The Sryin

By moc.loa@54763legnA

Published on Nov 29, 2000


Authors note: I would like to thank Kenitra for all the help that has been given. Without Kenitra, my editor, I wouldn't have had the guts to post this and also it wouldn't look all that good, so thank you so very much. Disclaimer: I do not know any of the Backstreet Boys nor have I ever met them. I do not know if they are gay/bi/or straight. I mean no harm by writing this story. This story is just something I had thought up a few months ago. Now I'm just writing it down. Please send feedback but please do be nice.

These (( )) Mean a major time change either from in the story or helping the reader understand how much time has passed since the last part.

These ****** mean a character change as in from Brian to Kevin to someone else. Ok? So now on with the story.


***(((Seven Hours later)))***Nick

I watched as the doctor walked toward Kevin. His face was grim. I couldn't hear what was being said but I knew it was bad. Kevin was nodding, but not crying, so it couldn't be that bad. AJ, Howie, and I were sitting waiting for the news. The doctor left and Kevin didn't move an inch. I walked up to him; I was tired of waiting. When Kevin faced me, I saw tears in his eyes.

"He said that Brian has slipped into a coma. Something must have either shocked or scared him. He doesn't know if Brian will ever wake up," Kevin said, letting the pain out. The tears were falling down his cheeks. I wrapped my arms around him, crying with him. Howie and AJ had overheard, but they didn't say anything. They were crying, holding onto one another. I didn't know what to do or who to call for help. The next few hours went by quickly.

Kevin had sent us all home and I walked into my house to find my answering service was blinking. I hit the button and sat down. "Hi this is Jason. I'm worried about Brian. He's late and he hasn't called. Could someone please call me?" I had forgotten all about Jason. He must be worried out of his mind.

I picked up the phone to call him, but I didn't know what to say. It would be better if I did it in person. I put down the phone and picked my keys up off the table. I went outside, got in my car and drove to Brian's. Once I got there, I saw that all the lights were on and someone was pacing in the living room. I parked and got out of the car, slowly walking to the door.

It opened before I could knock. Jason was standing there, his eyes wide with fear. "Where's Brian?" he asked in a shaky voice.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling. "He's in the hospital, in a coma!" I blurted out. Jason looked at me. His whole body started to shake. He looked around, backing away from the door. His eyes told me everything I needed to know. I no longer saw him as just Brian's friend. He was now my friend as well. He fell back on the couch, then to the floor. He was crying and shaking.

"No, that can't be! I won't let it be!" he said. I walked to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"There's nothing you can do Jason," I told him.

He looked at me and shook his head. Then he stood up, taking me with him. "Please take me to him Nick, pleas?" He was begging me so I nodded. We walked to my car and jumped in. He was wearing a black shirt and black jeans. He looked like a dark angel going into war.


I knew it was my fault that Brian was in a coma. I had seen Brian's car pull back out of the driveway after I had stopped singing. Normally I wouldn't have let the song take over me the way it did. I knew what I had to do even though it was forbidden. That is, use my voice to save a human. But I would do more than just save. I would make sure it never happened again. I would give Brian some of my life force. It would lessen my life by hundreds of years. It would add many years to his life. Not hundreds, but we would live the same amount of time. It was normally only done to help my own people, never an outsider. This time it would be used to save my beloved. Even if he hated me after for being what I was.

My people had never been kind to humans. Humans had not been kind to us either, so it was a far trade off. Brian on the other hand, wasn't your normal human. He and his friends were more than human.

Once we got to the hospital, I got out and followed Nick to Brian's room. Nick stood beside me looking down at Brian. He was crying very hard so I pulled him into a hug. He didn't fight me, only cried. Kevin walked in looking from Nick to me.

"Get out of here now Jason," Kevin said to me.

I looked at him. Why did he hate me so? I couldn't stop the tears from falling or the anger from rising. Nick moved from my arms and stood in front of Kevin. "How can you be so heartless Kevin? He came to help," Nick said, looking back to me.

Kevin seemed to soften for a second and sighed. "Can you help him really? No tricks? I know something's not right about you," he asked, causing Nick to look at the both of us strangely.

I nodded to him, looking back to Brian. "I need to be left alone for about ten minutes and then no one can enter till I'm done," I said. Kevin nodded and pulled a very confused Nick out of the room.

I stood at the end of the bed looking down on Brian's sleeping form. I pulled from my very soul for the power that was needed. I opened my mouth and the song started. The golden glow flowed over my body slowly. My hair rose into the air, summoning the forces needed. It was very much like casting a spell. I made slow hand movements then placed my hands on my throat. I then pushed my life force out and into Brian. It hurt and it was draining me. I was crying from the pain and losing strength fast. I gave Brian as much as I could before falling to the ground. Even from there, I kept going. I heard Brian start to stir. He was waking up so I stopped.

I pushed myself back to the wall. I was shaking and I was cold. The lights in the room had blown and there was someone beating on the door. It was unlocked. I didn't understand why they just didn't some in. I was too weak to defend myself or even put up a fight. Just then, a nurse and a doctor burst in with Kevin and Nick right behind them. Brian was looking around the room. They couldn't see me. It was too dark and my clothing helped me hide.

"What's going on? Where am I?" Brian asked. Kevin made a noise I'd never heard him make before. He was laughing and crying and so was Nick. I used the last of my power to hide myself from them until I was stronger.


I couldn't believe it Brian was awake. But where was Jason. I looked around for him, but I didn't see him anywhere. I looked at Kevin in confusion. He looked around the room not knowing where Jason was either. I don't think he even cared at that moment. He rushed to Brian's side and hugged him tightly. I looked out in the hallway, but I didn't see anyone. I was now worried out of my mind. I had more questions than I had ever had before. But the questions would have to wait. I had to call the guys. I called Howie first and told him. He said he'd get AJ and be right over. I was in a very good mood right then, until I thought back to Jason.


I was making my way back to Brian's as quickly as I could. I felt so tired I thought I could fall to sleep anywhere. It was also very cold outside this night. I knew once Brian was up long enough, he would start to remember things that he shouldn't. Things like my past. When I had given him my life force, my memories flowed into him. It would take a few hours before this started to happen. By then, I would be gone. I stepped into Brian's house almost falling at the same time. I moved to my room and changed my clothes. I put on the warmest clothes I could find. I left the rest behind. I would someday repay Brian for the clothes. I sat down at his desk and picked up paper and a pen. I wrote him a note telling him how sorry I was. I was crying while I did this so that some of the words were a bit blurred. I would have to change the way I looked or I might be hunted down. My mother had warned me of humans and their fear of things they didn't understand. I placed the note on Brian's bed and left as silently as I could.

((Three Days Later))


I was finally on my way home from the hospital. The doctors said I was the healthiest man alive. I had Jason to thank for that, but no one knew where he was. I was worried about him after what Nick and Kevin had told me. I now knew everything about Jason but I kept that to myself for now. What he had done for me took a lot of power from him. It would have left him weak and drained with no way to fight back. When I walked into the house, it felt so empty. I now knew that Jason loved me with all his heart.

What he didn't know, was that I returned the feelings. I walked into his bedroom. As the guys had said, it was neat and the clothes were left behind. I walked into my bedroom and saw the note lying on my bed. Once I started reading it, I couldn't believe what it said. He thought I would hate him as much as Kevin now did. He went on to say that he was sorry and he would repay me for the clothes he'd taken from the house. The paper had teardrops all over it. I was adding more as I read because my heart was breaking. He blamed himself for everything that had happened.

Nick walked into my room with my bags. "What's wrong Brian?" he asked me, setting the bags down.

I handed him the note and let him read it for himself. Nick almost looked as sad as I did. There was something I needed to take care. I felt the anger start to rise quickly and it was Kevin that was to be the target. I stood up and walked into the living room where Kevin was standing. He turned smiling. His smile dropped once he saw my face.

"What, did Jason steal something?" he asked me directly.

I gave him the best answer I could. I punched him square in the jaw. He hit the floor looking shocked. AJ didn't move. He had no idea what was going on. "I never want to see you again Kevin. Do you understand that?" I moved away from them back toward Nick. I had to find Jason and I knew Nick would help me. "Come on, we're going to find him now," I said. I walked back into the living room. Kevin was still on the floor but I didn't look at him. I just left with Nick right behind me. I got in his car and waited. Once he got in, we drove off.

"Where to?" he asked, driving toward downtown.

"Take me to my car. We can look faster with two cars," I said.

Nick nodded and drove to his house. "You didn't mean what you said to Kevin, did you Bri?" He looked a little upset.

"No, but it'll teach him lesson," I said, which seemed to calm him down. The last words of the letter kept haunting me.

Nick looked over at me with a question in his eyes. "What's on your mind Brian?"

I turned toward him slowly. "I'm sorry I love you good bye," was all I said.

He nodded. He had read the note too. "Does he mean that much to you Bri?" I nodded as the tears broke free.


I walked along the river looking at the water. I was still weak but I was starting to gain my strength back. It wasn't as cold and my throat didn't hurt anymore. I had put my hair into a braid and placed it under the coat. I couldn't cut it. I came close to doing it but I had stopped. I was dressed all in black and wore a black hat. I looked as if I was mourning the loss of a loved one, which I was. I missed Brian more than I thought I would. It took everything I had to keep the tears at bay.

Most people stayed away from me. Why? I didn't know or care. I looked back to the water thinking maybe I should return and swim somewhere warmer. Why I hadn't sooner, I don't know. I could have left this place a very long time ago, but still I didn't leave. I don't think I could, even if it meant my death. I knew that sometime soon Brian would be leaving to go on tour. Then maybe I could return to his home and leave his clothes for him. I took a seat on a bench and looked out at the river. I let the tears flow for a time, hoping if I let go long enough, it would stop hurting. The longer I cried, the worst it got. I had no where to turn to now. I looked up to the sky. The sun was setting. A very cold wind flowed around me for a while before I decided to move to warmer area.

(((Two Weeks later)))


I was losing it! I hadn't had any luck tracking Jason down. I was losing my mind slowly. I knew it. When I slept at night, my dreams were filled with his memories. I still hadn't talked to Kevin, even with him calling me every day. He had told management that I was still sick and recovering. Nick and I had been searching every day for Jason but there hadn't been any luck. I even told Nick everything about Jason and for some reason, it didn't surprise him at all.

Jason had given up a great deal of his life to save me that night. He could have lived for hundreds of years, now he had the life span of a human. As I thought about it a little longer, he would most likely still outlive most humans. So would I. We shared the same fate now.

I missed him so bad. I hated that I hadn't told him more about myself. If I had, maybe he would have known I wouldn't want him to go. I never even told him I cared about him, not even once. I called him my friend, but that's all I said to him.

I had stopped sleeping in my room a week ago. I now slept in his bed every night, hoping he would come back. I was sitting in the living room when Nick walked in. AJ and Howie were right behind him. I guess they had decided to join the search. I nodded to them. I didn't talk much any more; it wasn't in me. I had an idea just then. It was like an alarm going off.

I was walking in Central Park as were the others, listening for a very sad song. This was the second place I had heard him sing. I prayed to hear him once more, even if it was only enough for me catch a quick look at him. I would chase him down if I had to. Then I would tell him that I loved him and always would.

I didn't hear anything that day or the next, but on the third day, I heard his voice. It was far off. I dialed Nick's number on my cell phone. "Do you hear it?" I asked him.

"Yes, but it sounds so far away. I'll call the others to see if they're closer," he said hanging up the phone.

I ran toward the voice as fast as I could. I saw him in the distance and he saw me. He stopped singing and started running. I screamed out for him to stop as the tears were streaming down my face. I saw AJ was running closer to him. My breath caught when I saw him. He might catch him. Nick was coming from the left and Howie from the right. My hope kept getting higher as I got closer. We had been chasing him for fifteen minutes now, but we were gaining. Then the thought hit me, he's heading for the river. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

Then I saw him standing on the edge of the rail. His clothes were gone. He looked back at me with tears steaming down his face. He was scared. I was scaring him. I held my arms out, catching the other guys from running closer. He paused, looking at me. His hair was in a braid. He was shaking. He was cold; I could see it in his eyes. That scared me more than the thought of him getting away. If the wind was cold to him, what would the water do?

I couldn't catch my breath long enough to say anything. He stood on that rail waiting for me to say something. "Please don't go," I breathed out, more tears falling from my eyes. His face changed from fear to hope. It was working. I slowly moved a little closer to him. I didn't want to scare him off. "Please get off the rail. I don't mean you any harm. I promise." I was crying while I begged him to climb down.

He started to climb down when he slipped and fell backwards. The words froze in my mouth, as I jumped to save him. His scream was so loud it hurt my ears but I didn't stop. I reached him in time, wrapping my arm around his waist. I pulled him to me, holding him close. I never wanted to let go of him. He was shaking from the cold and crying out of fear and sadness. I kissed him on his lips. He didn't fight it. He returned my kiss.


I watched them for a few minutes smiling. I picked up my cell phone and dialed Kevin's number. When he picked up the phone, I heard him sigh. "We found him." That was all I said before hanging up. Maybe now Brian would talk to Kevin and the group wouldn't end. I don't think I could have been any happier for Brian at that time. Even AJ and Howie looked happy for the couple. It was Kevin's doing sending AJ and Howie to help look today. Not that they wouldn't have helped if I had asked. They would have. Kevin didn't ask them, he told them to help. Brian was helping Jason put his clothes back on, so I turned my head. AJ watched them very closely. Howie had a smirk on his face. I just started walking toward the car which was left back at the park.


I refused to let Jason go. I kept my arm around him at all times. I no longer cared who saw or what might happen if the wrong picture was taken. My false marriage would cover it up well enough. I was just helping a friend walk, since he didn't look like he could do so by himself. I wasn't hiding the fact that I was happy. I now had everything I could ever want. When I got into my car, I hated letting Jason go. Once he was in the car, I placed my hand over his. Nick got in the back. He let Howie and AJ take his car. Jason still looked a little scared.

"First off, I'd like to thank you for waking Brian up. Secondly, I would like it very much if you thought of me as a friend," Nick said to Jason, placing his hand on Jason's shoulder. Jason just nodded slightly then looked back at Nick and smiled.

Jason was being so quiet I was starting to get worried about him. When I pulled into my driveway and parked, I turned to Jason. "I love you Jason. I have since the first time I laid eyes on you. I didn't tell you because I was scared I'd run you off. The night I went into a coma wasn't because I saw you sing. It was because it made me love you even more. My heart couldn't take that I loved you so much. I kept thinking I was going to lose you. That you didn't need me or anyone else. You're perfect in every way and I'm not. You can sing like an angel, you look like an angel. When I woke up and your memories started to flow into me, all I could think about was that you loved me as much as I loved you. From that day on, all I wanted to do was find you and tell you how I felt." I didn't know what else I could say.

I looked into his eyes, begging him to believe me. I would do anything to prove to him that I loved him. He faced me and tears were slipping down his cheeks. "You can never lose me Brian. Even in death, I would love you forever. That night when you found me singing, I was singing to you. Since you entered my life, it has gotten so much better. My song use to be only of the sadness I felt. After I met you, love started to fill the song. When I thought I lost you, I lost my own mind. I thought you would hate me for what I had done to you. It takes months to understand what's happening to you. I didn't just wake you up and heal you. I changed you slightly. You're not as human as you use to be. I want you to understand everything before you decide if you love me. In a few months, your body will start to change. All past scars will fade away and you will be able to stay under water for as long as you want. In some ways, I've made you a Sryin. Your voice is still your own and that won't change. You will outlive your friends. You will outlive most people. Our lifetime will be a long one, spanning over a hundred years. My life span would have been near seven hundred years if I hadn't used it to save you. Now things are different. You and I will live to be two hundred years old. Do you understand what I'm saying Brian? You won't just live and grow old. You'll look as young as you are now, for over a hundred years. Someday you'll have to go into hiding. We'll have to leave." Jason told me while Nick just sat there with his mouth wide open.

I didn't know what to say, but I didn't think it was a curse. To spend two hundred years with the person you loved couldn't be a curse. Never to have to worry about having heart problems again, it was like a dream come true. But I would be leaving my friends behind. I guess that was the catch and the hiding part wasn't so good either.

Nick looked a little scared so he asked Jason a question. "Will he have to drink blood or anything like that?"

Jason looked at him like he was nuts. "No, he won't have to drink blood! What made you think that?" he asked Nick, looking at me with a worried look in his eyes. I just laughed and got out of the car and headed to the front door. Jason followed close behind me still giving Nick a weird look. Nick's face was bright red but he still followed Jason into the house. I knew I had a question but I didn't know if I should ask. Nick and Jason were sitting on the couch joking around.

"Jason, I have a favor to ask of you?" I didn't know how else to say it. He looked up at me smiling. Oh, how I had missed that smile. "Could you sing for us like you did that night?" I held my breath waiting for his answer. His smile didn't waver and he stood up. Nick knew what Jason was but didn't understand the request.

I sat down beside Nick and watched Jason lose a lot of clothing. Jason kept the boxers on but that was about it. Jason took the band that was holding his hair in a braid, out. Once the braid was out, he shook his head letting his hair fly everywhere. Nick still held a confused look on his face. Jason closed his eyes and seemed to relax a bit. Then his mouth opened and the most beautiful sound I had ever heard flowed out. Just like that night, Jason looked like something made of magic. His hair flowed like water and his body glowed a golden light. That alone would have been enough to gain him many fans. But it was nothing compared to the magic held in his voice or the way it made you feel when you heard it. Nick looked at me with amazement written all over his face. Neither of us said a word while we watched. Then Jason started to dance to the song. It was like.I don't was just amazing. Nick was smiling from ear to ear and it looked like Nick was thinking about something. I was thinking that Jason could come on tour with us and nobody would want to say otherwise.

I heard the door open behind us but I ignored it. When Jason's song ended it was like the life left the room. I turned around to see who had come in. It was Kevin. His eyes were wide and he couldn't look away from Jason. I wasn't too happy with Kevin being here. I stood up to kick him out but Nick grabbed my hand. Kevin swallowed hard, looking at Jason like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Jason on the other hand stood tall and his eyes turned into slits. Kevin raised his hands in a 'I surrender' kind of way. I nodded and walked to Jason's side, putting my arm around his waist. He put his arm around my waist and smiled.

"I came here to say that I was sorry for being a prick for the last month. I would also like to thank Jason for helping Brian." Kevin said smiling like nothing had ever happened. I was about to punch Kevin in the jaw again when Jason stopped me. Jason walked toward Kevin smiling. Kevin backed up. Now I had to wonder if I should stop Jason.

"For one, I saved Brian because I love him, and as for you being a prick, I can understand that. You were looking out for Brian and I can't be mad at you for that. Also, I would like to add I haven't given you a reason to trust me. I'm going to work on giving you a reason to trust me. I haven't been the nicest person on earth to you, so I can understand why you don't like me. I hope that can change in time," Jason said. I was shocked first then amazed. Kevin was smiling.

"I think it will and I think I trust you now," Kevin said smiling.

Nick sat on the couch with his mouth wide open. I laughed at him and then I gave Kevin a hug. Kevin held onto me tightly. "Brian I'm really sorry man." I nodded and noticed I was starting to talk less too.

I looked at Jason and knew that I would love him for the rest of my life, as long as that might be. I started to wonder if maybe I could find a way to make the guys like I now was. I walked back to the couch and sat down beside Jason. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Come on Nick, we should head out and give the lovebirds some down time." Kevin moved toward the door, Nick right behind him.

I waved as they left and looked back to Jason. Once the door closed, Jason pulled me into a deep kiss. I let my hands roam his body. Jason's hands slipped under my shirt he slowly lifted the shirt over my head only breaking the kiss for a short time. I let my hands slide under his boxers, pulling them down. His lips left mine and started to move down my body. I felt like I was in heaven. Once his lips met my waistband, I felt his hands pulling my sweat pants down. My boxers soon followed and I kicked them away. Jason slid up my body slowly, keeping his body pressed close to mine. I brought my mouth back to his, darting my tongue into his mouth. He tasted so good, so sweet, I didn't know what to think. His arms slid around my back and he picked me up.

He carried me into my bedroom and laid me down on the bed. I pulled him down on top of me, drawing him into a long kiss. I placed my hands on his hips and let my hands flow lower. I felt our cocks grinding together causing a deep moan to stir in my throat. His lips left mine, sliding down my body once more. I pulled him back to me, looking deeply into his eyes. As much as I wanted this, I wanted him to be sure.

"Are you ready for this? I don't want to rush you at all," I told him. In his eyes, I could see he was unsure and that's all it took. "Let's wait a little longer ok?" I was telling myself more than him. He nodded and smiled, lying down beside me. His smile was what I needed to see to be sure that I'd made the right choice. I put my arms around him and pulled him closer. I didn't want our bodies to part. I was soon in a deep sleep that felt like it would last forever.


I woke up the next morning scared out of my mind. At first, I thought it had all been a dream, a wonderful dream. Then I looked down and saw the arms around me. As my body woke up more, I felt more of my one and only there. I couldn't stop the tears that came next. I was so happy that it hurt. I never thought that I would see him again.

There was someone knocking on the door, so I got up slowly so as not to wake my prince. I looked around the room for something to wear. I found a pair of sweat pants and slipped them on. I ran to the door and opened it. There was a woman standing there, looking away for a second. When she faced me, her eyes grew wide.

"Can I help you miss?" I asked.

She sort of backed away. "Is Brian here?" she asked slowly, looking unsure of where she was.

I nodded and moved away from the door so she could enter. Once inside she took her coat off and looked at me closely. I guess I didn't look my best. My hair was a mass of tangles and it must have made me look wild. I smiled and that only seemed to scare her a bit. So I stopped and looked away.

"I'm sorry. I've never seen you before. I'm Leighanne, a very close friend of Brian's," she said smiling sweetly.

"I'm Jason and Brian's still in bed. I'd knock before entering. I'll go make some breakfast," I told her walking away. I didn't know if I trusted her but I didn't want to upset Brian's friend. I turned the stove on and started making pancakes and eggs.

I heard Brian yell and I ran to the bedroom to see Leighanne standing over him. I was about to tackle her when Brian held his hand up to stop me. I must have looked like a devil risen from hell at that moment. Leighanne looked scared and backed away from me and Brian. Then I felt it. My throat was swelling and the sonic scream was trying to rip free. I ran out of the room and to the front door. Once I opened it, I let it loose. The shock wave ripped a tree in two.

Brian came running out of his room with a sheet wrapped around him. "What was that?" he asked looking a bit scared himself.

I knew he didn't know it yet. He hadn't had my memories long enough. He had just seen or heard the main weapon that I had. I looked at him and then saw the girl come running up behind him. I just ran out of the house and went to the back yard to calm down. About five minutes later, Brian came around the side looking for me. He had so many questions in his eyes. So, I started answering them before he could ask.

"My voice is a weapon. It's why my people even bother with males. Our voices can kill if we choose to do so. Some of the earthquakes are caused by my people when we're at war. We have other weapons, like our bodies and fighting style. When we're first born, our training starts. First how to fight. Then how to kill. Then after we can kill without our voices, we are taught to use our voices to do a lot of other things. You'll understand in time once more of my memories settle in." I looked away from him. I couldn't stand to see the fear in his eyes.

When I looked back, I saw him sitting down looking away from me. "You would have killed her wouldn't you? That's why you ran out of the room when you did. You saw that she wasn't going to hurt me. You left so it wouldn't hurt us." I nodded and looked back to the ground. I had done more than just scare him. I had made him see what I could do. I had made him see the not so sweet side of myself. I noticed that I wasn't cold anymore, my full strength had returned.

I looked back at Brian and he was leaning on the wall. I started to move away only to be stopped by his hand on my shoulder. "If there was a car about to hit me what would you do?" he asked taking deep breaths.

"I would push you out of the way," I told him.

He sighed loudly. "That's what I was hoping you would say." He then pulled me back into his arms. I didn't understand what was going and I think he saw that. "I had to know that you wouldn't hurt just anyone. I had to know that you wouldn't use your voice unless you thought you had to. What you did today scared me, I'm not going to lie. I also feel a lot safer with you being around. Plus I need to talk to you about some thing's that I haven't told you." With the last thing said his voice seemed a little flat. I didn't hide the worry in my eyes or on my face.


Another cliffhanger I know. Believe it or not, I didn't mean for that to happen this time. Anyway, please send me some feedback and tell me what you think.

Next: Chapter 3

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