The Sex Plague

By eric sans

Published on Jan 17, 2017


The Sex Plague (MF, Mg, Mb, Fb, bb, gg,Fg, FF, MM)

Here you go, the last chapter. For those of you waiting for the bisexual action, here it is in spades. This is obviously a work of fiction for you adult folks who enjoy the same stuff as I do. There is nothing in here that remotely resembles actual occurrences. I hope you guys like this. Please let me know what you think.

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Chapter Four

The Fourth Plague--NOW:


All these plague events were in the past now. It had been more than three years - 38 months to be exact - since the last plague event occurred. We now live in a more sexually permissive world, without the repression and hangups that used to plague us so much worse than the PUB Syndrome ever did. Because of this we soon noticed that violent crime was at an all time low, and even wars had seem to cool down to nothing. The plague had done a service by freeing much of the world of hate. The happiness of the planet seems to have persevered, even without the presence of the plague. There was a general feeling that maybe the sex virus phenomenon had finally ended forever. I couldn't tell you why, but at some level I think I was actually missing it.

As we drove home I looked over at my son, still playing on his Nintendo. At 12 he was a typical tow-headed American boy, on the brink of teen-hood, but like all children his age today, well experienced in the ways of sex. Only last evening we had our own sex orgy with Sherrie and Laura, switching off between them throughout the night. Sherrie was now a well developed fifteen year-old, and her gymnastics training had given her an exceptionally well toned and muscled body. Laura was my age, thirty-five, and also kept herself in good shape; we all did. In fact, another interesting side effect of the plague was the increased interest in physical fitness across the world. Everyone felt that if there was a likelihood of waking up naked in a strange place then they would like to look their best when they did. Family sex had also become a regular occurrence post-plague, and not just for us. All four of us often had sex with neighbors and acquaintances we had met during the PUB outbreaks as well. Sometimes some teens from the neighborhood would stop over to fuck my wife. I also had plenty of sex with some young girls who lived down the block. We had all become friends, and found no reason to sneak around anymore. That kind of thing was kind of silly after all we had been through.

"I came in Mom three times last night." I laughed at Eric's comment. Ah, to be a boy again. "Yeah I noticed. And another two times in Sherrie." He turned his tousled head and smiled at me. "Did you see Shayna? She was rubbing herself like crazy, watching us." "Mm-hmm." "I think she wants to do it, Dad." "Well of course she does - she sees how much fun we're having. But she is only 6. That is a bit young to take a cock." "It wasn't too young back during the plague." "That is a bit different. Don't worry, her time will come. And anyway, you don't exactly have a shortage of sex partners, you know." "Yeah, I know."

Eric's eyes suddenly went wide. "Dad look out!" A oncoming car was head erratically toward us. I turned the wheel sharply, trying to veer out of its path, but it still clipped my back fender. I jerked the car over to the side of the road. "You okay?" "Yeah." We both turned and looked out the back window. The car was still swerving all over the road. Even as we watched, another car pulled to a stop in the middle of the road. The driver, a middle aged man, got out of his car, staggering at first, then started running toward a woman watering her lawn nearby. In moments he was on her, ripping her clothes off. Eric and I looked at each other. We both knew what was happening. "Driving is not safe. We're not far from the house. Let's walk."

We pulled our gas masks from under the seats. They have been regular equipment since the last outbreak. Climbing out of our car we began to make our way down the block to the safety of our home. Another car had rolled to a stop nearby, and inside a naked little girl was bouncing up and down on her father's lap.

Eric looked at his dad. "Guess I spoke too soon earlier, huh Dad?" Normally his flip comment would have rated a smile from me at least, but this time I wasn't paying attention. I was feeling strange. Something was wrong. I fell to me knees, woozy. "Dad! Dad, are you okay?" Then he went down also, dropping to his knees. "Whoa, Dad. What's happening?"

It all felt familiar, no doubt. But something was different, this time. The gas masks were having no effect against it. We were dizzy but we weren't passing out. The bacteria was apparently permeating our bodies, passing directly through the skin. I tore the gas mask off, then turned to Eric and jerked his off as well.

"Dad, what the hell are doing?"

My cocks was hard and stiff in my pants, so I opened them. It sprung out free and straight in the cool afternoon air. I saw Eric was now doing the same. I reached over and took his head in my hands, shoving three fingers in his mouth to make him open. He looked up at me as I pulled my fingers out and put my cock in there instead. I began fucking his mouth furiously, holding his head firmly in my hands. I knew exactly what I was doing. I knew I was going to fuck my own son's mouth until I came down his throat. I had never done anything like this with him or any other male, but none of that mattered. It was if a switch in my brain had been turned off. There was no guilt, no remorse, no homosexual fears of any kind. It just felt natural and necessary.

"Fuck yeah. I'm going to cum in your mouth, son. I want to cum in your mouth!" Within seconds I felt the sperm welling up in my balls and rocketing out my cock. With a shudder I shot load after load of hot cum into Eric's mouth. I stared into his glazed eyes, watching him swallow the viscous liquid hungrily.

Clearly the plague was back, but it had mutated again. With a vengeance.

Eric swallowed my load like he was dying of thirst. He unbuckled my belt and shoved my trousers down my legs, then quickly stood up and pushed me down and all fours, climbing around behind me. I felt his cock touch my asshole. With a shove he entered me. His twelve year old cock felt like a freight train inside me, but I welcomed it. As he fucked me I looked around at the sexual chaos around me. Across the street a woman in her 40's was sucking a boy around Eric's age. A man in his 20's was fucking her from behind.

One house up a young girl of 5 or 6 was being taken by two men, one in her mouth and one in her tiny hairless pussy. A woman came running out of the house, screaming at them. It was obviously the girl's mother. Before she reached them she staggered and fell, feeling woozy. The man in the little girl's mouth began cumming forcefully, spurting more cum into her mouth than she could swallow. The second man started cumming as well, filling her little cunt with his juice. The two men pulled out her simultaneously, allowing the girl's body to drop to the grass. Looking at each other lustfully the men fell to the ground in a 69, furiously sucking at each other's cock. The little girl was still laying on the ground, playing with her little slit. Her mother shook her head as if to clear it, then rose to her feet. Striding over to her little daughter, she straddled her head then sat on the little girls face. She pulled her panties aside and lowered her dripping pussy to the little girl's lips. The child attacked her mother's cunt with undisguised lust.

Looking back across the street, the man in his 20's had cum in the older woman and was now approaching us as Eric continued rutting in my ass. The young man walked directly up to me with his cock in his hand, aiming for my mouth. I had never sucked a cock before, but right now it didn't matter. Nothing mattered except my son fucking me and the cock that was entering my mouth. The young man held my head in his hands. It felt good. He fucked my mouth as I had so recently done with Eric's. Behind me I heard my son grunt and I felt him shoot his load into me. He seemed to shoot forever in me. I wanted it all. He pulled out suddenly, and the cool air hit my freshly fucked ass. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my son walking across the street, to the boy who had just come in the older woman's mouth. Another woman had come from somewhere and was now sitting on the older woman's face.

Eric went up to the other boy and put his arms around him grabbing onto his butt. The other boy reciprocated and the two boys ground their cocks together as they kissed passionately. They quickly sank down onto the lawn into a 69.

The young man in my mouth let loose with a stream of semen. I swallowed spurt after spurt of his cum. The experience was entirely new to me but at the same time seemed as old as the ages. When he was done, he pulled out of my mouth, already looking around for his next partner. I stood up slowly, awkwardly as the man walked away. Cum was leaking from my butt and running down my leg. I turned my gaze down the street then headed determinedly in that direction - toward the Grade school a block away.

Yes, it was definitely different this time. Up to now the PUB syndrome had been all about making babies and perpetuating the race. But not this time. This was not about procreation anymore. It was all about cumming.

Who knows? Maybe this was the true primal urge.

Part 2 - Laura, 35 yrs old

"Mom! Mom! It's happening again!" The exclamation came from Sherrie in the living room. I was preparing after school snacks for the kids. The girls had just come home on the school bus, while my husband was picking up Eric on his way home from work. Sherrie was still in her school uniform. I rushed from the kitchen, wiping my hands on my apron. Sherrie and Shayna were both at the window looking out excitedly.

"Look, Mom. Something's wrong."

Once I got to the window it didn't take me long to see what she meant. A woman in her 20's lay splayed on the lawn, her clothes ripped to shreds. One man was fucking her as another man squatted over her face, fucking her mouth. As we watched a young boy - a classmate of Sherrie's - came over and stuck his turgid cock in the first man's mouth. This was definitely new.

Sherrie looked up at her mom with a trace of fear in her eyes. "It never happened like this before."

A tremor of fear ran through me for a moment. I quickly snapped out of it. I new what had to be done. I had rehearsed this in my mind so many times since the last outbreak. Dave and Eric were out there somewhere, but there was nothing I could do about that, except to pray they would be safe.

"Quick Sherrie, check all the ground floor windows and the back door. You know the drill. Shayna, you do the upstairs. I'll check on the boys." Sherrie and I both had babies from the last outbreak. They were not quite 2-1/2 years old yet. I ran to their playroom. They were both at the open window watching the growing spectacle outside and laughing excitedly. They thought it was all tremendously funny. I shut the window and hurried them both back into the family room. Sherrie ran back in at the same time. "Everything is shut tight."

"Good. Where's Shayna? Still upstairs?"

"I guess."

A sudden fear shot through me. I couldn't name it, but something felt wrong. "Watch the boys. I'm going to see what is taking her so long." I scurried up the stairs calling Shayna's name, but getting no response. Her bedroom was empty, and all the windows closed. The next one was Sherrie's. It was shut tight as well. I found her in Eric's room at the open window. Her shorts were on the floor and her hand was in her crotch. In an instant I knew what had happened. The PUB had hit her before she could close that last window.

I ran over and pulled her away, then slammed the window shut and locked it. I turned back to Shayna just as she hit me with a violent shove. The back of my shoe caught on the bed frame and I went sprawling to the floor. My knee-length housedress slid back to my waist. Before I could regain my senses my little Shayna was kissing me lustfully, slobbering in my mouth. I knew then and there it was already too late. My little girl crawled up my body and planted her little cunt on my mouth, gyrating her hips wildly, looking for release on her mommy's face. I felt a wave of dizziness overcome me. I knew what was happening. I wouldn't have minded, maybe even looked forward to it had it been like the times before. But not like this. Not with my daughter.

There was a sudden click in my head - like distinct snap. Not like pain, though. But I felt different. Suddenly there was nothing sweeter and more delicious than Shayna's tiny cunt on my mouth. I snaked my tongue in the tight little slit. She bore down on it with amazing ferocity for a 6 year old.

"Mommy, something's happening! Mommeeee!" My little girl was convulsing, in the throes of her first orgasm. At her age this shouldn't even be possible - another gift of the virus.

My own pussy was suddenly on fire. I quickly turned her over and mounted her, positioning my burning vagina above her face. Her lustful expectant expression ignited my passion even more, if that were possible. I ripped my panties apart at the crotch and lowered myself onto my 6 year old's mouth. I ground my pussy down onto her face. Her little hands grasped my buttocks as she lapped hungrily at my cunt lips. I was in a heaven of pure lust.

From downstairs I heard Sherrie yelling at the boys and then screaming for me. I didn't care. I was sliding my cunt up and down on Shayna's face, using her nose, lips, and chin to put out the fire in my belly. Her little pussy-streaked face was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. With a scream of my own I came. Hard. My hips bucked uncontrollably as I orgasmed in blind passion. In the back of my mind I knew I was using my own little girl for sex, but it didn't feel like a bad thing. It felt beautiful.

I flopped off of her, gasping for breath after the mind-shattering cum. Shayna got to her feet immediately and headed down the stairs, her finger in her pussy. I shed my clothes and went after her. Even from upstairs I could hear the thumping at the door, of fellow zombies trying to get in.

Downstairs the two baby boys were 69ing on the floor. Sherrie was trying to separate them to no avail. She looked up to see a naked Shayna heading toward her. I was not far behind. Before the situation fully dawned on the older girl little Shayna was upon her. "Omigod." Sherrie pushed her little sister away, dodging her attempt to kiss her. As she staggered back she tripped over the two boys, who hardly seemed to notice. They were too engrossed with humping each other's face. I felt myself moving toward my 14 year old daughter. It was like moving in slow motion, another side effect of the virus. In a panic Sherrie dashed for the door. Had she thought another moment she would have realized her mistake. She opened the door to a several fellow zombies, trying to gain entrance. In the background were several more who noticed the the open door. They shambled in without hesitation. They were too close for Sherrie to avoid. Once they had you in their grasp there was no escape. The first man in had Sherrie. He threw her to the floor and quickly fell on top of her. He kissed and licked at her face as he tore her thong away. Sherrie's eyes went half-lidded. In moments she was returning the stranger's kisses with unbridled passion. This new mutated virus worked fast.

Zombies of all shapes and sizes entered our house. I welcomed them lustfully. Another stranger - a gray haired man - pushed me to the floor and sank his cock into my waiting mouth. A boy of about 4 was burying his face between my dripping pussy lips. Glancing to the babies I saw a man kneeling over Lance's face, fucking his mouth with a fury only lust can bring on. Next to him a boy of around 10 or so was working his way into Jason's tiny ass. Our boys seemed to be in ecstasy.

Two men reached Shayna at the same time and each took an end to fuck. She was getting her first cock from two strangers and none of us cared. When the man in her mouth started cumming I lost it. I came hard just from the sight, and the little 4 year old between my legs was reaping the benefit. I was aware of another pair of hairy legs straddling my head. It was another man - around 30-ish - who had buried his cock in the old man's mouth. Even as he did so the older man came down my throat.

Another glance in the babies' direction revealed Sherrie straddling her own son Jason's face. Everything was fast becoming a blur of sex. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew this was would be the way of things for the next week. And this time no one could escape it.

Part 3 Eric, 12 yrs old

I couldn't breathe. An older man I didn't know had his huge cock buried in my throat and wasn't going to pull out until he finished his fuck. I didn't care. I knew I would ride it out even if I passed out from it. I had been in the middle of fucking old Mrs Riley from down the street when the man walked up and grabbed me by the head and stuck his penis down my throat. I felt a wave of lust shuddered through my body and with a sudden spasm I came in the old woman's cunt. She screamed passionately as she came at the same time, while the man in my mouth fucked my throat deep and rough. My eyes rolled up in my head, surrendering to the lusty throat-fucking I was getting. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it through this and I really didn't care. Nothing mattered but pure sex - at any cost.

I felt himself starting to lose consciousness - I was seeing stars, just like they say in all the stories. I remember vaguely feeling the man grab onto my hair and make one last push into my mouth. My throat began filling with cum as the man orgasmed. It seemed to go on forever, and I don't remember him finishing. I had blacked out. The next moment - I think it was only a moment - I was lying on top of old Mrs Riley, cum spilling out of my mouth and onto her face as the man went in search of another hole.

I climbed off the woman as a boy of about six took my place, mounting the old lady in a trance of lust. I looked up dazed, and saw the pre-school just across the street. Between me and the school there was a woman in the middle of the street in a 69 with a 10 year old girl I had seen in the neighborhood. As I came closer I recognized the woman - it was Mom. She was on top of the little girl, grinding her hips lustily, sensuously, onto the little girls face. Her undulating ass was too much to resist. I knelt down behind her and started licking my mom's asshole. This was enough to do it for mom. She went into a screaming orgasm, yelling into the little girl's cunt, and that set her off too, bucking hard against the older woman.

As they separated I jumped on top of my beautiful mom, spreading her legs and entering her. She and I had done this many times, but right now this was the only time that was important. I had to fuck her, to cum in her. I tried to speak. "Mom! Fuck, Mom, fuck!" It was all I could say. We both yelled as we came together, mother and son. Two men I didn't know came over and peeled her off of me. Together the men entered her, one in her ass and the other in her cunt. She looked so beautiful this way.

I looked once again in the direction of the pre-school. Parked in front with the car doors still open was a police patrol unit, obviously there in response to a distress call from the school. It was immediately obvious that the response had been in vain. A few feet from the patrol car were two gas masks. I followed the trail from there - first shoes, then discarded police uniforms - into the pre-school. The sound of children far outnumbered the adult voices in the building. As I entered I saw one of the officers with his cock buried in a girl of about 4. Nearby one of the teachers, a woman in her mid-twenties, was being mouth fucked by the other officer, all the while holding a young girl's face to her pussy, bucking wildly against the little five-year-old's mouth. The little girl was moaning loudly as she ate her teacher's cunt.

Entering the main room I saw a gaggle of little children, the youngest was around two, the oldest maybe six. All were fucking and sucking each other, as well as being fucked by a number of adults who had made their way into the building. Next to me a man in his 40's was fucking a little girl of about three. As painful as it must have been, the baby only squealed in delight. I knew this man, it was Pastor Wilkes from church. Not that it mattered. The only important thing right now was that the man's mouth was unoccupied. I walked up and took the Pastor by the head and stuck my hard cock in his hungry mouth. The man of the church sucked it like a man possessed. I guess that is exactly what he was. It was only moments before I felt the orgasm welling up inside me. I held the Pastor's head tightly and fucked deep. I came hard. As I did he grabbed on to the baby's hips and shot his seed deep inside her with a lusty yell. The Pastor pulled out and went looking for the next body.

An 8 year old boy took his place, licking all of the man's juices out of the little girl's cunt. I dropped down to my knees and stuck my still hard cock in the little girl's mouth. As she sucked hungrily I looked across the room with glazed eyes. There were many many people in here, mostly children. I was going to be in here for a long time.

Part 4 - Dave, 35 yrs old

Days had come and gone. I had no idea how much time had passed. All I knew was that I had been fucking non-stop and I had no plans to quit. I had being moving down from street to street, house to house, fucking anybody and everybody, young or old. The streets were filled with cum-streaked people of every stripe, moving from partner to partner, fucking and sucking everyone they met. A young teenage girl was on the grass, giving a man a furious blowjob. Her ass was in the air, cum running from both holes. I knelt behind her and entered her anus. The girl grunted but kept sucking her partner. As I knelt there fucking the tight young ass, a boy of 15 or so came up to me and stuck his cock in my mouth.

This is how it has been now for days. Every person I met at this point were covered in so much cum it was almost impossible to tell if it was someone he might know or not. All I knew was that I wanted more. More sex. More cum.

The girl who's ass I was buried in wiggled and push her hips back against him. Grabbing on with both hands I fucked her rear hole with total abandon, and was soon cumming hard in her already overflowing asshole.

The man in her mouth grunted and shot a copious amount in her mouth, while the boy in my mouth did the same. As our three bodies separated we simply changed partners - The boy jumped between the girl's legs and entered her, and I and the man she had been sucking began a 69. As I took his cock in my mouth I looked over and realized that the girl I had just been in was my own daughter Sherrie. Up until that moment I had forgotten that I even had a family.

The stranger and I sucked each other to another cum, swallowing all of each others juices. As the man got up and walked away I looked around for another partner. Sherrie and the boy who fucked her had finished and were both gone. Looking around further I realized that I was outside my own house. Many strangers were walking in and out of the front door in a steady parade. I joined them.

Once inside I spotted our two year old boys first. Lance was in the corner with a woman of 50 or so, his head buried in her vagina. She held him there as she bucked hard against the baby's face.

In the middle of the room Jason was being mouth-fucked by a man in his 30's, while a 10 year old boy was fucking his ass. From the bedroom a little girl's scream of lust caught my ear. Peering in I saw a roomful of males, from four to 60, taking turns on little Shayna. Whenever she was occupied the others just fucked and sucked each other. From behind him he heard the 50 year old woman scream as she came on Lance's face. I smile spread across my own face. It was my turn to fuck the boy.

Then next day it was all over. Eric woke up still at the pre-school, a two year old girl mounted on his cock. Laura found herself in church behind the alter, in a 69 with a nun. Sherrie woke up three miles from home in the middle of the street, with a dog licking her cum-soaked body. I awoke next to little Jason, my rapidly wilting cock resting on the baby's face. I checked to see if he was alright. His ass and legs were streaked with cum, but he was fine, only sleeping. I got up on unsteady legs and looked around the living room. It was filled with strangers just waking and untangling their bodies from each other. Stumbling to the nearest bedroom I found Shayna between two men I didn't know. In the hallway little Lance was awake and trying vainly to suck some life into a just-waking teen's cock. He was not having any luck. The teen's cock, like the rest of us, was finally fucked out. Everyone was completely covered in cum, fresh coats atop long-dried layers. Great gouts of it streamed from mouths, pussies, and assholes. Floors were slippery with it. They all looked around and smiled at each other, tired and spent, but happy.

Slowly as broadcast communications returned the word began to spread of this new mutated virus. The PUB virus was spreading across the world is it always did, but interestingly this mutant version was not a common one. The original hetero version was still the predominate form out there - while this more severe strain had only been spotty at best. Here in the US, it seemed to strike here in Northern California, someplace in Kansas, and the lower third of Texas. Overseas it was the same, just a small outbreak here and there. Meanwhile the rest of the world experienced it the way we were all familiar with.

What this meant for the future was unknown. One thing that soon became obvious was that the human race was apparently in the midst of an evolutionary change, due to the virus. Scientific studies had revealed that the children being born from the virus were stronger with more resilient sexual organs. Even babies who should have died under the onslaught of sexual activity were not only surviving but actually thriving.

When my family and I all found each other again we knew that our lives had entered yet another phase, this time one not completely shared with the rest of the world. Would this new strain die out or would it take over? No one knew as of yet. But even if it died out, life could never be the same here in in the Anderson home. We all had every intention of exploring this new facet of their sex lives. and we did. Our sexual lives had opened up in ways we had never dreamed possible before.

What would the next PUB epidemic would bring, if there was one, no one knew. Only time would tell.

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