The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Nov 21, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Two

At some point during the night Tyler and Dan had reversed roles. Tyler rolled over on to his other side and Dan spooned up against Tyler's back with his arm holding Tyler tight against him. Tyler woke to the sensation of something hard rubbing back and forth against his lower back. He could hear Dan's laboured breathing and knew immediately that Dan was fucking his back while sound asleep. If only Danny was taller this would feel so much better he thought to himself. Before he could decide whether to move or even wake Dan up, it happened!

"Ah, oh, oh, ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhh, Oooooh. Oh My GOD!" Dan said aloud as he woke to realize what had just happened.

"Feel better now Dan?" Tyler chuckled.

"Oh God. Oh Tyler. Oh My God! I'm so sorry, I, I, don't know what just happened?" He said in a panicked voice.

"You don't know what happened? Hahahaha! I'm not even facing you and I know what happened!"

"No, no, I know what happened but I . shit! Never mind." Dan didn't know what to say or do. There was no question this was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to him.

"It's okay Dan. Could you please just wipe it up? I think it's running down my back."

Dan jumped up and grabbed his damp boxers from his shower and wiped up Tyler's back and his own crotch. He ran to the bathroom and shut the door.

Tyler felt so bad for him but it was so funny he had to laugh out loud. He lay there quietly waiting for Danny to return but he didn't! Tyler listen for any noise but there wasn't anything so he got up and walked down the hallway. He could see the bathroom light was on.

Knock, Knock "Hey Danny? You okay? You didn't get stuck in there did you?" He snickered aloud.

There was no answer only a slight whimpering. Tyler's stomach dropped. Of course he must feel like shit he thought to himself.

"Hey Dan? It's Ty. I'm coming in okay?" He said as he opened the door slowly. There sat Danny on the toilet seat with his head slumped down and sobbing quietly. Tyler went to Dan and got down on his knees in front of him. Tyler placed his hands upon Dan's hands and slowly pried his fingers away from his tear soaked face. Dan's head shook up and down as he sobbed even louder, gasping for breath. "Danny, Danny. Don't cry. There's nothing to cry about. Nothing to be ashamed of."

Tyler pulled Dan into his chest and kissed the top of his head. Danny continued sobbing.

"Shhhhh, shhhhh. It's all right. You're okay. I promise. It's just you and me. No one else." He whispered softly into his ear. Danny wrapped his arms around Tyler and pulled tightly into him. Not wanting to let go. Not wanting Tyler to see his shame.

"C'mon, it's after one in the morning. Lets get to bed."

Pushing Danny back away from him, Tyler wiped Dan's tears away from each cheek. "Shhhhh. It's okay, I promise. You did nothing wrong and I promise it will never leave this room. Come to bed Danny." He said with a smile and then pulling Danny's face closer he kissed his forehead and smile at him.

They returned to bed in silence and Tyler pulled Dan into him. Dan pressed his lips into the centre of Tyler's smooth chest and kissed him lightly. Tyler returned the kiss to his forehead and said. "Now close your eyes and sleep my friend" as he slowly rubbed his back. Danny drifted off to sleep and Tyler did as well once he heard Danny's breathing relax.

When the alarm went off at eight their positions hadn't really changed. They both separated and stretched. There was 15 seconds of awkward silence until Tyler spoke up.

"Come here." He said smiling at Dan and pulled him into his arms. "Danny, you are my friend above all else. I don't want you acting all weird and avoiding me. You were my friend last yesterday and an even better friend this morning. Do you understand?"

"Thanks Ty." He said as he pulled Tyler into a hug and then Tyler kissed his forehead.

"Let's go have a shower and get over to have our physicals done. I'm starved!"

"Me too Ty. I worked up quite and appetite last night." He said with a wink and a smile.

"Yeah, well you're going to even hungrier before you get to eat cause you're going to wash my back in the shower!" Tyler said poking Danny in the ribs.

"Oh Fuck!" exclaimed Dan looking at Tyler.


Dan covered his mouth in shock and pointed to the spot his chest. Tyler had a hickey just to the left of his right nipple.

"Hahahaha. Damn, I hope I don't have to explain this to the Team Doctor?"

Tyler messed Dan's hair just like he was a little boy and Danny giggled.

After getting the morning security guard to unlock Danny's room the rest of the day was tiring and uneventful which was fine with Tyler as he was exhausted from his drive the previous day. Aside from awaiting the results of blood tests he passed his physical, toured the hockey complex, and learned a little more about his new 'boyfriend'.

Danny was an only child from Iowa. He lived on a farm, did well in school, was an amazing goalie, and was as shy as anyone Tyler had ever met before. The only reason Danny was even here was because of an academic scholarship like Tyler. He was to be the back-up goalie for the team. He didn't care, as he was more interested in pursuing his B.A. in agriculture. They also discovered that they would be sharing a business math class and that made Dan relax a little bit more. Tyler did his best to avoid Danny's questions about his family and past. He would give him obscure answers and try to change the subject. This plan of Tyler's worked very well as Danny was in his glory to have anyone, more specifically a stud like Tyler, take an interest in him.

Tyler was doing his best not to lie to Dan while not giving too much information but he was cornered with one particular question.

"Say Ty, how come you didn't attend the first meeting of the hockey players back in July?"

"Ummm. I had a family emergency and couldn't make it. C'mon, lets get some lunch." He said trying to change the subject.

Tyler could barely stay awake putting his suit on for dinner. Standing before the full-length mirror on the bathroom door he straighten his white shirt and tucked it into his black dress pants. He choose a neon turquoise tie that he figured would show up well against his black double-breasted suit. Pausing to look in the mirror brought back painful memories of the last time he wore this suit. The knocking of Dan at the door relieved him of his memories.

"Hey stud-boy! You look all ready to go cruising!" This only made Dan blush.

"Hi Ty. You look HOT!"

"Thanks Dan. I like your red power tie but I was expecting you to be wearing a plaid shirt?"

"Fuck-off Tyler. just 'cause I'm from Hickville doesn't mean I'm a hick!"

Tyler straightened and tighten Dan's tie and said, "Nope Daniel! After last night the one thing I am sure of is that you ain't no hick!" Tyler smiled and Dan's blushing now matched his tie. "Let's go meet the assholes Danny."

Tyler sighed.

"Don't say that Ty, you haven't even met them yet!"

"Dan, you're the first hockey player I've ever met who is real. Watch and learn young man!"

Upon entering the banquet hall in the hockey arena Tyler and Dan were greeted by the Coach, General Manager, and the Dean of Drexel. Tyler pushed Dan ahead so that any conversations with the Coach Conners would remain quiet.

"Tyler! I'm so glad you made it. My condolences on this tragic event." He said while clasping Tyler's hand.

"Thank you Coach and thank you for the floral arrangement. Would you mind if we not talk about it? I really don't want to have to explain it to everyone. You understand what I mean?"

"Certainly Ty. You know I'm here if you need me. You are one brave young man and give up your scholarship so someone else could have a chance to play. It shows what a team leader you are. I want to be the first to tell you that I've chosen you to be an Assistant Captain on the team. It's an honour rarely given to a first year player."

"Thank Coach, but I really don't think that is fair. I mean there are plenty of deserving players and it might just create animosity among my team mates."

"Tyler. Trust me. This isn't something done out of sympathy. You're a born leader and not only do you deserve it but the team needs your leadership. Now let me introduce to Bob McCaffrey our General Manager and Dean GeoffreyThompson."

Daniel stood waiting for Tyler not wanting to go and meet the rest of the team without him. When Tyler joined him he seemed a little upset but Dan sensed he better not say anything in while they were in public.

Tyler and Danny and six other newbie's were introduced to the team. When Tyler and Danny were introduce to the team Captain, Tyler took and instant dislike to him.

"Hi, I'm Dakota, your team Captain. So Ty, you're the superstar hockey player of Canada?" He said laughing at him and getting a group chuckle from his posse that surrounded him.

"Dakota? As in North or South?" Tyler smirked backed as he shook his hand. "And no, I'm not a superstar hockey player, and I sure I am certainly not in your league." Only Dan caught the pun but didn't quite hid his smirk fast enough.

"Don't worry Ty, someday. with a little practice you just might be! This is Josh and Ryan and these are my assistants. They'll be happy to show you how I run my team." Tyler and Dan shook hands with Josh and Ryan while giving each other a look.

Dakota caught the look and asked Tyler while staring down Danny. "So who is this? You brought your little brother?" That made Dakota's posse laugh. They seemed to be well trained in knowing when to do that.

"No, Mr. Dakota, Captain, Sir. This is Daniel, your new back up Goalie, and if you know the old saying about 'don't fuck with your goalie or he'll make you pay.' then I suggest you treat him with the respect he deserves." Tyler said in a demeaning tone.

"Well Mr. Dan and Mr. Tyler. I will see you at practice and Tyler. try to show up this time not like last July." Dakota turned around and his posse separated as if on cue for the King to exit.

"Holy Shit Ty. I don't believe what happened! You can't talk to the Captain of the team like that."

"I didn't start it Danny and I don't think it's done either. but you better believe I will be the one to finish it. Mr. Duh-kota is in for a little surprise tonight."

"What? What do you mean Ty?"

"Wait and listen to what the coach has to say." He told Tyler and sat down at a table with his name on it.

The coach introduced everyone and then they all sat through several boring speeches. When the dinner was over it was time to induct the six new players. Each one was called up and bit of their background and hockey history was given. Then they were each presented with their hockey jerseys.

Each player removed his suit jacket and put on his new jersey showing his name on the back he was given a round of applause from all present. The coach was saving the best for last. When he called up Tyler, Dakota and his posse began talking quietly amongst themselves. They weren't paying attention to Tyler and the coaches speech until the applause began and they saw Tyler wearing his team jersey with the large letter A on it. The applause was cut in half and then silenced as the coach announce that Tyler would be an assistant Captain on the team. Dakota and his posse were dumbfounded and shocked. Dakota quietly told Josh and Ryan that he would take care of this. They all glared at Tyler as he sat down and was congratulated by the other five new members of the team.

Dan leaned over to whisper in Tyler's ear, "that's not a letter A, that's a bull's-eye if I ever saw one!" Tyler just smiled and winked.

Upon conclusion of the events Dakota and his posse of six stormed out of the banquet hall. This had not gone unnoticed by the Coach or any of the other players. The rest of the team came over to congratulate Tyler and he couldn't help but notice that many seemed very happy about what had just happened. Danny was beaming with pride for Tyler. He was loving every moment of it knowing that he had the inside scoop on what was going on. Tyler and Danny walked back to their dorm house carrying their jerseys and laughing about tonight's events. Danny couldn't stop repeating everything that happened and filling Tyler in on the details of what he saw while Tyler was being presented his jersey.

When they walked inside the front door of the dorm house they went over to see Gus.

"Good Evening Sir." Tyler said flashing a wide grin and handing Gus a plate with a piece of cherry pie on it.

"Evening Tyler, whoa! What have we here? You trying to fatten me up for slaughter?" He said laughing at Tyler.

"No Sir. I just didn't want any thought you might appreciate it. By the way, this is my friend Dan. He's on the same floor as me and a really great guy."

"Nice to meet you Daniel!" Gus said extending his hand.

"Like wise Sir." He said with a smile and knowing that if Tyler called him Sir then he had better too!

"Well, I'm off to bed have a good night."

"Good night boys, sleep well. and thanks for the pie Ty!"

"Good night Sir." They both said in unison.

"Oh Tyler, I almost forgot. I think I found something you might be interested in. I passed a restaurant down by the water in the Italian section. They're looking for help. I wrote down the name, address and phone number. Thought you might be interested? It's a damn swanky lookin' joint."

"Wow, thanks Gus! I don't know how to thank you! This means so much to me."

"No thanks necessary Tyler. You're good people. I hope it goes well for you." He said.

Getting out of the elevator Tyler was so tired he barely remembered to say good night to Danny.

"Umm, okay, night Ty." He said sounding dejected. He turned and walked away with his head down low.

Tyler didn't even notice. He fumbled to get his key into the hole to open the door. He was even too tired to hang up his suit and just laid it out on top of the bunk bed. Since the double bed was still on the floor from last night he decided to just sleep there. He turned out the light and literally fell into bed. He was asleep in thirty seconds but the knocking on the door put an end to that.

Opening the door was Danny wearing only his boxers and big grin.

"Oh sorry Tyler. Were you asleep already?"

Tyler slumped his head against the side of the door having trouble focusing on Danny.

"I just dropped by to, ummm. pick up my wet boxers."

"Dan. would you like to stay here tonight?" He said in a half asleep voice.

"Yeah! Please! I thought you'd never ask!"

"Geeez. Daniel. Haul you ass into bed and go to SLEEP!"

Like a ten year old being told to get back into bed, Danny jumped under the covers and held the covers open for Tyler to get in. Tyler dropped into bed and turned to face away from Danny. Danny threw the covers over Tyler and dropped his arm around him pulling him tight to his body.

As Tyler drifted off to sleep he heard Danny whisper in his ear, "I love you!" And Tyler's eyes popped wide open.

Tyler woke before the rising Sun. Slipping quietly out of bed as to not wake Danny, he threw on his sweats, grabbed his Atlanta Braves ball cap and his MP3 player. Pulling the door closed quietly he jogged to the elevator. The morning security guard was doing a crossword puzzle when Tyler ran up to the desk.

"Good Morning Sir." He said while jogging on the spot. "I'm Tyler Peel from room 545 and I was wondering if I could leave my pass card and key here while I go for jog?"

"Son you're going to need them to get back in the building."

"Well. I was wondering if you could watch them and buzz me in when I get back? I will only be about an hour. I'm new here and I don't want to lose them."

"Alright Tyler, but if I'm making my rounds you will have to wait until I get back to get in. Is that okay?"

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir. Much appreciated! Ummm. how do you like your coffee?"

"No coffee for me Son. I'm off to bed in another two hours."

"Okay, thanks again!" Tyler said as he jogged off and out the door.

Tyler jogged twice around the campus to help familiarize him with the surroundings. Outside of the Science building there was a water fountain in a little parkette with benches. He stopped to have a drink. Tyler jogged down to the front gates and stopped to say 'hello' to the security guard telling him that he was out for a jog and to get some coffee but he wasn't carrying his identification with him. The guard just smiled and waved him on. Tyler headed towards downtown Philly. He wanted to jog by the restaurant that Gus had told him about and to stop by the bakery he went to when he first arrived.

About 35 minutes into his run he found the restaurant. "Ciccones Trattoria" (Chick-Cone-Ez) He peaked in the front windows that were partially covered with drapes. There was a big fireplace along one wall and about 30 tables he figured. A bar ran along the entranceway and extended into a prep area followed by the kitchen. There were large paintings covering most of the walls. Then he spotted what he was looking for. On every table was a glass bowl with a lid and inside each lid was freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Next to the cheese were the standard salt, pepper, and jar of hot pepper flakes. Tyler knew right away he found the type of restaurant he wanted to work in. He moved over to the front door, pressing his face tight against the glass trying to see in. A man carrying several bags approached Tyler from behind and said in a thick Italian accent, "Are you looking for something?"

"AAAAhhhhhhh." Tyler screamed and jumped back.

The man laughed at him and Tyler laughed as well.

"You scared the crap out of me?"

"Well. if you are thinking of robbing my restaurant I can tell you that there isn't any money inside and you want something to eat, you will have to wait until 5 p.m. tonight."

"No Sir, I was looking for a job and I decided to go by your restaurant and take a look since I was out for my morning run. I want to work in a good restaurant and yours looks very nice from what I can see."

"So you think we might be worthy of hiring you?" The man said smiling.

"No Sir, I apologize. I didn't mean to be rude. I want to work in a place where the food is only surpassed by the service given. A place where people come not only because of the food but also because of its atmosphere. If it doesn't feel like the people you work with are part of your family then it is just a job. Does that make sense Sir?"

The man was fumbling for his keys with his hands full so Tyler started to remove some of the load he was carrying. The man hesitated for a moment wondering if Tyler was going to run off with his bags but decided that he probably wasn't. Allowing Tyler to hold all of his bags he unlocked the door and held it open for him. Tyler walked in and immediately caught the smells of garlic and fresh baked breads.

"Wow! Smell the garlic! Mmmmmm the basil! Is that focaccia bread I smell?

He asked of the man.

"You have a good nose Son!" The man carefully watched Tyler look around. He noticed his nose was constantly up in the air sniffing. He thought he looked like a little boy in a candy shop. for the first time! Then Tyler unwittingly did something that virtually secured his new job. He opened the lid on the little glass container on the nearest table and sniffed.

"Ahhhh, Parmesano Reggiano!" Tyler said and his future boss new that he had a winner.

The old man extended his hand and said, "Angelo. Angelo Ciccone."

Tyler grabbed the man's hand with both of his hands smiling from ear to ear.

"Tyler. Sir! Tyler Peel."

Angelo smiled and said, "Call me Angelo."

"Yes Sir."

Angelo laughed and shook his head. "So you want to work here? Why don't we sit down and talk about you and me?"

"Oh thank you Sir for taking the time, but I would never show up to an interview dressed like this. Do you come in at this time every morning Sir?"

"Every morning Tyler but we are closed on Mondays!" He said with a silent prayer for having one day off a week.

"Would it be okay if I met you at this time tomorrow morning? I could help you in the kitchen while you interview me!" Tyler pleaded.

"Well Tyler. since you are giving me this opportunity to consider hiring you. how could I refuse?" He said laughing out loud.

Tyler just sunk his head down feeling incredibly stupid.

"I'm sorry Sir. I really didn't mean it that way. I just want the chance to prove to you that I will not only be suitable to work for you but that I will also be a positive addition." He said with his head hung down low.

Angelo smiled and shook his head. "Tyler! Look at me and listen. We should all have the passion you have food. If we did then the world would be a happier place. You be here at 5:30 a.m. tomorrow and we will talk a little. cook a little. maybe share some wine. a little." Angelo said smiling at him

Tyler moved one foot forward to hug Angelo but stopped thinking he had pushed his luck as far as it would go. "Thank you Sir! Thank you so much. I promise you won't regret it!"

"Don't worry Tyler, you need not be afraid of me. My wife Gina. now that's another story! (lol) She does all the hiring and firing. Me! I just make food! I will tell her about you. Now go make yourself sweatier or whatever it is you crazy joggers do at this ridiculous time of the morning. And stop calling me Sir! My name is Angelo."

"Thank you Sir, I mean, sorry Sir!" Angelo shook his head and walked back into the kitchen and Tyler bounced his way out of the restaurant. Once out the door he yelled "Wooooo Hoooo" at the top of his lungs. Angelo turned around and laughed hearing Tyler yell and walked up to the front door and locked it again. He then walked over to the front window and pulled the 'help wanted part-time' sign out of the window.

Tyler picked up his pace trying to find the bakery. He came running through the door so fast that the staff thought it was someone going to rob them! His ear-to-ear grinned told them that this wasn't going to happen and the kid was probably high on something and had the 'munchies'.

Tyler got three large coffees, four large breakfast cinnamon buns, and a double-chocolate hot chocolate. Just as he was pulling the money out of his left sock when he remembered Gus.

"I need something special for someone? Like for a birthday, but it isn't. What do you recommend?" He hurriedly asked the lady behind the counter.

"Son, I don't think you need anything with sugar!" She said laughing at him.

"Oh sorry, I umm. think I just got a job and I want to thank my friend Gus. He's a security guard at my dorm house and he found this restaurant and. you don't really care to know all this do you?" He said panting and jumping around.

"Hahahaha. I think you need some Valium tarts boy! You know Gus? He's such a great guy. Comes here to get his coffee everyday before work. He goes to work at two just as I am getting off my shift here. I know what Gus really loves!"

"WHAT? WHAT? WHAT?" Tyler yelled.

"Settle down boy or you're going to have a heart-attack before you ever start that job."

"I'm sorry. What does Gus like? What's his favourite?" Tyler was now begging.

"Gus's favourite is our chocolate-pecan pie. Would you like a slice for Gus?" She asked.

"Slice? I'll take the whole pie Ma'am!"

She wrapped the pie in a cardboard container, put the four drinks in a quad cardboard cup holder and separately bagged the cinnamon buns. Tyler handed her a twenty-dollar bill and told her to keep the change and that he would be back tomorrow morning but just for coffee.

"By the way, is there a bus around here that could take me back to Drexel?"

"That one, right their honey! You better run!"

Tyler was out the door and on the bus in less than a minute. The bus driver dropped him off a half block from the front entrance. He walked as quickly as he could up to the security gate where the same guy was there laughing at all the food he was carrying.

"You must be hungry from that run?"

"Yes Sir! And I brought you a coffee and a cinnamon bun. I didn't know how you take your coffee so I brought some creamers and sugar."

"Why thank you Son. That's awfully nice of you. This must be a record year for Drexel. Now we have two good Samaritans here already."

Tyler looked at him strangely. "Two good Samaritans Sir?"

"Hell yeah! A guy I work with was telling me about this really nice kid who brought him pecan tarts."

Tyler laughed and said, "Well we can always use more good people Sir. Have a great day!"

"You to Son, you too!"

When Tyler reached the front of his dorm house he pushed the buzzer hoping the security guard from earlier would be there. The voice that came over the speaker said, "You better have a cinnamon bun for me too!" Follow by a roar of laughter. Tyler began to blush.

"One cinnamon bun and a double-chocolate hot chocolate for the man who has to be asleep in twenty hours!" Tyler responded to the speaker.

All Tyler heard was the buzzer of the door going off followed by laughter coming from the speaker.

"Two hours! I said two hours!"

"Oh, Sorry, I thought you said twenty hours?" Tyler winked and handed him the hot chocolate and cinnamon bun. He grabbed his key and ran to the elevator before the guard could even say thank you. The guard did hear a 'thanks' as the elevator door closed.

Tyler quietly unlocked the door to his room not knowing if Danny was awake yet or not. As he creped down the hallway he could hear him snoring gently.

Tyler stepped carefully over the bed on the floor and around the bunk bed setting the goodies down on his desk. He pulled his sweat-drenched hoody and shoes off. Creeping back over to the bed he laid down beside Danny barely able to control his giddiness. As he laid down facing Danny with his left arm supporting his head and leaned into Danny's ear.

"Ahhh, ahhh, ooooh, ahhhhhhh, Oh God, Oh God." He said in a deep-throated voice.

Danny's eyes popped open immediately and Tyler busted out laughing.

"YOU SHIT YOU!" Danny said laughing. He grabbed his pillow and swatted Tyler in the head.

"Pillow fight eh?" Tyler said.

"That's right Canajun boy! But don't worry. I'll hit you slowly since you're from Cana-duh!" He said laughing.

A comment like that called for Tyler to give him the beats and he did. Danny never got one shot in because he was laughing and gasping for air while failing to fight off Tyler's pillow beating. Tyler finally collapsed next to Danny. Both breathing like they'd run a marathon.

"I brought you coffee and a large cinnamon bun." Tyler said between gasps of breath.

"What time is it? It's not even seven yet? What the fuck are you doing up at this time of the morning?"

Sitting up in the bed facing each other, Danny in boxers and Tyler in the bottom half of his sweats, Tyler filled Danny in on the events of the morning while Danny stared at his chest. Between Danny's "wow's and cool" Tyler told him all about the potential job that came from Gus's help. Danny's lost puppy dog eyes simply stared at Tyler has he told him of his adventure. When Tyler finished talking Danny was still staring and it was beginning to bother Tyler. He thought back to last night and the last thing Danny said to him.

"Dan, we need to talk about something important. I want you to listen! I want you to listen VERY CAREFULLY! I don't want you to react in anyway until I am finished. Okay?"

Danny returned immediately to his normal state of insecurity, head down and fidgeting with his fingers.

Tyler grabbed his hands and told him to stop and just listen.

"Last night you said something very special, right before bed. Do you remember what you said?"

Danny's head dropped back down and used the back of his hand to wipe away a tear before Tyler would see it roll down his cheek.

"Relax Danny! Please? Look up at me. It's okay."

Danny raised his head, eyes tearing up.

"Look Dan, what you said meant a lot to me. It means a lot because I know that what you said was real. You said it from the heart, but listen please!

Don't fall in love with me. I can't tell you why but I can tell you that all of my life bad things have happen to those who love me. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I know it's not much of an explanation but you have to trust me! Tears now streamed down Danny's face and Tyler used both of his thumbs to wipe them away. "Danny. Please. It's okay to love me but don't fall in love with me. Can you understand what I am saying?"

"Sort of." he said through his sniffles. "I think I'd better get going," He said standing up. "No Danny. Please don't go. I want to show you something special. Something just for you! Something that shows you how much you do mean to me." Having said that, Tyler stood up and grabbed his key, two towels, and Danny's hand. Tyler stepped out into the hallway holding Danny's hand but Danny stopped at the door.

"It's okay Danny. It's only you and me. Trust me."

Danny stepped out into the hallway and the door slammed shut. Tyler pulled Danny down the hallway towards the showers in his hall hand in hand. The sound of the door slamming shut woke up Cody. He didn't think anyone was living on his floor yet, much less in his wing. He walked up to the door scratching his balls and tugging a little on his morning boner. He looked out the peephole and couldn't see anything but he could hear voices. Then two bodies quickly passed his door. Quietly he unlocked his door and opened it enough to for his left eye to look down the hall. There was Tyler and the new goalie from his team walking hand-in-hand to the shower. His cock stiffened up immediately.

Tyler opened the door to the showers and flicked the lights on. Danny followed behind to the first shower where Tyler turned the water on. Tyler turned around and smiled at Danny's confused look. Feeling that the water was hot enough, Tyler stepped aside and told Danny to get into the shower. Danny hesitantly walked into the shower with his left hand extended feeling the water. He let the water run over his head and back. When he turned around Tyler was standing in his shower holding a bottle of soap and smiling. An inquisitive smile came across Danny's face as Tyler opened the bottle of soap and squeeze some into his palm. He began lathering the soap in his hands and placed them on Danny's chest making a swirling motion.

Tyler stepped all the way into the shower and pulled Danny in an embrace. Soaping each other's backs, mutual erections grew. Tyler dropped down to his knees and began massaging Danny's balls. Danny leaned back against the showerhead wall and rested his arms on each partition. Tyler pulled Danny's erection down and let the water rolling down over their bodies wash his cock clean of soap. He slowly stroked him, admiring the beauty before him. Danny moaned. Tyler studied Danny's cock. It turned upwards at the head. It's deep purple colour made it stand out against his tanned body. Tyler ran his fingers through his bush and noticed how coarse and sharp the untrimmed mass was. Placing his fully extended tongue just under the head he gave one long, slow lick upwards while watching Danny's face. Danny moaned again.

Neither boy heard or saw the door open about one inch. From Cody's viewpoint, a reflection inn the mirror, he could only see his new goalie lying back against the shower wall. He could hear his moaning so he figured what the goalie was doing but it appeared that both of his hands were laying on the partitions. He couldn't see Tyler at all and wasn't sure if Tyler was across in the other shower stall or in the same one as the goalie. The mist from the shower was slowly fogging up the mirrors. As the fog began to lower, decreasing his view every minute, Cody grabbed his exposed erection and began masturbating himself in the hallway. He stopped and looked both ways for anyone coming but there wasn't and he figured that if someone came into the hall he would just push his way into the bathroom like nothing unusual was happening. It would be easier to deal with his new teammates than a security guard.

Danny moaned so loud that Tyler stopped and asked him if he wanted to wake the entire building up? Danny just pulled Tyler's face back on to his erection, closed his eyes and sighed. Tyler began working up and down his 5" erection. Placing his right hand around the base of Danny's cock he slid his left hand up under Danny's butt. Danny squatted slightly to give Tyler better access to his hole. Before Tyler could work even one finger into Danny's hole, Danny began grunting.

"Oh God. I'm going to cum Ty!" He said thrashing his head back and forth while holding Tyler deep on his shaft.

Tyler felt Danny's balls pull up to his hand at the base of Danny's cock and Tyler pulled Danny's erection so it pointed straight out. That was enough to finish Danny off. Danny moaned out even louder than before. Tyler could feel Danny's cock swell in size and then pulsate. Four average squirts came rushing into Tyler's waiting mouth. He pulled back to the head after the first squirt came and began jerking Danny's cock to heighten the sensation. Danny's head rocked back and forth and his eyes couldn't close any tighter.

It seemed like it was over before it began. Tyler couldn't believe that he had cum so quickly and Danny couldn't believe that a blowjob could be that good? Tyler stood up and Danny still hadn't opened his eyes. Tyler leaned in to kiss him and opened his mouth slightly. Danny inserted his tongue and got to share what Tyler was enjoying. For a moment Danny thought that maybe Tyler was going to spit it out? Once Danny opened his eyes, Tyler then swallowed his mouthful in a dramatic fashion and smiled at Danny.

The mirrors were completely fogged over and all Cody could do was listen to the moans of the new goalies orgasm. That sent Cody over the edge and blew his load on the door and doorframe. Quickly looking around he quietly closed the door and ran back to his room. Dan and Ty were none the wiser to what Cody had seen.

"We better get clean up eh Dan?"

"Ummm what about you?"

"Daniel! This was something special just for you. Most importantly, remember what I told you back in my room!"

"Okay." Dan said pouting a little.

"Let's get this shower finished I have lots to do today." Trying to lighten up Danny's mood Tyler added, "by the way. I think I'll take that back washing you owe me right now!" They both laughed and finished their showers together.

Upon leaving the shower room Dan exited first followed by Tyler. As Tyler stepped out into the hallway he stepped in something wet. He turned around looking and saw the creamy mess on the doorframe.

"SHIT!" He said aloud.

"What?" Said Danny turning around from down the hall.

"Oh nothing Dan, I, I just stepped on a small rock or something."

Tyler caught up to Dan and as they walked back to Tyler's room, Tyler kept looking back down the hall behind him. Dan had the key and opened the door to Ty's room. He walked in and let go of the door thinking Tyler had grabbed the door behind him. Tyler let the door slam shut and waited. He looked down the hallway and heard a dorm room door shut. He saw the movement of the door and walked down the hallway.

"Hmmm. Room 556. no names on the door." He said aloud. Wondering who lived there and now knowing that they were not alone in the shower he walked back to his room.

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