The Slut

By Chris Johns

Published on Sep 13, 2008


Usual rules everyone.

Final part of this story.

The Slut

Part 2

I staggered out of bed, looked around at my mean little room and wanted to cry. I was totally devastated. The dream had been so real. Jean Pierre had kept me for a weekend and always thereafter, it couldn't be a dream, I loved him so much. I had never believed all this love at first sight crap but that was almost the reality with Jean Pierre. I hadn't wanted to be the little slut with him ever, I would have slept with him for nothing almost from the second we started talking. Was any of it real or had the whole weekend been a dream. Dream, reality, I didn't know which was which

I showered and dressed for work, there was no hurry, I wouldn't be eating breakfast, I felt gutted. I checked my Saturday night clothes, they were immaculate. I checked the pockets to make sure they were empty and there it was, a check for 2,000 pounds, Jean Pierre's signature.

"Mum, when did I get home?"

"What do you mean, when did you get home, don't you know?"

"No, tell me."

"A fancy limousine brought you home about 1 o clock this morning. You were so tired I had to put you to bed."

All I had to do was get an express clearance on the check and then at least I would be a lot better off than I had been on Friday and would know some of it wasn't a dream.

I have to admit I was pretty depressed most of the week. The check cleared ok but I was still gutted. Saturday came and I went up to the West End as normal but my heart wasn't in it. I started at the Inn on the Park but I couldn't stay, too many memories of last week so I left early for the Hilton. Truth have it, the Hilton was a better pick up point anyway. The American's preferred that and they were usually good for one punt even if I only made about $500 instead of 500 pounds, but I didn't mind this week, I was going to be a lousy fuck anyway.

I had downed two cocktails and was beginning to think I didn't want to do this anymore. I thought I would wander along Piccadilly and maybe for a change go into a Gay club and try for a pick up from a guy that just wanted to make love to me because I was me.

I got up from the bar, turned to leave and saw him immediately. He was stood in the doorway looking straight at me. I lost it immediately, I just sat straight back down and burst into tears. What a fucking stupid thing to do.

He was by my side in a nanosecond. He pulled me into his arms and cuddled me. I think every eye in the bar was on us.

"It's ok Nicky, don't cry anymore, we're going home."

He helped me out of the bar and into a taxi, hardly worth it considering the distance but I was pleased really. He got me up to the apartment and before I knew it I was in his arms again being cuddled on a sofa.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I love you so much, please let me stay. I don't want any money ever, I just want to be with you."

I lost it completely then I guess because the next thing I knew was the sun shining in through the windows as I opened my eyes. Same room as last weekend, I looked at the other side of the bed. It had been slept in but was now empty which was how I felt. I lay still for a few minutes gathering my thoughts and taking in my condition.

I had lost it as soon as I saw him, I remember entering the apartment and then nothing. I looked under the covers, I was naked, I looked around and my clothes were on a gentleman's clothes horse with my shoes stowed underneath. I looked at the clock on the bedside table, nearly mid day, I had slept for twelve hours as close as I could guess.

The door started to open and as soon as I saw him I curled up in the foetal position and started to cry, quietly this time, gentle tears for the loss of something that I never really had except in my imagination.

He sat down on the bed and gently pulled me into his arms. He cuddled me, stroking my body with such tenderness it made me gasp.

"I thought I had lost you, I was such a fool last week letting you go." I looked into a pair of worried eyes, plus something else. As I calmed down I thought about what he had just said.

"What do you mean, you thought you had lost me?"

"I should never have let you go last Sunday. I love you as well and want you with me always."

Too much for my fragile disposition at that moment in time. I broke down again, huge gut wrenching sobs, I was nearly convulsing as I replied to his comment.

"Please don't tease, I love you so much. Just let me get dressed, I'll go, I'll not be a nuisance. I'm so sorry I made a scene."

That took me forever to say because it was one word in between each long drawn out sob.

He lay me back down on the bed and went. He was back in no time with a glass.

"Here, drink this, one gulp, no sipping."

I did and nearly went into orbit. It was cognac which should be sipped not gulped. It started a fire deep down in my guts cutting off anymore ideas about crying. Sure my eyes were watering but that was caused by the fire not the emotions.

"Before you have time to get hysterical again, listen to me. I love you Nicky, I shouldn't have let you go last weekend. Now I'm not going to. I mean it lover, you are going to stay with me forever if you want to."

I looked into his eyes and saw the love and concern. I just threw myself back into his arms and gave him the most passionate kiss I had ever given anyone. I couldn't look at him after it, so I just buried my face in his neck and hung onto him waiting for his reaction.

It started as a little rumble in his stomach, I could feel the vibration through my own stomach, then it grew and moved upwards, finally it was a great big bout of laughter.

"What a fool I am, all this trauma unnecessarily, can you forgive me little one?"

I looked into his laughing eyes this time and shed a few more tears, these were happy ones though and I nodded.

He lay me back down again, dropped his robe on the floor and hopped back into bed, naked, the same as me.

"It's very late so no sex, just an hour of cuddles and then some brunch, yes?"

I nodded, I wasn't ready for speech yet.

I was in heaven, he cuddled me and gently stroked me for almost an hour telling me how much he had missed me and how he had realised it was because he had fallen in love with me. He told me that if he hadn't found me last night he was going to drive to my house this morning to try to find me.

A wonderful pampered shower followed and then brunch. I was floating on air.

We went through to the lounge afterwards and he sat me down cuddling me.

"Now, no messing about, you are going to phone home and tell your parents you won't be home for about a week. You have a new job in town and will tell them all about it when you see them. First thing tomorrow morning you'll phone work, apologise, and tell them you resign, effective immediately. Ok so far?"

I nodded.

"After that we will have a light breakfast and then go back to bed because I am sure I will want to make love to you again by then, ok?"

I nodded again.

"Now, what would you like to do for the remainder of today?"

"Can you take me back to bed now and show me how you are going to make love to me tomorrow after breakfast?"

He nearly fell off the couch laughing, but he did take me back to bed. The love making was nothing like it had been the previous weekend. It was totally off this planet, and the proof was the quantity of cum I generated and the volume of my tears, wonderful happy tears for this man that I had fallen for big time.

What a week we had, new passport for me, visa so that I could go to Tunisia with him. A whole rack of new clothes and accessories. A complete makeover at a beauty parlour, not that I needed it, te, he, he. Wow, did I ever look good after it. A really neat haircut then a beautician worked on my skin. I had a facial scrub and eyebrow trim after I had been shaved, then my whole body was exfoliated except for a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair and a little left under my arms. That was a little embarrassing particularly when the defoliant was applied to my crack, she was very careful not to get any on my rosebud but I could feel how close she got. Yeah, it was the same female beautician did the lot. Mind you she was a good ten to fifteen years older than me so it didn't seem too bad. I had a wonderful massage and Turkish Bath before the final bit which was a complete manicure and pedicure. I felt like a million dollars by the time I walked out of there.

"I think when we get to Tunisia all my friends are going to enjoy making love to you, you are absolutely perfect."

I was stunned, all his friends making love to me was not in my thoughts. I looked at him in shock until I saw his eyes.

"Not fair."

He was almost giggling as he pulled me into his arms.

"They will all want to though Baby. There are lots of very beautiful boys in my country but you are stunning."

I looked up at him and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you Jean Pierre, I will always try to please you because I love you so much. You won't really let anyone else make love to me will you?"

"No, of course not little one. I will never share you."

During the course of the week I found out that JP's family owned several large tourist resorts in Spain and France as well as in Tunisia itself. He was incredibly wealthy but his father still expected him to do some work.

"As far as anyone is concerned Nicky you are going to be my new Assistant. You will have to learn French and if you are at all linguistic we will try you on Spanish and Arabic as well. I will show you the basics of what you need to do and we will worry about the remainder as we go."

This all sounded so exciting.

On the Friday morning JP said he had to go to Cannes in the South of France for a meeting and a dinner in the evening but he would be back on Saturday. This would be a good opportunity to go to see my parents and tell them about the new job and the fact that I would be travelling all over Europe and North Africa. He gave me a set of keys to the apartment.

"Just in case Robert isn't here when you get back from your parents."

Now this really was like a dream.

Mum and Dad were amazed. They had to believe me because I had gone to see them dressed very expensively but very soberly, and in a chauferred limousine, like a business man might dress when he was being casual. I had bought them both presents, sort of going away presents.

"I don't know when I shall be home again but I will keep in touch. When I am in England I will be staying here," and I passed them a business card that JP had made for me, "That's my London address and telephone number, plus my cell `phone, you can get me on that anywhere anytime."

They were impressed. Mum particularly. She gave me a hug and a kiss and said, "I always knew you would do well, you worked so hard to be better than your friends and you've always been a good boy."

She would have been disappointed if she had known what a slut I had been for the last couple of years, but hopefully that was all behind me. I didn't know where this was likely to go with JP, I hoped it would go on forever but I tried to be realistic.

`I'll love him as long as he'll have me, I'll work hard to continue improving my knowledge base and I'll keep investing every penny I can so that I'll never be poor again, but most of all I'll try to make JP proud of me.'

I guess it worked, my life became one long fairy tale. I did appear to have a penchant for languages as well because after my first year with JP I could speak very acceptable French and Spanish. Arabic was a different matter and it was over five years before that came naturally to me. We did spend a lot of time in Tunisia which helped.

I'm now nearly thirty and senior assistant to the President of the Company. JP's father died a few years ago now and JP took over the company. I could have sat back and done nothing but that wasn't my way. JP told me he was pleased because I really was indispensable. Funny, the single most important thing I did was organise scheduled and unscheduled meetings and trips for JP, using the same computer programme as I had used in the stores at Ford.

Oh, and he still thinks I'm his baby, makes love to me most nights and has never failed to make me feel like the most important person in his life. Of course he is the most important person in mine and I make sure I tell him and show him at every opportunity.

============================================================================= I'm much happier with that ending, I like Nicky and I wanted him to be happy.

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