The Trinity

By Silvenfox

Published on Jan 15, 2004


Disclaimer: I don't own Nsync. I don't know Josh Chasez in real life. This will be a Josh Chasez centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This piece of literature is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, or anything associated with these shows. They belong to their creator Joss Whedon and whoever else owns them. This piece of literature is simply the work of a humble fan.

Now that all the disclaimers are out the way, time for the introduction. I have no idea when I came up with this story. It was a long time ago I know that. I think I was spacing out, while I was in Anatomy class and that's when I got the idea to do this.

If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 8

Buffy winced at the accusatory look that JC was shooting to her. She sighed and pulled JC to the side away from Wood and Andrew. JC looked down at the short blond with a `please explain' look on his face.

"Yes, Spike is a vampire, JC," she stated truthfully. "I mean to tell you earlier but there wasn't time."

JC crossed his arms and said neutrally, "Why is there a vampire staying here? Last time I checked our official 'destiny title' was Vampire Slayer. Meaning Spike vampire and we make with the slayuage."

Buffy smiled slightly at JC's use of phrasing. That was something she would say. "Okay here's the deal, Spike is a vampire that was once a real psycho and bad ass. A couple years ago, he got a chip put in his head by the government that made him not kill humans. Over time he started to help us fight the baddies in town."

JC snorted. "A bloodsucker helping humans kill other demons? Now I've heard of everything."

"You're obviously haven't been on the Hellmouth too long," commented Buffy with a small smile. "Stranger things have happened. Spike's been in love with me for like two years now."

"Ewwwww..." said JC making a face.

Buffy rolled her eyes and nodded. "I know. How much the creepy is that? Anyway things started to change for after I came back to life. Spike offered me comfort and I took it from him... Using him. I stopped it and we had a really horrible fight. Spike took off to Africa and went through some trials that eventually won him his soul back. He did evil things but he's good now."

JC really felt conflicted with this information. On one hand a part of him was screaming at him that it was his duty to go and stake Spike. While on the other hand a part of him trusted Buffy and her decisions. If she said that Spike was safe and could be trusted, then JC felt obligated to believe in her judgement.

"Okay," JC sighed letting a smile form on his face. "I trust you, Buffy. If you say he can be trusted then I'll trust him."

Buffy placed her hand on JC's arm giving it a squeeze. "Thanks, JC. At least someone around here trust me so easily."

JC looked a Buffy with a serious look and said, "You have been a Slayer since you were fifteen. My experience is none compared to yours. Whatever you do I'll follow your lead. I've got your back always, girl."

JC really felt the things he was saying. And Buffy was touched by the sincere words. They both felt a connection between them since they had first met last night. It was like the power they carried inside of them called out to its kin. Their Slayer power recognized kindred even if they had never before seen each other.

Buffy looked up at JC her eyes wide. "You feel it too?" she asked.

JC nodded slowly. "I don't know why, but it feels like we've have known each other longer than having met just last night. I feel like you're my sister..."

"...And you're my older brother," she finished.

JC glanced over her shoulder seeing Wood waiting at the basement door his expression bordering on impatient. JC nodded his head in the bald man's direction and said, "Looks your guest is getting bitchy. Go ahead and go with him. We'll talk later."

He and Buffy separated and JC walked back into the kitchen. Andrew was sitting at the table glaring at not yet done funnel cake. JC hid a smile and sat down next to Andrew.

"Cake still kicking your ass?" he questioned amused.

Andrew nodded still glaring. "Worser then when Anakin Skywalker got his ass handed to him by Count Doku in Episode Two."

"Ouch," said JC wincing. "Now that was an ass-kicking. Hayden Christensen was an annoying, whining wuss all through the movie. That scene redeemed the entire movie filled with crybaby, angst filled Anakin moments for me."

Andrew grinned stopping his glaring to look at JC. "Anakin -did- need a good bitch slapping."

"Hey guys," said Dawn cheerfully, walking into the room. She sat her backpack and books down and sat in a seat at the table. "School was a bitch so don't even ask about that."

JC chuckled. "I remember those days of Hell my parents so fondly like to call schooldays."

Dawn looked outside the window to see the Potentials still outside training. "Where is Buffy?" asked Dawn.

"Upstairs," answered JC. "I don't know if Wood is gone yet."

Dawn made a funny face at his name. "Figures Buffy would crush on her boss and my principal."

Andrew noticed JC's confused look so he clarified. "Buffy is the School Counselor at the high school."

"She told me during a free today that Principal Wood gave her some kind of emergency bad that belonged to his mother. She was a Slayer too. Buffy was hoping that maybe something we could use would be inside the bag." Dawn stood up picking up her backpack and slinging it around her shoulder. "I guess I better go check on her Blondness before she comes looking for me."

Dawn left the kitchen walking up the stairs. JC turned to Andrew frowning at the sad look that the blond wore upon his face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" JC asked softly.

Andrew shrugged. "I don't know," he muttered. "Just lonely, I guess."

JC raised his eyebrows. "Andrew there are so many people around here, I'm kind of surprised you can even breathe," he said seriously. "How can you be lonely?"

"Its just that everyone around here ignores me..." said Andrew quietly. "Like when Dawn came in. She didn't even bother to really talk to me like she did you. I might as well be invisible."

JC smiled. "You might not want to say that. From what I've read and heard of the Hellmouth, you just might get your wish."

Andrew pouted. "I know that they don't it on purpose but they all treat me like I'm below them. I'm good now... I just want to help."

JC smiled softly and without even realizing it he had picked up his hand and ran it tenderly down the side of Andrew's face. Andrew looked at him, eyes wide and breath coming out quickened.

"Don't talk like that. They know you're good and so do I. You just have to prove it to them," said JC.

Andrew nodded still staring at JC in wonder. JC realized what his hand was doing and hurriedly removed it, blushing heavily. His heart was beating quickly as if it would never again slow down to its normal cadence. Even his stomach was acting odd by repeatedly doing flip-flops.

"That was sweet," said Andrew shyly, smiling bashfully.

Suddenly, JC stood up almost knocking his chair over in his haste. Andrew looked at him surprised. JC gulped quietly. The look's Andrew was making unintentionally did things to his hormones that was driving him crazy. JC smiled sheepishly putting his hand behind his head.

"I...uh gotta go. I uh... just now remembered Willow wanted to talk to me," JC babbled completely making up an excuse. The statement really wasn't a lie. Willow did want to talk to him.

Andrew watched puzzled as JC dashed from the room. JC ran to the living room where Willow was kneeling on the ground reading a thick, ancient looking book. Her long, layered red hair was twisted up into a messy ponytail held in place by a pencil. JC really didn't mean to leave Andrew the way he did, but if he had stayed he probably would have kissed the younger blond into oblivion.

"Hey, JC," said Willow smiling a bright smile up at him.

"Hi, Willow," replied JC sitting down on the couch. "What are you reading?"

Willow shut the book with a sigh. "I was reading a book that Giles gave me about magic. He left early this morning and won't be back for awhile, so I can't ask him any questions."

JC nodded and said, "I haven't had a lot of time to really study the text I got from William, my Watcher. I know how to use my magic, but I don't even have a clue as to what magic -really- is?"

"That is something that needs explaining. Magic does not so much break the laws of physics as use them to its advantage: Power cannot come from nowhere, it must be borrowed," said Willow, delivering the explanation like a professor would lecture a class.

"Whoa! Slow down," laughed JC. "This expression is my confused face. You might want to make it clearer."

"Okay," Willow chuckled, brushing back a stray of hair that fell into her face. "Nothing can be created ex nihilo or completely destroyed, merely transformed. Transformation depends on finding catalysts to initiate the change. Despite this, the "laws of the mystical" have a logic all their own, often requiring rituals and spells to invoke them. With sufficient control, these forces can be harnessed. But insufficient precision..."

JC made an 'o' with his mouth letting out a noise of understanding. "I think I get it. So with stray words and impure intentions during the invocation of magic. The results can be a bit whacky like the dye in Spike's hair."

"Yeah, like that," said Willow laughing.

Suddenly a scream startled them from their conversation. They looked at each other and without hesitation raced upstairs. Buffy and Dawn plus three potentials named Kennedy, Rhona, and Amanda were standing in the doorway of a bedroom, staring at something inside the room, stunned.

"What happe--" started Willow then gasped and covered her mouth, gawking at the sight before her.

JC went cold directly mirroring Buffy's own expression as he stared. Chloe's, a Potential, body hung from the ceiling. Still clad in pajamas her form was limp as a twisted bedsheet wrapped tightly around her neck.

With a start JC remembered where he had seen that lifeless face before. This was the same Chloe who had been in his dream last night. JC looked sadly down at the floor, feeling a horrifying amount of guilt flood through him. If he had said something or even tried to talk to her, then maybe he could have helped her. The dream had obviously been a warning of the future...

"Dawn, get a knife. We're cutting her down," stated Buffy gazing at Chloe's body sadly.

Dawn started to leave but stopped as a flash of light appeared in the room. JC narrowed his eyes at the new image before them. It was Chloe alive, breathing, and smiling... while standing next to her dead body.

JC wasn't stupid. He knew exactly who or what the thing impersonating Chloe was. It was the First coming to gloat in person. Unconsciously, JC had balled his hands into fists giving the First a deadly glare.

"Good thinking, but on the otherhand, why the rush? Up or down, I'll still be dead," said Chloe/First smiling nonchalant.

Buffy stared the entity down. "You're not Chloe."

"Yeah, well, neither is she, anymore. Now, she's just Chloe's body," replied Chloe/First grinning evilly.

Kennedy looked at the First aghast. She was the oldest Potential in the group with long, brown hair and dark eyes. Her brass and take charge attitude made her somewhat of the Potentials' leader.

"What did you do to her?" Kennedy demanded to the First.

"Nothing!" Chloe/First smirked. "We just talked all night. Well, I did most of the talking, but Chloe is...I'm sorry, -was- a good listener. 'Til she hanged herself." Chloe/First looked to Kennedy, her mocking charm still present. "Like when you called her maggot during practice--she really heard that."

Kennedy flinched, feeling as if she had been socked in the gut. She had been hard on Chloe today in practice, but had never thought the younger girl would do something like this.

Buffy had had enough of the First. Glaring coldly she spoke, "Don't listen to it, any of you. It's the First."

"Oh, let 'em. The only reason why Chloe offed herself is 'cause she knew what you're not getting. I'm coming, you're going. All this--it's almost over," said Chloe/First with a cold, serious tone that stunned JC and those gathered.

"We'll be here," responded Buffy.

"All of you? But wait. I thought--" The First paused and suddenly her voice changed to mimic Buffy's perfectly. "They're not all gonna make it. Some will die, and there's nothing I can do that will stop it," Chloe/First stopped and her voice changed back to Chloe's with a smile. "Hey, I didn't say it. You're the one who told Wood that earlier. But I'll be seeing all of you. One by one."

Chloe/First turned to JC and suddenly grinned. "I see you added another Slayer to the Undead Playgroup. You'll die just as your Watcher did. You're just a little boy playing Superhero. Go home boy and call it quits. Better yet save me the trouble and cut out your heart."

"Fork you! Go to hell," replied JC.

"Been there, got the brochure. TTFN." The First waved and disappeared in a flash of light.

"What does TTFN mean?" asked Buffy staring blankly at the spot the First had stood in.

"It's "ta ta for now." It's what Tigger says when he leaves," replied Rhona sniffling.

"Winnie the Pooh was Chloe's favorite," muttered Amanda softly.

Buffy shook herself out of her daze and turned to her sister. "Dawn, where's that knife?" she demanded more than asked.

The Potentials sensed Buffy's mode and scampered off. Most likely to go and tell the other girls what had happened. JC and Buffy moved as one into the room and in silence they got Chloe down from her bedsheet noose.

Willow watched the two do this dejected, staring at the dead body of Chloe with remorse. Chloe had been one of the youngest and more unconfident of the Potentials in the group. To see her die so young and by her own hand was devastating. Willow turned from the doorway and went downstairs to go offer the girls whatever comfort they needed.

A few hours later the sun had long ago gone down and things had quieted in town. The stars and the moon shinned its light down on two figures shoveling dirt in an empty field near a tree. Buffy stopped digging to wipe her brow.

"This sucks," said JC suddenly, dropping the shovel.

"What do you mean?" asked Buffy.

JC sighed crouching down on the ground. "God, everything. Its seems now that every time I have dream..."

Buffy looked at him surprised. "You had a dream too about Chloe," she whispered.

JC snapped his head up quickly. His eyes were wide as he looked up at Buffy who kneeled down next him. "I dreamed that we were walking in the Keep. Chloe was crying... then this woman came out of nowhere and jumped us," JC recounted, pausing trying to remember the dream.

"I had the same dream. The same exact dream," said Buffy. "Sometimes Slayers have dreams of the future. Usually it's vague, but I never thought Chloe was actually in trouble." Buffy's eyes hardened. "Alright this shit is personal. I'm through with this. Its time to officially make war on the First."

Buffy walked off in the direction of the car and JC followed wondering what she was talking about. His eyebrows rose in surprise when Buffy climbed into the drivers seat. JC let her, sensing that she needed to get to the house fast and her way. Buffy revved up the engine and took off once JC had climbed into the passenger seat. Whatever road Buffy took must have been a shortcut because they arrived at the house not more than twelve minutes later.

Buffy stopped the car shutting it off right in front of her house. JC turned to Buffy, flashing her a smile. "Remember that whatever you do, I'll follow your lead. No matter what."

"Thanks," half-smiled Buffy. "I needed that."

They got out of the car and walked up the walkway into Buffy's house. As they walked into the living room it was a scene that resembled a wake. Everyone in the house was gathered into the living room for a meeting. The mood was somber as everyone sat in silence, except for the soft-sobbing sounds as they mourn Chloe's death. There are sixteen potentials in the room, plus Willow, Dawn, Anya, Xander, and Spike. Buffy and JC came into the room each carrying a shovel.

The room is silent as Buffy and JC walked into the room. They looked up watching as the two Slayers stood in the doorway with neutral looks on their faces.

"Is everyone here?" questioned Buffy.

Kennedy sighed and said, "All accounted for."

"Anyone want to say a few words about Chloe?" asked Buffy, staring around. JC glanced around too as Buffy's open-ended question was met with silence.

Buffy nodded. "Let me--" she replied.

Slowly she began to pace while talking. "Chloe was an idiot. Chloe was stupid. She was weak. And anyone in a rush to be the next dead body I bury, it's easy. Just think of Chloe. I'm the Slayer, the one with the power, and the First has me using that power to dig our graves."

Buffy threw down her shovel, quite pissed, as she started to lay into the gathered group. "I've been carrying you-all of you-too far, too long. Ride's over."

JC watched the expressions on everyone's faces. They all looked quite ashamed except for Kennedy who looked defiant. JC narrowed his eyes as the defiant girl in question rose to her feet quickly.

"You're out of line!" Kennedy said loudly.

"No, she's not," said Willow rising to Buffy's defense. Kennedy looked to Willow with an outraged look. JC could tell then and there that the two of them had something going on. They looked at each other the way people who dated would.

"You're gonna let her talk to you like that?" Kennedy asked. "Willow, she's not even the most powerful one in this room. With you here, she's not close."

JC stepped forward, his eyes changing from blue to black, his power showing itself as he glared at Kennedy. "Hold your tongue, bitch! Buffy was saving the world when you were watching Dawson's Creek and playing with Barbie dolls."

Buffy placed a calming hand on JC's arm to cool his anger. She stood beside him as she glowered at Kennedy.

"He's right. You're new here, and you're wrong. Because I use the power that I have. The rest of you are just waiting for me."

"Well, yeah," voiced Xander humorously. He was sitting on the couch with Anya, Dawn, and Willow. "but only because you kinda told us to. You're our leader, Buffy, as in 'follow the'."

Buffy turned on Xander quick. "Well, from now on, I'm your leader as in 'do what I say'."

Xander backed off and JC had to hand it to Buffy. She was doing a good job putting them in line. The Potentials and Buffy's friends hadn't yet realized that they were fighting a war and that slacking off and just depending on Buffy all the time wasn't going to win them anything. JC was behind Buffy one hundred percent during her bitch out. It was time to fight a war.

"But let's not try to forget, we're also your friends," said Xander slowly.

Anya scoffed flipping her blonde hair. "I'm not."

JC sneered at the woman. She actually thought her little comment was cute. Buffy glared at Anya also and asked, "Then why are you here? Aside from getting rescued, what is it that you do?"

Anya's only response was: "I provide the much needed sarcasm."

"Um, that would kinda be my job, actually," said Xander raising his hand.

JC sighed rolling his eyes. They just didn't get it. He was new here and even he understood. THEY WERE FIGHTING A WAR. Making jokes at a time like this was really childish and immature.

"You're here because you're scared," responded Buffy knowingly.

"Same goes for everyone in this room," Xander responded, gesturing to the frightened girls sitting in various places around the living room.

"Fine. Anya, all of you, be as scared as you'd like, just be useful while you're at it," snapped back Buffy. "The First isn't impressed. It already knows us. It knows what we can do, and it's laughing. You want to surprise the enemy? Surprise yourselves. Force yourself to do what can't be done, or else we are not an army-we're just a bunch of girls waiting to be picked off and buried."

JC looked to see Spike stand and walk toward the door. The blond vampire was clearly irritated and angry and JC personally thought good ridden. Buffy saw the movement too and said, "Where are you going?"

"Out," said Spike shortly. "Since I'm neither a girl, nor waiting. All this speechifying doesn't really apply to me, does it?" He turned and started to walk away.

Buffy narrowed her eyes putting her hands on her hips. "Fine. Take a cell phone," she called after him mockingly. "That way, if I need someone to get weepy or whaled on, I can call you."

Spike turned back around his eyes flashing dangerously. "Do you have something to say--"

"Just said it. You keep holding back, you might as well walk out that door."

Spike's mouth dropped open flabbergasted. "Holding back? You're blind. I've been here, right in it-fighting, scrapping..."

Buffy smirked. "Since you got your soul back? You were a better fighter then. What I want is the Spike that's dangerous. The Spike that tried to kill me when we met."

Spike growled angrily stepping forward. "Oh, you don't know how close you are to bringing him out..."

Quickly, JC stepped in front of Buffy, his eyes rapidly turning from their sky blue color to an inky black. His hands formed into fists, as glared at Spike coldly giving him an icy look of hatred. "You touch her and you die, vampire," JC spat.

"Let's go then, boy," snarled Spike.

Buffy rolled her eyes and said loudly, "Now is not the time for this." She looked to Dawn who was sitting next to Willow on the couch. "Dawn, get the Potentials upstairs, and break out the emergency kit."

Dawn's eyebrows raised in surprise. "What are you going to do?"

Buffy's eyes settled on hers and she replied back simply, "I'm declaring an emergency." Buffy walked past Spike without even glancing at him, leaving the Potentials and her friends staring at her exit with mixed emotions.

********************************************** This was supposed to be out last week, but I got delayed with the writing process. I wanted to add some more stuff in this chapter but I thought it would be better to just end here.

If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Next: Chapter 9

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