The Sillymans

By Matt Spence

Published on Jun 24, 2011


Note From Autor: This is a fictional story about a high school kid who learns the hard way to judge who his friends really are. It is loosely based on some experinces of mine in my high school.

The names of everyone have been changed to protect identities. This story will contain sexual acts between consenting minors. Remember to always use protection, STD's are real but are not in this story. If you are against something like this then I suggest you leave now and never come back.

Please do not steal this story. If you have comments/suggetions/questions feel free to email me at Remember any resemblance or name to a living or dead person is completely incidental.

For Jarred: I finally did it Enjoy

The Sillymans Chapter 1: The First Time

It has been three weeks since I tried to kill myself. My parents have kept me at home all three weeks because they still believed I was mentally unstable, even though the psychiatrist had cleared me and put me on a regimate of Prozac. I have to admit I have really missed school for the past three weeks. The only person outside of my family to visit me those long three weeks was Jarred and that was only to give and help me with my homework.

one week ago

"Hey Matt are you ready to start our science homework?" "Yeah I guess Jarred," I said this a little too sadly because Jarred picked up on it immediately. "Matt what is it?" "It's the fact that I've been stuck here and haven't been able to see anybody but you. I mean I love that your coming, but there are others I would like to see." Jarred's face lit up like a Christmas tree when i said that, "Well Matt I have a few notes from some of your classmates that miss you. That should make you feel much better! Just remember nobody except the two of us, Zach, the faculty, and your family knows what happened that day." "I know Jarred. The first day back will be awful for me. You think they will let you walk with me that day, you know in case I need you if it gets to be way too much?" "I'm not sure we'll just have to see." The thought of having Jarred with me the entire first day of school helped me relax a bit.

I began to read the notes from my classmates, and most of them were your generic "I hope your fine" notes. The only one that stood out to me was one from a Dakota Sillyman.

"Hey Matt!! Hope everything is alright with you! I'm not sure what happened, I just know Jarred was the one who was with you when everything happened. That's about all anyone knows. Jarred and his girlfriend Ashley won't talk about it with anyone. I just wanted to tell you that everyone here loves you Matt. We all hope for a very speedy return to school! We're anxious to get you back here. Love, Dakota"

I guess me being the giant romantic that I am, the whole everyone loves you thing really got to me. Jarred gives me a weird look, "Matt are you alright? Did someone say something hurtful in their note." "No, no, no Jarred. Somebody said something but it wasn't hurtful. It was one the best things I've read in awhile." "Let me read it." "Alright, here you go." I handed him the note from the Daokta. While he was reading the note I let my imagination wonder. I started to imagine what it would be like to kiss hos wonderfully full and stroke my hand through his head of thick brown hair. My hands were moving up to he nice but not very muscular frame as my mouth moved down to explore his neck and prominet adam's apple. My hands were at his perfect nipples that were sticking straight out.

"Matt! Earth to Matthew!" Jarred awoke me from my great day dream. "Huh? What? Oh sorry Jarred must have dozed off." I needed to hide the growing boner in my shorts. "Uh, Jarred I'll back. I have to go to the bathroom." I returned after quickly adjusting myself. "So Jarred what did you think of the note?" "Oh it was very good not my kind of note though." "Well I thought it was very sweet and kind." "Well Matt just don't get to friendly. I don't want to see another Zach happen." "Jarred I promise I won't. I don't ever want to go through that again. "Good, now this science won't do itself."


The day had finally arrived, the day I returned to school and see all of my good friends. It had been all planned out that Jarred would drive me to school and I would have to meet the principal that morning and work out the details of my new schedule, I had to change a class because Zach was in my class and the faculty was afraid I wouldn't be able to handle it. I had to agree them, I don't think I could stand any amount of time with him. My parents also convinced the principal to allow Jarred to follow me the entire day of school incase the day became too much for me. It was time for a shower before falling asleep.

I turned on the water and while the water was warming up I started to strip off my clothes. I was checking myself out in the mirror my body was looking a little thin because of the stress I had been under. I looked at my butt and noticed how muscular it even without the rest of me being all that muscely. The water was ready and I jumped to the warm water. The water felt great on my exposed body. It's the perfect way to unwind.

As I began to relax in the water my mind began to wander to my favorite place, Jarred's bedroom. I could see Jarred laying in his bed in underwear when I walk in in my favorite pink American Eagle boxer briefs. I slide in beside with his face to mine and whispers, "I love you Matthew." "I love you too Jarred." We slowly start to make out while our hands slowly explore our exposed chest. His body felt against my hands. It was smooth and warm to the touch. I began to tweak his nipples with my fingers and he began to moan in my mouth. His hands had found their way to underwear. He slowly stroked my hard cock through my underwear. It was all becoming to much for and started to cum all in my underwear. I suddenly came to my senses realizing I had been the one stroking myself to an orgasm.

I finished cleaning myself in the shower, and got out and dried myself off quickly to keep myself from getting too cold. I picked out my outfit for the next day and decided to sleep naked tonight. I got under the covers, set the alarm, and turned on my iPod to my favorite song ever, Rise Against's Swing Life Away. I fell asleep immediately ready for my next day.

The First Day

Beep Beep Beep I roll over and grope around in the dark until I found the damned alarm clock and shut it off.I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the clock, 6:00 A.M., it's way too early to be up. I rolled out of bed with the usual morning wood and the need to take a huge piss. Returning from the bathroom with a deflated bladder and a softening dick. It was time to get ready for my first time. I looked at my real quick and saw a message from Jarred. Hey Matt I'll be there at 6:30 to come get you for school :) So 30 minutes to get ready for today, plenty of time. I pulled on my favorite jeans and polo, and headed to the bathroom to finish my mornig ritual. I sprayed a little cologne and went to the kitchen to scrounge up something for breakfast. In the pantry I found my usually some Poptarts and a bottle of water. I felt a buzz in my pants, it was a message from Jarred, Hey. I'm here. I looked out of the window and there he was ready to go.

I yelled bye to the parents who were somewhere getting ready. I was almost running to Jarred's car because I was so excited to get to school. I opened the door and he gave me a weird look, "What? Is it my outfit" "No you look fine, you were sprinting though like you were being chased or something." "Oh no, I'm just really excited to get to school." "Oh ok, well let's get going then." "Let's!!" He put the car in reverse and easily backed out of my drive like a pro. I love it when he drives I just feel comfortable which is a bit weird, but he's a great driver. He played our favorite band on the way, Green Day. He did it to help me calm down a bit before we arrived at school, so we sang along to our favorite song, Good Riddance.

So take the photographs, and still frames in your mind Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial For what it's worth it was worth all the while. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life.

In all honesty that calms me down more than any drug that i've taken. I think he knows this, but he would never admit it to me.

When we arrived at school, the "classy" Central High School, we parked with some of my favorite people at Central. First, there's Jarred's girlfriend Ashley Miller, who, even though i'm jealous of her, is pretty awesome. Then there's the brother's Austin and Cody, Cody's girlfriend Lily, Austin's girlfriend Mariah, and there was a new car there I had never seen before. Everybody was sitting in Ashley's big SUV, Jarred asked me if I wanted to go and sit with them. I knew he wanted to, so of course I said yes.

When we got tp the SUV the front seat was vacated obviously for Jarred and everyone else was sitting in the back. "Matt Spence your back," Ashley, Mariah, and Lily screamed!! The dudes just gave me a nod and I know it meant the same as what the girls screamed. "We were all just waiting on you two to arrive," Ashley said. She leaned back and gave me a little peck on the check before leaning towards Jarred to give him a "good morning" kiss. "Get a room," Mariah told the couple. I had to agree with her there. I hate seeing them kiss. "So Matt we all want to know what really happened," asked Cody pretty bluntly. Jarred said, "Come on Cody he'll tell you guys when he's good and ready to." I piped in, "Thanks Jarred, but I'm ready to tell them. They deserve to know the truth." He gave a me worried look, but said nothing. "Alright you guys I tried to kill myself because..." I couldn't talk for a second, my mouth had gone bone dry. "Because the passing of my mom in the 5th grade just really hit me that day." Jarred looked very realived because I hadn't told them I was gay and they end up to be another Zach in hiding." "Oh.... Well," Austin said,"I think I speak for everyone here when I say Matt we're all glad your alive, but your an idiot." I couldn't help but laugh at his statement. "Thanks you guys. I know I'm an idiot. It'll never happen again."

"Well," Lily exclaims, "It's time time to go to class." We all groaned, but we knew it was the truth. The group spilt up with Jarred and I heading to see the principal for my new schedule and to make sure everything with Jarred would work out for the day. We reached the front door and Jarred turned towards to me and says, "Are you sure your ready for this?" "Yes Jarred I am. I promise." He lead me through the front door to my first day back.

We made it to the principal's office, and she was waiting outside her office for. "Good morning Mr. Spence and Mr. Wininger." "Good morning Mrs. Riden," we said together. She ushered us in to her office. We took our seats in her office, she sat behind her office and got right to buisness. "Alright Matthew, we're here to change your schedule because we know that having a class with Zach Enix will probably be very stressful. We are afraid you may not be able to handle the stress of being with him." "I have to agree with you Mrs. Riden. I do not think being in a class would be beneficial for me." "We will have to change your Statistics class to something, but the only think open at the moment is Creative Writing." I groaned. I hate writing I thought to myself. I couldn't complain though, I would no longer have a class with Zach. "That will be fine Mrs. Riden." "Good. Give me a second to change it in the system. As Mrs. Riden was typing on her computer to change my class, Jarred leaned over to me and whispered to me, "Matt I'm glad your getting out of that class." "Me too Jarred. I'd sure hate to be in that class." "I can understand that." Mrs. Riden turned around and said, "Alright Matthew your schedule is all ready for you. Now it is my understanding that we have agreed to allow Jarred to follow you throughout the day. We have worked it out with his teachers to allow him to do this." "Thank you very much Mrs. Riden." "Alright one more thing, but for this I have to ask Mr. Wininger to leave." We both looked very confused. "Umm ok Mrs. Riden. I'll be right outside waiting for you Matthew." After he left the room Mrs. Riden began talking in a very serious tone. "Alright Matthew I do not know why you tried to commit suicide, but I want an agreement that your shenanigans to transfer over into this school. Do I make that clear?" "Yes mam." "Good" She got up and came around and gave me a hug. "Remember you can always come see me if you ever need anything." "I will Mrs. Riden." "Alright well get to class Matthew."

I walked out of the office to find Jarred looking a little worried. "Matt are you in trouble?" "No, not in trouble just had to agree to not to do anything stupid in here at school." "Well good. We'd better get to your new class." "Yeah I guess so." We walked to my first class and I couldn't help but get a bit nervous. Jarred picked up on that fact. He looked at me and said, "Matt calm down. It'll be just fine. I promise man." I couldn't help but calm down and smile. I really love this man beside me. He's just the best.

When we arrived at my new class. I didn't know anyone in the class and I didn't even know the teacher. It was like being thrust into a brand new world. I knocked on the door and the teacher came out to talk to us for a minute. "Hello Mr. Spence and Mr. Wininger. I am Mrs. Story and I have been informed of what has happened and why Mr. Wininger is here." "I'm glad that the situation has been explained so I don't have to." "Yes I understand. Now there is only one person in my class who is in your grade level, and that's Dakota Sillyman." My eyes lit up like a light bulb. Jarred looked at me with a serious look and I knew what he was saying, Matt be careful. I gave him a returning look of , please don't worry.

We followed her into the classroom and she gave us seats to Dakota so I would have someone to talk to in the class once Jarred leaves. She just let us watch for the day so I could get used to the flow of things. Once the class was done Mrs. Story gave us five minutes to just talk and mingle. A few people came over and asked a few questions, but I mostly spent it talking to Dakota and Jarred. "So, Dakota, I really wanted to thank you for the wonderful letter." "Yeah man totally. No big deal. So what really happened? I mean only if your comfortable telling me." "I looked at Jarred and I knew he was uncomfortable with me telling our friends, even if it was a lie. So I knew me telling this guy, I barely knew, made him squirm in his seat. "Umm not yet Dakota. Nothing against you, but I just don't know you yet." He was hot and I wanted to tell him. Dakota has short brown/blonde hair and brown eyes. His face was blemish free and had cute freckles across his nose. His body was so small and slender almost like a runner or a soccer player. He had scrawney legs as well that perfectly matched his body. He smelled like American Eagle Vintage, which is absoluetly my favorite. I looked at him again and asked him, "Do you play soccer Dakota?" "Uh yeah dude. I want to move to England so bad. I love England so much. I also like the music there much better. I love the Arctic Monkeys the best." He was talking like a maniac. "Woah, Dakota calm down." "Sorry you guys I just get really worked up when I talk about England."

Ring Ring Ring That was the bell dismissing the class. "Hey Matt and Jarred. I'm having a small party at my house this Friday do you guys want to come?" "Umm sure," I said. "I can't go Dakota. I've got to go to work that day," Jarred said. Damn, I didn't really want to go without Jarred, but the thought of going to a really hot guys house for a party excited me. "Well Matt I'm glad your coming. Give me your phone so I can give you my number and address." "Alright man that's cool." I handed him my phone and he typed it in real quick and handed it back. "Cool man. See you tomorrow." We went our seperate ways and as Jarred and I were walking we kept talking. "Well Matt he seems nice." "He was really nice and super cute." "Matt don't let the looks of him get in the way he could be the next Zach in waiting." "Jarred I promise I won't do anything incredibley stupid." "Good Matt, I can't possibly see you do what you did again." Man this man is perfect and I only wish he was bi.

The rest of my first day went by without a hitch. I even had fun which is odd. It must have been the prozac. As the final bell rings, Jarred and I hurried to the car so we could hang out a bit before we had to leave. Ashley had to leave for dance and Cody and Lily left for work. So only Mariah and Austin were there, plus the new car. I asked Austin, "Hey Austin, who's car is that?" "That's Dakota's car. Why?" "I was just wondering." "Oh ok. Well I've got to get home. Bye you guys." "See ya." With that Austin and Mariah left. "Well Jarred looks like it's time to go I guess." "Yeah I guess so." We hoped in the car and speed off towards my house.

When we arrived we just kida sat in the car awkwardly for minute. "Umm well Jarred. Thanks for everything today it was great." "Your welcome Matt. It was no big deal." "It was to me." With that I walked out of his car and ran to me house. I almost told Jarred I loved him. That could have been the end of my best friend again. My phone rang and it was him. "Matt what is your problem?" "Jarred I'm sorry. I just really had to take a piss." "Matt don't lie to me." "Jarred I promise I'm not lying." "Good. I'll see you tomorrow then." "Bye." I hung up my phone and went to lay down for a minute.

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep. I began dreaming about Dakota in my bed. He was naked and smelled a little like alchol. I walked over and got in the bed with him and he woke up. "Mmm hey babe. I missed you." I was so confused. "Matt I wanna give you a wonderful present." He began kissing his way down my chest and stomach only stopping to carress and care my nipples. "Dakota that feels so good." He looked up at me with his sexy brown eyes, which only made me moan with appreciation. He kept moving down until he reached my already leaking dick. It was rock hard at just under 6 inches. I wanted him to touch it, suck it, fucck it, whatever he wanted to do. He began to stroke me and blow heavily on it driving me wild. I couldn't stand it anymore. I screamed, "Dakota suck it know!" He looked at me smiled and drove down on my dick like an expert cock sucker. I moaned like crazy! I had never felt anything so great! "Dakota," I just kept moaning his name. He kept going and felt the tingling in the base of my cock. "Dakota I'm gonna blow if you don't stop." He didn't even acknowledge me and kept going. "Dakota I'm cumming!" I exploded, but instead of see Dakota, I woke up with boxers full of cum. I came more than I had in a long time. I've never had a sexual dream about anyone other than Jarred. This dream scared me. I contemplated the thought that maybe wasn't the man I truly loved anymore. That scared me even more.


End of Chapter one. Was this a dream or a premonition of things to come at Dakota's party? Does Matt still love Jarred? Stay tuned

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