The Strathmores

By Randy Howard

Published on Feb 19, 2008


The Strathmore's By Randy Howard2 Chapter 12

This is a work of fiction. The names are no way real or to be associated with anyone alive or dead. This is copyrighted, and belongs to me. No one is to copy this without my written permission.

A special thank you to my friend Bill H. for his editing work of this chapter.

From Chapter 11 .

The next day the service is touching to all who came. David got up and spoke of the love that his dads had for him and one another.

"In closing ladies and gentlemen, I believe that the greatest legacy that my two dads have left behind is their love. They had a love, not only for each other and for me, but they loved life. My dad Ryan loved the smell of flowers before you could smell them, and the soft rain that would fall when the picnic was over. He would look at me when I felt that I was a failure and say. 'Son there is no excuse not to dream. If you can dream you can accomplish anything in this life'. Then there was the time when we were stuck in an elevator for an hour. He looked down at me holding my little hand and said.

"David you know what we're going to do son? We're going to sing along with the elevator music, and he would start to sing. Before too long the elevator was moving.

My dad Sean once told me something after an argument with my lover Kevin. I had called him and asked him for advice as to what to do. He told me 'to listen to my heartbeat and dance.' I hung up and could not imagine what he meant. However, I went home to Kevin and we made up. As I was holding him, I could hear his heart beating, I started to dance to its beat, and we danced as we have never danced since. So dear friends of my dads, if you take anything away from here with you today, take the love that they had and give it away to someone, for as my dad Sean once told me, 'Sometimes one smile means more than a dozen roses.'"

David greeted the guests that came and thanked them, and he finally went home. He put Strathmore Estate up for sale, and he flew out to Texas to live.


When he got out to Texas, he settled in at Seven Oaks. It had been his grandparent's place and it now belonged to him. He and his sister, Jeanne Marie, had inherited their estate. He had been in Texas now almost seven years and he was quite the cattleman. He had handed the banking empire over to his sister as he had enough to handle with Strathmore Industries. He had a great crew handling his affairs at the refinery and he would make periodic appearances, but for all practical purposes, he liked being outdoors with his ranching. He was now pushing thirty and his days were busy with his cattle business. He had no time for love as well as no desire for another man in his life.

"David, you must find someone to love, son," Tyler tells him. "It's not good to be alone all the time love."

"I am not alone, I have almost a million head of cattle dad," he tells him. "Besides, I had one great love once, that's enough for one lifetime," he tells him.

"Kevin would have wanted you to have love in your life. Not this meager existence that you call living son," Tyler says.

"I don't see you looking for a man, now that you are without one," he says referring to Troy's death two years ago.

"David I am in my sixties son, I have no need for a man anymore. Besides I was granted the privilege of having two loves," he says.

"Well love is going to have to find me for it to come into my life," he says.

"Well we have to help it out also," Tyler says hugging him. "I just worry about you being alone once I'm gone," he says.

"I have Jeanne to keep me company in my old age," he says referring to the fact that she never got married.

"Well you know what I mean son, I love you and I am only looking out for you."

"I know dad and I really appreciate it. I love you too," he says hugging him and kissing his cheek.

He drives home and he thinks about Kevin and how it has been so many years since he has held a man.

"I still miss you my man," he says to himself. "It has been a little over seven years and I still can see your face, your smile."

He pulls into his drive and he notices his sister's car. He goes inside and finds her cooking up a nice dinner.

"Something sure smells mighty fine," he says hanging his hat on the hook. "I bet it's my favorite sister," he says as he comes up behind and kisses her neck.

"Hey I am your only sister bucko," she says. "Grab three plates she says as she turns off the stove.

"Three plates? Who else is here?" he says as he grabs the plates out of the cupboard.

"My brother Bret," she says. "He was feeling alone and down so I invited him along."

"Where is he?" he asks looking around but not seeing him.

"He's upstairs taking a shower. He spilled some black stuff on him that was in a container on the counter."

"Shit no!" David says as he jumps up and heads upstairs to the bathroom. He bursts into the bathroom and opens the shower just as Bret is going to turn it on.

"Stop! Don't touch that water," David shouts and he nearly scares Bret half to death. Bret turns around towards David and he is covered with this black powder. "You can't mix that with water Bret," David says. "If you do, you will explode."

"Oh fuck," he says as he jumps out of the shower and lands on David. "How the fuck do I get this off me?" he asks.

"I have some stuff in the barn that neutralizes it. Do you mind walking out there like that," he asks smirking at his nakedness.

"You just think this is so fucking funny don't you dick wad?"

"I know better than to fuck around with shit I know nothing about," David says laughing.

"Well seeing how I haven't much choice, lead on professor," he says clearly not amused. David takes him out to the barn and he dusts him off with the neutralizing powder. He is standing there now white as a ghost and he is fuming at David.

"Now what do I do, now that I am covered in this white shit?" he snaps at David who is still snickering.

"One minute, I have just what you need over here," he says as he walks away. He comes back with a hose as he turns it on, and he sprays Bret down. Bret screams out as the ice- cold water hits him.

"I will get you for this David if it takes me a hundred years." David is spraying him as Bret is slipping and sliding trying to stand up, and he falls in the mud. He gets up and comes running at David and tackles him. The two of them are wrestling in the mud when Jeanne comes out.

"Well isn't this a site for sore eyes?" she says as the two men, laying belly down in the mud, look up at her. She sees the hose and picks it up as she turns it on them. They let out a scream as she doses them with the ice-cold water. She finally turns it off and looks at them as she tells them.

"The dinner is getting cold, go get showered and get your asses in to eat," as she turns and walks away. David and Bret look at each other and burst out laughing.

"We must look a sight," Bret says to David.

"You more than me bud, I'm not naked," David says as he swats Bret's ass.

"Ouch that hurts," he says and they start wrestling all over again. "I will make you say uncle boy," Bret says.

"Wanna bet naked boy?" David says as he gets another swat at Bret's ass.

They grab and pull as they wrestle around and soon David is as naked as Bret is.

"Those were new jeans, you just ripped off me," David says as he jumps on Bret and the mud flies. "You're gonna pay for that," and he grabs Bret and slams him into the mud. "You gonna say uncle yet dick wad?" David asks.

"In your fucking dreams ass wipe," he replies. They wrestle around until Bret finally is on top of David and he is pinned down. He gets in his face and he looks into his eyes and says.

"Now who is on top and in control?" he says inches from David's face. "Let's hear uncle," he says.

"Never dick wad, get off me," David says squirming to get free. Bret holds him down as he stares into his eyes and he lowers himself for a kiss. He presses his lips hard to David's lips as he kisses his opponent.

"What the fuck was that for?" David asks.

"To the victor goes the spoils of the victory," he says as he kisses him again.

"Stop it fuckhead and let me up now," David says and he is not amused as Bret gets off him. He gets up, and storms off into the house to shower swearing all the way. Jeanne is at the door as he comes in the house and she's laughing.

"Shut the fuck up, this is not the least bit amusing," he says as he stomps by her on his way up to the shower.

"Where is my brother?" she asks still laughing.

"How the fuck do I know or care?" he says as he climbs the stairs. Bret comes in a few moments behind him, and he is chuckling aloud.

"What the hell happened out there?" she asks her brother. "And why were you both naked and covered with mud?" she asks.

"Sis you are not going to believe how pissed he is," Bret says.

"I know how pissed he is, I saw him naked not ten seconds ago." Bret goes upstairs and he takes his shower and dresses. As he comes out into the hall, David is just coming of his room.

"Listen David, about what happened in the barn. I'm sorry man, really," Bret says to David. "I was just fucking around. I didn't know you would get so upset man."

"Just forget about it, ok?" David says and starts to walk away.

"David I said I was sorry, you going to stay pissed at me?" Bret asks.

"Listen I said forget it. What don't you understand about that statement?" he says sarcastically.

"Not a fucking thing asshole," Bret says and walks downstairs.

Bret goes down stairs, tells his sister goodbye and he leaves. David comes down later and she can see that he is just as pissed as her brother.

"David, kitchen, now," she says and not as a request. He follows her in and she points to a chair for him to sit.

"Now you are going to listen to me, and you are going to keep your mouth shut until I finish," she says looking at him square in the eyes. "Do I make myself clear here?"

"Yes ma'am," he says and now even he is worried.

"I have had it with your self pity party. Not a word I said. I have helped you go from a person who was completely at his emotional wits ends to what you are today, which is not much better. I heard you speak at your father's memorial service about taking away their love and giving it away to others. Well let me tell you something little brother, you have shut your heart and love away from life so that even God himself cannot find it. You left your love there that day my brother, and shut those who love you and could love you away from you. Contrary to what you may think or believe, if you love someone they are not going to drop dead on you. We all will die someday, but if you go through life never loving another person David, then you are already dead. Take those chains off your heart love, Kevin would not want to see you like this, neither would your dads. I love you David, but I hate what you have done to yourself. Now I'm done and I'm sorry if I overstepped my boundaries as a sister, but I care deeply about you."

David sat there and looked at her then burst out crying. She took him into her arms and held him tight as he let years of pent up emotions loose. They sat on the floor while she held him and cuddled him like a baby while he cried. He let it all out until he finally had no more tears to cry.

"I have been so afraid to love again," he said as he pulled himself together. "Everyone that I have ever loved is gone."

"I am still here and so is Tyler," she says. "Do you love us or are you just pretending?"

"Of course I love you, I have loved you both for years," he tells her. "It's finding someone new that scares me. I forgot how to find someone to love. It came so easy for me with Kevin."

"Well just let it come to you again," Jeanne says. "If it happened once it could happen again."

She gave him a hug and a kiss and helped him stand up. She went to the stove and reheated the dinner she had made. Bret came back a short time after and when he came in, he saw David and turned back.

"Jeanne shut it off again," David says to her. "Bret wait please," he says running after him as Brett goes to the car. David stands against the door so he can't open it and he looks at him.

"Listen Bret, can we go for a walk and talk?" David asks.

"Why the fuck would I do that? So you can kick my ass or insult me again?" he asks.

"I deserve that," David says. "No buddy, I want to apologize and tell you about what has been going on in my head," David says as he extends his hand.

"I guess seeing how you put it that way bud," he says and shakes hands.

"Here's the rules, I speak for a while and you listen please," David says looking at Bret.

"Ok as long as I get my chance to voice my say," he says.

"Fair enough. Your sister just read me the riot act in there. I didn't realize how far I had slipped into my own private hell. I not only locked those that I loved out of my world and heart, but those that I may have found love with also. I had bought into my own belief that if I really loved someone deeply they would die on me. So as a protective measure I built this wall around my heart to keep out those that I didn't want die. If I didn't show love they would live, if I loved them they would die. This is the theory I bought into when I lost my dads and Kevin, and my grandparents. When you kissed me, you threatened that protective wall I had surrounding my heart. Just that brief kiss made that wall teeter and shake and it scared me. I did what I had always done when that wall was threatened: I lashed out. I lashed out at you and kept going until you got angry enough you ran from me. Thus, my wall was safe again. I am so sorry Bret for hurting you when you were only trying to be a friend. People like me do not deserve people like you. I am done now Bret, your turn."

"Wow what can I say to follow a heartfelt out-pouring like that?" he says. "There is only one thing that I know to do to follow an emotional release such as that," he says as he takes David in his arms and looks him square in the eyes and says, "David I fell in love with you over seven years ago when my sister introduced you to me. You and Kevin were together and I knew I could never go after you. Therefore, before I kiss you I want to know if your wall is gone. I will not compete with that wall for your heart."

"Just shut the fuck up and kiss me babe," David says as their lips meet. Their tongues search out one another as they meet and dance. David lets out a soft moan as he succumbs to his passion.

"Finally, now this is what I was talking about David," Jeanne says standing on the patio. "I have reheated this dinner three times, now get your asses in here and save that for later," she says turning and going into the house.

They have their dinner and she watches her brothers as they look at each other. They hardly touch a bite on their plate as they play footsies.

"Well does this mean I'm going home alone tonight?" she asks Bret. He doesn't respond as she gets up to clear the dishes. "I am still in the room," she says as they both look up and laugh at her.

"Did you say something sis?" Bret asks then turns back to David.

"Never mind, I will see myself out," she says as she leaves and she gives them each a kiss goodbye. They follow her as far as the stairwell and they turn up. David has Bret by the hand as he leads him upstairs to his room. He opens his door and brings him inside as he closes it. They stand in the room that's lit only by moonlight, holding each other tight. David stares at the man that he holds in his arms and he kisses his lips. Their hearts beat as one as they search with their tongues each other's mouth. It has been much too long and he searches his heart for the words he would say.

"I feel like a teenager on his first date," David says looking into Bret's eyes. "I have closed my heart for so long now I have forgotten how to love. If you would have me Bret, teach me to love again."

Bret takes David into his arms, and their lips meet in passion as David surrenders his heart to this man. Their tongues meet and they dance together in love, as their arms embrace each other.

"David I will have you and teach you not only to love again, but how to be loved again," Bret says as his lips envelop David's tongue. He undresses his new love kissing each inch he exposes, setting afire David's body. He leads his lover to the bed, and they lay down embracing each other in passion and desire as their hands explore each other's body. Bret lies between David's spread legs, and looks into his eyes that glow with the moonlight coming in through the window. It casts a soft shadow across the young lovers as their bodies are entwined together in their passion and lust for one another. He slowly kisses his way down to David's erect and now sensitive nipples, taking one in his mouth and gently biting it. David lets out a soft sigh as he experiences a long forgotten feeling, arching his back from the electricity that flows through his body.

"Oh bud, I forgot how good that feels," David says as Bret moves to his other nipple and gently bites it causing another rush of electricity to flow through him. He kisses his way to David's cock, which is now flowing with pre- come as his desire builds. He takes it into his mouth swallowing it until there is none left to swallow.

"Fuck Bret I am so close bud," David says unable to control his climax. "I'm cumming babe," and he shoots seven years of pent up love deep into Bret's throat, as Bret swallows all he gives. He just keeps going unable to control his climax, his passion so great it brings him to tears. He finally slows his release and his cock softens and drops from Bret's mouth. David pulls him up and kisses him as the tears flow from his eyes, like water over a waterfall.

"I love you Bret," David whispers in his ear and kisses it softly. "Fuck me bud, fill me with your love," he whispers.

"Are you sure babe," Bret asks kissing his neck.

"Yes bud, I want to feel your love inside me," he says as their lips meet. Bret sits up and David hands him some lube. He puts it on his cock and prepares David. He positions himself between David's raised legs and slowly enters his man. David cries out softly as he enters, and Bret waits for David to relax. He starts to slowly fuck, pushing in a little with each push, until he is all the way in.

"You feel so good in me bud," David says wrapping his arms around his new lover. "Fuck me slow and take your time." Bret slowly pulls out and then slowly pushes in as David pushes up to me his thrust. They fuck like this, as time seems to stand still for the two lovers, until David can feel that Bret is close.

"Fuck me hard and fast bud, fill my ass with the seed of your love babe," David cries out in his lust. Bret lifts up on his arms as he increases his thrusts, pounding with everything he has. He pounds his lover's ass as he approaches his climax, crying out in his passion and lust.

"Oh fuck," he says as his cock starts to swell and his cum swirls in his balls. "I'm cumming babe," he shouts," as the first of his shots, goes deep into David's ass. He picks up his pace as David does also, and he shoots his seed deep into David's ass. His fucking causes David to have another climax of his own, shooting his cum all over his chest. The two lovers fuck until they finally have no more to give, and Bret collapses on David as they kiss. They ride out their love's afterglow in each other's arms, kissing and holding each other tight.

"I love you David," Bret says looking into his lover's eyes.

"Thank you bud for showing me how to love again," David says to his lover. "I love you bud, and I thought that I would never say that again," he says as his tears fill his eyes. Bret wipes away his tears and he kisses each eye, as he softly kisses his lips.

"I knew you had it in you somewhere babe, I just had to find it," Bret says as their lips meet. Bret lies beside David and he pulls him in close as they find their spooning position. They are soon fast asleep with Bret's arm over David, and David's head resting on Bret's arm.

The next morning the two lovers awaken in each other's arms, as David turns to greet his lover.

"Good morning bud," he says with a kiss and a hug.

"Hey cowboy, quite a rodeo last night," Bret says.

"I'll say, my ass still feels like you're in there."

"You aren't accustomed to bottoming are you?" Bret asks David.

"Not really, with Kevin and me, I was always the top," David says. "But I like being your bottom," he says as he gives Bret a kiss. They get up and shower as their love carries over. David finds his passion has a new life again.

"I can't stop smiling today," David says feeling like a virgin that was just deflowered. "You have made me complete again bud. After breakfast bud, we need to go somewhere."

"Go where babe?" Bret asks.

"I have to go see Tyler, he needs to know that I have finally found love again," David says and Bret looks worried. "It's ok bud, he told me just the other day that I needed to find someone to love again."

"Are you sure babe, Kevin was his son," Bret says still not convinced.

Later that morning after calling, they stopped by to see Tyler.

"David, Bret how nice to see you," Tyler says showing them into the parlor. "What brings you two over on such a glorious morning?" he asks suspiciously.

"Dad, you remember the talk you gave me a couple of days ago about finding love again?" David asks Tyler. "Well it finally found me like you said it would. Bret and I are in love dad. He broke through that wall I had built around my heart, and filled it with his love," David says and Bret is sitting nervously waiting for Tyler's reaction.

"Oh David, Bret, I am so happy for the two of you," he says and Bret's face lights up. "I can see by your change of expression Bret that you were worried about my reaction to your news. My Kevin never wanted David to go through life alone, and without love. He told him that in his dying words, more than once. So your love for one another is a fulfillment of his request Bret," Tyler says giving Bret a hug and kiss.

"Thank you Tyler," Bret says as his eyes gloss over. "I do love this cowboy so much."

"Another reason we came over today is, we would like you to come and live with us," David says.

"This is something that we decided together Ty, and we would be honored if you would say yes," Bret says.

"You are both so kind, but why would you want an old man like me hanging around?" he asks. "Besides this is where my Troy and I made our home, and where I still feel him," he says. "Thank you boys, but I will spend my last years here son," he says looking around as if seeing Troy still there.

"Well if you ever decide you want our company dad," David starts to say, but is interrupted.

"You are just a phone call away," Tyler finishes.

They have lunch with him and spend the afternoon talking, and then leave around five to go home.

"I am so happy David," Bret says touching David's arm. "You have made me complete."

"I feel the same way bud, there is only one thing that I desire bud, that I think we need," David says looking over at Bret. "A baby of our own," he says.

"Well unless you have some organs inside you haven't told me about, there isn't much we can do about it," he says.

"They have this new method for people that can't get pregnant on their own bud. They artificially fertilize a woman's egg and a man's sperm, and then implant it into the woman."

"And where do we get all the necessary donations?" Bret asks.

"Well if Jeanne Marie is willing, I thought we could ask her to donate her egg and maybe Tyler the sperm," David says.

"Oh David, I really don't know about this, she may not like this at all. I wouldn't mind, if she's willing," he says.

They get home and David calls his sister. He invites her to come over for dinner the next day.

"Well this was a pleasant surprise," she says as they sit down to eat. After they finish dinner they are sitting around talking, and David broaches the subject.

"Jeanne, Bret and I have something very serious to ask you. It will probably take you by surprise," he says nervously.

"Ok, you sound so serious and a bit mysterious," she says with humor.

"I am being very serious Jeanne Marie, we would like to ask you to have our baby," he says and she sprays out the wine she just drank.

"You what!" she says in shock, looking from one to the other. "You want me to have your baby?" she says laughing hysterically.

"Yes Jeanne, they have this new procedure out that allows couples that can't have children to be artificially inseminated and have a baby," he tells her.

"And who is going to produce the sperm for this baby, neither of you can you're my brothers," she says matter of factly.

"We were thinking of asking Tyler," David says.

"You two are really serious about this," she says looking at her two brothers.

"Yes we are," they both say together.

"Do I have to give you an answer tonight?" she asks, "I would like to think about this."

"Of course we would want you to think about it. This is not something to be taken lightly," Bret says.

"I tell you what, let me think about it and I will let you know by Saturday," she says.

Later that night in bed, they lay there talking about Jeanne.

"Do you think she will do it bud?" David asks.

"I really don't know if she will, she's a logical person," Bret says as he pinches David's nipple.

"How can I think with you exciting me?" David asks grabbing Bret's hard cock.

"That's the idea cowboy, stop thinking and start acting," he says as he crawls on top of David. He gives him a hard and lustful kiss, and David's hands move down to Bret's ass.

"Tonight bud, cowboy is going bronco riding," he says as he grabs Bret and they flip over with David now on top. Their lips meet and they kiss hard and with passion, as their tongues seek dominance over one another. David sits up and lifts Bret's legs onto his shoulders, as he moves down to his tender rosebud. He moves his tongue all around the rim, sending passion all through Bret's body. He lifts his ass to give David his treasure as David plunges his tongue deep inside. Bret lets out a moan as he gives in to this pleasure, and David fucks him with his tongue until he shouts.

"Oh fuck me cowboy, I can't take it any more," he says as his head rolls side to side. David sits up, reaches for the lube and prepares his bronco for the ride. He gets closer to Bret and he lowers to kiss him, then softly whispers in his ear.

"Are you ready my bronco for your rodeo d‚but?"

"Fuck me cowboy, fuck hard and deep. I want to feel your love deep inside me," he says. David slowly pushes in and Bret lets out a soft sigh, as he grabs David's ass and pulls him in. He pulls him all the way into his ass, and David is taken with desire. He lifts himself up on his arms, as he slowly starts to fuck his man. He soon finds his rhythm and they are fucking with a fury, each making their sounds of lust. He pounds Bret's ass and soon he is close, as Bret reaches his climax also.

"I'm cumming cowboy," Bret yells out in passion as he wraps his arms around David and pulls him down for a kiss.

"I'm cumming too bud," says David as he feel Bret's ass tighten around his cock. He shoots his hot seed deep into Bret's ass, filling him with his love. Bret shoots his love between their bodies as the two of them lock in a kiss. They lay there entwined as they ride out the afterglow of their lovemaking.

"I love you so much my cowboy," Bret says kissing his man on the lips.

"Not as much as I love you bud," David says as he rolls into their new position to sleep. He pulls his lover into him as he wraps his arm over him. "I love you Bret, more than you may ever realize babe," he whispers in his ear. Bret snuggles up against his man, thinking how much he loves him as he falls to sleep.

That Saturday finally came, Jeanne Marie came over, and the guys just looked at her as she sat facing them.

"I have given this much thought since we spoke the other day," she says looking very serious. "I spoke to my gynecologist about this procedure, and I have decided to do it for you two," she says and breaks out in a smile. The guys look at her in shock and then at each other.

"Really Jeanne Marie you wouldn't kid us?" Bret asks.

"You are serious about this?" David asks.

"Yes brothers, I am very serious, but I have only one thing that must be agreed upon first. I don't want this baby to know that I am his or her mother," she says.

"But why?" asks David knowing what is feels like not knowing who your parents are. "Why would you not want her or him to eventually know?"

"Because I have my reasons and that's all I am saying. Now do we agree or not?" she asks.

"I agree," says Bret too excited to disagree.

"And you David, can you in good conscience agree brother?" she asks taking his hands in hers.

"I remember what it was like not knowing growing up who my real mom and dad where. My dads always told me I was adopted, but in the back of my mind I always wanted to know who my father and mother were," he says.

"David you have to agree here, or we do not have a deal," she says still holding his hands. "I know how hard this is for you brother, but my reasons are greater," she says.

"Very well sis, you have my word. I will not tell her or him that you are the mother," he says reluctantly as she hugs him tenderly.

David and Bret went over to Tyler's later that day, and approached him about the sperm.

"Come in boys, my you look so serious," he says showing them in. "Is everything all right?" he asks.

"Yes dad, everything is fine. I have, well we have a really big favor to ask of you," David says looking at Bret then Tyler. "We would like to have your sperm," he says but it came out wrong.

"My what," Tyler says looking at them in shock. "I have not had anyone ask me for my sperm in many years."

"No dad, that came out the wrong way. Let me start over from the beginning," David says now thoroughly embarrassed. "What we are hoping to do is have a baby, and we would like your sperm for it dad," he says.

"Son I hope you know that neither of you are made to have one," Tyler says and David again is red.

"David let me explain," Bret says thinking the baby could be in college before David could ask Tyler what he wanted to. "What he so clumsily is trying to say is, Jeanne Marie has consented to be artificially inseminated to have a baby for us. What we need is a sperm donor," he says.

"We want you to be our baby's father dad," David says with tears in his eyes.

"Oh my son, that's not what I expected," Tyler says and turns to look out the window. He spends several minutes looking out the window, then turns to the boys, and says, "Are you sure this is what you both want to do? And does Jeanne Marie clearly know what she is doing?" he asks.

"Yes to both your questions dad," David says. "She spent most of last week thinking about it, and she even spoke to her doctor about the procedure."

"Then if everyone is in agreement I would be honored, but I would want to be the grandfather instead of the father," he says. "I will write a letter that will be given to him on his eighteenth birthday."

"Thanks dad," David says as he gives Tyler a hug and a kiss.

A few weeks later Jeanne Marie enters the hospital to be artificially fertilized. She spends overnight in the hospital and it was a successful procedure.

"Now young lady we wait," Dr. Thomas says. "I will see you back in six weeks."

She meets the guys downstairs, and they are all excited with anticipation.

"It was a success," she shouts and they go wild with joy.

"Now Jeanne Marie, I want you to take it easy for the next nine months," David says helping her into the car.

"Listen brother, I am pregnant, not some china doll. I will not break if I do things. The doctor told me that I could resume my everyday routine," she tells him.

The weeks fly by and Jeanne Marie goes for her first check up. The doctor examines her and does an ultra sound after having some concerns.

"Please get dressed Miss Tremont, and I will see you in my office once you are dressed," he says rather seriously.

"What is it doctor?" she asks noting his change of demeanor.

"Like I said, once you are dressed meet me in my office."

To be continued .

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Next: Chapter 13

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