The Ritual

By Lindsey S.

Published on Jan 25, 2018


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Chapter 6: Relatively Certain

By the time Wednesday rolled around, Mike had gotten used to his miniature entourage, other's could not see them, but Adam had instructed them not to hide themselves from Mike. So at work, during workouts, or in the bathroom, there they were. They came in shifts, so halfway through the week he had met about a dozen individual creatures. each species had lots of variation in appearance; different skin colors, body types, wing size and shape, and Mike never met the same one twice. Each morning he would introduce himself to the Angel and Demon companions for that day, some were polite, some silent, and but all of them followed Adam's orders.

There two purposes as far as Mike could tell were to keep an eye on him and to teach about he history of earth. The gist of it was that thousands of years ago, earth was a mine for several species that could travel across galaxies. It was rich with a mineral that was essential for making fast ships. New technology that did not require this mineral had made Earth all but irrelevant. Humans had been workers on the planet, which was still owned by the demons and angels. Adam's family was appointed to keep the human race in check.

Every night Mike would get a lecture, usually while he wore his lingerie and got ready for bed. Adam had made good on his promise, and by Tuesday Mike had plenty of sexy things to wear. Servant called him Michelle anytime he was wearing them, and by Wednesday that was ninety percent of the time. Mike couldn't resist, he had even worn them to work, and had began sitting down to pee every time he went. Adam had even sent some outfits, including a cute pair of leggings and sports bra top to work out in.

All the changes seemed to make the decision ahead of him more confusing. And at this point in the week he realized he needed to let off some steam, so the first thing he did was summon Servant to his room. Feeling the lingerie under the blanket, it took no effort for Mike to feel like Michelle.

Laying in a pink corset she had put on the night before, she rolled onto her side. Up until now she had been very hesitant to use him too much, but she had woken up so horny, she figured it was worth getting out of her comfort zone.

"Come here and talk to me for a second,". Michelle said, trying to keep her cool.

Servant sat on the bed, "what do you want to hear Michelle?" His voice was calm and quiet.

"Do you think I look pretty?" She asked, pulling the blanket off of herself. The lace of her corset was tight around her stomach.

"Yes, I do." Servant did not look her in the eye.

Michelle reached down inside her panties and started stroking herself. "Do you wish you could serve me more? That I asked more of you?"

"I will do whatever you need me too." Servant watched as Michelle played with herself.

"Then come here, I want you to use your tongue like you did the other night." Michelle rolled over so she was on all fours, her ass up and her chest down on the bed. She reached back and pulled her thong to the side exposing her hole with her left hand. With her right she slowly kept jerking her now fully erect cock.

"Yes Michelle," Servant said in an obedient tone. He crawled over the bed and began softly kissing her tight little hole. Letting his tongue poke through and tease the rim he listened to Michelle's gasps and moans.

"God, that feels good," she muttered as she milked herself. Her eyes were closed but she could feel her two watchers staring at her as she played with herself. Within minutes she was close. She reached behind her and pushed her hips back, begging Servant to speed up his tongue.

She came inside her panties, and as her balls tightened and spasmed Servant's tongue slowed down, leaving her ass wet and shiny. "Thank you," she purred as she rolled over. Opening her eyes, she saw him hovering her, his erection inches from her leg. "Ummm, you can go," she muttered, feeling a little awkward about what had just happened. Normally she would not have been nearly that assertive, and she would have reciprocated. But with Servant she didn't feel like she had to.

Servant did as he was instructed, got off the bed, and left without saying a word. She turned to look at her two chaperones, both were sitting on her headboard. The angel was a female with high cheekbones and short white hair. She almost looked like a fairy, except for her bird like wings. The Demon was a stocky male with big arms and shoulders. The horns on his head were longer than the others she had seen, and curled out over his shoulders like a ram.

Michelle had gotten so used to them being around she forgot for a second they had just watched her get her ass eaten out, first thing in the morning. Their body language added to the feeling that nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. Neither looked shocked or impressed, they simply introduced themselves as Francis and Christopher.

As the morning progressed to lunch time at work, their presence became a distraction. Not only did they move more than the others had, but today they served as a constant reminder of the decision she had to make. By the time people were getting up to leave for their breaks, she was caught between looking like Mike to everybody else, and feeling like Michelle because she had worn a pair of black cheeky panties. Francis and Christopher knew, but nobody else in the office had any idea.

On her way out of the building, Michelle stopped by her bosses desk to check in on the progress for an upcoming deadline. As the conversation went on, her boss began implying that she might have to put in some serious hours over the next couple days and maybe even work through the weekend to make it happen. Michelle could not hide her disappointment, and began talking about having a trip planned. She still wasn't sure if she was going to meet Adam, but she wanted to keep the option open.

Christopher, the demon, flew to her bosses shoulder and whispered in her ear. Francis the Angel flew to Michelle's shoulder, and waited. "We can work something out, I think." Her boss said, there was tinge of frustration in her voice. Christopher flew off her shoulder over to the desk.

Michelle stood across on the opposite side of the desk, and watched her boss stand up. "Well, thank you," Michelle said. "I will get back to work, I won't go to lunch."

"You will not leave here tonight until you get your part finished. You have always been so on top of challenges like this, and willing to do whatever needed to be done. You seem distracted or did interested, you need to get your act together." Her bosses face was stone solid.

"I just have some things going on, it's hard to explain," Michelle began, but then thought better of it. "I will stay," she finished.

Francis then flew over and began whispering to her boss. Before Francis had finished come speaking to her, Michelle's boss began to speak, "If you get it all finished tonight," Her boss seemed to have calmed down, "You can take off the rest of the week. I will make sure your team finishes on time."

"Oh, well, thank you. I realize I just missed last Friday, I didn't expect,". Michelle's surprise was making it hard to find the words.

Her boss interrupted, "Just get the work done before I change my mind."

"Thank you," Michelle said again as Christopher and Francis flew ahead of her and all three left the office. She had seen other Angels and Demons whispering to humans before, but now it was obvious. They had suggested feelings and ideas to her boss.

"You are on my side, right?" She asked once she was at her desk.

"We are looking out for Adam," Francis responded.

Michelle nodded and began her work.

Michelle didn't get back home until nine o'clock, and figured it was late enough that she could go to the gym in her building and get away with wearing her new workout clothes even though she looked like Mike. She was nervous walking down to the rec center, but was happy to see she was right. The gym was empty, and she felt excited to lift some weights in her new clothes.

About halfway through her workout, two of her neighbors came in, and she did her best to pretend nothing was out of the ordinary. That was difficult to do at first, because she could not ignore the fact she felt a little fearful looking like a dude in chick's clothes.

The mirrors made it easy for her to catch glimpses of them here and there without being noticed. Watching them workout, their muscles swelling after each set was making her horny, and she could tell that her two chaperones were picking up on that. She mustered up some courage to make eye contact, and found Christopher and Francis whispering in their ears. She smiled nervously as she watched both of them look her over. As Christopher and Francis flew to the other side of the room, she noticed both of the guys change shift their focus off of working out, and onto her.

"Nobody gets dressed like that to work out, unless they want to get noticed," the bigger of the two said, unprompted. Michelle was certain it was Christopher that planted that idea.

Michelle swallowed, knowing he was undressing her with his eyes. She kept her eyes on him until the silence broke.

"You do have really nice legs, and a those tights compliment your ass really well," the smaller of the two said. His eyes were locked on hers. "I would love to see what is underneath there." He started moving toward her slowly. She took half a step back but ran into the mirrored wall behind her. He softly asked her, "Mind if I take a peak?"

Her skin flushed and she grabbed his wrists as he reached for the top of her leggings. She swallowed hard again, and closed her eyes, trying to fight her desire to say `yes'.

"Of course she wants to show us," the bigger guy said. "She hasn't said `no'."

Michelle glanced for a second, and closed her eyes. She felt his hands sliding down her hips, even with her hands in his wrists, but she wasn't doing anything to stop him. The cool air of the room let her know that he was sliding her leggings down, exposing her cotton bikini briefs. "Just say stop and I will." He said, loud enough for all to hear.

Opening her eyes, she made eye contact with him again and said nothing. Looking over his shoulder, she caught a glimpse of the bigger guy moving toward them. She let go of smaller guys wrists and put her hands on his shoulders. Very subtly she pushed down on them, and he took the hint, lowering himself to his knees. He lowered her tights to her thighs, so she was standing with her back against the wall in just her sports top and panties. She felt his breathe against the cotton.

The bigger guy was now inches from her face. "Do you like what you see?" She asked softly.

He didn't hesitate to grab her wrists and forcefully push them up over her head and against the wall. Michelle let out a hard breathe and pushed her hips forward for balance, making the guys hot tongue touched her panties. Michelle let out a quick gasp, and pulled her hips back.

"I would fuck that tight little ass of yours," he said before kissing her full on the mouth, his tongue assaulting hers. The guy on his knees brought his tongue back to her panties, making wet circles around the tip of her semi hard cock. Michelle accepted the tongue in her mouth by opening her jaw wide and breathing threw her nose.

Suddenly the kiss stopped, she opened her eyes to see him watching her body. She tried to move her hands, but he held her there. Bending her knee and standing on one foot she wrapped it up around the shoulders of the guy below, inviting him into her panties. Craning just her neck, she leaned forward trying to kiss again, but was unable to reach. Closing her eyes she leaned back against the wall, trying to enjoy the warm wet joy now invading her panties. She was so lost in the feeling of his tongue, she didn't notice the bigger guy had let go of her wrists. Just as quickly as it had left, she felt a tongue and mouth attacking her neck, and her top being ripped open, exposing her nipples. "My top," is all she could get out before she felt one nipple being pinched and the other being licked and nibbled.

He grabbed her jaw with one hand and reached down to her panties with the other. "Tell us what you hoped would happen, coming down here dressed like a little tramp," he taunted, then took the fingers on her jaw and slid them into her mouth. She tried to speak, but his fingers pressed her tongue down, so she just began sucking on them. Closing her lips she rolled her tongue around, and felt him guide her into his friends mouth with his other hand.

"Mmmmmmm," She whimpered, closing her eyes tight. Taking a deep breathe, she opened her mouth and he removed his fingers. She heard Christopher's voice whispering in her ear, "tell them how bad you want your ass filled," he said. "Let them know you won't stop fucking till they cum all over you." She opened her eyes and saw Christopher on her shoulder, and she started to rock her hips to the pace of the tongue working the head of her cock, and the hand jerking her. She reached her hand down and wrapped it around his, helping him. Her hips started to buck as she began to edge. "I wanted to make you cum all over me, deep inside me," She uttered as cum splashed into the smaller guys mouth. Her body shivered as the quick orgasm ran through her.

Her tights still only halfway down her thighs, she almost fell over, but was caught by the bigger guy, who then laid down on her stomach. Knowing what was coming she scooted her knees under her, sticking her ass in the air. Within seconds she felt his cock bouncing against her ass. "Wiggle it for me, give me a show," He teased. Michelle swayed her hips back and forth and reached back to pull her panties down. As she turned her head to look behind her, she felt her face being redirected. The smaller guy had kneeled in front of her and was pulling her face to his cock.

"Use those pretty lips," he said sweetly. She looked up at him and stared into his eyes as he gently pressed the head of his semi hard cock to her lips. She opened her mouth and slid her tongue over the slit, and the down the underside of the tip before wrapping her lips around it. "That feels so good," he said as he pumped slowly into her mouth. She could still feel her ass being smacked by a growing cock as she watched the face of the guy's cock she was sucking.

Hands grabbed her hips and held them from making any more circles. She heard the guy behind her spit before she felt it dribble down her crack. Using his hand to rub it into her hole, he briefly fingered her as she continued to suck. She let out a soft moan and closed her eyes. She felt him applying pressure on her ass, tried to squirm, but couldn't because his grip on her hips was so tight.

"Look at me with those pretty eyes. he won't hurt you," the smaller guy said as he lifted her chin up. She looked up, which made him smile. "There, we all like that," he said as he began pumping deeper into her mouth.

In the mirror she caught a glimpse of both Francis and Christopher watching their plan unfold. Both had begun masterbating as they took the scene in.

Michelle felt her breathe getting faster as they both pulled deeper and deeper inside her. Within seconds of that she felt the cock in her mouth swell, ready to explode. He pulled out of her mouth and began jerking himself, cumming all over her face. Watery white fluid quickly dripped down her chin. She couldn't hold it back anymore, the burning inside her was too much. She closed her eyes, bit her lower lip and began pushing back against the assault on her ass. "Fuck Adam, please baby," she muttered. As the ripples rolled through her she felt a gush of fluid fill her up, then another, before he pulled out and left two more shots on her back.

Out of breathe she laid flat on the floor and rolled over. She watched as both guys pulled up their pants. In the mirror she could see her chest still heaving, with her shirt ripped. The smaller guy gave her a kiss on the lips, before thanking her. The bigger guy watched and grunted out a laugh. "Your welcome," he said before they both walked out the door, leaving her cum soaked and disheveled.

She took some time to collect herself. She knew the walk home would be embarrassing if anybody saw her, but she felt lighter than she had all week. That feeling of being totally uninhibited had released the tension, and what she wanted was now obvious. It couldn't get any more obvious than screaming Adams name. Relatively quickly a plan for the next two days came to her. She was certain now, she knew what she wanted. There was just one thing she needed to check before she could commit to leaving Mike behind forever.

She texted Adam as soon as she got back to her apartment, "I think I need to go home and visit my parents before I make up my mind. I'm pretty sure I am Michelle, and if the option to stay a candidate is still available I will take it, and go through the transition."

She got ready for bed, not sure if she should expect a response before the morning. She was pleasantly surprised to find an email in her inbox with a first class ticket to her home town. Shortly after, Adam texted her, "Safe travels, tell me when you have decided for sure."

She smiled and texted back, "FYI, I screamed your name while cumming with two other guys today."

He instantly replied, "I heard." With a smiley face.

Before falling asleep she looked at her closet, and faced a new question that had never really occurred to Adam. What was she going to wear on the plane...

Next: Chapter 7

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