Ties That Bind

By Waddie Greywolf

Published on Jan 14, 2023


DISCLAIMER: WARNING!! This is a work of homoerotic fiction written by an adult for the purpose of entertainment for other adults. If you are not eighteen years of age or you have any problem with this type of literature then this is a warning to read no further. The author will not be held responsible for any reason if you do.

(Codes: M/M BD/SM Master/slave WS Anal Oral)

Copyright 2003 Waddie Greywolf Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

===================================================== THE TIES THAT BIND By Waddie Greywolf


On the rough wet grass of the back yard my father and mother have spread quilts. We all lie there, my mother, my father, my uncle, my aunt, and I too am lying there. They are not talking much, and the talk is quiet, of nothing particular, of nothing at all in particular, of nothing at all. The stars are wide and alive, they seem each like a smile of great sweetness, and they seem very near. All my people are larger bodies than mine,...with voices gentle and meaningless like the voices of sleeping birds.

One is an artist, he is living at home. One is a musician, she is living at home. One is my mother who is good to me. By some chance, here they are, all on this earth; and who shall ever tell the sorrow of being on this earth lying on quilts, on the grass, in a summer evening, among the sounds of the night. May God bless my people, my uncle, my aunt, my mother, my good father, oh, remember them kindly in their time of trouble; and in the hour of their taking away.

After a little I am taken in and put to bed. Sleep, soft smiling, draws me unto her; and those receive me, who quietly treat me, as one familiar and well-beloved in that home; but will not, oh, will not, not now, not ever; but will not ever tell me who I am.

From: Knoxville: Summer 1915 ~ James Agee

Part I ~ Tranquility Base

Master Ox and I became the terrors of at least three suburbs of Los Angeles. Mt. Washington, Silverlake and Atwater. Throw in Los Felis, Glendale and Lincoln Heights for good measure. Don't know why? We went everywhere on the back of his Harley, even to the store.

I'd hold a bag of groceries while we sped up the hill to home. Mt. Washington was becoming home. No, hell, it was home. It was the first place in my life I felt I was truly home. I lived my childhood as an indentured servant to a family that knew nothing about me.

We all lived in a house. It wasn't a home to me. I made it a home for them but no one made me feel at home. The more I did for them the more I felt alienated, an outsider, a caretaker, until the day when no one could tell me who I was.

On Mt. Washington, I found myself fitting like the final piece of a complicated jig saw puzzle. These two men I had been so afraid of three months ago were now, without question, my kin. I was coming to grips with the fact that I had no more family in Texas. My family became a fine group of men that rode bikes and took other men for slaves for their pleasure and companionship. With love and understanding they cared enough to tell me who I am. I could see the day coming when I would look at my family in Texas and say,

"I know you not. I gave and gave to you. You never stopped long enough to find out from where or whom this giving or goodness came. It was always there so you came to expect it. Now, this day, this hour, you may not expect it anymore. The greatest treasure you will have lost is never to have known who your brother was. Sadder yet, you never cared."

It seemed like everyone was watching the dynamic duo everywhere we went like they expected us to rape, pillage and burn, carrying off the women and children like nomadic Huns. Yeah, neat trick on the back of a Harley. It was hard enough to get up the hill with a bag full of groceries without having to chase some item back down.

We saw a couple of linemen that might have been in big trouble if they knew what was being said about them. One construction worker pouring concrete with his shirt off and a huge, hot pair of thigh high, industrial, rubber boots almost became unwitting prey. I made Big Jim drive by three times. I didn't have to beg him. That poor man would've had a heart attack if he knew the nasty things we fantasized about doing to him. Lovingly, of course!

Women and children? Naw! The Great Bear Pleiades and I weren't interested in them. We were too busy doing unspeakable crimes against nature to each other. Mother nature may not have been pleased but we were loving every minute of it. Crimes against nature my ass. Seemed pretty damn natural to us. I think I'm still a part of nature. If God didn't make me to love men, who the fuck would the world have to point a finger at and call "queer"? Mother nature? Sorry Mom, just doing the job dad gave me to do.

The more we worked out the more stamina I had to get through the busy days. It made me incredibly horny all the time. The Dungeon Master could look at me and get this shit eating grin on his face knowing I was thinking the same thing he was. We couldn't get our clothes off fast enough. I actually shot once while pulling off his big boots. He roared with laughter for several minutes and had to find Jeb. Then I heard the two of them going off.

He made me start drinking some kind of protein drink in the late afternoons with all kinds of powders and stuff he wouldn't let me see. I'm sure it had eye of newt in it. Newt has such a strong recognizable flavor. Once you've tasted really fresh newt you can't forget it. You'll never go back to the dried stuff. I felt like Rosemary's baby.

Whatever it was, was having it's desired affect. I had muscles I never knew I had popping out all over my body. My tits were getting enormous. The drink had to be of satanic origin because it made me horny as the devil.

Chief was spending more and more time with us and became the third member of the terrible troika. When the three of us rode together we actually saw little old ladies run for the safety of their cars. We were the mini- gang of bikers that terrorized the mean streets of Los Angeles. Really now? Three men whose big hearts could be broken with a glance, terrorist? I don't think so.

Chief set up a temporary home away from home in one of the smallest upstairs bedrooms that joined the stairs to the huge attic. He sometime stayed over but never intruded in Big Jim and my relationship. He was invited several times but declined. He didn't feel comfortable and we didn't push.

He loved the companionship and he became loved by everyone. Chief was always ready to give and asked very little. To be included was the most important thing to him. I included him in a couple afternoon sessions that were pretty damn hot. He seemed convinced he was going to meet someone soon that he could take for a slave.

He was learning day by day to be a good Master. He was learning from the best. He took a lot of the burden off Big Jim by helping take care of Master Jeb when he had his bad spells. Chief would ride to Mt. Washington right after work if we had to be somewhere else and fix dinner or just set with Master Jeb. He often read to Master Jeb. They were growing very close and Master Jeb came to love Chief like a son.

He had an Indian name for Master Jeb only he could pronounce. He said it meant great, wise and revered father. It had nothing to do with a family father. It was reserved for shamans and holy men of the tribe. When he was not at Mt. Washington he called Master Jeb every evening about the same time to check on him and tell him about his day. I think because of Chief's attention Master Jeb began to get stronger.

Master Jeb confided in me that Chief had chanted sacred prayers over him several times. He swore he felt better. I could believe it. Chief had some mystical quality about him that made him and I perfect compliments to each other.

Chief sat in on many of my slave conversations with Master Jeb and talked to him endlessly about the how and whys of certain directions of the talking. Master Jeb began to let Chief direct my talking and then later, in private, discuss it with him.

Chief took his learning seriously and when he was working with me he shifted gears into this caring man that was at once as wise as he was concerned. It became important for him I was getting the message that I was becoming the total slave I wanted to be. It was understood, it was a no return trip of discovery.

I never looked back. I was rushing head long into the permanent mentality of a slave. I never felt more free in my life. If I wanted it, Chief wanted me to have it. With Master Jeb's help he was going to see I got it. He became very good. Master Jeb and he would talk about the psychology of Master/slave relationships for hours.

Jim always had his journal taking his shorthand. Chief kept copious notes while talking to Master Jeb. He would take down important things in his native language. He used it as a form of code or shorthand to remember. Then he would spend hours translating and expanding the text into a journal of his own. He would periodically submit it to Master Jeb for reading and discussion. Master Jeb was thrilled with his quick ability to grasp abstract concepts, and keen interest in slave training. He had found a protege.

Friday morning early we were up before dawn to get to the gym. I had come to think of Fridays as hell days. That was the day we crammed every work out into one morning. My tongue was hanging out by the time we finished. We had a couple errands to run and then we were going back to Mt. Washington to fix breakfast for us and Master Jeb. I was usually in charge of breakfast but this morning the Dungeon Master decided he wanted to do it. He always amazed me, he never followed a recipe but it always came out tasty.

We sat down to breakfast and I ate like a horse. I couldn't get the food in fast enough. My plate had 'hay hand in mowing season proportions' and to my own surprise I would scarf it all down. I stopped to look up and saw the two of them looking at me. I suddenly felt self conscious.

"Am I eating too fast, Sirs? Too much?" They both fell out laughing.

"We're stunned at the amount you're eating compared to two months ago. We want you to eat more. Your gaining muscle mass and your body requires more nourishment. Those protein shakes are helping. Look at his arms, Jeb. He's really popping all over. Go on, Son, eat."

"Yes, Sir." I attacked my food again to their amusement.

"Dungeon Master, slave. I've been thinking about something and I want your input. Slaves generally don't have a say in much but you're a part of our immediate family and should be considered. What do you say to me asking Jim Redfeather to move in here with us?

We've got all those spare bedrooms upstairs, two down here and a huge attic we don't use. He's here three to four nights out of the week anyway. He could pay us a minimal amount for room rent and some for board. It'll be understood that board doesn't include three meals a day, every day. Mostly dinners, breakfast, and whatever for weekends.

Chief could have a choice of rooms or the entire attic if he wants. If the thought of another person living here invades your space Dungeon Master he could have one of the two empty bedroom down stairs."

"We wondered when you were going to come up with this idea, right Beaver?"

"Yes, Sir, we've been expecting it for... what, Dungeon Master, two or three weeks?"

"Well, why the hell didn't you guys say something?"

"You wanna' take this one, Beaver, or you want me to?"

"We didn't think it was our place to suggest it, Master Jeb. We both feel at home here and know you consider us family; but asking someone else to live here should be your decision. Now, if you want to know how I feel about it, I think it is your best idea since you decided to con me into becoming a slave." Deadly silence. Master Jeb couldn't believe what he heard, looked at Big Jim, who was trying hard to contain himself, I couldn't hold it any longer and burst out laughing. He roared with laughter at my insolence.

"Well," he said, "out the mouth of babes. I guess I did con you into becoming a slave, Son, but I never lied to you. I told you exactly what I was doing. Would you go back?"

"You know I wouldn't, Master Jeb." I replied laughing.

"I shouldn't have even asked that question. Hell, that big ape and I couldn't do without you. One of us would tackle you on your way to the door, hog tie you until you changed your mind and promised to stay." He roared again with laughter.

"I think it's a damn good idea , Jeb. I agree with sprout here, it's the best idea you've had since you agreed to take him on for training. Hell, you know how I feel about Chief. He's my little brother. I won't feel my space is being invaded. Be nice to have someone else checking in on you when we're not around. We worry about you."

"Well, as you guys know, I've become very fond of Chief and I like the idea having a third person around. He loves the two of you more than you know. He idolizes you, Jim. He wants to become a Master like you, and Beaver, I actually think he'd kill for you if you were threatened. He's been a great comfort to me and I all ready think of him as part of our intermediate family."

"Then do it with both our blessings. He can have any space he wants except that little room at the end of the hall next to my bedroom. With your permission I'm going to make that into a small office/study room for me. We've only used it to store Christmas decorations for the last ten years. With Beavers help I can move that stuff to the attic store room."

"Sure, do it! That's a great idea, Jim. It's just the right size and it gets cross ventilation in the afternoons. It's quite nice in that little room. Go for it!"

"When are you gonna' ask him, Jeb?" asked Master Jim.

"He's coming this evening for dinner to stay the weekend. We're all invited to Earl's place for a pool party Sunday. Earl picks his slave up this afternoon at six for his visitation. "Are you ready, Son?"

"Master Jeb I've been ready since Wednesday." He laughed. "You're coming Sunday, aren't you?" I asked.

"I'll be there for sure." said the Dungeon Master.

"I can't say yet, Son. Depends on how I feel Sunday morning. With Chief here all weekend, I probably will. I always feel better when he's around. To tell you both the truth I really think there's something to his healing chants."

"We've heard him a few times beating on that small drum he keeps in his room but we can't hear him chanting."

"Damn it, when he beats his drum, it relaxes me. When he chants it puts me into a deep state of relaxation and I really feel like I'm healing, Jim. It may be all in my head, an old man's wishful thinking but I could swear it helps."

"It is helping you, Master Jeb. Listen...to...me." I didn't look up from my food. "Just let him keep it up and go with it. Don't ask questions about why or how it's working, just accept the gift." I shook my head trying to come awake I had dosed off.

"Do you know what you just said, Beau?" Questioned Big Jim.

"I didn't say anything. Master Jeb was talking and I dosed off for a minute. I'm sorry." Master Jeb looked at Big Jim and shook his head and said, "That's my answer. Someone or something just spoke through him to me and he doesn't even recall it."

"Come on, Master Jeb, your yanking my chain."

"No, he's not, Beau."

"As a matter of fact it was another voice other than yours that came out." I was getting panicky.

"It wasn't Wes I would have felt him. He wouldn't enter me without permission." I shrugged my shoulders.

"To answer your original question, I had planned to ask him this evening at dinner. You may or may not be here, slave, depending on when we get dinner on the table. I'm fixing chicken on the grill again and Mrs. Rutherford down the hill brought us a huge bowl of German potato salad. I thought I'd pick some of those green beans you and Beaver planted. Have you two looked at them lately?

I've been watering and hit 'em with a shot of Miracle Grow a week ago and there's more beans on those vines than I've ever seen. I'll take some to Mrs. Rutherford when I take her bowl back. On Friday's, Chief always comes up here straight from work.

How about the four of us sitting down when he gets here and asking him then. I'd like for you to be here, Beau. I want him to think we're asking him as a family group. He has a keen understanding of extended family and feels like we have become that for him."

"Sure, Master Jeb. That's a good idea. I think he'll go for it. He likes to get off by himself sometime and there's plenty of room around here for that. I'm grateful for my little space in the dungeon. I can get away and think. It's quiet and cool down there. It's become my sanctum sanctorum."

"Your sanctum sanctorum?" Big Jim asked laughing. Master Jeb laughed at him.

"Everyone needs a little space every now and then. We try never to bother you when you go down there unless we need you." said Master Jeb.

Master Ox and I went upstair for a while. He wanted to unwind before we went out to finish cleaning up the area to the back and far side of the auditorium. It was brush, vines and an old over grown avocado tree. We trimmed most of the tree yesterday but we still had lots of crap to throw into a big roll off container we had rented for the week. We had the damn thing half full. We wanted to get the rest in as soon as possible.

We lay across his big bed and we were talking. He and I never lacked for something to talk about. We talked while we were working together. We didn't stop and talk we talked while we worked. He was quite for a moment and once again I noticed the serenity or calm he had ever since last weekend. I thought it might be a good time to feel him out about what happened.

"Ever since last weekend you've been different, Master Ox."

"How different, slave?"

"Calm, relaxed almost resigned, I guess. Serene sometimes." He was quiet for a while.

"I can't hide much from you, can I?"

"Why would you want to? We've told each other the secrets of our souls. You just seem more at peace than I've seen you and I was curious. I won't press to know but it's good to see."

"It's no big secret but I think you should hear it from your Master. We had a long heart to heart talk. I played the bare butt honesty card and he trumped me with his understanding and generosity of spirit cards. He'll fill you in, tonight, I'm sure. Let him tell you the details.

It's not any big thing. We realized we had something special in common. We love and respect each other. He's an amazing man, Beau. You're one lucky little son of a bitch to be getting him for a Master. Maybe I should say you were lucky to have loved and been loved by Wes. I've no doubt Wes got you together.

I realized something this weekend. You weren't meant for me. Jeb was right all along. Does that mean I plan to stop loving you because of that epiphany? Hardly! Earl D. was the person Jeb had in mind for you all along. I should've never doubted him. Jeb knows what he's doing."

"I think you're a pretty amazing man, Master Ox. I know Master Earl is a good man and I thank God I'm his intended slave. I just hope something doesn't fuck it up."

"Do you foresee anything? Have you gotten any flashes of the near future?"

"One. I told Master Earl there's something not quite right about this Master Bear or Captain Fantastic. I haven't been able to feel more but there's something,...wait a minute, he wasn't burned. That mask is for another reason."

"Did that just come to you?"

"Yeah, I mean, yes Sir, Master."

"Interesting, I don't have a clue. I've talked to Sam several times and he says he's a wonderful man and better Master. He said he's no nonsense but he's a loving man as well. Is it possible he might be a better Master for you than either Earl or me?"

"Well, when you're in this position you think about everything. I would probably be devastated for a while, but if it happens I can't do anything about it. I'll have to go with him. I can't say 'king's-x', I don't want to be your slave. I want to be Master Earl's slave."

"Yes, if he should win the bid you will become his slave. It makes me wonder if Earl D. should have let you go through slave training without first making a claim. That way a price could have been agreed upon and you would become his at the end of training.

"No one told me that was an option, Master Jim."

"Well, it was partly because of timing. You gave Jeb your decision to accept his offer to train you the same day you met Earl. He couldn't have known he was going to fall in love with you, so you were all ready locked into training with us.

Earl's not a man to buck the system. He's proud of you for going through training and sees a remarkable difference in you so far. You know today you're two thirds of the way though training. It'll be over before you can turn around."

"Yes Sir, it's going by fast. What would Master Earl do if I went to this Master?" "He'd probably try to negotiate buying you from him. If he didn't want to sell you, Earl D. would survive. He'd probably take another slave later. You've taught him to love again."

"I'd be more concerned for him than me. I wouldn't want it to happen but if I did I'd have to make the best of it. I might even learn to love him. I don't know."

"There's one thing you should know that no one's had the heart to tell you but I will, because I think it only right you be prepared. He neuters all his slaves before he even takes them home. He has an older slave that's his Dungeon Master and he's the only slave he's allowed to keep his genitals.

Sam said the Dungeon Master has a massive cock and performs for his Master with the slaves regularly. He's looking for a number one slave to share his bed and be over the other slaves including the Dungeon Master. Maybe he'll want you to keep them if you're over the Dungeon Master. Sam couldn't say for sure."

"I chose this road. If he buys me and wants them removed I won't cry a tear. I agreed to this with my eyes wide open and I'll sign his unconditional contract as I would any other Master who bought me."

"Then you weren't blowing smoke up my ass when you told me you'd give them up for me."

"If I knew I could be with you or Master Earl tomorrow I'd go to the kitchen and get a knife and have you do it right now."

"I believe you, slave." Then he kissed me gently. "Let's don't go crazy. Earl D. has faith in Wes. After talking to him I think I do, too. Just don't consider running. The family would find you and it wouldn't be pretty. They would force you to submit if he required it. You don't want that."

"I wouldn't even consider it. I became a slave a couple of weeks ago and I accept my place."

"That's why I love you. You make a decision, you stick with it." We went out to work in the yard and what he told me put a cloud over me. Not so much the thought of being neutered but not being able to spend my life with the two Masters I loved. The Dungeon Master knew I was feeling bad because I didn't talk much.

I put my frustration into work. We had the yard cleaned up in no time. We finished early. I asked permission to excuse myself and go to my area in the Dungeon to shower. He granted my request. I went down to my bunk in my dimly lit cell and lay down. I turned to the wall and started crying.

I was going to let it all out without doing it in front of anyone. I was crying softly for sometime feeling sorry for myself. I felt huge hands pick me up to enfold me in a pair of massive arms and hold me close. It was my giant with no clothes on. He came down to the dungeon to shower with me in the big shower and heard me weeping.

"There, there, Little Beaver. Don't go there. You and I made a pact that weekend we went to Beryl's the first time. We weren't gonna' borrow trouble from tomorrow, remember?"

"I remember, Master."

"Come, let's get into the shower and clean up. We'll go upstairs and I'll hold you for a while. Maybe take a nap so you'll be fresh for your Master this evening." I obeyed him though my heart wasn't in it. I did take a nap in his arms. Things looked better when I woke. I rededicated myself to my commitment to becoming the best slave I could. So what, if it happens, it happens.

Master Ox told me it was four o'clock. Time to get dressed and ready for my Master. Chief should be here soon and Master Jeb wanted that meeting with us. I got dressed in my levis and boots and pulled most of my leathers on. I packed a small bag to put on the back of my Master's bike. He'd probably go home first and ride the Harley over to pick me up. He wasn't allowed to ride anyone buddy on his cop bike.

Chief arrived in good spirits. He hadn't been to the mountain all week as Master Jeb had been feeling better and we were around. He'd called every evening to speak for a few minutes with Master Jeb.

Master Jeb looked forward to his calling and always felt better after Chief called. I brought my stuff downstairs and sat my small bag on the table by the door. I walked into the kitchen and Chief was all ready there. He got off work a few minutes early. I dropped to my knees and went through the ritual with him.

He hugged and kissed me. He smelled wonderful after a full days work at the shop. He had the smells of the shop still lingering on him. It made me a little nostalgic. I couldn't believe it but I missed work. I got Chief a beer and we sat down at the kitchen table to talk. The Dungeon Master and Master Jeb were having a beer, too. I didn't want any because my Master was coming later.

"Chief, I asked these gentleman to be here when you got here to talk to you about something. We'd very much like you to become a part of our immediate family and consider moving in here. There's all sorts of room and it's big enough to find some private space. We don't care if you bring guest to you room or have people over.

We know you would treat the place like your home. We can work out the financial details as far as rent and an amount per month for the food kitty. If we eat, you eat with us, like a family. You'll have kitchen privileges anytime you want. It's an open kitchen. We all clean up after ourselves. That way it doesn't become a burden to any of us." Master Jeb finished. I could tell Chief hadn't expected this and was floored. His eyes started tearing.

"Oh, God, excuse me, gentleman. I wasn't prepared for this and the emotion of being thought enough of to be asked into anyone's family is,...well, I'm touched. I don't have to consider it. Of course, I'd love to live here with you guys. I all ready think of this place as my second home.

A third of my stuff is up there in that small bedroom under the stairs. Set an amount Master Jeb, whatever you think's fair and you'll have it the first of every month. I can't move until the end of August to give my landlord a months notice. I have my weekend with our slave in a couple weeks so we can stay there for that. I'm really touched you men would want me to live here with you."

"Well, it was a unanimous vote, little brother." The Dungeon Master smiled at him.

"You can have your choice of rooms. There's five empty bedrooms upstairs and two downstairs. Jim wants the small room next to his for an office. Other than that, choose anyone you want. Or you can have the whole attic, if you like. It's huge up there. We only use that small store room."

"Well, I've never really explored the house. With your permission I'll do that this weekend and we can talk again. Yes, I'd love to share the house with you guys. I hadn't even considered it. Thanks for thinking enough of me to offer, Master Jeb." He shook master Jeb's hand and hugged him. We had a new family member. We couldn't have chosen better.

Part II ~ Safe Harbor

Officer Earl D. Shaw, LA.'s Finest

I was sitting on the porch with Chief when Master Earl pulled up in the driveway on his Harley. Damn, he looked hot on his bike with all his Master's leathers on. I always seem to forget every time I'm away from him just how good looking a man he is.

When I see him again, I'm once again taken with his remarkable handsomeness. Chief and I walked out to greet him as he was taking off his helmet. He shook hands with Chief and I fell to my knees to kiss his boots. He offered his hand and we completed the greeting ritual. He hugged me and kissed me.

He was in a wonderful mood. He wanted to go in to say 'Hello' to Master Jeb and the Dungeon Master. We stayed for a few minutes telling him Chief was to be the newest member of our extended family. He was satisfied that all were well and coming to the brunch, pool party Sunday.

Chief and the Dungeon Master walked us out to Master Earls bike. I strapped my small bag to the back and we were off down the hill. I had become a pretty fair buddy rider and learned to move with the rider and not against him. Never put my feet to the pavement when we stopped.

That was his job and it ruined the balance of the bike. We arrived at his place less than twenty minutes later. Walked into his house and we were alone. No we weren't. Here came Monty, sacheting her little butt up to me like,

"Hi Sailor! New in town? Gonna' be here long? Buy a girl a drink? A nickle bag of catnip, perhaps?" I think she remembered me. She turned her motor on when I petted her. She's on a first name basis with my Master; the little hussy. Master Earl took me in his arms and kissed me. He made me feel at home.

"Welcome home, slave." He spoke softly.

"Thank you, Master. Those are wonderful words to hear."

"Won't be long now, four more weekends, we can make it."

"Yes, Sir, I hope this weekend will get us both over the hump. I hoped we'd have a little time to ourselves."

"The family has been generous to us. They've provided the means for us to be together almost every weekend. We have obligations to them. To say thank you by having them with us. We'll have lots of weekends alone together."

I understood of course. They spent the money and went out of their way to make it possible for us to be together. They truly were wonderful giving people. That night sitting in the spa, after our third fuck, I asked Master Earl if there was something he wanted to tell me. He mused to himself for a minute, tweaked my left tit and replied,

"Other than there's a lot of people that love you and two men in particular that care enough about you to share you?" Share me? I was kinda rocked on my foundation. I thought he wanted me for himself.

"Don't get upset until you hear what I have to say. You won't have much to say about this anyway. It's all ready been agreed upon. I do have that right as your Master, you know? Or I will have when I buy you and it's formal in the eyes of our family. A little planning ahead doesn't hurt.

In this case it means an enriched life for you and me. I've known the Dungeon Master for almost twenthy years. We've never been close because we never had the opportunity. Even though he was Wes's Uncle, Wes only invited him over for an occasional afternoon pool party or family get together.

There were always lots of people and we never sat down and got to know each other. He's somewhat like me. Believe it or not he can be painfully shy. You wouldn't think it to look at him. Why would that man mountain ever be shy? Simply for that reason. He's been huge all his life and stuck out like a sore thumb.

Kids in school didn't want to be his friend or buddy because he was so big they were all afraid of him. He couldn't play sports because he hurt most of them and the parents of the kids would complain. He couldn't get a date for the senior prom in highschool because all the girls were so much smaller and felt intimidated. They didn't want to stick out.

He told me he went out for football in high school and the coaches were all glad to get a big man for their team. Well, no one could stop him. They'd give him the ball and he'd drag half the opposing team to the goal to make the touch down." Master Earl paused and kinda laughed.

"Picture this. He told me they developed a secret play if they were even ten or fifteen feet away from the goal. He said they called it "The Jumbo Bomb." Him being Jumbo, of course. They would hike the ball to their smallest man. Big Jim would be playing guard standing next to him.

When the ball was hiked, the kid had the ball, Big Jim would turn, pick the kid up by the seat of his pants and throw him, with ball, over the goal line. Worked every time. Problem was, the other teams tried to take him out early in each game and invariably some kid would end up with something broken.

He said he wasn't being overly rough. He was just bigger, stronger and hit harder than they could. After the third or fourth kid ended up in the hospital the school officials decided to retire Big Jim. He said he was devastated. He felt like a freak. He withdrew into his studies and graduated valedictorian of his high school class.

His valedictorian speech: 'What it means to be different.' He said he let them have it. He told them he would not be attending the graduation dance afterward because he couldn't get a girl to dance with him. They were all afraid of him.

He had one friend he treasured. He was a small weak kid that lived on the next farm over. To hear Jim tell it he was brilliant and developed in Jim the thirst for knowledge. He was in the same grade as Jim. They walked to school every day and walked home from school together.

He was the first to recognize Big Jim's intelligence. He encouraged Jim and told him he could learn. So Jim began to work hard at his studies. By the time he got to middle school he was at the top of his class with his little friend. The small sickly kid is usually the most picked on by the other kids.

You've heard the old saw: Children are innocent. Don't you believe it. They can be monsters when it comes to picking on or making fun of someone just a little different. Someone, boy or girl, would hurt the kid and he would pour his heart out to his big buddy. The kid that hurt his little buddy was warned never to do it again. They wouldn't be warned the second time. A couple tried and got the B'Jesus beat out of them.

After a couple times word got around, be nice to this kid or else. He had it easier than most and Jim wasn't sure he ever knew he championed him. It wasn't important to Jim. The important thing was his little buddy wasn't hurt anymore.

During the summers they would spend everyday together doing what kids do. Fishing, biking, swimming in the creek. They would go to the river and read to each other by the hour.

They fell very much in love with each other but would never admit it. Until one day they were swimming and his little friend got cramps so bad in his legs he couldn't get to shore. He was going down for the third time. Big Jim dived in, had to dive two or three times to find him, grabbed him and swam to the raft in the middle of the creek.

He pulled the kid out of the water and laid him out on his back and started administering mouth to mouth. In no time the kid was throwing up water and gasping for air, but he was all right. Jim made him lay still and pulled him into his arms to keep him warm, he leaned over his little buddy, to shelter him from the breeze.

The kid looked into his eyes and thanked him for saving his life. He simply said, 'I love you, Jim.' No one else was around. They were by themselves. They kissed right there on the raft in the middle of the creek.

As time went on they began to experiment with sex. The kid was far more sexually precocious than Jim and kept begging Jim to fuck him. Jim was afraid he'd hurt him. Finally the kid talked him into it. It opened new doors for the both of them. The kid learned to clean himself out so he could take Jim with out hurting anything physically.

Jim fucked him all through middle school and high school. During the summers he said they would fuck four or five times a day, everyday. Some kids in the school might have suspected something but they dare not say. If they did and it got back to Big Jim he would call them on it and embarrass the shit out of them in front of their friends. Most everyone just considered them close friends.

His little friend graduated second to Big Jim. Jim's brother put him through college and unbeknownst to all, Jim took his little sweetheart with him to college. The kid was from a poor family but Jim worked parttime. So did the kid and together plus scholarships and grants the kid went through college with Jim.

They lived together off campus and Jim bought his first motorcycle. They went everywhere on that bike. Again they graduated with Jim first and his friend second. Jim was offered a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford and went for it. His little friend returned to their home town to teach in the high school and wait for Jim to come home. He was drafted a year later. He was sent to Korea and killed his first week there.

Jim was devastated. He said he went nuts with depression and gut wrenching physical pain. He had to take a medical leave of absence from Oxford. He roamed Europe. He finally went back and completed his studies again graduating with top honors. The man has a brain up in lights.

He went to Korea and Nam with Jeb and they were gonna' be career Marine Corps Officers. Why? He didn't even know. He fell in love with Jeb and would follow him anywhere. Unfortunately, they were never sexually compatible. After that Jim has lived off and on with Jeb for almost twenty years.

He's taken only one slave in all that time and I gather it wasn't a completely fulfilling relationship for Jim. I guess the kid had some real problems he never could overcome to allow him to love. So basically in his entire adult life he has never found a meaningful love until you came along."

"What has all this got to do with you? We both never knew much about him and I thought you might like to know these things as a preface to what I am going to tell you." He sounded very mysterious. "You briefly described your meeting and falling in love with Big Jim the first time you saw him. I'm a big believer of that now. Wasn't before I met you.

Anyway, I heard his side of the story and it brought me to my knees. It seems he fell as much in love with you when he saw you but couldn't do anything because of his pledge to Jeb. His hands were tied. He admitted he was the one to reject you and you were justifiably heart broken."

"I was heart broken and so angry," I told my Master, "because he wouldn't even try to change the situation. Then I met you. Fell in love again and you asked me to make a commitment. I did Master. You're the only one I want. I love Jim very much. We will never be too far from each other but my heart is with you."

"I appreciate that. You have and will return that commitment. What has been decided isn't for you slave. It's for someone who loves you so much he experiences physical pain when he can't see you for long periods of time. Love hurts.

It can be the worst mental illness man can suffer or it can be the thing that dreams are floated on. It can be healing. It can be cleansing. It can be forgiving. It can be redeeming. It can work miracles. In short he poured his heart out to me. He asked nothing of me.

He just wanted to be buck naked honest with me. He told me about your pact to love each other for the time you had together and then he had to accept that you would become some other Master's property. He spoke of it being poetic justice because of the number of times he told you he couldn't and wouldn't fall in love with you, because you would ultimately be placed on the market and sold to the highest bidder.

One thing he made clear was the devotion and strength of commitment you have for me. He never once suggested it might be a vindictive thing to get back at him for rejecting you. He is thoroughly convinced that you love me with all your heart and soul and will honor your commitment to me. I feel more and more comfortable with that as time goes on. Do you remember me once telling you I would never ask you to give up your dad at work?"

"Yes, Master."

"How could I ask you to give up Jim?"

"Well, he and I will see each other from time to time. We have to accept that."

"Love comes along so rarely in our lives, Beau, when it does, no matter what form it takes we should nourish and help it grow. If I were to deny you Jim's love and he yours there would be an unspoken resentment from both of you that might eat away what we have.

I see what passes between the two of you. The love you and I have is a mature love of two men, a Master and a slave, accepting roles and working together from that basis. I watch you with Jim and see a child like love that flows back and forth between you that is at once playful as it can be passionate.

I woke up the night the three of us spent the night in the one bed last weekend. I could feel the love you had for me as an adult. That love, loves deeply, respectfully, caring and giving. It too is not without passion. I almost could see the other love that was passing between the two of you like two little boys drunk on a secret. It was a beautiful thing. It is a beautiful thing.

In a way, you have picked up where the loss of his childhood lover/companion left off. He doesn't want to lose that again. He's fully aware the love he has for you is different than the love we have. The point is, love is love.

You and I have a commitment and a love he may never experience with you; on the other hand, you and he have a love that is unique to yourselves. Neither is better than the other. Neither is preferable to the other. They just are."

"When people in their ultimate wisdom begin to deny someone's love or fuck with it in some manner you get 'Romeo & Juliet.' I'm not trying to say great tragedy may occur. What I'm saying is while you will be spending most of your time with me, because you will be, after all, my slave, my property, Jim and I have worked out an arrangement for him to spend quality time with you.

I have no jealousy of your love for Jim and he has none for my love for you. Neither of us is jealous of the love you have for each of us. Maybe it's because of the love that Jim and I are developing for each other. You don't have to know the details. In fact, as a slave, it might be preferable not to discuss that with you.

All you need to know is that we have discussed our relationship, concerning the three of us, and come to some pretty remarkable decisions. Those you don't need to know either. In fact it was decided between us not to tell you more than what I have this evening."

In a way, by sharing these things with each other the bond between Jim and I has become permanent and secure. This may sound strange to you but I have fallen deeply in love with Jim as a friend, brother, family member and as of last weekend, confidant. I've always admired him but never thought we had much in common. We discovered we do have something very special in common, our love for you.

You gain things from him that you don't from me. You gain things from me you won't from him. He and I want you to have both. Not because either of us are that magnanimous but because you will be my property and you will damn well do as I tell you." He said gently but firmly.

That was the first time I got an erection from him telling me my position as a slave in relation to him. Simple: He would own me. I would do as ordered or suffer the consequences. I didn't comment further. I got the idea and maybe they were right. I didn't need to know. I trusted them to take care of me as their personal possession. I had to admit, I didn't need to know the details. Neither did the news of the situation cause me any anxiety. I reached up and kissed him.

"I love you, Master, and I'll obey."

"I know you will, slave. You're becoming the slave I need more every day. Your change in attitude in two months has been remarkable. You will be exactly what I need when I buy you."

We spent Friday night alone and it was wonderful. We fucked half the night like two snakes trying to find a hole. The next morning Master Bert, Oscar and Billy arrived. Dirk and Allen arrived shortly before lunch with bags of food for everyone. Big Beryl and Blaine arrived shortly after noon. All the bedrooms were filled.

The Tucson family arrived in two large motor coaches they parked in the vacant lot next door that belonged to Master Earl. We had a house full and with Big Gunn, Dan Yates, Beryl, Dirk and Griz it was like having eight extra people.

Cowboy, Ben Jr. and Griz were a welcome addition as slaves. Of course my Master had his rules that no slave wore clothing in his home. I thought the Tuscon slaves would be shy but they were faster getting their cloths off than Allen and I were. Allen was in heaven. He loved Cowboy, Ben and Griz. Griz had to be the ugliest man I've ever seen but he was huge. He had a schlong on him that made Master Beryl's look like a ten year old boys.

No one else was coming until Sunday. We had a relaxed day by the pool. Everyone squeezed into the spa later that evening. Talk about touchy-feely. Fortunately my master planned his deck well and knew he's be entertaining family so he had a large spa.

I got to know Dan, Cowboy, Sonny, Boots, Big Gunn, Griz and Ben Jr. better. Every time I turned around I had Big Gunn's arms around me and his was stealing kisses. I didn't mind a bit. That handsome older cowboy could steal anything he wanted from me.

It was hard for me to get to know Griz right away because he was so damn shy. Cowboy finally grabbed him by his nose ring and brought him over to sit by me at the pool.

"Now tell Beau, what you told me, slave?"

"Awww, Master Billy, you tell him. I'm too embarrassed."

"All right, Big Man, but only because I love you, understand."

"Thank you, Master Billy, Sir."

"Brother Beau, Griz wants to know if he can hold you in his arms for a while?"

"Well, of course you can Griz. Sit down here and make yourself comfortable. It would be a honor to have your hold be for a while."

Griz blushed real big but he scurried to get his mass next to me. The next thing I knew I was in the big man's arms and he was rocking me like a baby stealing kisses from me. Cowboy was laughing his ass off.

"I hope you like big animals, Brother." Cowboy told me.

"Well, he's bigger than the Dungeon Master but I get a hard-on every time he comes around, Cowboy, so yes, I think I can handle this wonderful animal."

"Damn, I knew you were like me, Beau. I just sensed it. We even look a little alike. What do you say, Big Man."

"He's just like you, Master Billy, he's so perr-tie. He's a little bigger version of you, Sir." Griz looked at me examined my wounds from Nam. Kissed each one and stole hundreds of kisses. I didn't care. He was so fucking lovable I couldn't help fall in love with him.

Finally my Master rescued me from him. I think he would've held me all afternoon. He looked at Master Earl.

"Master Earl?"

"Yes, Griz?"

"This is the slave that was intended for you. You both are very lucky men to have each other. Don't worry, Beau, Wes said he wouldn't let you down." How did the big man know that? I asked Master Dan.

"Beau," Dan took me in his arms in the pool, "you have to come visit the ranch and help with our spring roundup. I know you know how to sit a horse. Griz told us on the way over. That's the only way you're going to understand or believe how Griz can know things like that. We've all learned the hard way never to doubt anything he tells us 'cause sure as the sun's gonna' rise tomorrow it's gonna' happen. Am I right, Earl D?"

"I haven't told Beau much about Griz because Beau has his own gifts but he's right, Son. Griz is a unique man. The more you're around him the more you're in awe of him. He has two elephants for cowgirls."

"What?" I laughed. Cowboy, Big Gun and Ben swam over to join in the conversation.

"You would know them now, Earl," said Big Gunn, "Ms. Sophie's gotten really big and Gracie is almost her size. They're a handful. They're the two best damn buckaroos we have on the ranch. Round up them strays in nothing flat."

"You're all are pulling my leg. I'm being set up. Master is this true?"

"I all ready told you ask Blaine." Master Earl pulled Blaine away from Beryl. "Tell Beau about Ms. Sophie and Gracie the first time you met them."

"Oh, God, Beau. It was the meanest damn thing Dad ever did to me. We rode to Tucson on a vacation that spring. He told me we were going to help at the ranch for spring roundup. I thought it would be great fun. He told me he had two big cowgirls that loved him dearly he wanted me to meet. Naturally, I thought maybe it was two old dykes.

When we rode up on our bikes these two humongous elephants were standing right in the lot where we parked our bikes. I've never been around elephants before and they scared the shit out of me. They immediately started running their trunks down my pants front and rear.

The big one would hold me and her daughter would frisk me from top to bottom looking for treats." Blaine almost couldn't get the story out. The rest of them in the pool were slapping each other on the backs and Master Beryl was in tears he was laughing at Blaine so hard.

"I was screaming and hollering for Dad to help me but he was doubled up with laughter. He was no help at all. Finally, I just gave up and said my prayers. I knew I was gonna' die and be elephant lunch. Finally, Dad hollered at them to come to him and they forgot all about me.

It was like old home week. Dad was petting them and talking some shit to them you wouldn't believe. I was still shaking as we walked up to the main house to get them treats. I've come to love them and gotten to know them pretty well. I can get either one to do anything I ask it.

But I don't let Dad take me to the ranch anymore unless we stop first and I buy a sack full of apples, oranges, pears or a couple of watermelons. One just doesn't go calling on the cowgirls without a gift in your hands. I'll have to say though, that Gracie has pulled some God awful funny pranks on Dad. I laughed my ass off and told him he deserved it.

Later, Dan Yates showed me a photo album of the girls and I still couldn't believe it. Griz must be an amazing man. I came to find out he was far more than amazing.

The next day, around ten in the morning the Mt. Washington brigade arrived with Master Zack and Button. Master Earl said he had invited a couple extra guest to surprise me. Master Wolf and Zane arrived. Two more Harleys pulled into the vacant lot next door. It was Bull and Charlie.

Charlie sported a new collar and was on his knees every time his Master snapped his fingers. Charlie's new dog collar was quite wide with big spikes. It was unusual, it was made from red leather, but it looked hot on Charlie.

It was Charlie's first outing in public as a slave and while he was use to being nude in front of the family of his own free will, he never had to as a slave. Master Bull ordered him to follow me and strip.

I led Charlie to the bedroom to show him where to remove his clothes. He seemed a little nervous and asked me to stay with him. Unsure of himself, I told him,

"Charlie, you're one hell of a good looking man with or without your clothes. You have a buffed body, an above average cock, and you're drop dead handsome. Be proud of who you are and your Master. Bull seems like a good man and I'm convinced he really loves you. Are you proud to be his slave?"

"I never thought of it that way, Beau, but hell yes, as many years as I have wanted him and now that I do,...yes, damn it! I'm proud to be his slave! That's the only way I'm going to have him but I'm willing to do it. Fuck it! I'll keep my head up and be proud."

Two more Harleys arrive, a matched pair, Sarge and Titus. Sarge had his big Stogie in his mouth, let me get thought the greeting ritual and then grabbed me up to his face. He ordered me to kiss him hard. Unusual Man, Sarge, he made my dick hard, very hard.

Sarge took great delight in ordering the newest slave around. Poor Charlie had his beginners butt plug ripped out and reseated five of six times by Sarge while Bull just snapped his fingers and told him to submit. Put his ass up higher so Sarge didn't have to reach for it.

Sarge snapped his fingers at me to hit my knees and bend over. I immediately did as ordered. He had Charlie watch while he ripped my plug out to show him the size plug he'd be wearing in about six to eight months. All the blood left Charlie's face. I thought he was going faint.

Sarge forcefully slammed it back into my ass. I thanked him for returning it. He had Charlie watch while he ripped Titus's plug out. It was about a third larger than mine. A truly awesome plug. Sarge's slave had to have the biggest and Titus was proud of the size plug he wore for his Master's pleasure.

"See slave. In a year or more you'll be wearing one this size." Of course he was yanking Charlie's chain. Bull was a reasonable man; however, Charlie was beginning to have second thoughts. Sarge led him around by the leash. He went into the bedroom and brought out about eight pair of boots that various Masters had taken off and lined them up on the deck.

He ordered Charlie to start at one end and clean the whole row of big heavy biker boots.

Charlie wasn't allowed to pick them up nor touch them with his hands. Sarge told him he wasn't worthy to touch a man's boots. He had to kneel over on his hands and knees keeping his ass as high in the air as he could. He couldn't stop cleaning a pair until Sarge was satisfied they were clean enough. Then and only then was he allowed to move on to the next pair. Sometime he had to spend a half hour or more to get 'em cleaned to Sarge's satisfaction.

"Look at that boot, slave! You call that clean?"

"No, Sir, I tried, Sir!"

"Did I tell you to TRY to clean these boots, slave?"

"No, Sir!"

"Then what did I tell you, slave?"

"You ordered me to clean them, Sir!"

"What was that, slave? I didn't hear you!"


"That's exactly what I told you to do! Now do that pair over until you get 'em clean, slave, or you'll be here after the party's over."

"Yes, Master!" Charlie would get right back down on 'em.

Sarge snapped his fingers at his slave to bring him his flogging whip from his jacket. Titus returned with it in his mouth. Knelt in front of his Master and dropped it in his hand. Sarge patted him lovingly behind his head.

He ordered Charlie to raise his butt a little higher in the air. Then Sarge drew back and landed his whip square across Charlie's ass. Charlie almost fell forward but regained his balance.

"Put that ass up there slave. I don't want to have to hunt for it." Charlie did as told and Sarge gave him another. He gave him about five good licks then walked behind Charlie and started rubbing Charlie's ass gently with his big hand to make any pain go away. Sarge talked softly to Charlie encouraging him to do a good job on the boots. He was going to give him five more but he wanted Charlie to work with him putting that ass right back in position to receive another after Sarge laid one on.

"Your Master's watching, Son. I'm not gonna' hurt you. Make him proud of you." Sarge spoke to him softly so no one could hear but Charlie.

Charlie did better the second five and really got into Sarge rubbing his ass afterward. Over a period of a couple hours of boot licking Charlie got whipped by his own Master and Master Zack.

The Whip Master really knew what he was doing. He knew how to lay it down and have the fucking slave eating out of his hand begging for more. Charlie really responded to Zack. He had Charlie in tears begging Master Zack for more whip.

Master Zack insisted it's not good to spoil a slave and give them more than a Master determines they need. It was a good lesson for the slave. It took Charlie about three hours of boot licking before Sarge would acknowledge he was satisfied. Then he handed Charlie's leash back to Big Bull and told him,

"He just might make you a decent slave, Bull. I'd like to fuck him sometime, maybe teach him a few things. I guarantee ya' I can improve his performance fifty percent in one session. You won't believe it the next time you fuck him."

"Ask Master Earl if we can use his dungeon. Take him down there this afternoon if you want. I'd like your slave to suck me off later."

"Done." said Sarge. He snapped his fingers at Titus, "When Master Bull wants you, service him. Anyway he pleases. Got that, ass wipe?" "Yes, Sir, Sarge. My pleasure, Sir." Titus replied crisply.

Bull was loving Sarge ordering Charlie around. Several times Bull would speak softly to Charlie telling him,

"Make me proud of you slave. Don't make me sorry I took you for my slave. You put your ass up higher than he asks. If you embarrass me you know what's waiting at home." No one asked but everyone had a pretty good idea.

True to his word, Sarge snapped his finger at Charlie and led him to Master Earl's dungeon off the pool deck below. He invited anyone that cared to watch to come along. Almost every one did. Sarge was a showman.

He had to have Big Beryl there to show the slave some movements using Big Beryl as the fuckor and Sarge as the Fuckee. Big Beryl slammed it into Sarge hard. Sarge just smiled and looked at Charlie and said sweetly,

"Now when you can take that much dick up your ass the first entry, that hard, with out flinching then you're a man and may be worth training." He winked at Big Beryl and requested he loosen him up a bit. Big Beryl was more than willing to comply. He began fucking Sarge pretty hard and steady right from the start. Sarge chomped down on his unlit stogie and met everyone of Beryl's thrust.

He started explaining to Charlie,

"Now, Son,...you see the way I'm meeting every thrust there slave? It makes it twice as good for your Master when he doesn't have to hunt for your ass to fuck. It's always right there ready for his next stroke. Better fuck for him. Better fuck for you."

Big Beryl just kept fucking . Sarge added as a compliment to Beryl, "I've ridden this Master's cock upwards of seventy five to a hundred times and he never fails to give me one of the best damn fucks ever. Now, Master Beryl, if you'll just pick up the speed a little, at's good,...thank you, Sir. At's about right. Yeah, that's a real good speed and rhythm Master. Thank you, Sir." Sarge went on with his lecture to Charlie,

"Now you see, Son, it doesn't matter how hard or fast your Master fucks you. Once you've mastered a few of the basics you can become a fairy decent fuck for your old man. Until then, you're literally not worth a fuck."

"Can you go for a couple more demos later Master Beryl or are you close?" Big Beryl pulled out of him and everyone applauded. Then Sarge snapped his finger and ordered Charlie into the sling. He popped out his beginners plug and asked Charlie, "Your Master been taking your ass hard, slave?"

"Yes, Sir. He's been teaching me, but it hurts like hell." Charlie was shaking he was so unprepared.

"It's suppose to, Son. Get down from the sling for a minute." He looked at me and nodded. He snapped his fingers and motioned me toward the sling. I was in it in an instant with my legs in position. Sarge smiled at me as he chomped down on his big stogie.

He popped out my plug and had Charlie stand as close to the sling as possible. Sarge's cock was already primed with pre-come from getting fucked by Big Beryl. He reached over me to the chains above my head leaned into me and was in to the hilt.

I winked at him and started thanking him for taking me that hard. He was a good Master to take this slave that hard and I appreciated it. It truly felt wonderful to have Sarge in me. I had to grab Charlie's arm and Sarge grabbed the other. We thought he was gonna' faint.

"It's all right, Charlie." I told him, "It's gonna' hurt the first fifteen or twenty times you get taken like that. Then one time your Master takes you really hard, like Sarge just did me, the hurt changes. All of a sudden you realize how GOOD it hurts. You'll think to yourself, 'How is this possible'? It still hurts like a mother fucker but it feels so damn good."

The audience laughed in agreement. "I guarantee, when your mind becomes conditioned to accept you're gonna' be taken hard, you'll crawl off and walk away from any man who doesn't take you that way. It sets the tone for the entire fuck. It's important. It gets your attention and reminds you who's ass is being fucked. It's on your body but it's your Master's ass, understand Charlie?" Charlie nodded affirmative.

"I told you this kid was good, Earl. I couldn't have explained it better myself." He took a couple of strokes to loosen me up and then winked at me as I met every thrust.

He stopped for a second and snapped his finger's at Titus who instantly lit his stogie for him. He took a couple hits off it and easily blew the smoke toward the ceiling,

"You feel like working with me for a few minutes, Son, to give him a few tips?"

"I'd be honored and proud to, Sir. This slave's ass is yours, Sir." I could see out of the corner of my eye my two Masters beaming with pride and whispering to each other. I felt like a kid that just hit a home run and looking in the bleacher to see his dads yelling with pride."

"I like this slave, Earl D." Sarge started fucking me steady leaning back and holding on the chains my feet were propped on. I was meeting him stroke for stroke. He looked impressed. He took another big drag off his stogie and handed it to his slave.

"Now pretend that's you in the sling, Son, and watch how he's working his ass with me. I can do almost any stroke and he'll meet it. Even big erratic strokes like this." He slammed it into me from the left, I was right there, he slammed it in from the right and I was right there to meet the base.

"Boy's pretty good there! Good work, Son!" He winked at me. "That's the word to remember slave, "work". Ya' gotta' learn to work with your Master to give him the best possible fuck with 'his' ass. Now you just stand there and let me work with this slave for a minute or two.

He started in on me looking me right in the eye smiling almost knowing I was gonna' do everything I could to meet every delivery of his cock. I rode him down like the best bronco rider rodeo's a bull before that eight second buzzer sounds. I was getting close. He could feel it. He stopped pulled out, popped my plug back in and told me to stand by he'd finish me off after he fucked the new slave.

Sarge snapped his fingers and Charlie gamely jumped into the sling again. This time he was visibly shaken.

"Son," Sarge said softly but with a determined tone, "you're gonna' have to learn to take it sooner or later. Better now so you can pleasure your old man when he fucks you tonight." There came a bellow from the back of the room. Bull yelled at his slave,

"You let that man in there, slave. My slave can take it hard. Make me proud of you, slave. I'm counting on you, slave, not to let me down."

Everyone was surprise. Charlie calmed right down and told Sarge,

"Take me hard, Sir. Hard as you can, Sir. I can take it." With that Sarge positioned his cock, grabbed the front chains and slammed it into Charlie so hard it almost lifted him out of the sling. Charlie's eyes got really big and his head starting moving from side to side. Then he started yelling,

"Goddamn! Thank you, Sir, for taking this worthless slave's ass that hard. Thank you, Sir. This slave appreciates you taking him hard. Oh Damn, it's filling me up. Shit, it feels good, Sir. Damn good, Sir. Thank you, Sir!" Everyone started clapping for Charlie and yelling, "Way to go, Charlie. Way to ride that big thing. Proud of you, Charlie. We were yelling and whistling for him.

Bull got a big shit eating grin on his face, puffed his chest out, swaggered over to the sling, gently but passionately kissed his slave then said in a deep voice,

"Damn proud of you, Son. Proud to call you my slave. Now, You give that ass up to this Master and let him teach you a few things so you can pleasure me better."

"Yes, Master Bull, thank you, Sir." Charlie said quietly.

"I didn't hear you, slave." Barked Bull.

"YES, MASTER BULL, AND THANK YOU, SIR!" Charlie yelled respectfully.

"That's better, slave. He's all yours, Sarge. Fuck the shit out of him."

Sarge shifted his attitude toward Charlie. Instead of being the hard ass Marine Drill Sargent that found nothing right and you can't do shit, he became a paternal, nurturing, teacher. Charlie began to relax and try to work his ass to Sarge's thrust. He was getting better and Sarge didn't hold back the compliments when he got it right. It only made Charlie try harder. Sarge was getting some pretty good licks into Charlie but Charlie was doing all right for a first lesson. Sarge praised him and then he ask him,

"Does your Master allow you to shoot slave?"

"Only with his permission, Sir."

"He has my permission, Sarge." bellowed Bull.

"He's getting close, Bull, I'm gonna' take him home." With that Sarge really stepped up his fucking, slamming it into Charlie mercilessly. Charlie was gone, out of it, La-La land, but he was still working his ass hard to meet Sarge's savage strokes.

After one big slide into Charlie's ass, Charlie got this surprised look on his face and started yelling, "Oh! My! God! Oh!..MY!!. ..GOD!!! I'm gonna' shoot, Master Bull! How is this possible?" He shot, hit the ceiling of the dungeon and it went everywhere. Sarge kept slamming it into him. Charlie hit the second volley, it hit the ceiling as well and it too went all over everyone. Charlie yelled at Sarge.

Harder, Sarge, it's in there. I can feel it! PLEASE! Fuck me HARDER, SARGE!

Sarge took him at his word and slammed three big ones into him. Charlie went nuts when the third volley shot. It flew over everyone's head and hit Bull right square in the eye. The assembled audience went nuts applauding for Charlie and Sarge.

Bull was laughing his ass off as he walked to the sling. He first kissed Charlie gently then ordered his slave to lick his come off his eye. Everyone was rolling on the floor with laugher. Even old hard nosed Sarge was laughing his ass off. "Way to go, Son. Wasn't to shabby for a first fucking lesson, I'm proud of you." Sarge kissed Charlie tenderly.

In an instant you could see the change that kiss brought in Charlie toward this loud, brash, uncompromising Master that made his life a mini-hell all afternoon. Charlie began thanking Sarge. He couldn't believe he came without touching himself. He thanked him and thanked him. Wanted to know when he could have another lesson.

"Your Master will arrange that for you, slave. That's not your business. He's in control of you now. See what your reward is when you work with a Master with that ass? You shot more than any first timer I've ever seen. Pretty good aim, too, I might add." Everyone fell out laughing again. Sarge pulled out of Charlie and ordered him down from the sling. Sarge gave him a hand and caught Charlie in his arms.

"You're a fine looking man, slave. I had my doubts about you this morning but you put up with my shit all day and just gave me a pretty fair fuck. You deserve to be complimented. Now kiss this Master to show him how much you love and appreciate him taking his time to make you a better slave."

Holy Shit! We all though Charlie was gonna' crawl down Sarge's throat there was little doubt in anyone's mind Charlie understood what Sarge was trying to teach him. He learned several good lessons in becoming a slave. Sarge didn't hold back either. He returned passion for passion. Something clicked inside Charlie. He went 180 degrees from hating Sarge's guts to deep affection, almost worship for the man. He followed him around like a puppy the rest of the afternoon. He couldn't do enough for Sarge.

Sarge turned to me and snapped his fingers. He motioned me into the sling. I was in it as fast as I could. Sarge had Charlie on his knees cleaning his cock and getting some spit on it for me.

"Old Sarge didn't forget you, Son. Be with you in a minute." When Charlie had finished to his satisfaction, Sarge turned to me.

"Ready Son?"

"Excuse me, Sir! Meaning no disrespect, Sir, but that last time you took me?"

"What of it, slave?"

"Was that all you had?" The audience went nuts. Laughing and hollering at Sarge. I knew Sarge's sense of humor well enough to know he'd think it was funny. Insolent but funny. He laughed and smiled,

"I think Old Sarge can muster a little more for you, slave." And with that he slammed it in me so hard it knocked the wind out of me.

Hot damn, did he feel good inside me. My old ass hadn't argued with a man's cock like that in a long time.

"Woah, Sarge! Gotta' give it to you, Master. That was one hell of a mount. Thank you, Sir. I haven't been taken that hard in a while. I really appreciate it, Sir! Would you consider this slave's request to do it again that hard or harder, Sir?"

"Request granted, slave." He pulled all the way out but I knew he had my butt juices on his big cock and I was really gonna' enjoy this one. Damn, he did it again. This time the audience winced. It really felt good riding the length of that big Marine Sargent's dick. I had to ask.

"Please, Sir, just once more?" I heard Master Jeb giggle in the background as I had done the same with him.

"Request granted, slave. I like a slave with spirit, Son. Where are you, Earl? You're gonna' have yourself a prize here, Earl." He slammed it in me again even harder and I smiled at him and winked. He broke up laughing.

"Now, that's IT slave, I told you Sarge would take care of you and I'm going to, right now! This fuck is to thank you for that good fucking you gave me last weekend. My poor slave is sick of hearing about it. Detailed thrust by thrust accounts. Your Master could make a good bit of money studding you out."

He began to fuck me again and I met every stroke. This ride was for me. He let me know by the way he was fucking me he was doing it to show appreciation. He was damn good. He somehow sensed which strokes would make me work the hardest and he knew those were the ones that were going to ride me over the hill.

I rode him down to the shortest of deep fucking strokes slamming my ass back to him as hard or harder than he was fucking me. Finally he hit me with some rough, hard, deep ass fucking that just made me give up and then he took me. He knew he had me and yelled at the top of his voice,

"Sarge orders you to come, slave, right NOW!" He hit it perfectly and I tried to bite his damn cock off. My spunk hit the ceiling once, twice and damn near did the third volley. Woah! SHIT!! He was a good fuck.

He didn't seem to come and I wanted him to shoot in me.

"Please Master I know I'm unworthy but I would love to receive your load in my ass."

"Not this time, Son, next time I promise. Old Sarge is gonna' get dessert." I thanked him for the good fucking, hugged and kissed him. He jumped up in the sling and Big Beryl knew he was dessert. Without ceremony he walked up, put his enormous cock at Sarge's rosebud and slammed it home hard. Sarge just smiled and looked Big Beryl in the eye.

"Have I told you lately, you old son of a bitch, I love you?"

"Can't remember a time, Sarge?"

"Well in front of God and everyone here I'm telling you, you old fart, I love you."

"You're still gonna' get fucked." said Big Beryl laughing. Everyone else broke up, too, and fuck Sarge he did. There's nothing like watching two virtuoso fuckers work together. They had fucked so many times together Sarge knew all of Beryl's moves by heart and didn't miss a stroke. I began to envy the man his ability to second guess some of the strokes the Master would throw into him. Big Beryl was not gentle with him either. He was slamming the entire length of his cock into Sarge.

Finally Beryl rode him up the hill and Sarge arched his back knowing he was close. Sarge yelled for Big Beryl to go first he'd hold it. Beryl was there and started his flow of man come deep within Sarge and deposited more on each deeply slammed stroke. Sarge let go and shot onto the ceiling all three volleys. He was primed by the time Big Beryl got into him. He was wasted. A happy fucking camper. Everyone had witness the joy and comradery of good, hot, man sex. We all went away feeling a little better about ourselves.

Part III ~ A Silverlake's Mid-Summer's Eve

People started leaving in the late afternoon. Master Bert, Oscar and Billy left around five. Beryl and Blaine left around the same time. They wanted to drop by Breed's place on the way back to check everything out. Sarge and Titus left around six. Sarge was thanking Master Earl for the afternoon. He could also be a charming man when he wanted to be. He certainly livened up our weekend. It was one the family told to others in reverent tones for years afterward.

Big Bull and his slave, Charlie, left shortly after. Charlie was well on his way to becoming a slave. He began to see the joy in serving and belonging. Charlie was dressing and I went in to see if I could help with anything. He was almost ready when he turned to me and grabbed me by the arm.

"Thanks, Beau."

"For what, Charlie?" I asked.

"For helping me in the Dungeon this afternoon. I couldn't have made it if you hadn't explained things to me the way you did. It also made me think, 'Well, if Beau can take it, then I should be able to and if I truly want to become Bull's slave then this is what I must do.'"

"You're welcome Charlie. Look at you, are you self conscious anymore about running around in the nude?" He shook his head no. "Your Master's so proud of you he could bust a gut. I'll bet you're gonna' be one lucky slave when he gets you home. You probably won't be able to sit for a week after he gets through plowing your ass." He smiled at me.

I opened my arms to him and he move to me to let me hug him. He was determined, more than ever, to become the slave that Bull wanted and needed. Bull confided in Master Earl that neither one had been happier or more in love in their lives. Bull had always secretly fantasized about have a male slave after joining the family but never found anyone that appealed to him enough to make the change.

After that day in the barn they knew they could never turn back. Bull was genuinely concerned for Charlie that it might be too hard on him. Maybe he was being too rough on him. Master Earl assured him he wasn't. The more strict a Master is and the more he disciplines his slave in the beginning the better slave he's going to have later.

"Think of it like it's for Charlie's own good that you're being strict with him. He'll appreciate and love you all the more. Just be sure to be as lavish with praise and love when he pleases you to reinforce good behavior." Bull seemed grateful for Master Earl's input.

Master Zack and Button left shortly after Bull and Charlie. Master Zack, Button and I had a chance to get off by ourselves and talk. Button couldn't sit still long enough to listen to our talk. Sarge was motioning for Button to join him and Titus and spent the rest of the afternoon playing with him.

He'd been working with Button but in a softer, kinder, more gentle way than anyone he ever worked with before. When he played with Button or had him in a sling he was soft spoken but firm. He could get Button to do anything. Button loved him because he stopped long enough to listen to him.

Sarge would listen to Button by the hour. Hold him and kiss him every now and then. Since Button had come out of his shell he had found more sincere genuine male love than he ever had in his life. He worshiped Titus and it became his fantasy ambition to become just like Titus for Master Zack. He treated Titus like a second Master approved by Sarge. He even called Titus, Master Titus. Titus certainly deserved Button's adoration.

Master Zack was still aglow from our session in the desert last weekend. He couldn't thank me enough. I told him I should be the one to thank him. He brought a dimension to my life that was earthy, honest and real. Master Zack lived to be a Master. Very few Master's you could say that about.

I assured him again something was going to happen shortly that would improve his quality of life ten fold. He told me he trusted my words and was still looking forward to my visit. When he left he kissed me with the kiss of a lover, a friend and a Master that knew the lines of separation of each and would never allow them to blur. I loved him. He loved me.

Chief and Master Jeb left next along with Master Wolf and Zane. Master Jeb let Chief drive him up in his old pickup. Chief was all aglow from the invitation to move to Mt. Washington. He all ready picked out one of the biggest rooms in the house. A back upstairs bedroom. Several doors away from the Dungeon Masters and it had an outside entry stairs he could use if he was out late.

He was giving notice to his landlord Monday. He would still have his apartment for our weekend. He called me little brother all afternoon. Made me feel good. He had a way about him. He could find some joy in the darkest of days. He wasn't a Pollyanna that found goodness in everything. He was a realist but had a deep abiding faith in the innate goodness of his fellow man.

Finally there was only the Tucson crowd, Dungeon Master, Master Earl and me. The Tucson family were going to stay a couple of days with Master Earl and stop in and stay a night on Mt. Washington.

I was busy cleaning up what little there was left to clean. Oscar, Billy, Zane, Titus, Allen, Cowboy, Blaine and I had done most of that earlier. I didn't want my Master to have to do it. Dirk and Allen left when Chief and Master Jeb did. Big Dirk told me,

"Your ass is mine next weekend, slave." he said in a menacing manner. Allen giggled and chimed in, "That's right, Beau. He hasn't been able to talk about another thing for a month." I told them I was looking forward to it. Dirk kissed me a good one when he left. I knew I was going to get to ride Allen's wild stallion. They had a tiny place. I didn't see how there was going to be room but I didn't say anything. Hell, I'd sleep on the floor.

Master Earl ask Big Jim if he wanted anything else to eat and he said no. He was still full from the hamburgers and other stuff. He was going to stay and take me back to Mt. Washington so my Master didn't have to make the trip over and back. I saw them with their heads together deep in conversation.

The Dungeon Master climbed into the spa and Master Earl came into the kitchen where I was finishing putting things away. He walked up behind me and put his arms around me. He reached to my crotch and grabbed my cock and balls.

"Your two Master's were proud of your performance this afternoon slave." He kissed me on the neck.

"Thank you, Master." I leaned back to feel his cock come in contact with my ass. It began to grow.

"I think you deserve to have your Master fuck you one last time this weekend. It will put a good cap on it for us."

"I couldn't agree more, Master." He took my leash and led me down to the dungeon and there proceeded to rape me in the sling. He wasn't going to see me for a week and he was going to make this fuck last in his mind that long. It sure as hell did mine. As he was fucking me the rest of the family drifted down into the dungeon to watch. They applauded my Master's performance.

Sarge was hot. He got me off but my Master's brand of fucking was some of the best I'd ever had. Maybe it was because I was getting so use to his moves that working my ass with him was almost muscle memory and I could let my mind forget about everything but the ecstacy of having this good looking man inside of me taking what he wanted and needed.

I loved him more now than ever. We finished, cleaned up and returned with the family to the spa. Cowboy, Ben Jr. and I made an evening drink for us. We sat in the hot water and talked. They talked. I listened.

Master Earl and the Dungeon Master were unbelievable. I hadn't witnessed this before. They talked about everything on every level. My biggest surprise was Master Earl was keeping up with Big Jim and going down roads that surprised the hell out of me but certainly not the Dungeon Master.

They were like two well tuned cylinders in an internal combustion machine that fired slightly after the intake, depending on the other, to keep it moving. They couldn't talk about things fast enough. It was great to see and hear. There was a warmth and love that flowed easily between them. Whatever they had decided for my future I knew it was going to be good.

Everyone was following their conversation and adding comments from time to time but they were flying tandem. It was wonderful to behold. The Dungeon Master got out of the pool and ordered me out, too. It was about eight o'clock and we had to be back by nine or I turned into a pumpkin.

I laughed because Big Jim was now the recognized, undisputed Dungeon Master, made all the decisions but he insisted we stick to the rules. Rules 'is' rules, I guess. I never challenged them. I learned over the years rules are there to set parameters and should be adhered to as much as possible. Especially between Masters and slaves. Don't consider becoming a slave if you don't want to live by the rules set down by your Master.

I said a sad goodbye to my wonderful Master and the family members from Tucson. My respect for him and the grace that he dealt with all the family members from the monied to the lower incomes, the intelligent to the simple, had grown to worshipful proportions. He treated everyone as equals and went out of his way to see to the happiness and good time of any guest.

He was great at moving through a crowd and acknowledging everyone; however, one on one with someone new, he couldn't speak. If there was even one other, he was all right. He said that was one of the reasons that kept him from becoming close to Big Jim all those years.

When they were alone, he couldn't talk to him. Big Jim just thought he was either snobbish or didn't like him. Slowly, through me and several other people, he was around Big Jim more and could relate to him one to one with no problem. Then when he began to feel comfortable around Big Jim they started a dialogue like two computers trying to establish a baud rate.

I strapped my bag on the back of the Dungeon Master's Harley and climbed on behind him. I waved to my Master as we sped away. The ride back to Mt. Washington was not long but it was magical. Going up the hill you could see all the lights of downtown Los Angeles.

It was a cool clear summer night. I was becoming a hopeless romantic like the Dungeon Master. It was a glorious night. Soft winds had swept the sky. Lucy spred the evening sky with all her diamonds. There had never been such a night. There never will be again but it still exists. I go there often in the comfort of my memory.

The strong smell of a man's leather jacket. The guttural sounds of a Harley's exhaust. Riding buddy on the back of a big man's bike will trigger the memory. Then suddenly I'm there on the back on my giant's Harley, in the middle of that magic night, praying once again, the ride will go on forever, or at least until we reach our destination: the second star to the right and on 'til morning. My heart was at peace.

End Chapter 23 The Ties That Bind Copyright 2003/2004 Waddie Greywolf Mail to: waddiebear@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 24

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