The Sacrifice Series

By 33rhT

Published on Feb 24, 2001


This is a story about the love and relationship between two young men. If you are not supposed to read this type of material, exit now, or else forever hold you peace, and for those of you interested in grabbing your "piece", I'm sorry, this will be an involving story and may not include sexual content until later. To the rest of you, enjoy...

Upon Olympus, high and bright Cascading down the mountainside, The gods of bitter confrontation Choose one's death or suicide

Alas, these petty deities Can change a heart with high to low, For human life flows ebbless through The River Lethe's undertow

So run, with fear, when caught inside Though high, with low they interfere, And mortal pain can soon invade The interests of the godly sphere.

Apollo drove the horses high above, as Aphrodite sat and pondered, bored. As she passed a wayward eye down to the earth, her son, Cupid, flew still beside her, faithful to her words. Picking through the mortal lives and snaking past the pathetic pains, she stopped her eyes upon a boy, developing into manhood. He stunned her, standing tall, and strong, his curls of gold dancing with the breezes, and pools of blue inside his eyes reflecting back the sky above; dear Aphrodite fell in love. Still, deep inside of Vulcan's side, she heard the chains that bound her high, and knowing not to cause a fight, she flew down to his side to know the better of this boy. And floating past, as if she were the breeze, she stroked his hair. She wanted deeply just to grant this boy the happiness he desired.

Alexis ran his fingers through his hair, tickled by the wind, and waited for his girlfriend to come. His stomach hurt with anxiety, and he knew that he had to break up with her today; he could never love her. Still, Libra's hold was strong on him, and being wishy-washy, he did not know if he could stand to break her heart. He waited patiently, something to which he had grown accustomed. As he browsed above the heads of the mass of teenagers scurrying from their short-term prison, he could not see her exiting the school. He also failed to see as a young man was passing, cradling his books close to his heart. As Alexis stepped behind him, there stepped the young man, who crashed immediately down unto the ground.

The young man's eyes darted angrily upwards to see a glowing face soft with surprise. Alexis felt his heart hold tightly as he had knocked this boy upon the ground. He felt unsure as he stared upon his beautiful face. He had short black hair, gelled and spiked with purposeful misdirection. His skin glowed in olive, and contrasted deeply with his light brown eyes that reflected the sun. Although he was thrown across the ground, he had this radiance to him that made it seem completely natural, and he showed no embarrassment. Alexis grabbed at the arrow he could not see that Cupid had shot into his heart.

"I'm so sorry!" he managed to force out of his gaping mouth, feeling very self- conscious.

"Don't worry about it," purred the fallen idol. Then he added, grinning, "Well, are you just going to stand there, staring at me, or are you going to help me up?"

Alexis snapped back to attention, mortified that he had been caught looking at him, and unsure why he had been staring.

"I'm sorry," he replied as he offered his hand, "My name is Alex."

"Jesu. You can call me Jay."

He reached up with three fingers and accepted Alex's assistance. They quickly collected the scattered books and papers.

"Can I offer you a ride home?" asked Alex, the hope in his voice surprising him and slightly apparent.

Jay smiled, "That would be great."

With that the Alex opened the door for Jay and got in on the other side. As the two drove, they talked and began to feel almost a strange connection. Soon, they were talking and joking around. They talked a little about their lives and interests and began to get to know each other. Jay was well liked around school and had many friends. He ran track but was much more interested in pursuing his love, the violin. He was the saludatorian of his class--a senior like Alex.

Alex began to tell Jay a little about himself. He was, but hated to admit it, a jock, and lettered in all of his varsity teams. He was very popular, but didn't consider himself to have too many friends. He attended church regularly and helped out in a nursing home a few times a week. He was very close to his family.

"Speaking of family, what time are you supposed to be getting home?" asked Alex

"No time in particular," Jay paused. "It doesn't really matter."

"Is there a story there?" Alex felt a little ashamed of his prying. "I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, it's alright, it's not a secret. I'll tell you about my home later. As of right now, though, I'm kinda hungry,"

"Yeah, I agree," said Alex, accepting the postponement.

"We'll talk about it over a late lunch."

"Sounds good to me."

Alex had completely forgotten about his girlfriend. They went to grab a quick bite to eat at a Diner down the road, with Alex treating Jay, after much objection.

The entire time at the Diner, Alex was clowning around. They tried to cool it when Jay's soda came out of his nose after a joke! Deciding to heed the dirty looks of the other patrons, they quieted their laughs and between bites talked about their ideals, arguing over politics, something Alex had never been able to do with anyone else. As they sat eating desert, the conversation got a little more mellow and serious, and Alex decided to ask Jay about his family.

"So tell me more about your home and where you live," inquired Alex.

Jay first looked to the window, and then directly at him. In a whimsical voice laced in a soft, lightly humorous sarcasm he bagan to describe his home

"It's in a place you have never seen. It's a happy place, with kids running around and green and purple walls, that are fuzzy and soft. It is surrounded by acres of grass and wild flowers. There, the birds fly undisturbed, and as white as snow, they land on our arms as we feed them. But then I look up and it's a small rundown bungalow on the edge of a big road with no lights on it. The shingles slide to the ground, and momma's not home yeet. The only noise I hear is my step-father guffawing at the television, as I read in my room."

"Well, if you don't have a family, to whom do you talk? Where do you go for advice?"

"I have a lot of friends, and I try to be as good a person as possible. As for advice, I don't really ask for it; I usually give it. I just figure things as best as I can and hope for the best."

"How is it to be home then?"

"I avoid it. It'd be nice to have some company, though, maybe a cat or something," he smiled and then looked back to his coffee. "One gets used to things, that's all. It wasn't always like this, but it is now. Things change, and if it can't get worse, it will eventually get better. I hate to be so depressing, come on, let's lighten up."

Alexis understood, and they started talking about some of the things he did. He was talking about playing on the football team, and tearing up the racquetball and tennis courts.

"You can't be better than me in racquetball," challenged Jesu, grinning mischievously.

"You? Ha, I'd like to see you try!"

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure Mr. Perfect is more than just talk!"

"Ok, that's a challenge then, bud. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 12."

Jay had a look of surprise, and even Alex was impressed at how easily he trapped Jay into hanging out with him tomorrow. He was enjoying himself, and he could still act like a guy with him, even when they were talking seriously. He had never met anyone like that.

"Challenge accepted," stated Jay holding out his hand, but as Alex reached out to accept the handshake, he quickly withdrew it and punched his side, rolling over in hysterics.

"Real cute, dude," Alex retorted. As he shifted his weight, his leg accidentally leaned against Jay's, but Jay quietly withdrew his.

"I just hope you're willing to teach me how to play!" smirked Jay, and it was Alex's turn to look surprised. He laughed and rolled his eyes.

"No problem, I'd be happy to."

"Should we get going?" Jay suggested.

"Yeah, I'll drop you off. Where is this dream castle?"

"It's on Route 5 right by the shore line."

"Oh really? That's right on the way to Carolyn, my girlfriend's hous-oh shit!"


"I was waiting for her before I bumped into you. I was supposed to give her a ride!"

"There's an empty doghouse by my place if you need it."

"Yeah, get a good laugh. I stood up my girlfriend to take you out to lunch!"

"I can't blame you, really. But I'll have to disappoint you, I don't put out on the first date. I like to get a little mileage on the wallet, first."

"Yeah, I'm sure you don't put out! Come on."

The two young men gathered their belongings and walked off to the car as they mock argued all the way to Alex's car. Alex didn't really mind abandoning Carolyn for Jay. He couldn't remember laughing as much as they had in a long time. The sun was going down, and shadows were starting to dance and dart away from the advancing headlights. They were driving past an alien world, as if Hades himself were painting the roadside, and as autumn progressed, Persephone would be forced into her annual descent into the underworld. The sorrow of the aging flowers was beyond their minds as they talked about their lives and the youthful ideas they were exploring. Alexis scratched his left ear as unseen eyes peered kindly at his luminous face, and Aphrodite gave her blessing to him as she placed her hand upon his muscular and heaving chest and felt his heart beating unbeknownst to his brain in time with the boy beside him. Inside his mind, he was confused at how he was feeling, and as to why he had taken to Jay so quickly. He had never gone out so haphazardly with someone who was almost a stranger. He decided to slow things down, a bit. He didn't know much about Jay, and just because they could keep a conversation, did not mean that they would necessarily become friends.

"That's it," pointed Jay as they approached a shabby rundown house surrounded by dark trees.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, unless you changed your mind," pried Alex with uncertainty.

Jay smiled and stared at the sky for a brief second. His figure seemed out of place in front of the dreary house, and the dark prison that would soon trap him did justice to neither the glow that emanated from his skin nor his soft grin.

"Of course you will."

And with that, he turned around and meandered towards the door, giving a wave before the house consumed him. Alex drove off. He felt a mixture of butterflies in his stomach and confusion and shame in his mind. He felt almost attracted to Jay, and he had talked to him as if he were a girl whom he liked and whom he wanted to get to know. He had always noticed when a guy was handsome, but this felt different to him, and he was frightened. He decided that maybe Jay just had a great personality, and that he was just enjoying his company. He thought that he was just misreading his own signals. He kept pondering it as he passed the road that led to his girlfriend's house, but he had no intention of going back to her.

Aphrodite rose back to Olympus and smiled at the stars above. As Hera stood agonizing the infidelity of the world, she eyed the youthful goddess suspiciously. More pain was caused in the name of love than even hate. Aphrodite paid no attention to her and wondered what she would do tomorrow to help the two learn to love each other. Athena came and found the goddess deep in thought.

"Pray tell what runs in your mind, dear Aphrodite."

"I told Cupid to shoot an arrow at the heart of a young man."

"Well, what is so strange about that?"

"This boy was special, Athena, he was beautiful. If one could ever find a sweeter person, I would not believe them. He had such a pureness in his heart."

"With whom did he fall in love?"

"That is about what I am thinking. I made him fall in love with another young man."

"I see." Athena saw where this might lead.

"The other boy, Jesu-"

"Wait, isn't that Zeus's son?"

"Ssshhh. I think we are being observed by 'Hera the Horrible'."

"Oh you're terrible!"

"Well," continued Aphrodite, "Jesu seemed so tired, the poor boy. I don't think he should be punished for his father's fornications. He is so kind and true; he is a wonderful person."

"He will learn to live that way. You know you shouldn't mess with Hera's decisions."

"Please come with me tomorrow to see them. It is so wonderful to watch them grow towards each other."

"But you know well how society will reject them and the pain they might suffer."

"That is where you come in, Athena."

"I don't want to be involved."

"Oh, please, Athena, you have to help me. I wanted them to be the bringers of acceptance to love. I'm sick of being used and denied, Athena. This is our true chance to better the world. I know that in your just mind, you cannot let the world attack people who feel love however or with whomever they may feel it. Please, Athena, this is a chance we may never get again. Say you will help me. I'm getting tired, Athena. There is too little love in this world to deny any of it. Many people believe this love is not right, that it is against God. If we show them, maybe, well..."

"If only they knew half the things their God, Zeus, did, they would change their minds!"

"Exactly. Say you will help me make them examples for the world of how things could be."

"I will help you, but we must be careful."

"Oh, thank you, Athena, you won't regret it. Come we must make plans," whispered Aphrodite as she carried Athena off, talking in excitement. Hera watched them in distrust and decided that she would follow Aphrodite the next day to see what exactly was going on. High above, from the moon, Artemis observed with a worried look at what was going to happen soon.

That's all for now, I will write the next chapter soon. Feedback would be very appreciated. I hope to hear from you soon, it would really inspire me to write this story.

Thank you, Sean Malave

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