The Royal Prisoner

Published on Sep 9, 2020


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The Royal Prisoner

Chapter 18

Prince Muhammad Al Saoud was nervously waiting in the large marble corridor. His left foot was impatiently tapping the floor frantically and the prince was sweating. Muhammad had been waiting for more than twenty minutes on that chair as the guards stoically watched the door.

"His Majesty will receive you now, Your Royal Highness." A guard announced the prince. Muhammad was so nervous that he did not noticed him coming until he spoke. The Saudi Prince got up and followed the guard through the corridor. The palace was so large and luxurious, Muhammad was impressed and certainly did not expected that.

The guard opened a door and Muhammad walked in the room shortly after him.

"Prince Muhammad Al Saoud, Your Majesty." The guard announced while bowing. Muhammad bowed as well and when he lifted his head to look at the Emperor he was struck by the resemblance. It was as if Muhammad was facing an older, more masculine, and taller Victor. Hector was without a single doubt the spitting image of his younger brother.

"Prince Muhammad." The Emperor greeted coldly. "Do sit." He added pointing at the armchair in front of him.

"Thank you for receiving me, Your Majesty." Muhammad said politely. Hector stared back at him without saying anything. The Emperor obviously was not amused. The prince felt a droplet of sweat forming on his forehead. "I am glad our two Nations were able to negotiate an agreement so quickly."

"Trust me, I have nothing to do with it." Hector eventually answered seriously. "I actually advised the Prime Minister against it. What is the value of your nation's words anyway? You betrayed us in the first place to support the rebellion and when you thought they could no longer win you betrayed them too." The Emperor explained. "You are just a bunch of gamblers." He concluded.

"I understand, Your Majesty." Muhammad answered shyly. "We serve the interests of our respective nations and nothing else." He justified. Hector chuckled and stared at the prince with the greatest contempt.

"Why are you even here, Prince Muhammad?" The Emperor eventually asked after an awkward silence. "Paying a visit to your brother-in-law, perhaps?"

Muhammad's eyes widened. He glanced at the young Emperor with confusion, but deep down he knew what Hector meant. The Saudi prince's face flushed and he quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"Uh... I am sorry, Your Majesty, I am not sure I..." Muhammad began.

"Oh, you know what I mean." Hector interrupted with a stern look. "I gathered you didn't even have the guts to inform Victor. You would have him walk down the aisle without his consent and then swore to love, cherish, and protect him without blinking." He developed. "I suppose you knew deep down my brother would never accept marrying such a wimp just because your Daddy negotiated the wedding with the Rebels." Hector said with a mocking chuckle.

"Your Majesty... I... I don't know what to say..." Muhammad began. "It was all political, nothing else. I really like Victor; we are good friends. Of course, it would not have been without his consent, I just felt it was not the right time yet to tell him." He explained. Hector jumped from his chair and grabbed the prince's throat, pinning him against the back of the armchair.

"GOOD FRIENDS? UH?" Hector shouted angrily. "You knew he was a prisoner; you knew he was constantly abused; you knew he was RAPED! And what did YOU DO? FUCKING NOTHING!" He continued. The door suddenly opened, and a soldier walked in with a concerned look. "GET OUT!" The Emperor commanded to the guard letting go of Muhammad's throat. "So much for a `good friend' and husband to be!" Hector added towards the prince. Muhammad was massaging his sore throat. Hector might be Victor's spitting image, but he sure was more intimidating, the Saudi Prince thought. "Now get out of here before I do something stupid." The Emperor threatened. The prince quickly stood up and started walking out of the room. The guard opened the door and held it open to the prince, Muhammad halted and turned to Hector.

"Your Majesty, I brought back your brother's bodyguard to Corsica, Alexandre. I came with him here today. I guessed you would have wanted to see him." The Saudi Prince declared.

"Send him here." The Emperor commanded the guard who nodded. Muhammad looked one more time at the Emperor and could not avoid seen Victor's features in it. He turned his head and walked out.

Hector collapsed on his armchair and heavily sighed. He rubbed his forehead with the palm of his right hand and wiped out the sweat that had been building up. He knew he should not lose his temper, especially with a foreign official. Hector could not help it; his brother was such a sensitive matter. His frustration had been accumulating for the past six months and he was ready to blow up at the slightest contrariety. He could not wait for this to be all over, for Victor to finally come back home.

"Sir Alexandre Andreani, Your Majesty" The guard announced before bowing and letting Alexandre in. The Emperor stood up and greeted Alexandre with a welcoming smile.

"Your Majesty." Alexandre said while bowing.

"You made it!" Hector said with a chuckle before inviting him to sit.

"I only made it because Victor saved my life. He stole my dagger and threatened the rebels to take his own life if I was not spared." Alexandre explained with a faint smile, being moved by the memory of it. "Then I was taken prisoner. I was only set free a few weeks ago, Prince Muhammad did it and sent me to serve Victor in Jerusalem. I do not know how he convinced the Rebels but..."

"They agreed to marry Victor and Muhammad. I am sure this was just another trick to get Victor to be more willing to accept the Saudi as a husband." Hector declared before sighing. "I swear I was about to crush this motherfucker's head against the wall a minute ago." The Emperor confessed. Alexandre laughed wholeheartedly. Hector and he were not close friends by any means, but the monarch knew how much Alexandre meant to Victor and vice versa.

"Well, that must have worked. Victor really likes the Saudi." Alexandre answered. He actually thought that Prince Muhammad was a decent person, but he knew better than to say it to an angry Hector.

"I know! They fucked with his head from the beginning!" The Sovereign almost shouted before trying to regain his composure. "The Duke of Bonifacio told me everything. He was a traitor from the beginning." Hector explained. "Oh, you should have seen the look on his face when I told him he would never see his precious son again. I felt no remorse whatsoever, I relished from his genuine distress. I know I should not, I am supposed to be better than this. But I wanted him to know that I would be raising his son instead of him, that I would be here to witness the important moments of his life, that the boy would come to me for advice and affection while he rotted in his prison cell." Hector described.

"You are going to raise his son? How old is he?" Alexandre asked, confused by the whole situation.

"Six. I know he is blameless for his father's betrayal, but we cannot take the risk to let another Duke turn against us. He will not be returned to his family and remain here with me instead." Hector declared. "Do not worry, I have no intention to do him any harm, even though I might have threatened his father to" He added laughing to answer Alexandre's worried look. "The kid is very endearing. I am a bit ashamed I said those things to his father." Hector confessed. "The Prime Minister wants to start our `National Reconciliation' but I made sure the Duke of Bonifacio was not part of it."

"National Reconciliation?" Alexandre repeated, not sure what that would imply.

"Yes!" Hector confirmed shaking his head disgusted. "After Victor was captured in Heraklion, he was brought to Jerash where Hadrien Ciabrini settled his headquarters. He raped my brother from the very first day, he abused him and kept him locked in his bedroom. Ciabrini would let his soldiers rape him too apparently." Hector told a deeply shocked and livid Alexandre. "That is the kind of people we are supposed to build a `Peaceful Corsica' with." The Emperor declared before standing up and staring outside of a window. "I could not stand the idea of letting Hadrien Ciabrini go to jail for a few years and then walk out free. I had to give instructions." Hector declared "He will not survive this war"

"Your Majesty, are you sure this is what your brother would want you to do?" Alexandre cautiously asked.

"OF COURSE IT'S NOT!" Hector suddenly snapped. "But Ciabrini raped my seventeen-years-old brother for MONTHS! He broke him, he humiliated him! What kind of Emperor, of family guardian, of brother would I be if I did let this monster live?" He continued. "I must protect him, even if it means against his will. Hadrien Ciabrini must die."

Hadrien was just waking up. He stirred in his large bed and yawned. Another sunny day began in Jerash and the general had a lot of work to do. He slipped out of bed in his underwear and walked to the marble bathroom. The general slid his boxers down and leaned over the porcelain toilets. He aimed his morning hardon and emptied his bladder with a satisfactory sigh. He then shook his deflating cock to get rid of the last droplets and turned the shower on.

Hadrien washed himself meticulously and enjoyed the cold shower to wake his sleepy muscles up. He missed Victor giving him morning massages before he started his workday. He had a restless night thinking about the prince's ultimatum and went back and forth on the matter. Hadrien felt like he wanted to enjoy life and let go of his fears. Of course, there was the elephant in the room, Hadrien knew the loyalty of his soldiers was hanging by a thread and openly dating the prince was sending them the wrong signal. On the other hand, the general did not want to lose more time with Victor than he already had. He craved the boy more than anything else, he needed him by his side. Maybe he could convince him to go for a compromise, Hadrien thought.

The general walked out the shower and dried himself with a towel before tossing it aside for the servants to pick up. When he came back to his bedroom a servant was preparing his military uniform. Hadrien picked the black boxer brief the servant left folded on the table. The servant then helped the general in getting dressed as quickly as possible, knowing the general hated losing time in the morning.

Hadrien went straight to his study and asked for his breakfast to be served there. He then started with his enormous workload. The general had two major issues: first he was supposed to prepare the coastline for an Imperial Troop landing with limited material and men, secondly he was to take into account that the Saudi Califate was likely to attack them as well. At this point Hadrien felt like the war was already lost, it was all a matter of time. All he could hope for was being in the strongest possible position when the peace talks began. If the Imperial Government were willing to negotiate.

The general worked all day through, he had several meetings with his General Staff, and they went back and forth about the best ways to reorganise their forces in the region. After dinner he stayed in his study and worked some more. At some point he realised it was pointless to keep working because he was too tired to be productive. He left his study and walked back to his bedroom. However, on his way he passed by the Library and heard the piano being played.

He knew he should not. He knew he was sealing his fate. He knew they were doomed. He knew there was no happy ending in sight, he just did not care anymore. Hadrien pushed the door, he willingly walked into the trap, he followed the beautiful melody being played. Then he saw him, sitting on the stool, playing as if he were born for it. As if everything that happened was only meant to lead to this moment. Hadrien kept walking, approaching the boy step by step, until he could touch him. He laid his hand on Victor's shoulder and the boy stopped playing. The prince did not turn his head to face him, he did not need to, he knew it was Hadrien, he could smell his familiar scent.

Hadrien leaned and dropped a kiss in Victor's neck. The prince turned and looked at him, their eyes met and they both understood. They reached the point of no return. They both knew they were going to regret it, but they stopped caring. Hadrien extended his hand and Victor grabbed it. The prince stood up and followed the general to his bedroom.

Victor and Hadrien faced one another in the general's bedroom. Hadrien raised his hands and started undressing the prince. He first unbuttoned his satin navy-blue shirt slowly and pared it off his partner's chest. He then unbuckled the brown leather belt and pulled it out of the boy's trousers. Hadrien then knelt and untied the black laces, he grabbed Victor's boot one by one as the prince stepped out of it. Still kneeling in front of his partner, the general hooked the beige trousers' waistband with his index and pulled down to the prince's ankles. Victor raised one foot after the other and Hadrien tossed the trousers aside on the marble floor. The general peeled the prince's black silk socks off his feet and raised his head to look at the prince's whole body.

Victor was standing in front of the kneeling general, wearing only his grey boxer briefs. The prince blue eyes were lovingly gazing at his partner, his golden blond curls were falling on his forehead. Victor's chest was smooth, his muscles were defined, and his skin was slightly tanned. His dick was compressed in his underwear and the outline was clearly visible. Hadrien lustfully observed his partner and after a few seconds stood up. He started to unbutton his uniform, but Victor swiftly took his hand and stopped him.

The prince undressed the general the same way he himself was a few minutes earlier. However, Victor was less stoical and could not resist tenderly kissing Hadrien's neck and jawline as he unbuttoned his uniform vest. He caressed the general developed muscles as he peeled the vest off him. Their eyes met and the prince slightly agape mouth encountered his partners lips. Hastily the prince grabbed his captor's undershirt and pulled it off him, interrupting their passionate make out for a few seconds. Victor then groped Hadrien's butt and got their bodies even closer to one another. The general grunted as his muscled butt was energetically mauled in the boy's hands. The prince then broke the kiss and dropped to his knees. He kissed Hadrien's boot and the general watched him expectantly as he untied his laces while his mouth was pressed against the brown leather. The general stepped out of his boots and Victor immediately pressed his nose against his partner's manly feet. He smelled the intoxicating scent and worshiped it as he took Hadrien's socks off. He cautiously raised his eyes to meet Hadrien's, unsure of what his reaction would be. His captor was smiling at him with a mischievous grin that reassured the prince. Victor then unbuckled Hadrien's belt and pulled it off before unzipping his khaki trousers' fly. He slid a finger in the waistband of both the trousers and underwear and peeled them off, revealing Hadrien's thick chubbing cock that almost slapped the prince as it bounced up and down. The teenager caressed his partner's muscled thighs and Hadrien stepped out of his last remaining clothes, now buck naked.

Victor opened his mouth, about to swallow the general's manhood but Hadrien grabbed a fistful of his curly blond hair and prevented him from doing so. He lifted the boy by the shoulder and kissed him on the lips. He then roughly turned the teenager's body and threw him over the mattress. Victor fell on his stomach on the satin sheets and stayed there expectantly. Hadrien jumped on the bed and climbed over the teenager's body. He licked the boy's neck and earlobe as his warm breath made the prince shiver. The general then kissed his way from his partner's nape down his spine to his lower back and eventually he reached the pale bubble butt. He gently spread the cheeks apart and plunged his mouth on his prize. The tight pink hole was twitching in anticipation and the general rubbed his tongue all around it before ending the boy's torture and penetrating him with his tongue. Victor moaned loudly as he was furiously rimmed. Hadrien was out of breath but it did not matter to him, he dutifully made love to his partner's hole. The captive's hands were clinging on the sheets as he was in an orgasmic trance. His revulsed eyes and gaping mouth were showing with no doubt that no man could pleasure him the way Hadrien did.

Hadrien got off his lover's hole and came back to kiss his mouth. As their tongues were rolling together Victor could taste his own scent and he loved it. Hadrien was roughly grabbing his partner's jaw and forcefully turning the prince's head to make out with him. Victor was a bit sore, but he loved every second of it. Hadrien aimed his rock-hard dick at the little pink hole and slowly but steadily plunged in it. The captive grunted in both pain and pleasure as he was penetrated and closed his eyes to fully relish on the intense pleasure.

"I love you Hadrien!" Victor murmured. "I love you so much!" He added, louder.

"I love you too baby!" Hadrien whispered back. "Even if this means the end of me!" He confessed.

Hadrien took Victor's clenched fists in his hands and tied their fingers together. They moaned and grunted in unison as the captor was restlessly penetrating his captive. Hadrien was breathing right in the prince's left ear and the teenager was having goosebumps.

"I'm close Hadrien. I'm so close, please don't stop!" Victor announced as he felt he was getting on the edge of a massive orgasm. With that confession, Hadrien sped up his pace and his balls were slamming the prince's butt with each thrust. Suddenly, Victor's fists clenched around the general's hands and his whole body shivered. He moaned loudly and was out of breath. Hadrien felt his tight hole twitching around his cock and the whole picture was overwhelming for him as well. In one final thrust he came in the boy's hole before collapsing and crushing Victor with his weight.

"You are mine baby. I own you!" Hadrien announced with a low voice.

"Yes. I wouldn't want it any other way." Victor immediately confirmed. Hadrien felt a wave of pride going through him and he gently pulled out with an audible pop. He then wrapped his arms around Victor's body and the boy embraced him and laid his head upon his chest. The two lovers fell asleep in each other's arms, as they were meant to.

Next: Chapter 19

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