The Smithy

Published on Jun 13, 2009


The Smithy 16

By Bald Hairy Man

This story is intended for adults who are interested in gay stores involving man to man sex. If you aren't interested, or are too young to read the story, Do Not! This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. If you have any comments on the story send them to or

As we steamed south in the Red Sea a ship hearing north warned us of problems ahead. Piracy has a problem in the area. It had been under control for several years, but the unrest in the Sudan seemed to have stirred up the pot. The Captain set a double watch and decided speed was the best way to avoid problems. The pirates were in wooden dhows and had little chance of catching up with a modern ship under full steam.

This put extra stress on the boiler and the stokers. The Captain came to the boiler room and told the men of the problem and promised extra wages. That went over well. He also recruited some of our expedition members to supplement the watch. Jimmy, Jonathan and Sir Edmund were willing to help.

My official task had been to serve as Sir Edmund's secretary. This was impossible due to my work in the boiler room. Fortunately Sir Edmund was impressed that I had other skills and Jonathan took over my role as his assistant. Another ship transferred a passenger and some freight to the Cleopatra. The passenger was a Turk name Murad, a huge, massive man of somber and fierce appearance. He looked like my vision of a pirate.

Murad was and agent of Osmin and Omar's family and he had been sent to deal with any piratical interludes we might encounter. His freight consisted of two small cannons. Apparently Omar's business interests were compromised by the pirate attacks and Murad was to deal with that. The Captain and Mr. Wyeth had naval experience, and curiously Raj, our Indian was most knowledgeable about guns.

The guns were meant to be used on land, so I had to design a way to convert them to Naval guns. Murad was most unimpressed by the expedition members. I designed a wood frame with springs and a aiming mechanism. Mr. MacAffee lead the construction crew aided by Mr. LaFarge. M. LaFarge had some engineering skills and was most helpful.

We built the cannon supports in a day and Murad was most impressed. He had thought we were a group of English dandies. Raj, Sir Edmund and Jimmy also happened to be sharpshooters. This too Murad liked.

Several hours after we completed the gun mounts we saw a burning ship in the distance. We went to its aid, but were too late. It sank and its crew was lost. Several bodies were floating in the water. They hadn't drowned; they had been beheaded. The Captain asked us to increase the speed. I had been operating at full speed too. With the boilers to watch and the cannon mounts I had no more than 4 hours of sleep in several days.

The captain did not approve. Exhaustion caused accidents he said. He sent Mr MacAfee and Seaman Evan Jones to the boiler room to relieve me. Jones turned out to be a capable and intelligent man. He could watch the gages and get me if there was a problem. I was told to get to my cabin and sleep. I though I was too excited to sleep, but that wasn't the case.

Murad was sharing my cabin, but so far we had never been in the cabin at the same time. I went to take a shower bath and Murad was already showering. He motioned for me to join him. Clean water was in short supply on the ship and sharing the water was encouraged. By the time we were finished, both of us were erect. Returning to the cabin we had an enjoyable interlude.

You can't tell a book by it's cover and Murad was a surprise. Murad, the man with the cannons, was totally unlike the naked and erect Murad. His English wasn't very good, but he mentioned Osmin and Omar's names and he seem to have had some knowledge of my sexual likes.

Murad had a long cock, thick,but not massive. When we got in the cabin he hugged me and we kissed. perhaps a minute later I was impaled on his scimitar shaped cock. He fucked me for the next hour. It was wonderful. He screwed form the front, back and side. No potential way to get in my ass was neglected. He was forceful, demanding and gentle. He was both a man ramming fucker and a lover. I think he shot off at least four or five times. I did the same, but I was so dazed I lost count.

I woke 12 hours later felling good and refreshed. Mr. Wyeth was coming off watch when I woke and we met in the shower bath. Again we were both hard by the time we were done. This time I fucked him to sleep. I was a bit larger than he was use too, but he took it well. His enthusiasm grew with each penetration.

Mr Wyeth was handsome, quiet and reserved. At one point he surrendered to the sexual sensations and he himself fully enjoy the moment. It was lovely. When I finally pulled out of his hole, he was asleep. I showered again, ate and returned to the boiler room.

All was well there. Jones was watching the boilers and got along well with the men. He was slim, dark haired man with a beard. We talked and I realized he understood what he was doing. He seemed to like machines. He had just come on duty, so I had another six hours free. I went up to the main deck.

The guns looked quite menacing and formidable. Murad had one eye on the ocean and another on the guns. He looked like a proud father. I head an distant sound of gunfire. Sounds carry well on water. "All hands to their stations," Mr. MacAffee bellowed. The crew appeared as did most of the expedition members. There was bellowing from the crow's nest men to the bridge and the Cleopatra began to turn to the west.

"Mr. Fairbairn, can you get to the boiler room?" the Captain yelled. "Mr. Jones is needed here." It was framed as a question, but it was an order. I went to the boiler. I later found out Mr. Jones had been in the navy and had been a gunner.

We were going a great speed, so the noise in the boiler room was terrific. I knew nothing of what was going on above. The Cleopatra interrupted a pirate attack on an Indian merchantman. There were three wooden ships attacking the older wooden sailing ship. Apparently one shot of the cannon changed the situation dramatically, but the sharpshooters were even more effective. The wind was against us. That of course made no difference in a steam powered ship, but the pirates could not hear the gunshots.

Pirates were falling wounded or dead, but there was no indication of where the bullets came from. Our sharpshooters had no particular interests in showing mercy. The beheaded bodies of of the crew of the earlier ship did not inspire pity in Raj, Sir Edmund or Jimmy. The pirates fled with their numbers greatly reduced.

The entire crew of one of the ships was killed, and a second ship was sunk by the guns. Mr. Jones and Murad made a good team. We slowed down and came beside the Indian ship. It was out of Bombay taking silks to Alexandria and Cairo. Captain of the ship, Mr. Medha, had only to rifles at his disposal, although his crew seemed to had a goodly number of knives. The ship belong to an important Indian trading company any we were assured of a generous reward. This, of course, we did not accept.

Murad had some extra weapons that we gave to Captain Medha. He also gave them the bodies of the dead pirates. Raj suggested they make an educational display of the bodies for the edification of those who might consider a life of piracy.

This suggestion was undertaken with considerable enthusiasm by the knife wielding crew of the Indian ship. The pirates had died quickly due to the excellent aim of our crew. By the time we left, the pirate bodies, and parts of bodies were dangling on the sides of the ship. I suggested to Mr. Medha they would be smelly by the time they reached Suez. He smiled at me and said he could live with it.

The telegraphed reports of the attack and our victory reached Bombay before we did, and we were more than well received when we got there. We steamed off and the Indian merchantman sailed to Suez, embellished with it's gruesome trophies. The next day we encountered the H.M.S. Princess Louise on her way to Australia. We stayed near her and the threat from attack vanished.

Some of the officers of the Princess Louise visited us to get more detailed information on the pirates. In some ways I think hey were surprised at the informality of the Cleopatra. The mixture of passengers and crew who jointly manned the ship, and the racial and ethnic variety on the ship struck them as odd. I suspected having a Scots student from Oxford running the boiler room would have been more than enough variety for them. An American cowboy, a French professor of Botany, a Indian sharpshooter and a Turk who had access to cannons was a bit much for them.

The two officers who interviewed us were quite young and not worldly. Murad said he had just happened to find the cannons, and brought them along because he thought they might be useful. I think they were frightened by the huge man and they let that pass. After Murad left I told them he probably was a representative of wealthy Ottoman merchants and he was sent to protect their goods and put a good scare into the pirates.

Murad had his charms. One of the officers, Lieutenant Randall, looked at him with a combination of awe and fear. I was getting more experienced and I saw the look included some desire. Mr. Randall was a bland, blond man who was obviously upper class. As I watched him gazing at Murad Randall looked up and saw I had noticed. He looked frightened as if he had been caught. I smiled. He relaxed. He understood we were in the brotherhood.

Mr. Jones liked the boilers and the boiler room so I was able to spend more time on the deck and with the men of the expedition. Jones had come from a mining village in Wales so he was accustomed to bad working conditions and working men. He got along well with the stokers. He noted my taste for showering with the stokers.

He came to me. "Mr. Fairbairn, you seem to have a close relationship with the men," he said. "Does that compromise your leadership? I see they are a happy group of men, but do they continue to follow your orders after you've been," he paused, "intimate?"

"I've had no problems," I said. "As far as I can tell they think of it as a reward. They know I will go the extra mile for them, and they will so the same for me. I am careful not to have favorites and to treat every man evenhandedly."

Jones leaned close to me and whispered, "Might I join you?" I of course said yes. We talked for a while. Jones had been the plaything of several of the older seamen. He didn't object since his father was violent and the seamen were good to him in many ways. He had always played the bottom role and wanted to try the top. I told his that wasn't a problem. I was comfortable with both roles as were the stokers.

Mr Jones wasn't the only one who was interested in new experiences. Mr Randall from the H.M.S. Princess Louise rejoined us. The Princess Louise was on route to New South Wales. He had been delegated to report on the pirate situation to the Indian government. The Princess wasn't planning to stop in Bombay. Since were were going to the Indian metropolis, we were to take him and save the Princess from a long detour.

The Captain had also noticed Mr. Randall's interests. "Mr. Randall wanted to share your stateroom. I told him Murad was already sharing your room."

"I don't think Murad would be a problem," I said. The Captain raised an eyebrow and smiled. Fortunately Murad seemed to like young Englishmen and the living arrangement was satisfactory. The reason for Randall's move to the Cleopatra seemed slim to me. The real reason for the move wasn't Randall's interest in Murad, but the Royal Navy's interest in our cannon frame.

My little support was easy to make and required so special skills. Murad's cannon was no threat to a warship, but was well suited for the sort of threats presented by the pirates. It was simple and effective. We did some additional test shots of the weapon and I made some further refinements. Randal was the officer in charge of the guns and he was pleased.

He was more pleased by what happened in my room at night. Randall was Wilmont Randall, the fourth son of Lord Wilton. He had been privately educated and sent off to the Navy at a young age. Lord Wilton was known as the Methodist Peer and his son's sexual experience was greatly limited. Randall had no experience with women, but I'm not sure if he realized his virtue was due more to lack of interest than purity of spirit. He was 35 and this was his first time at sea away from England.

Wilmont's skills were organizational and like he First Lord of the Admiralty in the H.M.S. Pinafore, he had escaped sea duty. Indeed that opera was one of the reasons he was at sea. The Navy undertook steps to insure all it's officers had sea experience. Until this voyage on the H.M.S. Princess Louise, Wilmont had lived in London with a widowed Aunt.

As soon as the Princess Louise steamed out of sight, we on the Cleopatra resumed our more informal dress. I gave Wilmont a tour of the ship and he saw our stokers naked except for a towel around their necks. He was all but transfixed. He later told me he had never seen naked adult men before. Later that night we retired to the stateroom and he discovered I wore very little. While he was unsure about this, he followed suit and discovered the advantage of near nudity in the heat of the tropics.

Once it was dark we went on the deck and enjoyed the night air. Sir Edmund and M. LaFarge were nude and entirely unconcerned with that. The movement of the ship made some breeze, so eventually the officer and passengers were nude on the upper deck, while the crew was in the lower deck. After a little while, Wilmont adjusted to the nudity. It was a dark moonless night, and I knew some of the men were enjoying more than the breeze.

Wilmont was also surprised Murad and Raj were on the upper deck. Murad came by and talked. His English wasn't very good, but it was adequate for simple conversations. We retired to the state room to sleep. The room had a bed and two cots that folded down for the wall. A small lamp burned giving dim illumination. Murad was a massive, hairy man who seemed even more massive naked.

There were three, full gown, naked men in the room and there was no way to avoid having a cock a few inches from your face. Wilmont was excited, but not sure what to do. Wilmont was on the lower cot. I was in the bed and Murad was on the upper cock. The cots were metal but the support was a wide net that allowed ventilation. Murad slept naked and face down. He cock popped through the net and dangled above Wilmont's head. While Wilmont wasn't experieced at all, he knew and invitation when he saw it.

It was dark and the temptation was too great, Wilmont began to suck the Turk's cock. I got on the floor and sucked Wilmont. He was excited. He had a long, thin member crowned with a mushroom style head. Wilmont shot off quickly. He almost choked me with his seed and I had to swallow several times. By the time I drained his balls, he was all but asleep.

Murad wasn't asleep. As before, he quickly eased his member into my hole and we had a leisurely and pleasant sexual coupling. Murad was the last man in the world one would guess was a good lover. He came close to looking like one of those central Asian conquerers, like Tamerlane or Genghis Khan. He was aggressive when he approached an orgasm, but he liked to take his time. He had no problem staying hard for an hour or two and fucking the whole time.

When I sucked him, I discovered he drooled precum continuously. He essentially self lubricated himself and my ass. Wilmont woke while we were fucking. I think he would have been shocked had he not been so excited. Murad was relaxed and he let the English Officer take a trip in my ass. I was a bit shocked Wilmont was willing, but he was a natural. He shot off quickly. He tried to pull out, but Murad wouldn't let him.

When Wilmont finished ejaculating, Murad let him withdraw and them immediately replaced him in my just vacated ass. This greatly excited Wilmont.

"Your seed is better than oil," Murad said in his strong accent. Damn if Wilmont didn't shoot again. It was a good night for the three of us.

The next day I spent in the boiler room checking over the machinery to make sure it was in good shape after the three days of high speed steaming. It was a fine piece of machinery and showed no sign of any problems. I was greatly relieved. Jumbo told me Mr. Jones was a good man and a good sport in the shower baths. Mr. Jones had a glow about him. I assumed he had topped and from Jumbo's comment I assumed he had open his ass to the stokers.

I am quite sure the stoker would have accepted Mr. Jones even if he hadn't bottomed. I think it is better if you both give and take. I returned to my cabin and showered. Murad said Wilmont was with the Captain.

Long ocean voyages can be dreary, but this trip seemed to be filled with event. I got on my bed and fell asleep. I was tired and slept for two hours. I got to dinner and ate a little. The heat was building and a light meal seemed sensible. That evening the captain rigged up hammocks on the deck so we could sleep in the open air. That was a god send, since it was much more comfortable than the cabins. After dinner all pretense of being dressed vanished. The heat was such that nude seemed over dressed.

The Captain believed sex was the best sleeping potion and he let it be know the usual requirement that sex be in a cabin was relaxed. He confided in me, that he wasn't totally sure that belief was scientifically true, but everyone seemed to feel better. The captain maintained good morale on the ship. Converting an almost unbearably hot night into a chance for sex was good for the crew.

I know there were those at Oxford who such sexual indulgence was for the "lower orders" only. I can definitely state the passengers and officers of the Cleopatra enjoyed it as much as the crew. The heat was good training for those of us on the expedition. Sex was a way to deal with it. Civilization and culture are an overlay on our basic natures. Mr. Darwin suggests we all share a common animal ancestor. While many complain about Mr. Darwin's theories, on must be blind not to recognize the kinship. While I would never recommend abandoning civilization, I think there is a steep price to pay for ignore the realities of ones sexual needs.

The Captain asked me to keep and eye on Wilmont. He confided in me that his meeting with Wilmont was by no means for business. "Mr. Randall is no longer a virgin and his arse baptized with man seed," he explained. "He seemed to take it well, but given his background he might feel remorse." he leaned close to me and whispered. "He's a tight one. If he were in the crew I'd have him do some stretching exercised to make sure his hole doesn't close up again."

"Mr. Randall is much attracted to Murad," I said. The captain smiled. The Captain didn't need to worry. It was a moonless night and Wilmont spent it with Murad and M. Lafarge. Murad had a most successful interlude with him. Murad was larger in length and width than the Captain, and Wilmont had no problem.

LaFarge was huge, but he used Murad's seed as ball bearings to ease his was into the Naval Officer's body. LaFarge was big enough to penetrate to Wilmont's brain, psychologically, not physically of course. With each thrust of the French professor's cock, he erased another portion of his families very strict and narrow approach to life.

Next: Chapter 17

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