The Shelter

By Bi Pussyboy

Published on Jan 8, 2013


The Shelter – Part 2

This story is completely true and accurate, at least as best as I can remember it almost 25 years later.

The next morning I woke up feeling very strangely. Even though I was homeless and broke and completely out of my element, the depression and fear from the previous day was gone. I felt excited. Last night I had done things that would have seemed completely absurd and taboo to me before now, but at this moment it seemed like I was embarking on a new exciting adventure, and my situation gave me freedom to explore without feeling any moral obligations. Being homeless, on the fringe of society, meant that I could be someone else without worrying about consequences or judgments. I could allow myself to do and feel things without worrying or caring about what people would think.

I felt such an extremely strong attachment and attraction to Dan. I wanted his guidance, his protection, his attention, his affection. The night before, after we had finished in the bathroom, Dan told me that he was very attracted to me, that he thought I was cute and sexy. It made me feel so good to be desired. As we got dressed in the morning, he kept grinning at me, looking at me with a gleam in his eye, which made me feel warm and gushy inside.

The shelter was for sleeping only; every morning a bus would come to take us to the downtown area of a nearby city to spend the day, with another bus returning us to the shelter in the evening. On the bus, when Dan put his arm around me, a few of the other guys gave us dirty looks and eye rolls, but I didn't mind at all...I felt happy and proud. Dan told me that most of them were probably just jealous that he had found me before they did. As we rode downtown, I put my hand on his thigh, my fingers teasing the inside of it, watching with fascination as his cock visibly grew and moved around inside of his jeans.

The bus dropped us off at a soup-kitchen kind of place where Dan and I had a free breakfast of runny eggs and toast. Dan and I then went on a hike through the city, walking mostly silently through what must have been a couple of miles until we reached a woodsy area on the outskirts of town. We walked a ways into the woods until we found a clearing where we could lay down.

We lay down next to each other and Dan pulled me into him, my head on his chest, his hand rubbing on my back and ass. I ran my hand over his belly to the crotch of his jeans and felt his cock grow against my hand as I rubbed him lightly. I could hear him sigh and moan quietly as my fingers played on his cock. I unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and moved down to between his legs, my eyes wide while admiring the big bulge of his cock and balls in his tight white briefs. I could see the outline of his big mushroom head and I bent down to lick it, which made his cock squirm and jump. I lay down on my belly so I could get my face deep into his crotch. I rubbed my cheeks against his covered balls, nuzzled my nose against them. I felt so playful and childlike, so warm and happy. I kissed on his balls, then all over his crotch, feeling wetness against my lips where his precum had leaked out and soaked into his underwear. I reached up with both hands to pull his underwear down to let his big beautiful cock free.

I slowly stroked the shaft of his cock as I examined it all in wonder. Last night that bathroom had been fairly dark and we had been pretty rushed, but now I was able to really get a good leisurely close-up look at another man's cock for the first time. He was circumcised like me, but his head seemed much shinier than mine, like there was a coat of lip gloss spread out on it. He was about an inch longer than mine, but much, much thicker. And while the head of my cock was about the same width as the shaft, his flared out to almost twice as wide as his shaft, which I found fascinating. His ball sack hung a lot lower than mine, and was sparsely covered with white hair.

The feel of his cock in my hand was amazing, it felt so alive. I loved how I could feel his pulse as I squeezed it tightly. I moved my head up to kiss and lick his big shiny cockhead, and looked up into his face. He had a giant smile. He ran his hand through my hair and told me I looked beautiful with my mouth on his cock, that I was a beautiful boy, which made my heart jump. I blushed. If you had asked me a few days before how I would feel about having some old guy's cock in my mouth while he told me I looked beautiful I would have answered that I would feel repulsed and disgusted. But now that it was happening I felt nothing but warmth, joy. It felt completely right, completely where I belonged. I looked at Dan's smile and the look in his eyes and I wanted nothing other than to make him feel good, to give him pleasure, to show him I appreciated his strength and manliness. My own cock was rock hard in my pants, but I was so much more concerned with his cock. It felt like the center of the universe, the only thing that mattered.

Yet after a couple of minutes of kissing and licking on his head, Dan pulled me up and told me to undress so he could get a look at my young body. I stripped down completely naked and stood before him as he ogled me. He made me turn around slowly like I was a model so he could get a good look at me as he sat on the ground. He had me squat in front of him, my hard dick jutting towards his face. I thought he was going to stroke and suck me like he did the night before, but instead he grabbed my balls and tugged on them for a minute, and then moved his fingers underneath my ball sack and started rubbing. I'd never touched myself there before; I couldn't believe how good it felt. I moaned loudly, whimpered really, while my cock started dripping like a faucet. After a few minutes he told me to get on my hands and knees, then wet his fingers in his mouth and started rubbing them on that place again. As I moaned in pleasure, I instinctively pushed my ass out towards him and he brought his fingers up to my anus. He ran a finger in circles around my asshole, making me cry out even more. What he was doing to me felt better than the blowjob last night. I'd never felt anything like this before, I felt like my whole body was going to explode. He started squeezing and pulling on my ass cheeks, telling me what a nice ass I had, calling it my "baby fat" ass. I'd never been even partially naked in front of anyone before, and yet here I was completely bare, my cock and balls hanging between my legs my ass in the air and opened up so that my asshole was fully on display for Dan. But again it felt perfect. I'd never been so turned on in my life.

After a few minutes of squeezing my ass and teasing my hole, Dan stood up and pulled my head up to his cock, which was so hard and swollen that it looked like it was going to burst. I cupped my hand under his balls and went to work on his cock. The night before I hadn't been able to take much of his cock in my mouth, but with no time pressure now I was able to slowly work my mouth down it, taking my time to get accustomed to it on my tongue. Dan let me go at my pace, keeping his cock still, letting me work my way down it. I gagged a few times with his huge head hitting the back of my throat but I kept at it until I was able to keep at least a few inches in. I bobbed on his head as he ran his hands over my face, rubbing my cheeks, telling me how good it felt, what a good boy I was, that I was a natural at this, all of which made me feel proud, and happy that I was making him feel good. I slurped noisily on it, loving the sound of his wet cock as my lips moved over it, drool dripping down my chin. After a few minutes I felt his body stiffen and his cockhead swell and then he yelled out as his cock spit out cum into my mouth. I closed my throat and closed my eyes tight, doing everything I could not to gag and ruin his orgasm. I kept my lips moving over the head and shaft as I felt the pulse of his cock and the squirt of his jizz inside of me. After a minute his body relaxed and I pulled my mouth off his dick. He looked down at me and laughed and told me I could spit it out, but instead I looked up at him while I swallowed it down, putting a big smile on his face. I went back to his cock and loved on it for a few minutes, cleaning off the remains of salty thick cum that I immediately loved the taste and feel of in my mouth.

He lay back on the ground, pulling me into him again. I buried my faced into his chest, holding him so tight. I told him I loved everything we just did...I loved his sucking his cock, I loved being naked in front of him, I loved him playing with my ass, I loved his cum. I told him how good it made me feel to give him pleasure. My own cock, which had been completely untouched this entire time, was throbbing like crazy against the side of his leg, but he ignored it, rubbing only my back and ass as I snuggled into his broad chest, me purring like a cat, in a state of sheer bliss like I'd never felt before.

To be continued...

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