The Rut

By Boy Mercury X

Published on Jul 1, 2017


This story is a fictional work of adult erotic fantasy, involving consensual sexual relations between men. It is intended for adults only.

Copyright, Boy Mercury X, 2017.

This story involves mpreg, male pregnancy, and is inspired by lively chat with Nifty published writer a4f101. I look forward to his take on the topic, which will blow us all away. This story is dedicated to him, in gratitude for being the best kind of bro.

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THE RUT PART 2 by Boy Mercury X, dedicated to af4101


The new guy, Abe, spun a dining room chair around backwards and landed on the upholstered seat like thunder. He rested one beefy arm across the chairback, and with the other reached across the table to snag a biscuit directly from the serving dish. He ate half in one bite, gulped down the remainder and slapped the chairback and said "DAMN that's good!"

He inhaled deeply and sucked the buttery crumbs off his fingers and thumb. The rest of the boys -- Chad, Jaime, Stu and Joey - looked on light headed as the blood rushed to their crotches to engorge their erections.

Abe peeled from the serving tray four strips of thick bacon that he downed individually, licking his lips after each. He wolfed down another biscuit, and washed it all down with orange juice, helping himself to Jaime's glass.

"Football?" Abe asked, cocking his head at Joey, the next biggest figure at the table. Joey nodded yes, in awe of the golden muscle mountain. Abe glanced at Joey's swollen belly and smiled as if to say, Not bad.

Abe's eyes trailed over Chad, top to bottom, and nodded his approval, saying "My man!" He extended his hand to take Chad's at the base of his thumb for a jiveshake. Chad was an upper class law student before the Rut got him knocked up, but was accustomed to bros treating him like an inner city b-boy.

"Gymnast," volunteered Jaime, squirming in his seat and lifting his tank top to show his pregnancy.

"You call that a baby bump? I got guns bigger than that," said Abe, lifting a behemoth arm to pop a bicep as big as a cantaloupe. Looking down on the crestfallen Jaime, he added, "Nah man, it's all good little bro, I'm just fuckin' with you."

Abe turned to Stu and wafted the air toward his face, inhaling to take in the pheromone scent off the young bodybuilder. "I heard there were Stag Bucks, but I didn't think I'd meet one," said Abe, exclaiming "Jesus FUCK! Shit smells GOOD!"

Stu laughed, as his did in virtually all circumstances. His rare status as a Stag Buck who could both breed babies in other men as well as grow one in his own belly was one of several dichotomies he occupied. At the same time a slender swimmer and a muscle beast, both a man and a boy, he shimmered to Stags and Bucks alike.

In a single move, Abe tilted his chair forward, swung a massive leg off and rose to his full 6'3" height. He snagged three green apples from the table, tossed one and then the other in the air and juggled them. He bounced one off his bicep and caught it in his mouth, snapping off a third of the fruit with and loudly sucked out in the juice. He juggling the other two apples for a moment longer, until he gathered them in one hand and rested them on the table.

"Mmm, `scuse me," he said, swallowing the mulched fruit in his mouth. He dropped a hand under his belly, as if to hike it up and added, "Eating for three here."

Abe picked up his duffel and left the dining room to find his bed.

"Eating for three?" asked Stu, shrugging.

"Twins," said Chad. "Fucker's knocked up with twins."

"Boys," said Joey, "it's time to up our game."

Evolutionary scientists could not reach consensus on why those athletic young Bucks caught up by the Rut continued to exude powerful sex pheromones even after impregnation. Similarly they could not agree on why Bucks attracted other Bucks, not thought able to impregnate one another, as well as Stags.

Some believed the semen loads of both Bucks and Stags carried powerful nutrients that nourished the pregnant Buck's offspring. A few believed it was simply a quirk, a superfluous adaptation, or a biological confusion.

The most common theory was that the strong sexual lure -- Buck or Stag, pregnant or not -- was an adaptation to counter natural male territoriality and aggression. The theory held that by maintaining strong sexual attraction even during pregnancy, and even among those who could not reproduce, Bucks would bond rather than engaging in competitive activities that put their pregnancies at risk. Like all theories on the Rut, this was not universally held.
Ms. Venable's theories were of a more practical nature, limited in scope to the long-term success of a profitable business. The Venable Home, discreetly located in quiet Cody California, would certainly have been shut down or repurposed if not for Rut. The days when girls from good families could be shamed into a hidden gestation and quick adoption were long gone. The Rut gave the Home a new lease on life, as well-off families placed their athletic young sons there to complete their season before returning to college, sports and ordinary lives.

Ms. Venable's philosophy was that boys will be boys, so she turned a blind eye to much of what in similar homes would be more strictly policed. This included some regular athletic activity, with appropriate precautions.

"Dude, we can play football?" asked Abe, as the boys assembled in the back yard at dusk. He'd spent the day settling into the Venable Home, in his boisterous way disturbing every well established dynamic and hierarchy.

"More like touch football," said Chad. "No tackles."

"Pregball," said Stu, laughing at his own naming.

"Yeah," added Joey, patting his swollen belly. "One or two hand, but you have to touch the bump to count as a tackle."

"How do you play with just five?" asked Abe, intrigued. He longed to tackle one of these bros, especially big Joey or Stu whose scent was giving Abe a raging boner, and keeping his hole damp.

"It's just fooling around," said Joey. "One dude is center, hikes the ball for both sides. Sometimes we play for most touchdowns. Sometimes three out of five."

"What if we made it more interesting?" asked Abe. All eyes focused on him. "Me against three of you, not counting the center. Two of three touchdowns. I win, I fuck whichever of your knocked up asses I want."

"Fuuuck," laughed Joey, shifting in his seat as his back automatically arched at the thought of Abe fucking him. "And what if we win?"

"Ain't gonna' happen, Bro," laughed Abe, spreading his muscled arms wide to show off his sheer size.

"But what if it does?" asked Jaime.

"Then whoever scores the last touchdown can climb mount Abe and take this near-virgin ass," answered Abe, thumbing over his shoulder to his ass that was as round and firm as a 5 month pregnancy.

Joey, Chad, Stu and Jaime felt their cocks ooze. Abe wasn't just tall and built. His belly was high and round, with twins -- fucking TWINS -- in there. Every time he ran his hands over it was like announcing he was the biggest stud at the home.

"What's a near-virgin?" scoffed Stu, almost doubled over with laughter.

"True story bro," said Abe, tossing the football high and catching it again. "Figured I'd be a Stag if the Rut ever hit me. But when that shit came down I dropped down on all fours in the locker room for the first prick that would get a baby in me. Got knocked up my first time out. Never again. So near-virgin."

The guys looked at Abe and at each other. Even after getting knocked up, the urge to get fucked was so strong and felt so good they didn't know how he could resist. But the prospect of getting in that tight bro hole clinched the deal.

"Pregball rules," said Joey, standing at his full height. "Two hands on belly is a tackle. Two out of three touchdowns. Our endzone's the gate. yours is the front door. The ball has to make contact for a score."

"I pick who plays center," said Abe.

"Flip for it?" offered Joey.

"Dude, three to one and you won't throw me a bone?"

"Fuckin' whatever man," sighed Joey, "Abe, you can pick center."

Abe pointed straight at Joey, his biggest competition. "Gotta' take you out, big guy," he said, licking his chops. "Don't worry, I'll hit you up another time."

The five pregnant athletes assumed their positions, with Joey in center position to hike the ball for both sides.

"HIKE!" called Joey, snapping the ball back into Abe's able hands.

The mountainous blond bro ran backwards, ball against his chest as Jaime, Chad and Stu ran at him. Even running backwards, he was outpacing them with his powerful legs. Chad was fastest of the three but Abe easily evaded him, howling with laughter at his opponent. Stu tried to cut him off as Abe arced around, and managed to touch his muscled arm but not Abe's belly. Jaime anticipated poorly and ran in the wrong direction, leaving Abe to reach the door, and tap the football on it. Touchdown, one of three to Abe.

Joey sighed with resignation. Even three to one that fucking man mountain was going to take them down without breaking a sweat.

Abe let out a holler and tossed the ball to Joey. As they passed each other he said lowly "Bro, how the fuck do you guys handle being with that Stag Buck all the time? The scent coming off of him has me dripping like a faucet."

Joey remembered when Stu first showed up at the Venable Home. All the Bucks spent weeks falling over themselves in a pheromone daze, their holes pulsing for him. They eventually figured out a way to regain and maintain equilibrium, but Abe had not partaken in that weekly ritual.

Heading back to center position, Joey passed Stu and said, "Get that fucking shirt off."

Stu shrugged and yanked off his orange tank. Overdeveloped pecs were typical of jocks impregnated in the Rut, as sub-muscle glands filled with milk. But even among impregnated Bucks, Stu's chest was exceptional. His hard and well shaped pecs heaved, sporting quarter sized russet colored teats.

All eyes turned to Stu as he stretched, reaching for the sky to expose the brown tufts of pheromone laden armpit hair. He arched his back and twisted, and his full belly looked ready to burst. He giggled at the attention he got from the other guys, especially Abe.

"Jesus fuck," whispered Abe, mouth hanging open. He could feel his shorts go slimy as his hole self lubricated at the sight of the Stag Buck.

Joey took this all in. He recalled the joke all the bros told when the Rut started up again: What do you call a Buck farting? A mating call.

"Yo Stu," Joey said lowly, "Bro, I need you to fart your ass off."

"Whaaat?" asked Stu, giggling.

"Just do it," said Joey, turning to assume position.

Joey hiked the ball, and Chad took it. Abe came at him as fast and heavy as a train, and he landed both hands on Chad's belly just as he threw the ball to Jaime. As Abe spun around and ran, Stu let rip a long fart. Abe spun round and was again mesmerized by Stu's muscled torso, pausing long enough to give Jaime a head start.

Abe shook his head to refocus, pivoted and tore after Jaime. It took him just seconds to reach the smallest of he Home residents, but just as Abe's hands clutched Jaime's baby bump, Stu snagged the ball from, tearing toward his endzone. The full view of the Stag Buck's back intensified Abe's erection, slowing him enough for Stu to reach the gate, slam the ball against it. Touchdown, score tied.

"Score one one," announced Joey. "Tiebreaker round, winner take all!"

Joey hiked the ball into Abe's capable hands, as Jaime rushed him from the left, Chad from the right and Stu straight on. Abe curled the ball between his pec and his thick forearm and took off the right. He shouldered Chad hard, knocking him to the ground.

"Pregball rules! No tackles!" shouted Chad, pulling himself up to his feet and taking off after Abe.

Stu farted a long ripping trumpet that caught everyone's attention. As Abe spun around, Jaime came in from the side and clamped both hands on his full belly, a pregball tackle.

"MOTHERFUCK!" barked Abe as Jaime grabbed the ball and took off toward the gate.

Stu let rip another fart, and even five feet away Abe rolled his eyes at the Stag Buck's scent. All he could think of was how he wanted to get his hands on that magical ass. He recovered two seconds later and tore after Jaime, closing the gap with amazing speed. In a panic Jaime spun around and threw the ball toward Chad, but Abe leapt straight up and snugged it out of the air.

Abe was done playing around, and like a pro pulled the ball tight, barreling toward the door for his final touchdown. It was clear no one was going to get hands on his belly, and equally clear it wouldn't stop him even of they did.

"Aw fuck it," said Chad, girding his belly before he tore after Abe. He threw himself through the air to land on the football stud, bringing Abe down to almost one knee. Jaime then jumped on Abe's other side, pulling him down again. But Abe pushed on, with the strength if his tree trunk thighs, dragging the two along with him to a win. Stu giggled as he too jumped on Abe's back, letting out a last flurry of farts. Abe at last dropped to one knee and then both, dropping chest down and ass up, stupefied by the pheromone swirl around him.

Jaime rested both his hands on Abe's belly, a tackle, and Chad slipped the ball out from his arms. Together with Stu, they ran the ball back and with all three hands on it tapped the gate. Touchdown.

Abe was still at rest with his big belly down and ass up, when they returned to take their prize.

"Bet was whoever scored the last touchdown climbs Mount Abe," said Joey, gazing down at the intoxicated Abe. "It's your lucky day, bro. You get all three."

"Fuckkkk me," whispered Abe, reaching between his legs to hike his shorts down. His ass cheeks were like two pregnant bellies, and his hole was swollen and oozing the natural lubricant Bucks made in season. "I don't even fucking care."

Jaime took first position, his own cock pumping lubricating precum. He looked so small on Abe, but fucked like a powerhouse, pumping in and out as Abe groaned, "Oh yeah baby!"

Joey kept an eye out for Ms. Venable or any house staff, stroking himself off as Jaime spasmed, filling Abe with a load of Buck cum.

Stu stepped up, and was quick to slide into Abe's hole. Like all Stags, Stu's cock had grown considerably larger, and in rut both he and his Buck were drive by elemental forces of nature. As he positioned the head against Abe's soft wet spot, Abe slid back to envelop his cock, moaning, "Oh yeah, oh yeah, fuckin' fill me up Bro!"

Stu, the usually giggling man-child became ferocious as he slammed Abe's hole, harder and deeper than any ordinary Buck could. Any Stag is especially driven by the scent of a new Buck to breed, and Stu was no exception. He was clearly enjoying the sensation of his big stud cock plowing the insides of the man mountain, the deepest hole he'd yet been in.

"Fuckkkkkk," yelled Abe, shuddering, "PUT A BABY IN ME -- FUCK!!!!"

Abe bucked up hard against Stu, meeting each thrust until every muscle in Stu's magnificent body tensed and he began to shoot his cum up into Abe. Like other Stags, Stu's body pumped out copious amounts of semen over the course of several minutes, in a slow grind. After emptying his balls into Abe, Stu pulled his thick cock out, still trembling and staggered away.

Abe was fingering his hole and groaning with pleasure still moaning with pleasure as Chad stepped up behind him. Not as big as a Stag, Chad had an impressive piece of meat, and wasted no time sliding it into Abe. It gushed in Stu's cum which made Chad quiver. He started slamming in, knowing he couldn't last long in the pocket of Stag cum making him insane.

"Do it baby," groaned Abe, "Give me that fucking DNA."

Abe's insides were compressed so tight by twins already, and Stu's load was a powerful stimulant, but Abe's words spoken in his deep voice put Chad over the top. He blew a load, painting Abe's insides with white lava.

After Chad pulled out, Abe kept his ass high and stroked his rock hard erection, and yelled "CENTER!"

Joey couldn't resist plunging his own eight inches into Abe's sloppy fuck hole, moaning "Ohhh my goddddd."

It was a special reward topping the football stud for Joey, and he slammed him with everything he had, forcing a load out of Abe who shot hot ropes of cum against his own huge belly. The spasms of his ass practically sucked the cum out of Joey, who staggered and held onto Abe's hips to keep from falling.

Abe rolled onto his back and yelled "WOOOO!" as he shuddered hard, shaking the sweat off his body. "Yes sir," he chuckled, "I'm gonna' like it here."

"And it's not even Sunday yet," said Jaime, causing Joey and to look daggers at him.

"What happens on Sunday?" Stu asked.

Suddenly there was a high-pitched whistle, and then a series of pop-pop-pop sounds, followed by crackling and the sky lit up.

"What the fuck?" asked Joey.

Abe lay flat on his back, feeling his bros' DNA in him, making him stronger. He looked up smiling as the twinkling lights arced and then fell slowly to Earth. "Fireworks," he said. "It's Fourth of July."


Next: Chapter 3

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