The Tranny's Transporter


Published on May 3, 2016



The Tranny's Transporter by Sasha Steele

Frank's client was the super rich pharmaceutical industrialist Reggie Royce. He'd been hired to move a brief case, the contents, though unknown to Frank, were no doubt a new chemical formula too important for transport any other way than by covert means. Royce Pharmaceuticals had become victim of attempted industrial espionage. Even to the point where there had been a kidnap attempt made on Reggie Royce, the company's current chairman.

Reggie Royce was a highly flamboyant character. An openly gay cross dresser Reggie had become a bit of a celebrity and was more interested in his social stasis than in running the multi billion dollar company he had inherited. Severely shaken by the kidnap attempt Reggie was taking no chances. He'd beefed up security around himself and announced publicly that he was stepping down as chairman of the board. And further announced that the highly coveted formula had been secretly shipped to a secret location in LA.

Frank had only met Reggie in person once. An hour ago when he'd picked up the brief case in a secure underground parking garage at one of the company's lesser known facilities. Though wearing a rather plain tan color suit Reggie none the less looked decidedly effeminate. He wore a white silk blouse under his jacket. His light brown color leather shoes had a decorative cross weave pattern and heels high enough to bring Reggie's short stature up to a respectable five foot nine from his barefooted five footed five. He carried a purse that matched his shoes.

Reggie's soft shoulder length blond hair was done in gentle curls with a high right side part. He wore makeup - mascara, eye shadow, eye liner and lipstick. His longish manicured fingernails were done in nail polish. The color of his eye shadow, lipstick and nail polish were in complimenting earth tones. And he wore a fair amount of gold jewelry.

Being rather obese at well over three hundred pounds further feminized Reggie's appearance as his legs hips and thighs were disproportionately large for a man. Reggie's suite jacket was open and his huge pot belly that protruded over the waist band of his trousers threatened the buttons on his silk blouse, His hands appeared quite fleshy in appearance, very smooth, almost delicate. His face too was fleshy and smooth with full cheeks, fat neck and double chin.

Reggie, it seemed to Frank, was a self centered, overindulgent man/bitch who could probably be a big fat pain in the ass. He'd been on the road less than an hour when his cell phone with a private connection between them rang. Fuck. Here we go. Frank thought. Change the contract before its barely begun why don't you? .He hated people like that.

"Hello," he near shouted into the phone.

"You're employer wants to talk to you," the unknown voice on the other end said.

Then Reggie came on. His voice was clearly distraught. "Give them the fucking briefcase," he said before the phone was ripped away from him.

Frank could here Reggie whimpering in the background as the unknown's voice came on again. Bring the case back to where you picked it up. No cops. No funny shit or the fat queer dies." He clicked off.

"Shit," Frank said as he cranked the car around and headed back the way he'd come.

The kidnappers were holed up in the office of the nearly deserted facility. They'd stripped Reggie down to his shiny white silk panties and brassier. Captives are less likely to try and bolt with their clothes off. Not that big fat Reggie could run fast enough to get away anyway. They stripped him for the shear fun of it. Just as they now mocked him for the fun of it.

So much for the beefed up security detail Frank thought as he viewed the bodies laying about the parking garage floor.

"The brief case?"

"Its safe," Frank said.

"I said nothing funny."

"Give me the cross dresser and I'll tell you where it is. A straight exchange. Nothing funny."

The kidnapper thought for a moment. Get the case, then kill them both. He jestered with his gun for Frank to go ahead of him. They entered the office. Frank counted three thugs total. They were careless, overconfident. Reggie was sitting on the couch in his bra and panties shaking like a leaf. He'd been crying. His mascara had run. Obviously scared shitless but otherwise okay. That was all Frank needed to see. He took out the guy with the gun first then the other two.

"Let's get you dressed and get the hell out of here," he said to Reggie.

Reggie sat on the couch in shock as Frank helped him into his silk blouse and did the buttons up over his brassier and pot belly. He slipped Reggie's trousers over his feet, took hold his hands to help him stand and drew the trousers up his thick thighs and over his heavy hips and huge backside. Frank tucked in Reggie's blouse, pulled the fly up, did up the hook and did up the brown leather belt with cross weaving that matched Reggie's shoes and purse. He helped him into his suite jacket taking note of how its tail flared outward in back over the swell of his round ass.

"Come on," Frank said taking Reggie by the hand. "There may be more of them."

Reggie waddled behind Frank as they cleared the office and stairs to the parking level. He hurried Reggie along trying to be quite as possible. Kept to the shadows just in case. They hadn't covered that much distance but Reggie was breathing hard. Not used to walking.any sort of distance he had to stop to catch his breath. A hand was pressed into his crotch against his fleshy pubis mound.

"I have to pee," Reggie said.

"You would have to," Frank said, "over here." He took Reggie by the hand leading him to a secluded corner of the shadowy underground garage.

Reggie's fat fingers fumbled with the belt buckle. His servants always did such mundane tasks for him. Frank watched disbelievingly.

"I need help," Reggie said.

Frank undid the belt. Undid the latch and zipper of his trousers. Reggie spread his legs apart as Frank pulled the trousers over his big hips and ass, and down onto his thighs. He reached under Reggie's pot belly. Hooked a finger into the the left leg hole of Reggie's silk panties and pulled out his cock.

Reggie's flaccid cock was short fat and almost lost in the hairless fleshy pubis mound that bulged around his genitalia like a soft fat cunt. Reggie closed his eyes and let his pee flow as Frank stood to the side and held him. His cock felt good in Frank's capable hand. His piss splashed noisily on the concrete floor. Frank hoped no one was around to hear it. Finally Reggie's stream slowed to a halt and Frank shook off the dribbles. He got Reggie's clothing back in place and done up. Then continued on to where he'd left the car. The fact that helping the fat transvestite relieve himself aroused Frank hadn't escaped his notice. He helped Reggie into the car and they left.

With Reggie safe at home, the turmoil of the day behind Frank was free to complete the delivery. He was nearly home when the phone rang, the personal link between him and Reggie activated again.

Frank clicked it on. "Let me guess, you've been kidnapped again."

"No," said Reggie giggling.

"You have to pee and need help?"

Reggie thought about that. He was lounging on his patio wearing a long elegant silver-white dressing gown, ivory and mink high heeled lounging slippers and nothing else. He put his hand to his fleshy pubis. Felt the nub of his hard cock there.

"Maybe," he said. Can you come by? I have a bonus for you."

Frank put his hand on his cock. It too was hard. The fat tranny bitch shouldn't turn him on like that. But there was no denying it. I'd rather have your boner than a bonus Frank thought.

"Sure," he said. "Be there in an hour."

A muscular man-servant showed Frank out to the extensive patio where Reggie was waiting for him. His light blond hair was pulled up in a little bun on the top of his head. A massive smooth skinned thigh showed in the opening below his protruded pot belly encased in the elegant silver-white dressing gown. Frank thought he looked pretty sexy.

"Well," said Reggie sounding rather coy. "What would you like for you bonus Frank?"

Never one to beat around the bush Frank just said flat out. "I want your cock in my mouth."

"Odd." Said Reggie. "That's exactly what I was thinking."

Reggie turned on his lounger so that he was sitting semi upright with his back propped against the pillows. He slipped his pudgy thumbs into the sash of his dressing gown and pulled to undo the tie. The gown fell open exposing his huge belly. Reggie spread his massive thighs. Below his pot belly bulged his fleshy pubis mound. It hooded the top and sides of his cock like some quivering hollowed out pink melon. Only three inches of Reggie's cock protruded beyond his fat pubis with another, perhaps four inches buried within it. His thick scrotum melded with the fat between his legs.

Frank crawled up onto the lounger positioning himself between Reggie's fat legs. He took Reggie's short thick cock into his mouth. His tongue played over the head and shaft causing Reggie to moan. Frank pressed forward burying his face in the soft fat on Reggie's pubis mound. The bottom of his pot belly pressed against Frank's forehead. Reggie squirmed as Frank took his cock deeper into his mouth.

Reggie's heavy breathing became fitful as Frank continued to suck his cock. God. He was fucking good at it. Reggie reached around his ponderous girth to grasp hold of Frank's head. He pulled him in at the same time arching his back and pressing his hot flesh into him, burying Frank's face. All was a concerted effort to shove his hard cock as far into Frank's mouth as it could possibly go. Reggie was going to cum. He held tight. Arched his back. Pushed and pulled at the same time. Then screamed out loud when he came. And at the very same instant Frank, the fat tranny's transporter came in his pants.

The end

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