The Tattoo

By Peyton Jones

Published on Jun 3, 2020


The Tattoo

This story is the property of the co-authors and cannot be reproduced or distributed without specific consent of the authors. This work is Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. It is written for your enjoyment only. This story about the love between two women and is fiction. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental.

Part Seven

By Chrissy and Peyton

The next morning Mia woke up sensing Sophie getting out of bed. "Where are you going?" she asked.

"To the bathroom, go back to sleep," Sophie told Mia.

A few minutes later Mia was sound asleep again. Sophie had come out of the bathroom and was standing next to the bed looking at Mia tucked under the blankets. "Oh how I do love this girl," she thought to herself. She crawled back in bed moving over to wrap her arms around Mia and cuddle up next to her. Mia awoke enough that she put her arm around Sophie's arm and pulled her in tighter to her.

She said barely audible to Sophie, "I love you Sophie."

They slept half of the morning cuddled up together before finally waking. As they lay there for a while before getting out of bed, they talked about the previous night and what they wanted to do over the weekend.

As the weeks rolled by they celebrated Christmas together along with Sophie, her aunt and uncle and the rest of the family. They had welcomed Mia back into their lives each celebrating Christmas with a happy story about Stephanie over Christmas dinner. The stories were intended to make everyone laugh and they did just that. Mia reflected on how she and Stephanie met and how Stephanie was more concerned with her bike than her bleeding arm that required stitches.

The week before Christmas and New Years was a hodgepodge at work for Mia. Because the holidays fell on a Thursday and she gave everyone a half day off on both Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve plus the Friday after off since they normally didn't schedule any appointments after noon on Fridays. They tried to work extra on the other two days to get everything done. Mia liked this time of the year despite not having someone to celebrate with most of her life. Sophie told Mia right after Christmas that she had made plans for New Year's Eve for the two of them. All she would tell Mia was they would be staying in a hotel that night and she needed to bring an evening gown for her to wear New Year's Eve, plus a nice dress as they would be going out to eat before.

New Year's Eve was upon them and once Mia let everyone go at her clinic, she stayed to clean up and do some paperwork. She was busy in the back at a makeshift desk she had there with her laptop when she heard a knock on the front door of the clinic.

"Who the hell is that?" she mumbled. "Did I not turn the closed sign around when I locked the front door?" Mia walked into one of the examination rooms where she hoped she could crack the door and see who was at the front door without them seeing her. Whoever was there had already knocked twice and was knocking a third time when she looked out. The person though, was hidden by the Christmas tree they had by the door and she was not able to see out. It was then her cell phone rang and she had to hurry back to her desk where she left her phone.

When she got to her phone, she saw a text, "Hey babe, it's me at your front door. Came to keep you company while you finish up." Mia laughed to herself she should have known Sophie would come here knowing she was by herself. She walked out to the front seeing Sophie standing by the door smiling.

"Thought a dog had eaten you," Sophie said when Mia finally opened the door.

Mia laughed, "No such luck. I was doing paperwork. I tried to see who was beating on the door but the Christmas tree blocked my view. Then you texted and I had to hurry back and get my phone. What are you doing here?"

"I knew you would stay late and be by yourself, so I thought I would come by and sit with you so you weren't alone. I also wanted to make sure you got out of here on time as we have dinner reservations at seven but we need to go by the hotel first and check in and take our things up to our room," Sophie said as she kissed Mia.

"Well aren't you the sweet one, but it is going to be quite boring as I'm just getting a start on the quarter-end reports," Mia said and kissed Sophie back. "What's in the bag or should I not ask?"

"A little head start on the libations for tonight," Sophie told Mia with a smile.

They went to the back after Mia had locked the door again to where Mia was doing her work. She took a stool from across the room and brought it over to where she was sitting so Sophie had a place to sit. Sophie meanwhile pulled out a bottle of wine and poured both some in two plastic cups she brought. "Not the most proper way to drink wine but it will have to do unless you keep proper wine glasses stashed around here," she said as she gave one of the cups to Mia.

"To our love and hope we have many more New Year's Eves together," she said as she held her cup up for Mia to tap.

"To our love," Mia said in return and tapped Sophie's cup then took a sip of the wine. "Mmmm, that's good. You better cork that or I may drink all of it here."

"I only intended us to have one cup, possibly two, knowing we have lots to do and will be driving before we are inside for the night," Sophie said.

They sat there having light conversation while Mia worked for about another hour and a half. At Sophie's insistence Mia let her help. Sophie checked each examination room to make sure they were clean along with the waiting area. After she was finished, Sophie came over to where Mia was sitting and put her arms around Mia's waist kissing her on the cheek.

"Mmm, I'm almost done sweetheart and then we can leave," Mia said. Sophie brought her hands up to cup both of Mia's breasts squeezing each. "Don't start that now, or we'll never get out of here."

Sophie kept her hands on Mia's breasts and nuzzled into her neck which she knew from past experience was a very erotic spot on Mia. She nibbled, licked and blew on her neck and ear bringing moans from Mia as she leaned back into her chair. "What are you trying to do? We can't here," Mia moaned but had little resistance when Sophie did what she was doing to her.

"Making sure my baby gets plenty of attention and love," Sophie whispered into Mia's ear. She then let one of her hands move down Mia's stomach finding the elastic waistband of Mia's scrubs and she pushed her hand inside down to Mia's panties.

"Oh, Sophie please don't, not here," Mia moaned but again she offered little to no resistance, opening her legs up so Sophie's fingers easily slid between her legs.

Sophie pushed her fingers down between Mia's legs finding her panties already slightly damp from excitement. She ran her fingers up and down feeling the cotton material of Mia's panties slipping them inside of Mia's slit. Mia moaned and leaned back into Sophie bringing her arms up and back to hold onto Sophie's head.

Mia turned her head up and backwards so Sophie could lean down and kiss Mia, their tongues exchanging twirls in each other's mouths. Sophie rubbed Mia harder and faster getting more moans from Mia as she moved her fingers around her outer lips. Sophie moved Mia's legs apart to open her pussy to her magic fingers. "Oh Sophie," Mia moaned as her breathing increased and her orgasm built. It seemed like seconds but it was several minutes of Sophie rubbing her pussy when Mia's orgasm rose to the top and she came on Sophie's hand. "Oh Sophie, oh, oh," she moaned and then her body convulsed as she came.

Mia held Sophie's arm as she wanted it to keep the pressure on her pussy. She tried to turn around to put her hand on Sophie's pussy over top of the pants she was wearing but Sophie stopped her. "No, we don't have time for that. You will have all you want and then some later tonight," Sophie told her.

"That's not fair. You got to do me," Mia moaned.

"I promise tonight when we are in our room for the night, the first hour I will only do what you want to do to me. Fair enough?" Sophie asked her.

"Promise?" Mia asked.

"I promise," Sophie said and withdrew her hands from Mia's pants. When she did she made sure Mia saw her lick each finger in her mouth. She let Mia get up then they faced each other and kissed passionately.

Mia finished putting her things away, turning out the lights and setting the alarm as they walked out of the clinic. "I'll meet you at my place once you have everything packed and ready to go. Don't be late, you know I'll worry if you are," Sophie told Mia as she kissed her and got in her car.

"Thank you for keeping me company. Good thing I hadn't turned on the surveillance cameras until we were walking out," Mia said and giggled.

"Oh shit, I didn't think of that. Good thing or that would have been something interesting for your employees to watch when then they come back in on Monday," Sophie told Mia as she laughed. "Be careful, babe. See you in a bit."

Mia blew Sophie a kiss and got in her car to drive to her apartment to get the things she would need for tonight and tomorrow. After tomorrow she reasoned she would either use what she had at Sophie's or would go back to her place to get what else she needed.

She began to think about her time with Stephanie and now with Sophie. She loved both so much and couldn't believe how her life had turned out because of the day she met Stephanie and now Sophie. It seemed while the two were so alike, they were so different. Stephanie captured her heart and she fell for her like she had for no one before. Only back then she couldn't come to admit it completely, which hurt Stephanie. She only hoped her accident wasn't because of their argument.

With Sophie, things were different. Sophie was too easy to love and she brought Mia out of her depression from the first day they met. She knew after the second time they saw each other she would fall in love with her. It seemed she had no resistance around Sophie and while scared and reluctant to do some of the things Sophie wanted her to do, she completely and fully trusted Sophie. No matter what Sophie did, she put her faith in Sophie. She knew she would not put her in a situation that would cause harm or regret. Sophie had a purpose behind everything they did or everywhere they went and she knew until she could completely come to terms with her sexuality in public, Sophie would be testing her to get her comfortable with who she was. This was one of the reasons she loved her so much as Sophie was patient but determined and was always thinking of her feelings. She knew in her heart that she loved Sophie and would do whatever Sophie wanted her to do.

Mia finished showering and packing her clothes for tonight and for a few more days. She was smiling and humming a song that was stuck in her mind as she got everything together. She glanced at the time realizing she was right on time if not early which for her was remarkable. But considering why she was doing this she knew in Sophie she had found the right person making her life complete. She hurried and got the last things ready so she could see and kiss the person who had this effect on her and made her so happy.

Arriving at Sophie's, she began to wonder how much longer it would be before Sophie brought up moving in with her. She was living here most of the time now so it just seemed to be the right next step in their relationship. She made a mental note to discuss this with Sophie sometime over the next few days as her lease would be up in another two months and they would need to talk before she renewed it.

"I'm here, Sophie," Mia said as she walked into the house.

"In the bedroom getting ready, babe," Sophie called back to Mia.

Mia brought her bags and things into the bedroom finding Sophie in her bra and a pair of slacks as she was finishing putting on her makeup.

"Just in case I forget to tell you tonight, I love you," Mia told Sophie after wrapping her arms around her when she came into the bedroom.

"I love you too babe," Sophie said back to her.

"Are you going to tell me where we are going tonight or is it still on a need to know basis?" Mia asked as she set her things down.

"Still need to know, but you know I would never take you where I thought you would not be able to relax and have fun," Sophie said as Mia came over and leaned down to kiss the sitting Sophie.

"I know you wouldn't. When will I not feel like you are testing me whenever we go out?" Mia said.

"When will you not feel like you are being tested is the real question?" Sophie replied back as she was putting her earrings on and looking at Mia from the mirror.

"I'm trying, Sophie. I guess because my whole life I never imagined I would love two girls the way I love both you and Stephanie. It just scares me to think how others would think of me if they knew," Mia said.

Sophie walked over to Mia putting her hands on the sides of Mia's face placing her face to look directly at her. "You are doing fabulous and there is no reason to be afraid. I've been trying to tell and show you that those who matter to you don't care or already know. Those that don't know who you are, really don't matter, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Now if you are ashamed of who you are, then we need to have a completely different discussion."

Mia kissed Sophie then said to her, "I'm not ashamed. If anything, having you as my girlfriend means everything to me and I want more of you and me. I was actually thinking on the way over here, my lease is up in two months and since we are together most of the time maybe it would be the right time for us to consider us living together full time."

"I've been ready and waiting for you for months now. I was waiting to see if you were ready to handle moving in here with all the memories this place has for you," Sophie smiled at Mia.

"I'll admit there are times I feel guilty or strange being here, but I think Stephanie would approve of it and it would make her happy knowing I was here and safe with you," Mia reasoned.

"Then it is done. We'll start moving more of your things over the next few weeks and then you can let your lease expire and live here. I know I want your warm body next to me every night not just most nights," Sophie told Mia.

Mia smiled back at Sophie then added, "And you can have my breakfast ready for me each morning so I'm not hitting the drive-through on the way to work each day."

"Oh, so you think I am just going to be your maid and cook your meals for you, is that it?" Sophie giggled back.

"No, sometimes I will cook too, but you will also provide a warm sexy body to snuggle up with at night too," Mia added.

"Now there is the real reason you want to live here. You just need a snuggle bunny to keep you warm. Well it just so happens snuggling is one of my specialties so you are in luck," Sophie quipped back.

"Yes, it is one of your specialties and one that I love about you too," Mia said and leaned in and kissed Sophie. They hugged and kissed before finishing getting ready for tonight.

They drove to the hotel which ended up being one of the most exclusive hotels in the area. "We're staying here?" Mia asked as they drove up to the hotel. "This has to cost a fortune to stay here especially for New Years Eve? How did you get a reservation here?" she exclaimed.

"You are worth every penny and then some, babe," Sophie said. "But to be honest, I have a friend who is married to the manager and we got a really good deal on the room and on the party so we aren't paying what most others are paying. Apparently, someone who is very well off had our room booked many months ago, but they're in Europe and unable to make it back. They told the manager to apply their deposit to some other guest as their way of paying forward on this New Year's Eve. I just happened to call at the right time to get us a room."

"Well who ever your friend is we owe her or him a big thank you," Mia said as the valets opened their doors to let them out.

"Will you ladies be staying the night with us?" the one by Sophie asked.

"Yes, we have reservations," Sophie told him.

The valet waved his hand and a bellhop brought out a cart to hang their dress bags and put their overnight bags onto. "The reservation desk in is inside to your right. Have a nice stay and Happy New Year," he told both of them.

They wished him a Happy New Year and thanked him, walking into the lobby with the bellhop following not too far behind.

After they checked in and were taken to their room by the bellhop, they looked around at the suite they had booked for the night.

"Holy crap, Sophie, this is unbelievable. This is as big or bigger than my apartment," Mia exclaimed.

"Look at the view," Sophie said as she walked to the window by the bed. "You can see all of downtown from her. We can leave the curtains open tonight and what a view we will have with the lights turned out."

"Oh, how romantic," Mia said her voice trailing off. "I can't think of a more fitting way to spend New Year's Eve with you. Thank you so much, I love you Sophie," Mia said and hugged Sophie.

"Anything for my baby. I love you too Mia," Sophie replied.

"Where are we eating tonight? Is it far from here?" Mia asked sounding more like an excited child.

"Easy there, don't get too excited. Actually no, it's one block away. The hotel has a shuttle so we don't have to walk or drive. They apparently have a lot of guests who go to the restaurant so they shuttle them back and forth. They will give us a pager when we go and as it gets close for us to come back, we just page them and they will be out front waiting on us," Sophie explained.

"Wow, you have thought of everything haven't you?" Mia smiled at Sophie.

"I wanted this night to be special for us, and one to remember," Sophie remarked.

"You have accomplished that and then some," Mia replied. "What shall we do until we go to dinner since we have a few hours yet?"

"If you would like we can go downstairs and find the ballroom where we will be partying tonight and then go into some of the shops they have in the hotel," Sophie told Mia.

The two put their things away making sure their dresses were hung up and then went down to find the ballroom. In the elevator Sophie took Mia's hand to which Mia offered no resistance. When the elevator door opened and they walked out Mia led the way holding Sophie's hand in hers which made Sophie smile.

In the lobby, they saw a sign which read "New Year's Eve Party" and they followed it until they came to the double doors leading into the ballroom. There were caterers setting up and hotel staff preparing the tables for tonight. They peaked in to see how it looked. Mia squeezed Sophie's hand as they looked inside, "It is going to be so much fun being here with you."

"It's already fun. This will just be the finale to a great year and the beginning of an even better new year with you," Sophie replied.

They were about to turn around when they heard a voice call out, "Sophie Baker, is that you?"

Both of them turned to see a smartly dressed woman in her late thirties or early forties coming towards them from the hallway they had just walked through.

"Oh, hi Marlene," Sophie said rather surprised to see her. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Surprise, surprise," Marlene said as she came up next to Sophie and kissed her on the cheek. "Bill and I always spend New Year's Eve here. He always works late on this date and so he isn't driving on the roads at night with the people who have been drinking, we stay here instead. One of the perks of the job, you could say." Marlene then looked at Mia and said, "Excuse us for ignoring you. I'm Marlene and my husband Bill is the manager of this place."

"It's nice to meet you, Marlene. My name is Mia. I imagine you are the one we should be thanking for our room tonight?" Mia offered.

"Well actually you can thank the Gifford's for that. They are the ones who decided at the last minute to stay in Europe instead of with us and we would've had to refund their deposit. They are such good guest we would have done so but they insisted we apply it to another one of our guest for our trouble. Sophie, here just happened to call at the right time and I thought what a wonderful way for her and me to catch up on old times together," Marlene said and gave a wink to Sophie.

"Well send our thanks to the Gifford's from us and thank you for the thought. The room is gorgeous and such a remarkable view," Mia told her.

"Yes it does have the best view of all the rooms and I'm glad you like the room. Maybe later tonight we can all get together in your room and toast to the New Year?" Marlene said.

Before Mia could respond to Marlene she felt Sophie squeeze her hand and reply, "I suppose you will be attending the party here tonight?"

"Wouldn't miss it and especially if you are going to be there," Marlene replied.

"Then we will see you there tonight. We came to find the ballroom and we were just on our way to do some shopping. Thanks again for getting us the room. It was nice running into you Marlene," Sophie said and began to walk away pulling on Mia's hand.

When they were a distance away, Mia turned her head to Sophie, "What was that about? You were next to rude to her especially since she got us such a beautiful room."

Sophie continued to walk before pulling Mia into the exercise room where no one else was in there and could not hear them talking. "I'm sorry and I should have warned you ahead of time but I really didn't think I would see her at least until later tonight."

"Warn me about what? Who is she?" Mia asked concerned.

"Before I met you and soon after I moved here, I went to the club where I took you. I wasn't seeing anyone at the time and hadn't been there for quite a while. I met her and three of her lady friends who were there to let off some steam being away from their husbands. It seems they like to get away on occasion and do things they wouldn't do around their husbands like going to a gay club where they could dance and be with other women," Sophie tried to explain.

"Oh so you and she danced some along with her friends?" Mia asked.

"Well there was more to it than that," Sophie said.

"Are you telling me you and she slept together?" Mia asked.

"Sort of. The group of them liked to bring a girl into their little group and have fun from time to time and I just happened to be one of a few girls they tried to pick up that night," Sophie continued.

"Then you didn't do anything with her or the others?" Mia kept questioning Sophie.

"Mia, it was before I met you so it is in the past," Sophie tried to explained.

"Obviously she thinks what happened could happen again tonight? Just what did you do?" Mia asked not letting Sophie off the hook on this one.

"All I did was make out with her and she played with my breast while I finger-fucked her in the booth we were sitting in. Her friends were busy hitting on other girls so they weren't involved," Sophie told Mia. "Are you upset with me?"

Mia didn't immediately respond to Sophie not because she was debating her answer but because she thought it was cute Sophie was concerned over something that happened years before they met. "No, Sophie. I'm not upset with you. What happened was long before you met me and doesn't matter today. I can see why you would have a fling with her though because she is a very pretty woman. At least you didn't pick a sixty-year-old overweight, chain smoking make-up queen," Mia giggled at Sophie.

"Watch what you say because unless you are interested in a threesome or more if any of her friends are here tonight, she will bring it up more than once and try to get us to bring her and her friends up to our suite," Sophie flatly told Mia.

"Well you are trying to get me out of my fears and what better way of doing that then a threesome. Besides it would be hot watching someone with you," Mia said.

"You're kidding, right? You aren't serious about a threesome with her?" Sophie said looking at Mia for a hint of her joking.

"Aren't you the one who told me about how hot a threesome was and about watching and being watched? Isn't this what you have been trying to do to get me to the point I am no longer afraid who knows and who doesn't?" Mia told Sophie then opened the door to the exercise room and began to walk out.

Sophie stood there in disbelief before she realized Mia was already ten or more steps in front of her so she quickly opened the door and hurried after Mia. She caught up with Mia and got in front of her so she couldn't walk off. "Are you seriously considering having a threesome with Marlene?"

Mia looked Sophie in the eyes seeing either disbelief or seeing her worried she couldn't tell. "No Sophie, I'm just playing with you, but the thought of watching you with someone else does intrigue me so I am not going to rule it out if the right person or time presents itself. Now come on, let's shop some before we go up to get ready for dinner. Unless all this talk has you horny, and you would like to go up now and test out the bed before tonight?"

"Don't tempt me. I'm afraid if we started, we would miss dinner and half the party," Sophie said and moved to the side of Mia taking her hand.

"I take it the thought of being with her has you wet in the right place does it?" Mia smiled at Sophie.

"Shut up and let's shop," Sophie quipped back and led Mia into one of the boutiques in the hotel.

After shopping, they went back to the room to dress for dinner. All the sex talk apparently had had an effect on Sophie as Mia noticed when Sophie changed her panties the ones she was wearing were sticking to Sophie's pussy.

They each wore a dress and heels with a coat because of the cool evening. The hotel shuttled them over to the restaurant and they were seated at a table for two. The waiter took their drink and dinner orders leaving them to talk. Sophie asked Mia for her hand and without reservations Mia put her hand up on the table which Sophie put her fingers in between Mia's and left it on the table even when the waiter brought their drinks back to the table. Once the waiter left, Sophie picked up her drink and holding it up offered a toast to Mia, "To the girl I gave my heart to months ago and keep giving it to every minute of every day since then."

"Don't make me cry in here you fool," Mia said and touched Sophie's glass before taking a drink.

They talked while they ate mostly about what Mia would bring over to Sophie's when she moved her things in and Sophie about what she would get rid of to make room for Mia's things. Time passed and it was close to time to go back and change into their dresses for tonight which would be more elegant than the ones they had on right now. As they asked the waiter for their check, Sophie paged the shuttle driver they would be finished in about ten minutes. When they walked out of the restaurant hand in hand, the shuttle was coming around the corner towards the restaurant.

Back at the hotel, they took their dresses off and pulled out their party dresses they were going to wear that evening. Mia had on a tan and gold sequin dress, the bodice was v-necked and tight-fitting with the gold sequins. It was sleeveless with wide enough shoulder straps to cover her bra which was a tan laced-trim bra and matching bikini panties. The bottom half of her dress was tan almost silk like, see through but had a lined built in slip to it that came down to her upper thighs. The reason for the high slip was the dress was not an even hemmed dress but one made for dancing as it had four peaks that went down to her mid-calf and four upper peaks that went to her mid thigh. With the sequin top she didn't need any necklace but she wore brown heels with it.

Sophie was a little less conservative than Mia wearing a mid thigh mini flared skirt. It was floral on the bottom with a mauve border on the hem. The top half was long bell-sleeve but see-through cream colored lace. The rest of the bodice was lined lace with a low-cut scoop and three buttons holding it closed revealing the upper inside swell of her breasts. She wore mauve panties but no bra as the bodice top had built in half cups because of how revealing it was. Sophie had her hair down and wore a multi colored necklace which hung to where her cleavage could be seen. Instead of heals she wore mauve ankle boots that had two-inch heels.

The two were ready for whatever lay ahead for them and with the added drinks they had consumed at dinner and the drink they had in their room while getting ready they were ready to be noticed and party the night away.

The party had started an hour before but it was still early so they weren't concerned about arriving on time. They left their suite arm in arm smiling and Mia not paying attention to who was looking at them or caring. Upon entering the ballroom, they were escorted to their table as all attendees having made advanced reservations were assigned tables and seats. Upon arriving, they found not to either's surprise that Marlene had arranged for them to be seated at the table next to her.

As the night wore on they drank and talked with the others at their table. All seemed right and Mia and Sophie danced many a dance together. They even danced with some of the other men at the party including Bill, Marlene's husband who was a perfect gentleman with both of them. Occasionally Marlene would dance with the two of them but in particular Sophie as it was obvious to Mia, Marlene wanted to be with her. Midnight approached and the dancing stopped about five minutes before so the staff could serve champagne to all. The party goers stood at their tables or on the dance floor when the final minute approached and the leader of the band gave the countdown.

At midnight, everyone cheered and drank their champagne followed by kissing their significant others wishing them a Happy New Year. Mia and Sophie were on the dance floor and found that the kissing wasn't restricted to your significant other as they were separated by people standing next to them and were kissed and they kissed others by them. Mia noticed that Marlene had pulled Sophie to her and was kissing her with more passion than she thought she should be, but Sophie was returning the kiss so she didn't say anything. It was at this time another lady turned her and kissed her with the passion she was watching Sophie have with Marlene, so she kissed the lady back with the same passion. Before the lady departed to kiss others, she told Mia she had been waiting for midnight so she could kiss her. She knew Mia was with someone but she couldn't pass the chance to kiss what she said was the most beautiful and sexy woman there. Then she smiled at Mia, kissing her cheek wishing her a Happy New Year, turned and left to go kiss others.

The next few minutes were filled with cheers and noise makers that were handed out plus kissing this person and that person until the band started playing again first playing Auld Lang Syne then going into a slow song. Mia made it a point to get to Sophie and wrap her arms around her so no one else could get her while they danced. They nuzzled their heads together kissing each other on the neck then putting their foreheads together and looking into each other's eyes.

After they had danced a few dances they were headed to their table when Marlene came up and took Sophie's hand and pulled her back to the dance floor. "You don't mind, do you?" she asked Mia but never waited for an answer as she kept walking taking Sophie with her.

Mia went to their table and sat looking at Sophie dancing with Marlene. A little jealousy arose in her followed by lust as she saw how beautiful and sexy her girlfriend was. She was getting somewhat aroused at the thought of watching Sophie make love with Marlene who was beautiful in her own right. The two looked happy and seemed to fit together perfectly. She wondered if she looked as perfectly fit when she was with Sophie. Mia watched until she was distracted by a couple sitting at her table. They began a conversation with her that had her looking at them and not Sophie. The last she saw of Sophie; she and Marlene were dancing a slow song and Marlene's hands had moved to Sophie's lower back and onto her butt. They were staring at each other close enough to kiss.

By the time she was able to glance back to the dance floor she couldn't see Sophie or Marlene. She looked anxiously around the dance floor and then over towards the bar not seeing them anywhere. Distracted again by the couple at her table she lost track of time. She figured it had been close to a half hour and still no signs of Sophie or Marlene. Mia began to get frantic, thinking Marlene had taken Sophie somewhere to get more intimate. Her fear was Sophie was doing something behind her back because she was afraid Mia wouldn't approve of her having some sort of sex with someone else. Mia was about to get up and go find Sophie when Sophie came up behind her leaning over and kissing her on the cheek.

"Did you miss me?" Sophie smiled at Mia as she sat down next to her.

"You were gone a long time and I couldn't see you. What were you two doing?" Mia asked trying not to show her irritation.

"We danced, we talked, we kissed, we had sex. What did you think I was doing?" Sophie smiled back but leaning closer to Mia to whisper in her ear.

Mia pulled back and looked at Sophie in disbelief. "You didn't, did you?" she asked not sure she wanted to hear the answer.

"Of course, why not? Want to smell?" Sophie replied holding up her middle finger of her right hand to Mia's nose.

"Gross!" Mia said and swatted Sophie's hand away. "I can't believe you did that?"

"What? Have sex or offer to let you smell her on my finger?" Sophie laughed at Mia.

"You think this is funny, don't you?" Mia, now not hiding her irritation, asked Sophie.

"Calm down babe. I'm just kidding you. Here smell," she again said as she put her finger to Mia's face. Mia smelled and didn't smell anything but Sophie's hand. "See I wouldn't do that to you."

"Then why are your three buttons open on your top and I can see your nipple when you move?" Mia asked then she put her hand down on Sophie's crossed legs pushing the top leg off and putting her hand between Sophie legs feeling her panties. "And why do you have a wet spot on your panties?"

"Okay, I'll admit I was very turned on but I didn't let anything happen. Marlene and I were dancing and she started talking about us going up to our suite and her and I having sex. She even said there was a lady here who was interested in being with you and she would invite her so you would have someone to be with too. She has had enough to drink and she wasn't being quiet about it so I moved her off to the side so no one could hear her talking. She pulled me into a room behind the stage and before I could stop her, she unbuttoned my top. I, at first, didn't offer any resistant because I didn't want to hurt her feelings but then I realized she was being more serious and so I stopped her. I told her I was with you and nothing would happen between her and me unless you were a part of it, in full agreement and willing. She gave me her room number and told me she hoped after talking to you we would see each other later tonight," Sophie explained and showed Mia the paper with Marlene's room number on it.

Mia took the paper from Sophie. She studied Sophie's face for a minute trying to decide if Sophie was telling her the truth.

Sophie noticed Mia's hesitation and spoke, "Babe, I would never do anything to hurt you or go behind your back to be with someone. I love you too much to do that to you. I promise you nothing happened. She kissed me and she tried to open my top so she could get to my boobs. Yes, it turned me on and yes if I hadn't been here with you, I would have been all over her. But you're the reason I'm here and you are the one I love and want to be with, not her."

"You promise?" Mia asked.

"I promise," Sophie said and took Mia's hand and put it back between her legs. "If you want, we can leave right now and go back up to our room and make love?"

Mia rubbed Sophie's panties a few times emitting a slight moan from Sophie plus seeing her eyes half close when she did that. She took her hand away and got up taking Sophie's hand and they left the ballroom.

Once they were in their suite, Mia had Sophie go into the bathroom and put on her sheer lace baby doll nightie with the matching g-string panties she had brought. While she was in there, Mia opened up her overnight bag pulling out her teddy and also silk ropes she took from Sophie's house that Sophie had in her sex toy bag. She went to the phone, calling the front desk asking them to deliver two more pillows to their room telling them the exact time she wanted them delivered.

Sophie came out looking absolutely gorgeous wearing her teddy which for the most part, while it covered everything, you could see through it enough to know what was underneath it. Mia smiled at her letting Sophie know she highly approved of the way Sophie looked. Mia then went in to change into her teddy.

When she came out, Sophie was already lying on the bed waiting for Mia. Mia strolled over to the bed taking a blindfold she found in the nightstand which was really meant for those who needed darkness to sleep and placed it over Sophie's face and across her eyes.

"Ooooh, we're going to play games, are we?" Sophie mewed.

"No games, but you did promise me the first hour was all me and you had to do as I wanted, remember?" Mia asked.

"Yes, babe, I did promise you and you can," Sophie chuckled.

"Good, now scooch down a little and put your hands above your head," Mia instructed Sophie.

As Sophie moved, Mia put Sophie's wrist through the loop in the ropes and tied the other end to the bedpost tight enough that Sophie couldn't get her hands out of the ropes. With Sophie's arms tied up, Mia moved up and straddled Sophie. She leaned down and kissed her lips giving her a passionate kiss before moving to Sophie's cheek and neck then up to her ear nibbling and kissing as she went.

"Oh god, Mia, you are driving me crazy," Sophie moaned.

"I know and I have just begun," Mia whispered into Sophie's ear. She then took her one hand and placed it on Sophie's breast running her fingernails across the material of her teddy and across Sophie's hardening nipple. Sophie moaned and arched her back up as Mia teased her nipple.

"So you got turned on by what Marlene did to you tonight?" Mia whispered into Sophie's ear.

"A little but I only want you?" Sophie moaned back.

"I don't believe you," Mia whispered back and pinched Sophie's nipple as she said it.

"Oh god," Sophie moaned.

"Do you want to change your answer?" Mia whispered and this time she moved her hand down between Sophie's legs just covering her mound.

"Fuck, Mia," Sophie moaned.

"Tell the truth now or I won't go any farther with my hand," Mia whispered to Sophie.

"Yes, I got turned on. Now please," Sophie moaned as she tried to raise her hips though Mia was sitting on them.

"And you wanted to be with her, didn't you?" Mia again whispering and biting Sophie's earlobe as her fingers inched a little lower towards Sophie's pussy.

"Mia?" Sophie agonized to say.

"The truth or I quit," Mia whispered.

"Yes, I'm sorry but only if you were there too and not with her alone," Sophie relented.

"You want a threesome, don't you?" Mia asked.

"Yes, yes, but only if you agree," Sophie pleaded as Mia's fingers were teasing her around her labia.

"But she didn't want a threesome. She only wanted you. She told you that telling you she had someone else for me, didn't she?" Mia whispered to Sophie.

"I don't know, I guess. I only want you Mia," Sophie tried to say but she was in agony with the teasing Mia was giving her.

"Do you want me to call her and ask her up now? I have her number, you gave it to me," Mia whispered to Sophie.

Sophie moaned and didn't respond as she knew if she did it might hurt Mia but she didn't know how best to answer that question. "Please Mia," was all she could get out.

"I tell you what. I'm going to call her and ask her to come up but you have to stay tied up and blindfolded so you won't know who is eating you and who you are eating. And maybe I'll fuck her next to you while you lie there next to us," Mia told Sophie and ran her finger down across Sophie's slit causing Sophie to jerk. Mia could tell Sophie had a mini orgasm from how turned on she was and smiled at how this was going. She got up from the bed and picked up the phone pretending to dial Marlene's number.

"Marlene, it's Mia Fernandez. I have Sophie all primed and waiting for you if you are ready to come and have her." Mia paused then continued. "Yes, you know the suite and if your friend wants to come then, I could use a good fucking too." There was another pause. "Great, see you two in a few," Mia said and hung up the phone.

"They will be here in a few minutes," Mia told Sophie and leaned over to kiss Sophie's wet bottoms of her teddy. Sophie again jerked and Mia knew she again had a mini orgasm from her high state of arousal.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Mia got off the bed telling Sophie, "Your New Year's present is here. You wait here. Oh, you are tied up aren't you baby and can't go anywhere? Well I'll have to take my teddy off and answer the door," Mia teased Sophie who moaned and twisted on the bed. Especially after she felt the material to Mia's teddy fall on her stomach. Mia closed the door to the bedroom putting on a robe and answered the door. She took the pillows from the hotel person and closed the door. She waited a minute then talked as if she were talking to Marlene and her friend telling them Sophie was in the bedroom tied up. No one could talk as she wanted to surprise Sophie as who was eating her pussy. Mia made sure she said it loud enough that Sophie could hear what was said.

Mia opened the door to the bedroom and made a rustling noise with the extra pillows she was carrying. She then spoke, "Ok ladies, remember the rules. No talking at all. Sophie is not to be able to tell who is eating her by voice. She can only figure it out by taste and smell," Mia then threw the pillows over to the chair to distract Sophie. She then leaned on the end of the bed on the left then right to make it appear someone was sitting on the end of the bed on each side. She then continued, "I'll point to who is going first. You can only eat her this time around until each of us has had a turn. Then once we each make her cum then she has to guess who ate her and in what order what order we went in. If she is wrong, she stays tied up and we each will crawl up and she can eat each of us. The other two, if they do not want to watch while she is being eaten, they can go to the couch in the living room or they can have their own fun with each other. Remember, no talking and the goal is to eat Sophie until she cums without her being able to guess who has eaten her. That way she gets to eat each of us before we untie her and all of us have fun together."

"Okay, Sophie, we have picked our order. Anything you want to say before we each start eating you?" Mia asked.

"Oh, fuck, oh fuck," Sophie moaned and tried to get her hands free while moving her legs.

"Now if you don't want to do this, now is the time to say so," Mia asked again.

"Mia, oh god, Mia please can we talk first?" Sophie struggled to ask.

"Ladies, would you mind giving us a minute?" Mia spoke and pushed on each side of the bed to simulate someone getting up from each side. She then shuffled her feet on the floor to make noise as if someone was walking out of the room. Mia sat on the bed next to Sophie and leaned over to kiss her. "What is it you want my dear?" she asked as she ran her fingers across Sophie's breasts again making sure she circled each nipple as she did.

"Fuck, I'm so turned on Mia. I don't know what to do. I don't want this to be an issue with us. I love you too much," Sophie spoke softly to Mia.

"Are you saying you don't want them to eat you and you don't want to eat them? I thought this is what you wanted? You have been talking about having a threesome or more for months now," Mia explained to Sophie as she ran her hand down from her breast to between her legs.

Sophie tried to squeeze her legs together but Mia held on to one of her legs keeping them from closing. "Mia, I love you and I would do anything you wanted to do but only if it is what you want to do and are ready for it. Once we do this there's no turning back and we can't forget that we allowed someone else to have sex with us."

"What are you saying? Was all this threesome's stuff just talk and you really don't want to do any of it?"

"Yes and no. It was a turn on for both of us to talk about it and yes most of it was talk. Marlene did kiss me earlier but it was to tell me Happy New Year and nothing more. I unbuttoned my own top and played with myself to get wet hoping you would put your hand there to check. Not that we need it but I thought a little eroticism would spice up our night and we could have fun." Sophie tried to plead her case with Mia.

"So what do you want to do? Marlene obviously wants to be with you and her friend wants to be with me. Is this what you want?" Mia asked.

"No Mia, I want you. If another time we want a threesome or more, it will be at our choosing because we both see someone we have a sexual interest in. But only because the time is right for us to share with someone else and not because someone has the hots for one of us but not the other."

Mia leaned over to kiss Sophie and they kissed passionately. Mia moved her hand over Sophie's pussy and began to rub it over her teddy. As they kissed more passionately, she moved the material over so her hand was directly on Sophie's pussy. Because Sophie was so wet from arousal her fingers easily slipped inside of Sophie as she pushed them in and out of her pussy. Sophie had been on the brink of a real climax for some time now and Mia's fingers were all it took and she exploded in an orgasm that strained her arms that were pulling on the ropes and her body twisted and arched up from her orgasm. Mia kept pumping her fingers inside of Sophie as she kissed her neck and upper chest making her way to Sophie's nipples. She couldn't remove the straps on Sophie's babydoll since her hands were tied. Instead, since the material was so thin, she bit Sophie's nipple through the material while she brought Sophie to another orgasm only minutes after she had the first one.

Sophie was next to tears she was so aroused and with the height of her orgasms as she strained to get her arms down.

"Do you want to be untied?" Mia softly asked her seeing Sophie strain from the ropes.

"Oh god, yes. Untie me so I can hold you," Sophie said.

"Keep the blindfold on and don't peek," Mia said.

"Okay, what about the others," Sophie asked.

"Screw them, they are doing their own thing and don't need us. They can watch if they want to," Mia said.

"Fuck," Sophie moaned thinking of being watched.

Mia untied Sophie's wrists so her arms were now free. Sophie wasted no time touching Mia since she earlier had taken her teddie off. Her hand then went right to Mia's pussy finding it just as wet as she was. Her fingers easily slid inside and she immediately pumped them in and out of Mia who moaned heavily into Sophie' neck. "Fuck me Sophie. Fuck my pussy with your fingers," She gasped.

They both attacked each other as if they hadn't had sex in years and only had minutes more before they had to stop. Because of their intense aroused state and love for each other it only took a few more minutes of fucking each other's pussy and they both came hard on each other's hand. They lay there for several minutes both gasping and trying to get their breath back before Sophie spoke up.

"I don't hear the others. What are they doing?"

Mia took her hand and lifted the blindfold that Sophie was still wearing off her eyes. Sophie blinked and squinted her eyes until they adjusted to the light and looked at Mia lying next to her then out the door to the bedroom not seeing anyone. "Where are they?" she asked.

"They were never here," Mia softly told her as she ran her finger across Sophie's lips and laid her head on Sophie's shoulder and upper chest.

"The knock on the door. Who was that?" she asked.

"I had the hotel bring up more pillows," Mia said pointing to the chair where she threw them.

"You planned all of this didn't you? You wanted to tease me, make me think Marlene was here to see what I did?" Sophie asked.

"Testing runs two ways my love," Mia said and kissed Sophie on the lips.

"For the record, you passed," Mia said then added, "but any answer short of you wanted Marlene for your own would have been acceptable."

Sophie pulled her head from Mia and looked at her. "You mean you would have been okay if they were actually here and we went through with your little game?"

"Yes, but only because of how much I love you and would go to please you. I would have done it all for you. My only reservation was Marlene seemed insistent to have you to herself and that was not going to happen. But your answer of some other time with someone we both have an interest in and they in both of us, I am willing," Mia replied.

"I can't tell you how much I am glad I was able to run into you that day at the cemetery. You have made life so worth living and I love you with every ounce of my body," Mia told Sophie. They hugged and kissed passionately their breathing beginning to quicken as their love for each other increased their passion.

They continued to kiss moaning into the other's mouth until they had to break in order to breathe. "Move on top of me," Sophie said. "I want to taste that pussy of yours."

Mia straddled Sophie but before she lowered her pussy to Sophie's mouth, she turned so they were face to face with each other's pussies. Both couldn't wait to taste and savior the other from all of the teasing and erotic foreplay they had already been through.

Sophie used her fingers to spread Mia's lips open so she could use her tongue to lick Mia from her clit down through her slit to the bottom. She then flicked her tongue inside of Mia pushing it in as far as she could get it to go her chin and nose pushed up into Mia.

Mia moaned and pushed her pussy back into Sophie to get more contact. At the same time, she began her assault on Sophie. She moved her arms under Sophie's legs bringing her hands up between them so she could open Sophie's lips. Her tongue dove into Sophie's hole and she flicked her tongue back and forth into Sophie. Sophie moaned and arched her pelvic up to meet the touch of Mia's tongue. Mia used one of her fingers inside of Sophie to get it very wet then brought it down to Sophie's rosebud. She teased it by rubbing her finger around it then eased it slowly into Sophie.

"Oh Mia, yes, oh god you are going to make me cum," Sophie moaned.

Mia smiled thinking that was the intent. She pushed it farther into Sophie until her finger was completely inside of Sophie then began to move it back and forth as she licked Sophie's pussy. As she felt Sophie's orgasm rise, she moved her mouth over Sophie's clit and sucked it into her mouth biting gently on it with her teeth. Sophie being in such a high state of arousal couldn't take it once Mia bit her clit and she exploded in another orgasm that shook her entire body and took all of her breath away from her.

Mia moved off of Sophie seeing she was completely spent from her many intense orgasms. She moved up next to Sophie and with her own hand masturbated herself until she came hard too.

After they both were able to catch their breath, they lay next to each other their hands touching the other somewhere but not trying to arouse the other at the same time.

"Wow, this has been one hell of a New Year's Eve and first day of the New Year's so far. I don't think I could handle another orgasm. My whole body is going to be sore tomorrow or later today," Sophie told Mia and smiled.

"It has been the best New Year's Eve in my life and I have you to thank for giving me such a wonderful time. I love you Sophie and I hope we have many more New Year's together," Mia softly and sweetly said back to Sophie.

They kissed and Sophie softly said to Mia, "I know we will have a lifetime of New Year's together. I love you too Mia."

They hugged and kept their heads together as they lay on the pillows allowing the nighttime to finally catch up to them.

Mia awoke first seeing the room was lit by the sun coming in through the curtains. She looked at Sophie who was still asleep and gave thanks she had Sophie in her life. She eased out of the bed to go to the bathroom. While she was peeing, Sophie came walking in naked and sat on Mia's lap facing her.

"Spread your legs out more," Sophie said as she sat. She then proceeded to pee into the toilet through Mia's outstretched legs staring at Mia and putting her arms around Mia's neck. "Sorry couldn't wait," she smiled and said before she leaned in to kiss Mia.

"Well I've never done that before," Mia laughed. "But your aim isn't very good there babe. I could feel you peeing a little on me too."

"Mmmmm, maybe I need to lick you clean then," Sophie said licking her lips and winking at Mia.

"Too bad they don't have waterproof pads under their sheets or we could have played those games last night too. I would have loved to see you getting peed on thinking it was someone else other than me," Mia said smiling back at Sophie.

"Oh you would, would you?" Come to think of it I would have probably cum from the thought of someone else peeing on me. Maybe in our next threesome we will find someone who is just as kinky as we are and play those games?" Sophie said.

"Maybe, but for now get your fat butt up. I'm losing feeling in my legs where you are cutting of the blood flow," Mia said and lightly pinched Sophie's butt.

"Ouch, watch it there bitch, my ole lady doesn't like someone pinching my butt," Sophie jokingly said as she stood up.

"Bitch? Ole lady? I'll have you know I am a young lady and haven't begun to show you how much of a bitch I can be," Mia said and ran after Sophie as Sophie ran from the bathroom back into the bedroom.

Mia caught her right by the bed and tackled her throwing both of them onto the bed. They tussled and giggled trying to wrestle and tickle the other rolling over and over on the bed. Finally, Mia was able to pin Sophie on the bed holding her arms above her head and sitting on her abdomen. She looked down at Sophie as they both tried to catch their breath. Mia looked at Sophie and then her eyes welded up and tears began to fall from her face on Sophie's face and upper chest.

"Mia? What's wrong?" Sophie asked really concerned since they were having such a good time up until now.

It took a minute for Mia to compose herself before she let go of Sophie and rolled off of her onto her back. "I'm sorry Sophie. I am just so happy and have never felt this happy before. It was overwhelming then I realized it took Stephanie's death for me to feel this way and then I felt guilty because I loved her so much and treated her so bad."

Sophie rolled over half on top of Mia placing her hand on Mia's cheek. "You have nothing to apologize for having feelings for Stephanie. I told you way back when to never forget her and keep her in your heart. You are doing just that and you made room for me like I asked you to do. Stephanie would want you to do that and not feel guilty about loving both of us. I believe right now and last night she was having just as much fun watching us as we were having and she somehow had a way of being here with us."

"You really believe that?" Mia asked.

"Yes, I do. We all have someone who is looking over us and I'm sure Stephanie is doing just that. You deserve to be happy and it makes me happy you find it with me. I too have never been so happy and it is overwhelming at times to think of how perfect we are together," Sophie explained.

"Thank you. I love you so much Sophie and to be honest I don't ever want to be without you in my life," Mia said and pulled Sophie's face to hers and kissed her passionately.

They kissed and held each other Sophie moving her body completely between Mia's. Slowly she began to move her hips rubbing her pussy against Mia's who had lifted her legs and wrapped them around Sophie's waist. They both rocked back and forth making sure there was friction between them to arouse their clits. Their breathing increased and they stopped kissing but kept their faces close to the other looking into each other's eyes. "I love you," moaned Sophie and Mia moaned back, "I love you. Don't ever leave me."

Their undulations and their staring into each other's eyes brought their orgasms to their peak but their exchange of "I love you" was the trigger that put them over the edge and they both shuddered and jerked as their climax shot through their bodies.

Minutes later they lay still Sophie still on top of Mia panting. "Again, we end up with your fat ass on top of me," Mia exclaimed. "Only this time I love feeling you on top of me, or underneath me or beside me, just as long as you are with me!"

They kissed and smiled at each other before they got up and showered knowing their check out time was fast approaching. They had had the best New Year's ever and Mia realized how deep her love for Sophie was. All the testing Sophie had put her through made her realize she would do anything, go anywhere and not be afraid to show her love in public. Nothing else mattered to Mia other than sharing her love for Sophie. Anyone who didn't like it didn't matter to her because without love you just exist and don't live.

Mia promised herself she would be visiting Stephanie's grave soon telling her how she felt and apologize to her for not realizing it when they were together. Mia had found happiness and peace with who she was.

End of chapter seven

To be continued.....

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