The Royal Prisoner

Published on Jun 27, 2020


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The Royal Prisoner Chapter 10

"Welcome my son! Welcome a thousand times!" the Caliph said enthusiastically opening his arms.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Victor answered with a polite smile, unsettled by this unexpected warm greeting. The Caliph embraced the prince and hugged him warmly for a few awkward seconds. The two of them crossed the Arabic courtyard with the elegant fountain and columns. The place was a true small Alhambra, a display of the most refined architectural arts of the middle east. Victor glanced at the beauty of it while the Caliph asked him a thousand questions about his life as they made their way inside.

The Caliph was unstoppable and kept talking and talking as they arrived in a great marble room. Prince Muhammad was sitting on a stool and his mother was on a sofa. The Caliph and his spouse were in their late sixties, they were both chubby, but the Caliph was shorter than his wife. Her black greying tresses were straightened, she wore a turquoise long dress with long sleeves. Her makeup was discreet yet visible and she wore gold jewels all over her ears, neck, wrist, and fingers. She turned to Victor and smiled.

"Prince Victor, I was anxious to meet you!" she said with a broad warm smile while standing up and offering her hand to be shaken. Victor greeted everyone and sat on a sofa, Tea was served to them and they began chatting. The conversation went smoothly, and the Caliph was a very pleasant and considerate host.

"You know son, I have a daughter that you should meet. I am certain the two of you would get along quite well, you have so much in common, and she is such a beauty. Would it not be fantastic if our two houses were to be united?" the Caliph then declared smiling but scrutinising Victor carefully. The prince was taken aback and paused for a moment confused.

"I... Uh..." he stuttered "Well, I am deeply honoured, your Majesty. However, I am not allowed to marry without my brother's approval. As a matter of fact, considering the circumstances, I doubt he would. Also, I am gay and I already settled with my brother that I was to marry someone of my gender." he eventually explained. While he was talking both the Caliph and his spouse exchanged amused looks and seemed to contain laughs.

"Son, we know you are gay. For people like us, with political responsibilities, marriage is no matter of love... You would need an heir of your own would you not?" the Caliph asked condescendingly.

"In Corsican law I do not need to have an heir with a legitimate spouse, I just need an heir. Even if I was married to another man, I could have children with a woman, they would still be my legitimate heirs. I understand such is not the case in your nation though..." Victor declared. The Caliph looked intrigued.

"I did not know that indeed... Well give me some time to think about it and we will discuss this another time. Are you hungry?" the Caliph changed the topic and was back to his lovely self. They had lunch outside in the luxurious gardens, the weather was hot but windy therefore it was quite pleasant. The conversation was rather unremarkable, and prince Muhammad was more discreet than usual, his mother and father however turned out to be two talkative inquisitive host that asked Victor all sorts of questions about his life. The prince did not mind however, he felt treated like a normal teenager for once and enjoyed it. The food was delicious, and they had great fun.

After a while Victor was picked up by lieutenant Timond and brought back to his suite. Before he left Muhammad asked him if he still wanted to visit Jerusalem with him and the prince said he would need to ask permission but would love to. Muhammad smirked and said something about convincing Hadrien, but Victor didn't understand exactly what he meant.

In the trip back to the hotel Victor was in a great mood due to the excellent moments he just spent, he tried to do some small talk to the lieutenant but the soldier turned out to be shy and was very uncooperative. When he arrived at the hotel Paul walked him straight to his suite.

"Is there anything else planned for the rest of the day Lieutenant?" Victor asked when they reached his suite while unbuttoning his vest.

"The officers will be rather busy this evening, your highness. Nothing has been planned for you so far..." Paul answered with an even tone.

"Have you asked about my request? About me visiting the city? Prince Muhammad said he would chaperon me if that can be of any help..." Victor added pleadingly.

"I have started elaborating a protocol for an outing to be possible, I need to be able to guarantee your safety before I ask the General Staff about it" the lieutenant declared.

"Thank you for taking your time for this! I expect you will be busy tonight as well..." Victor said timidly.

"No, your highness. My sole responsibility is your safety, I will not take part in any of the meetings taking place this week" Paul answered matter-of-factly.

"Oh... I see. Well, if you wanted to join me for dinner, I would like that very much. That way you can guarantee my safety in a much more efficient way..." the prince proposed shyly.

"Uh... Well... If it pleases you, your highness..." the lieutenant answered, taken aback by the invitation.

"Yes, I would like that very much. I will ask for dinner to be ready at eight thirty. Now I think I will have a nap. See you tonight then?" the prince said.

"Yes, your highness" Paul answered bowing and taking his leave.

The suite was empty, and the prince was alone when he arrived. He undressed to his underwear and laid on the sofa. Rapidly he fell asleep rocked by the sounds of the rain that started pouring outside. The prince had weird agitated dreams, the overwhelming sentiment of being trapped seized him. When he woke up the rain had turned into a storm, wind sent drops of rain crashing directly into the glass windows and thunder could be heard afar.

"Sasha?" the prince mumbled barely awake.

"Yes, your highness?" the silhouette in the shadow answered softly, squatting besides the sofa.

"I already told you not to call me -your highness- in private!" the prince grumbled while stretching "What time is it? It must be late; it is so dark outside..." he added.

"No, it is ten past four. The clouds are very dark that is why it seems so late... Do you want me to turn on the lights?" Sasha asked shyly.

"No..." Victor answered. He grabbed the servant by the chin and pulled him closer before kissing him languidly. Sasha fell on his knees and caught himself up on the sofa. He returned the kiss and leaned on the prince.

Victor sat on the edge of the sofa and unbuttoned Sasha's shirt, he opened it and dropped kisses on his neck and around his left ear. His hands opened the fly of the servant's trousers and lowered his waistband revealing his white smooth bubble butt. The prince dug his fingers in the soft butt cheeks and spread them apart. He sighed and rested his forehead on Sasha's shoulder, the servant boy kissed his curly blond hair and stood up.

The prince was now directly facing Sasha's crotch. He lowered the servant's waistband further and revealed his semi hard cock hanging over the slightly hairy ginger balls. Sasha's cock did not have a strong scent, but Victor was incredibly turned on by it. Victor grabbed the ginger's cock and opened his mouth before swallowing it entirely. His nose was buried in Sasha's pubic hair and he could smell the manly scent. The prince browsed his tongue around the servant's cockhead and inside his piss-slip. Sasha's head bounced up and down as waves of pleasure hit his brain, he placed the palm of his hand behind Victor's head and pressed it against his dick.

Sasha grabbed his dick and rubbed it gently over the prince's cheek, spreading precum around his nose, mouth, and chin. Victor fondled the servant's ball-sack and moaned loudly. He opened his mouth as a sign of submission, waiting for Sasha to willingly put his cock back in the warmness of his cocksucker's lips.

"Take off your briefs" Sasha commanded with a gentle but authoritarian tone. Victor lowered his briefs' waistband, still kneeling, and made them slip down his thighs and legs before taking them off completely. The Jewish boy thrusted his cock back in the prince's mouth and with both hands pressed behind his curly blond hair before starting face-fucking him hard. Victor gagged but did not pushed Sasha away, allowing him to thrust harder and harder. Spit coated the Jewish's cut dick and spit drooled from his balls onto the prince's naked smooth chest.

Sasha made Victor stand up before kneeling himself. He quickly swallowed the prince's hard dick and gave him an expert blowjob. Victor was losing balance and had to sit on the sofa. The servant's hand was fondling his balls and his fingers made their way to his tight hole. Sasha began rubbing the prince's pink and smooth pucker.

After a few minutes taking care of Victor's cock with his mouth, Sasha grabbed him under the hips and pulled the prince's thighs up to his own chest, exposing the tight hole and spreading his butt cheeks. Victor held his legs to keep them against his abs and torso while Sasha plunged, browsing his tongue in the prince's crack and around the hole. He plunged his tongue deep inside of him sending intense waves of pleasures to Victor's body. The prince's eyes convulsed and his body was flexing as he lost control and drowned in pleasure.

Sasha hopped on the sofa and Victor switched position to lie on his belly. The Jewish boy took position between the prince's legs and leaned on him. He placed his cockhead against the well lubed pink hole and gradually pushed his throbbing dick inside of the moaning prince. When he was ball-deep inside Victor, Sasha laid fully on him and dropped kisses on his neck, caressing his curly blond hair with one hand and pinching his left nipple with the other.

Victor could feel every centimetre, of the servant's cock penetrating him. Wrapped between the tight muscles Sasha was overwhelmed as his sensitive head rammed inside the velvet hole. The prince let soft moans escape his mouth with every relentless assault the Jewish boy gave him. Sasha was sweating profusely; the noises of the shaking sofa were mostly covered by the loud storm raging over the city of Jerusalem. The sound of the heavy rain filled the lounge, immersed in obscurity.

"Do you like that? Do you want it harder? Say it!" Sasha whispered softly in the prince's ear.

"Yes! Yes please, fuck me... fuck me harder! Pound me senseless" Victor moaned back at him. The servant boy increased his pace and placed both his hands on the prince lower back, pinning him against the sofa relentlessly. A drop of sweat fell from Sasha's nose and landed on Victor's back, on the curve between his round butt and shoulder blades. The feeling of this intimate connexion made the prince shiver. The palm of Sasha's hand rubbing his partner's back, feeling under his fingertips the goose skin of his arching back.

Suddenly, a black gloved hand covered Sasha's mouth as a blade was threateningly placed millimetres from his throat.

"Any sign of resistance and you are dead!" a masculine voice told Sasha quietly. Victor heard the stranger's voice and was petrified, he dared not move or speak and stayed still. The servant boy gulped as his stomach knotted.

"Now, I want you to slowly pull out and follow my lead to stand up" the voice then declared. Inch by inch the servant's cock left Victor's warm hole until an audible "plop" was heard. The man then guided Sasha with his hand to get off the sofa and stand on his feet. The intruder was standing behind the Jewish boy and kept his hand on his mouth and the blade by his throat. Sasha's cock was deflating quickly, coated in ass juices, and dripping precum, glistening with moist.

"Are you alright, your highness?" the intruder asked Victor softly.

"I am fine, please do not hurt him!" the prince answered, still laying on his belly, turning his head to look at the mysterious intruder. He was tall, about ten centimetres taller than Sasha, he was fully dressed in black, with black gloves. He was a white man with blond straight hair. His facial features were not easy to distinguish in the dark, but the prince felt that he was quite handsome.

"Do you know that man, your highness?" the intruder added, referring to Sasha.

"Yes, I do! He is my servant here in Jerusalem! He was not hurting me, I wanted this! Please, please do not harm him!" the prince pleaded.

"Do you trust him?" the man asked aggressively.

"Yes... Yes, I do!" the prince declared with a hint of fear and defiance in his voice. The man then freed Sasha and pushed him forward, almost making him trip and fall.

"Fetch yourself and your master some clothes, servant!" the man commanded him authoritatively. Sasha went straight to the prince's bedroom, not even looking back, his bubble butt bouncing up and down as he walked. Victor was irritated by the way the intruder treated his servant boy but said nothing afraid of making things worse. He stared long and hard at the man and distinguished his grey eyes in the dark, staring back.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Victor shyly asked his unwelcome guest.

"A friend." the man simply answered, locking his eyes in the prince's. Victor blushed, intimidated by this handsome and dangerous man, threatening him while the prince sat naked, exposed in front of him with his glistening cock still hard as rock. Victor was turned on by the situation, the danger of it. Quickly the Jewish boy returned from the bedroom, still naked, carrying some clothes that he gave the prince. He then picked his own clothes disposed of on the floor by the sofa and dressed up.

Victor slowly dressed up, still staring at the intruder provocatively while doing it. The man seemed unbothered by the prince's horniness and watched silently as they finished covering their naked bodies. Sasha then glanced at the man expectantly, waiting for further instructions.

"Sit next to your master" the man instructed Sasha that complied immediately. The man stood in front of them and tucked his blade back in its scabbard. "I have to warn you servant, if any of what is said here is repeated you can consider your family and yourself dead. Am I perfectly clear?" he added in a cold and confident way.

"Yes, Sir" the servant answered submissively.

"Good!" the intruder simply said "Your highness, I am here on your brother's behalf. I was sent on his command a week ago" he then added turning to Victor.

"Hector... he sent you?" the prince asked, stunned and confused.

"Yes" the man answered before searching his trousers' pockets and getting something out of it. "That is from him," he added, handing him a folded paper. "You will have some time to read it later, your highness. I have very little time to spare!" the man commented, halting the prince from unfolding the paper.

"I am having dinner here with a military officer at eight, you cannot stay here much longer..." the prince warned.

"I will help you escape Jerusalem this week. This cannot happen tonight, but you must be ready when the opportunity arises. I have strong reasons to believe this will be possible Friday evening. If the opportunity arises before you must be ready, at any moment..." The intruder explained.

"How will I know that the right moment has come?" Victor asked.

"The less you know, the better it is. Do not worry, you will know in due time. Do not resist, stay calm and follow my lead when that happens" the man warned. The prince simply nodded back before looking at the floor defeatedly. The man then kneeled in front of him and with his finger raised the prince's chin to make him face him. Victor shivered at the feeling of this strong and handsome man's delicate touch. He was so close, the prince could see every detail of his face, from his pink lips to his freckles, his aquiline nose and square jaw.

"Do not despair, your highness! I promised your brother, I have no intention to go back to Corsica without you..." He calmly told Victor. The prince grabbed the man's right hand and kissed its back.

"Thank you, I will stand ready, you can trust me" Victor declared. The intruder smiled reassuringly and stood up, he turned his face to Sasha.

"It is uncommon for a servant to have this kind of relationship with its master, even more when the said master is of royal blood. For your own good both of you should be extremely careful. By experience I can tell you no one is going to blame his imperial highness if that were to turn sour. They would say it is your fault, they would say you forced him. Even if it was not true, even if his imperial highness protested. You have to be aware of that!" The man warned Sasha. The servant looked back at him defeatedly and said nothing. The man then walked to the window and opened it.

"What is your name?" Victor asked him before he left. The intruder halted and turned to the prince.

"I will tell you when we are in Corsica" he answered before winking to the prince. He then jumped by the balcony and disappeared.

Sasha and Victor sat for a few moments in disbelief, not speaking or moving. Sasha was shaking and seemed disoriented.

"Are you okay Sasha? I am so sorry... This is all my fault" the prince eventually said, getting closer to his servant and wrapping his arms around the Jewish boy. The servant rested his head on the prince's chest and hugged him back.

"I'm fine" Sasha said. Breaking up the hug "You should get prepared; your guest will be here soon" he then added

"Yes, I guess you are right..." Victor answered nodding. They looked at one another and the prince smiled at the servant.

Lieutenant Paul Timond arrived shortly after the prince, helped by Sasha, had finished getting fully washed and dressed up. They took great care cleaning all the remaining evidence of sex on both of their bodies.

The soldier was dressed in his usual military uniform and was in his usual inexpressive mood. The prince greeted him, and he proposed that they have a drink in the lounge before dinner was served in the dining room. Sasha brought them glasses of white wine and appetizers as they sat and started to chat. Paul was never a talkative person; he grew up as the youngest of four brothers and two sisters. Discretion was the key to survive, he toughened up, kept his feelings to himself. He became an excellent student in high school and was recruited shortly after graduation to enter the military academy. At nineteen years old he arrived in Corsica for the first time after spending his whole life in the city of Nice.

Paul and Victor played cards while they ate, the military officer introduced the prince to a new game from his city. The prince laughed wholeheartedly as he was severely beaten round after round, and for the first time Victor witnessed the soldier lightening up. During dinner Sasha was replaced by another servant because it was the end of his shift, the prince looked at him tenderly and wished him good night. That was all they could do in front of Paul, to avoid raising suspicions.

The lieutenant stayed with the prince until late as they drank some more wine and played some more games. They truly bonded more in an evening than Victor had with any other officer in Jerash in six months, except of course for Hadrien.

The General had been in Victor's thoughts all day long. Was he mad that the prince said he loved him? He seemed upset when he left him in the early morning, or at least uncomfortable. He probably forgot about it moments later, the prince thought, too busy with his military affairs and diplomatic tasks. Truth was, Victor could not get Hadrien off his mind. He was obsessed by the general, he felt safe around him, yet he was always stimulated and exploring sides of his own personality he did not suspect existed.

When it was time for the lieutenant to leave the prince was shaking with anticipation. When the suite's door closed behind Paul, the prince poured himself another glass of wine and he felt the palm of his hand was wet and slippery. His stomach was knotted, and his legs felt weak. He walked to his bedroom, opened the nightstand drawer, took the folded paper the intruder had given him a few hours ago and sat on the edge of his bed. Carefully he unfolded it and sighed heavily before starting reading.

"My Dear Baby Brother,

There is so much I would like to tell you, so much I would like you to hear. I failed you, as your sovereign, as your only remaining family, as your friend, as your older brother. I remember when we were kids, you would come to me when you were sad and crying, I would hold you in my arms for a while and everything would turn alright. Why cannot it be that simple anymore? I wish I could have protected your innocence forever, you have always been so pure, so kind and fragile. You mean the world to me, I hope you know that, and everyday since you are held captive is another hell.

I love you dearly Victor, I love you more than life itself, more than a stupid crown. I want to believe soon we will be reunited again, that I will hold you in the safety of my arms again, that I will gaze upon your face again and see your smile brightening up the world of those around you.

Never lose hope, never lose faith, for you will be free again, for we will meet again!

Your brother that loves you, Hector"

Victor collapsed on his back on the mattress as he burst into tears. He cried like a baby for twenty solid minutes, his whole body shaking, his nose running. He eventually fell asleep in that position, dressed up completely, half sitting half lying, tears drying up on his face.

Next: Chapter 11

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