The Social Experiment

By Chad Slave

Published on Mar 17, 2020


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This is a Gay, Authoritarian story about how two straight best friends that decide to take part in a social experiment on how far people will go for money. This is total fiction and is for entertainment only.

Please send me feedback about my story at The story will be continued and there will be a lot more characters coming into play in future story parts.

The Social Experiment

Chapter 8

The next morning came and Cameron let me out of my cage, I was ordered to make him breakfast and I did as he said. After he finished, he scraped off the leftover food he didn't eat into a bowl and placed it on the floor for me to eat the rest. He then took his morning piss in the other bowl for me to drink.

After breakfast was done Adam came over, he didn't come over much unless it had to deal with the list. They both put me in a new outfit I have never seen before. My chastity device on my dick was removed and I had to put on these black skintight latex shorts. The shorts were very short also.

The shorts only went from my waist to the start of my legs. So, they only covered my crotch and ass. I then had to put on a black skintight shirt. The close showed every inch of my body without being nude. Cameron then handcuffed my hands behind my back. He put the leash on my collar, and then blindfolded me so I could not see anything. Then a ball gag was placed in my mouth and attached to the back of my head very tight. So tight it made the ball go all the way to the back of my mouth and stretched the sides of my mouth. It was very uncomfortable.

The last thing they did was put a pair of noise canceling headphones over my ears so I now could not hear anything. So, when I felt the leash being pulled, I had to trust everything, because I could not hear, and I could not see, and I could not touch anything with my hands cuffed behind me.

We walked for a while. I could tell we was outside because of the breeze and sunlight on me. I could also feel the grass and sidewalk when we walked. But I had no idea of how many people or who had seen me. And I could not hear anything said about me.

We finally stopped and Cameron took my one leg and placed it on a step so I would know we was now going upstairs. I could tell we was going up on someone's porch. We stopped and a few minutes later we started to walk again and the walk into someone's house. I knew we was waiting for the person to answer the door. Once in I could tell there was hard wood floors. Then I felt someone grab my ass. The as I walked someone put their hand on my crotch and squeezed my dick. And then someone else touched me. I could tell there was a few people there groping me. I then was bent over and laid on top of a table with my feet still on the floor. The skintight latex shorts were then pulled down to my ankles and taken off me. I then felt my hands being tied tighter and then they went to each of my ankles and tied each one of them to the legs of the table. Then I felt my knees being tied to the table each one to the legs of the table also. They tied them to the table very tight so I couldn't move my legs at all, and my ass was there for all to see.

I then felt my arms being pulled forward and tied to something that mad it imposable for me to move up at all. I was now laying on top of this table chest down and stuck right where I was. I then felt someone grab my hips from behind. I then could feel some lube being poured on the opening of my ass. And then a finger went in and was lubing up my hole.

I knew I was going to get fucked. Then the guy put his dick to my hold and just pushed right in and started to fuck me hard. He was going fast and hard all the way in. I could tell he was normal size. I still could not hear anything or see anything, and I couldn't talk or scream with the gag in my mouth. All I could do was stay where I was getting fucked hard.

The guy fucking me was not gentle at all. He then took his hands and grabbed my hips tight and pushed into me hard and I could feel him Cumming inside me. When he pulled out, I felt another guy go behind me and this time since I was just fucked, he didn't have to lube up, he just pushed into me and started to fuck me brutally. He was much bigger, and it hurt like hell having him push into me so hard and rough.

I tried to scream but with the gag in my mouth all I could do was make noise. Well at least I think I did because I couldn't hear anything. This went on for hours. One guy would get behind me and fuck me and once he came inside me, he would pull out and another guy would go behind me. I don't know how many guys fucked me. It could be lots of guys or it could be a few guys fucking me over and over. I lost count after the 12th time I was getting fucked.

I hatted every bit of this because I had no idea how long this was going on, and I couldn't see who was fucking me and I couldn't hear anything. The guys fucking me also grabbed my dick and was playing with it and stroking me to keep me hard. But I never got to cum myself.

After hours and hours of being there I felt someone go behind me and untie my legs from the table. Then the shorts were put back on me and my hands was untied. The blindfold and noise canceling headphones and gag in my mouth stayed in as the leash was pulled on and I had to follow who ever had the leash. I could tell we was leaving the house when I felt the breeze of the air outside.

We then walked for a while and was at another house. I still had no clue where I was. Once inside I didn't feel anyone touching me. I stood there where I was for a little while when I felt someone come over to me and the ball gag was taken out of my mouth. Then the headphones were taken off of me and the blind fold also. I could now see and hear once again and could tell we was back at the house with Camron taking the stuff off me.

Camron then looked at me laughing and said.

"Damn you're a true slut now, just so you know there was 18 guys that fucked you tonight. They all came up inside you and now you can walk around campus wondering and looking at every guy that looks at you if they fucked you. You will never know who fucked you and who didn't. I know it will drive you nuts not knowing who fucked you."

The sad thing is that I knew Camron was right. I would look at everyone wondering if they have fucked me or not and I would never know. This to me was the worst thing Cameron has ever done to me. As a straight guy at college wondering who and who didn't fuck my ass was going to be torture. Cameron just laughed as he put the chastity back on my dick and locking it back up, and then putting me in the cage and locking me in there for the rest of the night.

Cameron then turned off the lights and went to bed for the night. I couldn't sleep. There was to much running thru my mind to be able to sleep. I felt lower than I have ever in my life. I wondered how as a straight sexy guy like myself that could have any girl, I wanted decided to do this to myself just so I could go to school.

All night long I have thought about it and decided that when Cameron woke up I was going to tell him that I was quitting the experiment and that I wanted my old life back, even if it meant I could not go to college anymore. The morning came and Cameron came over to let me out of the cage and when I was out, I said.

"Cameron, I need to talk to you."

With that Cameron pulled his hand back and smacked me across the face hard and said.

"Bitch you call me Master, I don't want to hear you say my name again, I thought we got past that part of your training, now what is so important you have to say to get slapped across the face slut?"

I now had tears in my eyes from the slap across the face and I said.

"I am quitting the experiment; I can't take being fucked by guys anymore. I am straight and this is now getting to much for me. I don't care if I go to college anymore, I just can't do this anymore."

I looked in Cameron's eyes as I could see the anger in his eyes, and I knew he was pissed off big time. Without saying a word, he grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged me into the dungeon. He then strapped me to this bench where I could not move. I kept telling Cameron to stop as he was doing this, but he ignored me and kept going. Cameron then put the ball gag into my mouth so I couldn't talk, and he said.

"You know you're a fucking bitch, I told you months ago to make sure this is something you could handle, and you would not back out. Now that you want to back out means that I have to leave this house and I won't have anywhere to live, and I will have to drop out of school. That will not work for me, so we are going to spend the day with me whipping the fuck out of you until you change that fag mind of yours. Now I didn't think you could do anything to piss me off, but I was wrong. Now your fucking with my life and I will have to correct this problem."

Cameron the took a whip off the wall and started to hit my ass as hard as he could. The pain from the whip was brutal and hurt like hell. I screamed into the ball gag in my mouth as he hit me over and over for at least an hour. I was now crying and screaming like I have never in my life. Cameron then stopped and went behind me and shoved his dick into my ass with no lube and was rough as hell with me.

I screamed again and the pain I was feeling was nothing like I have ever felt in my life. He fucked me for at least 30 minutes or longer when he came inside me. The pain from the whips on my ass and him hitting my ass with his body as he fucked me was beyond painful.

After he finished fucking me and Cumming inside me, he pulled out and took the whip and started to whip me once again. This lasted for another hour when he finally stopped and walked over to my face with his dick there and he started to jerk himself off. He then started to cum and covered my face in his cum. After he did that he bent down and looked me in the face and said.

"Now you fucking piece of shit, you have tow choices. The first one is you still want to quit the experiment and I get all kinds of guys to come over to help me whip you and fuck you until tomorrow morning when we leave the house and we go our own ways, with that know I will never talk to you ever again and you will lose our friendship forever because you screwed my life over, the second choice you have is you say you will not quit and the beating will stop and when we graduate we can look back at this and laugh as we go back to our old likes and stay best friends. The choice is yours bitch."

Cameron took the gag out of my mouth and I thought about what he just said, when we first started this I was the one that begged him to do this and he didn't even want to, now if I quit he will lose his education and I will lose my best friend. I looked at him and said.

"Your right Master, I was the one that wanted to do this and it would be wrong of me to fuck up your education for my mistakes Master, I don't want you to suffer from my choice and I don't want to lose my best friend. I will not quit, and I will stay your slave Master."

Cameron then looked at me in the face with a smile and said.

"Glad to hear that. Now that we got that out of the way this makes me think I have been to easy on you as a Master, and that's my fault. I will correct it and treat you as a true slave from now on. I want you to remember this so the next time you want to quit just know I wont give you the option to back out of it and you will be free to go, but know that I will beat you and have every guy on campus fuck you before you leave this house. Now I'm going to go upstairs and eat because I missed breakfast for your stupidity. You stay right there and think about what you did and how you are willing to correct it and I will think about how to become a better Master for you so you know your fucking place in this agreement."

Cameron went upstairs and I laid there still tied down crying. I thought about how if I wanted this all to be truly behind me and go back to the way things were with me and Camron, I would have to stick with it. I was left down there for hours and I knew Cameron was doing this on intentionally. Cameron finally came and got me and told me not to say a word.

I stayed quiet as he undid the straps and let me up. He then ordered me to follow him. I did as order and we walked into the living room where this guy I have never seen before was sitting there. The guy stood up and said.

"Is this your slave Cameron? It is very good looking. So, let's start by you explain to your slave who I am and what is going on."

I was nervous by the way this guy was talking, he has blond hair that looked like the boy next door cute look. He was 27 years old I found out when Cameron told me. He weighed 165 pounds and was 5'10' tall. He wore very nice clothing and looked very clean cut. Then Cameron said.

"Slut this is Ethan, I called the guys that started this experiment to ask for help to teach me how to be a better master for you and he is going to stay with us for a little while in the guest room to help me get better."

Ethan started to talk, and he said.

"First thing is first, you and everyone else must start calling your slave it. Your slave should never get called him or he again. A slave is property, like an object. If you say him or he the slave will never get out of its head that it is more than an object. Also only call your slave by the name you gave it. That shows you are in charge. You can always call it may other names but when you want something talk to your slave like this. Slut go get me something to drink, or you can say Slut suck that guys dick. And when you talk to other people let them know your slave is an object and to say it when talking to them."

Listing to this guy talk about me like this was making me tear up and want to cry. I knew things would change big time now. I wished I never said anything now. Then Ethan said.

"Your slave should also always stay on its hands and knees and be on all fours while walking though the house. The only time it should be able to stand is if it is cleaning or cooking food for you. Other than that, it stays on all fours, don't let it on furniture or watch TV or anything a human would do. We can go through more as I teach you how to treat your slave correctly. Now I will be sluts Master also just like you Cameron so you can see how to treat and train a proper slave."

With that Ethan came over to me and grabbed me by my hair and pulled down on my head and forced me to the ground. He then said.

"Now slut I don't want to see you standing on those feet unless told you can. That mean cleaning cooking or told to stand outside, you may have to stay on all fours at times outside this house also."

Ethan then told Cameron that he needs to go to the store to buy something and he will be back. Camron looked down at me after Ethan left and said.

"Well slut I will make sure you get trained properly this time; you need to know your new place. Don't ever expect any sympathy from me anymore. You're an object now and I finally realize this. If this is how I have to be to make sure I don't have to leave college then so be it."

When Ethan came back, he brought in a big bag of dry dog food and said.

"Now Cameron your slave should only eat dog food from now on. Never let it eat human food again, also only let it drink piss. That way your slave will always know what it is."

I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. I then seen Cameron open the dog food and fill a dog dish up with it, he then pulled his dick out and pissed in another bowl, after he did that Ethan finished filling the bowl up with his piss so I had a full bowl of piss to drink. Then Ethan said.

"Slut you better eat and drink every bit of it before moving from that spot. One of us will come in to check on you and when you empty the bowls, we will start the next part of your training. And don't use your hands, you now eat like a dog, put that fag face into the bowls and eat and drink like that."

With that I crawled over to the bowls and put my face into the bowl with dog food. I put the first piece of dog food into my mouth and started to chew. It was the worst tasting thing ever. Cameron and Ethan then walked into the living room talking about how to train me as I ate this awful food. My mouth was getting very dry from eating and knew I needed to start drinking their piss to hydrate my moth again. It took me about one hour, but I finally ate and drank all the food and piss. I stayed there until Ethan came in and took me into the living room. Ethan then told Cameron.

"If you really want to break your slave you need to make sure it knows its place and show no mercy to it."

After he said that he took me by my hair and forced me into the dungeon and they both grabbed me and put my wrists into cuffs attached to chains and a pully system on the celling. They then put a ball gag in my mouth and attached it to my head so I couldn't talk. Cameron then pulled on the chains to make my hands go up in the air and kept pulling on it until I was lifted off my feet and was hanging by my arms in the air.

Cameron then pulled out a whip and so did Ethan and they take turns whipping me and I can say they whipped hard and it hurt like hell. I tried to scream in pain but the gag in my mouth muffled the sound. When Cameron would hit me right after Ethan would and this went on for 30 minutes.

After they was done, I was crying my eyes out and my body felt like it was on fire. Ethan then took the chains and lowered me just until my feet touched the floor. He kept my hands above me when he walked around the back of me and said to Cameron.

"Now when you fuck your slave you do not need to use lube anymore. This bitch has been fucked enough now that all you need to use is spit and save money on lube."

Ethan then spit in his hand and started to rub his spit on my ass. He stuck a finger inside my ass and started to move it in and out. He then put a second finger in and spit right on my hole. Ethan then pulled his fingers out and came in front of me and said.

"Look down at my 10-inch dick bitch. See that huge dick? That is going inside you and when im done fucking you your Master is going to fuck you. Then we will take that gag out of your fucking mouth and you better thank us for fucking that pussy."

When I looked down, I seen a huge dick and was getting scared, not only because he had a huge dick but he only used spit for lube. He then went behind me and put the head of his dick to my hole and pushed in slowly until the head was inside me. Ethan then grabbed my hips and slammed his dick all the way in.

That hurt like hell. I screamed as much as I could as he started to fuck my ass hard and fast with no mercy. I had tears running down my face as I cried from the pain as Cameron stood in front of me watching me get brutally fucked and crying my eyes out from what was going on. Cameron just watched with no expression on his face.

Ethan then shot his load inside me as he yelled out how great my pussy was. He then pulled out of me and Cameron walked behind me and just shoved right into me and started to fuck me brutally also. He grabbed my hips as he pushed all the way inside me and fucked me hard and fast also.

Ethan came in front of me and started to spit in my face as I was getting fucked by Cameron. Ethan said to me as he spit in my face.

"That's it you fucking cunt. Take your masters dick inside that pussy. Look at you, damn your so pathetic, the faster you learn your place the easier things will get for you, it takes faggots like you a long time to learn most of the time because your so stupid. I don't even know why your trying to go to college when your so stupid that you will most likely flunk out, you should just quit school now and devote your life to your smart master."

Cameron was laughing at what Ethan said as he fucked me even harder. Ethan would spit in my face every time he would say something to me. I felt so low and my body was still in pain from the beating and now in pain from the brutal fucking I was getting from them both.

After Cameron came inside me also, he pulled out and they both stood in front of me as Ethan took the ball gag out of my mouth. I was still crying but remembered what Ethan said to me and I looked at them both and said.

"Thank you, master's, for fucking my ass."

Ethan took his hand and slapped me across the face as hard as he could and said.

"First off slut you don't have an ass you have a pussy for real men to fuck, from this point on you call that hole what it really is a pussy, and secondly you better do more than just thank us, you need to tell us how much you enjoyed being fucked by us you pathetic faggot."

Then Ethan and Cameron both spit in my face as I started to say.

"Thank you masters for fucking my pussy, I loved having your big dicks inside my pussy showing me how a real man fucks a pussy. I live for having my master's big dicks inside me."

Cameron then looked serious and said.

"Now tell me right now, this is your last chance to say what you want. What you say will be final. If you want to stop the experiment and walk away this is your chance without any more fucking or beating. I will let you down and you can get dressed and walk out the door. I will tell you this that I will be fine, I talked to Nick, the guy that oversees the experiment, he said he will replace you, and I can stay. But doing that you will have to leave school and not contact me ever again. If you decide to stay my slave, I will have total control. I could even make you drop out of school if I get to mad. So, the happier you make me the better chance you will get your education. And if you leave you will lose me in your life forever. Up to you slut, make your decision now."

I stood there chained up with my arms in the air and thought about everything. I so wanted it to stop but I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost my best friend. Cameron was the only friend I felt this close to. I was so conflicted. It was much more now than just going to school. It turned into losing my best friend that knows everything about me forever. My family already think I want to be Cameron's slave.

If I do decide to leave, I could go home to being disowned by my family and be out on the streets with no education and no family and losing my best friend. I don't have a job and I would have nothing. If I stay, I could be tortured for the next 4 years but have my education and my best friend in my life.

I know that I was not sure about my family disowning me, they may not and just take me back in, so I may have my family also after graduating from college. I know that with an education from college they would more likely understand more and I would have my family also.

I know I was about to stop just a few hours ago but I didn't think about losing my best friend when I said that before. Now I know I will if I leave. All sudden Cameron hit me across the face demanding an answer. I looked at Cameron and said.

"Master I can't afford to lose you as a friend, and I need my school."

Right as I said that Ethan stopped me and said.

"Hold up slut, before you give your answer know that Cameron is no longer your friend, that's gone, he is your master, and if you stay you will be treated as what you are, an object. So, make sure this is what you want and if so, talk correctly."

I thought about it again and I would not be his friend for the next 4 years but he would still be in my life and when we are done Cameron will be my friend again, he even said at the start he would stay my friend and things will go back to normal after graduation.. I then said

"Yes, I accept being Cameron's slave, I know we are not friends and I will be used as he sees fit. I will obey and do whatever I have to do to make my Master happy. I understand my place and I accept it."

Cameron then said to me.

"Ok slut, I accept you as my property, you will always have the choice to leave no matter what, you are not a prisoner, and you will be here on your own free will. But know this. You ever say your done there is no going back. You will leave school and never contact me ever again."

I was then let down and I felt the lowest I have ever felt in my life. I knew I could leave any time, but I also felt suck. Cameron then said to me.

"Lets put you to the test now, I am calling your Brother Colton and inviting him and my brother Noland to stay the weekend. You thought that sucking them off was bad and I know you hated that, but now they will do so much more to you if they want to."

Camron then picked up his phone and called his family and then mine, he told my father that Noland was coming to visit for the weekend and was wondering if Colton could join him, so Noland had a friend with him. My parents agreed that he could stay the weekend with us. It was already Friday, so Cameron put me in normal cloths and took me to the car to pick up my little brother and his little brother.

It was a long trip there. I was very nervous to see my family and have my brother stay the weekend. Once we got there we walked into the house where they seen my collar that was locked around my neck for the first time. I was humiliated having my family seeing that. My parents just said that I needed to act normal with my brother at my place for the weekend.

We all got into the car and started to drive back. I had to sit in the back seat with Colton while Noland sat in the front seat with Cameron.

Cameron then started to talk and said to Colton.

"I know your parents said that my slave had to be normal with you around and they meant that he needed to not be a slave for the weekend. But the normal for him is a slave so I will leave it up to you. Do you want to see your brother in his normal life as a slave or do you want to go back home and respect your parents wishes and not see how the slave really lives?"

Colton was fast to respond, and he said.

"What they don't know won't hurt them. I want things to be normal for you guys and I want the slut to suck me off again anyways."

I started to tear up because he didn't know what he was going to see. And I would be humiliated in front of him I was sure of that. I knew I was going to be in for a long weekend. Especially with Ethan there also.

To be continued......

Thank you for reading my story, I hope everyone has enjoyed it.

More to come soon.

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Next: Chapter 9

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