The Swimmer

By Jonathan Perkins

Published on May 30, 2021


WARNING: This story is for adult men. It contains a graphic and fictional depiction of sex between college men. If sexual activity between consenting males is illegal where you are, or you find this material offensive or if you are under legal age, do not go any further and do not read this story. The characters are fictional and do not represent any real person, living or dead or any real events or happenings.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except to the website to which it has been posted, without consent of the author.

Your comments or suggestions are always welcome. Please direct them to Jonathan Perkins at

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This is a story of a young man going off to his first year of college, a little unsure of what lies ahead of him but his confidence builds as he settles in and makes new friends and new experiences that expand his sexual attitudes. This story is not just a 'we suck, we fuck, we do it again' story, although the sexual activity does increase as the story continues, but it also dwells on the personal development of Mark, the main character, as he matures into an very open minded young man.

The Swimmer Chapter One

I arrived at college for my freshman year, excited but nervous. This was my first time living on my own. But I reassured myself if several hundred other freshmen could do it, so could I. My real apprehension was who my roommate was and what he would be like. I'm an only child and never shared a room with anyone, let alone a total stranger. My parents dropped me off in front of my dorm and said their good byes as we unloaded my gear from the car. I didn't have much other than my personal belongings. An introductory email from Frank, my new roommate, told me he had a mini fridge, stereo equipment and a TV for our room. Almost made it sound like it was his room and I was his guest. But whatever. I shouldn't prejudge.

I got to the door of "our" room and pushed it open. As soon as I walked in Frank jumped off his bed and came over to greet me. Extending his hand, he introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Frank. I assume you're Mark, my roommate?" as we shook hands.

Again, with the dominance. 'I'm his roommate.' He's not my roommate or we're not just roommates, as on an even level.

"Yeah, I'm Mark glad to meet you. Looking forward to a great freshman year."

"Me too. My older brother graduated from here last year so I inherited all his dorm room gear. Easier this way than starting from scratch. Plus, I've been here a lot to visit him over the past four years so I know my way around and have a lot of connections. Anything you need or want to know, just ask."

That explains his territorial attitude. I just hope it doesn't become an issue.

"Sort of like having my own personal RA as my roommate", I commented.

"Hehe, yeah. I never thought of it that way, but your right. At your service anytime night or day, my fellow roommate", he laughed. "I haven't unpacked anything yet because I didn't know if you had any preference on which side of the room you wanted."

Wow, I had prejudged him and was wrong I see.

"You were laying on that bed when I came in so if nothing else, I think that is yours. I have no real preference anyway. I've never shared a room with anyone before so I'm new to all this roommate stuff."

"I shared a room with my brother until he came here to college then I had the room to myself at home. It was nice having the privacy but I kinda missed the company as well. So having done both, let's get a few things out in the open."

Here we go. His rules I have to live by.

"This is our room, yours and mine, for the year. I'm pretty easy going but if anything bothers me I will talk to you about it. And the same goes for you. Anything I do that gets on your nerves or bugs you, let me know. The only "rule" I adhere to is showing each other some common courtesy and respect. With that in mind, I think we can have a lot of fun this year. I play hard, I love hard, but I also study hard. I'm here for the education first, the fun second."

"I've got to start off by being honest with you. When you emailed me you have everything we need for the room and then you were here before I got here I had a feeling your were a controlling and territorial kind of guy, kinda of dominate, ya know? But now I know I judged you wrong. You seem like a really nice guy and I do think we're going to get along just great this year."

"See, that's exactly the shit I'm talking about. Being honest with each other, just laying it out there. Let's get unpacked and I'll show you around the campus."

"Ok, let's unpack and settle in. But the first stop on the tour better be the cafeteria. I'm starved."

"Sounds good. Most of the food is good but I'll give you a heads up on what to avoid."

We unpacked and headed down to the cafeteria. Frank was very chatty, not to the point of dominating the conversation, but not the quiet type at all.

I told him my background. My father worked for a large corporation and my mother was a schoolteacher. She claimed I always did well in school because of her but it all came easy to me. I claimed it was because I was smart, she explained I was a smart-ass. In high school I joined the swim team. Also ran track but swimming was my favorite sport. We had a large inground pool and I had been swimming before I could walk. My mother got me into one of those water baby programs where they teach very young babies to float.

Both his parents are lawyers and his older brother was studying law as well. Frank didn't like the fact that in any law suit there was always a loser. He wanted to study architecture. When he designed something for someone, it would be a win-win situation. He explained he was a lover, not a fighter. His major involvement with sports in high school was dating cheerleaders and not much else. Said he wanted to keep the girls satisfied so they wouldn't fuck the players and drain the energy before the games. Not sure if that reason held water, but Frank lived by it.

"And speaking of me being a lover. Hopefully both of us will be hooking up a lot this year. Or at least trying', he laughed. "So here it what I propose. If one of us has a shot of bringing a girl back to the room, we text the other one and see if it's ok. I don't want to make you stay away from the room if you're not up for it at the time. So if you say no, I find another place to take her. If you're ok with it, I have connections and can find a place for you to bunk in for the night. And the same with you. Sound agreeable?"

"Sounds perfect. Mutual respect, as you said earlier. But I can't really imagine a scenario where I'd deny you getting a piece of ass in the comfort of your own bed."

" Haha. I told you I'm a lover. If I had my way I'd be getting laid every night. But reality is a cruel mistress and it would be no where near that often. But if its gets to be too much, just let me know."

"What, and have you all horned up all the time. I'd have to sleep with my back to the wall." I surprised myself by saying that. I'm not into guys at all and not sure where that came from. Just regular guy talk, busting balls I guess.

"No worries there, my friend. If not with a girl, I keep it to myself."

We finished eating and Frank gave me the grand tour of the campus. His tour, not the "here's the library tour" from my visit the previous spring. We headed back to the room and met some of the new arrivals. Frank introduced me to the RA, Ralph, a friend of his brother's.

"Welcome to the campus. Anything you need or any questions, don't hesitate to knock on my door. "

"Thanks. But I've got Frank for that. He seems to know his way around."

"That he does. Hey Frank, glad you could join us full time now instead of just weekends."

"Thanks. A good dorm, a friendly RA and a fantastic roommate. Going to be a hell of a year!"

Frank had only known me for a few hours and already I was a fantastic roommate? Wow.

We got back to the room and Frank said he needed a shower. We were both pretty sweaty after the long walk around the campus. Frank stood in front of his closet and undressed. Just before he dropped his boxers, he turned around to me.

"Hey, just so you know. Growing up with my brother my never had an issue with nudity in our room. We would always change in front of one another. We both slept naked, first in a double bed when we were younger and then in our own beds when we were older. If my being naked in the room bothers you, I can change my habits."

"I was on the swim team and the track team I told you so I've probably seen more naked asses and cocks than you've seen naked pussy. So, no, it doesn't bother me at all."

"Good. And like I said earlier, if I'm not getting laid regular, I keep my horniness to myself. So there might be the occasional flopping of my sheet at times. If you know what I mean", he giggled.

"I know exactly what you mean. What you do on your side of the room in your bed is your business. Just don't flaunt it over here." I laughed back at him. "And the same goes for me. We're both healthy young guys and have our basic needs. You know, food, shelter, daily hygiene and jacking off when the boner arises."

"Fucking A! This IS going to be a great year!"

With that Frank dropped his boxers and rummaged around for his towel. I got undressed as well and got my towel for the showers. As most guys do, we subtly checked out each other's package. Frank had a typical cut cock, a little above average I'd say at 6-1/2". Decent body for a non-athlete. More than average body hair, but not a gorilla by any means. I had a cut cock about the same as Frank. I have a slimmer build with almost no body hair, naturally. But I got in the habit on swim team of shaving my body so the hair was slow to grow back. All except my crotch. I keep that shaved regularly.

"Wow, you've got no pubes, man. You look like a ten-year-old. Except with a much bigger cock."

"I started shaving my high school freshman year because of swim team. My girlfriend at the time found out my cock was shaved and wanted to see it and feel it. Then she shocked me by going down on it and giving me my first blow job. She told all her friends about how silky smooth a shaved cock was and no hairs in the teeth after sucking it. Suddenly swimmers became a sought after entity. Never let a another pube grow down there again." I grinned as I told him my reason for a smooth crotch.

"Damn, that's awesome. Maybe I should try that but I'm not sure I could part with my hair. I waited so long for it to come in it seems sacrilegious to just shave it all off."

"I know. But other than the guys on the team, the girls who readily suck me and now you, nobody knows. Not like I wear a nametag 'I'm shaved' in public".

We both had a good laugh and headed for our showers. There were individual stalls in the shower room but no curtains. I noticed Frank kept stealing glances at my cock while we were showering and again while we dried off. We got back to the room and Frank pulled on his boxers while I pulled out a pair of shorts. Frank was still sneaking glances at my crotch.

"Does my smooth crotch bother you, Frank?"

Looking all embarrassed, "No, doesn't bother me at all. Its just that I've never seem anyone as smooth as you at your age. It makes your cock look twice as big too. I'm sorry to make you feel self conscious"

"Not at all. Look all you want." I laughed. "When I was a kid I didn't like peas. My mother told me if I ate enough of them I'd get used to them. So the same goes for you. Not the eating, I mean, but the looking. Look enough and you'll get used to it," grinning at Frank.

I threw my shorts back in the draw and went and lay down on my bed with my legs open.

"Let me know when you've seen enough." I put my hands behind my head and snickered at him.

"Fuck man, you making me out to be some kind of pervert! It's just, well, ah . . ."

"Sorry, not imply that at all. If you were a pervert, you'd be sporting a boner from looking at my cock so much. Just trying to be accommodating. I'll cover up and like you told me, if my nakedness makes you feel uncomfortable, I change in private."

"I guess our first awkward moment came sooner than I anticipated." Frank snickered and his face turned red. "You do what ever you want and I'll mind my own business. You're right, the novelty of it will wear off in time. I'll try to behave."

"I kinda like being naked like this so you can look all you want. Maybe you'll grow to like it and want to shave yours as well."

"You stay naked but there is no way in hell I'm shaving off my beloved pubes. Not my style at all."

I got out a book and was reading, lying naked on my bed. Frank would sneak an occasional glance and when I caught him he would just smile and go back to what he was doing. I'd smile back at him now that we both had accepted the situation.

The next couple of months went pretty smoothly. Frank and I were getting good grades, he had hooked me up with Ralph so I could bunk in the RA's suite if Frank had an overnight guest. It did happen a few times but often enough to be an issue. I was getting plenty of action once the word got around about my shaved cock. Quite a few of the girls were curious and came to like the feel of it. I was getting a bj two or three times a week. A few told me they liked fucking a shaved cock because it felt better. With a condom on my cock and their pussy dripping juices and their pussy lips puffed up and ready I really don't know how they could tell if I was shaved or had a hairy gorilla cock. Either way, it worked to my benefit so I wasn't about to mention it to them. Frank was a little jealous so I offered again to show him how to shave his pubes.

"Nothing doing. I'll go celibate before I get that desperate."

"Suit yourself. Just don't keep me awake at night with the bed squeaking when you jerk off."

"And you would know."

We had gotten so comfortable with our nudity and casual nature in the room that it was not an uncommon occurrence for one or the other of us to lay back and stroke one out when the urge hit us. No big deal, just guys doing what guys do we told each other.

As Halloween approached we were getting ready to do some serious partying. Ralph knocked on our door and came in to tell us he had to go home for a while as his mother had taken quite ill. He gave us the key to his room and asked us if we could fill in for him as the temporary RA. He had cleared it with the Dean of Students as Frank knew his way around so well and every one got along with both of us.

"Just don't have me come back to find my room ankle deep in dried cum and used rubbers," he joked.

Ralph kept his room immaculate so I assured him we would keep the nasty stuff to our room and only use his for the occasional nighttime get away. He put a note on his door to see us if anyone had any issues in his absence and was gone.

We enjoyed the parties and headed home for Thanksgiving. It was nice to be home but I missed my newfound independence of college life. Got back to school and Frank and I were too busy cramming for exams to hook up at all. Studying until the wee hours of the morning and taking exams took a toll on us. No energy left to even get in well-needed hand job. When we had finished our last exam, we celebrated with a case of beer and hot wings and pizza. Naked in our room, naturally. As the beer started to take effect on us, Frank was slurring his words and started asking about shaving myself. What did I use, how often did I have to do it, did it hurt?

"Only if you cut part of your cock off or one of your balls. Then it hurts like hell!" I busted on him.

"Oh fuck you, asshole. I'm trying to ask some serious questions here."

At that he lunged off his bed and jumped on top of me, pinning me to my bed. All his talk of shaving himself and the contact of our naked bodies had made him chub up a little. We wrestled around for a while, him too drunk to get the better of me. His cock was getting stiffer by the minute. I tried to slip totally away from him but lost my balance and fell face first on my bed. Frank jumped on my back and proclaimed himself the winner.

"Now I have you right where I want you, loser." His stiff cock was pushed between my legs and up against my ass crack.

"Where do you want me? With your cock in my ass?"

"Oh, damn it man," he slurred, "No, that's not what I meant at all. I'm sorry. Ah, shit."

Frank climbed off me quickly and slumped over on his bed. His face was red, either from the wrestling or from being embarrassed that he had his boner up against my ass. I was only joking with him and didn't think he meant anything by it, just two guys wrestling. I felt bad I had called him out that way. So, I got up and went over and jumped on top of him.

"Haha, you fell for my trick. Now its my turn to shove my dick at you!" I proclaimed.

Frank looked up at me and saw my smirk.

"Well, you shit head, if you're going to dick me down you damn well have a hard dick to do it with," as he pushed me off him and onto the floor, laughing and giggling.

We both laughed a good hearty drunken laugh. I got back on my bed and started to stroke my cock. Frank looked over and immediately started stroking his stiff cock. As drunk and tired as we were it was taking a long time to get off.

"Are you going to be able to shoot your load before Christmas?" I teased Frank.

"You ain't doing any better so shut up and work it."

"I'm pleasuring it, you're the one working at it" I taunted him

"Fuck you, asshole. I'm going to come over there and shoot my load of cum all over you to show you who's the better man tonight."

At that, Frank got up and stumbled over towards my bed still stroking his cock. I just laughed at him being so unsteady on his feet. Just as he got near, he tripped and fell on my bed, his face ending up close to my crotch.

"Damn, you're still shaving that cock nice and smooth, aren't you."

"Sure am. And now you can see it up close and personal" I offered as I stopped stroking and grabbed the base of my cock and squeezed so it puffed up harder. Frank took me completely by surprises by reaching out and taking a hold of it.

"Wow, it does feel totally different than mine. Definitely smooth and silky."

It was the first time a guy had ever touched my cock. It felt weird but at the same time it was somewhat arousing. Must have been the beer and the lack of any sex for the last few weeks. I removed my hand as Frank ran his hand up and down my shaft, not gripping enough to be stroking it but almost caressing it. To be honest, as is the tradition of the room, it did feel nice. I put my hands behind my head and closed my eyes as Frank felt me up. His hand went lower and fondled my balls.

"My balls feel like a cow's ear and yours like a silk purse."

We both laughed at his comparison.

"And which one of us has the bull's cock?" going along with Frank's joke.

"Not a bull's cock but close enough" Frank replied. Suddenly the joking took a turn to the serious. Frank grabbed my cock by the base and lowered his mouth over it.

"What the hell, man?" I shouted as I moved my hand to push his head off me. Frank blocked my hand and mumbled incoherently as he continued to suck me.

Again the conundrum of the situation. The big head was telling me this was wrong on so many levels. I was certainly not gay, and I didn't think Frank was at all. But here he was sucking my cock like a Saturday night whore and I was starting to enjoy it. I often heard the saying, 'A mouth is just a mouth' but never thought I would subscribe to that theory. In Frank's drunken state he was not the best at giving a blowjob. His first for sure. And in my current condition I was not to be the best judge of what constituted a quality sucking. But damn, it felt good no matter how bad it was. So I put my hand on the back of Frank's head and tussled his hair and rubbed his head as he did his thing on my cock. I could feel the impending orgasm building up and told him I was ready to shoot my load so he better get off. He mumbled again and really went to town bringing me to a climax that shot several pent up bursts of cum into his mouth. He pulled off me and spit my cum on my stomach as he gagged and choked.

"Shit, man, that's fucking gross. I think I'm going to be sick. What the hell did you do that for?"

"Hey, I warned you. It's your own fault."

Frank stumbled back to his bed and collapsed facing the wall. I just lay there with a stomach covered in my cum, wondering what happens now. Did I just screw up a great roommate thing? What will we say in the morning? But it wasn't anything I did. He came at me. I didn't ask him to suck me. Was this just two horny drunks going too far or is there more to this.

As I lay there trying to make sense of all of it, I fell asleep. I was the first one to wake up the next morning. Frank was still snoring loudly in the same position he fell asleep in last night. I sat up and my head started pounding. The morning headache, the mouth that feels like it was full of feathers, rumbling stomach. Yup, I had a major hangover. Not to mention my own dried cum all over my upper body. I grabbed my towel and headed for a well needed shower. The hot water felt great flowing down over my body. As I washed and tried to get rid of the dried cum my thoughts went back to how it got there. What the hell was I going to say to Frank? Or what would he say to me? This was going to be very awkward to say the least. The more I thought about him sucking my cock it came to life and stiffened up. I lathered up my hands and started to stroke my cock, one soapy hand on my cock and the other soapy hand massaging my balls. It didn't take me long to reach a climax and shoot my load against the back of the shower stall. I finished my shower and dried off. Frank was starting to stir as I got back to the room. I decided to play it like nothing happened.

"Hey, it's about time you woke up. I thought you were going to sleep right though Christmas break."

"Shut up. Although that might be just what I need. I so fucking hung over and my stomach is major hurting. What a night, huh?"

Frank was playing it just as casual as I was. But I couldn't help myself.

"Of course you're hung over. With all that beer you drank last night. And I think your stomach hurts from all the pizza you ate, especially the sausage. Or was it the pepperoni?" I laughed as I smirked at him. He looked at me and got what I was implying.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole!" he growled in my direction. "Look, ah, about last night"

I wanted to keep up the jovial harassment but decided against it.

"No worries, just an end of semester celebration that got out of hand" and into mouth I was thinking about saying but used my better judgement. Changing the subject, "Don't forget as acting RA's we have to do a room check at the end of the week and make sure everyone has gone and shutoff all their electronics."

"I'm too hung over to think about any of that right now. We'll talk about last night when my mind is functioning better."

"Whatever. Go take a shower, you'll feel better, It worked for me."

Frank came back from a long shower and we talked about our Christmas plans and packed up ready to go home for the holidays. Ralph was still home with his mother so one of us had to stay until the end of the week when everyone was supposed to have left. Then take the master key and check the rooms to make sure no one had left any lights or hot plates and anything electrical on. We flipped a coin and I lost the toss. Even though Frank had won, he offered to stay with me and help secure the floor.

"I'm good, you've done enough for me this semester to help me. You moved in first so I guess it's only right you leave first."

"Well, if you're sure. I could use the extra few days to get home and get a jump on my shopping."

The subject of last night didn't come up again and I was not about to get into it. Let sleeping dogs lie. Frank grabbed his bags and headed for the door but not before putting his arms around me and giving me a tight hug. This time it felt a little weird hugging him. I felt a twinge in my soft cock and broke off the hug before anything else happened.

"Have a Merry Christmas, roomie" as he turned for the door.

"And you as well, roomie."

Friday came and everyone was supposed to be out of their rooms by then. I figured to wait until Saturday morning to do my room check. The cafeteria was shut down so I walked down to the local hamburger joint for something to eat. There had been a few snow showers while I was inside eating and everything was covered with a light dusting of snow. The campus was basically deserted as I walked back to my dorm and looked so quiet and still. I sat briefly on one of the benches and just scanned the area. The quiet was so strange for what was usually a bustling area of activity. Laughing to myself I imagined the campus to be like Superman's Ice Fortress and going into the dorm was my Fortress of Solitude. I got up and headed to the entrance of the dorm, half thinking I should leap and see if I could fly up to my floor. Shaking my head and laughing out loud I decided I was getting cold and needed to get inside and be normal again.

Returning to our empty room made me feel very lonely and missing Frank's usual banter and teasing. I started to undress but didn't feel right somehow being naked in the room alone. I put on a T-shirt and a pair of jogging shorts and watched TV for a while before dozing off.

Waking up early the next morning I ate some snacks I had bought last night and then headed to the showers. For as much as I didn't feel like being naked last night, the morning brought out a daring side of me. I was going to walk down the hall to the showers totally naked, take my shower and return to the room. I finished packing and decided it was time to do my room check, still roaming the halls naked. When I got to the end of the hall I opened the door to the room a couple of football jocks were sharing and stopped dead in my tracks. A slim build guy was lying on his back with his legs in the air and the football jock was on top fucking his ass hard and fast. His hairy ass was pumping up and down in the air, slamming his stiff cock into the other guy with no mercy. His feet were pushing against the floor trying to get as deep as he could into his prey.

"Oh yeah, Jake, fuck me hard. I want you to split my ass in two and then pump me full of your hot cum." The bottom guy yelled out between groans and grunts every time Jake slammed deep.

"Your ass is so tight. I can't hold off much longer, I'm ready to cum!" Jake was panting and breathing harder and faster.

And with that proclamation, Jake gave a hard thrust and let out a guttural yell as his load released into his fuck buddy. As soon as he caught his breath he pulled out of his friend's ass and dropped down to take his friends stiff cock in his mouth and proceed to suck him all the way to his balls. It was so intense it was almost like he was trying to suck out all the cum he had shot up his buddy's ass out of his cock. His buddy didn't last long either and bucked his hips as he filled Jake's throat. Jake moved up and kissed him full on the mouth, sharing the cum he had just worked so hard for.

"See how good it tastes and why I like to suck your cock every chance I get?"

"Hell yes. Its so much better when I lick my cum out of your mouth."

I hadn't said a word or moved an inch being in such shock at what I saw. I know some guys get into other guys but I would have never imagined these two football jocks would do this. After kissing for a few minutes, Frank turned his head to lay it on his buddy's chest when he saw me standing naked in the doorway.

"What the fuck? How did you get in here? Have you been perving, watching us?"

I was instantly afraid for my safety. Here I was naked in the doorway of two football players not more than 5 feet away from me who could have grabbed me and raped me or worse. They knew who I was because Ralph had introduced Frank and I to everyone on the floor as the temporary RA's.

"I ah, . . . I'm just, . . . well, . . . Why the hell are you guys still here. Everyone was supposed to be out by last night?" I asked going on the offensive. And it worked.

"We missed our ride out last night and figured it wouldn't hurt to spent on more night together before we left this morning. But you're still here."

"Yes, I'm supposed to check all the rooms to make sure they are empty and nothing is left turned on." Getting brave at this point, "But I can clearly see you two were still turned on."

"Oh fuck you, you pervert. Well how come your naked? Were you and your roommate fucking around too?"

"No, Frank went home two days ago. I just came from the showers and didn't bother getting dressed because I knew no one would here. Or so I thought." My hair was still wet so they bought that excuse. Now the shock of being discovered had worn off.

"Damn it, dude, you can't tell anyone about this, not even your roomie. If this got out we'd be the laughing stock of the campus and we'd make sure you were black and blue!"

"Lots of guys screw around with other guys. Its no big deal."

"Well it sure as hell is for us. I'll even let you fuck his ass if you promise to keep quiet."

"Hey, don't I get to say anything about this?" the bottom guy asked. "Besides Look at his cock. He doesn't even have any pubes yet. He probably can't even shoot cum yet." He laughed.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm not into that, no offense. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me. If I didn't have the master key I never would've know what was happening in here. What goes on behind closed doors is your business, no one else's"

"The get the fuck out of here and let us get dressed. We'll be out of here in a half an hour. Or are you going to stand there and perv on us some more watching us get dressed?"

"Leaving now. That will give me enough time to finish my room check."

"Ok, ok. We'll be gone soon."

With that I backed out of the room and closed the door. As I went down the other side of the hallway checking rooms I made sure to knock on each one before unlocking the door, just to be sure. I thought maybe I should put some clothes on but didn't want to walk all the way down to my room and then back. No more surprises and all the rooms were secure. The two jocks passed me as they were leaving, both looking down at my crotch as they walked away. I got back to my room and lay on my bed thinking about the two of them having sex. I started to chub up and stroked myself a few times to get good and hard. Slowly stroking I couldn't get the sight of them out of my mind. As I stroked faster and was nearing an orgasm, my thoughts turned to Frank and the other night. I shot my load and called out his name as I did. What the hell had I just done? I got aroused thinking about the two macho jocks having gay sex and then thinking of Frank brought me to a bed-shaking climax? I needed to get dressed and get out of here and back home. I needed normalcy for a while.

If you enjoyed this story you may enjoy some of my other stories posted on Nifty. Feed back is always welcome to Jonathan at

If you can't find them, from the main menu select "Authors". In the upper right hand corner, select "Search". Under keywords, enter "Jonathan Perkins" (be sure and put the name in quotation marks).

Small Town Dilemma adult-youth 09-23-19

Uncomplicated Life beginnings 02-18-20

North Woods Adventure adult-youth 08-25-19

Pleasant Surprise beginnings 08-25-19

Enduring Friends high school 02-12-19

A Week in the Woods high school 06-07-20


Going to the Dogs adult-youth 01-11-19

The Slat Water Marsh adult-youth 02-13-20

Next: Chapter 2

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