The Sex Plague

By eric sans

Published on Jan 14, 2017


The Sex Plague (MF, Mg, Mb, Fb, Fg, FF, MM)

Here is Chapter Three. One more to go after this one. That's when all hell breaks loose. As before, this is obviously a work of fiction for you adult folks who enjoy the same stuff as I do. There is nothing in here that remotely resembles actual occurrences. The first three parts are strictly hetero, the bisexual stuff doesn't kick in until chapter four, but there is plenty of it once you get there. I hope you guys like this. Please let me know what you think.

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Chapter Three

The Third Plague:

Twenty-six months later - almost to the day - the next outbreak was upon us. On that day Laura had driven Sherrie to her gymnastics class and Eric was playing up the street at a friend's house when it hit. I was inside watching tv with little Shayna when I heard a commotion from outside. There was a scream. In a flash I knew it was happening again. While I thought the gas mask idea was a good one I just hadn't got around to buying one yet. As I stood there in the living room I knew the symptoms might overtake me at any second. I had no idea what the effect was going to be this time.

Shayna was three years old and I had a parents natural urge to protect my child. Shayna looked at me quizzically. She was too young to remember any of what had happened before. I looked at her seriously but tried not to show any panic. I didn't want to frighten her. I told her that daddy might have to leave and reminded her of her training. Of course she was scared, despite my best efforts, but she nodded her head. I remembered giving her a kiss then running around the house to lock all the doors and windows. Then it happened. It was like someone flipped a switch in my brain. Shayna watched, eyes wide as I stripped my clothes off, my cock standing stiff and straight. But I was not thinking of her any longer as I stumbled my way out the front door. I heard the click of the door lock as I sank to my knees. Shayna was remembering her lessons.

Two things were immediately clear: the PUB had mutated again, and was completely airborne once more, like the first occurrence. Males and females were affected immediately, regardless of sexual contact. And also like the first time, children under eight were not being affected, nor were older victims attracted to them.

I felt that familiar buzzing in my testicles, as if they were going into overdrive; my cock was rock hard and the need to fuck had taken over completely. Looking around I saw naked people everywhere, on the grass, in the streets, all fucking each other with total abandon; In front of me a naked 10 year old girl ran up and grabbed my cock. Within seconds she and I were on the lawn, and my cock was sinking into her hairless pussy.

For the next week I did not think about Shayna, Eric, Laura, or Sherrie. All I did was move from pussy to pussy, just like before. Young, old, it did not matter. Just as long as it was pussy. At one point I found myself in a daycare center for senior citizens. It was like everywhere else--overrun with naked people of all ages and the old folks were fucking everybody who walked in the doors with wild abandon. A boy of fifteen was on the floor, screwing a woman who had to be at least ninety. An octogenarian man in a wheelchair was bouncing an eight year old girl on his cock as fast and hard as he could. When he came I pulled her off of him and plunged her down on my cock while still standing. In fact, I helped myself to every pussy I could get to in there, some of them two or three times.

Like everyone I was constantly on the move, fucking in the streets and going from house to house. On occasion I would come to a house that was locked up tight, and wasn't able to get in. Catching a glimpse of the occupants through the window I could see them fully clothed and wearing gas masks. Obviously the gas mask procedure was working for some. And through it all there were distant sounds of emergency vehicles in the distance. This was the first real test of the preparedness procedures that had been instituted, and although they were somewhat effective they were still woefully inadequate for the scale of the outbreak.

When it ended contingency plans went into effect; bus lines, taxis and other forms of commercial transportation were commandeered by the government to help the scattered thousands get back to their homes. Sherrie arrived in the company of an old man who helped her get home. My wife called a day later - she had awakened with two young teenage boys and stayed awhile after the long week of sex to regain her strength. She came home on the bus, walking on wobbly legs, naked and drenched in cum; most other women were in the same condition. Nine months later both Sherrie and Laura had babies, along with the rest of the world. Both of them were boys. We named Laura's baby Lance, and Sherrie's cute little black baby Jason.

Having gone through three of these now, it was evident that people were finding it easier to talk about their experiences. In our own family we shared those stories we could remember, even admitting to each other some sexual unions that would have been shocking and scandalous just a few years before. Another outgrowth of the plague attacks was the loosening of moral restrictions during non-plague times. Eric, even at the young age of 9, had become sexually active with little girls in the neighborhood, and very quickly with his older sister. It wasn't long before he was approaching his mom for sex as well. I saw no reason to deny him at this point, and I told Laura that if she wanted to then she should. I made no bones about wanting the same from Sherrie. Let's face it, at this point incest simply wasn't an issue.

Still, no one expected what happened next.

Last Chapter coming up. See you soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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