The Tattoo

By Peyton Jones

Published on Apr 29, 2020


The Tattoo

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Part Two

By Chrissy and Peyton

The alarm went off too soon for Stephanie for a weekend day but she got up knowing she had a full day ahead of her and she couldn't stay in bed sleeping. She dressed smelling the coffee that her coffee maker was brewing. She had set the timer the night before so it would be ready when she got up. She poured herself a cup putting it in her travel mug forgetting it was not a work day. She then smiled to herself before she went outside to retrieve the Sunday newspaper she always got so she could see the sales at various stores and also for the coupons. After coming back in, she sat at her usual place at the kitchen table.

She heard some rustling in the back of the house and got up to retrieve her pistol she kept in one of the drawers in the kitchen before she remembered that Mia was here. Shortly thereafter Mia came out of the back dressed in the same clothes as she wore to go riding. Smiling Stephanie reminded herself that Mia had no other clothes as they all burned up in her trailer fire yesterday.

"Mmmm, that coffee smells good," Mia said walking over to the brewer picking up a mug hanging from the mug tree next to it.

"It hits the spot that's for sure," Stephanie said. "I don't know about you but I'm not worth a crap until I have had at least once cup in the morning."

Mia laughed turning to Stephanie, "Well we have that in common because I'm the same way."

Another tidbit of information Stephanie filed away that Mia was now comparing their habits. "I need to get to the grocery store today but I see we need to get you to a clothing store so you can get more things to wear. You look great in that outfit but it will get old seeing you in it every single day," Stephanie told Mia.

"Yeah I will need to get a lot of things but I can only get so much at a time. I have a credit card for emergencies but it has a limit of one thousand dollars on it and I don't like having to make payments and pay interest."

"I would offer to pay but I know I'm pushing my luck with you on that. But you get what you have to have and need and if you need help with the payments then I will help out. If you need more than you can afford, I will front you the money no interest charge at all. I won't lecture you because right now you don't need it and besides I'm not in your position, but renters insurance is not that expensive and it would have paid for you to get new clothes and all the necessities you lost in the fire."

"Thank you. I see now I should have done some things different. A big lesson learned the hard way but a lesson learned," Mia said. "As hard as I try it just seems impossible to make any headway and I keep making wrong decisions though my intentions are good."

"Mia, I know it is hard to see above all the clutter you have heaped on you right now but look where you are and where you have come," Stephanie tried to reason. "You started out with nothing and you have managed to put yourself through school. You are almost ready to graduate and have supported yourself with no outside help working only part-time. I would say you have accomplished a lot and should be proud of how far you have come and how close you are to your dream."

"Yet look at you. You are not that much older than me and look how well off you are. Comparatively speaking we are at two ends of the spectrum," Mia responded.

"We came from two very different situations, sweetie. I have parents and relatives who looked out after me and helped me through college. Until I bought this place, I lived most of the time with them instead of having to support myself. If my car needed repairs or tires, my dad and uncle either did it themselves or had it done at a shop. You can't compare us. I'm not sure if I were in your shoes I would have been as strong as you have been and been worse off than you feel you are right now."

"I suppose you are right. Like you said I can't see for all the clutter that keeps happening. Maybe I need to spend more time on the necessities and less on the education so I am not struggling so much. Once I graduate in several months if I get accepted into vet school, I might have more time working as a vet tech and make more money and not be in such financial crisis all the time."

"You only need that one break to make you feel like you are getting somewhere and you never know where or when it will happen. I know we just met and you don't trust me completely yet, but I am willing to help you because I see someone who I believe is honest, trustworthy, and determined to make it and I would like to be a part of it," Stephanie said and smiled at Mia.

"Thank you Stephanie. You and your friends have done so much for me already and I know you keep telling me you want to help but I feel I have already taken advantage of you. As soon as I can I intend to pay you back and find my own place again," Mia said. "This is something I have to do myself and not feel like I was given it."

Instead of continuing the conversation which Stephanie knew was futile for the time being they sat down at the table and made out a grocery list deciding on what to eat tonight and for the next week as it appeared Mia would be here for that long at the least. They also discussed the stores they needed to go to buy clothes for Mia plus she had to go by the uniform shop to get more scrubs as she was now down to her only pair because of the fire. Stephanie allowed Mia to try on some of her clothes since they were close to the same size so she would have something to wear instead of the same clothes she wore yesterday.

During the day, they went to discount stores and Goodwill so Mia could get some clothes. Most she got was from the discount stores as Goodwill didn't have a lot of the basics she needed. She only bought enough clothes to get her through a week figuring in a couple of months she could afford to add to her wardrobe a little at a time. She also purchased two more uniform scrubs so she had more than one pair for work.

Stephanie had to bite her lip on more than one occasion during the day as she wanted to tell Mia to get the more expensive clothes and accessories because of how they fit her. She was able to get a good look at how nice Mia's body was while she was trying on the clothes and knew what she wanted to see her wearing. She resisted though because it wasn't her money and she knew she was already pushing her luck with Mia.

They finished grocery shopping and headed back to Stephanie's home after a full day of shopping. Mia went into her room to put her clothes away while Stephanie put the grocery items away. Stephanie then began to do laundry and she put Mia's clothes in with hers while they washed. They were cooking hamburgers on the grill for dinner and had bought some premade potato salad from the deli in the grocery store. Mia helped by slicing up some tomatoes for the hamburgers and pulling apart some lettuce to go on them.

After dinner was ready, they sat out on Stephanie's back porch again as this was where Stephanie liked to sit because of the scenery and the tranquility of her backyard.

"We need to make plans for tonight and tomorrow until your car is ready," Stephanie said. "You said you work from eleven to seven, right?"

"No, I work seven to seven on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Because I have classes during the day Monday through Friday, I don't work so I have time to do homework and sleep," Mia explained to Stephanie. "On those days I have classes from ten until two-thirty."

"I don't see your car being ready much before noon and I have to work but if everything is running smooth, I can get off early so we can run by and pick up your car. So here's the plan. I'll take you into work tonight and pick you up in the morning. Then you can drop me off at work and take my jeep to class. Once you are finished with classes you can pick me up and we will go get your car. How does that sound to you?" Stephanie explained to Mia.

"Are you sure you want me driving your car? Is it stick or automatic?" Mia asked.

"It's automatic and I don't mind. Just don't go flying down the road like you did the other day and run someone else off the road," Stephanie said but smiled at Mia.

"Very funny. I'll have you know I am a very safe driver and obey the speed limit. If you are sure you don't mind that sounds like the easiest way to handle this though I'll have to run by the university police department and get a one-day student pass since mine is still in my car," Mia responded.

Stephanie drove Mia to the hospital that night. Before Mia got out of the jeep, Stephanie reached over to grab her hand and squeezed it. "Have a good night at work. I'll be here at seven tomorrow morning waiting for you," she told Mia as she smiled at her.

"Thank you, hope you have a good night tonight too," Mia said and got out of the jeep. As she walked into the hospital, she kept thinking of Stephanie squeezing her hand and how soft and warm it felt the way she told her to have a good night at work.

Mia had a busy night at work. Those who knew her were questioning her on what happened with her house and where she was staying and what was she going to do. She didn't mentioned Stephanie by name or how they met two days earlier just telling them she was staying at a friend's house until she got back on her feet and could get her own place again. When she was alone, her mind would drift back to the kiss that Stephanie had given her and how they had parted before work. Why was she thinking this since she knew nothing would ever come between the two of them as she was straight.

When Stephanie went home and crawled in bed that night, her thoughts were of Mia and how much she already was taken with this girl and what it would be like to make love to her. She wasn't sure it would ever happen unless Mia could admit she wasn't straight, but Stephanie wanted it to happen. She took off her t-shirt she was wearing to bed and pushed her panties down off her legs. Her fingers went to her nipples twirling them and pulling them out a little bit as she could feel them harden. The whole time her mind was on Mia and imagined her hands were Mia's hands on her. She moved her right hand down her abdomen slowly using her nails to gently stroke her skin as she moved lower. She then felt her mound as she got closer to where she wanted her fingers to go and ran her nails over it from side to side as she slowly kept moving lower. Her nails grazed the top of her hood and she moaned at the feeling it caused. She moved them lower running her parted fingers on each side of her lips not touching more than the outer edges of each side then back up again with just her nails touching her. Her body automatically arched up at the sensation and she moaned, "Oh Mia, yes. I want you so bad."

The second time she ran her nails down she brought them together at the bottom of her pussy and brought them up through her slit which was already soaked with her juices and she could feel it running out and down over her rosebud. She brought them up through her slit and on the way back down she pushed two fingers inside feeling how warm and wet she was. She gasped and began moving them in and out of her pussy. She knew she was going to have a strong orgasm from how turned on she was and decided to make it even stronger. She reached over to her nightstand and pulled out her favorite toy, an eight-inch vibrator. She ran it up and down her slit to get the edge of it wet then using her wet fingers coated the rest of it before sliding it inside of her. Her waist arched up and she began the constant motion of pushing it in and out of her pussy. She could hear the squishing noise it was making because she was so wet from excitement. She called out Mia's name and thought of her body sitting on top of hers which made her body explode with her orgasm. Her legs shook and went stiff and both of her hands pushed on the vibrator to hold it in place as her body arched up off the bed. As she began to calm down, she pulled the vibrator out and brought it to her mouth and she licked and cleaned the toy. Her hand then went back to her pussy and she gently rubbed her clit occasionally pushing her fingers inside of her. She could feel a second orgasm building and she increased the pressure on her clit as she rubbed it until the second orgasm hit her and she screamed out as she came.

Stephanie could feel she was drifting off into the sleep world but before she did, she reached over to set her alarm knowing she had to get up earlier to go get Mia. Once it was set, she lay back down on her back and within a minute was sound asleep.

The next morning Stephanie was up and ready to go. She poured her coffee into her travel mug and then remembered Mia so she poured her one too. As she drove the short distance to the hospital, she thought this was one time she looked forward to going to the hospital. She pulled up close to the back entrance where employees would come out to go to their cars. About 10 minutes later she saw Mia walking out with a coworker. Mia saw her telling her coworker goodbye and walking over to Stephanie.

"Good morning," Stephanie said as she got into the jeep.

"Morning," Mia said in return.

"How was your shift?" Stephanie asked her.

"Not too bad. Sunday nights are usually somewhat slow but last night it seemed really quiet. I even got some studying done," she told Stephanie.

"I'm glad, you had a busy and emotional weekend and I was concerned you would be drained and tired," she told Mia.

"I'm exhausted to be honest. I would like to go back and go to bed but I can't with classes in a few hours. By tonight I have a feeling it will catch up to me and I probably will go to bed early," Mia explained.

"I have no problem with that. Once we have your car you can set your own schedule and we don't have to juggle around each other," Stephanie told Mia. They arrived at Stephanie's work and pulled into the employee parking and up to the spot reserved for Stephanie. "Okay, I'll call Eddie and find out the status of your car sometime this morning. You remember how to get to my place don't you?"

"Yeah, I think so but I'll find it one way or another. Let me have your cell number if I need to call you and for you to tell me when to pick you up," Mia said.

They exchanged numbers and Stephanie got out of the jeep giving a key ring with her spare car key and a house key on it. "You're the first person I have ever trusted to have a key to my car and house," she said jokingly to Mia.

Mia smiled taking the key from Stephanie. "I'll call you when you can come pick me up. Have a nice day at school," Stephanie said then surprising Mia leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before walking away.

Mia got in the jeep and pulled out of the parking lot. Before she got on the road, she stopped the car and put her hand to her cheek where Stephanie had kissed her. The fragrance of Stephanie's perfume was still in her nose as she touched her cheek. Mia didn't know why but again the touch and smell of Stephanie made her feel warm and tingly.

A few weeks went by and Mia and Stephanie had settled into a routine. They were getting along great and Mia was having stronger and stronger feelings about Stephanie though she kept telling herself she was straight. She even welcomed the goodbye kisses in the mornings or whenever they would part. This coming weekend was another big ride for biker club and Stephanie wanted Mia to go with her. Mia while she wanted to go she told Stephanie she couldn't as she wouldn't get any sleep and be too tired to work Saturday night. While disappointed Stephanie knew Mia was right.

After the bike ride, Stephanie came home finding Mia sitting out back reading one of her text books. She had her tank top rolled up to get some sun on her stomach and she was wearing a pair of gym shorts she used for sleeping.

"You look all comfy lying out here," Stephanie said when she walked out to say hi to her.

"Yeah, it is such a beautiful day and instead of sitting inside studying I thought I would come out here and enjoy the sun. Except I don't have any bathing suits so I had to improvise," Mia said.

"You could have used one of mine or you could have sat out here in your bra and panties. It's secluded and no one can see unless they come through the fence or house. I sit out here often in mine or nothing at all," Stephanie told her with a smile.

"Maybe some other time. I'm good with what I have on," Mia said. But back in her mind she was thinking of Stephanie lying out her naked.

"Can I get you anything before I go take a shower and leave you to your studying?"

"Thank you but I'm close to coming in anyway. I don't want to burn."

Stephanie went in to take her shower. When she got out, she thought of something to make for dinner and she wanted to see if she had everything to make it. She wrapped a towel around her body her hair still wet hanging down in back. She thought she heard the shower in the other bathroom going so she figured it was safe to go out as she was. She walked into the kitchen and was looking for everything for the recipe to make what she wanted to make when she heard a slight gasp from behind her. Turning around she saw Mia in a long t-shirt standing behind her.

"Oh, sorry. I thought of something as I was finishing up in the bathroom and I thought you were still in the shower so I came out to see if I had all the ingredients," Stephanie explained to Mia but she could see Mia was still staring at her. Since Mia had on a t-shirt and no bra she could see her nipples harden. Stephanie thought might as well give it a try and see what happens. She walked over to Mia who was standing in her way to go back to her bedroom, though Mia seemed frozen in place. She walked up to her and looking her in the eyes she brushed some of Mia's hair off her face and over her ears. "Do you know how pretty you are? Your eyes and cheeks are perfect and you have great lips," she told her and moved her face closer for her lips to touch Mia's.

Stephanie closed the distance as she saw no resistance from Mia who in fact had already closed her eyes and had her lips ready in anticipation of Stephanie's kiss. Their lips met and Stephanie could feel Mia sigh to her touch as she put her arms around Mia's sides pulling her in closer. They kissed and Stephanie could feel Mia's hands on her upper arms wanting to embrace Stephanie. As the kiss ended, Stephanie felt Mia's face lean forward as if she didn't want the kiss to end.

Their lips touched again this time their arms wrapped around each other and they hugged as the kiss became more passionate with Stephanie parting her lips and letting her tongue touch the lips of Mia. Mia opened her mouth allowing Stephanie's tongue to enter her mouth which was met by Mia's as they moved their tongues around each other. Their hands kept pulling the other tighter not wanting the kiss or closeness to end. As they broke the kiss to catch their breath, Stephanie pulled back a little to look into Mia's face.

"I thought you were straight?" she said smiling at Mia.

"I am," Mia sighed though not sounding convincing.

"Do you want me to stop?" Stephanie asked with a whisper.

"No," was the immediate response from Mia whispering back to Stephanie.

They leaned in and kissed again with the same passion as the last kiss their hands roaming up and down the back of each other.

"Would you like to go to my bedroom?" Stephanie asked again with a gentle whisper.

"No, yes, I don't know," was the immediate response from Mia whispering back.

"Which is it, yes, no or I don't know?" Stephanie softly asked Mia as she kept nibbling her ear lobe and kissing her neck.

"I don't know, I'm not gay," was all that Mia could say.

Stephanie not wanting to push Mia but also wanting her so bad relented to her good judgment. "I'm going to my bedroom. Once you decide I'll be there waiting for you if you want this to happen," she said and kissed Mia on the lips before looking into her eyes and walking around her letting her hand run across Mia's shoulder and upper chest.

Once in the bedroom, Stephanie took a deep breath. She so wanted Mia and came close to forcing the issue. She knew it had to be Mia's decision and she was afraid she had pushed too hard. She walked over to her dresser to pull out panties and a t-shirt to wear when she looked into the mirror on her dresser which from the angle, she could see her bedroom door. Mia was standing in the doorway not saying a word but obviously very nervous.

Stephanie walked back over to Mia taking her hand and leading her into her bedroom next to the bed. She leaned in kissing Mia who again was kissing her back.

"Are you sure you are ready for this?" Stephanie asked.

"I've never done this before. I don't know what to do," Mia said.

"You don't need to do anything but stay as pretty as you are right now and I will teach you all you need to know."

Stephanie pulled back the covers on her bed and releasing the towel she was wearing exposing her naked body crawled in the bed. She held out her hand to Mia who took it and lay down next to Stephanie. Stephanie leaned over and kissed Mia again who now had placed her hands on the naked back of Stephanie moaning from the kiss and the feel of bare skin to her hands. Stephanie let her one hand roam and over the t-shirt as she cupped the left breast of Mia emitting an even louder moan from her. Feeling Mia's nipple harden in her palm she moved her hand so her thumb and forefinger now had Mia's nipple between them as she played with her nipple. Mia could only moan and her nails were finding Stephanie's back. They weren't scratching it but Stephanie could feel them as they dug into her back.

As they kissed, Stephanie moved from Mia's lips to her chin to her nose and then her cheek. As she approached Mia's ear Mia felt the warm breath of Stephanie on her ear and immediately gasped, "oh God!"

Stephanie nibbled her ear lobe then kissed her ear whispering to her, "You are so beautiful Mia."

Stephanie continued to play with Mia's nipple and breast as she made her way to Mia's neck and began giving it small kisses here and there. By now Mia was in heaven not believing that she could feel this turned on with someone let alone a woman. She knew she didn't want it to stop and needed more. Her mind was full of confusion and excitement as she tried to tell herself she was straight and this was wrong but her body and heart kept telling her this was what she was meant to be doing. She felt Stephanie begin to pull her t-shirt up so she moved and tried to help her lifting it up until they had it over her head and off of her. Stephanie grabbed both of her arms as the t-shirt was over her head and held them there as she kissed Mia on the lips again who immediately moaned. Stephanie moved over to Mia's neck and kissed it then her shoulder and finally she kissed her armpit which to Mia's surprise was actually very erotic and stimulating. Stephanie then moved to the other side and did the same thing except this time instead of planting kisses she kissed it once then licked Mia's armpit from the bottom to the top before kissing it again.

Mia's body was aching for release as she was so turned on. Her lower body was thrashing about trying to find something to rub her pussy against to get release. Stephanie continued the slow but sensual seduction of Mia to initiate her into the world of womanly seduction moving her mouth back across Mia's shoulders then slowly down to her breasts. She lifted her head up to look at the gorgeous round, pert globes beneath her with their dark but small areolas and pencil hard nipples standing out. She lowered her head and kissed Mia's nipple gently before she took the whole nipple and areola in her mouth and sucked on it.

"Fuck, oh my god, that feels so good," Mia managed to say.

Stephanie moved to the other breast and repeated the process of kissing the nipple first then sucking in the nipple and areola into her mouth. She continued to hold Mia's hands above her head. She told Mia to leave them there then she made Mia roll over on her stomach. Stephanie then kissed the back of Mia's neck then her shoulders working her way down her back to her lower back. She then kissed Mia's butt cheeks over top of the light blue cotton panties that Mia was wearing. Lifting Mia up by the waist she placed her fingers in the waistband of Mia's panties and pulled them down her legs and off of her leaving her completely naked for Stephanie.

Stephanie ran her hands up Mia's legs and onto her butt cheeks giving them a gentle squeeze. She then leaned down and kissed each cheek several times before moving even lower kissing the backs of Mia's legs and down to her feet. She picked up one foot bending Mia's leg at the knee and sucking each toe gently rubbing the bottom of Mia's feet. Mia's head was turning from side to side and she kept moaning over and over again, "Fuck, oh god."

Moving back up Mia's body, Stephanie rolled Mia back over and spread her legs out wide crawling in between her legs. She kissed the knee of each leg and then the sides and top of each thigh as she moved higher and higher up on Mia. As she reached the apex of her legs she kissed Mia's hips moving with each kiss to the center of Mia's pelvic area. Then she slowly, while looking up at Mia who was looking down at her, kept eye contact as she reached Mia's mons. She could see Mia's eyes while wide open, they were glazed over and she could tell at this point Mia was helpless to do anything but accept what Stephanie intended to do to her.

With her hands now opening up Mia's legs even wider and with her fingers she opened up Mia's outer lips which were now completely soaked. Stephanie could see a definite wet spot on the bed where Mia had been when she was on her stomach. Without hesitation or torturing Mia any longer Stephanie lowered her mouth and with her tongue, she licked Mia from the bottom of her pussy to the top making sure to touch her clit at the top.

Mia gasped before she finally brought her arms down and she reached for Stephanie's head and ran her fingers through her hair holding her head in place as Stephanie continued her tongue assault on her pussy. Mia could feel Stephanie's tongue enter inside of her and explore her pussy as she moved her legs out opening her pussy even wider for Stephanie. She continued to moan as she felt her orgasm rising. "Oh god, I'm going to cum," she cried out.

Stephanie not wanting to delay this any more for Mia moved her head up and sucked Mia's clit into her mouth twirling it around with her tongue as she sucked on it. She also took two fingers and buried them deep inside of Mia's pussy pushing them in and out at a fast pace.

Mia felt it rising and was helpless to stop it as her climax hit her and her body shook. Her hands went to her sides grabbing the bed sheets. Her waist arched up to meet Stephanie's tongue and fingers and she bounced her butt of the bed as her orgasm consumed her.

Stephanie continued to attack Mia's pussy only allowing her to calm down from her orgasm before she removed her fingers and mouth from Mia. After licking her fingers clean, she moved up on the bed next to Mia pulling her sweating body over to her holding her tight as she recovered from her orgasm. As she held Mia, she could feel moisture rolling down her side and knew it was too much to be sweat. She pulled back from Mia putting her hand under Mia's chin lifting it up to see her crying.

"Why are you crying?" Stephanie asked her.

"I'm straight," Mia sobbed.

Stephanie smiled then began to laugh telling Mia, "Are you sure? It didn't appear to me you were straight and I don't think I'm the manly looking type."

Mia, through her sobs, smiled and told Stephanie, "I thought I was. But I've never ever felt that good before and never ever been made love to like that. And my orgasm was more powerful than I have ever felt before. It felt like a bomb had gone off inside of my body."

"Then I take it you liked what we did and don't see any reason for us to not keep doing this?"

"I'm not gay." Mia said and put her head back down on Stephanie's shoulder.

Stephanie not wanting to argue the issue any more resigned herself to be content with where they were. She figured a few more times and Mia would give up on the notion she was straight and be willing to admit she was a lesbian. They lay there for a bit holding each other Mia feeling very comfortable in the arms of Stephanie. Stephanie could feel them both begin to drift off but knowing that she needed to fix dinner so Mia could get to work, she told Mia they needed to get up.

Nothing else was said that evening about what they had done. Mia didn't seem to be upset but Stephanie could tell that she was thinking and trying to sort things out in her mind. Stephanie knew from experience to not push the issue and let Mia have the time to rationalize in her mind how she felt.

Sunday was much like the day before with Stephanie keeping occupied for the morning while Mia slept after coming home from her night shift at the hospital. She mostly did housework and then went outside to do yard work so as to not bother Mia. Around four in the afternoon, Mia was up and moving about. Stephanie had come in from finishing the yard work and cleaning her bike grabbing a beer from the refrigerator. She sat on her patio when Mia came walking out with a text book to read.

"How was work last night?" Stephanie asked.

"Busy, must be flu season as we had a lot of patients coming in who were extremely dehydrated and required being admitted overnight to replenish the fluids in their systems. It kept me busy changing sheets on beds," Mia said with a laugh.

"Well keep that shit at the hospital and don't bring any of it around here for me to catch," Stephanie laughed back.

"Can we talk about yesterday?" Mia asked.

"Sure, what about yesterday?" Stephanie replied but knew what Mia wanted to talk about.

"You know what about? Us? What happened?" Mia said.

"Mia, I don't regret anything that happened. For me it was the most beautiful part of the day yesterday. I was with a beautiful woman who in a short amount of time I have become very attached to and think very much of and what happened was I hope the beginning of a beautiful relationship."

"But I'm straight and I don't want to be a lesbian plus in my situation I don't think I can afford to be labeled as one," Mia told Stephanie which hit a raw nerve with Stephanie.

"I don't know where you grew up to think you can condemn two woman who decide to show their love and caring for one another but where I come from it is totally acceptable and it hasn't held me back in my job or in any of my personal relationships. It has only made them better and stronger. You didn't think twice of me before you found out I was a lesbian but now you think you can judge and condemn my lifestyle? Last night you damn sure well seemed to enjoy what we were doing and not once did I see any reservation in you or I would have stopped right then," Stephanie fired back with some venom in her tone. She paused as Mia was taken back at Stephanie's anger before Stephanie continued, "I'm going to take a shower."

Stephanie got up and walked into the house and straight for her bedroom to take a shower. She was pissed but was sorry she flew off the handle at Mia. She was proud of whom she was and had no reservations about letting people know she was a lesbian and she didn't like to be condemned or put down for her feelings. She knew better as she had been through this once before so she felt bad about how she had treated Mia.

Mia was stunned at Stephanie's response and was trying to decide what she could say or do to help the situation. She knew what she wanted to say but it came out wrong and she knew she hurt Stephanie's feelings. She got up and made a decision be it wrong or not before things got worse between her and Stephanie. Mia walked towards the bedroom and could hear the shower running. She lightly knocked on the door of the bedroom not getting a response so she gently opened the door. Not seeing Stephanie, she knew she would be in the bathroom most likely in the shower. The door was open to the bathroom so she walked over to the door and looked in to see Stephanie in the shower. She stripped her clothes off leaving them on the floor and stepped into the bathroom, pulling back the shower curtain and stepping into the shower. Stephanie had her back to her so she put her arms on Stephanie's sides and turned her around to face her. Even though her face was wet with the water from the shower Mia could see that Stephanie had been crying. She kept her hands on Stephanie's hips and moved close to her leaning her head in to kiss Stephanie.

Stephanie while surprised was also happy to see Mia in the shower with her and wanting to kiss her. She tried to speak, "I thought you were...."

Mia placed her finger to Stephanie's lips and said, "Shhhhsh, Let me finish washing you and then let's get out of the shower and make love in your bed."

"I don't unde...." Stephanie tried to say.

"I said shhhsh, there will be plenty of time to explain later. Now let's wash and make love before we talk," Mia said in an almost whisper.

Mia took the washcloth from Stephanie and continued to wash Stephanie's body from head to toe and front to back. While erotic, she didn't linger in any spot to make things more erotic. After she had washed Stephanie, she ran the washcloth over herself while Stephanie rinsed. They both then washed their hair and rinsed it off before turning the water off. After drying, Mia took Stephanie by the hand leading her out of the bathroom to the bedroom and over to the bed. She brought a smaller towel with her to place on the pillows since their hair was still damp from the shower. She had Stephanie lay down first before she got on the bed and moved partially over top of Stephanie.

"Last night it was all about me but tonight I want to make love to you." She leaned down and kissed Stephanie on the lips bringing her hand up to hold Stephanie by the neck and jaw while they kissed. Their tongues immediately began to play with each other and both were already moaning from the kiss. Mia lowered her hand to Stephanie's shoulder and with her palm slid it down her chest until she was cupping Stephanie's breast.

Stephanie arched her chest up to meet Mia's hand and could feel her nipple become hard and erect. She moaned, "Oh Mia," when she felt Mia use her fingers to twist and play with her nipple.

They continued to kiss with Mia's one leg in between Stephanie's legs she began to grind her leg into Stephanie's pussy and rub her own pussy on Stephanie's leg that she was straddling. Both of them began to grunt and their breathing changed becoming more rapid and strained. The bed squeaked a little bit as their movement was moving the bed back and forth. Mia kissed Stephanie's shoulder and upper chest and moved her head lower until she reached Stephanie's breast and she kissed her nipple then using her tongue licked and circled her nipple and areola.

Stephanie was enjoying what Mia was doing to her and let her know, "oh my god Mia, that feels so good. Keep doing it, baby."

Mia alternated between each breast then kissed between both of Stephanie's breasts before slowly kissing her way down Stephanie's stomach to her mons. Unlike Mia, who had her hair trimmed close but had a small triangle of pubic hair on her mons, Stephanie was completely smooth like a baby. She had had electrolysis hair removal years before. Mia kissed her mons then moved so she was lying completely between Stephanie's legs. Though she had never done this before she had no fear other than she hoped the taste didn't make her sick.

She could see Stephanie's fluids were already flowing as she opened her outer lips with her fingers and saw the sticky fluids on her outer lips. She wasted no time figuring to just go for it like diving in a cold pool instead of wading in slowly. Her tongue reached out and she took a lick of Stephanie to taste the first pussy she had ever tasted including hers. She found it tangy but pleasant and in fact she rather liked it. Using her tongue, she licked again this time pushing it in more and dragging it up Stephanie's open pussy.

Stephanie feeling Mia's tongue inside her moaned and arched her hips up to the feel of Mia's tongue. "Oh fuck, Oh Mia, yes, yes," she moaned.

Mia kept licking and tasting Stephanie liking what she was doing. Hearing Stephanie moan and encouraging her she licked harder and faster seeing Stephanie's chest rise and fall and her stomach muscles clench each time she licked her.

She kept licking until she could sense that Stephanie was close then Stephanie told her she was about to cum so she sucked Stephanie's clit into her mouth and using her teeth she clenched it in her mouth while she pushed her fingers into Stephanie's pussy moving them in and out fast.

"Oh, Oh my god, I'm going to cum," Stephanie moaned and grabbing the sheets with her fists she moaned again arching her hips up high while jerking and her legs going stiff while her body shook from the orgasm.

Mia could taste the fluids change as Stephanie came with a little more tartness to it but she loved the taste just the same. She lapped up what she could and slowly eased her fingers out tasting both of them before she looked up to see Stephanie lying there with her eyes closed, her one hand on her chest that was still rising and falling quickly and the other hand on her forehead. She knew she had just given Stephanie a great orgasm and she even liked doing it herself. She moved up to lie next to Stephanie placing her hand on Stephanie's hand that was resting on her chest.

Stephanie lay there for a few minutes before she was able to move, then she looked over at Mia and turned on her side facing her. "Are you sure you aren't gay?"

Mia smiled and let out a cute little laugh saying back to Stephanie, "That was the first time I have ever done that or even considered doing it to a woman."

"Wow, well you sure don't need any introduction or learning curve. That was one hell of an orgasm you gave me."

"I'm glad you liked it as I really did too. And I'm sorry for earlier. It came out wrong and I knew I had hurt you and that was the last thing I wanted to do," Mia told her.

"So you only did it to make up to me and not because you wanted to do it with me?"

"No, no, I have you all confused. Let me back up and explain and maybe it will make some sense to you," She told Stephanie while she continued to hold Stephanie's hand that was resting on her chest. "What I meant to say outside was I considered myself to be straight and have never even considered having a relationship with another woman or have sex with one period. And I don't consider myself to be a lesbian now but what we did yesterday was magical and all I could think of was I wanted to do it again but only with you. I'm not attracted, at least I don't think, to other women but I am to you so I don't know if that makes me a lesbian or not but I don't consider myself to be one."

"It's a start and just so you know, I consider myself to be one. But that doesn't mean I am attracted to all women. It just means I am not sexually attracted to men," Stephanie explained, " but that still leaves what you said afterwards that is what upset me the most."

'You mean about not wanting to be a lesbian and not being able to afford to be labeled as one?" Mia asked to which Stephanie nodded.

"I meant to say because my attraction is only to you I'm not sure that qualifies as being labeled a lesbian and I can't afford to be labeled one right now because I'm afraid of what it will do for my career of both getting accepted into veterinary school and getting into a practice to be a vet. It is still a white male chauvinist society out there and like it or not being labeled a lesbian could be detrimental to my future. I know some of my professors who make recommendations for us to be admitted to veterinary school might not be as enthusiastic or helpful if they knew I was a lesbian. Not to mention the farmers who would be opposed to a lesbian coming to their farms to care for their livestock and horses."

"Mia, a very smart person told me many years ago that you can't live life denying who you are. You will never be free to love or accept love how it truly should be if you hide or deny who you are. Those barriers not only affect your work relationships but your personal ones too. I have never been denied a promotion or work situation because of my sexuality. I might have to work harder to prove I'm more capable but that's how I have become more successful by using it to prove I'm better instead of hiding it to avoid what may or may not be. You know the Supreme Court in their recent ruling in favor of same sex marriage it was two lesbians, one of which was a veterinarian at a college in Tennessee that was a part of that suit going to the Supreme Court. I think you are too worried over what might be and not realizing what you have in front of you that may not be there tomorrow if you deny who you are."

"I hear what you say but I'm just not ready to admit I'm a lesbian or that I'm in a relationship with another woman," Mia said.

"Does that mean you think we are in a relationship?" Stephanie asked.

Mia blushed and smiled slightly at Stephanie. "Well, we have made love twice now and ....."

Before Mia could say anything else, Stephanie leaned over and kissed Mia bringing her body in tight as they hugged. After the very long and passionate kiss, Stephanie pulled back saying softly to Mia, "I'll take that for now. We'll work on you coming out later." Then she moved back and they kissed again with just as much passion. Soon they were breathing hard and their hands moving up and down each other touching their breasts and butt cheeks as they kissed and hugged.

As it started to get more heated Mia began to make a motion towards Stephanie's pussy. Stephanie grabbed her saying, "No, at the same time."

Mia being new to this wasn't understanding what Stephanie meant until Stephanie said, "sixty- nine on our sides."

Since both were on their sides facing each other she told Mia to turn around and she pulled Mia's leg up over her head as she did the same with her leg over Mia's head. Stephanie then rested her head on the inner thigh of Mia's lower leg and licked her pussy.

Mia now knew what Stephanie was trying to do and placed her head on Stephanie's inner thigh and began licking her too. They continued to lick as they each drew closer to their climax. Stephanie had used one of her hands to play with Mia's pussy and with her wet fingers she moved them around to Mia's rosebud circling it and applying light pressure on it causing Mia to moan. Their orgasms rose and when Stephanie inserted her finger just inside of Mia's rosebud it was enough for her to cum and she moaned while trying to keep her mouth on Stephanie. This action was enough for Stephanie and she too came right after Mia had begun hers.

They both jerked and pushed their hips towards the other's mouth and as they came their hands squeezed the leg of the other that they were holding. Once their climax had eased and they finished licking the juices that had flowed out of each other, Mia rolled back and came up next to Stephanie.

"I never thought making love to a woman would be such a turn on but every where your fingers or mouth touch me it sends shivers through my body," Mia told Stephanie as she ran her hand through Stephanie's hair that by now was almost dry.

"And you thought you weren't a lesbian. Oh and I have just begun to teach you the many ways to make love to a woman. By the time we have done about everything you might be saying differently," Stephanie replied.

"I can't imagine it being any better than it is now but I know one thing I want you to do," Mia told her.

"And what is that?"

"Sometime I want you to fuck me in the ass. Your finger felt so good rimming me but when you pushed it inside as I came that feeling was immense and I want to feel how it is before I'm cumming."

"I can do that," Stephanie said with a smile. "And there are many ways to fuck you there and we will try all of them." She then leaned into Mia and kissed her again. "I would like to lie here longer and make love to you again but both of our hairs are almost dry and if we don't get up to dry and brush them out, we are going to look like crazed devil women."

"I don't think that would go over well at the hospital tonight," Mia said with a laugh.

They got out of bed and as they walked to the bathroom Stephanie grabbed a hold of Mia's buttocks. "Mmmm, I love the way these are so tight and round. You have a great body and turn me on so much just looking at you."

"You're just saying that so you can keep making love to me," Mia joked back as she stuck her butt cheeks out for Stephanie to grab.

"No, I'm making love to you because I am falling in love with you. Your sexy body has something to do with that but on its own it is very sexy and beautiful.

Mia stopped walking and turned around to Stephanie looking at her face. "You're falling in love with me?"

"Yes baby, I am. And that is hard to say because I don't fall in love easily. It has been several years since I was in love with anyone and I can only count two others in my life that I loved."

Mia walked back to Stephanie wrapping her arms around her shoulders as their breasts touched each other. "I think I'm falling for you too." Then they kissed again.

They dried and brushed each other's hair, having to apply some mist here and there to brush it out and dry it right. They then got dressed and made dinner before Mia had to get ready for work.

The next two weeks were spent getting into their routines and spending time together. Mia had moved her things into Stephanie's bedroom and they slept there together except Friday through Sunday when Mia worked nights at the hospital. Those nights became hard for both of them as their relationship had grown and they didn't like not being able to do much together on the weekends. It especially bothered Stephanie as she wanted Mia with her when she did her charity work or was out on her motorcycle. They only time they had together were during the week late afternoons until bedtime and for a few hours in the late afternoon on the weekends.

This particular weekend was going to be a difficult one as the biker club had organized a ride to another state to visit a historical site and to visit a children's home. They had worked with a local club where they were going to gather donations, the distance requiring them to spend the night in that town. They had shipped their donated toys and clothes this past week so they all could ride their motorcycles. Stephanie was hesitant about going instead of being home with Mia but most of the group and Mia convinced her she should go.

Mia got home a few minutes before Stephanie needed to leave. "I'm going to miss you," Stephanie told her. "I wish you could go with me."

"I know you do but I have to work. There will be other times I'm sure," Mia said.

"Are you going to miss me?"

"Yes, I'm going to miss you," Mia told her. "You be safe and be careful. I'll be here Sunday afternoon waiting for you."

The whole weekend while Stephanie enjoyed herself on the ride, she was missing Mia. She liked having her on the back of her bike and she liked even more sharing a bed with her. She knew she had to come up with a way they could spend more time together which would mean Mia having to find another job where she worked during the week and had weekends off. She talked to Dr. Bob on the trip and asked him if there weren't other shifts that could accommodate Mia's college schedule and yet she could make as much money. He told her he would check into it though he had nothing to do with personnel.

True to her word when Stephanie got back and pulled into her driveway Mia opened the garage door and came out to greet her. Stephanie no sooner had gotten off the bike and pulled her helmet off when Mia wrapped her arms around her giving her a big kiss on the lips. "I missed you so much," Mia told her.

"I can see and I really missed you too," Stephanie told her.

They went inside and Mia began to undress Stephanie. "Whoa baby wait. Let me get a shower first. I'm pretty rugged right now from a full day of riding."

"Ah, but I want you right now," Mia complained.

"No you don't. You just think you do but once these clothes come off and you get a whiff of me, you'll be pushing me into the shower. And besides I've got to pee too," Stephanie told Mia.

"Mmmm, maybe I can have some of that too," Mia said and smiled at Stephanie.

"I think I've un-leased a wild woman in you. You want to try everything don't you?"

"Not everything, I don't believe in pain or heavy bondage but maybe tying me up now and then would be exciting and letting you pee all over me might be fun too," Mia said.

"Did you take some potion or something while I was gone to get all adventurous?" Stephanie said with a smile.

"Hee, hee, wouldn't you like to know? Now get into the shower. I've only got two and a half hours until I have to leave for work," Mia told her.

After Stephanie got out of the shower and came out, she found Mia had dinner all prepared and waiting for her. While they ate Stephanie filled Mia in on the trip and the children's home they visited. After dinner Mia only had a few hours until work so she went ahead and got dressed for work and she and Stephanie continued to talk. They forgo any love making opting to kiss and cuddle together talking until Mia had to leave.

A month went by and the weather had cooled off as fall had come. It was perfect riding weather and each weekend the club had trips of varying lengths planned. Stephanie convinced Mia to go on some of the shorter ones that would leave her time to come home and get some sleep before she would have to report for work.

This one particular ride they were going to make a big loop around a mountain that would take around five hours to complete. Mia sat behind Stephanie with her hands on her waist even though she knew the seats had hand straps she could hold onto. As they were riding, she would rub Stephanie up and down her sides sometimes on the outer edges of her breast. When Mia would do this, she would push in with her fingers so Stephanie knew she was purposely touching her there. They had to stop for a traffic light so Stephanie leaned back to ask Mia, "What do think you are doing? You know my hands and eyes have to be up front and with you playing with my boobs I can't concentrate."

"Shhhsh, Someone will hear you and besides it's fun," she said as she leaned forward to put her chin on Stephanie's shoulder.

"Why do you care if someone hears me?" Stephanie asked.

"Then they will know we are in a relationship and figure I'm gay," Mia said.

"They already know we are living together and they know I'm a lesbian. Do you not think they aren't smart enough to add two and two and get four?"

"Unless you talk about our love life to them, they can only guess. They don't know for sure about me or us," Mia said.

"You still don't want to come out even to this group who would not judge you any more than they already have and they have accepted you as one of their own? Don't you think that is insulting to them for you to not want to admit about us in front of them?"

"No and the light turned green so we have to go," Mia said.

Stephanie just sighed to herself and slightly shook her head somewhat frustrated at Mia for not wanting to admit something that most everyone in the club had already surmised. She let out the clutch and gave it gas roaring after the other bikes in front of her. They continued to ride and have a nice time riding with nothing more being said about Mia coming out.

The next day was Sunday and Stephanie was still in bed when Mia came in from work. She stripped down and crawled into bed with Stephanie who was stirring from the noise Mia had made. Mia cuddled up next to Stephanie putting her arm around her and kissing her on the shoulder as Stephanie was lying on her side facing away from Mia.

"Mmmm, Good morning to you too," Stephanie cooed and took Mia's arm that was around her and interlaced her fingers with hers pulling Mia in tight. Mia continued to kiss Stephanie on the shoulder and under her hairline wrapping her upper leg around Stephanie's legs.

"I think someone came home a little frisky," Stephanie said.

"Now what gave you that idea?" Mia said as she took her hand and Stephanie's hand that was on hers and placed it over Stephanie's breast caressing it with her fingers.

"Maybe this," Stephanie said and squeezed Mia's hand to her breast, "not to mention all the butterfly kisses you keep giving me."

"Do you want me to stop?" Mia asked smiling though Stephanie couldn't see her face to know she was smiling.

"No, I don't mind, but don't let it go any further. I'm worn out. I had my other lover over last night and she wore me out so I won't be able to do much of anything for some time," Stephanie said and smiled pushing Mia's hand tighter to her breast.

"Oh, that's alright. We had a new young doctor on the floor last night and he took me into a vacant room and fucked my brains out so I couldn't do any more either. I'm pretty sore down there," Mia kidded back.

"Then you must be very tasty down there with all that cum inside of you. Maybe I'm into cream pies and need to find out," Stephanie said and began to roll over to get on top of Mia.

"No, I can't let you do that. I've promised him I would save myself for him for now on," Mia laughed and pushing Stephanie back down crawling more on top of her so she couldn't get between Mia's legs.

"If that's the case then I will just have to start dating other girls and you can sleep in the other room again," Stephanie said laughing back but not trying to get up either.

"Not on your life missy," Mia said, "You're stuck with me in this bed." Then she began to tickle Stephanie on her ribs and under her arms.

"No, no don't do that. I'm ticklish," Stephanie screamed and wiggled around trying to avoid Mia's hands which were all over her and since Mia was on top of her, she couldn't get up.

They continued to laugh and tickle, wrestling around for a minute when Stephanie spoke up. "Stop, stop, I've got to pee and you're going to make me pee right here." Start here

Mia didn't stop but kept up her tickling of Stephanie telling her, "Go ahead and pee. I don't care. In fact, why don't you pee on me?"

Stephanie looked over her shoulder at Mia like she was crazy but Mia smiled back and with her one hand slipped it between Stephanie's legs telling her to pee.

"You're serious, aren't you?" Stephanie said.

Mia leaned her head down to Stephanie's kissing her on the lips then pulling back slightly and said, "pee on my hand."

Stephanie knew this was going to create a big mess in the bed but she decided to test Mia and see if she was really wanting her to pee on her. She allowed a small amount to run out, not enough to really soak the bed but enough that Mia would know she was peeing on her hand.

"Mmmm, it's so warm," Mia said and with her wet hand she rubbed her entire palm back across Stephanie's pussy and up on her mons and down over her butt. "More," she told Stephanie who released another short spurt.

Mia then took her hand and brought it up to her mouth licking it then put her hand on her breast rubbing Stephanie's pee around her boobs. She then rolled over on her back and pulled Stephanie over telling her, "Get on top of me and really pee."

"You are crazy, you know it," Stephanie said but rolled over on top of Mia getting up on her knees which were straddling Mia's waist. She leaned down and kissed Mia then surprising even herself she leaned down and licked her pee off of Mia's breasts.

"Pee, I want you to pee on me then make love to me Stephanie," Mia said looking up at Stephanie.

"I can't. There isn't a waterproof cover on the mattress and if I do any more it will ruin the mattress," Stephanie said.

Mia lay there for a second too turned on to care but then she thought it wouldn't be a good idea until they bought a waterproof cover for the mattress. She told Stephanie to get up and she took her into the bathroom getting in the shower. Mia lay on the floor of the shower and told Stephanie to stand or kneel over top of her and finish peeing on her.

Stephanie still had reservations of doing this but she realized this was actually turning her on too and she did have to finish peeing. She knelt over Mia similar to how she was in bed and let it flow moving so it hit Mia on her upper chest splashing her in the face and down to her abdomen. Mia lay there running her hands over her body spreading Stephanie's pee over her body making sure she got it over her whole body.

Once Stephanie was done peeing, Mia pulled her down so she was lying on top of Mia getting her own pee onto her body too. They kissed and Stephanie finding she was extremely turned on kissed Mia back with reckless passion. They rubbed their bodies together getting the pee on each other until Mia began pulling Stephanie up so she could suck on her breast tasting Stephanie's pee on them. She moaned at the same time as Mia ran her hand down across Stephanie's butt caressing her butt cheeks. She then made Stephanie moved up until she was straddling her head and Mia pulled her hips down and began licking Stephanie all around her inner thighs and spreading her pussy lips sticking her tongue inside Stephanie.

Mia continued to suck and lick Stephanie who knew she wouldn't last long as she was so turned on and placing her hands on the walls of the shower, she screamed out she was coming and ground her pussy hard into Mia's mouth as her orgasm overcame her.

She continued to ride Mia's tongue until her orgasm began to subside then she moved off of Mia but bent down to give her a very passionate kiss tasting her pussy juices and a little taste of her pee on the lips and around Mia's mouth.

She then turned around and straddling Mia again she bent down rubbing her palm over Mia's mons and down over her pussy feeling how wet she was from the pee but also wet in between her legs from being aroused. She lowered her head and began to lick and kiss all around Mia's pelvic area until she buried her head between Mia's legs eating her pussy not caring that it was coated with her pee.

Mia had pulled Stephanie's hips down to her so she could lick Stephanie again but this time her concentration was on Stephanie's rosebud. She swirled her tongue around and then inserted it moving it around and around as much as she could.

Both were moaning and trying their best to get the other to cum first and cum hard and their efforts paid off as they both didn't last very long before they climaxed gasping for air as their bodies jerked with ecstasy.

After they relaxed a bit Stephanie got up and pulled Mia up to where she was sitting,"Fuck woman. What got into you?"

"I don't know. It seemed like the right time to try it. Did you like it or was it too repulsive for you?"

"Did I seem to be repulsed? I mean it wasn't anything I have been dying to try but once we started it was really hot. Now I know you haven't tried it before at least with another woman since I have been your first, but have you ever done anything like that before?"

"No this was my first time and like you, it wasn't something I sat around and dreamt of doing. It seems though with you I want to try so many things because I'm so comfortable around you and sex with you brings me to places I've never dreamed existed before."

"Ah, sweetie, I feel the same about you. Maybe we will have to look into buying a waterproof mattress cover so we can try this again sometime where it is more comfortable. My knees can't take anymore of this tile and I'm sure it is hard on you too," Stephanie said as she rubbed her knees.

"Yeah, help me up. I think we both need a shower and I need to pee now too, then I need to get to bed and sleep so I can do some studying before I go into work tonight," Mia said holding out her hand to Stephanie.

Stephanie helped Mia up but before she turned on the shower she sat back down and looked up at Mia.

"Go ahead and pee on me. I want to feel what it's like," Stephanie told Mia.

"Are you sure? I thought your knees were bothering you?" Mia asked.

"They are which is why I'm on my back instead of kneeling. Now pee on me," Stephanie told Mia and pulled her over to her so Stephanie was sitting almost completely under Mia.

Mia hesitated as she hadn't done this before but she squatted a little and pulling open her lips she forced her pee to come out spraying Stephanie over her chest and lower body.

"Fuck, yeah," Stephanie said as the pee ran over her body. "This is so damn hot, I want to fuck you again."

Mia stopped peeing and got on her knees pushing Stephanie all the way onto her back. She lay on top of her rubbing the pee on her body as she kissed Stephanie with passion. Soon their fingers found the others pussy and they fingered each other to another intense orgasm.

After they could catch their breath, they helped each other up and turned on the shower. They washed all the pee off of the other making it sensual as they washed between the others legs and butt. They kissed and held onto each other until the water began to cool before they dried each other off. They each sat in a chair while the other used the blow drier to dry the others hair.

"Definitely have to get a waterproof cover for the bed," Stephanie jokingly said as she was drying Mia's hair.

"You liked that didn't you?" Mia kidded her.

"It's not something I would want as a routine but every once in a while when the mood hits it would be fun and not have to get up and onto the hard floor of the shower. I think I will have bruises on my knees for weeks they are so sore," Stephanie told Mia.

They continued to talk but changed the subject and talked about Mia's classes and how she was doing. Mia was fast approaching graduation and soon would be applying for veterinary school.

After their hair was dry, they changed the sheets on the bed and Mia kissed Stephanie climbing in bed for some much needed sleep. After Stephanie had dressed and kissed Mia, she walked out of the room glancing back as she closed the bedroom door thinking how much she really did love that girl in such a short time.

End of chapter two

To be continued.....

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