The SEX Men - Prologue

By J Forrester

Published on Jul 27, 2023


Disclaimer: despite the punny title, this story is NOT based on any comic book title, character or property. It is an original piece of fiction and any resemblance to people, places or events is unintentional.

This is a reality similar to our own; a universe of infinitive possibilities, of extraordinary powers and incredible circumstances. The SEX Men is a group of elite agents... and also amateurs. Together they must use their abilities against a powerful enemy.

The SEX Men Vol. 1 : Issue. 4 Hard Feelings!


"I'm so hungry! I'm literally starving here," Milo complained.

"You are not literally starving," Hugh assessed.

"I meant it metaphorically," Milo answered.

Jay and Steve sniggered at their respective idiots. After the meeting, the four boys (well, three young men and one boy, really) retired to a recreational area. Jay was making food but it was in the microwave and Milo was growing increasingly impatient. At least Jay had talked him out of only eating ice cream.

"I am curious about your ability," Hugh said to Milo.

"Yea?" Milo replied brightly – distracted by chat about his other favourite thing.

"You are able to fabricate memories?" Hugh asked.

"Yea. Like when we were trying to recruit you, I implanted a memory of Matt as a teacher from your school," Milo said.

"Matt was not a teacher at my school," Hugh replied. "But I do remember him teaching us."

"Exactly," Milo said. "It wasn't my best work though. You realised it was fake."

"There were inconsistencies," Hugh reported. "I could give you feedback that could improve future efforts."

"My efforts are pretty good," Milo said peevishly.

"Your brother said it is important we test and expand our abilities," Hugh recalled Jay saying.

Milo remembered the comment too even though the meeting had lasted a long time and ended at least forever ago. For a boy with memory abilities, his attention span was something of a disaster.

"A lot of the false memories I create involve sex," Milo confessed.

"How will memories of sexual intercourse help us against Jethro Renton-Mass?" Hugh asked.

"I dunno... what do you suggest I do?" Milo replied.

"You could use your ability to make the Risico Militia in Mr Renton-Mass's base remember us as authorised personnel," Hugh offered.

"Ok... well... that's actually a pretty good idea," Milo admitted.

"To make those memories robust, you would need them to recall us as, for example, nu-men recruited by Mr Renton-Mass," Hugh continued. "I recognised the false memories because there were too many gaps in Matthew Tempest's relationship to us and his role within that dynamic."

"Yea well, I lose track of things sometimes. I start one thing and get turned around. It's really hard," Milo moaned.

For example, his dad asked him to clean his room.

Milo started by taking the cups and plates from his room to the kitchen but the dish washer was full so he had to empty it and put everything away. The he loaded the things from his room into the dishwasher. Then he went back to his room to tidy up the clothes on the floor and put them in his hamper but his hamper was full so he emptied it and took it to the laundry room. There was already clothes in the washing machine so he unloaded that and hung the clothes up but only after taking other clothes down and folding them and ironing the things that needed ironed. Then he put the clothes from his hamper in the washing machine – and stripped to his briefs to add those clothes too. Once that was done, they needed hung up too. Then Milo was hungry so he had something to eat and washed up. Then he remembered his room and went back to finish tidying up but his dad came home and got mad he hadn't done anything.

The same disorganisation happened with memories. When Milo was excited and interested, he could be imaginative and precise. However, when it was a task like ingratiating Matt to Steve and Hugh for their recruitment process, it was something Milo had to plan and organise and it was confusing.

"I am very organised. Perhaps I can teach you some techniques?" Hugh proposed.

"Yea, ok," Milo agreed. "What about you. You can teleport, right?"

"Translocate. Yes," Hugh corrected.

"Translocate. Cool. So what do you need to work on?" Milo asked.

"Matt and Angelo have helped me to learn how to move multiple objects. I have translocated myself and Steve on several occasions but find it difficult to be as precise with arrival co-ordinates when I attempted to carry Matt and Angelo as well," Hugh reported.

"You moved yourself, Steve, Matt and Angelo?" Milo said with awe.

"Yes, but I got the arrival point wrong by three metres," Hugh added glumly.

"That is so cool! You're completely amazing!" Milo exploded.

"I got the location wrong by three metres," Hugh repeated.

"Yea, but you moved four people instead of three. My GPS can't even track my run without a Russian satellite," Milo replied. "You just need to keep practicing."

"Perhaps," Hugh said.

"Can you move me? I'm heavier than I look!" Milo said.

Milo, like Hugh, was a beanpole of a boy. If bigheadedness counted, Milo might have a point. Hugh looked at Milo and concentrated; a moment later Milo blinked away and reappeared on the other side of the room.

Milo's t-shirt fell to the floor on top of his trainers where he had been standing but the boy did arrive where Hugh intended and he still had his shorts and socks on.

"You can feel free to send him even farther," Jay joked.

"Again, again!" Milo waved from across the room.

Milo was carefree and devoid of insecurity about his little body. He looked cute shirtless and practiced skidding on the floor on his socks before being translocated by Hugh again. Milo was delighted that he continued to skid when he arrived at his new destination.

While Hugh played with Milo, Jay and Steve had a more sedate conversation.

"I can't help but notice Milo is... special..." Steve said.

"Yea," Jay said reluctantly. "Hugh is special too."

Jay was very defensive of Milo and hated it when people thought his little brother was stupid or immature. Milo was just Milo.

Yes," Steve agreed. "Hugh was bullied a lot at school until they realised that he literally did not care what they were saying about him."

Jay smiled and he could see Steve held great affection for his boyfriend.

"Milo isn't dumb, you know. He acts like it but he's just excited and when he's not excited, he doesn't listen," Jay said. "I mean, he talks too much and he's daft as a brush but he's not stupid."

"Milo is cute. He's a lot of fun to be around especially when everyone else is so serious," Steve observed.

"One thing you can say about Milo is he doesn't take things too seriously," Jay agreed.

Milo chose this moment to run straight towards Jay and Steve, his arms raised to expose his peach fuzz pits and his skinny chest. Milo flickered away and skidded in the opposite direction.

"You are so cool," Milo said breathlessly to Hugh.

"My temperature is quite normal," Hugh misunderstood.

"Hugh speaks very precisely, doesn't he?" Jay observed

"He says he doesn't have to but chooses to because it makes him feel better," Steve replied. "He struggles with sarcasm and metaphor but he's a fucking genius with facts and figures."

"I hear you're pretty clever too," Jay interjected. "You're both going to Clyde Daer University in the autumn, right? One of the best universities in the world?"

"Yea. I didn't mean to put myself down, I just think the world of him," Steve said with a laugh. "He has phrases he likes to repeat like: I need more information or I understand. Things like that. But emotionally..."

Steve paused as he looked at Hugh playing with Milo again. Hugh wore a tumbling cloud of bewilderment, a pale lilac colour. But there was also flashes of a bright red or irritation and other swirls of yellow joy, entertainment and even faint amusement. Milo was a chaotic mess of yellows for happiness and glee and occasionally a dark purple of mania.

"Hugh can be hard sometimes," Steve

"Yea, we all heard. Eight inches is impressive," Jay replied facetiously.

"Not what I meant," Steve laughed. "He's affectionate and loving but he doesn't feel things like most people do. You know, I've never told anyone this before but..."

Jay waited while Steve composed himself and then Steve looked him in the eyes.

"I love him. I love Hugh," Steve said. "And I haven't told him because I'm too scared."

"Scared he won't feel the same way?" Jay asked.

"Scared he won't know what to say," Steve admitted. "That he won't say anything. That he'll just say, ok thanks."

"You must know how he feels? You of all people will know how he feels about you," Jay pointed out.

"Yea. But I wish Hugh knew how he felt too," Steve admitted.

It was a selfish thought in a way. Hugh was who he was and that's what Steve loved.

"Well at least he's not like a bull in a China shop like my one," Jay said to break the tension.

Milo was currently jumping at Hugh while roaring with what might have been intimidation or maybe a baby feline. Hugh was responding by translocating Milo away before his attack got close enough. Hugh was mildly interested by the way Milo's momentum continued when he emerged at his new location. It indicated a conservation of momentum which was fascinating – he was learning something from the little maniac.

"Milo finds it hard to concentrate on some things and hyperfocus's on others. He has executive disfunction and emotional dysregulation... I looked them up," Jay confessed when Steve looked at him with surprise at the technicalities.

Steve nodded sympathetically.

"He's really cute," Steve admitted with affection.

"Milo gets easily distracted," Jay continued. "We once suggested he watch videos on VidTube about organizing his thoughts better."

"Yea, how'd that work out?" Steve asked.

"Apparently sending him into an algorithmic rabbit hole was a bad idea," Jay admitted with a smile. "He watched 15 videos about Mexican turtles and learned how to make a sourdough starter."

"So... not a total loss," Steve replied with a laugh.

"Yea, no. His bread is pretty good," Jay agreed.

A little while later and the four youngest members of the team had eaten and were onto desert. And then second desert. Angelo, Matt and Steve had finally joined them and were having a more sedate meal of their own, though still amicable and companionable.

The finale of the meal was interrupted by Milo. Of course it was. The fifteen-year-old had finally been given all the ice cream he could eat so he had eaten a lot. Milo had thrown his head back and was nearly crying as he gripped his own head.

"Why is this happening to me?!" Milo wailed.

"It is caused by sudden capillary vasoconstriction in the sinuses due to a cold stimulus; followed by vasodilation due to rewarming which triggers pain reception via trigeminal nerve," Hugh answered a little too technically for everyone's understanding.

"Is it terminal? Am I going to die?" Milo looked at Hugh with a heart-breaking fear.

"No. It is a phenomena called sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia; also known as an ice cream headache," Hugh replied – again, a little to technically for anyone's understanding.

"You're an ice cream headache," Milo replied with an accusatory finger.

"I am not an ice cream headache," Hugh answered.

Steve and Jay were equal parts delighted, embarrassed and amused by their boyfriend/ brother. Even Matt, Angelo and Jeffrey were laughing.

"You should try pressing the roof of your mouth with your tongue or thumb," Hugh suggested.

Hugh was being informative and helpful if a little cold (no pun intended) with his advice but Milo was pacified. Or he just liked sucking his thumb.


Steve knocked on the open door.

Matt looked up and nodded for the young man to come in. Steve's character was so much gentler and diplomatic than his outward appearance. He was a little shorter than Milo, Hugh and Jay but broader, more muscular and he looked tougher. He was not someone you'd pick a fight with.

"I've been practicing," Steve said.

"Good," Matt said.

In the six months since they had first met, Steve and Hugh had been infrequent attendees of the team meetings. They didn't live in Clyde Daer but they had both taken advice about how to develop their abilities. Matt had been convinced Steve could do more than just see the colours of emotion, but that he could feel them too.

"I'm going to be honest... I don't like it... it's unsettling," Steve admitted.

Matt was tired and he leaned back in his chair, trying not to yawn. He very much wished they didn't need to do this now but they were out if time to prepare the younger team members and everyone would have a part to play. If nothing else, Steve had something important to learn and Matt felt guilty about it already.

"No-one here can do what you do, Steve. Just as no-one here can make the rain come or cause a thunderstorm except me," Matt told the young man. "You need to learn your limits for yourself but I need to push you to those limits."

"I'm scared for me and Hugh," Steve told Matt. "We both came because you asked but I don't know if we're ready for the kind of danger you're going to put us in."

Matt stood up and gestured to a sofa at the side of the room. The Racetrack was a place Angelo and Matt worked while the others treated it was holiday home. But this was a serious job. It wasn't all jokes about ice cream.

Matt and Steve sat beside each other on the sofa with Matt turning towards the young man and mirroring his posture.

"It will be dangerous. Angelo would have told us if it was a total disaster though," Matt promised. "I understand you have a lot on your mind. You're thinking about Hugh and want to keep him safe. You want to get home safe yourself. But you need to learn to focus... we all have things on our minds."

Steve looked at Matt and where the man's head had been cool and collected, the colours surged towards sadness and anger. No, not just anger... bitterness. The curls of colour clung tightly to Matt's head rather than floating freely as most people's emotions appeared. Matt was holding his feelings in.

"What are you thinking about, Matt," Steve asked. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

Matt nodded but he was pleased the young man was willing to question the qualifications of those who were supposed to be in charge. Matt could see a leader in Steve.

"I'm ready. And I'm thinking that in a little over twenty-four hours it will be the longest day of the year," Matt said quietly. "Three years... since my son died. And Cyrus's son."

"I'm sorry," Steve said. "What was his name?"

"Michael," Matt whispered.

The colours were now so tight against Matt's head that Steve could barely see them. They weren't just contained; they were like a pressure cooker. Matt was calm and collected but repressed – Steve couldn't tell what the man was feeling. He took a deep breath and concentrated, then reached out and out his hand on Matt's back.

The effect was instantaneous and overwhelming.

Matt wasn't calm or collected.

Steve felt emotion wash over him like a dangerous tide and was pulled by the undercurrent until the young man could barely think straight. All Steve could feel was a deeper and bleaker sadness than he had ever felt in his life. Steve gasped with sorry and tears broke from his eyes, streaming down his face. Steve could feel Matt's loss for his son, feel the desperation and the wish he was dead; he could feel the depression and the grief of a wound that hadn't healed.

The emotions were very much like a storm. Ironically, Steve's powers were all about emotion and Matt's all about the weather. Steve was under the weather as he felt Matt's feelings.

Seeing emotions required interpretation and intuition but feeling them was an engulfing experience that Steve struggled to control. He had been caught off guard by the convection of Matt's emotion when they touched.

Steve looked at Matt whose expression hadn't changed. He was still outwardly stoic and serene. As Steve let out a sob, Matt closed his eyes and breathed deeply before turning to look at Steve. Steve's breaths weren't deep and calming but with effort, the turmoil subsided and waned; the undercurrent that threatened to pull him under abated and let him go.

Steve pulled his hand away from Matt's back as if he had received an electric shock. However, Matt snapped and grabbed Steve's wrist in a tight grip. With his other hand, Matt grabbed Steve's throat. Steve's eyes went wide with fright – his own emotions again rather than Matt's.

"I need you to understand that our enemies will try to use our abilities against us. They will make you feel fear. I disabled you with the intensity of those emotions, Steve," Matt said patiently. "If I had been Jethro Renton-Mass or Timmy, I could have killed you while you wept."

Steve was strong, wrenching his wrist free and pulling Matt's hand off his throat.

"You did that to me... to teach me a lesson?" Steve asked.

The emotions had been real. Steve didn't want to be angry with Matt because the loss of his son was still a wound that hadn't healed but using that emotion against him felt like a violation.

"Yes," Matt replied honestly. "Steve, you're a good man with an incredible ability. Jethro Renton-Mass believes goodness is a weakness and he uses it against people like us... well, people like you."

Matt's head emitted a dark blue colour that Steve recognised as shame.

Steve let out a shuddering breath – the aftermath of the emotional assault was fading. He wiped the tears from his face. Steve felt violated but it was a lesson he couldn't have learned any other way; Matt was right, his soft heartedness had been a weakness.

"Now that you know how your ability can be used against you, you can guard against it," Matt said pragmatically. "And maybe you can learn how to use emotion against our enemies. You were disabled by grief but imagine if you could make a guard too afraid to stay at his post? If you could make Timmy jealous enough to turn against Jethro."

"You want me to be imaginative with weaponizing a gift I've only ever used to help people?" Steve asked.

"You're not like me or Max or Jeffrey. I want you to use your gift to help us and I don't expect you to stop being a good man," Matt promised. "We have enough morally grey people on this team already. But yes, I think you can be imaginative with how you use your abilities."

Max had made no secret that he thought the younger members of the team were too naïve, inexperienced and good to be a part of the team. Matt and Angelo were inclined to think that they needed goodness and naiveté to keep them on the right side.

Steve wiped his eyes again and could feel the tracks his tears on his cheeks.

"I don't know how you do it," Steve said.

"Do what?" Matt asked.

"Feel... all of that? It nearly destroyed me just feeling it for a minute, Matt. How do you cope with losing your son and feeling that way?" Steve asked.

"It nearly destroyed me too," Matt confessed. "And I took way more than a minute to recover. I nearly lost myself."

"So much pain," Steve said with sympathy.

"Yes. Do you know what I did with all that pain, Steve? I held it tight and I never let it go," Matt told the young man. "I loved my son more than anything and I turned the anger I felt into more love. When I feel angry, I remind myself of how much he meant to me."

"But the anger and grief is why Cyrus left, isn't it?" Steve asked provocatively.

Matt flashed with anger, Steve could see it, but it only lasted a moment. Matt wasn't usually so easily provoked but the anger had jumped into him like... Matt felt a smile creep onto his face when he realised Steve had tried to emotionally manipulate him. Clever boy.

"Cyrus left because we both coped in different ways and I wouldn't let him help me," Matt said. "It was my fault I lost my husband. It was all my fault."

"And that's why it's so important we save him?" Steve asked.

Pink curled around Matt's head, floating like a cloud over his ear and down into a blossom over his heart. Steve didn't want to ask him about Jay – the young man with whom Matt shared a bed. It wouldn't have been fair to ask Matt if he could love Jay when he was still in love with his husband.


Jay was dressed in boxer shorts and ankle socks when Matt entered the room. He was sat cross-legged on the bed, reading a book.

"Are you ok?" Jay asked.

Matt looked at him – Jay could be an intuitive and insightful young man. So why didn't he want to answer honestly? Matt smiled, hoping it didn't look fake. He was still thinking about Michael and about putting everyone in danger to rescue Cyrus and the ongoing threat Jethro Renton-Mass posed.

"I'm just tired," Matt admitted. "But not too tired."

Matt's eyes looked Jay over as he walked towards his lover. Jay closed his book and set it aside.

"I don't know what you mean," Jay said innocently.

Matt leaned over him and kissed Jay's lips. One of Matt's hands found Jay's chest, groping a developing pectoral. Jay giggled as his Matt fumbled with his chest and pinched his nipple.

"Stopit!" Jay laughed.

Matt stood up and his eyes lingered over Jay's lean body. He had bulked up in recent months, growing more muscular and less skinny though he was still thin. Jay was a sexy little fucker who Matt very much enjoyed fucking.

Matt pulled off his t-shirt and tossed it in Jay's face.

"Hey!" Jay said but then he pushed the t-shirt into his nose and inhaled deeply.

"You want to sniff anything else?" Matt asked.

Jay happily slipped off the bed and onto his knees. He grabbed Matt's ass and pulled him close, burying his face in the front of Matt's trousers. Jay reached up and pulled Matt's trousers open, pulling them down to Matt's midthighs. Jay nuzzled the briefs which contained a warm and flaccid penis that shifted when prodded by Jay's nose. Jay's mouth opened and sucked at Matt's penis through the fabric.

"Oh Jay," Matt said happily.

Matt felt the tension of his interview with Steve dissipate and even the pain that he carried with him faded. Matt stepped back and danced around Jay to sit on the edge of his bed – the bed he shared with Jay. Jay turned on the spot and crawled to the bed, pulling Matt's shoes and socks off and then pulling the trousers until they slipped off Matt's legs.

Matt reached out a hand for Jay which he used to stand up. Matt leaned forward and tugged Jay's boxers down, exposing the flaccid but not entirely soft penis of the eighteen-year-old. Jay pushed them down farther, stepping out of the underwear and standing exposed to the man.

Matt reached for Jay's hand again and pulled him onto the bed. Jay landed on the bed beside Matt, bouncing onto his hands and knees, hole proffered to the otherwise empty room. Jay's penis and balls drooped between his thighs and if anyone else had been in the room it would have been quite a marvellous rear view. Jay turned over and lay on his back beside Matt who climbed on top, straddling Jay and grinding his ass into Jay's semi-hard dick.

"Matt, this feels weird," Jay said.

"This?" Matt asked, reaching deeper to stroke Jay's taint.

Jay giggled and bit his lip as he looked up at his lover.

"I never mind doing this," Jay replied. "But I meant because it's the night before an important mission. Out first mission as a team. Is this a good idea?"

"I think it's a great idea, Jay," Matt insisted.

Matt didn't want to think about the fact that there might not be a later later. Tonight was the clam before the storm and for a man with weather powers, that really meant something. It things went to plan; all would be well but if they didn't? If one or more of the team didn't come back? Matt didn't want to think about that.

Matt climbed off the bed and stood over his eighteen-year-old lover. He grabbed Jay's ankles and lifted his lovely legs straight in the air. Jay kept his legs aloft while Matt squatted to planted kisses on Jay's balls. Matt worked down, kissing and licking Jay's perineum and then sweeping his tongue into the crack of Jay's buttocks. The boy had salty skin. His tongue probed Jay's sphincter and in the corner of his eye, Matt could see Jay's legs starting to tremble from the effort of keeping them raised – Jay's back straining to maintain their aloft status. Matt gave each cheek a kiss and then he slapped each cheek with a stinging smack.

"Ouch!" Jay replied with a chuckle.

Matt stood up and Jay's legs dropped, dangling over the edge of the bed while the rest of him was flat on the bed. Matt could see Jay's youth for a moment and he doubted himself for having started something with the young man. Young enough to be his son.

"Do you want to do this?" Matt asked to push that thought away.

Jay was only a few years older than Michael would have been. The thought was painful and he pushed it away by pushing his underwear down at the front and hefting out his cock, stroking the meatiness while Jay looked up at him.

"Yes, Matt. Fuck my brains out," Jay replied.

Matt pushed his underwear all the way down and kicked them off as he walked to his bedside table for lubricant. Jay changed position on the bed, his head landing on the pillow and he turned away from Matt; lying on his side, Jay invited the man to spoon him.

Matt made his cock slick with long, greasy, masturbatory strokes. Matt's sliding hand made wet noises as he stroked it and pulled the foreskin back and forth. Matt checked out Jay's ass, his back, his legs – Jay really was beautiful. Gone was the willowy figure from six months ago. They had been running, lifting weights, swimming and a variety of other training techniques to get fit.

Matt had let himself go for a few years but he was quickly on his way to the peak physical performance that he hadn't had since leaving the Armed Forces. Jay was more than able to keep pace, building muscle and speed. Matt had even taught Jay to shoot a gun though he hoped the young man wouldn't need to use that skill.

This fleeting thought was as uncomfortable as the thought of his son. Tomorrow, he would be putting Jay in danger; Milo, Steve and Hugh too. Jay had learned to fight and protect himself but actually putting Jay in the position of doing so was something Matt had hoped he could avoid.

Matt pushed these thoughts away too and focussed on the tight hole in front of him.

Matt tucked himself behind the young man, holding his cock while he spread Jay's cheeks and then pressed his cock against the sphincter. Matt pressed the spongy, swollen head of his cock with his thumb as it eased inside his lover. Jay pushed his ass against Matt's cock so the head and then shaft slipped inside.

Jay felt it against his prostate, the six inches were thick and slippery. Jay could feel his tight ring gripping the rod which thrilled his insides. The ring itself emanated pleasure as the friction of Matt pushing and pulling excited it. Jay was hard too but his cock was seven and a half inches. He was impressively above average yet still a little insecure about his appearance. At least, he used to be.

Jay had grown more comfortable with his body as his physique improved, more comfortable as he developed his invisibility.

Jay's invisibility necessitated nudity as he didn't know how to make the clothes in contact with his skin invisible too. It was something of a limitation that Matt and Angelo were confident he could learn to overcome. Meantime, they had encouraged him to practice invisibility and that meant practicing nudity.

Milo loved it and little brother had persuaded Jay to take him to the local supermarket last month – they had walked. Milo in his shorts and t-shirt and Jay totally naked. It was only ten minutes away but the feel of the warm but hard (and dirty) pavement underfoot was a sensory overload.

They had passed people on the street and cars had driven by; cyclists and approached and passed them and a god even sniffed around him with bewilderment. Stopping at a crossing to go to the other side of the road had left Jay with a sense of surrealism. His perspective didn't change when he was invisible so he felt naked and exposed even if he could not be seen. It was quite exciting.

In the supermarket itself, Jay had to be careful not to bump into anyone. When he told Matt later, Jay had worried his boyfriend would be mad. Instead, Matt had been impressed with Jay's attention to his physical environment – not just proprioception but the Jay's awareness of others in space. Jay not only avoided bumping people in the supermarket but also avoided them bumping him, avoided trolley's and other hazards. It was, Matt said, an impressive and daring demonstration of his invisibility.

The chilled section in the supermarket had been a challenge, causing his genitals to shrink and feel like a cold and clammy vegetable. Milo, to whom Jay tried to stay close, had managed to reach out and touch Jay's willy after they left the refrigerated section. The teenager giggled at the feel of Jay's penis, short and cold. This was the moment that Jay was most aware of being totally stark naked in a public space. Milo was beside himself and wished fervently it was himself who could be invisible and walk around naked in public.

Jay had allowed Milo the next best thing – to access, copy and (re)live the memory for himself. Leaving the supermarket, Milo had complained about having to carry all the shopping but Jay could hardly help, could he? Either walking home visible and exposed or invisible so the bags of shopping would look like they were floating along by themselves.

Jay didn't like to admit it, but it had been fun and he had learned a lot about controlling himself emotionally, psychologically and physically during the extended trial of invisibility in different environments. From the warm street to the refrigerated section to the biscuit aisle (the best aisle in the supermarket), Jay's invisibility never faltered. Jay would never have realised this potential without Matt.

Matt meanwhile enjoyed the fact his lover had a big cock and liked to bottom. He pushed inside his lover and they rocked together on the soft, warm bed.

"I turned invisible last time Milo did this to me," Jay admitted.

"Just what every man was to hear from his eighteen-year-old lover," Matt teased him. "You tuned invisible when your fifteen-year-old brother fucked you."

"When you say it like that, you make it sound dirty," Jay joked in return.

Jay was honest about his sexual relationship with Milo. It was just sex. Yet, Matt found himself wondering if he and Jay were more than just sex. They shared affection and they shared a bed but was Jay someone he could share his future with? Was Matt not planning to rescue his husband (separated) whom he had not seen for years? How would it feel to see him again?

"Do it now," Matt told him.

"Have sex with Milo now?" Matt teased.

"Turn invisible, Jay," Matt said.

This was asked not just because it was a novel sexual moment but because Matt wanted to see Jay concentrate and control his ability while clearly excited and stimulated. Jay vanished from sight but Matt could still feel him. It was very strange – fucking the tight hole of a man he couldn't see. Matt caressed Jay's back with his hands but he felt like a mime.

Then Matt reached around, stroking Jay's chest and abdomen. Matt could feel pubes but looking where Jay should have been, he saw only his own hand. Matt wrapped a hand around Jay's cock after running his fingers through invisible pubes.

Sex with Jay helped to clear Matt's mind, gave him the chance to forget things. The opportunity to be absent minded for a few minutes, ironically while Jay appeared to be absent in a different sense.

Matt could see his own fist as he pumped on Jay's cock. Matt also continued to fuck Jay's ass and he was close to cumming when Jay started making little moans. He was close too. Prostate massage could do that to a guy. Matt thrust into the invisible boy, his pelvis connecting with Jay's arse.

Matt came before he could stop himself but it felt incredible. Matt watched as his cum floated in mid-air and slowly was absorbed as Jay's body decided Matt's spunk was a part of him now.

"Turn over," Matt said.

Matt pulled his cock out of Jay's hole and let go of his lover's dick. Jay turned over, the sheets changing shape and depth as the invisible figure shifted position. Matt lay at Jay's side and slid down, caressing hot and soft skin until his face was near Jay's hip.

Matt's hand found the cock again and his mouth dived onto it. Matt's head bobbed up and down on the tasty young man's cock. It was a gorgeous – big and long, sweet and wet. Matt's tongue lapped up precum as he sucked.

"I'm going to cum," Jay said.

Matt's mouth didn't leave the cock but his eyes lifted – gazing up the length of the lad who wasn't there. Matt accepted the invisible seed into his mouth but he could feel it and taste it washing over his teeth and tongue. Matt lifted his head up and could finally see the suspension of sweat, saliva and cum in the shape of a cock.

"Amazing," Matt commented.

"That was neat," Jay agreed.

"You've been practicing," Matt said. "You're getting better at turning yourself off."

"Pun intended?" Jay asked.

Jay reappeared and flapped his softening dick to punctuate the question. Matt laughed and then they cuddled together on the bed. Matt pulled the sheet over them and closed his eyes.

"What's going to happen tomorrow?" Jay asked suddenly.

"I'm really not sure," Matt confessed.

"Angelo... Angelo can't tell us if we'll win or not? If we'll all be ok?" Jay asked hopefully.

"It doesn't work like that," Matt reminded him.

"Ok," Jay replied. "But I hope we do it. I hope we save Cyrus."

"Yea," Matt agreed.


"What is wrong with your face?" Hugh asked.

"This is my normal face," Steve said dejectedly.

Hugh looked again – he as sure something was wrong... well, that was the thing... he wasn't sure. But he thought something might be wrong. The problem was, people weren't always honest when asked if something was wrong. Hugh also noticed that if you asked what was wrong and the person lied and said nothing was wrong, they might still get mad at you for not knowing something was wrong. Which seemed unfair somehow.

"Have you been crying?" Hugh asked.

Steve looked sharply at Hugh and tried to stay calm. Hugh emanated innocence and confusion – he was sincerely trying to figure out what was wrong. Frankly, it was impressive that Hugh had noticed. Steve's face was dry but his eyes were red and watery.

"Maybe," Steve answered unhelpfully.

"People cry for multiple different reasons," Hugh observed. "Laughter, pain, sadness or hay fever to name four. Why have you been crying, Steve?"

Steve didn't answer. He was sitting on a chair beside a window that overlooked grass and a bright but dark sky. It wasn't a pitch dark because it was the height of summer and even near midnight the sky seemed to glow. Clouds in the sky were illuminated by moonlight and starlight, causing the clouds to look not unlike the vapours Steve saw over people's head – the shapes and colours that denoted emotions.

"Is it pain?" Hugh tried.

"It's sadness, Hugh!" Steve snapped. "I was crying because I was sad, ok?"

Hugh didn't reply immediately to the tone in Steve's voice but he detected the irritation. Hugh had heard those exasperated intonations all his life.

"Are you mad at me for not knowing you were sad?" Hugh asked slowly.

Steve sighed and looked guiltily at Hugh.

"I'm not mad at you," Steve said.

Steve stood up and crossed the space between them, wrapping his arms around Hugh and hugging him tightly. After a few seconds, Hugh's arms came up to reciprocate the embrace.

"There, there," Hugh said in an attempt to be soothing.

It worked. Steve did feel better. He pulled free from the hug and noticed Hugh was ready for bed – he wore a black t-shirt with back and grey checked shorts. His skinny legs poking from the bottom with sprigs of hair haphazardly projecting from his shins all the way down to his ankles. Hugh looked cute in shorts.

"I was talking to Matt," Steve said as he pulled off his shirt and t-shirt.

"I know," Hugh replied. "What was the substance of your conversation?"

"It wasn't so much what we said," Steve told Hugh.

Steve took off his shorts and then dropped his underwear too. He liked being naked and it felt appropriate to be exposed while discussing how exposed he had felt with Matt.

"Matt has been teaching me how to feel emotions, not just see them. He made me feel something... something overwhelming," Steve confessed.

"I do not understand," Hugh answered.

Steve kissed Hugh and Hugh, as horny as any other eighteen-year-old, returned the kiss with enthusiasm. Hugh stroked Steve's strong but bare back which was rapidly cooling in the exposed air. Meanwhile, Steve caressed the warm cotton of Hugh's t-shirt.

Steve's penis was no longer flaccid but half hard, pressing against Hugh's shorts which were tented with what would soon be a full-blown hardon. Steve would happily fully blow it.

"Matt lost his son a few years ago. It's hard to explain what that does to a person but Matt feels angry and guilty, he feels depression and fear and sadness. He feels sorrow, despair, loneliness, regret..." Steve told Hugh.

"That sounds emotionally uncomfortable and overwhelming," Hugh replied when Steve's list petered out.

Hugh understood sensory overload and the discomfort caused by sustained emotional stimulation.

"Yes," Steve replied.

"And you felt them too?" Hugh inferred.

"Yes," Steve said again, this time more softly.

Hugh's hands appeared to wander distractedly over Steve's body but he knew Hugh was listening to every word, analysing them and trying to understand.

"It was like..." Steve tried to think of an analogy. "It was like sensory overload. You know how sometimes it's too noisy and there's too much going on? Then you have to put on your headphones to block it all out for a while?"

"Yes," Hugh answered.

"It was like that. I felt totally overloaded, Hugh," Steve admitted. "Matt was trying to teach me to control it because an enemy might use it against me."

"That makes sense," Hugh replied.

Steve felt the front of Hugh's shorts. He could feel the shape of the head through the fabric.

"I am tired now," Hugh said.

The young man pulled away and walked to the bed, oblivious to Steve's more risqué overtures.

"Do you want to have sex, Hugh?" Steve asked.

Steve had learned to be direct because the implicit moment between them had been aborted by Hugh's fatigue but that didn't mean that Hugh didn't want to have sex. Hugh was tired so he went to bed. If he wanted to have sex, he would still do that but only if Steve asked.

"Yes, that would be agreeable," Hugh replied.

Hugh lay on the bed, flat on his back and head on the pillow.

"Top or bottom?" Steve asked and he felt a chuckle as he recalled their arrival on the bus when they were travelling to Clyde Daer.

Hugh didn't get the joke but that was ok.

"I would enjoy the passive role tonight, Steve," Hugh replied.

Steve was happy to hear that and knelt on the bed at Hugh's feet, reaching up to grab his boyfriends boxers and pulling them down. When Steve had made the excuses to abandon his friends it was so he and Hugh could attend a clandestine meeting about a rescue mission in opposition to a supervillain. However, Steve knew his friends thought he and Hugh were fucking each other all week. Now he could honestly say that sex had been on the agenda.

Steve pulled Hugh's underwear from his ankles and tossed them across the room. Hugh sat up to pull off his t-shirt and revealed a tight physique with surprisingly good abs for a skinny dude. Steve pulled Hugh's knees up and with his feet flat on the bed and his knees parting, Hugh's hole came into view. It was close to the bed but Steve manoeuvred himself between Hugh's legs.

Hugh reached for the table beside the bed and handed Steve lubricant. Steve lubed his hard cock and then made Hugh's cock hard and slick too. His hand rested on Hugh's knee while his dry hand guided the head of his cock into Hugh's hole.

Hugh let out a pleasured moan as Steve slid inside him.

"That is wonderful," Hugh said.

"You're wonderful," Steve said.

Steve thrust inside Hugh, feeling and hearing the slap of his pelvis as it connected with Hugh's buttocks. Hugh lifted his ass from the bed so it was easier for Steve to fuck him. Hugh enjoyed anal sex. It was very pleasurable. He liked `topping' more but the sensation of prostate stimulation while sexually aroused was something Hugh liked to indulge in from time to time.

Steve pulled his cock almost free from Hugh's hole before plunging back in. His enjoyment of sex was different from Hugh's; while Hugh was focussed on the physical pleasure of the moment, Steve understood the emotional pleasure of having sex.

Steve could tell Hugh was happy and aroused from the colours that haloed around Hugh's head and he must really like it because Hugh's emotions were less tightly held, tumbling down past his ears and over his shoulders. Steve could see Hugh's joy even if it was not something his boyfriend was able to articulate.

Steve himself felt the intimacy of lovemaking. Their nakedness and close physical contact; being inside each other, connected and close physically and emotionally. Steve could not have loved Hugh more. However, for all his emotional gifts, Steve didn't know how to tell Hugh this. Instead, he fucked Hugh harder and faster and reached up to jerk Hugh off.

Steve's hand gripped the pulsing and exciting boner, stroking up and down the length of the shaft. Steve's fist felt the ridge of the head where he used his thumb to massage the frenulum and release beads of sticky goo.

"I think I'm going to cum," Steve said.

"Ok," Hugh replied.

Steve felt his seed eject inside Hugh, whose hole was warm and moist. Steve pulled out and he wiped his cock around the hole which closed up like an iris. Hugh took control over his own erection, masturbating it while Steve sat back on his heels and watched his boyfriend masturbate until he released a jet of hot spunk. Hugh's jizz made a mess of his own chest and abdomen but as he straightened his legs, Steve leaned over him and his mouth delved onto the sweet treat of creamy gunk. Hugh giggled at the feeling of Steve kissing and licking his chest and tummy until all the cum was gone.

"That was very enjoyable, Steve," Hugh reported.

Steve lay beside his boyfriend, content and peaceful in the afterglow.

"Yes, it was," Steve agreed.

"Ok. Good night," Hugh said and he closed his eyes.

It might have seemed rude or callous but Steve could see the calm contentment and he never grudged Hugh for expressing himself the way he did. Steve also didn't mind because he was tired too. Steve put his arm around Hugh and held tightly; he was worried about tomorrow and the risk they both faced as they entered a situation that neither of them were really ready for. Steve kissed Hugh's lips and Hugh sleepily kissed him back.

Steve wanted to tell Hugh how much he loved him but Hugh was already dozing off. There would be another chance... wouldn't there?


If readers have any suggestions for preferred methods of contact; email mel or message on twitter, reblog or blogger/ blogspot. Feedback is very welcome so please get in touch if you like the story (I also have a reddit account for users who prefer to message me there):


Email me:

My blog: (updated weekly with teasers for the next chapter)

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My Twitter: @niftyencomiums1

My stories so far:

Complete series: School Exhibitionism, The Symposium, The Embarrassment of Riches, Do As You're Told and A Series of Embarrassing Events.

The SEX Men prequel series: Anthology.

Short stories: Aiden's Accidental Autoerotic Assignment, Jogging Joe's Jaunty Journey and Peter's Past Posing Pictures.

Next: Chapter 6

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