The Roadie

By Limo Man

Published on May 4, 2000


The usual warnings: this story contains depictions of sex between consenting teenage boys and a teenage girl.

If this material offends you, leave now.

If you are under eighteen, leave now.

If such material is illegal where you live, leave now. If not, enjoy.

The Roadie - Part Three - Paul And Becky

My seemingly endless supply of back stage passes was making this a memorable summer. When I couldn't find a sweet teen boy waiting outside the arena, I had my choice of cute girls. The variety was endless; blondes, brunettes, redheads; short, tall; skinny, fat; or perfectly proportioned; big boobs or small.

But I had a passion for blondes. Blondes with long hair that reached the tops of their cute bums. Blondes with perky breasts; not too large but definitely more than a mouthful.

One hazy night in mid-August, I was eyeing a cute little blonde who fit all of my criteria and would certainly have rated a ten in all categories. There were few boys in the crowd, and they were all in groups. This cute little blonde would have to be the one to satisfy my teenage needs and quench the hormonal fires that raged inside of me.

I started to approach her, moving slowly through the crowd. When I was about ten feet away, I saw a boy approaching the blonde girl. When he reached her, he put his arm around her shoulder. Damn, she was not alone. Looking at the boy again, my legs turned to Jello. He was even cuter than his girlfriend - a perfect ten on my teen boy checklist. They made a truly stunning couple. A space had opened around them. It seemed that no one wanted to get too close to them - to possibly be compared to their stunning beauty - and to fall hopelessly short in the comparison.

My horny teen brain was working overtime. Maybe I could have them both. I had conned Eddie out of his pass once again; telling him that there were no single boys outside. It turned out to be true, but I didn't know it when I told him.

A great plan started to form inside my head. We were in an 8000 seat concert hall that also catered to stage plays. My pre-concert tour of the facilities had led me to a series of large, unused dressing rooms in the basement. Several of these rooms had couches that folded out into beds. If I could get them down there, who knew what might happen. Time to move into Act I of my play.

In my sexiest walk, I sauntered over to the young couple. The crowd of young girls watched me; each one hoping I would stop and pick her. I approached the couple and stood directly in front of them. I jammed my hands into my back pockets and thrust my hips forward provocatively. This accentuated my muscular form and the large bulge in my jeans. I thought I looked really great. In truth, I probably looked stupid. But, it seemed to have some effect as I noticed both of them taking furtive glances at the outline of my boyhood.

"How are you two doing, tonight," I asked?

"O.K. I guess," the boy answered, eyeing me suspiciously.

"Going to the concert," I continued?

"Naw, we couldn't get tickets. They were sold out," the boy answered back.

"Maybe I can help you out. But just remember, nothing in life is free.

You have to earn it. Follow me and I'll take you for a tour backstage."

They followed me to the stage door and past security.

"What's your name, and how old are you," I asked when we were inside.

"Paul," the boy answered. "I'm fifteen."

"Becky," replied the girl in a voice so sweet it made me quiver in anticipation. "And I'm fifteen, too."

"Mine's Dave and I'm sixteen," I said. "C'mon, I'll show you around."

After the usual tour, Paul and I were standing by the truck as I reached in for my stash bag. Becky had made a stop at the little girls room and would be out shortly.

"Too bad you guys didn't get tickets. It's a great show. Maybe I can help you out."

"How," Paul asked?

I pulled out the two passes and dangled them by their strings.

"Do you know what these are," I asked?

"Not really," Paul answered. "They look like some kind of pass."

"Right on, man," I said, "These are back stage passes. With these you can see the show and then party with the band afterwards."

"What do we have to do to get them," Paul asked, his voice breaking slightly?

"Remember what I said outside. Nothing in life is free. You have to earn them."

Paul hesitated. "How do we do that," he asked suspiciously?

"That girlfriend of yours is mighty cute," I said. "Did you two ever do it together?"

Paul's face turned beet red. He knew exactly what I was talking about.

"N..n..n..n..n..o..o," he stammered.

"But I'll bet you want to, don't you Paul," I asked?

His face turned an even brighter shade of red. I knew he wanted to more than anything else in the world.

"Maybe I can help you out," I said as Becky returned. "Let's go downstairs and I'll show you where the dressing rooms are."

"Sure," Becky answered. Paul's face was still red and I am sure that Becky must have noticed it.

We headed off through a door and down the steps. I led my little group to a large dressing room that had several couches, including one that pulled out into a large bed. I led them to one of the regular couches and we sat down. I looked in my bag and pulled out my supply of grass. I began rolling a joint.

"You guys ever do weed," I asked?

They both shook their heads to indicate "no".

"This shit is awesome, man. You've got to try it."

I lit the joint and took a huge hit, feeling the smoke deep inside my lungs. I handed it to Paul and he copied my actions. Becky had to slap him on the back as he suddenly tried to cough his lungs out.

"Easy, man," I said, "Take it slow and build up to it."

Becky took the joint and sucked the acrid smoke into her lungs. I watched as her firm young breasts rose and fell as she inhaled, then released the smoke. I took another hit, then Paul managed a hit without coughing it all back out again. As we shared the joint and gradually relaxed, we talked about my job. They were both very interested and thought that it would be neat to be traveling with a band.

The weed was getting me high and horny - and not necessarily in that order. Time to see if they were ready to earn their passes.

"Hey, Paul, did you and Becky ever make love," I asked, already knowing the answer?

His face went beet red again as he stammered out a"no".

"Why not man? Becky's a really cute chick. Don't you love her?

"Yeah, I love her," Paul muttered.

"How come you never wanted to do it with Paul," I asked, looking at Becky.

The grass had relaxed her to the point where she could answer without embarrassment.

"I wanted to," she said, "but Paul never really tried. He always seemed to be too afraid. If he had really wanted to, I would have been willing."

I thought Paul was going to swallow his tongue. All those times he had wanted to get into Becky's pants - and all he had to do was ask. He would be kicking himself in the ass from here to next year.

"It's never too late," I said as I took the passes from my pocket and twirled them around on their strings. "You can always do it now."

Paul and Becky looked at each other.

"Explain to Becky what it is that I have in my hand," I told Paul.

Paul gave her a long explanation that made the passes sound like the greatest thing in the world.

"Here! Now," Becky asked, looking incredulous.

"Sure," I said, still twirling the passes. "We've got a bed." I walked over and pulled out the sofa bed. "I don't mind waiting here while you two catch up on what you've been missing."

They both looked at the passes and then at each other. Becky spoke first.

"I really want to see the show and go to the party," she said to Paul. "It won't be so bad. We both want to and we can just pretend we are alone."

Paul nodded his head in agreement.

"Wh.... what do I have to do," Paul stammered?

I reached in my stash bag and grabbed a condom.

"When did you finish your last period," I asked Becky?

She looked surprised as she answered, "well, actually, today is my last day. I took my tampon out when I was in the washroom. Why?"

"Guess we won't be needing this," I said as I tossed the condom back into the bag.

"You can start by undressing Becky," I instructed. "Take her over by the bed and do what you've always wanted to do."

Becky seemed ready as she got up and stood beside the bed. Paul got up slowly, still not sure of what to do.

"Start with her pretty white blouse," I instructed. Wanting to get into the mood myself, I slipped out of my jeans and T-shirt.

Paul's fingers reached for the first of the buttons on Becky's blouse. I noticed that he could not look her in the eye as he started to undo them. His fingers trembled and shook as each button came undone, revealing a hint of Becky's white bra and tanned flesh. Hesitating for only a second, Paul pushed his fingers inside her blouse and along her shoulders.

The blouse slid from her shoulders, down her arms and fell to the floor.

Paul gasped in wonder as he eyed the cleavage bursting from the top of Becky's pure white bra. Had he never even gotten this far with his girlfriend?

"What are you waiting for, Paul," I continued? "Take off Becky's bra."

Paul looked at Becky as she raised her arms away from her sides. He reached around behind her; his arms not touching Becky's soft tanned skin; as if he were almost afraid to touch her. As if she might, at some point, decide to stop him. He did not look at her. Instead, he stared over her shoulder at the bare wall behind her.

After fumbling with the hooks for what seemed like an hour, they finally popped free. Paul stood there like a dummy, still staring at the wall.

"Take it off, Paul," I whispered, not wanting to scare him any more than he already was.

Slowly, his trembling fingers grasped the white straps that lay across her tanned shoulders. He seemed to take great care in touching only the bra strap; avoiding any touching of Becky's skin. Slowly, he pulled her bra towards him. As Becky's bra slipped free of her perky young melons, Paul finally got up the nerve to look at her. In fact, he stared at the firm globes as if he were memorizing every pore on the smooth pink skin he had uncovered. Becky's breasts were a whitish pink where her bikini top had covered them. The contrast to the surrounding tanned skin was breath taking. Paul might have stood there for the rest of the night had I let him.

"C'mon Paul, keep going," I demanded.

His hands went to the waist of Becky's skirt. He looked as if he were going to try to pull it down without undoing it. Becky took his hand and guided his fingers to the button and zipper that ran part way down her side. Paul was starting to breathe faster.

His fingers undid the button and pulled the zipper down, revealing Becky's creamy white panties. Paul slid his thumbs between the skirt and the panties. He pushed down until the skirt dropped to the floor and Becky stepped out of it.

Becky's smooth legs and thighs were tanned right up to where they disappeared into her panties. She looked fresh, and young, and healthy. Paul, on the other hand, just looked horny. If he had only know how easy it would have been to have gotten this far before.

Paul needed no further help form me. Sucking in a huge breath of air, he let it escape in a long sigh. His fingers rubbed together as he prepared to reveal the prize that he had desired for so long.

His fingers took hold of the silky material on either side of Becky's hips. For a second, he looked into her eyes as if seeking her permission. Becky's smile was the answer he needed. He pulled on her panties; down over her soft lower belly; over the silky triangle of blonde hair. His hands fumbled for a second as if he were afraid to go any farther. Once again, Paul drew in a deep breath of air, let it out slowly, and slid Becky's panties to her ankles. A triangle of whitish- pink flesh showed where Becky's bikini bottom had covered her from the sun.

Of course, this action put Paul's face very close to the darker slit barely hidden in the soft blonde down. He held his head in that position as Becky stepped out of her panties. The movement of her legs exposed her to him fully. After giving Paul some time to drink in the sights, I was ready to move ahead.

"O.K. Becky," I said. "It's your turn. Take Paul's clothes off."

Becky seemed not at all nervous or timid and didn't need my encouragement. She seemed ready to take the plunge. She reached for the bottom of Paul's T-shirt and, with his help, she pulled it over his head. Paul's chest was exquisite. Not too muscular, but firm and smooth, with two brown circled nipples that already looked hard.

Paul had a few curly hairs on his chest and the start of a line of hair from his belly button down into his pants. Paul had a lump in the front of his pants that looked eager to be set free. Seemingly in a hurry, Becky reached for and undid the button on Paul's jeans. She unzipped it and pulled the zipper down. The bulge in Paul's briefs was straining forward; a small spot of pre-cum staining the front. He was really getting horny as his boner poked up towards his belly button. Releasing the front of his pants allowed it to pop forward, forming a small tent. Five or six inches, I guessed.

Becky easily slid Paul's loose jeans down to his ankles. He put his hand on her bare shoulder for support as she pulled them off over his feet. Next, she attacked his white briefs. In one quick pull, she lifted them off of his dick and down to the ground. Paul's dick was about six inches long, slender and uncut.

Paul and Becky stood there looking at each other as Paul stepped out of his briefs. They both looked towards me as if to ask "what now?"

"Get on with it, Paul. Help Becky onto the bed. Do whatever it is that you have dreamed of doing," I ordered.

Paul helped Becky as she lowered her body onto the bed, where she lay on her back and waited for him. She spread her legs, ready and eager for Paul to get to work. Paul was extremely excited as he looked at the triangle of hair between Becky's legs, and the little dark slit that nestled there. His dick throbbed and pre-cum oozed from his swollen head. Paul got onto his knees and crawled between Becky's beautiful smooth, tanned legs. He crawled up over her body until the head of his dick throbbed in her blonde bush.

Paul reached his hand down and tried to guide himself into Becky's slit. Several times, Paul pushed forward, only to slip down between Becky's legs, or up onto her silky pubic mound. As Paul finally felt his head pressing against the opening, he moaned loudly and tried to push his cock in between her lips. He moaned again as his cock slipped up between Becky's slippery lips and pumped into her pubic hair. With a gasp, Paul's young boy juice spilled out onto Becky's stomach as his body spasmed with its premature orgasm. As the last of his juices spilled out onto Becky, Paul collapsed on top of her.

In frustration, his fists pounded the mattress on either side of Becky's body.

"No, no, no," he moaned!

For a minute or two, Paul lay in silence; frustration filling his body as quickly as his juices had left it. He pulled away from Becky and rolled off of the bed. Covering his groin area, Paul slunk to the couch and collapsed in a heap. Still covering himself, he hung his head in disappointment and disgust. His young dick had let him down and he appeared to be covering it in shame.

Becky lay on the bed, tears forming in her eyes. She was in shock. The magic moment she had anticipated (for who knows how long) had suddenly changed to a nightmare.

At that moment, I felt truly sad. I went to the bed and lay down next to Becky; facing her; and beyond her, the forlorn Paul; still hanging his head in shame. I pulled Becky close to my body and hugged her tightly. I wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered words of kindness in her ear.

Becky's smooth body felt wonderfully warm against my almost naked torso. I pushed back her blonde hair with my hand, smoothing and stroking it. It felt so soft to my touch. Looking at Becky's pretty face, I discovered that she was looking at me. I stared into the deep blue tear-filled pools that were staring at me. Becky was truly beautiful; and at this moment, seemed like the sweetest girl in the world.

Unable to stop myself, I bent my mouth to hers and kissed her on the lips. At first, Becky did not respond. She allowed my lips to possess hers in a tender kiss. Slowly, her mouth started to move against mine. I did not force my tongue into her mouth. She parted willingly, allowing my tongue to pass between her lips.

My tongue eagerly found hers in the warm wet sweetness of her mouth. We played together for awhile. Occasionally, she would send her tongue out to explore the inside of my mouth. Becky was relaxed now. The tears had dried from her eyes.

Freeing my mouth from hers, I allowed my lips and tongue to explore her. I kissed her eyes. I explored her small, delicate ears, eliciting a small giggle from deep in her body. I slid down the slope of her neck to the slight hollow at its base. With my hands and mouth, I caressed Becky's smooth, round shoulders.

Moving Becky over onto her back, I gazed at the two ripe melons, each capped with a pink cherry. I had been with other large breasted girls. But their breasts all seemed to lose their shape as they tried to sag into their armpits. Becky's breasts were so firm, that they stood up on her chest, maintaining their perfect roundness. They stood erect and proud, waiting to be kissed and suckled.

My mouth reached down to one of her pink ripe cherries. I sucked it and nibbled it gently. My tongue reached out and bathed it in my saliva, as it became erect and hard. Becky moaned softly and closed her eyes. Was she imagining that I was Paul?

I glanced at Paul and saw that he was watching me. He looked ready to attack me to defend his girlfriend's honor. Could he stand to watch someone else succeed where he had failed so miserably?

My mouth found Becky's other nipple and played with it until it responded like its sister. I pulled her nipple into my mouth, enveloping the pink ring of flesh that surrounded it. It was a long time before I tried of playing with her breasts. I shared my lips and tongue between the two of them, keeping her nipples firm and hard. Becky couldn't get enough. She pushed her firm breasts hard against my face. Becky was squirming around as if she were becoming impatient with me to get on with it. Who was I to disappoint this sweet young thing. I plunged my tongue into the valley between her breasts and slid it down towards her belly.

Paul was sitting on the edge of the couch. His hands were balled into fists. Was he trying to get up the nerve to stop me?

My mouth found Becky's small belly button after a pleasant exploration of he smooth flat tummy. Poking my tongue into it brought giggles from Becky and made her squirm. She was ticklish. I could see her silky blonde triangle not far from my face. My cock was hard as a rock in my briefs as I anticipated my tongue slipping into her cunt lips. To get there, I would have to lick through an area coated in Paul's sticky cum. Oh well, we must all make small sacrifices.

I started to taste Paul's sperm as I licked my way over her lower belly and onto the silky mound. This was the last remaining evidence of Paul's failure and I intended to remove it all. Becky did not need a reminder of what could have and should have been. Paul's semen was creamy and sweet with just a hint of saltiness. I looked forward to sampling it first hand, but that would have to be later. I had other things on my mind.

Paul watched me. I hoped that he was at least learning something and would not have to endure failure again. That is if Becky gave him another opportunity. She might just decide that she couldn't take his childish fumblings any more.

My tongue reached the sticky mess in Becky's satiny pubes and I continued to clean. By the time I was done, each hair was left clean and damp and slightly curly. Becky was becoming more excited as I neared the slit between her legs and she anticipated my mouth upon it. Her hips bucked slowly in a gentle steady rhythm.

I too was excited. I wanted Becky to experience how wonderful sex could be - how wonderful it should be. Her first time needed to be so fantastic that she would forget all about Paul's selfish first try.

After completely bathing her pubic mound, and removing every last drop of Paul's cum, I was ready to push Becky to the ultimate limits of her own pleasure. I took my time licking all around her sweet lips without actually penetrating between them. I eased her legs up until they were bent in the middle and parted her legs wide. Her lips spread slightly, as if inviting me to enter.

My tongue wandered to the area below her sweet pussy. A hint of a baby powder smell lingered here. I pushed it between her cheeks trying to find her anus. I pushed her legs higher until her feet were in the air. Becky's smooth round ass exposed itself to my wandering mouth. I lavished my attentions on her pink globes. They were soft and supple and tasted sweet. My tongue found her crack and probed all that I could reach. I looked for her small puckered bud. Becky's hips pumped steadily as if urging me on.

After a few seconds - or minutes - my tongue found her bud. It was tight and small. As I pushed my tongue into her, she gasped and pushed her hips towards me. My tongue worked at her tight ring until it finally slipped in. My tongue pumped back and forth as Becky experienced the first of what I hoped would be many orgasms to come. Her anus held my tongue in a tight grip as her body shook in a huge spasm. I could feel the energy surge through her as she moaned deliciously.

I continued to pump my tongue in and out and Becky continue to cum, over and over again. Feeling that she was about to lose her ability to breathe, I allowed her anus to push my tongue out of its tight grip. I lay there, resting the cheeks of my face against her smooth cheeks, savoring the aroma of a sweet young girl. Becky started to get her breath back.

Feeling my own needs pressing hard against the front of my briefs, I needed to move forward. My tongue wandered up the crack between her butt cheeks to the bottom edge of her sweet lips. I could smell the clean juices that had been building up inside her from her first wave of orgasms. My tongue rested at the base of her tender pussy.

Pushing my tongue up and forward, I slipped it between her lips, and caused Becky to let out a low moan. Her legs opened up as wide apart as they could as she invited me to explore her sweet honey pot. I pushed my tongue deep inside of her. My lips parted her fleshy lips as I reached deep inside of her; my mouth becoming sticky with her flowing juices. I slipped my tongue in and out as I moved upwards to her throbbing clit. Along the way, Becky had several minor orgasms that sought to overtake her body without robbing her of her ability to breathe.

As my tongue contacted her clit for the first time, Becky arched her back and grabbed handfuls of my hair . I decided I could stand the pain and started to lick her clit. Becky's young body arched and jerked as she tried to fuck my face. Licking her clit brought on another series of orgasms. I took her clit in my teeth and nibbled and pulled at the firm sweet triangle of flesh. Her body quivered and spasmed against my face as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her body - threatening to drown her. I teased her sweet clit until she seemed ready to faint. I was so horny now, that it was time to let go and get down to satisfying BOTH of us.

I crawled up Becky's young body, supporting my weight on my arms and legs. Reaching her mouth, I pressed my lips to hers. She responded in a storm of passion, pushing her tongue deep into my mouth. I lay against her lightly as my cock, still held in my briefs, throbbed madly. I rolled off of Becky and whispered in her ear that she needed to help me remove them, if she wanted me to go any further. Becky came alive, sitting up on the bed, then flipping her leg across my body and straddling my legs. She pulled on the elastic and, as I raised my hips, freed my seven and a half inch boner from its prison.

She stopped to look at it. She leaned forward and kissed the hard knob at the end of my shaft. Fearing that she would start to suck on my throbbing organ, I pushed her head gently away and helped her finish removing my briefs. Normally, I would have let her suck me for a while, but I was too close to my own orgasm to risk losing it to her sweet mouth. I wanted to be the first to fill her pussy with boy juice.

Becky was ready as she lay back on the bed and parted her legs. The triangle of white flesh surrounded by tanned flesh was truly inviting. Before getting into position, I inserted a finger in between her lips and worked her juices around until I was sure she was well lubricated. In the process, I caused several more mini orgasms. Crawling between her legs, I positioned the head of my cock against her slit and whispered for her to guide me in. I wanted there to be no mistakes this time.

Grasping my cock in her fingers, Becky slid the head back and forth along her slit, parting her slippery lips as she did so. Sensing that I was in the right spot, I started to push my head inside of her. Becky's hand gave my shaft a series of caresses before she pulled it away. I was in position and ready to take the plunge.

I was able to push part way into her slippery cunt and then met resistance. Oh, shit, Becky really was a virgin. In the back of my mind, I think I had expected it, but it was still a surprise.

"Relax," I whispered to her. "This may hurt a bit but it will pass quickly."

"I know," she whispered back. "It's O.K. I want you all the way inside me."

Pulling my hips back until my head was barely inside her, I prepared for my assault on her young cherry. I thrust forward. I felt the membrane give way as I broke through it and buried myself up to my pubes. Becky let out a combination of a gasp and a scream. I looked over at Paul. I had almost forgotten that he existed. The scream from Becky's lips had brought him to his feet. A look of anguish covered his face. The true realization that someone else had stolen Becky's cherry from him must have been devastating.

I started to slide back and forth in her warm tight pussy. Her love muscle seemed to hold me in its grip, trying to prevent me from pulling out. My hips and cock set up a steady pumping motion as I watched her face. Her eyes were open as she watched me; her faint smile could not hide the glazed eyes and the look of pleasure on her face. It would not be long before my cock had Becky cumming again. Her breathing was ragged and occasionally she gasped as if she had momentarily forgotten to breathe.

Her tight pussy was starting to have a serious affect on my cock. It was so tight and it's grip so firm that I might soon suffer the same fate as Paul. Becky's hips rose off of the bed each time I thrust forward. She wanted all that I had to give and was making sure she got it. I saw her first orgasm wash over her beautiful face, before I felt the spasms between her legs. I pushed in harder and fasting, pushing her towards her next climax. Her body seemed to vibrate and quiver non-stop as one orgasm melted into another. Her thighs tightened in a reflex action that squeezed me tighter than I thought possible. I was barely able to continue stroking as the first shot of my sperm flooded her insides.

Becky moaned and shivered as she tried to regain control of her body. It was not to be. The vibrations in her tight pussy squeezed the cum from my organ as load after load shot deep inside her. My legs and arms were turning to jelly as my orgasm started to slow. It took all my effort to continue to pump, unloading the last of my semen into her tight hole. Becky continue to cum in never-ending waves. The last one ending at least a minute after I had collapsed into a heap, unable to muster another stroke.

I lay on top of Becky's hot flesh. She seemed to be burning up with all the energy she had expended. She smiled at me and then a tear formed in the corner of her eye.

"What's the matter," I asked? "Did I hurt you?"

"No, stupid," she cried. "It was better than I had ever dreamed it would be."

I kissed the corners of Becky's eyes and then kissed her on the mouth. My kiss was returned; not with passion, but with tenderness. Although my cock had softened, it had not slipped out. It was still held lovingly inside her. I was almost ready to lay here until I got hard again. Until I remembered Paul. It was his turn.

I rolled onto my side beside Becky. Paul was still watching us. It was obvious from the red streaked cum on my cock that Becky was no longer a virgin. I got off of the bed and strode through a doorway to the washroom beyond. Each dressing room had its own sink and toilet. As I washed the cum from my dick, I could hear Becky and Paul talking quietly.

"Why," Paul stammered? "Why did you let him?"

"I was really excited and ready, Paul," she answered. "I wanted to do it with you. But you couldn't. And I couldn't wait any longer. Dave was so gentle and sweet. It was more beautiful than you will ever know."

The words must have been like a slap in the face to Paul.

"I could have, eventually," he whimpered.

"And you still can," I could almost see Becky smiling at him as she spoke the words.

"O.K.," kids. Time for our next adventure," I said happily as I emerged from the washroom. Running my fingers through Paul's hair, I added, "I think Paul has suffered enough. I think it's time we make him feel better. Right, Becky?"

Becky didn't answer. She was still lying on the bed, her arms crossed over her breasts, hugging herself. Paul had gotten off the couch and was sitting on the side of the bed. The room was large and had a dressing table and mirrors that covered about twenty feet along the opposite wall from where the bed and couch were positioned. The table was wide, and with a little help from me would be just the right height. And the mirrors would really make it interesting.

I took the three cushions from the couch and laid them along the top of the dressing table, end to end, at the left end of the table. The left end of the table ended with about a four foot space between it and the wall. This opening allowed for a door in the wall that apparently went directly into the next dressing room. I was ready for Act II.

"O.K., Paul. Lay down on the cushions, face down," I instructed. "It's your turn to be made love to."

He looked puzzled but did as he was told. The fact that I had picked up the passes and was twirling them in the air might have influenced his decision. He lay face down; his head, shoulders, chest and upper stomach on the right cushion; his mid-section on the center cushion; and his legs stretched out onto the left cushion and out over the end of the table. The cushions were firm so that he lay on them, and did not sink in much.

"O.K., Becky. We're going to give Paul a massage, starting with our hands, then with our mouths."

Tentatively, Becky walked over to Paul, putting her hands onto his shoulders. Paul's head was resting on his folded arms. She started to move her hands gently over his firm tanned shoulders. She seemed to be making every effort not to touch his naked body with hers as she stood well back from him. As Becky worked on Paul's shoulders and neck, I started rubbing his lower back. I worked my hands along the valley just above his tight cheeks.

He seemed to have them pressed tightly together as if protecting himself from whatever might be to come.

"Relax," I teased as I smacked his cheeks, making them loosen and quiver.

Becky giggled at Paul's spanking. I took hold of Becky's hands and pulled them into the area I had been working on. I stepped around her and started to lick and tongue Paul's neck and shoulders. At first, he thought it was Becky kissing him. Looking around, he almost jumped off the table as he saw my lips on his shoulder. I worked my mouth all over him, wetting him with my saliva.

As I pushed down Paul's back, I was forcing Becky to move towards Paul's ass. At first, she did not want to touch it, but I took her hands and planted them on his cheeks. She started to massage lightly and Paul let out a sigh. Becky massaged a little harder, pressing her fingers into Paul's cheeks. As I continued to bathe the small of his back, I took one of Becky's soft hands and placed it deep in the crack between Paul's cheeks. Paul tensed slightly, then relaxed and spread his legs as far as the table would allow. I hoped for Becky's sake that Paul's ass was clean.

Becky worked her hand back and forth in Paul's crack, her other hand still massaging his cheeks. Paul sighed deeply and I could see and feel the last of the tension flow from his body. I spent several minutes tonguing the small of his back while Becky continued her massage. Every so often, Paul's body would jerk a little as Becky's fingers touched his anus.

Tiring of Paul's back, I moved Becky's hands to the back of his thighs.

I tongued my way to Paul's firm muscular cheeks and proceeded to bathe them and kiss them. Eventually my tongue found its way to Paul's crack. Using my hands, I separated his cheeks and tongued the top of his crack. I licked slowly down until I reached the area around his anus. I circled it like Indians around a covered wagon. My circling tongue gradually moved closer to Paul's hole. I wasn't sure if Paul knew whether it was my tongue or Becky's working around his hole. At this point, he probably didn't give a care.

My tongue attacked his puckered bud, pushing against the tight sphincter. Becky's hands had stopped moving as she watched me. I reached over and pushed one of Becky's hands deep between Paul's thighs. From the way he jumped, I knew she had made contact with his sac. She started her massage again but continued to watch me.

As my tongue entered Paul's swollen anus, Paul pushed against me. I pushed my tongue through his tight opening and deep inside of him. His initial resistance melted away as he felt the pleasure sweeping through his body. Paul's hips started to pump as I tongue fucked his tight ass. I only hoped that Paul was not cursed with a short fuse. I would hate for him to cum before we reached the final Act.

Becky was getting into the swing of things. I could see her hands working in between Paul's legs as she massaged his sac. My tongue was getting tired of the effort of trying to keep Paul's sphincter open and loose. It was time for Act III. Time for Paul to roll over and expose his boyhood to his two lovers.

Holding the cushions in place, I pushed him in the direction I wanted him to go. As he rolled over, he tried to cover his erection. I pushed his hand away, exposing a nice six inch boner. It stood just above his stomach as he lay on his back. It was not overly thick. It would make a good mouthful. His reddish head peaked out from the collar of his foreskin. Paul was apparently enjoying the attention we were giving him.

Becky set about massaging his shoulders and neck. I waited for her to move down Paul's tightly muscled abdomen. When I had enough room to get in beside Paul, I leaned my mouth towards his. Before he had time to react, I kissed him full on the mouth. The sudden look of shock on his face was priceless. It also caused his mouth to come open and I slid my tongue back along the surface of his. I kissed him hard and long until we both had to come up for air. As I pulled away, Paul closed his eyes. My lungs full, I assaulted Paul's lips again. This time, he kept his eyes closed and started to return my kiss.

I pointed at Becky's mouth and at Paul's bronze nipples. She got the idea. She descended on first one, then the other. As she sucked and nuzzled his little hard buds, Paul's kiss became more passionate. Wanting something else in my mouth besides tongue, I nudged Becky farther down Paul's body. Fortunately for Paul, this put her directly over his throbbing dick.

"Go ahead," I said. "Tease it with your tongue."

She looked at me like I had three heads.

"Here. I'll show you how it's done."

We switched places. I took Paul's boy cock in my hand and started to run my fingers lightly up and down his shaft. His hips jumped at my first touch. I ran my fingers gently over his head. Placing two fingers at the top edge of his foreskin, I slid it down revealing his smooth red head. A drop of pre-cum sat in his piss slit. I gathered it up on my finger tip and aimed it towards Becky's lips. She parted her lips enough for me to push my finger inside and deposit Paul's pre-cum on her tongue. Becky sucked the pre-cum from my finger tip. The look on her face said "not bad".

It was time for her lesson. I pursed my lips almost together and placed them directly on the head of Paul's throbbing meat. I pushed forward; the head of his cock forcing my lips apart as it entered my mouth. Once his head was in my mouth, I slid it back and forth between my partially closed lips. The tightness of my lips on his head caused him to moan. His hips started to move up and down and I allowed him to fuck my mouth. Becky was watching as his cock slid in and out of my mouth. She was also watching Paul's reaction.

I lifted my head off and motioned for Becky to take over. She moved over Paul's stiff rod and started to slide her mouth up and down on it. Paul's head was resting on one arm that he had placed behind it. His eyes were no longer closed. He must have sensed the change as he was now watching his beautiful Becky; his hard cock head sliding in and out of her mouth. His head moved from side to side as he watched the real thing and also her image in the mirror covered wall next to his body.

Once I was satisfied that Becky had learned her first lesson, I placed my hands on her naked waist and pulled her off of Paul. I took her place. Using my tongue, I bathed Paul's shiny red head in saliva. I licked all around his piss slit, occasionally sticking my tongue into the opening. My tongue covered his entire head from top to bottom and all around. I showed her how to lick the sensitive underside where his foreskin joined his shaft and the groove underneath. Paul was moaning and pumping his head slowly. As I pulled off, I noticed he had been watching me as well.

I moved Becky back into position. She proceeded to lick his head, just as I had shown her. I hoped Paul was going to last a lot longer this time. It would be a shame to have him cum too soon. Once Becky had mastered the bathing of Paul's head with her tongue, I took over again.

This time, I licked Paul's shaft, all the way down to his sac. I sucked each of his nuts into my mouth and played with them. After giving each its own special tonguing, I sucked them both into my mouth and rolled them around with my tongue. I did not spend too much time here. As soon as Becky had seen the basics, we changed places and she copied my actions. Paul was breathing hard. I could see his lungs expand and collapse as the air rushed out and he struggled to fill them up again. The last lesson was for Becky to deep throat Paul's hot organ as far as she could. After I demonstrated the technique, Becky tried it. She proved to be a natural as she was soon swallowing all six inches. She even added a few touches of her own; occasionally turning her head partly around so that she could spiral up and down Paul's shaft.

By this point, my dick was rock hard and ready for some action of its own. I moved down to the end of the table, positioning myself between Paul's partially spread legs. I pulled a chair in beside me. Grabbing Paul's legs, I slid him down the table top on the cushions. As his ass reached the very edge, the first cushion fell to the floor and I positioned it so that I could kneel on it. Becky did not miss a beat on Paul's slippery cock as she followed his body down the table. I raised Paul's left leg and slid the chair underneath it. Positioning his leg so that the upper portion was at a right angle to his body, I moved his foot over until it was resting on the top edge of the cushioned chair back. I slid the chair over until Paul's legs would spread no farther. I now had a great view of Paul's ass crack.

I knelt down on the cushion and my face was directly in front of Paul's firm ass cheeks. I positioned his right leg so that his foot was resting on the door knob. Paul's beautiful cheeks were spread open in front of me. The brown puckered hole was completely visible. Judging from Paul's moans and groans, I would have to work fast.

I started to lick up and down Paul's crack. I quickly found his anus and once again inserted my tongue. There was a little resistance, but I was soon past it. I was certain that Paul was far too interested in the young blonde sucking his cock to pay attention to what I was doing. My tongue worked in and out of him until he was wet. I removed it and inserted a finger. I slid it back and forth until he loosened up. I avoided his prostate as I was not ready for him to cum yet.

Having worked one finger deep into his rectum, I inserted a second. This proved to be a tight fit, at least for the first minute. Then Paul relaxed his grip, still enjoying his first blow job. I worked my fingers into his tight passage as deep as they would go. For some time now, my cock had been hard as a rock and the pre-cum oozing out of indicated that it was ready for action.

I removed my fingers from Paul's ass. I spit into my hands and wet my stiff cock as best I could. Pushing Paul's right leg upright and laying it against my chest, I pushed my cock head to the tight wet opening between his cheeks. As Becky continued to stroke Paul with her mouth, I proceeded to enter him. Suddenly I had his full attention as he tried to see what I was doing. He could feel my head pushing into his tight boy ass. His face took on a momentary look of terror. Then Becky's hard work got to him. He closed his eyes and he relaxed.

I was able to push all of my seven and a half inches into his tight velvety passage. As I reached my full depth, my pubic hair tickled his tight sac. This was all Paul needed to trigger his orgasm. My big cock in his ass and Becky swallowing his dick sent him into the dizzying spiral of his climax. Becky took his first hot load deep into her throat. She gagged and choked a bit, losing some of his precious seed out the corners of her mouth and down his shaft. She hesitated long enough to swallow then plunged her mouth back down Paul's sticky shaft.

I could feel the tightening around my dick as each load left his body and shot into Becky's mouth. It was almost like I was sharing his orgasm.

The spasms raging through his young body finally started to subside and I started to fuck his ass. Becky went to Paul's mouth and kissed him. This was the first real sign of affection I had seen between the two of them since they arrived. Maybe they would make it as a couple after all.

As I pumped my dick in and out of Paul's ass, Becky decided to have a look at what I was doing. As she left Paul's face, I could see that she had left some of his cum on his face. Becky seemed amazed that Paul's rectum could take all of my cock in. As I pumped her boy friends ass harder and harder, I pulled her face close to mine and kissed her. I took her hand and placed it on Paul's loosening sac. She started to massage his firm eggs through the thin membrane. Shit, Paul was starting to get hard again, as I saw his cock struggling to raise itself off his mound. We still had lots of time left and Paul seemed ready for more.

Feeling my own orgasm approaching, I removed Becky's hand from Paul's sac and brought it around to my ass. Sensing what I needed from her, Becky's fingers worked their way into my crack. As she slid her hand down my crack, her thumb found my tight ring and pushed against it. She slipped it in easily. It was all she could do to hold this position. I was pounding into Paul's ass in fierce anticipation of my impending orgasm. Paul's hands had a firm grip on the cushions as he pushed against me, trying to meet my every thrust. He watched in the mirror, trying to see what was happening, but could not.

With Becky's thumb pressed hard into my anus and Paul's tight ass gripping my cock, I quickly reached the point of no return. I pumped my seed deep inside Paul's slippery hole. My knees almost buckled as the waves of pleasure gripped my body and threatened to shake it apart. I pumped my cum up Paul's ass until I had no more to give. It felt like his tight ass had milked me dry. I leaned forward over Paul's body, his erect cock pressing into me.

I rested until my cock started to soften. Becky removed her thumb from my ass and came over beside us. In an awkward manner, she managed to hug both of us.

Becky was the first to use the washroom, then Paul and I followed her. When we were done, we ended up lying on the bed, with Becky's beautiful naked body between Paul and I. We rested in the warmth of each others bodies.

The physical contact that Paul was having with his girlfriend was getting him really excited again. His six inch bone stood at attention above his groin. I watched as his hand slowly found its way to Becky's flat tummy. He massaged her lightly with his finger tips, gradually working his way up to her firm breasts. He still seemed nervous; still expecting her to say no at some point.

Paul's fingers found the underside of Becky's mounds and his fingers wandered all over them, finally arriving at her nipples. He squeezed them and tweaked them until they were hard and erect. It was time that Paul got to fulfill his dreams with sweet Becky. I was sure that there would be no more "accidents".

"Kiss them," I commanded.

Paul shifted his position so that he could reach Becky's nipples. His mouth found them and he sucked eagerly; his mouth and tongue devouring them voraciously. He shifted position again and his mouth was at Becky's tender lips. He kissed her passionately and she returned his kisses with equal fervor. This was a kiss that only two people in love could share. I almost felt embarrassed watching them. Well, almost.

Finally they separated as Paul's mouth devoured ever inch of Becky's luscious body until he reached her mound. His tongue played in the blonde hairs as he contemplated the slit below. Moving down to Becky's legs, he parted them gently and moved himself in between. His hungry mouth was soon feasting around her pussy. As he came closer and closer to his goal, Becky parted her legs as far as they would go and moaned. She wanted this lovely boy to devour her.

Paul's tongue slid into Becky's slit. He licked up and down it, tasting her juices as he went. His fingers approached her lips and spread them apart. For a moment, he stared at the pink, fleshy wound that lay before him. Becky's clit throbbed at its upper end. Paul watched it in fascination until Becky's fingers found his hair and urged him to action.

Paul's mouth came down over top of it. He sucked it into his mouth; playing his tongue across it as he sucked. Becky moaned again and her hips started to buck. She was cumming. It must have been a fantastic feeling for Paul knowing that he was finally pleasuring his sweet girlfriend.

Becky's hips bucked wildly as wave after wave spread over her taut body. Her back arched as she tried to force Paul deeper onto her. I had to give Paul credit. He sucked on her clit and never let it go, even though her body was trying to buck him off. Finally, Becky collapsed on the bed, her energy totally spent for the moment. Paul was really horny now, and he sensed that he needed to get inside of her quickly before he lost it again.

Paul positioned himself over Becky's spread thighs. He held his weight on his arms and legs. He leaned down and whispered something in Becky's ear. As the swollen red head of his cock pressed against Becky's moist pussy, she used her hand to guide him in.

It took only seconds for Becky to swallow her boyfriend deep inside her. The pain of her first time was long gone and she was free to enjoy the pleasure that once again started to sweep over her.

Paul pumped his hips in a slow, steady motion. The look on his face was golden as he watched Becky smiling at him. Her eyes were glazing over as she approached another series of climaxes. Her hips started to thrust upwards, meeting Paul as he slid into her. She gasped for breath and her whole body started to vibrate as she came again and again. Paul was a lucky boy. Becky was very sensitive and reached her orgasm quickly. He would have no trouble satisfying her for as long as they stayed together.

Becky's orgasms subsided and Paul started to pump a little faster as his sac tightened and his load built up pressure deep inside him. His bum moved faster and faster as he pushed harder and deeper into Becky's tight pussy. Becky could see by the look on his face that he was near. She pushed her hips up to meet his every stroke; wanting to share her pleasure with him. I was becoming extremely horny again. I stroked my hard cock as I watched the two lovers making love.

A gasp escaped from Paul's throat as he pushed forward; his back arching and his head thrown back. The first blast of his hot semen shot deep into Becky's tight cunt. He held his position for a few seconds, unable to move. As the first wave of pleasure subsided, he resumed pumping. His ass cheeks tightened as load after load of hot sperm shot into Becky's tight hole. Becky responded with a moan of her own and started to cum again. By the time Paul had shot his last wad, Becky was bathed in sweat. Paul collapsed on top of Becky and she hugged her arms around his body.

They shared another long, passionate kiss. Sadly, I realized that this was what was missing in my life. The one night stands were great. But I would trade them all for someone to love and someone to love me. Watching these two teens in an embrace that I could never share almost brought tears to my eyes.

Finally, they pulled apart and lay side by side next to me. Becky sat up and made her way off the bed to the washroom. She returned in a couple of minutes and lay back down. I lay flat on my back, staring at the ceiling; contemplating my future. I could hear Becky and Paul whispering. Before I realized what was happening, Becky slid across my body to my other side. Paul moved his body in next to mine. I was sandwiched in between them.

Becky leaned forward and found my mouth, kissing it hard. Had she realized how lonely I was feeling? Paul's hands stroked across my chest, teasing my nipples as his fingers passed over them. I didn't know what the two of them were up to, but I wasn't about to interrupt.

Becky's mouth left mine and found the nipple nearest to her. As she sucked and nibbled it, Paul's mouth found the other one and copied her actions. They giggled as they worked with their heads so close together. After getting my nipples rock hard, their mouths pulled away and they couldn't help but share a kiss as they hovered over my chest.

Resuming their oral explorations, their mouths wandered down my chest to my stomach. Becky worked on the left side, closest to her and Paul worked on the right. The sensation of two beautiful mouths, one male and one female, working along my tanned skin was very exciting and made my dick throb. One of their mouths found my belly button and tickled it with a tongue - I wasn't sure which mouth it was - and I didn't care. They both licked down to my pubic mound and licked into my light covering of hair.

At this point, I had to watch. I raised my head up and folded my arms underneath. I could see Becky and Paul's mouths working and their tongues flicking out as they teased my flesh. I wondered what would happen when they got to my cock. As they slowly neared the base of my boner, Paul moved over my leg and into the space between. I pulled my right leg up and out to give him better access. I was careful not to move my left leg too high so as not to get in Becky's way.

Becky's tongue found the head of my cock as Paul's mouth found my tight scrotum. As she licked my throbbing red head, Paul sucked in first one nut then the other. Becky's tongue slid across my head gathering my pre-cum and tasting it. Her smooth lips slid down over my head as she started to suck it. Paul released my nuts and nibbled at the underside of my cock. I don't know what Becky had said to Paul; or promised him to get him to do this; but I was glad she had. Paul's mouth and tongue wandered over the base of my shaft and all around the surrounding area.

I was sweating profusely as Becky licked the underside of my swollen head. My heart beat fast and my breathing was ragged. My cock throbbed under the gentle licking and sucking of Becky's mouth. Paul continued to work my shaft while Becky plunged her head downwards, trying to take it all in. She wasn't able to make it all fit as she gagged part way down. I was longer and thicker than Paul and just too big for her.

Becky's mouth slid up and down, leaving about two inches at the base for Paul to play with. The small waves of pleasure that washed through my body told me that this orgasm, when it came, was going to turn my nuts inside out. Becky's mouth twisted and turned as it moved up and down my cock. As she reached the top, she licked my head before sliding down again. Her mouth was driving me crazy. My body ached to unload its juices, but my mind wanted to keep this going forever.

As Becky slid her mouth off my cock, I barely heard the words.

"I can't take it all," Becky whispered to Paul. "You try it."

There was no answer and I heard the sound of a hand slapping against flesh. Obviously Paul was reluctant to take my dick in his mouth and Becky was not prepared to accept that. If it was O.K. for her, it was O.K. for him.

Once again, I felt lips over my throbbing knob. I looked down to see Paul's head as he slid his mouth onto me. He started to move back and forth in short strokes.

Gradually the length increased until he was swallowing all but a half inch of me. Several times, he gagged when he neared bottom, but all in all, he was handling it well. I giggled as I thought of how he would react when I shot into his mouth. And that would be soon. Paul was not as good at sucking cock as Becky - probably because he really didn't want to be doing it. But, his long strokes were getting the job done.

As Paul's mouth stroked my cock to orgasm, Becky lay across my chest, her mouth in front of mine. Her firm breasts and hard nipples pressed into my chest. As the first blast of sperm shot up my rod and into Paul's mouth, Becky and I kissed passionately.

Somewhere in my mind, I could hear Paul gagging over the warm cum that flooded his mouth. There was a brief pause in his strokes but then they resumed. I pumped another load into him.

It felt strange. Almost as if I was able to hold back and deliver a load whenever I wanted.

Paul continued to stroke up and down on my cock. He paused with each new load, stopping to swallow it. He must have really loved Becky. Most straight guys would never have considered sucking off another guy - unless they had a real strong incentive. My cock softened a bit as the last of my seed drained out. Sensing that I was done, Paul rolled over to my side. Becky broke free of my mouth and slid down my chest. Before I realized it, she had taken my soft cock in her hands and was licking it clean. She squeezed it and stroked it; releasing the last few drops of my cum; licking it from my piss slit.

I pulled Paul to me and planted a big kiss on his mouth. As my tongue pushed inside, I could taste my cum mixed with his saliva.

"You make a great cocksucker," I said laughingly. "You can suck on my knob any time you want."

The look on his face was priceless. I doubted he would ever suck a cock again - unless, of course, sweet Becky wanted him to.

It was almost time for the concert. Becky got off the bed and started to dress. Paul and I watched. Unable to resist, I took Paul's limp cock in my hand and stroked it as we watched. He made no effort to stop me.

Once Becky was dressed, Paul got up and dressed. I was in no hurry. I watched him slip his briefs up over his thighs and cover his beautiful six inch teen cock. I would miss these two. Definitely part of my highlight reel for the summer.

Still naked, I walked over to where I had left the passes. I picked one up and walked over to Paul. He had not put his shirt on, yet. I hung the pass around his neck and kissed both his small nipples. I picked up the other pass and hung it around Becky's neck. It sat up high on top of her breasts. I leaned forward and kissed her mouth tenderly; taking the time to squeeze each of her nipples through the fabric of her blouse and bra.

"Thanks," she whispered. "This has been the greatest day of my life." I wondered if Paul could hear the words as she spoke them. "If I couldn't give my virginity to Paul, I'm happy that I could give it to you. And thanks for showing Paul how to be a better lover.

I was ready to say goodbye to him after his first try. I wanted it so bad. It hurt a lot when he couldn't do it. I thought he didn't love me or something was wrong with me. You made it all right again."

She kissed me on the cheek and she and Paul were gone from my life. Not really. Good memories last forever.

The End of Part Three - stay tuned for part four entitled "Steve".

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