The Sexiest Nerd

By Ryan White

Published on Jun 23, 2020




It's your boy Ryan with another story...hope you will enjoy it as I did writing it xx

Wanna chat? Feel free! As always my email is Stay safe, Ryan


"Chad? Dude! You in here?"

"SHHHH! Third cubicle on the right..."


"Do NOT come in here!"

"Holy fuck, you're not really gonna do it, are you?"

"No one dares me and gets away with it. It's a matter of pride, man!"

"Your fucking pride is gonna get us expelled, bro!"

"Shut up, Coop, ain't no body will know its me."

"Milo will! He's the one who dared you to do this! And what about Rocco..."

"Can you not mention Rocco right now? It's kinda hard already doing this, without you talking about dudes!"

Cooper closed his eyes in sheer disgust.

"You've been in there for over ten minutes now, Chad! How long does it take you to fucking cum?"

Chad froze. He took his hand from his limp penis and piled it into a solid fist out of sheer desperation.

"Uhm...well, I have no lube or I can't concentrate with you and other people coming in and out of here all the time!"

Cooper took a sip of Coke and leaned his body against the door of the cubicle.

"I guess you can always give Rocco his fifty bucks and lose the bet with Milo aswell..."

"Fuck no! Get outta here. I'll do this, even if it fucking kills me..."

"...or your dick..."

", Coop!"

Chad heard the maniacal boyish laughter all the way from the door of the cubicle to the damn exit...okay, now he was pretty damn sure that Coop was gone.

Time for action.

His right hand curled around his six inch, normally, rock hard fifteen year old teenage penis. He was struggling to stay hard because of the fear and utter humiliation he would suffer if someone managed to catch him.

And there was no way, no way, no how that he would lose ANOTHER bet to Rocco. That fucker was NOT getting into the Amigo's instead of him!

Chad sighed in devastation.

He knew exactly why he was having trouble staying hard and achieving an orgasm...even if it was inside a high school toilet...he was literally forcing himself into thinking about naked chicks!

Fuck this shit. He knew what he wanted. And where to get it.

He pulled out his mobile phone, with only a few minutes to go until first recess was over, he had to get a move on. He logged into his Twitter account and typed in #gayporn on the server.

Immediately tens of thousands of video's appeared on his newsfeed. Twitter was really one of those few incredible apps where you could actually watch any kind of porn you wanted, even if the time limit on the vids was only 2.20 seconds of pure pleasure.

My God ...look at those bodies of all those naked men...there was several options to choose from...BelAmi, William Higgins, Corbin Bleu...just to name a few. He also loved Hot Guys Fuck, as well as the brand new See Him Fuck Twitter accounts.

His teenage organ slowly but very surely, lurched into orbit after he had opened the feed, and he quickly plugged in his earphones. It was now or never.

Scrolling down rapidly onto his phone, he started to play one of the videos. It was one containing his favourite gay porn star of all time, Johnny Rapid. His cock was filled with blood inch by hard inch, as he saw how the sexy slut that Johnny was, he was undressing his beautiful twinkish body for the camera. He was quickly joined by yet another of Chad's favourites, the sexy ass handsome Michael DelRay.

Good god, the cocks on those two boys was really letting his balls buzz with sheer excitement...Chad started to gently jack off his by now, steel spike hard teenage penis. He didn't care who saw him right now.

He wanted to get this dumb dare done and dusted. He was SICK and TIRED of losing to his rival, Rocco, every damn time when it came to school, academy, sports and in this instance, school pranks to get into the Amigo's.

Oooh boy...Johnny Rapid had a sick bad ass look on his handsome face as he was plowed by Michael Delray's thick penis. Over and over he drilled his boyish conquest deeper onto the bed they were having sex in.

Johnny's floppy, spiky hair was full of sweat as Michael ran his hands roughly through it and leaned down to kiss Johnny forcefully.

Chad's penis swelled inside his hand as his jacking off movements became much more jagged, more ragged, more intense.

He had tried...believe me, he had tried so hard to get over his obsession with finding boys attractive, but he couldn't give them up. No matter how he forced himself to look at girls the way that he tended to fantasize about guys, he always, always went back for more.

Michael was practically drilling Johnny's bubble asd even more furious now, the big stud with the shaggy brown hair getting ready to cum...and so was Chad.

His entire clothed upper body was heaving...his chest expanding...his balls jiggling inside their heavy sacks...his penis was as hard as a teenager's cock could possibly get...

In the video, Michael pulled out his thick cock and started a deep moan from within his throat. Johnny quickly pounced on the dick had just fucked him into a total oblivion...he sucked hard on his fellow porn star's cock head as it's owner kept moaning, over and over, his dark voice full of need to spread his seed.

Michael DelRay roared for one final time as his cum sorted out of his dick, right onto the tongue of the twink before him.

Johnny Rapid seemed to really love sperm as he gobbled up every single inch he could find, and then even went back for seconds, sucking Michael's spent, cummy dick into his hungry ass mouth one final time, his taste buds surely creaked with protein goodness...

"Oh yeah...oh fuck yeah baby...cream that pie hole...fill that slut up...yeah Michael, you sexy beast...ohhh...ohhh...fuck...oh...god!"

Chad tried his best to keep his voice down as his piss slit opened up and out poured nearly a gallon of freshly squeezed teen boy sperm ...hmmm was there any other kind?

Quickly, his chest heaving, he grabbed the kittle empty Vaseline bottle that he had grabbed from his mom's medicine cabinet this morning, and poured his sperm into the plastic container. There was sheer volumes of cum all over the cubicle, and with his sticky fingers, he tried his best to fill up the jar as best he could.

He stuck his fingers inside his mouth to hungrily lick off the remaining residue...damn...his cum was fucking delicious, even if he had to say it himself!

Taking a deep breath to get back his composure, he finally stood up from the toilet and solemnly flushed it. In an all boy's school, it was gonna be hard to determine just who had a wank in here. That's for damn sure.

Armed with the Vaseline jar full of his rich, and no doubt VIRILE and potent boy sperm, he left the bathroom, puffing out his chest in sheer bravado.'re going down!


At age fifteen in the South African school system, all learners had to take all subjects that was available to them inside the school's curriculum. Only in the tenth grade, was learners allowed to pick and choose which subjects they wanted to pursue for the remaining of their time in school.

Therefore ...Chad, Cooper and Rocco was stuck inside a History lesson that they REALLY couldn't give less of a toss about.

Chad looked to his right and saw that Cooper was doing his best not to fall asleep, his head bobbing up and down slightly as he woke up every time his pencil fell out of his hand...glancing over at Rocco, it seemed that the kid was literally asleep with his eyes wide open ...

Their History teacher, had no qualms if kids slept inside his class or if they didn't take notice. If they failed their exams in was the kids who had to explain their bad results to their parents...not him.

Finally...finally...the school bell rang, indicating a change of classes for all students. Next up was English...fucking hell what a drag... nevertheless, it was still a language subject and if they failed that, they failed their entire grade.

Inside the school corridor, Cooper nudged him slightly, and pointed towards one of the brainy nerds in their grade who was walking to class with a bunch of papers in his hands, that looked very much like a play. Shakespeare to be exact, which is what they were busy analysing in English right now.

"You gonna do it?" Cooper whispered and yet again, having his eyes flicker towards the brainiac, who went by the name, Ross.

"Fuck yeah...hold this..." Chad replied and gave his backpack to Cooper to hold. The latter boy snickered out loud and lagged back behind a few feet away, getting out his mobile phone, and setting it ready to record.

Chad took out the Vaseline jar containing his sperm, which by now, was simply a clear runny watery substance.

He turned around and faced Coop, who was already recording. Winking at his best friend, he solidly and on purpose, bumped right into the unsuspecting Ross.

The boy was sent flying by the much heavier and taller Chad, his papers of the play he was reading as he walked, scattered all over the floors...several students stepped on the white pages, slashing them and etching footprints into the written words.

Inside the excitement of what happened, and facing everybody, Ross was too busy inside his nerdish little brain to try and do damage control, his face and cheeks bright red from the sheer embarrassment, his glasses threatening to fall from his face as he knelt down in order to grab all his damaged papers...that he never saw Chad coming.

Chad opened up the jar of Vaseline and poured the sticky, ice cold liquid directly onto Ross's head, and hair.

Unfortunately for Ross, he was blond, and the cold sperm rapidly made a dark stream on the hairline as it rolled down the boy's forehead.

"Ahhh! What's that? It's cold!" Ross screamed out loud in his own naive, nerdish way as he saw what kind of wetness was on top of his head, even worse, it was quickly dripping onto the gathered papers in his hands.

Chad and Cooper nearly doubled over in almighty laughter as of course, Ross had reached upwards and ran his fingers through his now, wet blond hair to see what the cold liquid was...Chad sunk to his knees in hysterical cackle as Ross actually SNIFFED his fingers!

"Check it out! Ross has cum on his fingers!" Cooper screamed in utter defiance and immediately a crowd was drawn around poor Ross and they ALL had their phones out.

Ross didn't know where to look, or where to turn. Everywhere he looked there was camera phones and flashes pointing towards him.

In the end, he grabbed what was left of his damaged play, grabbed his backpack and tried to storm out of sight his haste to do just that, he never saw the remaining sperm that was still pooling on the floor...

Ross slipped and landed on his back...lucky for him his backpack somewhat broke his fall. He wiggled around and finally managed to stand on his own two feet, before wiping his tears from his face and running outside, his English lesson completely forgotten.


"You're the man!" Coop said as he fist bumped Chad, both boys rather very proud of themselves.

Chad smile and defiantly at that. He might be gay but he wasn't about to announced it all over school. A private institution such as this, had strict Christian rules, and although gays weren't unwelcome as such, they tended to be the brunt of the jokes and the pranks.

He knew quite of lot of them, especially the boys who was taking Drama and chess as an extra subject.

Oh well, not every boy who wanted to be an actor was gay, he supposed, but you wouldn't exactly find jocks taking the subject, now would you?

As long as he continued to build a reputation for himself as a well liked, well respected dude with lots of friends and people who had his back...he trusted and believed that he could eventually come out, and therefore would allow people to see that although he was different...he was still the same Chad Fenwick they went to school with all these years.

He hoped...rather than knew.

Anything was possible. But for now, if he saw a good looking boy in their class or in school...and God knew there were a lot of them...he had to suppress what he felt. He couldn't act on anything.

He had to make sure that for now, everyone saw him as the popular jock...Chad sighed.

It was like when he looked at Cooper...sometimes...his chest got really, really warm...his face would blush as he saw his best friend naked after soccer practice...those times he would simply smack his own face with his hand palms and told himself to get the fuck, real.

In future maybe. Definitely not now. much as life was awesome and really, truly sucked sometimes.


"Rocco! Hey Loser!"

Chad and Cooper laughed as they saw the handsome young fifteen year old try to get away from them as quick as possible, as they settled down under one of the school trees for the second recess break of the day.

"Lemme guess, fuck didn't steal even one of the muffins inside the cafeteria and decorate them with your cum like Milo asked?"

"It was hard, okay! There's cameras inside there, like ALL the time!"

"Aww well baby got game because here's the proof of what Milo dared ME to do," Chad said full of glee and passed Cooper's phone on to Rocco.

Everyone in their gang laughed their heads off seeing Ross scurry round like a little squirrel on heat and then, the cherry on the fucking cake...slip and fell from the slippery sperm left on the floor.

"I'll tell ya don't often win these dares against Rocco but when you do, you nail it...well fucking done bro!" the leader of the gang, seventeen year old Milo announced, giving Chad a well deserved fist bump for his trouble.

"Okay y'all know...I'm gone next year. Free from school and straight into pussy county at college! Hell yeah! Anyway...I need to know, that we will be solid after I leave. This gang has been going strong for nearly twelve years and it ain't getting ripped apart now. Coop, you're already in. Chad, and Rocco. One more prank, one more challenge in order to deserve your place inside the Amigo's."

Chad glanced over at Rocco, who was giving him death stares...well game on, punk! He rolled up the sleeves of his school shirt and loosened his tie, just a tad.

"Rocco...I want you, to convince your sister to go out with me...and let me fuck her."

Shouts of excitement and amazement wandered through the Amigo's crowd of boys as the leader had spoken...all of them knew that Rocco's sister Rhonda, was the human equivalent of a beetle.

She was a devout Christian, who didn't believe in dating or having sex before marriage. She had strict moral values...this was a near impossible prank to play on anyone, let alone Rhonda herself!

"Milo, look...I mean..."

"You wanna be here with the Amigo's or out there with the other freaks and geeks for your time here? Your choice. That's your task. Get it done."

Oh was almost too good to be true. Chad was more than confidant that whatever Milo had in store for him, that he'd be able to crush it one hundred percent.

Rhonda giving up her flower? Not a chance in hell.

"You got this, pal," Cooper whispered in his ear once more, Chad got the shivers as he felt his best friend's breath on his, really sometimes he wondered if Cooper knew how he felt about him...but couldn't be.

Cooper wouldn't take that lying down. He would have said something by now... wouldn't he?

Milo puffed out his chest and turned to Chad.

"Now we get to Chaddy boy...your final task for admittance into the Amigo's...pick a drama geek, a nerd, a faggot boy, a damn transvestite, I don't really fucking care...and turn them into a real manly jock!"


"Milo, are you serious right now?" Cooper asked in sheer disbelief, trying his best to have his buddy's back here.

"As a heart attack, Coop. There are plenty of sissy boys here, braniacs ...those of them boys who would suck me off to get a place in here with the Amigo's. Everyone knows about us and wants to BE us. So pick one, turn him into one of us, handsome, girls going after them, playing sports or I said...I don't care. Who ever of you, finished his task first, before end of term, gets my place in the Amigo's when I leave next year. Which of you, is out!"

Boy, oh boy...

Chad ran his fingers through his dark black hair, which in turn flopped right back over his focused eyes. He looked down at his school uniform...he knew he was pretty bad ass.

He was popular because he played soccer, he was in with the Amigo's, he was more than just, simply good-looking, and he had a hot girlfriend from the neighbouring all girls academy... how...HOW was he going to create a jock, equal to himself, out of all these nerds in the school? Where would he even start??

Rocco had an unfair advantage...never mind how Rhonda has planned and lived out her life, if there was one person who could very well convince her to go out, and have sex with Milo, it was Rocco himself.

"You okay, man?" Coop asked, his hand firmly on Chad's shoulder in a typical bro, like manner.

"I guess...Dude, I can't wait on this...I have to pick someone, like today! But who...urgh...who the hell am I gonna transform into a jock by end of term!"

"Well if it helps, Rocco has been pissing peanuts over there right now," Coop said, smirking with laughter.

"The only thing I can think of is either signing up for Drama Club, or Chess Club...I can't play chess to save my life though..."

"I don't think you can act either..." Cooper snickered.

If only you knew, buddy. I have had a crush on you since last year and you still don't know jack shit.

"No. It has to be Drama Club. I can't see any other way out if this," Chad said ruefully.

Cooper patted his shoulder one more time as the two best friends made their way to their final class of the day.


"Oh? Come on in!"

As Chad opened the door to the auditorium, he immediately saw that there was several kids sitting in a row on the stage, with a young woman pacing up and down while she spoke.

This...was Drama Club?

Oh look...there was Ross as well, in all his future YouTube glory...

"Hello! Are you looking to join us?" the woman asked, in a kind, friendly manner.

As the boys all turned around and saw just WHO exactly was standing inside the entrance of said auditorium, several gasps and underlying chats and voices could be heard...Chad Fenwick turning up at Drama Club?

Was the world ending?

And of course, as always is the case, sadly, there was one or two secretly gay teens that was desperate for some time on the stage...and had mad crushes on him. Seeing Chad Fenwick so close to them, when he was seemingly out of reach due to his sheer popularity, was insane. To say the least.

Chad knew he had to give this woman a fucking answer. He pulled out his signature killer smile.

Think...Amigo's. Think Cooper. Think Rocco's face when I beat him...think Milo welcoming me into this gang with open arms...being gay, being myself and being and accepted is all I ever wanted...

"Uhm... yeah! If that's cool?" Chad answered the woman's question and with his backpack over his broad, muscled shoulders, he took the long strides over to the other students.

"Everyone is always welcome! Sit down, sit down, we were just getting started. I said... can anyone tell me what the difference is, between acting...and re-acting?"

Well, Chad was none the wiser but a hand quickly shot into the air.

"Yes! Your name?"

"Max Greenwood, Mam. The answer is simple...acting is the purpose of placing yourself into another mind, another person's being and portraying their feelings and words from the written script. Re-acting, is how your character takes direction, who tells him to do what, how to react, how to be, how to play off his fellow actor. Without re-acting, there is NO acting, itself."

The boys sitting around the kid who answered agreed with a solid round of applause...Chad was mortified...he literally didn't understand a word what the kittle nerd just said.

"Correct, Max! Now, I want you all to divide into teams of two boys each. There is only ten of you here, so it levels out perfectly. Go on, pick your partners!"

Oh crap...Chad thought.

Well, if I'm gonna survive in this class long enough to get what I wanted, it's gonna be a big help if I can get in with that clever guy...shouldn't be too hard...he was Chad Fenwick after all. He could get in with anyone.

"Yo dude, you wanna help me out here?" Chad said loud and proud as he approach Max Greenwood.

God...pure nerd alert in the first degree.

Long brown hair all combed very neatly to one side, complete with glasses that made his eyes look way too big. He even had...holy shit...two fucking pens stacked into the front pocket of his school pathetic was he?

Still, he needed someone who knew was what actually going on here. He had to beat Rocco, at all cost!!

"No thanks."

Chad gasped...wait what?

" don't wanna be my partner for this thing?" He asked, his voice hoarse with sheer disbelief.

"That's right. I don't. I don't think it will be a good idea. We don't mix. You need a connection with your acting partner. Especially on stage..."

"...dude...stop...talking...!" Chad hissed, his annoyance showing.

How DARE this freak show say NO to him? He should be grateful that Chad even SPOKE to him!

"I'll be your partner..." said a very timid looking boy with blond hair and blue eyes.

You didn't need to be a genius in the theatre to realise he had a massive, massive crush in Chad.

Chad gave the boy one sharp look...who immediately nodded in mere acceptance and knew his place.

"Look, Max. Can you please, just help me out here? I'm totes new to this. I really wanna learn. I can't tell the Amigo' know who the Amigo's is, right?"

Max wiggled his nose and pushed his glasses more onto the bridge of his nose.

"Of course I know who you guys are. Most popular boys in school. That's why I don't believe you're here for the right reasons."

"Hold on...say what now?"

Max crossed his arms and looked Chad straight in the eye.

The boy was way too skinny...he needed some protein inside his veins, he needed more sustenance...wait a fucking minute...!

Chad reckoned with a bit of that he thought about it...with a little work, Max would be even...cute?


His hair needed a cut. The glasses had to go. His clothes...good lord...there would be a challenge and a half...

Fucking hell...he could actually be in luck here!

Max though, had other ideas. His eyes were digging daggers at Chad.

"Last year, one of you lot came in here too, begging to join us. I was only a beginner myself, but I love drama, acting and being on stage. I know when someone is, acting. You don't belong to the Amigo's and then join Drama club without good reason. So...what's yours?"

Damn. Kid saw right through him. Well, there was always chees club or band practices...

Chad's phone beeped. He turned way from Max and read the WhatsApp message from Coop.

"Dude...don't ask me how, but Rocco said his sister is thinking about going out with Milo at the weekend!"

"Shit...shit!" Chad hissed in utter devastation. Fuck Rocco. Actually fuck Milo too, for giving him such a crap assignment!

"You know what? You're right. This was a crap idea. I'm outta here..." he said before he felt a hand on his arm...

"What do you need to do? Tell me, maybe I can help," Max whispered so that only they could hear.

"Bro...let go. I said I'm leaving..."

"Look, Chad...I can't believe I'm actually talking to older brother was almost accepted into the Amigo's three years ago. They had him photocopying his bum, to egging the intern teacher, to finally, his third challenge, was to make out with the schools hottest jock. And know what? Because he was so adamant to get in, he did it."

"Really? What happened? Perhaps I know him..." Chad said, Cooper's message still on his mind.

Max didn't answer immediately. He swallowed, hard. He looked sad...teary eyed...Chad's own eyes softened...this wasn't acting, man...

"Turns out they had already decided that he wasn't good enough for the gang and had him kiss the jock anyway. Of course, the jock and all his cronies gave my brother the beating of his life. He was never the same after that. He came to school, did his homework, ate and slept. The humiliation haunted him for the rest of his school years."

Chad stared at Max...he knew of the incident. Milo only last week, had the Amigo's in stitches over what they had done to Wesley Greenwood all those years that was Max's wonder Max resented the Amigo's so badly...

Still...he wasn't Wesley Greenwood. He was Chad Fucking Fenwick. A fucking shoo in for the prestigious Amigo's if he could just...for the love of God...finish this dare.

He quickly made a rash decision...spur of the moment...

"Okay, you caught me. My final dare is to join drama club for the term. That's it. If I can do that, without being caught out, I'm in."

Let's just leave out the part where I have to turn a nerd into a jock...for now...he thought...cringing inwardly as he did so.

"And you're really sure that you're in with them? You don't wanna end up like Wesley..." Max warned, and Chad choked back a laugh.

Wow...these nerds though...

"I'm sure. Don't blow my cover, I beg you! And please be my partner? You sound as if you know your stuff."

Stroke his ego...all it took.

Max blushed and again adjusted his glasses.

"Okay. I'll help you. But Chad...I know I have no right asking you're Chad Fenwick and all, but...don't mess this up for me? I really wanna get good grades in Drama this term. That's all I ask."

"Sure man. Anything you want. Okay, where do we start...?"

Chad smiled sneakily as Max started to explain what they needed to do for the first assignment...but he had other ideas going around inside his head...

...there was a lot...a LOT of work to be done on the boy...but being gay himself, he knew it was realistic.

His target had flawless skin. With the right treatment that mattered down hair could be styled perfectly...for a drama geek he had surprisingly strong cheekbones...yeah man...this is gonna work!

It HAS to!

He'll make a jock of Max Greenwood yet.

He'll beat Rocco and take the final spot inside the Amigo's.

At least he was certain of one thing...unlike playing for the soccer team...there was no chance whatsoever that he would EVER be attracted to ANY of the boys in here.

Not a fucking chance.


Scene is set...up to you guys now. Do y'all want another chapter?

Lemme know what you thought xx

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