over my head as he did. His hands then roamed over my chest, stopping on my already store nipples.

As he started to twist them both, he said, "Carter told me you liked this."

I moaned loudly through the gag.

"Oh yeah," he said in a whisper. "You have no idea how much I've wanted to rent a muscle boy and get everything I've always wanted."

He then turned around and grabbed something from a nearby shelf. As he turned back towards me I saw something shiny, then felt cool metal on my nipples. The sensation went from cool to hot instantly as the tit clamps were pinched down and I moaned in pain into the unyielding ball gag.

I felt his hands stroking my cock as that now familiar jolt of electricity went from my nipples and out through the head of my cock. I unconsciously moved my hips, stroking into his hands.

The clerk kneeled in front of me again and instantly took my cock deep into his mouth. I felt the back of his throat give way as he pulled on my ass, drawing me in deeper.

I gave in to the pleasure, drawing my hips back and then jamming my cock deep into his hot throat. He responded by digging his hands into my ass and devouring my cock. Suddenly I felt more pain in my nipples and opened my eyes to see him pulling on the chain holding the nipple clamps together. I moaned as I fucked his face harder in response.

Then he stopped.

He stood up, grabbed me by the waist and spun me around, pushing me into the wall as he leaned into me. I could feel him pull down his pants as the nipple clamps tore into me from the pressure. Then his cock was lined up with my asshole. I panicked as I realized he was about to bareback fuck me and I had nowhere to go.

"That's right bitch," he hissed as he jammed his cock against my clenched hole, "I'm going to rape your ass."

I moaned into the gag, taking sharp breaths through my nose as he continued trying to invade my raw ass.

Then he stopped. Again.

His hands started caressing my back, then my shoulders, gently turning me around. As I leaned against the wall he unbuttoned his shirt and leaned into me so that our hot skin melted together. He started kissing me around the edges of the ball gag as I hung there suspended by the wrist restraints.

"It's okay baby, I just had to go there. See what it was like," he cooed. "Here's what I really want to do."

With that he kneeled in front of me once again and took my hard dripping cock all the way to the back of his throat in one fluid move. He held it there for a moment as I felt his hot breath on my balls.

Then he started sucking with a vengeance. I could hardly get a stroke in as he jammed my cock deeper and deeper into his throat. His small fingers dug into my ass as I moved my hips in rhythm with his sucking. I could feel the restraints pulling at my wrists. It was strange being bound yet being the fucker instead of the fuckee. Top and bottom had taken on yet another meaning in my now topsy-turvy world.

After a day of being sexually used by two horny teenagers I was more than pent up. I could feel my balls start to tighten and my thrusting went into overdrive, the clerk sucking every bit of my cock deep into his throat.

"Mmmmmmmmm," I moaned. "Mmmmmmmm!!!!" I saw stars as I shot repeatedly into the clerk's hot mouth.

I looked down and the clerk still had my cock in his mouth, and I could see his right elbow moving in rapid motion as he jerked himself off.

As he came he moaned, the vibration making my cock tingle yet again.

After licking my cock clean he stood up, pulling my shorts back up and tucking my cock back into place. He then took the ball gag out of my mouth and as I worked my now sore jaw around he planted his lips over mine, sticking his tongue deep into my mouth.

I tasted my own cum. When he took off the nipple clamps I moaned loudly, muffled by his mouth on mine.

Stepping back, he took a rag and cleaned himself up, pulled up his pants and buttoned his shirt. He was once again the unassuming video-store clerk. As he lowered my bound wrists and took off the leather cuffs he smiled at me.

"Here you go," he said, handing me the bag, "you earned it."

I didn't know what to say. I took the bag and pulled my shirt back down, shuddering as the fabric brushed over my sore red nipples.

"Come on, I'll let you out," he motioned towards the front of the store.

After he unlocked the door he turned the sign around so it again read "Open."

"I told you I was going to eat lunch," he said, giggling to himself.

I walked back out into the daylight towards Carter's car, my

legs weak.

Darren got out and pulled the seat back for me to get in.

"Give me the bag, boy," Carter ordered from the front seat.

I handed it to him as I got into the back seat.

"Wait! Wait!" I heard a now-familiar voice scream. It was the clerk and he was running towards the car.

`Fuck, now what?' I thought.

"Your boy forgot this," the clerk said to Carter, as he handed him a videotape.

"Thanks Jeff," Carter said with a wicked smile.

I already knew he'd set me up and the look on my face showed it.

"You think I'd let anybody take my boy without my permission?" Carter said, turning towards the back seat. "Besides, I made a whole dollar off your ass," he laughed, adding, "and this hot new release," as he held up the tape.

The urge to say `Fuck you' was so strong that a sound actually came out of my throat. I made like I was clearing my throat as I willed myself to be quiet.

"You got something to say boy?" Carter demanded, sensing my anger.

"No Sir," I replied.

"Good boy," Carter said as he started the car and we headed out of the parking lot. "Time to eat."

As we drove down the street I felt something cool on my crotch and looked down. A small wet patch had formed on the outline of my cock head in the tight white gym shorts I was wearing. As I looked up I saw Darren staring at my crotch, his lips slightly parted, tongue licking his upper lip. When he came out of his

lustful stupor he saw me looking at him. His eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched as he glared back, then turned around.

Carter pulled the car into a McDonald's and parkedacross the parking lot from the entry. It was going to be another walk of shame.

"You should be pretty hungry by now boy, all the action you've been getting?" Carter leered. "Let's go."

Darren opened the door and moved the seat forwardthankfully all the way this time so I could get out with anything falling out. The niceness was shortlived, as I felt a push from behind. They were making me walk in front of them into the Burger King.

I could feel eyes staring at me as I walked across the parking lot, the tight white nylon shorts hugging my ass with each step, my cock and balls outlined in the tight front pouch with the wet spot.

As I walked towards the entry a familiar face came into view coming out the door. It was the guy who'd made a grab for me at XXX Video. As he turned towards me his jaw fell slack. I could read the word `fuck' on his lips as he dropped his coke. Then a large woman who appeared to be at least ten years older than him pushed open the door behind him, sending him sprawling into the puddle of spilled coke.

"Damn it Harold are you a complete klutz?" she shrieked. "Get your ass up and take me home or I'll be late to watch Jerry Springer."

"Yes dear," poor Harold replied, looking at me with a strange mixture of desire, embarrassment and anger blended with about two hundred pounds of resentment in the form of his wife.

I could already tell this was not going to be a Happy Meal.

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