The Special Boys of Wellsley

By rob roberts

Published on Jun 12, 2013


The Special Boys of Wellsley Chapter 1

This is a story of gay erotica. If you are not 18 or it is illegal to read where you are, please do not read anymore. The story contains boy on boy as well as men with boys sex, and is in the general authoritarian category. If you have comments, please send to

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The town of Wellsley is your typical small Iowa town. It is very small with a mostly rural culture. In 2025, it has suffered along with the rest of the country with a somewhat poor economy and almost went into financial ruin. Struggling for a way to make money, the town council decided then that they had to do something to preserve the culture and keep the town from dying. Most small towns began to fail and almost became ghost towns. Many of the people moved to bigger cities where they could struggle to find work. Even in those big cities however, the economy wasn't good. Reports on the media gave daily reports of people starving. The government hadn't been too successful. There were lots of wealthy people, mostly in the big cities. It was what the middle class had predicted would happen if the powerful rich didn't pay their fair share of taxes. Taxes for them were so small. The rich and powerful had entered many wars oversees and forced the government to borrow heavily. Now, the debts had to paid and of course, the main burden was placed on the poor and what was left of the middle class. It was a terrible situation and the once poor and middle class suffered the most.

In order to cut costs, the government had reverted to something no one ever believed would happen. They started slavery again. The difference was that it wasn't based on race as in the early days of the country. Now it was based on economics. Prisoners were routinely sold off to work in the remaining factories. Most prisons were simply changed into processing plants for slaves. The rich and the industries found that getting rid of paid employees and replacing them with slave labor was a major boon to making them competitive with the worlds struggling economies.

The only problem, while prisoners were now the major labor, the rich found that these slaves were not suited for their private work in homes and in stores and other more domestic situations. No, prisoners were generally not trustworthy enough to do those jobs. They wanted the better class of citizens to work for them in their homes and shops and other businesses. The only problem was that these better citizens needed to be paid. Simple solution for some places. Allow people to sell off children for profit so the rest of the family could survive.

Enter Wellsley. Having no prisoners to sell, the town council passed a law saying that the first born child of every family, would be raised as a slave and sold at an age when they matured. To insure, they would get enough product, they mandated they each family produce at least one child. If they had more, they were entitled to keep them as usual. If the family had no children, the couple were made to divorce and seek a new partner. Those incapable of producing a child for the town, could be sold at will or simply allowed to starve and die. Needless to say, all married couples, no matter how they felt about the program, fucked like rabbits to raise at least one child, hopefully more.

Few people left the town as there wasn't really anyplace to go. They stayed and they reproduced. Once a child was born, it was registered with the town and then inspected regularly to make sure it was raised to be healthy and prepared to be community property. It was discovered that males were more valuable as they could do harder work. Those children that were not 100% healthy and considered normal, were sadly euthanized. It was sad but all parents, fearing their own demise, had to participate.

Generally, the way it worked was when the first child was born, the town councils board of human management, had the child appraised at three weeks old and then every few months for the first five years and then annually after that. The child was to be kept at home and raised as any other child except that it was technically owned by the town. To ensure that these children could always be identified and to make sure all knew who they were, they were required to be kept naked and banded at all times. Fuck the weather, they didn't care. The town figured that many would be used in a variety of ways once sold and to save costs, no clothing would be provided. The kids simply had to adapt and suffer. After all, it was for the good of the community! As they were born into this culture, the first born children, preferably males who produced bigger revenues, they knew nothing else eventually and just did as they were told. They were required to attend school and if the parents were religious, attend church just like all others. Growing up, they could be used for any purpose while at home. It didn't matter as they were commodities not real people. Over time, many families used the oldest child as slaves, for sexual purposes and generally, anything the parents agreed to.

Boys were preferable. After a few years of seeing naked boys, the men of the town let other men use their sons for anything too. As long as there was return for use, meaning money or goods, the parents didn't really care. Practice in getting ready for eventual sale was acceptable. Girls were often aborted as the price for keeping them was about the same yet what parents for rearing them was only about 20% of what boys got.

Most parents decided to have boys first and maybe eventually, a daughter who could become just a normal girl and brought up like a daughter. Mom's struggled at first but over time, came to accept this as normal. Trying to get a boy first was a challenge needless to say but some most were successful. The family got a portion of the proceeds from the sale and was far more lucrative to sell a son than a daughter.

The town prospered when the first crop of slaves were sold and taken wherever. It didn't really matter and it certainly didn't matter how the boys felt about it either. It was their role in life and they were drilled on how much they helped the town and their families. As the boys began to know nothing else, they just accepted their fate and did as they were told. They generally were quite docile.

The next child was treated normally and raised to go on to college if possible, get a regular job and get married. Some became farmers like their parents and others were put to work in behind the scenes jobs in shops or small factories. It was just like any other place. Growing up, they could use or abuse their own brothers and sometimes sisters as it was felt that was the benefit they got for being second and the likihood that they would also create more slaves in the future.

Once the children entered school which was mandated for all even the slaves, they all attended the public school in town. All were allowed to be together. The only difference was that the slave children were made to take some special classes where their physical development was worked on more extensively and they were constantly reminded of their role and what good they did for the town. Within a few years, they were fully ingrained in believing their role was important for the town's future. They really had no idea what would happen after they turned 17 as this was never clearly explained.

The slave children were also tattooed on their right butt cheek with a number and a large "W"'. This always made it clear who they really belonged to.

Special occasions like holidays and birthdays were marked by the town sending someone to inspect them and they received a small treat. Parents were discouraged from giving them gifts as it was felt that they would become more attached to their life in the home. Their diets were also monitored so they got little snack or `junk food' and ate sometimes different meals than their families. Mostly, they ate a special chow that could be warmed by adding water. The special chow, developed by the town cattle raisers, contained all the essential nutrients along with special things to enhance the bodies, especially the reproductive ones.

They were allowed to live in the homes like anyone else but often given more chores to do. When family and relatives came over, they were expected to serve them and be at their beck and call. Other than that, they could play sports or do whatever typical kids growing up could do.

They usually didn't play too hard a sport in school as they were not provided uniforms or protective gear. This fact made them vulnerable to other players especially competitors who often loved to tackle them in things like football, and make sure they got their nuts smacked hard leaving them in pain and perhaps not as valuable. They often were swimmers and took their chances at things like tennis. Individual sports were preferred. The main team sport was wrestling.

They sat in classes generally on one side of the room where they were required to put a small cloth on their chairs to keep their bare asses off the furniture. They could ride the school bus if there was room but many chose to walk as the second children of each family often found their bodies too much to take and chose to `mess with them' . The first born children could not protest or resist and had to take whatever was handed to them. Having some younger kid crunch your nuts and not being able to say anything while riding the bus, was often a one time thing for the first born and they chose not to do it again! They were always referred to as "special" boys or girls. They adapted to this and were taught to be proud of their status and to do all to be physically very fit and trim. No fat special children were allowed to remain that way. Those getting too heavy, were given mandatory physical workouts to trim them down. They never were allowed to eat regular fast food or much in the line of sodas or snacks.

One of the families of the town was the Myers. They had a first born son they named Shane. He was a beautiful boy with his mother's sandy colored hair. Shane often wondered why his mother cried so much, especially when she was with him. She never said. His father was kind to him and hugged him often. Rarely did a tear get shed however. At night, Shane's mother would often cuddle him and wrap a blanket around his naked body. Special children were not supposed to be covered but Shane's mother did what mothers do and as she really hated the law, found little ways of getting around it. Shane thought nothing of being naked all the time, but it felt nice to have his mother hold him on her lap and wrap the warm blanket around him. When his dad came in the room, he often would shake his head and tell his mother she was cuddling him too much. When she put him in bed, he was given his only toy, a stuffed monkey who he slept with. His parents didn't spoil him. That was a rule. He was made to play with things he found. At dinner, he was often fed differently than the food they ate. Sometimes they gave him the same things but often it was something mother cooked for him that came in a bag. He was used to it by now as he had it since he stopped with baby food and milk from his mother's breasts. She no longer offered him her breasts and Shane missed that. He just wondered why he didn't get the same food as his parents. He learned that special boys were not supposed to ask too many questions but to just accept what they were told or face discipline. Shane did all he could to avoid that.

Mom had two more babies. Both were boys, twins actually, and were just almost two years younger than him. He didn't think about it much but did notice they wore clothes. When Shane was five, his father called him in to the living room and told Shane that he needed to have a talk with him. He explained that Shane was a little different than his brothers. Shane was a little jealous as his brothers as they got toys. Shane was asked to help around the house most of the time. Shane's dad said that Shane was special and that he would start school and meet other different boys like himself. Shane nodded and accepted that. His dad also told him that some of the boys might choose to do things with him and that Shane, being a good boy, should always comply with whatever they asked of him. Shane didn't understand right away but accepted and trusted his dad. His dad said other people would always want to touch him as he was special. He should always do his best to comply and cooperate and never ever protest. Shane nodded. As he got little physical attention, he didn't mind when people touched him or hugged him and touched his body. That was normal .

When the three boys got bathed, Shane often wondered why he had a small metal band around his testicles. His brothers did not. Maybe that was part of being so special he thought. He was used to being naked and went to school the first day riding the bus with other kids. His brothers didn't go so he thought nothing about being naked. He had gone a few places with his parents and nothing was said although some turned away from him and others seemed to get a tear in their eyes when they said how handsome he was. Special children were not allowed to ever leave town so all trips were short and only to approved places Shane eventually learned.

All people who left the town had to stop to have their car inspected. It was supposed to be for safety but in reality, it was to make sure special children didn't leave. If caught, the person taking them out of the town could be imprisoned and if convicted, sent to the jail to await future sale. No one, once they learned the consequences, ever chanced it. At least, not those who resided in Wellsley. Shane's parents, always law abiding, wouldn't consider spiriting Shane away from his future destiny. He was just taught that special boys were to always be in the town. He didn't question it as it was just the way things were.

On the bus, he sat where another special boy sat. Shane sat on his little cloth as he was told. The other boy, naked like him, was a year older. Shane was surprised when the older naked boy was grabbed and taken back to where the older middle school kids sat. Shane watched as the boy submitted to them and was fingered, his little dick played with and finally had his face buried in the lap of one of the older boys. The kid had a tear in his eyes but never refused anything they did to him. Shane thought this was the special privilege of being a special boy like his parents told him. When the boy got off the bus, Shane noticed he had some white stuff on his face. Shane figured they had given him something to eat and again, just accepted it as normal.

During his first years in school, people did take him aside sometimes and touched him all over. It was a daily routine. Even girls in the class he attended touched him in ways he wondered if they should. They made him feel good though and laughed at him sometimes. He sometimes was sent to see a man in the school office who made him show off his little butt and touched his penis and felt him all over. He didn't know who the man was but his teacher said he should go with the man. Sometimes, what the man did was kind of fun, other times it hurt some. Shane always did what his parents told him and did what other people said.

When he was ten and in fifth grade, he had learned in his special classes that special boys would leave their families at 16 and go to be with others and to make them happy. Shane was proud but sad as well. He would miss his younger brothers and parents. His younger brothers had already begun to use him in sexual ways and as always, he had to comply. He had to do whatever they said when they said it. He kind of wondered why that was the case with him and having to let younger kids do as they wanted. For some reason, he thought that older kids should get to do what they wanted. He had learned from his closest friend Matt who was slightly older than he , that this was their lot in life. Matt was always naked too. Shane found it fascinating at twelve that his friend had developed some hair on his body in places where Shane had not. He had a little on his dickie, as he was required to call it and a few hairs under his arms. Shane wondered if that would happen to him. He quickly learned that it would as his father began to give him the same pills he saw Matt take. He had no idea what they were, but never asked. It wasn't his place to ask he figured. After taking the pills for a few months, Shane too got hair on his cock and in his pits too. Matt had more but Shane was proud that they were so much the same. The special children were fed, in the case of the boys, testosterone to make them develop faster.

At his 13th birthday, Shane's dad called him in for another `meeting'. It was then that the dad explained how Shane was not entering something called puberty. He told him that he was proud of his development and how Shane's body was changing. He said he would have to begin to do more exercise even more than he was already getting at school. Shane didn't mind that as he liked his special class with all the other first born sons he went to school with. His dad also explained that starting now, he would have to submit more to his brothers. "they might make you do things you never did before such as doing things each morning to satisfy them. Shane wasn't sure about that but he loved his brothers and wondered if they wished they were special like him. The first thing he made Shane do was to open his pants and to show him his huge cock. "You will need to understand that all men like to have their manhood sucked each day. You will be in charge of that." He pulled out his cock and let Shane kiss it. I should be your first as you came from this cock. You will lick it for me until it gets very hard and sends a cream down your throat. Eat it all as that is your new destiny. The man who inspects you each year will expect that you will do it for him too when he comes tomorrow. You will do it in front of your brothers so they see how well you do it." Shane was a little surprised but not too much as Matt had explained that he did it too. Shane wanted to be like Matt so was very willing to try.

"You must never suck another special boy's cock however. As a matter of fact, beginning today, you may never touch your cock again. It is only to be used to piss. If you do cum, and he explained that was what the white stuff was, you must immediately lick it up no matter where you are. Other boys may make you cum but it can never be something you do to yourself. Shane was sad as he had already begun to touch himself as he often had little feelings down there.

Shane took the head of his dad's cock in his mouth and although he thought it strange, he liked it and continued to lick and suck until his dad, moaning the whole time, shot a load of cream in Shane's mouth. Shane didn't know what he should do but his dad said to swallow it and then lick the cock clean. Shane wasn't sure if liked the taste, it was kind of gross but not too bad. Matt had explained to him what cum was like so he wasn't too surprised. He was proud that he learned that he came out of this cock and it was special to him

After, his dad hugged him and told him what a good kid he was making Shane once again proud. Before leaving the room, he also told Shane that he now would have to do his daily business outside. He took him there. Shane was shocked but he had seen older special boys do it that way at school and found it kind of exciting. Matt had already told Shane that would be what they had to do. The only thing was that there was no privacy. He had to squat over a hole he was made to dig. Only a roll of toilet paper on a little stick, marked the spot. "You will pee and shit there from now on." Dad had him practice a few times. Shane's brothers came home just as he was doing it and laughed at him but stopped seeing their dad their too. Shane was handed a little shovel which he had to use to bury the shit. He was told when it was all filled in, he had to dig himself another hole. The only part that really bothered Shane was that it was such a visible place that anyone coming in the yard or in the house could see it. He guessed as he was special, it would have to be ok.

Shane loved his family. At times however, even though he was considered special, he resented that his brothers got cool toys, bikes and whatever. As they grew, they also got I Pods and such and cell phones. Shane got none of it. Yet, he was happy most of the time unless he was being used. He only resented his brothers when they were mean to him and paddled him or made him now, suck their dicks. His was much bigger so he was proud of that but his brothers held that against him. It made him kind of sad as he loved them both. He remembered how when the boys were born, he helped his mother care for them. Now that his dad had had a talk with him about serving them, he wanted to make them all happy but found that the more he did, the less grateful they were. Shane had talked to his friend Matt, about this and found he had experienced the same things. He admired Matt and wanted to touch him and maybe kiss his dick but he knew that was forbidden and he feared getting caught.

In school, he also resented having to sit next to those ( seating was now by choice of free people) who wanted to touch him and play with his body. No one stopped them and it was often hard to focus on his school work. His dick would get touched and get hard and it would shoot. His seat mates would then tell on him and he was made to get down and lick it off the floor while they smirked and laughed. He was so embarrassed. He wondered why he was considered "special".

Shane found he didn't mind doing chores around the house. His dad was often nearby and taught him so much. Shane was a quick learner and impressed his dad with his skills fixing and repairing. His mother even noticed and complimented him too. The only thing was, when he was working with or near his parents, Shane would often notice a tear in their eyes. Shane didn't want to say anything but wondered why. His dad often would hug him when he was working and say how proud he was of him. it made Shane feel good.

It wasn't the same when Shane was working and his brothers playing when their dad wasn't there. The twins would often come around and tease Shane. It made him feel bad that these two younger boys were free to say anything they wanted and often now, poke and play with his body. He had no say and merely had to comply. Shane asked his dad about why this was so and his dad took him aside in the garage one day to tell him more.

"Shane, you are special. You know that. But special boys are here to serve all men who choose to use them. You are a gift and you will give our town so much. Someday you will know your real role in life. It isn't that far off you know. Now that you are almost 16, your body has become very attractive. I noticed that you often feel awkward like last week when your cousins visited and you had to submit to them.

Shane recalled vividly what all had happened. His aunts, uncles and cousins came over for the day. They found it shocking but exciting to see their cousin Shane, all naked and ready to help serve. They didn't know everything. They wondered when they heard their parents whisper about Shane being special. They thought maybe he was handicapped in some way. They hadn't seen one another for a long time and were shocked to see he was very normal like them. He was just naked and didn't hide anything! The girls being young teens marveled and almost lost it when they saw this virile young man. Their parents didn't say anything other than to be a little embarrassed but throughout the day, they stared and even got so bold to touch him. He didn't shrink away or anything but just stopped whatever he was doing and let them touch him.

The cousins were a little surprised when Shane was described as their `little slave boy'. The girls were even permitted by Shane's brothers, to touch his private parts. They had never actually seen a naked boy that was older than they were. The twelve and thirteen year old probably experienced their first orgasm but Shane said nothing and let them touch him anywhere. He was happier though, when they left to go home.

His dad went on to explain to Shane that he was now to begin to offer his body to his brothers for their amusement. "It is what `special boys' do. They must do as it is the way of the town." Shane didn't want to do that but he had found out from his friend Matt, that he already had been fucked by his younger brother and Shane should expect that to come.

"I will be your first man to do more than just touch you." His dad said. I want you to open my pants now, and suck my cock. Make it real hard. Then, I am going to fuck you. " He said it all so calmly like explaining how to do some chore. Shane nodded and bent down and opened his dad's pants revealing a huge cock that almost jumped out. Shane took it in his mouth and licked it. His dad moaned as he pushed it deeper into Shane's mouth. Shane almost gagged but didn't find it too unpleasant. He savored his time with is dad and now this, and the taste of his dad's body, made Shane stimulated.

After a few minutes, his dad was rock hard. He pulled out of Shane's mouth and took his son by his shoulders and turned him around. He then told Shane to lean forward exposing his hole. His parents never had Shane shave his body and now it had a fine bit of hair on his butt cheeks and around his pink, tight hole. Next he felt his dad's cock at his hole as his dad pulled him closer. It was painful but Shane enjoyed the feeling of his dad's body as it slowly entered him. "I would have lubed you up some, my sweet special boy, but you need to experience a man in your hole without. It is a way for you to willingly give your body to those who you will serve someday. Do you understand?"

Shane nodded a little yes as the tears from the pain of having his hole violated ran down his handsome face.

" Why must I do this, Dad? I never thought that being special involved sex with men. I know my brothers want to do this to me also. Why is it right for people to use special boys?"

His dad whispered that this was his destiny along with other special boys. Shane nodded he understood as the big cock slid in and began to fuck him. " I have already told your brothers they can do this to you starting now. It will be your duty to make sure after you clean yourself every morning, to make your hole available to anyone except special boys. You know, if you cum, you must clean it up just like in school."

Shane nodded again and suffered his first fuck from another man. He was glad it was his dad as he knew his brothers and maybe others too, would not e so gentle. When his dad had dumped his load of cum into Shane and finally went soft before pulling out, Shane saw tears in his father's eyes. Shane wanted to ask him why, but knew his dad wouldn't say anything.

Shortly thereafter, Shane's brothers were called in and Shane had to ask them if they would like to use him. His father stood by and watched as the two got big grins on their face and said yes they wanted to use him. They said they wanted him to suck them and then they would fuck him like the pussy he was. Shane was hurt that they saw him this way but after looking to his dad who nodded he should comply, Shane dropped to his knees and sucked off each boy. They then proceeded to fuck him as he cried out in shame and anguish. He had no idea that special boys were treated this way although his friend Matt had told him it was coming.

After getting fucked, the twins told Shane to suck their cocks clean. As he did it, they asked if they could pee in his mouth. Shane was even more surprised when his dad said they could. He drank each ones piss and then was made to thank him for their gift. They laughed and slapped his ass. Shane still had tears in his eyes as he now looked to his father for support. What he got was a order to go and clean out his ass. He walked to where the hose was and inserted it washing out his brothers and father's cum. He felt used but his father said it was his destiny.

Once done with the cleanup, His father took him in his arms and said he would now get marked as available for such duty. They got in dad's car and he took him to a doctor's office where they made him lay on a table. Shane was afraid and had no idea what to expect. The doctor came in and cleaned up his penis and balls with some alcohol. It felt cool to him and he was surprised that he got erect. The doctor now told him he would feel some pain as he pierced his dick head and inserted a small ring. He also put a weight on his balls that pulled. "You are now marked as ready for the next step of your life as a special boy.

Shane had cried out in pain when his dick was pierced. He later asked his dad if all special boys had this done. He had actually never paid attention to seeing the older special boys with rings through their dicks. He finally thought about it and realized that they did in fact have such things on them. His father said yes and that soon he would see boys like him at his age pierced. He held his son and let him cry into his chest. The pain in his dick was tremendous. He had never felt such a thing before. Shane was a little embarrassed at having this ring in his dick.

When they got home, he went to see his friend Matt who he found in their family barn, getting raped by his younger brothers. Shane said nothing but only watched not wanting to call attention to himself. He did see that Matt had a very similar ring and weight on his equipment too.

As he left to go home, he got several cat calls from other dressed boys. He then realized that it was his 16th birthday! He usually got only minimal presents, nothing like his brothers. He realized that the dick piercing was probably his gift for his birthday. Some gift he thought as he gingerly went home as to avoid any more pain.

At home, his mother had made him a cake. He was happy that someone had done something so nice. He went up to her and kissed her showing off his ringed cock. She smiled and said he should be proud of himself. It had been quite a day. At dinner, he got several gifts. His parents bought him a book he wanted to read and his brothers surprised him with a dildo their dad had picked out. He was made to stand and as they sang happy birthday to him, his one brother pulled his butt cheeks apart and began to slide it in his rectum. He was shocked but knew it was supposed to be that way. "It will help keep your pussy open." They laughed. Shane was embarrassed but smiled and thanked everyone for their gifts.

As his diet didn't allow much sugar, the family enjoyed the cake, his birthday cake! Shane's mom gave him a piece of fruit. Some birthday, Shane thought.. I got raped, pierced and a dildo shoved up my ass !

His dad, when sending him to bed reminded Shane that he should get up a little earlier as it was now his job to wake and please his brothers before going to school. Shane wept silently for an hour before drifting off to sleep. No one said he could remove the dildo so he left it in place and tried to get comfortable with it. Shane wanted to be dutiful but this whole special boy thing bothered him.

Shane found the dildo kind of erotic. When he awoke his dick was rock hard and he so wanted to touch it and give himself relief but knew he was never to touch his dick. This was something that always caused him grief as unlike his brothers who he knew were wanking every day! His only hope lately was that his brothers or some other person would choose to play with him. He didn't even care if he had to lick up his juices. It was just so good to get relief.

His dad came into his room and saw him rubbing his dick in his bed. Shane was embarrassed. He immediately stopped. His dad smiled at him and sat on his bed. "I know it is hard for you to have such needs but you know you can't play with yourself." Shane nodded he understood. "You have your annual inspection today being you just turned 16. It will be a family affair as we will all get to see the agent check you out. You may enjoy it!" Shane dreaded the annual inspection. He knew his brothers would enjoy a show and he could do nothing about it.

"I know the dildo your brothers gave you for your birthday is making you crazy with lust. I'm going to let you pleasure me and your brothers later when they get up. It will now be your duty to greet them cheerfully each morning in their rooms and offer yourself to them. This may help you. First though, you can pleasure me and maybe that will help you to relieve yourself." Dad smiled at him and came over to his bed. Shane's room was pretty barren. Just a small bed, one he had since his childhood, a hard chair and some mantras hung on the wall saying how proud he should be to be serving his town. No toys, games, tv, or computer like his brothers had. He had learned to accept life that way. There was no need for a chest of drawers as he wore nothing anyway. In his closet hung a jumpsuit like outfit that he was allowed to wear to school and outside when it got below 45 degrees. It was the same as all the other special boys had. It was somewhat tight on him now, especially in the crotch which he more than filled out. He wondered why his dick had gotten so big along with his balls, while his brothers didn't have a big a set of `jewels' , as his dad described them. They were more normal in size as Shane knew. He had seen many. He also had a pair of rubber shoes he could put on to walk outside again when it got to be lower than 45 degrees. His legs sometimes got cold as the pants didn't go all the way to his feet. It was an ugly outfit that showed he was a special boy. It looked like every other boy's outfit however and he accepted that as they all wore the same thing. He had no underwear so he had to make sure he cleaned himself out every morning so as not to leave stains in the seat of his clothes. There were harsh penalties for that happening!

End of Chapter 1

Next: Chapter 2

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