The Social Experiment

By Chad Slave

Published on Jan 9, 2020


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how two straight best friends that decide to take part in a social experiment on how far people will go for money. This is total fiction and is for entertainment only.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued and there will be a lot more characters coming into play in future story parts.

The Social Experiment

Chapter 3

So, I was now in Cameron's room. I was just standing there not knowing if I should be on the floor or what. Cameron then told be to have a seat on the bed. He sat down next to me and said.

"Hey, I'm sorry I have been so distant with you and not acting like the friend I am. Truthfully this is all really strange to me. I know your straight but here you are still covered in some guys cum. But I figured you staying the night tonight would give us a chance to talk about what has been going on."

I could see Cameron was being caring and concerned with me. He then said.

"The only reason I made you suck Adam off and did what I did, I was offered a 500-dollar bonus if I ordered you to suck him off. I figured it also would give me an idea if you were serious about this. Truthfully, I didn't think you would go through with it."

I then told Cameron.

"Yes, I am serous about it. If I wasn't, I would have never broken up with my girlfriend and told my family I was head over heels in love with my best friend that is straight."

Cameron then said.

"I understand that but at the same time you never sucked anyone off, yes you sucked me a little, in the car, but I never came, and I have known you my entire life. So, what I am trying to get at is this. If you want to stop, I understand. I don't want to ruin our friendship and we can always find another way to get you the money for school."

I looked right at Cameron and said.

"I know what you're saying but I don't see any other way to get the money. Also, this way I can get my schooling without loans and paying for years on them."

Cameron then said.

"Ok I am going to trust you here, if you decide to stop any time I will be screwed. I won't have a place to live, and I won't be able to go to class, and I will not get my education. So, I need to know that no matter what you will at least finish the first year of this, so I have a place to live while going to school."

I assured Cameron that I was committed to this and that I would never jeopardize his future, especially since he was now giving me a future by doing this for me. I knew I was the sole one to blame for what will ever happen in the future and I knew I needed to do everything to make sure not to mess up my best friends future since he was now giving me one..

Cameron then told me to go take a shower and was all the cum off myself. It was a great shower. Trust me I hatted having Adams cum all over me. Once I was clean and no trace of cum on me, I went back into Cameron's room and he told me to get into bed and we went to sleep.

Now I have stayed the night at his house many of times growing up and we have always shared a bed, so this was no different than always. The next morning Cameron took me to get my jeep and I went home.

The rest of the week was uneventful. The day came to when we had to move. I packed up all my stuff I was taking to college. All my cloths and everything. I said bey to my family and told them not to worry about me that I would be fine.

When I drove away, I was ordered to meet Cameron at the donation center to donate my cloths. Cameron picked out two outfits for me to keep and we put all the rest of my cloths in the donation box and left.

Once we got to the house, we would be moving into for the experiment Nick and Adam both was standing there and some other guy we never meet yet. Nick then said.

"Welcome boys. I'm glad to see you made it here on time. I'm also happy to hear that you both fulfilled your list and you are ready to start this experiment. Let me introduce you to Zac. He is also one of my staff members that will be following you guys around to make sure the experiment is going good and we get good data."

Zac told us that he is 21 years old and he goes to our school. He belongs to a frat house on campus. His height is 5'10' and he has red hair. His hair was wavy and just right above his eyebrows. He has brown eyes and he looks like he is in shape. I then heard Zac say to Adam.

"Damn dude your right, slut really is a looker. I bet he does have a great body."

Then made me feel a little uncomfortable hearing them judge me like a piece of meat. Nick then took us into the house and gave us a tour. Every room had at least 3 cameras in them, every inch of the rooms was covered. There were no blind spots, and Nick made sure to make that point to us, so we knew.

The living room was big. It had everything you could think of. A huge TV, nice furniture, fireplace, it was beautiful, and the house had an open floor plan. The kitchen had 2 stoves an island in the middle and everything you could want to cook a dinner.

The dining room was huge, there was a table there that could set 8 people. And there was 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. One bathroom was downstairs. The second bathroom was upstairs by the bedrooms, and the last bathroom was the master bathroom for the master bedroom. That room was huge. Big king size bed and tv on wall. There was also a cage in the corner of the room, but I didn't think anything of that when we were taking the tour. The master bathroom had a stand-up shower with glass doors. And, a tub that had jets in there for relaxing.

The other three bedrooms was your average rooms. Every room including bathrooms had cameras in them still. We then walked to the back yard and it was fenced in. you couldn't see in or out of the back yard.

It was very private there. And the house was just outside of town, so the closest neighbor was a few blocks away. There was a hot tub in the back yard as well as plenty of seating and an outside kitchen. There was also a swimming pool. The back yard also had plenty of room and I could see their use to be a dog there because there was a leash out back that was tethered to the ground.

We then walked back inside and went to the basement. It was a finished basement with a pool table and was set up like a man cave. There was another wall there and room. When we went into that room it was a sex dungeon. That room scared me. I could see there was a pully system hanging from the ceiling, a sex swing, and a lot of other things I didn't know what they were.

I could tell that you could strap someone to the stuff to where the person on them would not be able to move. I see whips covering one wall and another with dildos and other items to go up inside someone. And yes, there was cameras in those rooms also.

After the tour Nick handed Cameron an envelope and told him.

"Ok Cameron this is todays list. Every day you will go to the mailbox and get your list. Your slave can never see the list and you must make sure the list is complete and followed each day. We are now going to leave and let you get comfortable in your new place."

Then all three of the guys left and it was now just me and Cameron. He opened his list and started to read to himself what was on the list. I watched his face and could see a big smile on his face as he read it. Then I heard Cameron say.

"Oh, I'm going to love this, if the lists stay like this, I'm going to have a great life. Thanks, slut, for wanting to do this so much."

He then looked at me and said.

"Ok slut strip and take everything off. I don't want any cloths on you whatsoever."

I then took my clothes off and I was now standing there completely nude. Cameron then picked up my cloths and thru them in the trash. He then told me that the cloths I was wearing was not approved clothing and had to go.

He then took the two outfits he picked out and took them to his room and I followed. I see him put them in a draw in the closet and locked them with the key that was in there and put the key on his keychain. Cameron then told me.

"You are not to have any clothing at all unless I allow you to wear them, what outfits you do have will be locked up so you cannot get them."

I then seen him grab all my socks and underwear and put them in the trash also. After that we went into his new bedroom, we then went into his private bathroom and I was ordered to turn the shower on. Once I did that, he took his clothes off and was naked there just like I was. This is the first time I have seen him nude. I have seen him with his shirt off before and knew he had a great body, I have also seen him in shorts, and I have seen his dick the one time in the car I had to suck on it for him, but this is the first time I seen it all together naked. And I see his ass for the first time also.

He got into the shower and then said.

"Ok slut get your ass in here on your knees and bath me. I will stand here while you do all the work. You need to get every inch of me clean."

So, I got into the shower with Cameron and I started from the top and worked my way down. I got shampoo in my hands and washed his hair for him, I then got a wash cloth and soaped it up and washed his face and then his neck, moved to his arms and then his back and chest, I then got down to his crotch and ass.

I took the washcloth and started to clean his ass and made sure to get every spot. I worked my way up front and started to wash his dick and balls. Cameron started to get hard and I continued to wash when he told me.

"Ok slut lets test those new talents you have. Show me what Adam taught you. Suck my dick."

I and now on my knees in front of my best brined about to suck his dick but this time I had to make him cum, this will be the first time I have ever made Cameron cum. I put my mouth on his dick. I then put my lips under my teeth and made sure to suck on his dick the exact way I sucked Adam. All sudden I heard Cameron moan and say.

"Damn slut he really did teach you something, last time you were down on my dick all I felt was teeth and now you have suction on my dick and no teeth. You can blow me anytime. Damn this feels good."

I then worked my way down his shaft. I tried to push my head down and open my throat, but I couldn't. with Adam he had a 9-inch dick, Cameron has 11 inches so I knew it would be too hard. I started to pull away when Cameron gabbed my hair tight and said.

"Adam told me what to do if you couldn't get all 11 inches down."

He then pulled my head to him and pushed as hard as he could into my face. I took my hands and tried to pull him away when his dick went into my throat and I now was slammed into Cameron's crotch with all 11 inches down my throat and I gagged like crazy and couldn't breathe.

I kept trying to pull away from him and he just held me there. I know I stated to turn blue in the face when he finally pulled out and said.

"Don't you dare try to pull away from me again slut, I will have to punish you if you do."

He then did the same thing over and out of instinct I tried to pull away once again. He went back in but this time he just started to face fuck me like he was fucking his girlfriend's pussy. He moaned and grunted as his dick went in and out of my now sore throat.

He finally was about to cum and he picked up the pace and said as his cum exploded in my mouth and down my throat.

"That's it slut take that cum, swallow every bit of it. Oh yeah this feels so good, damn slut I'm so glad you deep throat, my ex never could do that, guess it just takes a fag to get all 11 inches down."

As Cameron made me swallow his cum, I had tears in my eyes hearing him call me slut and fag. And the fact that I had a 11-inch dick down my throat also made me tear up. When I was done, he pushed me off his dick and I feel to the shower floor when Cameron then said.

"I told you slut not to try to push me off or I would have to punish you, well I guess you will learn the hard way. Now finish washing my body so we can leave this shower."

I did as I was told. Once I finished washing his body, I turned off the water, got a towel and dried his body off. After he was dried off, I started to dry myself with the same towel as I was ordered to. He got dressed and then grabbed me by my hair and led me down to the basement where the dungeon is and strapped me to this wooden X with my arms at the top and my legs at the bottom. I then started to cry and say.

"Please Master I am so sorry I will never pull away again please don't punish me please I have learned my lesson."

At this point I was sobbing and crying uncontrollably. Cameron just told me to shut the fuck up, he then walked over and grabbed a can of shaving cream and covered my entire from with it. He then grabbed a razor and started to shave my body from top to bottom. Going under my balls and shaving my taint and everything. After he finished, he got a metal chastity device and put it on my dick, he first got a metal ring and put it over my dick and around my balls.

He then took the cage and placed it on my dick. It was small and made it imposable for me to get an erection. It was maybe only one to two-inch-long and he had to push it to the ring to get it clipped on. There was no room and I was only 6 inches hard and the chastity made it that the most room I had there was maybe one inch, he then locked it in place with a small pad lock and put the key with the other keys he had. Cameron then untied me, and I looked down and I was clean shaven from the neck down.

I did not have a single hair on my body, my crotch was even hairless, not a single pubic hair left. He then turned me around and tied me back to the X and did the same to my back. After he finished, I knew I had no hair at all except the hair on the top of my head. Cameron then said.

"Now that you are now a proper slave, and hairless it's time for your punishment for pulling away from me."

He went to the wall with the whips and grabbed on and started to hit my ass with a whip. With every hit he made on my body I would jump and scream begging for him to stop. He didn't even listen to me and kept going. I cried and begged for him to stop but he wouldn't stop until he was satisfied. He finally stopped and I was crying so hard I could hardly breath when I heard Cameron ask me.

"Ok slut did you learn your lesson?"

I shook my head yes and then he asked.

"Are you ever going to try to pull away from me ever again or put your hands on me to try to push me off of you slut?"

I shook my head no, and he then said good, and let me off the X and told me to follow him. I did as I was told and followed him to the living room. Cameron then told me.

"Ok slut get to your knees and open your mouth up as wide as you can and look up at me"

I did as he said, and Cameron started to spit into my mouth telling me not to swallow and hold my head still. This lasted for 15 minutes until my mouth was filled with his spit and then I was told I could swallow his spit. I did as I was told, and Cameron said.

"Good job slut now get on the floor and kiss my feet after you kiss then I want you to stay there on the floor and lick them. Lick between my toes, and suck on my toes, lick the heal of my foot, and the bottom of my feet. When you have spent a half of an hour on the first foot you may move on to the other and do the same for another half hour."

I did as he said and sucked on his toes and licked between his toes and licked all over his feet. Once I finished that it was starting to get late. Cameron went over to a drawer and came back over to me with a collar. He put the collar around my neck and locked it there with a small padlock. I know it had the same key as the chastity on me and Cameron then told me.

"Ok slut, out of everything you wear and not wear the collar and the device on your dick are permeant, they will never come off. You will always have then on even if you're with your family. The device on that dick of yours is there so you can never cum again, unless I allow it. And as of now, I don't, get use to that. It's going to be a long time if ever that you will cum again."

I looked at Cameron and said.

"But Master I cum at least twice a day, if it is jerking off or fucking my ex-girlfriend. I have cum like that since I was 12 years old Master I just can't stop after 6 years of Cumming everyday Master."

Cameron said

"Well slut you can, and you will, get use to not Cumming because I don't want your cum touching me, you're the fag, not me, I'm straight. The only cum that I want near me is my own now shut the fuck up and listen unless you want punished again."

With that's said I didn't dare say another word. The beating I took was horrifying, I hated that. Cameron then continued to talk saying.

"Now that collar on your neck, that's to show the world that you're a slave. It will never come off you. Its leather so you can even shower with it on. Now unless you want punished you will quietly go into the cage that is in my room right this second."

I quickly went to Cameron's new bedroom and climbed into the cage. Cameron smiled and shut the door and locked it. I was now locked in a cage. Cameron then told me that he finished his list and it was completed for the day. That I would stay in the cage while he went downstairs to watch TV and relax, he then told me to get some sleep because I might have a long day tomorrow that he wasn't sure what the list would contain tomorrow.

Cameron then moved closer to the cage and said.

"I'm very proud of you slut, please get use to me calling you that because on the list it says to only call you by the name that I gave you from now on."

He turned off the lights and left me in the room alone. Now the cage had no pillow and no blanket, it also just had a metal floor with no padding. It was cold on my naked body and I just sat in the cage like I was a pet. I now was very hungry because I have not had anything to eat.

A few hours past and the light in the bedroom came on and Cameron walked in. he went to the big warm bed and got in. not even looking at me as if I was not even there. He turned the lights off and went to sleep.

I couldn't sleep at all that first night. I was cold, and naked locked in a cage for the first time in my life. I knew by all the cages around the house it would not be the last time also. There is a cage in the living room, and in the man cave, of course there was a cage in the dungeon.

I kept thinking throughout the night if I could handle this just to go to college. I had a lot in my mind. One hand I promised and even begged Cameron to do this experiment so I could go to college, and I don't want to mess him up with school, and I would get my education. I knew no matter what happened I could do this.

I see the sun rise just outside the window and Cameron start to wake up. He got up and went to take a shower. When he came back in, he walked over to me and opened the cage. When I came out Cameron could see me shivering from being cold and he said.

"I'm so sorry that I have to do this to you. Just know I didn't want to, but I must for your sake, I'm doing this for you. You're the one that asked for this."

I knew he was only telling the truth. Cameron then went to the front porch and got the list for the day. He looked at me and said.

"Looks like you will be giving a show today slut."

He then put me in the cage in the living room and left the house. I was wondering what he meant by giving a show. Cameron was gone for a long time, must have been at least 3 hours. When he finally got back it looked as if he went shopping. He put bags down on the table and brought over a Togo box from a restaurant and he let me out of the cage and asked if I was hungry. Finally, I thought, food. I stood up and then was ordered by Cameron.

"No slut you must eat all your food on the floor like a dog. Stay on all fours and put your face into the container to eat. Me Adam and Zac went out for breakfast and we put what we didn't eat into the Togo box for you. Also, there is special sauce on it for you slut."

He lifted the lid and there was a mixture of all three of their breakfast on there all mixed up. And I could tell the food was covered in cum. I looked up and Cameron told me.

"Go ahead slut eat up, if you don't eat all your breakfast you won't get anything else to eat today, and we all three even added our cum for flavor for you. So, eat up"

I put my face down to the food and took my first bite. All I could taste at first was cum. And then a mixture of eggs and hash browns. It was cold and the worst thing I have ever eaten in my life. I made sure to eat it all though because first I was so hungry, and second I wanted food later that day.

After I finished and made sure the container was spotless like ordered Cameron told me I was a good boy and took out this outfit from the bag. There was some shorts and a shirt in there. Cameron told me to try on my new outfit. I picked up a pair of skintight underwear that were black latex material. Nothing I would ever wear.

I put them on, and then he handed me a pair of shorts to wear. They were a baby blue short. I put them on and was handed a shirt that was a very light purple button-down shirt. After I got dressed, I looked in the mirror and the outfit looked good.

I then was told to do my hair and make myself look like a preppy boy. So, I did my hair and put gel in it and made sure I looked good. When I came out Cameron said.

"Damn slut you look like you just stepped out of a country club. You look great."

I was then told I could sit on the couch and watch tv with him. I was feeling better now with the day. About 30 minutes into watching tv the doorbell rang, and Cameron said.

"Stand up slut and stand right there while I answer the door."

He went to the door and in walked Adam and Zac. I kind of figured that's who it would be that or Nick because they are the only ones that know us here. They all sat down on the couch and turned the tv off. Adam turned on some music and looked at Cameron and Cameron told me.

"Ok slut your going to give us a strip show. So, get to it."

I started to get red in the face thinking that I am going to give them a strip show. And I'm doing this for my best friend also. I was not ready for something like this, but I had to do it and I looked at Cameron and started to move my body all sexy.

To be continued......

Thank you for reading my new story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 4

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