Published on Jan 18, 2017




(Readers, this is allegedly a true account told to me by anonymous person. Individuals names have been changed of course, though others references are supposedly authentic)

It was fall. Football becomes the god of many towns, big cities, college campuses and even our country as all know well.

Carlos was a fan. He stood and cheered from the stands with total dedication to the team. He knew the names, numbers, positions and history. He even knew some of the players from school.

Georgia was the same as most states where each week the winners and loosing teams were celebrated, school colors worn and game events discussed over and over.

He loved being on campus at Ga Tech. The independence, the career classes and the atmosphere was life changing. And yes the private indulgences were life changing as well. He bounded out of his private closet the first week with a night time encounter right on campus.

But Carlos didn't campaign, he didn't join any political clubs or efforts and he didn't literally bang open his closet door in the dorms during his freshman year. There wasn't a gay flag in or near his dorm room. But there were other students who shared his intimacies, his bed or other places. He danced in nearby gay clubs now and then letting the perspiration, sexual atmosphere and freedom surround him like a blanket.

Carlos played football in high school. He wasn't a star but he loved the body contact, the sweat, the practice, the crowds and the locker room, win or loose. And he loved it in college too...along with the entire college population.

It was the celebration after one particular victory. The bar where many of the team members and other students crowded was in full swing when he arrived. The music was loud. The only thing louder was the occasional college chant and cheer when a team member arrived or when the already present team members grouped to drunkedly cheer for themselves.

Carlos was in the middle of the crowd, drinking, smiling, laughing and acknowledging the team members he knew.

As the crowd drank more and more, singing along with whatever music the DJ played, yelling and laughing, the dancing seemed to take over everyone.

Soon the entire group were moving, waving, gyrating and openly copying each other's moves. There wasn't only male female couples dancing. Groups danced. Females and Males it didn't matter.

Blouses and shirts were doffed. Bare persperating bodies reflected the colorful lights. Carlos found himself dancing in the middles of groups of team members and other students. He didn't hold back, tweaking, stretching and bobbing the way he did in gay clubs.

Everyone seemed to love what was happening, absorbed by their celebration.

Carlos soon found his bladder demanded the attention his dance was getting and snuck away to the long line outside the men's bathroom. He had been there before so waiting in line, the stench of the room, and the long obviously old and ill maintained trough wasn't a surprise.

Carlos moved up to the farm like trough and unbuttoned the fly of his shorts to aim his urine like everyone on his left and right. It didn't flow easily at first. He snuck peaks at his peers on either side seeing hands holding penises he envied. His own seemed to react despite the amount of alcohol he had consumed.

"Shit" he whispered knowing his blood was enlarging his penis. Carlos closed his eyes trying to concentrate on anything that would dissuade his penis from hardening. Eventually his bladder's demands seem to overpower his sexual inspriations.

The flow began. He kept his eyes closed as the flow got stronger. It seemed as if it would never end.

When the flow became streams, then final spurts and drops. Carlos opened his eyes.

The room was nearly empty. He heard feet move. On either side of him were football size guys. Carlos noted that the one on his left seemed to be holding an erection. He felt relieved that another guy had the same problem as he. His secret life was safe.

"It gets that way" the voice on his right said. Carlos looked over and saw the guy on his right also had an enlarged penis in his hand.

"Like your dancing" the voice on his left said.

"Uh thanks, liked your game" Carlos said not daring to look again less he appear too interested.

"Thanks, good one tonight"

"Yea when you tackled the guy I thought you were gonna fuck his ass hard"

"Shit I wish he had a butt almost as cute as this one has"

Carlos didn't know what to say.

"Yea, kid you wiggle that bubble butt out there, very hot" The guy on his right patted Carlos butt. "I bet you want this"

They two laughed.

"Guys, chill" Carlos said but his cock seemed to respond, once again growing.

"Yep there he goes. It's ok kid, your secret is among friends" the voice on his left said.

"Hey why don't we do something about these things?" The voice on his right said.

Carlos looked deliberately this time. He recognized Lareau, one of the members of the winning team. He was a tackle, tall, beefy, shirtless and hung.

"Shit" Carlos automatically revealed his admiration.

"He likes it" the voice on his left said. Carlos looked over and saw that he too was a football team member, his name Kellog was well known for his violent playing let alone his on campus fighting.

Before Carlos could decide how to exit, Lareau put his hand on Carlo's waist belt and began to pull him. Kellog moved behind him pushing him towards the stall.

Carlos didn't see anyone else in the men's room. He didn't know if he let them move him or he was being dragged. But all too soon he was crammed inside the stall sandwiched between the two.

His shorts were around his calves and Lareau was sitting on the toilet. His hands held Carlos balls and cock.

"Shit man you gonna do that?" Kellog said.

Carlos felt the other boy's hands spreading his buttocks. The cock was pressing.

"Shit guys no, take it easy" he begged and then gasped as Lareau's lips were around his cock. He was being given head by one of the team's stars.

Then the pain was sudden as if he was being stabbed.

Kellog was fucking him in sharp jabs.

Carlos nipples were being held, he wasn't sure which one had them in their fingers. But it hurt and yet triggered his sexual desires as always.

He wasn't sure if he was being raped or having violent sex. It hurt but felt hot. Deep gasps, his gut jumping and his intestines reacting to the erection inside.

"Just wiggle that ass like you did out there" Kellog said in his ear.

Carlos wondered if anyone heard them. Were they ignoring the obvious sexual attack that was occurring?

He found himself moving his hips on the cock. The attack became less of a violent act and more of a level of sex he rarely experienced since he became active.

"God, he's tight" Kellog said smacking one side of Carlos' ass-cheeks.

"He just finish up" Lareau said.

Carlos didn't remember the orgasm. He looked down to see Lareau wiping his mouth and masturbating.

Several hard jabs told him Kellog was shooting his own load.

"Yea done"

"Wait a minute" Lareau said. Carlos saw him jacking so fast it looked like it hurt. Then he felt Kellog's hands pushing him to the floor.

Carlos was soon kneeling, looking up at Lareau's hand stroking and soon spilling out his sperm everywhere. Some landed on Carlos' bare chest and face.

"Shit man aren't you done yet?" Kellog said, his hands still holding Carlos in place.

"Yea..yea yea" Lareau wiped his wet dick head on Carlos face "There you go kid, it's what you wanted"

They laughed as they stood, stuffed their satisfied erections away and pulled up their own jeans .

"You ok sweet cheeks?" Kellog asked in what sounded like true concern.

Carlos nodded standing. He felt Lareau's hands helping him.

He pulled his shorts back over his hips and began to zip and belt himself. "Come on the music is still goin" Kellog said bounding out of the stall.

The men's room was full. Several stood at the trough and others waited to gain access.

Kellog, Lareau and Carlos moved to the trough elbowing their way close enough to wash remnants of sperm from their de-sexed penis.

"Nice" Kellog said patting Carlos butt and left the room followed by Lareau.

Carlos saw some in the room looking at him. He blushed and left the room. There would be other celebrations and maybe loses. The season wasn't over.

He wondered if he'd see Kellog or Lareau again. If he did would they acknowledge him? He shook his penis' last drops and left the room.

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