The Sex Life of Brian

By Brian Martinez

Published on Mar 18, 2021


What follows is a work of fiction, if I just so happen to take real facts from my life and change every possible detail including my name, their names, dates, places, activities but keep the sex part the same but with more orgasms, it would still be fictional. The characters contained within do not exist, the events as presented in the order presented did not happen to anyone living or dead. No comment on whether or not I stole ideas from the future.

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The Sex Life of Brian - Chapter 8: Senior Year and beyond. (mm, mmm, mmmm, mmmmm teen, high school, some college, mutual mast, oral, anal, threesome, foursome, fivesome, romance, heartbreak)

The goal of this chapter is to close the story, don't expect a lot of sex ahead. It's pretty disappointing from here.

--Part 1: Senior Year and the Naked Apartment--

The first half of the year was business as usual, except now Brandon would regularly stick his finger up me. It made the orgasming easier and set the stage for me being a better bottom. Despite the perfect clean-up job, Brandon's parents suspected some shenanigans happened that during the naked week. Maybe it was the neighbors telling them, maybe we didn't get one of the stickers off, maybe the cleanup job wasn't as perfect as I thought. Brandon could never figure out what they thought. But from that point on I would never be allowed at his house again unless Brandon was certain his parents weren't there.

I called up the couple from the music festival. Brandon and I ended up doing oral with them, everyone sucking everyone. We did a four-way and 2 three ways. I sucked and got sucked off all three of them. We also fucked both of them at the same time. I found out one of them was a school teacher at a local middle school. After a lot of news stories came out about teachers having sex with students, they asked us how old we were. We tried lying and saying we were 18, but they asked us naked and one of them had taken my wallet out of my pants and saw my driver's license. My ID still had warnings, "Under 18 until 2005, Under 21 until 2021." This was in 2003.

"You guys are underage, get out now." They said. We put our clothes back on and never saw them again. It was disappointing because they were hot despite being 6 years older than us. But we understood.

I bought a cell phone for Brandon so he could keep in touch with me, but then his parents called their own house with the cell phone and saw my name on the caller ID. He was confronted on why a guy was paying for his cell phone bill. This was all weird because Brandon was actually older than me by a month and they were treating me like I was some 40-year-old pedophile trying to force myself on their son.

So when Brandon and I had sex, it was always at my place. It was starting to happen less and less. For his 18th birthday, I gave Brandon my asshole as usual. This would be his last, "birthday sex" because even with his finger, it went in a lot easier this year. A few weeks later, my mom dropped a bombshell on me.

"So, I got a new job out of state, so we'll be moving soon", My mom said. I was devastated, it was seeing Brandon slightly less, but being in another state would be the death nail. My birthday is coming up soon and I'll be 18, my mom couldn't force me to go with her. However, it's not like they have housing for high school boys like they do for college boys. I decided to call Cory and ask for help.

"Bro-Brian what's up, bro?", Cory said over the phone.

"My mom wants to move out to Denver, I don't want to leave here", I said.

"It's because of Brandon, isn't it?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"It's always a girl, dude. And your girls are dudes, bro. It's super radical you called at exactly this time. So my roommates moving out and I don't have anybody. If I don't get a roommate soon I won't be able to pay the rent."

"How much would it be?"

"$300 and utilities my man, 3 bedrooms makes it easy to split."

"If I can move in right away, I'll pay you now"

"Yeah, I can bring my truck over", I quietly moved all my stuff out while my mom was at work in her current job. I was having the biggest panic attack in my life. I can't believe I was going to be separated from Brandon, this was something I could not allow to happen, and I was willing to sacrifice my lifestyle to get this done.

When my mom got home, I confronted her. She asked what's going on and I said, "I can't go with you next week."

"You think you can live on your own? You don't have what it takes, you're a loser and will never make it. You'll be crawling back to me in a month. How are you gonna move out? You can't get a Uhaul for another 3 weeks?"

"I had a friend help me move out", I said.

"Bull... ", she walked into my room and saw nothing there, "You know what Brian, fuck you, after all, I have done for you this is how you thank me. Go Away you ungrateful shit, I hope you fail miserably you good for nothing cretin. Go to your Dad like you always do, he spoils you." I walked away, it was painful, but the environment was too toxic. My Dad lived out-of-state too so I didn't want to move in with him either. I rode my bike to Cory's and now my apartment. There was a third roommate, but we have rarely seen or heard from him.

Despite all of these obstacles, I still attended high school. As bad as all this was, there was one bright spot. I talked with Cory shortly after I moved in about me being gay. He was shocked last year but said he accepted us despite being two males (one of us a man and one of us still technically a boy). I expected him to answer no, but I asked if he'd be okay if I walked around the apartment naked.

"Unless I have someone over like family, hang loose bro. My girlfriends will just have to accept it, but my mom might not be as understanding", Cory said and then started stripping, stripping everything including his socks, shoes, and underwear, "matter of fact I'll do it too." Wow, I didn't expect that, this was even better than I thought. He walked over to Mario's room and knocked twice, "Hey Mario, we're doing a naked apartment now", wow Cory really changed since we saw him a few months ago.

I stared at Cory for a few minutes. He had a surfer body and was tanned all over, with some tan lines where his shorts would be. His dick was just under 6 inches (15cm) like mine. He was muscular but skinny and six-pack abs, I can't believe I got him naked so easily. It made me crave his dick.

"Okay", Mario said from his room.

"What's his deal?", I asked.

"He's just super high all the time", Cory replied.

"Okay", from that day on neither I nor Cory wore clothes in the apartment. We never invited anyone squeamish over so we never had to put clothes on.

My 18th birthday coming up, I invited Clay and Tony over and of course, Brandon. When they arrived I had them strip immediately, they were hesitant at first but I reminded them we had a naked apartment rule. They took their clothes off and sat them in piles in my room.

We got on the couch, me in the middle, Tony on my left, and Clay on my right, Brandon kissed me and said, "Happy Birthday, boyfriend."

"You're no longer a man having sex with an underage boy", I told him. It's true, he was over 18 for a month longer than I was. Clay and Tony started sucking my nipples as usual, Brandon laid on the top of the couch and started kissing me, it was then I got the biggest surprise. Cory's truck was in the shop so I didn't know he was still there. He walked out of his room, but instead of disgust like last time, he looked at us like a snack. He got down on his knees and took me in.

He pulled off for a second, "Happy Birthday Brah", he then sucked my dick. There was absolutely no way with all this stimulation was going to last very long. Even though Cory was inexperienced I came very quickly, moaning while I was shooting my load. Each person took turns kissing me, Cory did too, his kiss was actually very good, must have been his experience with girls.

"I gotta King-sized bed brahs, let's go!", we went into his room and it was huge. We got into a pentagon and started sucking. I hadn't cum in a few days so while normally I'd need time to cum again, I was able to easily participate in this five-way suck-off. I was returning the favor to Cory and getting sucked by Brandon who was getting serviced by Clay, who was getting serviced by Tony who was getting serviced by Cory. We all came in each other's mouths, I forget the order in which we came, but it was amazing.

We all were laying in Cory's bed, still naked. It was Tony, Clay, Cory, Me, and Brandon which put me in a prime position next to my boyfriend and the guest of honor.

"So I guess you did find us sexy", I asked.

"Yeah I did, but now that you guys aren't underage it's all good now. I didn't want my first gay experience to be a crime", We all were awkwardly silent since Clay and Tony were still 15 years old and would only be sixteen in a month

"Did you like it?", I asked.

"Totally! Your blowjobs are exactly like every chick I've ever had. Actually, I think it was better, you were so enthusiastic, it was like you were born to suck cock." We all went to sleep in Cory's bed. The next morning the four of us, except Cory put our clothes back on and headed to school.

Brandon and I continued having sex with Cory until I moved out. Sometimes together, sometimes I'd sleep with Cory by myself. Being naked all the time and living together made spontaneous sex even better. I started going to the gym part-time. There are more stories involving foursomes with and without Brandon, but most of them are a story for my upcoming series: the-bisex-life-of-brian

--Part 2: Epilogue, our adult years until the end of our relationship-- The summer after high school, I bought a dildo and started priming my ass because Brandon had by this point reached his full size. He was 8 inches (20 cm) long and 1 inch across (2.5 cm) so he was difficult to take in. Once I was broken in the anal sex was finally good for me too and we started doing it more and more.

We continued dating for three more years after high school was over. Shortly after I turned 19 I realized I was still in love with Brandon and didn't care if any girl ever wanted me. We had started saying we love each other without any qualifiers for a year by this point. I wanted Brandon and he was all the lover I'd ever need. I came out as gay shortly after my 19th birthday, I still watched lesbian porn in addition to gay porn so I knew there was some bi in me, but I knew it wasn't enough where I'd actually want to pursue girls the same way I'd pursue a guy. Sure if a girl was aggressive with me I might have dated her, but I would never pursue one. Brandon and I had three ways with girls in my college days, but that's a story for the bisexual version of this story.

I knew I wanted Brandon in my life, so I took what I thought was the next logical step. We were naked in my room, Cory was at work. We didn't start doing anything sexual yet, we had stripped off like we usually do and didn't decide whether we'd first have sex or watch TV. I had a cheap ring in a box under the bed, it wasn't worth much but I knew if he really loved me he would still take it. We were both standing up and I got down one knee, Brandon immediately knowing what was about to happen put his hands together in a praying motion with his fingertips at his mouth, a tear came out of each one of his eyes

"Brandon, the last five years of my life have been rewarding. I learned so much from you, you weren't my first time but you were the best time. We explored so much with so many other people, but I don't want their hearts. I want yours. Brandon Falls, will you marry me?", my voice was shaking and my heart stopped. I was so nervous and every anxiety was hitting me. This is a point I can't labor hard enough because Brandon answered quickly, but time froze from my perspective. It felt like ages of agonizing of whether or not he wanted to. What if he said no? Does that mean we have to break up? Am I even supposed to be asking? I was the bottom and that means I'm the girl so doesn't that mean he's supposed to propose to me? I was wondering that in the weeks before I asked him and in the half of a second it took him to answer me.

He began nodding, "Yes." I stood up and kissed him, we made out for a few seconds before we got on the bed. I dropped the ring box on the way, but we easily found it after we were done having sex. We had some amazing sex oral for me and anal for him. Afterward, he reached down and picked up the box, and looked at the ring.

"You didn't have to spend a lot of money, I'd marry you even if the gold ring was fake and the diamond was fake", he said.

"Funny you should mention that", I said because the diamond was fake and the ring was some sort of stainless steel.

"Good, we need the money for other things," he said, "who changes his name? Neither of us is a girl."

"Well, since your dad's name is also Brian I think you'd find it creepy if my name was also Brian Falls" I explained.

"Okay, so my name would be Brandon Martinez", he realized, "yeah it would weird to fucking a guy with the same name as my dad, bad enough you're both named Brian."

****** Do you like happy endings? Stop reading, email me at and let me know if this story touched your heart or made you cum, your emails get me off.

Anyone who wants to know what really happened, keep reading: you might cry, you might say to yourself it's a free romantic novel, how good could this writing be? But I'll let you choose your ending because I didn't get a choice. ******

I asked him to marry me in 2006, gay marriage wouldn't be legal for another 8 years. We were considering going to Canada to get married since it was legal there. It wouldn't be legal in the US, but it would have been a symbolic victory.

Just under 2 years later we were still engaged and I had a go-nowhere job with the government. I decided to join the Navy reserve to expand my career opportunities. We continued to give each other permission to have sex with other people because I knew young boys (I guess we're men now) could not be deprived for that long. I left for Bootcamp and Brandon said he'd wait for me. I came back for Christmas break and had some sex before I had to go to my specialty school. I lost about 5 pounds during this process and gained some muscle tone. Basic training was so stressful I didn't jack off once the entire time. When Brandon came over for the first time since we were teenagers he has able to jack me all the way to orgasm where he couldn't before, I was that horny.

I left again for my specialty school and lost another 10 pounds, now I was starting to become almost as skinny as Brandon except I had muscle tone. After I came back something was off. Brandon wasn't as excited to see me anymore. While I never found out the exact reason, I suspected he wasn't attracted to me anymore. When we started having sex, I was a slightly chubby boy and now I looked more like a man. He told me about the girls he slept with while I was away and I didn't notice the pattern until about a year after we broke up: they were all overweight. He didn't mind it when I was only slightly overweight before the Navy, but me being skinny was a turn-off for him.

During the times we had threesomes with a girl he was equally as enigmatic with them as he was with guys or me, so I not sure it was a sexual problem.

We started seeing each other less and less, until one day he stopped returning my emails. There was no arguing, no big breakup scene, and no positive or negative communication. Our relationship was over, he just disappeared. Cory got a steady girlfriend and moved into her place when the lease was up, Mario (the other roommate) and I decided not to continue the lease without him. But I earned enough money to live alone.

This was an extremely difficult breakup and I didn't take it well at all. It threw me into the biggest depression I ever experienced. It didn't help that I just turned 21 and could buy liquor without going through one of my co-workers. I had a lot of nights of self-destructive drinking. I couldn't believe he didn't have the courtesy to break up with me in person. I started to wonder if he was even alive, I even called his parents (I used a voice changer, but I suspected that made it more obvious) who by now heard of our engagement and said after that I was persona non grata at their house thus my need to use a voice changer. I surmised he was still alive but just didn't want to talk with me.

I went to the gay bars every chance I could, even moving as close as I could to them. I had sex with every single guy who wanted me that I could tolerate having sex with. Sometimes I even lowered my standards and had sex with guys I wasn't entirely attracted to. I felt like a cheap hooker, except none of these guys paid me. I felt lucky the few times I was able to get a guy to buy me a drink because it was usually me having to pay for my own. One time I had a guy pay my way into a premium part of the nightclub and then abandoned him for a hotter guy. Yeah, I was fucked up and was acting like trash. I occasionally had a lesbian friend act as my wingman and her wingman powers got me laid many times. She didn't have as good luck as I did and always commented how I would always, "abandon her" the second I saw a hot guy.

I had sex with more girls during my college years than ever before or since. Occasionally I and the lesbian roommate had sex in front of each other, she with a girl and me with a guy, there will be a bisexual telling of my college years coming up. The lesbian girlfriend got a little mad when the girl would also have sex with me.

When I turned 23 I re-engaged my life. I had a good enough job to live on my own without roommates. I started working out again, although my weight was still up I was getting to the point where I could jog 10 miles in a single day. Then I started a rebound relationship with what a guy I could only generously describe as a hoodrat. His dad was convicted of murdering 10 people in a drug deal gone bad, his mother died in a gang-related shooting and he was living with his grandmother who was an active drug dealer and was aspiring to be a mafia don (she knew the local gangs did not admit women but tried anyway). He still had the hood mentality, but that wasn't the worst part, he was also a victim of rape.

Our second date fell on Halloween and he came dressed as Alice from Alice in Wonderland. This is unbelievably hilarious, what was it about me that I kept attracting cross-dressers. I sometimes credit rebound boy with curing me of my heterosexuality. Two years after our relationship ended I stopped having sex with girls.

He never got me off, I never saw him without a shirt on and he was very demanding. He didn't have a job and expected me to pay for everything. In return, he didn't cook, clean and hated the idea of sex. I would have been happy just to suck on him, but he rarely even gave me that. Worst of all he'd constantly complain about being bored and expected me to fix that. He was a drag on my life and didn't approve of me exercising. During the course of our relationship, I lost my job because he thought I spent too much time at work (I worked slightly less than 40 hours a week), then he hated that I was spending travel time out of state to do training with the Navy and I missed too many weekends and got kicked out.

Rebound boy started getting abusive, he never had a nice thing to say to me and then started hitting me or throwing objects at me (flying saucers are real when someone is throwing dishes at you). I had enough and cheated on him with a girl. I figured I might as well, I'm dating one anyway. I didn't mind kissing her her tongue felt slimy it wasn't as good as with boys. When I went inside it felt loose and not enjoyable at all, I withered out of her with a soft dick, she got off of me and laid down beside me, she fell asleep disappointed. I took her home and never saw her again. Ultimately it wasn't the fact that she was a girl that was the problem, I was doing it just to spite Rebound boy, not out of curiosity. Rebound boy doesn't even deserve a fake name like ----, no he's just Rebound Boy. The next day my car got repossessed and I had to walk or take the bus everywhere. When the Rebound boy found out I cheated he was mad as hell. We ended up in a heated argument.

"Our relationship has been falling apart it was good for you but never good for me, you never have sex with me, you talk down to me constantly, I have never seen you naked, you're dressed like a girl which is a total turn off for me, you chopped off all your hair, you don't have a job and are constantly demanding attention and money. I'm through with you, this relationship is over, I can't stand to be around you anymore. I hate being in a one-way relationship where you get everything and I get nothing" I screamed. Rebound boy denied all of this and punched me in the face. I didn't fight back, a former sailor would go to jail over a skinny guy like him.

Coincidentally a week later I got an email from Brandon saying he wanted to see me. Because I lost my job, I had little cash in my pocket, the rent was coming due and I couldn't pay it. I took the bus over to meet him and he noticed I didn't have a car anymore. He had long hair, all the way to his upper back. He looked like Riff Raff from the Rocky Horror picture show and his face was getting rougher too. It was almost cathartic, I was never really that cute but after high school, but I maintained about the same level of attractiveness while he on the other hand was deteriorating quickly. I thought to myself, wow I wouldn't date him today, but if I married him back then there's no way I would divorce/break up with him over his looks.

He took pity on me and bought me lunch and we bused over to my place. To add another scary element to this horror show one of my neighbors had a bedbug infestation and it carried over to my apartment.

"So Brandon, to avoid bringing bed bugs into your home I need you to strip completely naked and put your clothes in this bag. Anything in here will be safe", he hesitated for a minute, "Nothing I haven't seen already, plus you came here so I know you want to have sex again." He didn't want to admit any of it, but just started taking his clothes off and put them in the bag. I took my clothes off as well, putting them in a separate bag. Naked, I gave him the tour of the one-bedroom apartment, which at only 600 square feet (55 sq meters) isn't exactly a long tour. I led him to my bedroom and we lied down on my bed. We got into the "69" position and sucked each other off. The sex was great physically, but it had none of the sparkle none of the excitement it once did. It was entirely mechanical, the love was gone. His pubic hair was long and curly unlike back when we were 14. He asked if I could trim it for him, which I did. While I was down there I started to wonder why he up and disappeared from my life, anger started flowing through me as I remembered all the psychological trauma the breakup had caused.

"I'm sorry I did that", he said at that exact moment all my anger disappeared. It was at that moment I realized he didn't know what effect it had on me and didn't intend for any of this to happen. I knew that in order to make peace with myself (I didn't care about his feelings at this point) I had to forgive him. This was a part of my life I needed to get over.

"I know I'm the first guy you ever slept with, and you slept with both guys and girls through our relationship. Who is the last guy you slept with?", I asked, he hasn't spoken to me in 2 years so that was plenty of time to play with a boy.

"You... guys still get me horny, I sometimes look at gay and bi porn, but I felt guilty every time a guy hit on me. I would get hot for a guy it would remind me of you, I couldn't have sex with another guy. I don't think I ever will again."

"But you...", I realized why he disappeared, why he left and never came back and it infuriated me, I had already forgiven him so my fury quickly disappeared, he wasn't worth the emotion. He was too chicken shit, too scared to have the decency of risking me getting dramatic. You're supposed to have a big breakup scene, drama is required for a breakup.

Sorry to get on my soapbox, but you don't disappear on people. You don't want to be in a relationship, fine! That person deserves to confront you. For safety, you may want to do this by phone, video conference, or holographic projector, but tell them to their face. Let them know where they stand. I hate myself for crying after the disappearance, I hate myself for crying occasionally years afterward. The side effect of the love I had for him was an obsession, I'd monitor social media for his presence, I would once in a while drive by his house. I emailed him only once three years after this encounter, because stalking is a crime, and I always remembered to keep my distance. That was his last chance. He didn't want me anymore and nothing I can do would change that. Today I can confidently say I don't love him anymore, he broke my heart by abandoning me and does not deserve a second chance at my heart. I put up a brave front, I still wanted him if he still wanted me, but he needed to be the one to pursue me. I was unsure of this, and that's why I was obsessed. I was bluffing, and today I don't regret it. I accepted at this moment that he wasn't coming back. All I wanted now was closure, and getting my last answers out of him helped.

I used to resent the song "Wake me up when September Ends", because it was our song, but I got over this too. One time in Cory's apartment we sang it to each other while taking a shower. From then on we sang it multiple times throughout the years. I cried more times than I care to admit, I cried less and less over the years, but it was a difficult breakup.

"But why though, why did you break up with me and why oh why for godsakes did you just disappear on me? Why did you just break up with me in-person or at least tell me in an email? We weren't just boyfriends for a little bit I asked you to MARRY me!" This was after 2006 and while smartphones were out, they were nowhere near universal like they are today in 2021.

"I don't know", he was embarrassed, maybe I wasn't the only one struggling. I wanted to ask if his parents had anything to do with it or if he wasn't attracted to me anymore, but I reminded myself despite the possibility I might never see him again, I have to let this go. This isn't about him, it's about me. This was the only closure I was going to get, and I needed closure to begin the healing process. I finished cleaning up his pubic hair and we took a shower to get all the hair out. We kissed passionately, I think we both knew this was going to be our last makeout session. It was pure lust, my body was hit but my heart was not. I'd entertain getting physical again, but I knew I could never let him have my heart again. We put our clothes back on and I walked with him to the bus stop. We gave each other one last kiss out in the open and he stepped on the bus, I saw the bus drive away. He was gone, I would never see him again.

Many stories here on nifty have a fairytale ending where they lived happily ever after as a reader I want you to experience that, but fairytales are unrealistic. He knew I was familiar with technology so he avoided social media. There's no Facebook stalking I could do, which I guess was good because it helped me let go. It still took some years to stop thinking about it, but I can confidently say now I don't miss Brandon at all. He abandoned me and anyone who does that should never be in a relationship with you ever again. I got over rebound boy about three days before I broke up with him. I got evicted from my apartment and ended up living with a former co-worker after having changed careers.

After this, I didn't have sex as often as my clubbing days, or even when I was in high school and had a boyfriend but every few months I would attract some guy (some as young as 18 and still in high school) and we'd bang. It gave me hope and even my career was starting to look up. I believe in life after love now.

Maybe I can give you a happy ending, even though it wasn't mine. To this day, I keep in occasional contact with Clay, I still have him on social media. I'm not sure if I would have attended his wedding last year if it were in-person, but he got married in 2020. Because of the pandemic, their wedding consisted of the legal minimum of people who had to be there: four. The officiant, Clay's mother as a witness (Clay's father would have stepped in if he was needed but attended via video conference), and of course Tony and Clay. Tony's parents were disgusted by the fact he married another man, but they still attended the video conference. I was invited to the wedding and attended the ceremony online. If I couldn't get what I want I'm glad someone did. I truly am happy for them.

Well, folks, that's it! Those are my high school years! I had a lot more sex in college but that's a story for another section because a lot of it involves girls. Look For "The Bisex life of Brian". If you don't like women at all, I encourage you to read it anyway, there's plenty of gay sex.

Let me know you're feelings at Did you cry? Did you think the love story was lame? Did it tug at your heartstrings? Did you skip all the mushy stuff and stopped reading the chapter halfway through? Did I get you off? Let me know! I don't get paid in money so my compensation is you telling me I got you off.

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