The Road Home

By Tyler Peel

Published on Nov 24, 2005


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertaining other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you choose to disregard this disclaimer. If it is not legal to read the following fictional story in your country then please stop now.

The Road Home: Part Five

Danny grabbed his used boxers from the night before, his key, and his identification card. "So. will I see you tonight?" He asked shyly.

"I doubt it. I have to be at the restaurant around 5:30 in the morning. If I get a chance maybe I will drop by your room?"

"Yeah, that'd be cool!" Tyler pulled Danny into a hug and told him he would talk to him later.

After Danny left Tyler decided that today he would actually get unpacked and set up his room. He also wanted to hang up several of his photos and drawings he had done. He wanted to update his resume and bring it over to the restaurant mid afternoon. Maybe he could meet briefly with 'Witch Gina' he began to call her.

The walk-in closet turned out to be a great asset. Tyler hung hooks all over the inside door of the closet. He hung up his skates, his Damon Rhodes autographed skateboard, his inline skates, and his baseball glove. On the outside of his door there was already a hook there so he hung up his hockey jersey with his name on it facing out. He decided to appropriate the wall adjoining his closet. All of his photos and drawings where done in black and white. He started a chronological collage of him and his family from left to right. He ended off with pictures of his chocolate lab Tucker, his one experimental girl friend, and a few charcoals he had drawn of his friend Damon on his board. Not only did it really chronicle his life but also made his dorm room feel a little more like home. The only colour picture he had on the wall was the family picture taken at the picnic just over a month before and he positioned it right above his chest of drawers. He thought about calling Dan to come look at it but figured that Danny would ask too many questions and he would never leave.

Tyler sat down at his computer desk, which was under the bunk bed. He looked up at the wall on his left and smiled. "I hope you all like the room as much I do?" He said.

Tyler made a mental note that he had to do something to give him more privacy. Getting up to look at the two bunk beds side-by-side he came up with the perfect idea. A metal rod hung parallel to the beds with a shower curtain dropping down would give him and 'what's his name? .Derek' some privacy. It could be slid open if they wanted or kept shut. "Perfect!" He said aloud to no one in particular.

He typed out two emails next, one to his Uncle David and one for his Uncle to print out and give to Mrs. J. He pulled out his digital camera and snapped a couple of pictures of his room and included them in his email. After updating his resume and retrieving his letters of reference, he got out his iron and began pressing his white shirt. Tyler had decided that he should show up at Ciccone's dressed as if he had arrived to work a shift. It was about 2:30 p.m. when he heard a knocking at his door. Peaking through the hole in his door he smiled and welcomed Gus in. "HEY GUS!" He said with a big smile. "C'mon in."

"Hi Tyler. You've got a whole stack of mail today and I thought I would bring it up to you. Wow! This is some room you've got! Did you make all of these pictures?"

"Yes Sir! Everyone except the colour one of me with my parents, brother and Tucker."

"Damn, you're an great photographer and an exceptional artist."


"Well, I'd better get back to work and keep you young'uns safe."

"Oh Gus! Wait a minute. I have something for you!"

"Now what you done here Son? You're gonna make ol'Gus here fat!" He said chuckling.

"That is a thank you present . of sorts. I went by the restaurant you told me about this morning on my run and met the owner. I think I may get the job! I'm headed down there right now to give them my resume and I'm going to work with the owner tomorrow morning while he interviews me."

"Congratulations Ty! You'll get the job no problem! You're what we call good people."

"Thank Gus. That means a lot when I hear it coming from you." Tyler surprised Gus by wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. Gus embraced the boy sensing that he was really missing his family and he figured that his family must have really been missing a boy as great at Tyler. As they parted, Tyler sniffed, feeling a little strange but Gus just patted his shoulder and said thanks for thinking of him. As Gus was walking out of Tyler's room he turned and said,

"I must tell you that you've got the entire security team talking about you.

The guys from the other dorm halls all want to be transferred to this building. I think if you ever have a problem on campus about 20 guards will be at your rescue in about 1 minute."

Tyler smiled and thanked Gus for the help and delivering the mail. He quickly looked through all the papers that his Uncle David had sent to him for signing. There were little stick notes everywhere he had to sign. Tyler put them all back in the envelopes and tucked them in his desk drawer to look at later. Right now he had to get down to the restaurant.

Tyler chose a black tie and black pants to go with his white shirt. Even though it was warm he wore a light spring jacket so that he wouldn't look too formal. Grabbing his resume folder, keys, and ID card he left for the elevator. As he exited the back of the dorm building to walk to his jeep he noticed two of the members of his hockey team standing near a light post in the parking lot talking. They seemed to be waiting for him but didn't approach. As soon as he got into his Jeep they left. Almost too quickly he thought. The security guard at the gate stopped him and gave him a parking sticker to put on his windshield. He told that this would speed him through the gate and he wouldn't need to stop. Tyler thanked him and headed downtown.

When he opened the front door of Ciccone's an older woman tried to shoo him away. She told him that they didn't open until 5 p.m. Tyler introduced himself and told her that he only wanted to drop his resume off to Mrs. Ciccone. She paused and looked him up and down.

"You must be Tyler?" She said appearing annoyed.

"Yes Ma'am. I apologize for interrupting you. I just wanted to leave this here and I will get out of your way." He said turning to leave.

"No. Wait Tyler. Come in and sit down at the bar for a moment."

Tyler followed the lady to bar and unzipped his coat revealing his shirt and tie. She again looked him up and down and then began reading his resume. Tyler looked beyond her to the kitchen were everyone was running around at top speed preparing for the evening meal. Angelo caught his eye and winked at him. He immediately removed his chef's hat and came out to see Tyler. He winked at Tyler again and said.

"You know Gina, I really don't think he would be right for the job. I think he's a bit too young." Tyler's mouth almost dropped to the ground.

Gina turned and said, "Since when do you know about hiring of staff? You think you would be here if it weren't for me?" She then went on a tirade in Italian and Angelo headed back to the kitchen. From the kitchen he caught Tyler's eye and winked at him. Tyler was really confused.

"So why do you want to work here . ahhh, Tyler?"

"Well Ma'am, I want to work here because of the quality of food. If I can't be proud of the food I am serving then my heart wouldn't be in it. You use real cheese, homemade pastas and breads, soups made from scratch. If it doesn't feel like you are having dinner with family then you might as well eat at McDonald's!"

Gina just stared at him wondering if she was being fed a line of bullshit or not? She called Angelo back over and the spoke briefly in Italian. Angelo just threw up his hands and winked at Tyler when Gina wasn't looking.

"Tyler. I want you to look at our menu and tell us what you think?

She handed Tyler a menu and then Tyler surprised them by asking for a wine list. She handed him the wine list.

"Well Mrs. Ciccone, everything looks great and I'm sure it tastes great but I have a few suggestions if that wouldn't be to imposing to suggest?"

"That's what I am asking Tyler!"

Tyler got the feeling he was being sucked into the middle of a family feud.

"Starting with the appetizers. you need to cover the three main categories in each area. You have the mild, you have the medium, but you don't have the wild. You need something hot, spicy, something from either Northern Italy or maybe Sicily?

Gina turned back and looked at Angelo as if to say 'see, I told you so!'

"What do you suggest Tyler?" She asked in a warmer tone.

"Well, in Morocco they have a spicy sauce called Arrabiata. It's great with mussels, shrimp or scallops. I never tried your Caesar Salad but I hope it almost burns your taste buds off." He said smiling. "I like your wine list but you don't have enough high end wines. You need some Borelli and Chianti Ruffino's from a 2000 vintage or earlier."

"Tyler!" Angelo spoke up. "Those are expensive wines. We can't sell them around here."

"With all do respect Sir. You can't sell what you don't have. This is an first class family run restaurant. Get bottles that you can sell under $70.00 per bottle and I will sell them. Get me 10 of each and if I haven't sold them all in six weekends I will pay for them!"

Angelo and Gina just looked at each other. "What else Tyler?" Gina asked.

"Is your Canneoli homemade?"

"We have it made for us. fresh of course!" Angelo said.

"What do you serve with it?"

"Coffee?" Asked a confused Angelo.

"Sorry, I'm not making myself clear. Can you get a good quality squeeze bottle of chocolate sauce? Something exclusive. High quality?"

"What do you have in mind Tyler?" Gina asked inquisitively.

"Mrs. Ciccone, there will be bad days in here, although I am sure that is rare. The last thing we can do to save a meal is coffee and dessert. You need a Brazilian coffee to serve. At least a 2-ounce package size and a chocolate sauce for the dessert. For example a couple comes in and he quietly tells me that he is going to propose? I make sure that they get two cannoeli's on a plate and I will use the chocolate sauce to write on the plate, 'will you marry me' or 'happy birthday' or 'happy anniversary' or 'I've had enough and I'm going home to Mother'." At this point he had Angelo and Gina laughing and excited!

"Look Mr. And Mrs. Ciccone, I don't want to tell you how to run your business. I can give you the feedback from what the customers are wanting. The moment that we stop listening to the customer is the moment that we might as well close up shop."

By this time Gina was now holding Tyler's hand like she had found another son, and Angelo was telling her in Italian that he was too pushy while winking at Tyler. Tyler could tell from the tone of his voice that it wasn't going good but every so often Angelo would wink at him. Angelo went back to the kitchen and Tyler filled Gina in on his school schedule. He offered to work every Friday and Saturday night unless he had a hockey game on Saturday night and he would work Sunday instead but he didn't want to sacrifice the time he needed for homework and studying. He presented his student green card to her and asked her if Angelo was against him being hired?

"No, No, Tyler. You have to understand men, and in particular my husband. When he wants someone he will tell me about it and then he will put on this act that he no longer wants it because he thinks I will always do the opposite. Stupid men. they think we women don't know what's going on? He wants you hired but he is afraid that if he says so I will do the opposite.

So I let him play his little game and don't let on that I know he plays it. I will let you in on a little secret Tyler; women will let men make all the decisions in the world that they want! As long as they are unimportant decisions in life!"

Tyler kept seeing Angelo back in the kitchen winking at him. He was trying hard not to laugh and wondered if Angelo knew that Gina knew what Angelo doing. this was just too confusing to think about.

"Mrs. Ciccone. I want to come in for a few mornings and learn more about the menu and how it is made. Maybe sample a few things. I want to be prepared when I serve customers. I will gladly work a weekend for free and then you can decide if you want to keep me on. Would that be okay?"

"Oh my goodness Tyler. That is a sweet offer, but no, I could not do that. If you don't work out then you won't be here, but while you are here we pay you, and feed you! Goodness you are a muscular boy! I must get back to work but I am going to give you some ravioli to take with you." Gina hollered back into the kitchen in Italian and someone brought out a Styrofoam container filled with ravioli covered in a pesto sauce that reeked of garlic. in a good way!

Tyler thanked Gina and told her to tell Angelo that he would be here in the morning at 5:30. Tyler dropped by a department store and picked up what he needed to install the shower curtain and rail. "Yeah. Sponge Bob rules!" He said taking the package off thewall.

When Tyler arrived back on campus he pulled into his same parking place and went into see Gus.

"Hey Ty! How did the job interview go?"

"It went great, though I have a lot to learn about relationships! Listen, I need to ask a favour of you?"

"Sure, anything?"

"Do you have security cameras in the parking lot?"

"In some areas. Why did something happen to your Jeep?"

"No. not yet anyway. I was just wondering if there is a place that I can park my Jeep and it will be monitored?"

"Okay, spit it out Tyler. What's up?" Gus became very serious.

"Nothing. I was just wondering."

"C'mon Son. Tell me what's going on?"

Tyler filled him in on the two hockey players hanging around the rear parking lot and how they left once he got into his jeep and told him what happened at the introduction dinner when several members found out that a first year team member was going to be given an assistant's position. Gus had Tyler move his Jeep down about six spaces away from where it was currently parked so that it was under a light post and he could move the camera from his control panel to focus on Tyler's Jeep. He told him that they record in 12-hour increments and that the tapes are kept for 30 days. He also said he would keep a close eye on his vehicle. He even showed Tyler how he could zoom in on his vehicle. Tyler thanked him and offered to share his ravioli with him but Gus told him 'why would I eat that when I have chocolate pecan pie?'

When Tyler got back to his room he installed the curtain rod and drape and then got on his computer and began to google "Derek Anderson". There were hundreds of them so he phoned Gus and asked if there was anyway to reach his email address? Gus reminded him that everything was on his disk and he could access all sort of info through the Universities website. From Derek's home location in Baltimore he was able to pinpoint his hotmail address and began composing an email.

Hi Derek This is Tyler. I am hoping I have the right person? If not you can ignore the rest of this email. If you are attending Drexel this fall then I am your new roommate. I am studying Engineering. I moved in this week because of hockey. I went ahead an chose a bed and did a little arranging of the room. I've also included a couple of pics of the room and of me. I also installed a divider so that we both have our privacy. If you want add me to your MSN and we can talk? Be well, Tyler Peel

Tyler clicked send and left his MSN turned on in case Derek was at his computer. When he returned to his computer there was a request to be added to his MSN list. It wasn't from Derek but from Danny. He added him immediately and Danny responded right back.

Hey Ty, I'm typing really slowly so you can read this ;-)

Suck on it "between the posts boy" or I'll stick something between your posts ;)

Hahaha.What's up for dinner tonight? Want to do something?

Sure, I'll bring dinner if you provide the drinks

Sure thing Canajun Boi, see ya whenever EH!

Laterz.. Puckhead

Hahaha. whatever Ty.

Tyler put his MSN on away and got changed into his cargo shorts and a tee shirt. He grabbed the ravioli and headed out. When he opened the door from his room he heard another door shut from down the hall. He was damn sure he knew what room it came from. He stood in the hallway and waited for over a minute figuring that if someone were waiting for him to leave they would come out figuring he would now be gone. No one appeared and Tyler left for Danny's room.

Danny's door opened from Tyler's knocking. The room was in darkness except for the flickering of a light. The room was exactly the same as Tyler's except reversed. Everything went to the left. As he rounded the corner Danny was sitting on the floor wearing only his robe and in front of him was a candle burning and two Dr. Peppers.

"I hope you like Dr. Pepper?" He asked Tyler.

"I hope you like fresh made ravioli and Caesar salad?"

"Saaaaaaweet! I love them both!"

"Damn. I was hoping you would hate them both and I could eat it all myself."


"Yeah, I am."

Tyler sat down on the floor across from Danny. As they ate dinner they chatted about their first hockey practice coming up in two days time. Danny's attempt at loosening up his bathrobe to expose is lack of clothing didn't go unnoticed by Tyler.

"I do believe you are trying to seduce me Mr. Armitage!" Tyler said as he downed his last swig of Dr. Pepper.


"Nothing Danny. Just a line from a movie."

"Well, you aren't exactly wrong Ty. I was hoping you might stay the night here?" Danny said raising one eyebrow up and down several times. Tyler fell back laughing at Danny's attempt to charm him into his bed.


"Nothing Danny, I guess all this Dr. Pepper has gone to my head. I'm sorry I can't stay tonight because I have to be at the restaurant at 5:30. I hope you understand" Danny looked dejected but not sad, as he already knew that Tyler likely wasn't going to stay.

Tyler got up and Danny followed him to the door. Tyler turned and looked Danny up and down. He grabbed the sash on his robe and pulled him in close.

"Would it be okay if I gave my host a good night kiss?" Tyler asked.

"Like I would let you leave without one?" Danny responded.

Tyler turned his head slightly and leaned in to Danny's lips. He kissed him gently and wrapped his arms around him.

"Mr Armitage, I do believe you reek of garlic breath! Fortunately that is my second favourite smell on someone's breath."

"What's your favourite?" Danny asked.

Tyler smiled and winked then turned to leave without saying another word. He heard Danny's door shut behind him and about 3 seconds later he heard "Oh Fuck.. ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The Road Home Part Six

When Tyler got back to his room he sat down at his computer. He had an authorization request and an email waiting from Derek. He first clicked on the email to open it up and make sure it was the right person.

Hey Tyler,

Thanks for the email and pictures of the room. I was curious as to how small it would be. It's worse than I thought! Hahaha... I like how you've arranged it so we both can have privacy when we bring chicks home. I'll be moving in on the Friday of Labour Day weekend. My rents will be bringing me up. Lookin forward to getting away from my pesky little bros. From the looks of the pics u sent u don't have a TV? No problem cause I can bring one, maybe I can talk the rents into a fridge as well? :) I imagine the Dr. will spring for it since we don't get along and he's just happy to be rid of me. Hard to tell which of us is happier to see me leave.hahaha. I'm am playing Football this year. I was up there for summer camp in July but they didn't have room assignments then. N E waze. I have to go bang the g/f tonight so I better get ready. I don't know how she's going to survive with me gone but I know I will be just fine! I included a pic of me with our dog Abbey.

Laterz, Derek.

Ps: I have added you to my msn. ? How fucking original!

'Fuck' Tyler thought! How can someone so gorgeous be such an asshole?

"Duh!" He said shaking his head

Derek was wearing a bright pair of Umbro shorts and running shoes with nothing else. It looked like Abbey, their black lab, had just caught a Frisbee and the two were posing for the picture. There was a really hot guy in the background with a skater haircut wearing only navy blue shorts but Tyler couldn't tell if he was any connection to him. He looked to be about 15 or 16 but he couldn't be sure. Derek was well tanned and wore a gold hoop in his left ear. He had those wide, bright eyes with the straight, receding eyebrows that would allow a person to make many different expressions with their eyes. Killer smile of course with perfect teeth! Maybe his Dad was a Dentist Tyler thought? Tyler had seen firm bodies, taut bodies, and tight bodies but nothing ever like this. Derek's skin clung to him like a surgeon's rubber glove to his hand. Ripped? Hell, Derek redefined the word ripped as far as Tyler was concerned. If there were a finder's fee for an 'Ivory Boy' then Tyler would be a little richer. Tyler was actively rubbing his crotch while ogling Derek's picture

Tyler stripped down to his boxers and got a tee shirt and jeans out for the morning. When he sat back down at the computer he clicked the authorization on for Derek and returned his hand to his boxers. Derek' MSN was online but Tyler figured he was probably out with his girlfriend by now. Tyler brought Derek's picture back up and slid his hand into his boxers.

"C'mon here Ivory Boy, Tyler wants to gel your hair." Tyler said aloud

Derek saw Tyler appear on his MSN and clicked on his profile. He laughed when he read about his favourite book. "The Bible: swimsuit edition" and then he paused when he read his favourite quote. "Without love, nothing else is important!" Derek clicked on Tyler's name and was going to send him a message when he noticed something. The message box opened up and Derek saw the webcam logo on the top right corner and clicked on it. There was Tyler sitting in front of his computer and although Derek could only see his chest he knew exactly was Tyler's arm was doing. He laughed and wondered who the babe was he was looking at.

"Damn, Tyler is a hottie! Would I like to suck on those nipples! Shit, he's got hicky on his chest so he must have a girl friend" Derek thought to himself. Derek was rubbing his pronounced boner while watching Tyler. Just then his younger brother Kyle burst open his door.

"Derek, Dad wants you!"

"Get the FUCK out of here tard boy! You're supposed to knock before entering dumbass!" He yelled at Kyle.

"Yeah! Well fuck you. forget that Dad's hollering for you and you can deal with him! Whatcha doin' anyway? Jerkin' to some bimbo!" Kyle said as he approached Derek.

Derek threw the pillow off his bed at Kyle and yelled at him 'to get out. now!' Derek missed Kyle and he was gone before Derek could throw another pillow. 'Shit', thought Derek, why the hell is he calling me now. Derek turned off the monitor and went to find out what his father wanted.

Kyle was curious as to what got Derek more pissy than usual! He slipped into Derek's bedroom when he heard Derek leave and turned on the monitor.

"Holy FUCK! Who's this hottie?" He said aloud. He saw that it was someone on Derek's MSN so he knew it had to be one of Derek's friends. He heard Derek come back into the house and he ran back to his own bedroom before Derek could come down the hallway.

Tyler had his eyes glued on the picture of Derek. Derek's equipment showed really well beneath his shorts because he was slightly bent over retrieving the Frisbee from Abbey. Tyler wrapped his hand around as much of his cock as he could. He used his thumb on the back of the head to further heighten the pleasure of his foreskin. His chest heaved in an out as he dreamed about licking Derek's body from head to toe to head. As his balls pulled up tight, Tyler paused on the border of his orgasm. He always liked to approach blowing his load three or four times before achieving orgasm. When he did this the orgasm would happen inside him first and then a few seconds later he would usually shoot two long strands of cum. Some times he could hit his face and catch it. He opened his eyes again to look at Derek's picture and blew his load immediately. Three long ropes of cum hit his chest. There wasn't anymore than usual amount of cum, but the speed at which they came out actually hurt his groin.

Derek ran up the hallway opened and then slammed his door shut and sat down at the computer. He arrived just in time to see some cum on Tyler's chest.

He could see Tyler begin to stand up and he hope to catch a glimpse of his package but Tyler pulled up his boxers at the same time. "Dammit!" He said, and then realized that the monitor was on. Did he not hit the monitor button hard enough or had Kyle come back into his room he wondered? 'Shit' he said to himself. He couldn't exactly go and question Kyle and what if Kyle had been in his room?

Tyler returned to his computer in front of the webcam and seemed to be devouring a cinnamon bun. "Yeah. I'm hungry too Ty but it ain't no pastry that's going to satisfy this boys appetite." 'Damn!' he said, "he's wearing a tee shirt now too." He shut down his MSN and reopened Tyler's email to look at the pictures Tyler sent him. The one of Tyler in particular! His mother opened the door and came in with some freshly folded clean clothes.

"MOM! Doesn't anybody knock around here?"

"Goodness Derek, it's just your Mom and if you were drinking or doing drugs I would be able to smell it anyway. Your not doing drinking or doing drugs are you?" She said as she put his clothes away in his double dresser.

"MOM. I don't do drugs. I'm an athlete and I know better than to get really hammered when you are around." He said winking at her with a smile.

Mrs. Anderson sat down on the bed next to Tyler. "Honey, what's a matter? Are you nervous about going off to college?"

"No Mom, I can't wait to get out of here. NO! Not because of you. You know that so don't give me another lecture."

"Derek, I know you and your Dad don't see eye-to-eye but he really does love you. He just doesn't know how to communicate with you and you certainly don't make it easy on him. Now I'm not going to lecture you but I want you to know that I'm at my limit on how you're treating your brothers."

"Mom, there both little pricks, especially Kyle!"

"Derek. Fourteen is a rough age for Kyle. You know he doesn't make friends easily and he keeps to himself. If he didn't have that damn skateboard I don't think he'd ever leave the house. As for Lucas, he doesn't understand why you're so grouchy all the time. You know how little boys are. they need to be told they are loved every single day. I love you Derek." She said with a wink and a smile.

"I love you too Mom and you're the only one I'm going to miss." He said getting a hug from his Mom.

Mom was facing his computer screen and asked him, "Where is that picture from? Look at all the beautiful artwork on the wall."

"Oh that's my new dorm room Mom. My new room mate sent me some pictures of the room."

At that moment Kyle stuck his head in the open door and asked, "Hey Mom, did you remember to get some sliced turkey for my sandwich for lunch tomorrow?"

"Yes Kyle, of course I remembered. Have I ever forgotten? Oh Kyle, come take a look at your brother's new dorm room."

Derek just glared at Kyle for coming into his room and not being able to throw him out because his mother invited him in.

"Hey! Cool room. Nice Pics. Is that a skateboarder in the picture on the bottom right?"

Derek scrolled down through the pictures until the last one showing Tyler. Kyle almost coughed up his left nut.

"That's your new room mate?"

"Apparently so. his name is Tyler Peel. Hey Mom do you think I could get a small fridge for the room since Ty doesn't have one?" Kyle just glued his eyes to the hot stud on the screen. He had a new vision to jerk off with tonight.

"Hey Derek, forward those pics to my email so I show my friends what your new room is going to look like!" Kyle pleaded.

"Get bent dude! These are private pictures that Ty sent to me. Now get the Hell out of my room."

"Mom!" Kyle whined.

"Mom!" Derek whined.

"Will both of you stop it! There's less than a month to go and I swear that both of you are actually going to miss each other! I wish you could both try to be civil with each other." She said pointing a finger at both of them.

"Get out of my room TARD BOY!" Derek yelled.

"MOM!" Kyle whined again.

"Kyle, go now." After Kyle left she said to Derek. "For Christ Sakes' Derek. He's just a boy and he has to deal with the first person in this family leaving him. You know what he was like when my Father died? Now send him the damn pictures. Who is he going to show them too?" Mrs. Anderson stormed out of Derek's room slamming the door shut. He knew that when he crossed Mom he was in for the silent treatment and that was the deadliest punishment he had to endure.

Being too lazy to copy and paste the pictures he simply click the forward button and entered Kyle's email address. Before hitting send he called for Kyle.

"Kyle!!! Kyle!! Drag your butt in here." He yelled so everyone could hear.

Kyle sheepishly opened the door only putting his head through in case of another pillow.

"It's okay, you can come in." Derek said sounding as nice as the Big Bad Wolf speaking to Little Red Riding Hood.

"What!" Kyle said, and it wasn't in the form of a question.

"Kyle, I'm sorry if I was . scrap that. I'm sorry that I was rude to you earlier. I apologize."

"Yeah right. Mom made you huh? This just so you can get out of the silent treatment huh?" Kyle said smirking at Derek. Derek bit his tongue.

"Fine Kyle. I was about to forward the email from Tyler to you but since you don't accept my apology and you won't tell Mom that I apologized and I mean RIGHT NOW, then you don't get the stupid pictures!"

Kyle ran down the hallway to the kitchen. Derek could hear Kyle conning his Mom that Derek apologized and was even 'sincere' about it. Then Kyle hugged and kissed his Mom and said 'thanks'.


Kyle reappeared in Derek's doorway. "Did you keep your end of the bargain?"

"Go check your email tard boy! And close my door on the way out!" He said as Kyle had already left slamming the door.

"BOYS! No slamming doors" They both could hear coming from the kitchen.

About five minutes later Derek received an email from Kyle.

I'm sorry I interrupted you b4. And I'm sorry I said I thought u would only apologize to me to get Mom off your back (even though it's likely true). I am going to miss you when you leave. More than I want to admit. Even if you treat me like shit lately I haven't forgotten when u use to b nice to me. Mostly I'm sorry if I'm the reason u sometimes treat me like u do. It's not easy being your little brother. I'm not a football star and don't get high marks in school. I hope u have fun at school.

Kyle waited to see if anything would come back or if Derek would even come into his room but nothing happened. Kyle checked his email once again before bed but no response. He locked his bedroom door and returned to his computer. As he opened the email from Derek he slid his hand into his boxers and smiled. He carefully studied each of the pictures. 'So Tyler has a webcam on top of his computer."

**Many thanks to those of you have taken the time to write and to for providing a vehicle to display my first multi-chaptered story. Everyone has been very kind and very forgiving of my mistakes. Every email has been appreciated and inspires me to take the time necessary to tell this story. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Comments or opinions are welcome. Please email:

Next: Chapter 4

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